US State Mount Rushmore: Part 1 – Alabama to California

In our American culture, Mount Rushmore has become a national symbol of the United States since Gutzon Borglum carved the faces of 4 presidents on the mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota. When I was in college, one of my roommates used to watch ESPN a lot. One time, the network was doing a feature on which sports figures they’d put on Mount Rushmore pertaining to each state. I didn’t think about it at the time. But now since recently I came up with the idea of whether to do a similar idea. But this time, instead of sports figures, it would pertain to people from American history and culture (even though I did include a couple of sports figures Jackie Robinson and Jim Thorpe). Because after all, the US does have a captivating history and there are plenty of famous Americans who’ve contributed to the nation as well as the world in unique ways. I know plenty of elementary schools tend to emphasize this by assigning students famous Americans. My famous American project in 3rd grade was Molly Pitcher said to give soldiers water and take over loading her husband’s cannon at the Battle of Monmouth. Now this woman sort of existed but there’s some evidence she didn’t but I was stuck with her. Another one I remember was a kid doing one on Virginia Dare who did exist since she was the first white child born in the Americas. But she was born on Roanoke Island that disappeared so who knows what happened to her. Then I remember another kid doing one on Albert Einstein who did exist and did reside in the US. But he was already famous for his Theory of Relatively when he came to the US in 1933 as a refugee from his native Germany. So considering him a famous American would be like saying the same about John Lennon who is best known for being one of the Beatles who all came from Liverpool in the UK. And of course, many tend to credit Betsy Ross who designed the first American flag even though this was cooked up bullshit her grandkids made up. So I bring my series on the idea that if each state had their very own Mount Rushmore, then these should be the people who should be on it based on this criteria:

  1. The celebrities depicted must be dead. (Because you don’t want highly partisan figures. However, this means that people like Bob Dylan, John Glenn, Kens Burns, Barack Obama, the Clintons, Oprah, Muhammad Ali, Stephen King, and others don’t make it on their respective states.)
  2. The celebrities pertaining to the state must have either been born or spent considerable time there. (For instance, though Edgar Allan Poe is associated with Maryland, he didn’t spend a lot of time there and really should be on for Virginia, Pennsylvania, or New York but those spots were taken. However, Dolley Madison was born in North Carolina but she was a rather significant First Lady while George M. Cohan gets in for Rhode Island for his immeasurable contributions to Broadway even though he was only born there.)
  3. Each celebrity can only be depicted on one state. (For instance, despite that Lincoln had lived in Kentucky and Indiana, he’s only depicted for Illinois because that’s where he spent most of his life. Then you have Mark Twain who was born in Missouri and spent some time in California but he spent the bulk of his life in Connecticut.)
  4. Has made a clear and considerable impact on American culture. (Reagan’s legacy is more or less debated among party lines and can either be a good or bad president depending on what your political views are. Not to mention, as far as California is concerned, his influence on the US doesn’t have nearly the cultural impact as Republicans say it does. Nixon by contrast, no matter what you think of him, will always be remembered with Watergate which will forever stain his legacy as well as American politics. This is why Reagan isn’t on for California and Nixon is. Same goes for John Muir, Jackie Robinson, and Caesar Chavez since they’re practically cultural icons.)
  5. Has to have verifiable account of accomplishments. (For instance, details in Calamity Jane’s autobiography are questionable. Same goes for John C. Fremont.)
  6. Impact can have positive, ambiguous, or negative effects on country. (For instance, Al Capone is on Illinois because his domination of Chicago’s organized crime scene during Prohibition made him the most famous US gangster of all time. Nevertheless, this rule allows inclusion of more infamous and controversial figures like legendary criminals or people with very negative legacies that are also very noteworthy.)
  7. State location has to be certain. (For instance, Chief Joseph and Crazy Horse don’t make it on there because they’re associated with multiple states while Sitting Bull died at the same place he was born so he makes it on South Dakota’s. Douglas MacArthur doesn’t get in since he was from a military family and didn’t stay in one place for long. And I had to leave Francis Hopkinson out since though he signed the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from New Jersey, he spent a lot of his life in Philadelphia.)
  8. Can be very well known as well as relatively obscure. (For instance, a lot of these states have famous people who you may not have heard of like Delaware which consists of a founder of a major US corporation, the first black woman in North America to edit and own a newspaper, the man who built the Empire State Building, and the inventor of Kelvar.)
  9. Just because some famous person didn’t make it to their state Mount Rushmore doesn’t mean they’re less important. (For instance, I would’ve loved to have added Harvey Milk, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Washington Irving, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Bonnie and Clyde, Edgar Allan Poe, Lewis and Clark, William Tecumseh Sherman, Robert E. Lee, Arthur Ashe, George C. Marshall, Betty Ford, Frances Willard, Margaret Sanger, Gifford Pinchot, Jim Morrison, Buddy Holly, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Dorothy Day, Babe Ruth, George S. Patton, Jesse Owens, Henry Clay, Truman Capote, Clara Barton, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Goodyear, Sojourner Truth, John Steinbeck, Eugene O’Neill, Arthur Miller, Frances Perkins, John Ericson, Upton Sinclair, Andrew Carnegie, P. T. Barnum, Jesse James, Fred Rogers, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, John D. Rockefeller, Mary Chestnut, Elisha Hunt Rhodes, and more but you can only fill 4 slots for each state.)

For this first selection, I bring you the figures I have in mind for the state Mount Rushmores from Alabama to California. From Alabama, you have an author who wrote a book that managed to convey the evils of racism in a way that’s accessible to almost anyone, a deafblind woman who was a leading activist and author in her day, a young Baptist minister who became the face of the Civil Rights Movement, and a scientist who devoted his life to finding alternative crops to cotton in order to help poor families in the South. From Alaska there’s a former Air Force sergeant who had a show about the joys of painting, a woman who was instrumental in creating the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, an explorer who wrote numerous articles about the Alaskan wilderness, and an Alaskan Native woman whose advocacy led to the passage of the first US anti-discrimination law. In Arizona, I bring you two great Native American warriors who’ve been elevated to iconic status, a politician who’s has a substantial influence in American conservatism, and a major figure in Latin music. From Arkansas comes a black woman who’s been a major literary figure in American literature in the latter half of the 20th century, a major country music superstar who always dressed in black, a man who founded the world’s largest retailer that now sets the way how the industry does business, and a civil rights activist who was involved in a school integration crisis. And finally, we get to California where you’ll meet a Scotsman who became a founding father of environmentalism, a man who would’ve become a great US president had he not gotten involved in a major political scandal, a baseball player whose career challenged the traditional basis of segregation, and a union organizer who’s become an icon among the Hispanic community.

  1. Alabama
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."- Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.”- Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

Figure 1: Harper Lee – author of To Kill a Mockingbird which won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic in modern American literature as well as been cited as a factor in the success of the civil rights movement in the 1960s by giving white Southerners a way to understand racism that they’ve been brought up with and to find another way. Assisted her close friend Truman Capote in his research for the book In Cold Blood.

We mainly know Helen Keller from her story of how her teacher Annie Sullivan broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language which allowed her to blossom and communicate. Keller and Sullivan would be together until Sullivan died in 1936.

We mainly know Helen Keller from her story of how her teacher Annie Sullivan broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language which allowed her to blossom and communicate. Keller and Sullivan would be together until Sullivan died in 1936.

Figure 2: Helen Keller– author, political activist, and lecturer. First deafblind person to earn a bachelor’s degree. Member of the Socialist Party of America and Industrial Workers of the World as well as campaigned for women’s suffrage, labor rights, socialism, and other similar causes.

"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state, sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today."- from King's "I Have a Dream" speech during the 1963 March on Washington.

“Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state, sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”- from King’s “I Have a Dream” speech during the 1963 March on Washington.

Figure 3: Martin Luther King Jr.– Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs. Delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington. Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Also made speeches against poverty and opposed the Vietnam War. Has his own national holiday and very deservedly so.

Carver is often mistakenly credited with inventing peanut butter. However, it's said that the Aztecs have been known to make peanut butter from ground peanuts since the 15th century. And that many methods of peanut preparation had been developed and patented by by various pharmacists, doctors and food scientists working in the US and Canada.

Carver is often mistakenly credited with inventing peanut butter. However, it’s said that the Aztecs have been known to make peanut butter from ground peanuts since the 15th century. And that many methods of peanut preparation had been developed and patented by by various pharmacists, doctors and food scientists working in the US and Canada.

Figure 4: George Washington Carver– botanist and inventor who based his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton such as peanuts and sweet potatoes as food for poor farmers and for products to improve their quality of life. Though he spent years promoting numerous peanut products, none were commercially successful. Was also a leader in promoting environmentalism.


  1. Alaska
"Traditionally, art has been for the select few. We have been brainwashed to believe that Michaelangelo had to pat you on the head at birth. Well, we show people that anybody can paint a picture that they're proud of. It may never hang in the Smithsonian, but it will certainly be something that they'll hang in their home and be proud of. And that's what it's all about." Nevertheless, while his show may not give rise to the next Michelangelo, it was quite relaxing to watch.

“Traditionally, art has been for the select few. We have been brainwashed to believe that Michaelangelo had to pat you on the head at birth. Well, we show people that anybody can paint a picture that they’re proud of. It may never hang in the Smithsonian, but it will certainly be something that they’ll hang in their home and be proud of. And that’s what it’s all about.” Nevertheless, while his show may not give rise to the next Michelangelo, it was quite relaxing to watch.

Figure 1: Bob Ross– painter, art instructor, and television host. Creator and host of The Joy of Painting on PBS. Coined the phrase, “happy little tree.” Started painting while serving as a sergeant at Eiselson Air Force Base.

Here's Margaret Murie with her husband who was also active in the campaign to protect what is now Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I hope their ghosts haunt anyone who intends to drill there because it's a place that should be protected for everyone.

Here’s Margaret Murie with her husband who was also active in the campaign to protect what is now Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I hope their ghosts haunt anyone who intends to drill there because it’s a place that should be protected for everyone.

Figure 2: Margaret Murie– naturalist, author, adventurer, and conservationist dubbed as “Grandmother of the Conservation Movement” by the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society. Helped in the passage of the Wilderness Act and was instrumental in creating the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (which is now subject to drilling controversies).

Here is Bob Marshall in front of what Bob Ross would call a "happy little tree." His travels to Alaska led him to write The Arctic Village and found The Wilderness Society.

Here is Bob Marshall in front of what Bob Ross would call a “happy little tree.” His travels to Alaska led him to write The Arctic Village and found The Wilderness Society.

Figure 3: Bob Marshall– forester, writer, and wilderness activist. Was a scientist with doctorates in philosophy and plant physiology. Explored the Alaskan wilderness and wrote numerous articles and books, including his bestselling 1933 book The Arctic Village. Was chief of forestry in the Bureau of Indian Affairs and head of recreation management in the Forest Service during the FDR administration. Founded the Wilderness Society in 1935 and is considered largely responsible for the wilderness preservation movement. 25 years after his untimely death of a heart attack at 38, partly as a result of his efforts, The Wilderness Society fostered the Wilderness Act, which legally defined the wilderness of the US and protected some nine million acres of federal land.

"I would not have expected that I, who am barely out of savagery, would have to remind gentlemen with five thousand years of recorded civilization behind them, of our Bill of Rights."

“I would not have expected that I, who am barely out of savagery, would have to remind gentlemen with five thousand years of recorded civilization behind them, of our Bill of Rights.”

Figure 4: Elizabeth Peratrovich– member of the Tlingit nation as well as an important civil rights activist who worked on behalf of equality of all Alaskan Natives as a leader in the Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Alaska Native Sisterhood. Credited with advocacy that gained passage of the then territory’s Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the US.


  1. Arizona
While Ira Hayes became a national hero for being among the 6 flag raisers at Iwo Jima, he was never comfortable with fame and descended into alcoholism after his Marine services. Flags of Our Fathers suggests that he might've suffered from PTSD.

While Ira Hayes became a national hero for being among the 6 flag raisers at Iwo Jima, he was never comfortable with fame and descended into alcoholism after his Marine services. Flags of Our Fathers suggests that he might’ve suffered from PTSD.

Figure 1: Ira Hayes-Pima Native American and US Marine who was one of the 6 flag raisers immortalized in the iconic photograph of the flag raising on Iwo Jima during WWII. Instrumental in revealing the true identity of one of the pictured Marines who was later killed in action. However, he never really felt comfortable with his fame, descended into alcoholism, and was found dead on his reservation. He was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.

"I was no chief and never had been, but because I had been more deeply wronged than others, this honor was conferred upon me, and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust." Nevertheless, Geronimo was the kind of Indian fighter and leader who just couldn't stay put.

“I was no chief and never had been, but because I had been more deeply wronged than others, this honor was conferred upon me, and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust.” Nevertheless, Geronimo was the kind of Indian fighter and leader who just couldn’t stay put.

Figure 2: Geronimo– leader of Chiricahua Apache who fought against encroachment of European settlers on Native American lands; hero of Native American fight for respect and independence. Wasn’t really a chief since only about 30-50 Apaches would be among his following but frequently led numbers larger than that. But while other Apache leaders conducted raids and carried on revenge warfare, he accumulated a record of effective resistance during this time that matched any of his contemporaries and his fighting ability extended to over 30 years. Said to “surrender” to reservation life 3 times between 1876-1886 but he led bands to “breakouts” each time. And the years after he surrendered for the last time, he spent as a prisoner of war. Among his tribe many Chiricahua had mixed feelings for him for while they respected him as a skilled and effective leader of raids or warfare, he wasn’t very likeable and wasn’t widely popular among the other Apache. He also hated Mexicans more than Americans, by the way.

No, this isn't a middle aged Bernie Sanders with Instagram filters. This is Republican US Senator Barry Goldwater who's often credited with the resurgence of the modern American conservative movement. Way different personality.

No, this isn’t a middle aged Bernie Sanders with Instagram filters. This is Republican US Senator Barry Goldwater who’s often credited with the resurgence of the modern American conservative movement. Way different personality.

Figure 3: Barry Goldwater-politician and businessman who’s often most credited with the resurgence of American conservative political movement of the 1960s as well as had a substantial impact in the libertarian movement. Rejected the legacy of the New Deal and fought through the conservative coalition against the New Deal coalition. His defeat in the 1964 presidential election allowed younger conservatives to mobilize even though he was a much less active leader afterwards. Urged Richard Nixon to resign during the Watergate scandal. Became a vocal opponent of the Religious Right in the 1980s. Was the first candidate of Jewish heritage to be nominated for President by a major American party.

Lalo Guerro is best known as the "Father of Chicano Music" who's career spanned for nearly 7 decades. As a prolific musician he's said to be the musical historian of his beloved his Chicano culture and has influenced generations of Latin music artists.

Lalo Guerro is best known as the “Father of Chicano Music” who’s career spanned for nearly 7 decades. As a prolific musician he’s said to be the musical historian of his beloved his Chicano culture and has influenced generations of Latin music artists.

Figure 4: Eduardo “Lalo” Guerrero– Mexican-American guitarist, singer, songwriter, and farm labor activist best known for his strong influence in today’s Latin musical artists that he’s called the “Father of Chicano Music.” Recorded and/or wrote over 700 songs from 1939 including ones about Caesar Chavez, other farm workers, and braceros. Also wrote for many famous artists. Worked closely with Chavez for farm workers’ rights.


  1. Arkansas
"You may shoot me with your words,/You may cut me with your eyes,/You may kill me with your hatefulness,/But still, like air, I'll rise." - from "Still I Rise"

“You may shoot me with your words,/You may cut me with your eyes,/You may kill me with your hatefulness,/But still, like air, I’ll rise.” – from “Still I Rise”

Figure 1: Maya Angelou– poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. Published 7 autobiographies, 3 books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of plays, movies, and TV shows spanning 50 years. Best known for her memoir I Know When the Caged Bird Sings based on her childhood in Stamps which brought her fame and international acclaim.

"I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,/Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town,/I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,/But is there because he's a victim of the times."- from "Man in Black"

“I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,/Livin’ in the hopeless, hungry side of town,/I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,/But is there because he’s a victim of the times.”- from “Man in Black”

Figure 2: Johnny Cash– singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author who’s widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century and one of the best-selling musical artists of all time, selling 90 million records worldwide. Though primarily a country music icon, songs also spanned rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, folk, and gospel. Known for his deep, calm baritone-bass voice, distinctive sound of his Tennessee Three backing band, rebelliousness, increasingly somber and humble demeanor, free prison concerts, and a trademark look which earned him the nickname, “The Man in Black.”

To some, Wal Mart founder Sam Walton is a hero to American capitalism and consumerism. But to me, he's a founder of a consumer in our society that has led to the mass exploitation, materialism, and superficiality. Seriously, when Wal Mart decided to be open on Thanksgiving I was pissed.

To some, Wal Mart founder Sam Walton is a hero to American capitalism and consumerism. But to me, he’s a founder of a consumer in our society that has led to the mass exploitation, materialism, and superficiality. Seriously, when Wal Mart decided to be open on Thanksgiving I was pissed.

Figure 3: Sam Walton– businessman and entrepreneur best known for founding Wal Mart and Sam’s Club which have forever changed the nature of retail business, if not capitalism for better or worse with predatory pricing, treating workers like commodities that they’re forced to rely on government programs for basic needs, union busting, importing products made from slave labor, ideological censorship, and not giving a shit about local communities. While his chain may boast always low prices in order to live better, it has brought a very high price for communities, consumers, workers, competitors and others. Today, Wal Mart is the world’s largest retailer and sets the standards on how the rest of the industry does business while his heirs are among the richest people in the country.

As head of the NAACP in Arkansas, Daisy Bates guided and advised the Little Rock Nine when they attempted to enroll at the all white Central High School in 1957. She also used her organizational skills to get the kids in as well as her home as a haven for them. While her efforts initially met opposition from the state government, she persevered and was ultimately successful.

As head of the NAACP in Arkansas, Daisy Bates guided and advised the Little Rock Nine when they attempted to enroll at the all white Central High School in 1957. She also used her organizational skills to get the kids in as well as her home as a haven for them. While her efforts initially met opposition from the state government, she persevered and was ultimately successful.

Figure 4: Daisy Bates– civil rights activist, publisher, journalist, and lecturer who as publisher of the Arkansas State Press and president of her state’s NAACP, played a critical role in the Little Rock Nine Integration Crisis of 1957 at Central High School when 9 black students attempted to enroll in an all-white school but were stopped by the Arkansas National Guard under the governor’s orders. Her memoir recounting the crisis, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, won the 1988 National Book Award.


  1. California
"Any fool can destroy trees. They cannot run away; and if they could, they would still be destroyed — chased and hunted down as long as fun or a dollar could be got out of their bark hides, branching horns, or magnificent bole backbones. Few that fell trees plant them; nor would planting avail much towards getting back anything like the noble primeval forests. … It took more than three thousand years to make some of the trees in these Western woods — trees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra. Through all the wonderful, eventful centuries … God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand straining, leveling tempests and floods; but he cannot save them from fools — only Uncle Sam can do that." - from American Forests

“Any fool can destroy trees. They cannot run away; and if they could, they would still be destroyed — chased and hunted down as long as fun or a dollar could be got out of their bark hides, branching horns, or magnificent bole backbones. Few that fell trees plant them; nor would planting avail much towards getting back anything like the noble primeval forests. … It took more than three thousand years to make some of the trees in these Western woods — trees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra. Through all the wonderful, eventful centuries … God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand straining, leveling tempests and floods; but he cannot save them from fools — only Uncle Sam can do that.” – from American Forests

Figure 1: John Muir– naturalist, author, environmental philosopher, and early advocate of wilderness preservation in the US. His letters, essays, and books telling of his adventures have been read by millions that continued to be discussed today. Published 12 books and 300 articles. Activism helped preserve the Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park, and other wilderness areas. Founded the Sierra Club. Referred to as the “Father of the National Parks” and is a patron saint of 20th century American environmentalism.

In many ways, Nixon could've went down in history as one of the nation's greatest presidents. But due to Watergate, perhaps Stephen Ambrose said it best, "Nixon wanted to be judged by what he accomplished. What he will be remembered for is the nightmare he put the country through in his second term and for his resignation."

As far as Richard Nixon’s legacy goes, perhaps Stephen Ambrose said it best, “Nixon wanted to be judged by what he accomplished. What he will be remembered for is the nightmare he put the country through in his second term and for his resignation.”

Figure 2: Richard Nixon– US president from 1969-1974 who could’ve been great man of our times if he wasn’t so morally lacking. Rose to national prominence as a leading anti-communist with his pursuit of the Alger Hiss case while his “Checkers Speech” led Eisenhower choose him as his vice president. His presidency saw the end of American involvement in Vietnam, end of the military draft, opening diplomatic relations with China, initiation of détente with the Soviet Union, founding of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Apollo 11 moon landing, Arab oil embargo, and enforced desegregation of Southern schools. Brought down by revelations pertaining to his involvement in the Watergate scandals which cost him political support and led him to resign the presidency in disgrace in the face of certain impeachment and removal from office. His actions pertaining to the Watergate scandal have caused a permanent stain on the presidency, his legacy, and American politics ever since.

As the first African American man to play a major league sport in the modern era, Jackie Robinson challenged the traditional basis of racial segregation through his exceptional talent, his use of nonviolence, and his dignified character. His 10 year career with the Brooklyn Dodgers and off the field activities greatly contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.

As the first African American man to play a major league sport in the modern era, Jackie Robinson challenged the traditional basis of racial segregation through his exceptional talent, his use of nonviolence, and his dignified character. His 10 year career with the Brooklyn Dodgers and off the field activities greatly contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.

Figure 3: Jackie Robinson– Major League Baseball second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers who became the first African American to play in the major leagues in the modern era. Through his exceptional 10 year career, his character, his use of nonviolence, and his unquestionable talent challenged the traditional basis of segregation which then marked many aspects of American life. Had an impact on the culture and contributed significantly to the Civil Rights Movement. Was also the first black TV analyst in MLB and first black vice president of a major American corporation. In 1997, the MLB universally retired his uniform number across all major leagues, being the first athlete in any sport to be so honored as well as adopted the tradition of “Jackie Robinson Day” in 2004 with every player on every team wearing his No. 42.

"We don't know how God chooses martyrs. We do know that they give us the most precious gift they possess — their very lives." Today Caesar Chavez is a national icon to the Latino community. Yet, he has attracted controversy as an icon for organized labor and leftist politics since conservatives were in ire when they named a ship after him.

“We don’t know how God chooses martyrs. We do know that they give us the most precious gift they possess — their very lives.” Today Caesar Chavez is a national icon to the Latino community. Yet, he has attracted controversy as an icon for organized labor and leftist politics since conservatives were in ire when they named a ship after him.

Figure 4: Caesar Chavez– farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who with Dolores Huerta, co-founded what is known as the United Farm Workers. His public relations approach to unionism and aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers’ struggle a moral cause with nationwide support. Has become a major historical icon for the Latino community, organized labor, and leftist politics as well as symbolizes support for workers and for Hispanic empowerment based on grass roots organizing. Catchphrase “Si se puede” (“Yes, it can be done.”) His birthday is a state holiday in California.

The Bright Sunny World of Suncatchers


For the wind chime’s optical equivalent, you have the suncatcher. Believed to be originally made by the Southwestern Native Americans, these things are pieces of reflective glass or nacre that are hung indoors at windows to catch the light from a nearby source. Of course, I’m not sure if I’d ever have these in my home since my dad has a tendency for migraines. However, you can also put suncatchers outdoors as well and they do make ones specifically for gardens as you shall see. Some of the designs like you see above could be abstract, perhaps with some mobile like chained elements. And sometimes they, too can be attached to wind chimes like you’ve probably saw. More complex designs can evoke plants or animals. Many of the wind chimes you might see can be massed produced. Others made by hand which you might see on Etsy or Pinterest. And in this post, I give you a treasure trove of suncatchers for your eyes’ desires.

  1. A purple butterfly is sure to shine through the window.
But not when it's overcast as you see here. But still, this is quite pretty.

But not when it’s overcast as you see here. But still, this is quite pretty.

2. If you like bluebirds at your window, you might like this suncatcher.

Like butterflies, birds also tend to be a common suncatcher motif. You'll see a few of these.

Like butterflies, birds also tend to be a common suncatcher motif. You’ll see a few of these.

3. Those who like pond scenery might prefer a suncatcher of a dragonfly and frog with a lily pad.

Of course, you might not be able to see the frog since it's blended in with the lily pad. Because the frog doesn't want the dragon fly to notice.

Of course, you might not be able to see the frog since it’s blended in with the lily pad. Because the frog doesn’t want the dragon fly to notice.

4. Nothing says spring like a suncatcher wreath of butterflies and flowers.

I'm sure this thing is quite delicate. But it should look brilliant shining through the window.

I’m sure this thing is quite delicate. But it should look brilliant shining through the window.

5. It’s said that a crescent moon shines brightly in the sun.

Yes, this is a lovely suncatcher. But it's a moon. The moon comes out at night. See where I'm getting at?

Yes, this is a lovely suncatcher. But it’s a moon. The moon comes out at night. See where I’m getting at?

6. Seems like these pieces of this broken heart were put back together.

Maybe not but it sure looks like it. Nevertheless, you have to love this heart suncatcher design.

Maybe not but it sure looks like it. Nevertheless, you have to love this heart suncatcher design.

7. You can make your own suncatcher with wire and beads.

As long as you have something that brings in the sunlight. Still, this is pretty.

As long as you have something that brings in the sunlight. Still, this is pretty.

8. With this suncatcher, you can always see the colors of the rainbow.

That way whenever the sun shines in, you'll always have a rainbow. Like how the colors are arranged in this one.

That way whenever the sun shines in, you’ll always have a rainbow. Like how the colors are arranged in this one.

9. For sun on winter days, go with a snowflake one.

Most of these suncatchers pertain to spring and summer. But there are some that cover other seasons, too.

Most of these suncatchers pertain to spring and summer. But there are some that cover other seasons, too.

10. This suncatcher is sure a colorful star.

Well, it's in a star shape with a crystal in the center. Love the colors though.

Well, it’s in a star shape with a crystal in the center. Love the colors though.

11. What’s better than a rainbow but a rainbow flower?

This is lovely. But it's sure a large panel as I can see. I bet this looks great in the sunlight.

This is lovely. But it’s sure a large panel as I can see. I bet this looks great in the sunlight.

12. This blue heart suncatcher sure does shimmer.

Or is it purple? Either way, it sure looks pretty. Wouldn't mind having this one.

Or is it purple? Either way, it sure looks pretty. Wouldn’t mind having this one.

13. When it comes to suncatchers, you can’t go wrong with wire trees.

With the beads as leaves and flowers. Nevertheless, someone must've spent a lot of time on this.

With the beads as leaves and flowers. Nevertheless, someone must’ve spent a lot of time on this.

14. Another wire suncatcher is surrounded by butterflies.

Well, this one has wire butterflies and flowers. But I sure love the colors on this one.

Well, this one has wire butterflies and flowers. But I sure love the colors on this one.

15. This suncatcher shimmers like a hanging jewel in the sunlight.

This one is one of the more abstract types. But this doesn't mean it's less lovely than some of the others.

This one is one of the more abstract types. But this doesn’t mean it’s less lovely than some of the others.

16. For a more green suncatcher, you can always go with tree.

Well, if you're not into floral suncatchers, this one may do. Still, I think it would make a fine addition to any window.

Well, if you’re not into floral suncatchers, this one may do. Still, I think it would make a fine addition to any window.

17. Polly wanna suncatcher?

You got that right, this is a parrot suncacther. Requires much less maintenance than the real thing.

You got that right, this is a parrot suncacther. Requires much less maintenance than the real thing.

18. Looks like this woman is hanging around a spider web.

Or so it looks like a spider web. Wonder what she has in her hand. A raindrop?

Or so it looks like a spider web. Wonder what she has in her hand. A raindrop?

19. This jeweled suncatcher is from wire and in a shape of a heart.

Well, this is wonderful. Love the sparkly beads on this. Guess it shimmers in the sunlight.

Well, this is wonderful. Love the sparkly beads on this. Guess it shimmers in the sunlight.

20. This blue suncatcher has a little snowflake on the end.

Wonder how this shimmers in the sunlight. Still, this is more meant for winter decoration.

Wonder how this shimmers in the sunlight. Still, this is more meant for winter decoration.

21. If you like flowers, then you’ll love these flowery suncacter panels.

I guess these are all painted. Nevertheless, these sure look so beautiful.

I guess these are all painted. Nevertheless, these sure look so beautiful.

22. Those in a spring mood might take well to this yellow flower suncatcher.

Guess this one's lost a few petals. Oh wait, that's a lily on a pad. Are there yellow lily pad flowers out there? Not sure.

Guess this one’s lost a few petals. Oh wait, that’s a lily on a pad. Are there yellow lily pad flowers out there? Not sure.

23. If you like irises, this suncatcher is for you.

This is beautiful. I'm sure this was mass produced. But I like how it's painted.

This is beautiful. I’m sure this was mass produced. But I like how it’s painted.

24. Look at this bluebird in the corner.

Well, this is kind of neat. Never seen something like that before. Seems quite rustic if you ask me.

Well, this is kind of neat. Never seen something like that before. Seems quite rustic if you ask me.

25. If you like Tiffany designs, then you’ll sure love this suncatcher.

You got to love the stained glass on this. Seems like it comes straight from a Tiffany lamp. Very beautiful.

You got to love the stained glass on this. Seems like it comes straight from a Tiffany lamp. Very beautiful.

26. This rainbow heart is a suncatcher you’re bound to love.

Love to see the sun shining through this heart suncatcher. Sure is quite beautiful.

Love to see the sun shining through this heart suncatcher. Sure is quite beautiful.

27. This star suncatcher chain is in full red, white, and blue.

A fine suncatcher for any patriotic home in America. Like the spirals on these. So whimsical.

A fine suncatcher for any patriotic home in America. Like the spirals on these. So whimsical.

28. You heard of dreamcatchers? Well, this one catches some sun.

And this seems like a rainbow one at that. Or so it seems. At any rate, like the feathers.

And this seems like a rainbow one at that. Or so it seems. At any rate, like the feathers.

29. If you love flowers, then you’ll adore this pansy suncatcher.

You might see a lot of pansies around. But I do like this purple one. The ribbons are a nice touch, too.

You might see a lot of pansies around. But I do like this purple one. The ribbons are a nice touch, too.

30. This rainbow suncatcher has the sunlight dancing on it.

This is on crystal bead chain. I know there are a few of these. But I think this is the best one.

This is on crystal bead chain. I know there are a few of these. But I think this is the best one.

31. There’s no suncatcher more quaint than that of a ladybug.

Sure real ladybugs aren't known to be adorable. But this is so cute if you ask me.

Sure real ladybugs aren’t known to be adorable. But this is so cute if you ask me.

32. Those with a sunny disposition, you might like this sunflower suncatcher.

Well, it's more vibrant than a real sunflower. But it's still quite pretty.

Well, it’s more vibrant than a real sunflower. But it’s still quite pretty.

33. For those who like winter wonders, go with this suncatcher penguin.

This one even has a snowflake coming from its beak. So adorable.

This one even has a snowflake coming from its beak. So adorable. Why, I like penguins.

34. This dream catcher suncatcher has its own stained glass eagle.

Yes, this is a Native American style suncatcher. But the eagle looks pretty cool.

Yes, this is a Native American style suncatcher. But the eagle looks pretty cool.

35. If you like rainbows, how about one squared?

Yes, this one is in a square and in a crazy design. Love it though.

Yes, this one is in a square and in a crazy design. Love it though.

36. Now that is one funky colored rooster.

For those who live on a farm or keep chickens this is the kind of suncatcher for you. Love the feathers on this.

For those who live on a farm or keep chickens this is the kind of suncatcher for you. Love the feathers on this.

37. For you artsy religious types out there, this suncatcher is for you.

Well, this is pretty neat. Not a conventional shape. But I wouldn't mind having one like this, particularly if it was purple.

Well, this is pretty neat. Not a conventional shape. But I wouldn’t mind having one like this, particularly if it was purple.

38. Those who might appreciate the beauty of the desert might enjoy this suncatcher.

Sure the desert might have lovely landscapes. But is it a great place to live? Not really.

Sure the desert might have lovely landscapes. But is it a great place to live? Not really.

39. Seems like this wire tree got encased in some glass.

Now this is something. Wonder they did this. Perhaps we'll never know.

Now this is something. Wonder they did this. Perhaps we’ll never know.

40. Looks like this cardinal has found the perfect place to spread his wings.

This is a suncatcher for a garden since it has a stick below. But this fairly fine craftsmanship if you ask me.

This is a suncatcher for a garden since it has a stick below. But this fairly fine craftsmanship if you ask me.

41. Why make a stained glass flower suncatcher when you can press one in glass?

Well, this is lovely. Doesn't mean that the painted glass flowers are less pretty though.

Well, this is lovely. Doesn’t mean that the painted glass flowers are less pretty though.

42. I’m sure anyone would want a suncatcher tulip or two.

These come in 4 colors. However, the light purple one is the best out of these 4 or so I think.

These come in 4 colors. However, the light purple one is the best out of these 4 or so I think.

43. I guess this glass suncatcher has gone green.

Well, green and purple anyway. But that is a very nice green. Not to mention, this one has some glass markings as well.

Well, green and purple anyway. But that is a very nice green. Not to mention, this one has some glass markings as well.

44. Ah, can anyone think of anything more adorable than a sleeping angel?

Yes, this is quite cute. Still, think it's more suitable for nighttime decor. Not so much as a suncatcher.

Yes, this is quite cute. Still, think it’s more suitable for nighttime decor. Not so much as a suncatcher.

45. This rainbow butterfly is a wonder to behold in the sun.

Yes, this is a rainbow butterfly suncatcher. And yes, it's in the sunlight. Amazing, isn't it?

Yes, this is a rainbow butterfly suncatcher. And yes, it’s in the sunlight. Amazing, isn’t it?

46. Well, that’s one way to make a rainbow heart.

This one has the colors coming from the center. Nevertheless, it's quite beautiful.

This one has the colors coming from the center. Nevertheless, it’s quite beautiful.

47. If you’re into the life aquatic, you might enjoy this seahorse suncatcher.

I suppose they have aquatic stuff, too. Don't know what to make of that seahorse though.

I suppose they have aquatic stuff, too. Don’t know what to make of that seahorse though.

48. As we all know, I couldn’t do a suncatcher post without including a rose.

Of course, this was probably not an easy thing to make. But you do have to admire its beauty and craftsmanship.

Of course, this was probably not an easy thing to make. But you do have to admire its beauty and craftsmanship.

49. Now that seems like a very intricate dream catcher.

This dreamcatcher seems to bear some resemblance to a stained glass window. But it's a suncatcher.

This dreamcatcher seems to bear some resemblance to a stained glass window. But it’s a suncatcher.

50. Those who live near the seashore might like this sand dollar suncatcher.

Not sure how sand dollars come into existence. But you have to like this one of stained glass.

Not sure how sand dollars come into existence. But you have to like this one of stained glass.

51. Not a fan of seahorses? How about this jellyfish suncatcher?

Yes, a jellyfish may be pretty. But there are plenty you don't want to swim near. Because they're highly poisonous and can kill you.

Yes, a jellyfish may be pretty. But there are plenty you don’t want to swim near. Because they’re highly poisonous and can kill you.

52. Nothing shines more in the sunlight than this rainbow suncatcher panel.

Kind of reminds you of as stained glass rainbow window. Like the squares.

Kind of reminds you of as stained glass rainbow window. Like the squares.

53. This suncatcher will surely glimmer in the sunlight like a gem.

This is beautiful. Lobe the blue pieces on this. And the frame.

This is beautiful. Lobe the blue pieces on this. And the frame.

54. When it comes to animals, you can’t go wrong with this stained glass raindrop cat.

Many of the cat suncatchers show the cat from the back. This one at least shows the eyes.

Many of the cat suncatchers show the cat from the back. This one at least shows the eyes.

55. This blue angel is simply divine.

This one uses wire, marbles, and glass for this angel. And the results are wondrous beyond compare.

This one uses wire, marbles, and glass for this angel. And the results are wondrous beyond compare.

56. This owl suncatcher is sure to be a hoot.

This is adorable. Love the big eyes on this one. Also like how it's purple.

This is adorable. Love the big eyes on this one. Also like how it’s purple.

57. This praying angel suncatcher sure captures such angelic beauty.

Yes, I know I've been putting a few angel suncatchers up. But trust me, this one is incredibly beautiful.

Yes, I know I’ve been putting a few angel suncatchers up. But trust me, this one is incredibly beautiful.

58. Nothing makes a more sacred suncatcher than this brilliant blue cross.

Yes, this is another cross suncatcher. But you have to love that brilliant blue on this one. So lovely.

Yes, this is another cross suncatcher. But you have to love that brilliant blue on this one. So lovely.

59. How about go up in this rainbow hot air balloon?

Yes, hot air balloons can be wonders in the sky like this one. But you have to love these colors.

Yes, hot air balloons can be wonders in the sky like this one. But you have to love these colors.

60. This purple flower is so pretty you’d almost think it would be on a Tiffany lamp.

I really like this flower for it's petals and design. Also, because it's purple.

I really like this flower for it’s petals and design. Also, because it’s purple.

61. When it comes to birds in flight almost no one beats the hummingbird.

You have to love the colors on this one. If it weren't for the shine, you'd almost think the green matches the trees.

You have to love the colors on this one. If it weren’t for the shine, you’d almost think the green matches the trees.

62. If you’re into marittime, this sailboat suncatcher may float your boat.

I like the white part of this. They kind of remind me of crazy clouds.

I like the white part of this. They kind of remind me of crazy clouds.

63. I’m no one could resist these flower suncatchers.

Well, these are 3-dimensional suncatcher flowers. But they're nevertheless quite pretty and probably delicate.

Well, these are 3-dimensional suncatcher flowers. But they’re nevertheless quite pretty and probably delicate.

64. How about a suncatcher spider web?

Normally, you might think spiders and webs are creepy. But this spiderweb seems like an unforgettable work of art.

Normally, you might think spiders and webs are creepy. But this spiderweb seems like an unforgettable work of art.

65. This suncatcher will guarantee you luck from the Irish.

Yes, this is a shamrock suncatcher. And I'm sure they sell these for Saint Patrick's Day.

Yes, this is a shamrock suncatcher. And I’m sure they sell these for Saint Patrick’s Day.

66. Hey, look, a blue octopus from the deep.

Well, at least it's not a blue ringed octopus. Those things are poisonous. Still, fine artistry here.

Well, at least it’s not a blue ringed octopus. Those things are poisonous. Still, fine artistry here.

67. Imagine having this design in your window.

This one has rainbow glass surrounded by black. Very pretty though. So lovely.

This one has rainbow glass surrounded by black. Very pretty though. So lovely.

68. For your fall garden, I suppose this scarecrow suncatcher would be nice.

I'm sure this won't scare any crows. But it'll look great in your garden even if it doesn't.

I’m sure this won’t scare any crows. But it’ll look great in your garden even if it doesn’t.

69. Looks like this suncatcher contains a couple of dragonflies.

Now this seems to be quite colorful. Love the glass pieces on this thing. So pretty.

Now this seems to be quite colorful. Love the glass pieces on this thing. So pretty.

70. You’d never come across a butterfly this beautiful.

This one is so lovely with the colorful spots and stripes. Not sure if there's a real butterfly that looks like this.

This one is so lovely with the colorful spots and stripes. Not sure if there’s a real butterfly that looks like this.

71. No one could resist this teddy bear suncatcher.

And here is one in their little pajama outfit. Probably used for a kids room. But it's so adorable.

And here is one in their little pajama outfit. Probably used for a kids room. But it’s so adorable.

72. How about a fish in a raindrop?

Okay, maybe I'm not a fan of fishing. But I have to admit this is pretty cool.

Okay, maybe I’m not a fan of fishing. But I have to admit this is pretty cool.

73. Here is an angel with a candle to protect you.

Must be a guardian angel motif. But this one has brilliant wings and an iridescent gown.

Must be a guardian angel motif. But this one has brilliant wings and an iridescent gown.

74. This panel has a rose in a vase.

For some reason this reminds me of the rose I've seen on Beauty and the Beast. Not sure why. Lovely though.

For some reason this reminds me of the rose I’ve seen on Beauty and the Beast. Not sure why. Lovely though.

75. Seems like this ship is already sailing the ocean blue.

Seems like this was based on some beautiful painting. Love how it seems so peaceful if you look at it long enough.

Seems like this was based on some beautiful painting. Love how it seems so peaceful if you look at it long enough.

76. This butterfly always seems to glimmer in the light.

Like how this butterfly looks like when you show it on the water on a sunny day. So pretty.

Like how this butterfly looks like when you show it on the water on a sunny day. So pretty.

77. Who knows what could shine with blue and white.

Yes, this is another abstract design. Like the white ring around the blue loops on this.

Yes, this is another abstract design. Like the white ring around the blue loops on this.

78. This suncatcher is called, “Love Shines.”

This one consist of a rainbow and a crystal heart. So beautiful.

This one consist of a rainbow and a crystal heart. So beautiful.

79. Seems like this heart was created from so many pieces.

Then again, that's probably the point. But you have to appreciate the craftsmanship with all the wire and colorful glass pieces inside.

Then again, that’s probably the point. But you have to appreciate the craftsmanship with all the wire and colorful glass pieces inside.

80. Each point of this 6 pointed star has a color of the rainbow.

Yes, I know I have a lot of rainbow stuff on this post. But who doesn't like rainbows? Seriously, I can't think of anyone.

Yes, I know I have a lot of rainbow stuff on this post. But who doesn’t like rainbows? Seriously, I can’t think of anyone.

The Windswept World of Wind Chimes


A key decoration you might see outside buildings during the spring and summer are wind chimes. These are are a type of percussion instrument constructed from suspended tubes, rods, bells or other objects often made of metal or wood. They tend to be suspended along with a weight which the tubes or rods can strike when they or another wind catching surface are blown by the natural air movement outside. And since Southwestern Pennsylvania has no shortage of wind on most days, wind chimes tend to be popular as garden and porch ornaments around these parts. My grandmother particularly likes them as I’ve seen when I go to my grandparents’ house. However, while hanging wind chimes in the west began with the Romans, they’ve also been associated with decorating in India, China, and Japan. As of today, I tend to see a lot of wind chimes on sale. Yet, many of these tend to have the conventional look. So this is where I turn to Pinterest which brings me to a whole world of more creative wind chimes that many people made themselves. And I share some of these with you today.

  1. There’s something fishy about this one.
Well, the chimes on here are made from a ceramic fish. Not sure if the pieces fit together. But it's not bad.

Well, the chimes on here are made from a ceramic fish. Not sure if the pieces fit together. But it’s not bad.

2. Who knew you can make chimes from plastic bottles.

Sure they're probably from a craft store of some type. But they sure look pretty.

Sure they’re probably from a craft store of some type. But they sure look pretty.

3. A sun wind chime always has to have some bells.

Well, this one only has 3. I don't think this one was handmade. But I like it so it goes on this post.

Well, this one only has 3. I don’t think this one was handmade. But I like it so it goes on this post.

4. Some wind chimes have all jingles.

I bet this one makes a lot of noise when it's really windy out. In my area, I've known quite a few.

I bet this one makes a lot of noise when it’s really windy out. In my area, I’ve known quite a few.

5. Sometimes you have to top your wind chime with a mosaic flower.

I'm sure the chimes are attached at the flower. But the flower is so beautiful.

I’m sure the chimes are attached at the flower. But the flower is so beautiful.

6. The chimes on this one can be quite colorful.

These are shaped like feathers. But they're plastic because feathers don't make much of a sound.

These are shaped like feathers. But they’re plastic because feathers don’t make much of a sound.

7. Gold chimes sit quite well with a wire butterfly.

You see a lot of spring motifs with wind chimes. This wire butterfly has marbles for the colors.

You see a lot of spring motifs with wind chimes. This wire butterfly has marbles for the colors.

8. This owl has all the bells.

Bound to ring whenever the wind is blowing. Sure to be a hoot.

Bound to ring whenever the wind is blowing. Sure to be a hoot.

9. Sometimes chimes can take the shape of squared chains.

I'm sure this was made by someone with too much time on their hands. Not sure if I'd want to have this in a rainstorm. Probably not.

I’m sure this was made by someone with too much time on their hands. Not sure if I’d want to have this in a rainstorm. Probably not.

10. When it comes to chimes, you can’t go wrong with bottles.

Kind of resembles a flying saucers with large bottles attached in a bead mesh. But it's a wind chime and a rather large one at that.

Kind of resembles a flying saucers with large bottles attached in a bead mesh. But it’s a wind chime and a rather large one at that.

11. For more metal in wind chimes, you can always go with gears.

Not sure what the tubes are made out of. But the gears sure look nice in them. Great for any steampunk home.

Not sure what the tubes are made out of. But the gears sure look nice in them. Great for any steampunk home.

12. Who knew that you could put some bright crystals on a wind chime?

I think these crystals are fake and were bought at some craft store. Still, like how they shine and how they go well with this chime so well.

I think these crystals are fake and were bought at some craft store. Still, like how they shine and how they go well with this chime so well.

13. Pink chimes are fine for a light breeze.

You see a lot of crystal wind chimes like these. Sure it's beautiful. But it's probably quite delicate, too.

You see a lot of crystal wind chimes like these. Sure it’s beautiful. But it’s probably quite delicate, too.

14. When you can’t buy a wind chime, it helps to make one with beads.

This one apparently glimmers in the sunlight. Wonder how it would do in the rain. Only one way to find out.

This one apparently glimmers in the sunlight. Wonder how it would do in the rain. Only one way to find out.

15. A shell wind chime like this should always come with some bells and forks.

You tend to see a lot of cutlerly in wind chimes. Not sure if it enhances the aesthetic or brings out the sound.

You tend to see a lot of cutlerly in wind chimes. Not sure if it enhances the aesthetic or brings out the sound.

16. A wind chime like this one is great for hosting a garden tea party.

This one is a wind chime of a teapot with tea cups. But the best part about this one is that it's purple.

This one is a wind chime of a teapot with tea cups. But the best part about this one is that it’s purple.

17. I suppose this is a wind chime for anyone in a potting mood.

Yes, this wind chime is made from flower pots. Guess these won't be used for planting anymore.

Yes, this wind chime is made from flower pots. Guess these won’t be used for planting anymore.

18. Sometimes smaller heart wind chimes are better.

This one may seem quite delicate compared to the others. But at any rate, you have to love this one.

This one may seem quite delicate compared to the others. But at any rate, you have to love this one.

19. Beads and straw could always make a fine wind chime.

Well, this is different. Okay, that's probably wicker, not straw. Or is wicker straw? I'm confused.

Well, this is different. Okay, that’s probably wicker, not straw. Or is wicker straw? I’m confused.

20. There’s no lovelier wind chime than one with beads strung to a bottle.

Not sure if this is a great view. But you have to admire the craftsmanship on this. This is especially if the bottle is glass.

Not sure if this is a great view. But you have to admire the craftsmanship on this. This is especially if the bottle is glass.

21. All you need to make this wind chime are crystal beads and wire.

If it had a light in it, you'd almost think it was a lamp. However, it's certainly not.

If it had a light in it, you’d almost think it was a lamp. However, it’s certainly not.

22. When it comes to wind chimes, sometimes the chimes below can have quite the color.

Sometimes the chimes might not always look great at the top. But you have to admire the beads and string on this.

Sometimes the chimes might not always look great at the top. But you have to admire the beads and string on this.

23. When it comes to chime beads, it helps if you have a variety of colors.

Well, at least this one looks quite festive. Hate to see this one get tangled.

Well, at least this one looks quite festive. Hate to see this one get tangled.

24. Sometimes it helps that everything matches.

This one is pink with flowers all over it. Sure it's plastic but it's pretty.

This one is pink with flowers all over it. Sure it’s plastic but it’s pretty.

25. Who says you can’t put dragon flies on your chimes?

Dragonflies aren't the kind I'd have in mind for wind chimes. But these look great on the squares. Lovely.

Dragonflies aren’t the kind I’d have in mind for wind chimes. But these look great on the squares. Lovely.

26. On a wind chime like this, your heart is in chains.

As you see, all the links are in the shape of a heart. Looks quite rusty though.

As you see, all the links are in the shape of a heart. Looks quite rusty though.

27. If you like boating, then this wind chime should go great with your sailing ship.

Not sure if I'd want this on a boat during a hurricane. But it certainly looks rather maritime.

Not sure if I’d want this on a boat during a hurricane. But it certainly looks rather maritime.

28. Sometimes a chime can just be a bottomless bottle.

Well, this seems simple enough. Still, love the silver butterfly and the jingle.

Well, this seems simple enough. Still, love the silver butterfly and the jingle.

29. As far as wind chimes good, you can’t go wrong with ceramic tiles.

You can even paint some of them before you glaze them. Not sure if I'd want to put this one outside since I don't want to ruin it.

You can even paint some of them before you glaze them. Not sure if I’d want to put this one outside since I don’t want to ruin it.

30. Now this is the kind of wind chime for those with a green thumb.

This one has beads coming out from a watering can. Not sure why the wire ends are there. Probably for decoration.

This one has beads coming out from a watering can. Not sure why the wire ends are there. Probably for decoration.

31. For a wind chime that looks so antique, blue roses should give it an additional touch.

I don't think this is handmade. After all, the metal on this seems fairly manufactured. But I do think it's very beautiful.

I don’t think this is handmade. After all, the metal on this seems fairly manufactured. But I do think it’s very beautiful.

32. Sometimes all you need for a wind chime is a funnel cake pan and some necklace chains.

That has to be a large wind chime as far as I could see. Still you have to love the stuff they have for the chimes part.

That has to be a large wind chime as far as I could see. Still you have to love the stuff they have for the chimes part.

33. For an easier wind chime, just string some bead strands on a wooden stick.

The beads on these strands seem to follow a pattern. And each have a blue rectangle at the end.

The beads on these strands seem to follow a pattern. And each have a blue rectangle at the end.

34. If you like wind chimes, perhaps hang this one outside your kitchen window.

This one consists of a rolling pin and utensil chains. A bit large for any window, don't you think?

This one consists of a rolling pin and utensil chains. A bit large for any window, don’t you think?

35. What strung from this stick gives the illusion of rain.

This looks very pretty. Seems like someone really worked hard on this. But this appears quite delicate.

This looks very pretty. Seems like someone really worked hard on this. But this appears quite delicate.

36. This woman hung up her wind chime in a big way.

And I guess she did it with step ladder. Or crane. Definitely crane.

And I guess she did it with step ladder. Or crane. Definitely crane.

37. This wind chime holds the keys.

However, don't bet that any of these will fit in the locks. Because they were probably bought at a craft store.

However, don’t bet that any of these will fit in the locks. Because they were probably bought at a craft store.

38. It’s said that clanging cutlery can bring music to your ears.

I guess this one is more for the kitchen inclined. However, I have a better use of cutlery than putting it on wind chimes. It's called putting food in your mouth.

I guess this one is more for the kitchen inclined. However, I have a better use of cutlery than putting it on wind chimes. It’s called putting food in your mouth.

39. If you like dragonflies, this one should suit you.

Well, there's a dragonfly on top and pieces at the chime parts. Quite beautiful though.

Well, there’s a dragonfly on top and pieces at the chime parts. Quite beautiful though.

40. Well, this wind chime is quite festive.

Wow, this is so beautiful that I'd just want to keep it indoors 24/7. Because I don't want to rain to ruin it. And in my neck of the woods, you get that a lot.

Wow, this is so beautiful that I’d just want to keep it indoors 24/7. Because I don’t want to rain to ruin it. And in my neck of the woods, you get that a lot.

41. Sometimes a wind chime needs a little extra something.

Well, the ends of these are of some folding strainer from the kitchen. If that's what they call it.

Well, the ends of these are of some folding strainer from the kitchen. If that’s what they call it.

42. There’s something fishy about this wind chime.

Well, this one has a fish on top of all these chime pieces. And all in green and blue.

Well, this one has a fish on top of all these chime pieces. And all in green and blue.

43. For a wind chime like this, you can decorate it in any number of ways.

This one also has vibrant colors. Not as bright or vivid as some of the others. But lovely enough for me not to leave this one outside.

This one also has vibrant colors. Not as bright or vivid as some of the others. But lovely enough for me not to leave this one outside.

44. Seems like some wind chimes have all the bells.

And it seems like this one has lots of tiny ones. Wonder how long it took to make this.

And it seems like this one has lots of tiny ones. Wonder how long it took to make this.

45. You never know how many large beads you can string up for a wind chime.

These beads seem to resemble stones. Wonder if this wind chime is meant to represent a waterfall.

These beads seem to resemble stones. Wonder if this wind chime is meant to represent a waterfall.

46. I guess these rainbow pots aren’t for planting.

Yes, this is another flower pot wind chime. But this one has some bees and butterflies. So it's different than the other one I showed you.

Yes, this is another flower pot wind chime. But this one has some bees and butterflies. So it’s different than the other one I showed you.

47. Don’t know what to do with the extra silver? Make a wind chime out of it.

Yes, I'm sure this may look quite amazing. But on Downton Abbey, seeing this would make Carson flip out in anger. After all, you don't put a bullion spoon on a garden wind chime. At least on his watch.

Yes, I’m sure this may look quite amazing. But on Downton Abbey, seeing this would make Carson flip out in anger. After all, you don’t put a bullion spoon on a garden wind chime. At least on his watch.

48. Sometimes a wider wind chime makes all the difference.

Seems like this one was made from old jewels. Well, old costume jewels. So pretty.

Seems like this one was made from old jewels. Well, old costume jewels. So pretty.

49. For those who like nature, this wind chime will give you all the green you ask for.

Almost seems like a green moss fading into a white rock. Still, it's quite pretty.

Almost seems like a green moss fading into a white rock. Still, it’s quite pretty.

50. If you love purple flowers, you’d love this wind chime.

Not sure how it sounds when the wind blows. But this looks quite beautiful, especially since it's purple.

Not sure how it sounds when the wind blows. But this looks quite beautiful, especially since it’s purple.

51. For a colorful and flowery flair, you can’t go wrong with this wind chime.

Yes, I know it took a lot of time to make this. But I think this is better kept indoors since I wouldn't want to ruin it.

Yes, I know it took a lot of time to make this. But I think this is better kept indoors since I wouldn’t want to ruin it.

52. Nothing makes better music in the wind than a wind chime of goblets.

Wow, this is sure stunning. Also another way to piss off Carson on Downton Abbey.

Wow, this is sure stunning. Also another way to piss off Carson on Downton Abbey.

53. Sometimes what makes music in the wind has to glimmer in the sunlight.

Well, these look beautiful. Wonder if they're made of glass. If so, I wouldn't want to drop it.

Well, these look beautiful. Wonder if they’re made of glass. If so, I wouldn’t want to drop it.

54. When it comes to some wind chimes, it helps if the chime parts are part of the decoration.

These seem to be painted in flowers and they seem suspended on some kind of cage. Or that's as far as I see.

These seem to be painted in flowers and they seem suspended on some kind of cage. Or that’s as far as I see.

55. Nothing makes a more elegant wind chime than anything attached to a golden heart.

Well, this is strung on chains, color stones, and bells. Nevertheless, this is lovely.

Well, this is strung on chains, color stones, and bells. Nevertheless, this is lovely.

56. I’m sure your garden would look better with a wind chime of this colorful bird.

And yet, another wind chime I wouldn't want to expose to the elements outside. Very beautiful if I do say so myself.

And yet, another wind chime I wouldn’t want to expose to the elements outside. Very beautiful if I do say so myself.

57. Sometimes an old door knob makes a great wind chime.

Well, this almost looks crystal clear that you barely notice it through the window. Still, you have to love it.

Well, this almost looks crystal clear that you barely notice it through the window. Still, you have to love it.

58. If you live near the seashore, you might like a wind chime of shells.

Well, I guess these shells can make some kind of music. Nevertheless, I think it's quite creative.

Well, I guess these shells can make some kind of music. Nevertheless, I think it’s quite creative.

59. Sometimes you could make a lovely wind chime on vinyl.

However, before you use a vinyl record in a craft project, make sure it's one with horrible music on it that won't be missed. Let's just say there's a lot of bad records out there.

However, before you use a vinyl record in a craft project, make sure it’s one with horrible music on it that won’t be missed. Let’s just say there’s a lot of bad records out there.

60. Whoever thought you could make a wind chime from a silver dish?

And yet, another way to get Carson pissed off at you at Downton Abbey. To him, you don't use silver to make these fangled things.

And yet, another way to get Carson pissed off at you at Downton Abbey. To him, you don’t use silver to make these fangled things.

61. Got an old vase you don’t know what to do with? Make a wind chime out of it.

Well, this one is an upside down vase with a weight in it. Still, love the blue color.

Well, this one is an upside down vase with a weight in it. Still, love the blue color.

62. This wind chime is meant to bring out the colors of the rainbow.

This one has pieces that are linked for wind chime. And yes, it certainly looks pretty while gleaming in the sunlight.

This one has pieces that are linked for wind chime. And yes, it certainly looks pretty while gleaming in the sunlight.

63. You never know what you can make with a basket.

Apparently, you can make a rather cool wind chime with a basket. Simply breathtakingly lovely.

Apparently, you can make a rather cool wind chime with a basket. Simply breathtakingly lovely.

64. You never know what’s coming out of this pitcher.

Now this looks quite whimsical. Love how this one pours the flower out. Love the design on the pitcher, too.

Now this looks quite whimsical. Love how this one pours the flower out. Love the design on the pitcher, too.

65. This wind chime has a sailboat on the waves.

Well, this one has blue beads for water and fish to go with it. And it's topped with a glass sailboat, too.

Well, this one has blue beads for water and fish to go with it. And it’s topped with a glass sailboat, too.

66. This wind chime has to be as pretty as a peacock.

Because it's a peacock wind chime. And as we see, sound comes when the wind blows through the feathers.

Because it’s a peacock wind chime. And as we see, sound comes when the wind blows through the feathers.

67. I’m sure you’d want this wind chime on a bright, sunny day.

Because this one is of the sun and the chimes below are the rays. And yes, it sure looks bright.

Because this one is of the sun and the chimes below are the rays. And yes, it sure looks bright.

68. Such wind chimes like this are said to be as cute as a button.

This one consists of chimes that have buttons strung on them. And yes, this is pretty cool if you ask me.

This one consists of chimes that have buttons strung on them. And yes, this is pretty cool if you ask me.

69. Guess this one is serving tea for a few.

This wind chime uses cups, saucers, and spoons as bells. And yes, it's one you might see in a Wes Anderson movie.

This wind chime uses cups, saucers, and spoons as bells. And yes, it’s one you might see in a Wes Anderson movie.

70. As a wind chime, there’s nothing more radiant than a purple sunflower.

And radiant it is, indeed. This one is simply stunning, especially since it's mostly in purple.

And radiant it is, indeed. This one is simply stunning, especially since it’s mostly in purple.

71. Guess this wind chime brings so many fish in the sea.

Well, this looks quite interesting. Not sure if the top part is a jellyfish. Quite cool.

Well, this looks quite interesting. Not sure if the top part is a jellyfish. Quite cool.

72. While many wind chimes have celestial themes, you haven’t seen one like this.

Then again, you've probably seen one like this at every garden store. Still, you have to like this.

Then again, you’ve probably seen one like this at every garden store. Still, you have to like this.

73. This is the kind of wind chime for the patriotic at heart.

Well, if you're American, anyway. Then again, most of my views come from the States.

Well, if you’re American, anyway. Then again, most of my views come from the States.

74. Anyone who’s an artist at heart will enjoy a wind chime like this.

This is made up of so many shapes and colors. Nevertheless, this is so lovely.

This is made up of so many shapes and colors. Nevertheless, this is so lovely.

75. On top of a wind chime like this, you see a flower.

This one has the colors of the rainbow at the chimes. Like the flower design, too.

This one has the colors of the rainbow at the chimes. Like the flower design, too.

76. Sometimes it all starts with a stunning design.

This one has rainbow beads and a lovely design. Wonder how long it took to make this.

This one has rainbow beads and a lovely design. Wonder how long it took to make this.

77. If you love wind chimes, this painted butterfly one will delight your home.

This one is so intricately done. However, it's probably made of glass. Wouldn't want this one outside.

This one is so intricately done. However, it’s probably made of glass. Wouldn’t want this one outside.

78. If you love bells, this wind chime is for you.

This one also has a deer on top. And I'm sure you'd enjoy it.

This one also has a deer on top. And I’m sure you’d enjoy it.

79. On top of this is a colorful spiral.

Seems like whoever made this spent a lot of time painting the designs. Nevertheless, this is so radiant and stunning.

Seems like whoever made this spent a lot of time painting the designs. Nevertheless, this is so radiant and stunning.

80. This angelic wind chime is lined with beads of pink roses.

Sure this one probably wasn't hand made. But it's sure beautiful. Besides, who wouldn't want this.

Sure this one probably wasn’t hand made. But it’s sure beautiful. Besides, who wouldn’t want this.

The Pervasive Myths That Prevent Climate Change Action


One of the biggest threats to humanity and the planet is a manmade phenomenon called climate change. For the last several decades, greenhouse gases have become trapped in the earth’s atmosphere which have led to rising temperatures, rising sea levels, extreme weather, melting ice sheets and glaciers, and ocean acidification. And in many ways the effects of climate changes can be catastrophic not just for the environment but for people as well. The threat of climate change may seem like a new thing to many. However, as with a lot of scientific notions, scientists have been discussing the idea for decades. In fact, on Youtube there’s a documentary called The Unchained Goddess which was produced by Frank Capra who ironically was a Republican. Nevertheless, over the years climate scientists have come to a consensus on climate change as real, as happening, as manmade, and as a problem. However, there are still skeptics among the masses who not only believe climate change doesn’t exist, but use resources in order to stop climate change policy from becoming a reality. Unfortunately, these people are the Koch Brothers, industrialists, energy companies, and other major polluters who contribute millions of dollars to Republican party candidates who just happen to control the House and the Senate. Well, as far as the US goes. Still, if my US Congressman doesn’t see climate change as real, happening, and a problem, then I have a problem with that regardless of party affiliation. Here I present to you some of the most pervasive myths about climate change as well as the truths they mask.


While not all Republicans deny climate change, climate deniers make the majority of Republican congressmen who now control the House and the Senate. And a lot of them have received campaign contributions from dirty energy companies. So yes, climate change denial pays big time. And that's a problem.

While not all Republicans deny climate change, climate deniers make the majority of Republican congressmen who now control the House and the Senate. And a lot of them have received campaign contributions from dirty energy companies. So yes, climate change denial pays big time. And that’s a problem.

  1. Climate change isn’t real – Sure the science may not be perfect but 97% climate scientists agree that climate change is real, it’s happening, it’s manmade, and it’s a problem. Also, it’s caused by greenhouse gases getting into the atmosphere and disrupting the climate. Effects may vary according to geography though because scientific research tends to show conflicting reports. But the debate over the existence of climate change is practically sound as far as the scientific consensus is concerned.
Here is a graph of the global temperature averages from the 1880s to the 2000s. While many skeptics believe that the presence of cold weather disproves global warming, it doesn't. Because climate scientists tend to look at weather trends. And as far as this graph's concerned, it's getting warmer.

Here is a graph of the global temperature averages from the 1880s to the 2000s. While many skeptics believe that the presence of cold weather disproves global warming, it doesn’t. Because climate scientists tend to look at weather trends. And as far as this graph’s concerned, it’s getting warmer.

2. The earth can’t get hotter because it’s cold outside– Uh, sorry, but yes it can since there’s a difference between short-term weather variability and long-term climate change. Weather is day-to-day variations of precipitation, clouds, and temperature. Climate is the average weather pattern that takes place over many years. So if you want to find out whether climate change is real, you shouldn’t try to rely on a 5-10 weather forecast. Rather it be better to study a 30-year timeframe instead. And according to the National Climate Assessment: “While there is a clear long-term global warming trend, some years do not show a temperature increase relative to the previous year, and some years show greater changes than others. These year-to-year fluctuations in temperature are due to natural processes, such as the effects of El Niños, La Niñas, and volcanic eruptions.” So even as the climate warms, there will still be cold days and snowstorms. In fact, there are some scientists who think that the melting of Arctic sea ice might be causing bigger swings in the jet stream that can encourage frigid air to move south during the winter into the US and Europe.

While climate has changed before in the past due to natural causes, scientists have found that the global temperature increase has been consistent with the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. By the way, this chart is from NASA.

While climate has changed before in the past due to natural causes, scientists have found that the global temperature increase has been consistent with the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. This proves that climate change as we know it is manmade. By the way, this chart is from NASA.

3. The climate has changed before, so this change must be normal, too– Just because the earth’s climate has changed before in the past, doesn’t mean it’s normal or even caused by natural factors. As with climate change, the fact that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are now the highest they’ve ever been in all of human history shows us that it’s mostly manmade. Over the years, the global temperature has increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which may not seem like much. But even a small increase can cause significant changes. And the majority of warming at a global scale over the last 50 years can only be explained by the effects of human influences like fossil fuel burning emissions and deforestation. Natural factors have played a relatively minor role.

As the study of climate change has been conducted over the years, more and more climate scientists are now convinced that it exists, it's caused by man, and it's a problem. As far as the scientific community is concerned, the case is closed.

As the study of climate change has been conducted over the years, more and more climate scientists are now convinced that it exists, it’s caused by man, and it’s a problem. As far as the scientific community is concerned, the case is closed.

4. Most scientists don’t agree about climate change– 97% of all climate scientists believe that human activity is contributing to climate change. And as far as climate science goes, these are the only group of scientists who matter here.

A popular climate change myth is blaming global warming on the sun. However, while global temperatures continue to rise, solar activity has declined. So how could that be possible?

A popular climate change myth is blaming global warming on the sun. However, while global temperatures continue to rise, solar activity has declined. So how could that be possible?

5. The sun is responsible for climate change– Yes, solar activity can cause climate swings on the earth. But recent research have conducted studies of the sun’s interaction with the climate and concluded that none of its recent behavior accounts for today’s shift. Also, the sun’s been cooling in the last 35 years.

Here is a diagram on all the possible things that climate change can cause. The fact that climate change can cause famine, plague, and wars probably illustrates why Al Gore and the UN Climate Panel received a Nobel Peace Prize. Because climate change is real threat to peace as well as security.

Here is a diagram on all the possible things that climate change can cause. The fact that climate change can cause famine, plague, and wars probably illustrates why Al Gore and the IPCC received a Nobel Peace Prize. Because climate change is real threat to peace as well as security.

6. Climate change is good for us– In some cases, perhaps. But overall, no, since climate change is known to cause flooding and drought, especially if emissions aren’t reduced and temperatures increase at a rapid pace. Besides, recent reports find that climate change could cost the US economy hundreds of billions of dollars within the next few decades. Not to mention, the rise of diseases, loss of habitats, desertification, wildfires, water shortages, and catastrophic weather. However, when it comes to climate change, the US will be more fortunate than a lot of nations. Third World countries and island nations will have it the worst. Third World countries will suffer since many of them have endangered wildlife as well as relative instability and poverty. Island nations especially since climate change might threaten their very existence if sea levels continue to rise.

While plants do need CO2, this doesn't mean they won't be immune to the effects of climate change. Because too much CO2 could hurt plants and make them prone to infestations and disease. Not to mention, there's desertification, ocean acidification, and chaotic weather patterns.

While plants do need CO2, this doesn’t mean they won’t be immune to the effects of climate change. Because too much CO2 could hurt plants and make them prone to infestations and disease. Not to mention, there’s desertification, ocean acidification, and chaotic weather patterns.

7. CO2 can’t be dangerous, because plants need it– Yes, plants need CO2 to grow. But just because every living thing needs water to live doesn’t mean you can’t drown in it. Research shows that plants might actually suffer with too much CO2 in the air which might lead to less nutritious crops. Because in some ways, if CO2 concentration is too high, there could be a reduction of photosynthesis. There’s also evidence from the past of sudden rises of CO2 incurring major damage on a wide variety of plant species. And plants raised with enhanced CO2 supplies and strictly isolated from insects are much more vulnerable to infestation and disease than in their natural settings. Then there’s desertification which we all know isn’t very good for plants either. More CO2 might have a positive impacts on agriculture but only in the short term. And in all likelihood, adding more CO2 will just shrink a range available to plants while expanding deserts. More CO2 will increase requirements for water and soil fertility as well as plant damage from insects. This might be good news for Monsanto but surely not for us. Also, CO2 is linked to the greenhouse effect as well as causes acidification in the oceans. Climate change has even led to a lot of unpredictable weather in a lot of places which might disrupt crop and plant cycles. Sometimes it might lead plants growing and blossoming earlier than usual. Sometimes it might lead to plants suffering an early death. Such events could happen within short time spans which isn’t good for farmers. So yes, CO2 essential but it can be seen as a pollutant if there’s too much of it in the atmosphere from manmade sources. Nevertheless, that being said, there are scientists who do say that forests do help buffer climate change effects which demonstrates why deforestation is so destructive.

Recent studies have found a correlation between the polar vortex and melting sea ice as well as temperature increases in the Arctic. Such links are being debated among scientists. However, the nature of the polar vortex in many ways shows how unpredictable the effects of global warming can be. And sometimes they're not always what we'd expect. So to say that global warming is a hoax because it's snowing outside in your neck of the woods doesn't hold up. Because climate change simply doesn't work that way.

Recent studies have found a correlation between the polar vortex and melting sea ice as well as temperature increases in the Arctic. Such links are being debated among scientists. However, the nature of the polar vortex in many ways shows how unpredictable the effects of global warming can be. And sometimes they’re not always what we’d expect. So to say that global warming is a hoax because it’s snowing outside in your neck of the woods doesn’t hold up. Because climate change simply doesn’t work that way.

8. Climate change has stopped and the earth has begun to cool– Listen, just because your neck of the woods has experienced abnormally chilly weather and big blizzards, doesn’t mean that global warming isn’t happening. Seriously, your local weather conditions have absolutely no bearing on global weather patterns. Nor does it indicate that climate change has stopped. Besides, the existence of climate change depends on long term trends measured over a decade or more, and according to those, the earth is warming. The last decade was said to be the hottest on record while temperature records continue shattering the previous ones each year. Then there’s the polar vortex in which very cold air which gets pushed into the temperate zones causing frigid winter temperatures as well as snowfall. This phenomenon has been known to scientists for decades. Recent studies have found a correlation between a weak polar vortex and outbreaks of severe cold in the Northern Hemisphere, which might be related to the melting ice caps. But there’s so much uncertainty since recent observations have been short term. Nevertheless, even though we live in a warming world, that doesn’t mean we can’t experience very cold weather. Because despite how climate change denialists tend to use severe winters in their neck of the woods to disprove it, climate change simply doesn’t work that way.

While there have been reports of Antarctica gaining ice, the general consensus states that it has been losing land ice since the 1990s. This isn't good news for penguins.

While there have been reports of Antarctica gaining ice, the general consensus states that it has been losing land ice since the 1990s. This isn’t good news for penguins.

9. Antarctica is gaining ice– There’s a difference between land and sea ice.  As for sea ice, well, that’s influenced by year-to-year changes in wind directions and ocean currents. So it’s difficult to identify a clear trend. However, satellite images show that Antarctica is losing land ice at an accelerating rate which has implications in rising sea levels. And in Antarctica, it’s land ice measurements that’ matter more and since Antarctica has lost around 135o giga-tons of land ice into the oceans between 1992-2011 at 70 giga-tons per year. Of course, loss of ice mass varies among the land ice sheets with the West and Penninsula ones losing at an increasing rate. Meanwhile the East Antarctic ice sheet is slightly gaining but not enough to offset the other losses. Yet, most of the research suggests that Antarctica is land ice as a whole and these losses are accelerating quickly. Seriously, as someone who’s seen nature documentaries, climate change has been brought up in almost every one I’ve seen about penguins, especially when it pertains to Antarctica. Even the Morgan Freeman narrated documentary March of the Penguins discusses this since the Emperor Penguins depend on that ice to live on and are risk because it’s melting at accelerating rates. And from how I see it, none of them gave me the impression that Antarctica was gaining ice. Quite the contrary.

Here is the graph projecting the rise in sea levels. The red shows projections and predictions from 1970. The blue shows satellite observations. Not too shabby for climate model isn't it?

Here is the graph projecting the rise in sea levels. The red shows projections and predictions from 1970. The blue shows satellite observations. Not too shabby for climate model isn’t it?

10. Climate models and temperature records are unreliable– For one, scientists use models all the time in their research. Second, models have successfully reproduced global temperatures since 1900 by land, in the air, and in the oceans. Yes, there is some uncertainty when it comes to some aspects of climate science such as effects on clouds. However, certain predictions based on physics and chemistry are so fundamental like the greenhouse effect that the resulting predictions like rising temperatures, melting ice, and rising sea levels are robust no matter what the assumptions are. Also, the both rural and urban temperatures were measured by thermometers and satellites.

These are polar bears. Polar bears have evolved for a life on sea ice for reaching their seal prey. But because of climate change, sea ice is rapidly diminishing. To polar bears sea ice loss means reduced access to food. And it's because of global warming that they're in danger of going extinct. So how do you expect these creatures to adapt to climate change?

These are polar bears. Polar bears have evolved for a life on sea ice for reaching their seal prey. But because of climate change, sea ice is rapidly diminishing. To polar bears sea ice loss means reduced access to food. And it’s because of global warming that they’re in danger of going extinct. So how do you expect these creatures to adapt to climate change?

11. Animals and plants can adapt to climate change– It depends on the kinds of animals and plants and whether they can adapt to a changing climate on short time scales. Global warming will likely cause mass extinction of an estimated 18% and 35% of plant and animal species according to a team from the UK. Mass extinctions have been strongly linked to global climate change which can be so rapid that adaptation is simply not possible in most cases. Because it’s so pervasive and occurring too rapidly.

One of the most insidious effects of global warming is ocean acidification. As we speak the rise of CO2 emissions is changing the chemistry of the oceans as we speak, threatening the existence of entire marine ecosystems and food chains. Not to mention, the millions of people who rely on such an ecosystem for food and income. Even a small change in the pH can mean a catastrophe.

One of the most insidious effects of global warming is ocean acidification. As we speak the rise of CO2 emissions is changing the chemistry of the oceans as we speak, threatening the existence of entire marine ecosystems and food chains. Not to mention, the millions of people who rely on such an ecosystem for food and income. Even a small change in the pH can mean a catastrophe.

12. Ocean acidification isn’t serious– For the love of God, ocean acidification is linked to CO2 emissions since these waters absorb between 25-50% of them which does prevent atmospheric buildup from becoming much, much worse. However, CO2 emissions also cause ocean acidification. Ocean life can be sensitive to slight changes in pH levels even in an alkaline environment. Ocean acidity has increased by 30% in the last 200 years and the rate is projected to accelerate even further through the end of the century with potentially catastrophic impacts on marine ecosystems. As surface waters become more acidic, it becomes more difficult for marine life like corals and shellfish to form the hard shells necessary for their survival and coral reefs to provide a home to more than 25% of all oceanic species. Even the tiny pteropods are seriously impacted and they’re at the base of most oceanic food chains. Degradation of these species at the foundation of the marine ecosystem could lead to collapse of these environments with devastating implications to millions of people in the human populations that rely on them. Also, if atmospheric CO2 levels were to reach 550 parts per million along its current rapid ascent from its pre-industrial level of 250 ppm, coral reefs around the globe could be dissolving. So yes, ocean acidification is a very serious problem.

Between 1965-1979, 62% of all climate studies predicted a warming planet. Only 10% predicted an ice age.

Between 1965-1979, 62% of all climate studies predicted a warming planet. Only 10% predicted an ice age.

13. Reports from the 1970s predicted an Ice Age– Out of the 68 climate scientific studies literature between 1965-1979, only 10% did. However, 62% of these predicted a warming planet though, which is a vast majority. Besides, there’s more worry about global warming impacts within the next 100 years, not an ice age in over 10,000 years. Keep in mind that this is the same period in which Al Gore learned about global warming.

This is Sandy and no, she's not on her way for a friendly visit. She's a major hurricane that wreaked mass destruction on the East Coast. While the science isn't settled whether climate change makes hurricanes more frequent, it is established that it makes hurricanes stronger and more severe. So if you live on the coast or in Florida, expect more hurricanes like Sandy.

This is Sandy and no, she’s not on her way for a friendly visit. She’s a major hurricane that wreaked mass destruction on the East Coast. While the science isn’t settled whether climate change makes hurricanes more frequent, it is established that it makes hurricanes stronger and more severe. So if you live on the coast or in Florida, expect more hurricanes like Sandy.

14. Hurricanes aren’t linked to global warming– There is increasing evidence that hurricanes have been getting stronger and more severe due to global warming. Recent research has shown that we’re experiencing more storms with higher wind speeds, and these storms are more destructive, last longer, and make landfall more often. Such phenomenon is linked to increasing sea surface temperatures which reasonably suggests that storm intensity and climate change are linked. While global warming might not mean more frequent hurricanes (since the science isn’t settled on that one), it might mean more with a Category 3 or higher.

This is a chart from NOAA explaining some of the extreme weather events in the US from 2011-2012. As you see, it's not a pretty picture. Well, you can thank climate change for some of that.

This is a chart from NOAA explaining some of the extreme weather events in the US from 2011-2012. As you see, it’s not a pretty picture. Well, you can thank climate change for some of that since it tends to amplify the risk factors that trigger such events.

15. Extreme weather isn’t caused by global warming– Global warming amplifies the risk factors for extreme weather events which don’t automatically generate them but change the odds. So yes, climate change does increase the odds of extreme weather. Rising temperatures can have several effects involved in weather like increased evapotranspiration, a warmer atmosphere holding more water vapor, and changes in sea surface temperature. Increased evapotranspiration can have a direct effect on the frequency and intensity of droughts. The fact our atmosphere holds 4% more water vapor than it did 40 years ago increases the risks of extreme rainfall. And changes in sea surface temperatures can bring about associated shifts in atmospheric circulation and precipitation. This has been implicated in some droughts, particularly in the tropics. Hell, look at the US. Heavy rainfall and precipitation has increased in frequency and intensity by 20% in the country with the Midwest and Northeast seeing the greatest increases. In the Midwest and Great Plains expect more severe tornadoes and flooding. The frequency of drought has increased in the Southeast and the West which led to a lot of wildfires in wooded areas. And if you live in the Southeast, remember that Atlantic hurricanes have increased in both power and severity.

While some alleged that the lack of Galactic Cosmic Rays leads to global warming, most scientific research has found that the number of GCRs has increased. Thus, there is no correlation.

While some alleged that the lack of Galactic Cosmic Rays leads to global warming, most scientific research has found that the number of GCRs has increased. Thus, there is no correlation.

16. Rising global temperatures have been caused by the presence of fewer galactic cosmic rays (GCR)s– This is pure bullshit at its finest. However, GCR counts have actually increased over the past 50 years so if they did influence global temperatures, they’d have a cooling effect. However, since the earth’s temperature continues to rise, their effect is minimal at best.

These are a pictures of Muir Glacier in Alaska. One is from 1941. The other from 2004. Guess what happened during these years.

These are a pictures of Muir Glacier in Alaska. One is from 1941. The other from 2004. Guess what happened during these years.

17. Glaciers are growing– No they aren’t. According to long term trends, 90% of glaciers have been shrinking worldwide. These changes have been influenced by air temperature changes as well as precipitation. And while some might be growing, glaciers tend to be dependent on localized conditions. Nevertheless, if the glaciers were growing at this time, then the polar bears wouldn’t be having such a hard time surviving in their natural habitat, would they?

Over the last 30 years, the Arctic ice has been melting at an accelerated rate. And it makes the ice less likely to survive the next year. This spells bad news for polar bears.

Over the last 30 years, the Arctic ice has been melting at an accelerated rate. And it makes the ice less likely to survive the next year. This spells bad news for polar bears.

18. Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle– Sure Arctic has a natural cycle of freeze and thaw. However, Arctic ice is known as the “canary in the global warming coal mine” for a reason. Because satellite measurements of Arctic sea ice extent reveal a rapid decline over the last 30 years, especially at the end of each melting season. This means that the ice is melting more than accumulating, making it less likely to survive the next year as well as exposing more open water. This isn’t good news for polar bears since their reliance on the Arctic ice puts them in danger of extinction.

While burning fossil fuels only contributes to a small amount of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, the land and ocean can only absorb 40% of it. Thus, that remaining CO2 is trapped in the earth's atmosphere and warming the planet.

While burning fossil fuels only contributes to a small amount of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, the land, vegetation, and ocean can only absorb 40% of it. Thus, that remaining CO2 is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere and warming the planet.

19. Human CO2 is a tiny percentage of CO2 emissions– Yes, the natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance. However, humans add extra CO2 without removing any. Sure humans don’t contribute a huge percentage of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere but it adds up because the land and ocean can’t absorb all the extra CO2 which upsets the balance of the carbon cycle. And only 40% of this CO2 is actually absorbed with the rest remaining in the atmosphere. Human produced CO2 has increased by a third since pre-industrial times, creating an artificial forcing of global temperatures which is warming the planet. So even in trace amounts, CO2 can still be a dangerous pollutant.

Here's an NYU survey of economists with climate expertise when asked under the circumstances the USA has to reduce emissions. Despite that we have a Republican Congress with a lot of climate deniers, most of them think we should do something regardless of what other countries are doing.

Here’s an NYU survey of economists with climate expertise when asked under the circumstances the USA has to reduce emissions. Despite that we have a Republican Congress with a lot of climate deniers, most of them think we should do something regardless of what other countries are doing.

20. CO2 limits will harm the economy– If climate change proceeds without any efforts to reduce it, we can expect to incur serious economic costs. And it’s not unreasonable to expect that the effects of climate change will cause greater economic instability worldwide. The solution is to reduce fossil fuel use either through renewable energy resources or increased energy efficiency. There’s a consensus that believes putting a price on carbon through taxes and cap and trade policies are essential to limiting carbon pollution in order to prevent climate change from damaging the local economy. A number of such incentives are being tried to varying degrees of success. Nevertheless, if we want to reduce carbon emissions and avoid draconian government intervention, carbon pricing schemes seem like a viable way to reduce fossil fuel use (if not transition us away from fossil fuels altogether) as well as help transform an outdated system into one fitting for a sustainable century. Thus, the benefits outweigh the costs several times over.

While the poor contribute the least to climate change, this map reveals that they will be the most impacted by climate change. If there is a reason why Pope Francis is speaking about climate change now, this is it.

While the poor contribute the least to climate change, this map reveals that they will be the most impacted by climate change. If there is a reason why Pope Francis is speaking about climate change now, this is it.

21. CO2 limits will hurt the poor– The only people who will be hurt by CO2 limits are those who’ve gotten rich in the fossil fuel industry. Nevertheless, the idea that fossil fuel and other industries create good jobs is a myth. After all, while US miners and oil and gas workers might make good money, that’s mostly due to the fact that their ancestors took to the streets to fight for their God given rights through unionization, regulations, and reforms which wasn’t at all easy. Because in the 19th century, fossil fuel industry jobs didn’t lift people out of poverty. Not only that, but a lot coal miners started their jobs as children. And yes, I’m aware that polluting industries are said to give jobs to people who don’t have a college education. And even if fossil fuel workers do make good money, they’re still being screwed in the process. But if these companies had their way, industrial workers would be paid less than Wal Mart employees as well as have to deal with a shitload of workplace safety hazards. Nobody wants that. Still, when it comes to CO2 limits, the poor won’t have to worry that much since they contribute the least greenhouse gases. However, those in poverty will be most impacted by climate change as well as the least able to adapt. This is why I said that Third World countries will suffer the some of the worst effects of global warming, especially if they’re island nations.

Due to climate change and ocean acidification, coral reefs are becoming increasingly under threat by coral bleaching. Bleached coral has no algae and becomes vulnerable to disease and has no major source of food. Coral bleaching is very serious threat to reefs as well as marine ecosystems everywhere.

Due to climate change and ocean acidification, coral reefs are becoming increasingly under threat by coral bleaching. Bleached coral has no algae and becomes vulnerable to disease and has no major source of food. Coral bleaching is very serious threat to reefs as well as marine ecosystems everywhere.

22. Corals are resilient to bleaching– Because of global warming and ocean acidification, coral reefs are in decline on a world scale. Over the last 30-40 years, 80% of coral in the Caribbean have been destroyed as well as 50% in Indonesia and the Pacific. Bleaching associated with the 1982-1983 El Nino killed over 95% of coral in the Galapagos Islands and the 1997-1998 El Nino wiped out 16% of all coral on the planet. Globally about 1% of coral dies out each year. This is terrible because over half billion people depend on coral reefs for a living and sustenance. And ecologically, coral reefs are integral to the oceans’ well-being since they’re like the tropical rain forests of a sea that’s virtually a marine desert. Not to mention, they provide a home for over 25% of fish in the ocean as well as up to 2 million marine species. So if the coral goes, all that disappears. And that’s really bad.

While fossil fuels may have a cheap market price, they also carry high external costs like health problems, pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate change, decreased property values, infrastructure damage, and potential for disasters. Seriously, when an offshore platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, the region was devastated. Let's just say while renewable energy might be expensive in the short run, at least you don't get disasters like the Gulf Oil Spill.

While fossil fuels may have a cheap market price, they also carry high external costs like health problems, pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate change, decreased property values, infrastructure damage, and potential for disasters. Seriously, when an offshore platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, the region was devastated. Let’s just say while renewable energy might be expensive in the short run, at least you don’t get disasters like the Gulf Oil Spill.

23. Renewable Energy is too expensive– I hear this a lot, too. But while the market price on fossil fuels is cheap compared to renewable energy, there are effects that aren’t reflected. These consist of air pollution and health impact as well as possibly workers’ health and safety and potential for disaster. If you take pride in West Virginia industry, then perhaps you shouldn’t get attached to your Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah River because of mountaintop removal and excessive water pollution. If you live in some places in rural Pennsylvania, then don’t expect a lot of royalties from leasing your land to the Marcellus Shale gas companies which will cost you your well water quality and property values. Oh, and if that nearby well or pipeline explodes, then consider relocating to rebuild your life because your home is now engulfed in flames. And if you’re fine with an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, well, if it experiences a major accident, then Bubba Gump Shrimp is out of business. And I’m sure the tourists won’t be coming back to the beach due to not wanting to take a dip in oil sludge. Still, why buy oil from the station when you can get it all for free? Just go down to the shore line where the water used to be. And I didn’t even get to the effects of climate change. Now do people experience such problems with renewable energy? No, because you don’t need to remove mountain tops for solar power or frack for wind energy. That being said, the true cost of fossil fuels is much higher than the cost of most renewable energy technologies with the possible exception of nuclear power.

24. CO2 limits will make little difference– Well, if it’s only confined to a single country, then its CO2 emissions reduction will make little difference. However, if every nation agrees to limit CO2 emissions, we can achieve significant cuts on a global scale, especially if it pertains to nations like the US and China. Basically as far as the science goes, we all either take measures to reduce CO2 emissions together or we’re doomed. However, if you want the US to get on board with fighting climate change, then you must find a way to bankrupt the Koch Brothers and their allies because they’re the reason why so many Republicans deny climate change in the first place.

This chart shows many ways we can combat climate change. And as of 2016, we have much of the technology available.

This chart shows many ways we can combat climate change. And as of 2016, we have much of the technology available.

25. We don’t have the technology necessary to fix global warming– Scientific studies have determined that current technology is sufficient to reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough to avoid dangerous climate change. Among these are renewed fuel economy, reduced reliance on cars, more efficient buildings, improved power plant efficiency, storage of carbon captured in power plants, storage of carbon captured in hydrogen plants, storage of carbon captured in synthetic fuels plants, wind power, solar photovoltaic power, renewable hydrogen, biofuels, forest management, and agricultural soils management. Nuclear power and substituting coal for natural gas are also listed but I didn’t include them because nuclear power isn’t safe, especially in a disaster and natural gas involves hydrofracking and is pretty much a Diet Coke option as a fossil fuel to begin with (meaning while it’s not as bad as coal or oil, it’s still a fossil fuel that pollutes and gives of CO2 emissions. And then there’s fracking and explosions to worry about. Seriously, I wouldn’t recommend this). Sure reducing greenhouse gas emissions may be difficult but it’s possible. However, if the US wants to go forward with reducing CO2 emissions, then I think Republicans must stop denying climate change as well as stop relying on the Koch Brothers as well as the energy and industrial companies for campaign cash when they’re up for election.

26. Climate is chaotic and can’t be predicted– As we all know, weather can be rather chaotic as you see on the news with the weather report. Seriously, you probably know your local weatherman has gotten the forecast wrong at least once. However, climate doesn’t work this way since it’s driven by the earth’s energy imbalance, which is more predictable. Also, long term trends. Thus, the chaotic nature of turbulence is no real obstacle for climate modeling.

This is a diagram on how a solar cell can store baseload power. So apparently, the climate skeptics were wrong. Don't you think?

This is a diagram on how a solar cell can store baseload power. So apparently, the climate skeptics were wrong. Don’t you think?

27. Renewable energy can’t provide baseload power– A popular myth is that some types of renewable energy don’t provide baseload power and require an equivalent of backup power provided by fossil fuels. However, this is bullshit. Still, while renewable energy doesn’t necessarily need to provide baseload power in the short-term, there are several ways in which it can do so if need be. Geothermal energy is available at all times. Concentrated solar thermal energy has storage capability. Wind energy can be stored in compressed air. Then there’s hydroelectric power is cheap, clean, as well as good for baseload and meeting peak demand despite being limited by available natural sources.

28. CO2 limits won’t cool the planet– Maybe not. However, continued greenhouse gas emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that would very likely be larger than those observed during the 20th century. If we decrease CO2 emissions, temperatures will still be warm but then stabilize. So while CO2 limits won’t cool the planet, they won’t make things worse.

Those who keep tropical fish know that they have to keep their aquariums set to particular conditions. Any slight changes in temperature could be detrimental to fish and put the water chemistry out of whack. It kind of operates on the same principles when it comes to how global warming causes ocean acidification. And yes, as tropical fish owners know, a change of a few degrees does make a big difference.

Those who keep tropical fish know that they have to keep their aquariums set to particular conditions. Any slight changes in temperature could be detrimental to fish and put the water chemistry out of whack. It kind of operates on the same principles when it comes to how global warming causes ocean acidification. And yes, as tropical fish owners know, a change of a few degrees does make a big difference.

29. Well, temperatures are increasing only a few degrees– Yes, but an increase of a few degrees has a huge impact on ice sheets, sea levels, and other aspects of climate. While nature can be quite resilient at times, in other ways, it’s a very fragile thing. Think of how tropical fish owners have to keep their aquariums at a certain temperature range at all times since water temperature in the natural world determines which organisms will thrive or die. A small increase in a tank’s temperature could change the water in so many significant ways as well as put added stress on the fish or possibly kill them. In fact, you stuff like this going on in the oceans as I speak as average global temperatures in these bodies of water have increased by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century.

No, I don't think building an ark is a great way for adapting to climate change. Economists say that while preventing global warming is relatively cheap, they can't even estimate the accelerating costs of climate change if we do nothing.

No, I don’t think building an ark is a great way for adapting to climate change. Economists say that while preventing global warming is relatively cheap, they can’t even estimate the accelerating costs of climate change if we do nothing.

30. Adapting to global warming is cheaper than preventing it– Just say that when many of your major cities are under water. Or if you live in an island nation, your whole country. But as they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And nothing emphasizes this more than the struggle against climate change. According to scientists, while preventing global warming is relatively cheap, economists can’t even accurately estimate the accelerating costs of climate change if we continue with business as usual.

While many contrarians tend to argue that global warming doesn't exist due to record snow on the ground, these people have no idea how climate change works. In fact, many scientists point out that climate change increases evaporation which means more precipitation. And this is consistent with record snowfall in cold weather.

While many contrarians tend to argue that global warming doesn’t exist due to record snow on the ground, these people have no idea how climate change works. In fact, many scientists point out that climate change increases evaporation which means more precipitation. And this is consistent with record snowfall in cold weather.

31. Record snowfall disproves global warming– Sorry, but global warming doesn’t work that way. Claiming that record snowfall is inconsistent with global warming betrays a lack of understanding of the link between climate change and extreme precipitation. Warming causes more moisture in the air which leads to more extreme precipitation events. This includes more heavy snowstorms in regions where snowfall conditions are favorable, particularly in areas with average winter temperatures as near the freezing mark of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Not to mention, in northern and colder regions, temperatures are often too cold for very heavy snow so warming could bring more favorable snowstorm conditions. Thus, record snowfalls are consistent with more extreme precipitation events pertaining to global warming and far from contradicting it. Not to mention, while snowstorms have declined the American lower Midwest, South, and West Coast, they’ve increased in the upper Midwest, East, and Northeast with an overall upward national trend. Besides, global temperatures within the last few months of record snowfall have been the hottest on record and it’s said that snowstorms were more common during warmer and wetter years during the 20th century.

Here is a chart of all the health effects that stem from climate change. And yes, it's not pretty as you see.

Here is a chart of all the health effects that stem from climate change. And yes, it’s not pretty as you see.

32. Climate change isn’t urgent– Newsflash: it is and it is increasingly so. It’s not obvious because a large amount of warming is delayed. But some of the research suggests that if we want to keep the earth’s climate within the range humans have experienced, then we must leave nearly all the remaining fossil fuels in the ground. If we don’t act now, we could push the climate beyond tipping points where the situation spirals out of control.

The effects of soot on global warming are unknown. However, the reduction of black carbon has more to do with it being a key contributor to air pollution and detrimental to human health.

The effects of soot on global warming are unknown. However, the reduction of black carbon has more to do with it being a key contributor to air pollution and detrimental to human health.

33. Soot is mostly to blame for global warming– Sure black carbon is a pollutant and does contribute somewhat to global warming. But soot only remains in the atmosphere for days and weeks and doesn’t accumulate like CO2. Still, black carbon’s effects as a pollutant are more apparent and pertain to air pollution that leads to serious and well documented health effects. They’re also accompanied by CO and volatile organic compounds (VOCS) which are also terrible. And yes, such compounds should be eliminated because they kill people. CO2 emissions, on the other hand cause global warming for centuries and can remain in the atmosphere for over 100 years which is why reducing CO2 emissions should be a top priority. Not to mention, CFCs have also been blamed for global warming but the reality is that they contribute only to a small amount. And their main damage had more to do with creating a hole in the ozone layer in Antarctica.

34. Ozone has been causing global warming– Multiple satellite and ground based observations have determined that the ozone layer has stopped declining since 1995 while temperature trends have continued upwards.

While methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 it only contributes to 28% of the warming CO2 does. However, this doesn't mean that having methane in the atmosphere isn't a problem. Because it is.

While methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 it only contributes to 28% of the warming CO2 does. However, this doesn’t mean that having methane in the atmosphere isn’t a problem. Because it is.

35. Methane contributes to global warming– Yes, it does and there’s no arguing with that which is why I’m no fan of Marcellus Shale drilling. And yes, methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. However, there is over 200 times more CO2 in the atmosphere. Thus, the amount of warming methane contributes only consists of 28% of what CO2 does. Nevertheless, that’s not to say that methane can be ignored because we should reduce methane levels and the trend in increasing methane has slowed down and leveled off since the 1990s. But with the natural gas drilling boom, that might change. Thus, while methane only plays a minor role, it could get much worse if the permafrost starts to melt.

36. The Infrared Iris will reduce global warming– Introduced in 2001, according to Skeptical Science: “The infrared iris hypothesis suggests that increased sea surface temperature in the tropics would result in reduced cirrus clouds and thus more infrared radiation leakage from Earth’s atmosphere.  This radiation leakage in turn would have a cooling effect, dampening global warming as a negative feedback.” Since that time, subsequent studies have found little supporting evidence for it. And as far as the science goes now, that if the Infared Iris Effect exists it either has a much smaller impact at reducing global warming than originally hypothesized or possibly amplify it.

This is a political cartoon pertaining the the Climategate Scandal which involved some hacked e-mails taken way out of context. Investigations have cleared the scientists involved of wrongdoing, however. But don't tell that to global warming deniers.

This is a political cartoon pertaining the the Climategate Scandal which involved some hacked e-mails taken way out of context. Investigations have cleared the scientists involved of wrongdoing, however. But don’t tell that to global warming deniers.

37. The Climategate CRU hacked e-mails suggest a conspiracy– In 2009 the servers at the University of East Anglia in Britain were hacked and e-mails were stolen. When a selection of these e-mails between climate scientists were published on the internet, a few suggestive quotes were seized upon by many who believed that global warming is all just a conspiracy. However, in reality, they have taken the e-mails out of context thinking that they confirmed what they’ve probably believed for years and ran with it. Several independent investigations from different countries investigated the stolen e-mails and found no evidence of wrongdoing. So in the end, those few suggestive e-mails only served as a distraction from the wealth of empirical evidence of manmade global warming.

Al Gore's 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth is about as informative on climate change as it is controversial. Does Gore get stuff wrong this? Probably. However, experts have called this film broadly accurate as well as what Gore said, an inconvenient truth.

Al Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth is about as informative on climate change as it is controversial. Does Gore get stuff wrong this? Probably. However, experts have called this film broadly accurate as well as what Gore said, an inconvenient truth.

38. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth got it wrong– Al Gore may be no scientist but you have to admire his advocacy on fighting climate change since he’s done a lot to publicize the issue in ways no one else has, especially when it came to his film An Inconvenient Truth. While the film may not be 100% accurate, it accurately represents the science as it stood, a fact that’s been confirmed by expert witnesses and subsequent scientific research. And it’s far more accurate than anything climate change deniers come up with.

Greenland may never have been green since its icesheet was found to be over 400,000 years old. However, today because of climate change, Greenland is now extensively losing ice.

Greenland may never have been green since its icesheet was found to be over 400,000 years old. However, today because of climate change, Greenland is now extensively losing ice.

39. Greenland used to be green– Well, according to Icelandic Vikings who discovered it 1,000 years ago, maybe. But it’s sort of established that Erik the Red named it Greenland to encourage Viking settlers to go there. So the only “green” in “Greenland” was probably in Erik the Red’s pocket. And besides, the Vikings only established 2 or 3 settlements on there anyway. Nevertheless, 80% of Greenland is covered in an ice sheet that’s about 400,000-800,000 years old. While there was a Medieval Warming Anomaly during the medieval period, the effect wasn’t global and the average temperatures were lower than today. And if there was any warming in Greenland in the Middle Ages it was caused by natural factors which are probably not responsible for today’s global warming. Today, satellite images and ground observations show that Greenland is extensively losing ice as a whole. And we should remember when Greenland was 3-5 degrees warmer a large portion of its icesheet melted.

While it's somehow believed that negative cloud feedback could reduce climate change, most studies have ruled it out since clouds don't provide much negative feedback at all. And it's believed that clouds might cause the planet to warm even further.

While it’s somehow believed that negative cloud feedback could reduce climate change, most studies have ruled it out since clouds don’t provide much negative feedback at all. And it’s believed that clouds might cause the planet to warm even further.

40. Clouds can provide negative feedback that will cancel out human caused global warming– The effect of clouds in a warming world is complicated. According to one notion it’s said that low level clouds tend to cool by reflecting sunlight while high level clouds warm by trapping heat. However, a couple studies have found that cloud feedback in the tropics and subtropics have a positive feedback which could cause the planet to warm even further. So it’s unlikely that clouds could cause enough cooling to offset much of the human caused global warming.

Here I present a diagram that states that CO2 doesn't have a big presence in the atmosphere and is therefore insignificant to climate change. However, while CO2 is a trace gas, it's about as insignificant in the atmosphere as alcohol is your bloodstream on a Friday night when you're driving home after having a few beers. Small amounts of very active substances can have large effects whether it pertains to climate change or your breathylzer test.

Here I present a diagram that states that CO2 doesn’t have a big presence in the atmosphere and is therefore insignificant to climate change. However, while CO2 is a trace gas, it’s about as insignificant in the atmosphere as alcohol is your bloodstream on a Friday night when you’re driving home after having a few beers. Small amounts of very active substances can have large effects whether it pertains to climate change or your breathylzer test.

41. CO2 is only a trace gas– Yes, it may be. But small amounts of very active substances can cause large effects. For instance if your blood/alcohol level appears as 800 ppm on a breathylzer test or 0.08%, you shouldn’t go into a car with your hands on the wheel. Because that’s drunk driving which will give you a 5 year manslaughter sentence if you end up killing somebody. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere might be small compared to other gases. However the total CO2 molecules around our heads is more important than their percentage in the atmosphere. And we know the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased along with global temperatures because scientists have measured it. Nevertheless, while an increase can still be a trace, it could make a large difference and not for the better.

When studying climate change, ice core samples have been proven quite instrumental in measuring climate conditions in the past. Plant stomata data, not so much.

When studying climate change, ice core samples have been proven quite instrumental in measuring climate conditions in the past. Plant stomata data, not so much.

42. Plant stomata show higher and more variable CO2 levels– Plant stomatal data isn’t as direct or reliable as ice core measurements and hence not as precise. Several ice core data sets are essentially consistent and are direct measurements of air that have been enclosed in bubbles. This is certainly the case in the Greenland Plant stomatal data doesn’t show this or as much as proponents would like.

As sea levels rise, the existence of entire island nations are increasingly in jeopardy. This Pacific Islander is holding as sign asking the rest of the world to prepare a place where her country can stay. To some, climate change might mean losing a way of life or a home. To this girl, it means losing a country and everything with it.

As sea levels rise, the existence of entire island nations are increasingly in jeopardy. This Pacific Islander is holding as sign asking the rest of the world to prepare a place where her country can stay. To some, climate change might mean losing a way of life or a home. To this girl, it means losing a country and everything with it. And to her, climate change is a bigger threat to her nation’s security than terrorism.

43. Sea levels aren’t rising– Sorry, but they are and it’s a serious problem. Because if we don’t act against climate change now, then it’s likely that a lot of our major cities would be entirely underwater. And between 1950-2009, the sea level of the island nation of Tuvalu rose 5.1 mm per year which is 3 times average global level sea level rise. The fact sea levels of rising has created quite a concern for many island nations like Fiji, Kiribati, Maldives, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Palau, and Vanuatu. Though sea level rise isn’t always level since the heat content isn’t spread evenly over the oceans, the general trend has been a concern for many island nations whose existence might put them in jeopardy.

44. An exponential increase in CO2 will result in a linear increase in temperature– Despite the logarithmic relationship between CO2 and surface temperatures, atmospheric CO2 levels are rising so fast that unless we dramatically decrease our emissions, global warming will accelerate over the 21st century. And as business as usual continues, we are currently at a pace to double the current CO2 concentration within the next 60 to 80 years. Thus an exponential increase will outpace its logarithmic relationship with surface temperatures causing global warming to accelerate unless we take serious steps.

Another pervasive myth that seems to live on is that investing in renewable resources will take away more jobs that it will create. Time and time again, studies have proven this false. In fact, green energy creates more without having to cause a single oil spill.

Another pervasive myth that seems to live on is that investing in renewable resources will take away more jobs that it will create. Time and time again, studies have proven this false. In fact, green energy creates more without having to cause a single oil spill.

45. Renewable energy investment kills jobs– Now this is a pervasive myth about climate change that I’ve heard several hundred times during my lifetime. There’s a Spanish economist from a libertarian think tank that receives funding from Exxon Mobil (of Exxon-Valdez) who claims that every new job created for investing in renewable energy destroys 2.2 conventional jobs. However, this claim is based on a study that relies on incorrect numbers, cherrypicked dates, faulty theory, flawed methodology, and has been disproven by real world examples. In reality, renewable energy investment and development creates more jobs than fossil fuel energy. Not to mention, it results in fewer workplace health and safety risks as well as less environmental damage in disasters. Besides, while fossil fuel may be seen as cheap at first, its market price doesn’t account for various external costs. While renewable energy may be more expensive at first, extra money invested in renewable energy could be spent elsewhere to create new jobs in different sectors of the economy.

While humans have survived climate changes before, they were usually ice ages that took place before the dawn of civilization. It's not like the climate change we're going through now, which is mostly caused by CO2 emissions.

While humans have survived climate changes before, they were usually ice ages that took place before the dawn of civilization. It’s not like the climate change we’re going through now, which is mostly caused by CO2 emissions.

46. Humans have survived past climate changes– Yes, but they were mostly cold ones and mostly in our distant past like ice ages which took place before civilization. And at that time, most of those climate changes were caused by natural factors like orbital wobbles, solar fluctuations, and continental drifts. But since civilization, climate hasn’t changed much until recent years. The climate change we’re experiencing now is clearly manmade. But since our human ancestors have been on earth, average global temperatures have never been 3 degrees Celsius warmer than now. In the next 100 years, our children will be the first people to experience that kind of climate.

Here's a map of the US during a heat wave it experienced in 2011. Seems like Texas is a real red state in this like hotter than hell. And that state's politicians aren't known for their climate advocacy. Quite the opposite.

Here’s a map of the US during a heat wave it experienced in 2011. Seems like Texas is a real red state in this like hotter than hell. And that state’s politicians aren’t known for their climate advocacy. Quite the opposite.

47. Heatwaves have happened before– Yes, heatwaves have happened before but that doesn’t mean the extreme heatwaves we have now is natural because it’s not. Global warming is causing more frequent heatwaves as record-breaking temperatures are happening 5 times more often than they would without any human caused global warming .This means that there’s an 80% chance that any monthly heat record today is due to human caused global warming. If we continue to rely heavily on fossil fuels, extreme heatwaves will become the norm across most of the world by the late 21st century. However, if we take major steps to reduce human greenhouse gas emissions, the number of extreme heatwaves will stabilize in 2040.

48. Removing all CO2 would make little difference– According to Skeptical Science, “75% of the greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor and clouds, which rain out of the atmosphere if it cools. This makes water vapor a strong positive feedback to any change in non-condensing greenhouse gases. CO2 constitutes 80% of the non-condensing greenhouse gas forcing. Removing CO2 would remove most of the water, cancelling most of the greenhouse effect and cooling the Earth by 30 C.”

Here's a diagram of energy inputs into the earth's climate system. Notice that energy from the earth's interior only makes a small segment compared to solar and human produced energy.

Here’s a diagram of energy inputs into the earth’s climate system. Notice that energy from the earth’s interior only makes a small segment compared to solar and human produced energy.

49. Underground temperatures control climate– Good grief. Well, according to Skeptical Science, “The flow of energy outwards from the interior of the Earth is 1/10,000th of the size of the energy flow from the Sun. Furthermore, over the past few million years, the heatflow from deep in the Earth has also remained very steady compared to other climatic factors. Heat from the bowels of the Earth does not influence climate in any significant way.” Besides, we can use geothermal energy as a renewable resource that will keep us off from fossil fuel dependency. And many of us have bathed in natural hot springs.

Things have been heating up in the frozen Arctic due to the ice melting at an alarming rate. And declining sea ice has been a critical factor in that.

Things have been heating up in the frozen Arctic due to the ice melting at an alarming rate. And declining sea ice has been a critical factor in that.

50. Melting ice isn’t warming the Arctic– Uh, yes it is. It certainly is. Empirical evidence from the past two decades reveals that declining sea ice cover and thickness have been great enough to enhance Arctic warming during most of the year. Not to mention, more sunlight being absorbed through the water. And according to Skeptical Science, “Decline in sea ice is the major driver of Arctic amplification. This is evidence by the pattern of atmospheric warming over the Arctic. Maximum warming occurs over the surface during winter while less surface warming is found in summer when heat is being used to melt sea ice. This pattern is consistent with sea ice amplification.”

The Quaint Gardening World of Greenhouses and Garden Sheds


In some places while spring has sprung, here in Southwestern Pennsylvania, the weather has been so unpredictable that some of these April showers have become snow showers. And no, I’m not kidding about that. In fact, I woke up one morning to find my whole backyard covered in snow not too long ago. However, this chaotic weather has set people’s gardening schedule back for a few weeks as far as I know. Thankfully, for those who have them, you have greenhouses which are supposed to keep plants alive all year long. Or at least sprout them until they’re ready for the outside. In my house, my mom once grew some of her plants on a table in the basement under a light. We did have a place to keep plants outside near the herb garden but it didn’t hold. And let’s just say, my family is too poor for a greenhouse or a garden shed. But plenty of people do have them. And for this post, this is what I bring you.

  1. A small wooden shed with some light might give everything your plants need.
Except this doesn't seem to have sufficient walls for insulation. In my area, those are essential.

Except this doesn’t seem to have sufficient walls for insulation. In my area, those are essential.

2. Sometimes it helps if your garden shed goes well with the patio.

Wait, is there furniture in there? I thought garden sheds and greenhouses were supposed to be for plants. Not people.

Wait, is there furniture in there? I thought garden sheds and greenhouses were supposed to be for plants. Not people.

3. A wooden garden shed will always make a rustic garden addition.

If it's painted like this, all the better. Yes, it certainly looks quite quaint indeed. Like a storybook garden.

If it’s painted like this, all the better. Yes, it certainly looks quite quaint indeed. Like a storybook garden.

4. When it comes to greenhouses, only the grandest can suit Mr. and Mrs. Washington.

This is what the greenhouse looks like at Mount Vernon. I know it looks like a mansion. You get that.

This is what the greenhouse looks like at Mount Vernon. I know it looks like a mansion. You get that.

5. Nothing stands out in a garden like a shed of blue.

This is lovely. Wonder if it was made from a kit. But still, I like it.

This is lovely. Wonder if it was made from a kit. But still, I like it.

6. As we all know, red really shows up in a garden.

However, if you live where I do, bright colors aren't encouraged. Seriously, a building with bright colors will be seen as tacky.

However, if you live where I do, bright colors aren’t encouraged. Seriously, a building with bright colors will be seen as tacky.

7. A yellow garden shed like this will give you what you need.

This one seems rather small and simple. But I'm not sure about the color going well with the surroundings.

This one seems rather small and simple. But I’m not sure about the color going well with the surroundings.

8. As far as greenhouses go, this one is covered in vines.

However, you can bet this one won't look great in the winter. I can guarantee that since my front house is covered in ivy.

However, you can bet this one won’t look great in the winter. I can guarantee that since my front house is covered in ivy.

9. Sometimes in potting sheds it helps to start small.

Sure this one may look like a multi colored phone booth. But it's for plants.

Sure this one may look like a multi colored phone booth. But it’s for plants.

10. Of course, you can always go with a rustic touch.

To me, it seems like a lovely garden shed. To others, it's a mere shack. To my dad, it's a waste of firewood.

To me, it seems like a lovely garden shed. To others, it’s a mere shack. To my dad, it’s a waste of firewood.

11. If you need a step up, this might be what you need.

Yes, it's a little small. But it sure looks quite lovely in a garden and quite homey.

Yes, it’s a little small. But it sure looks quite lovely in a garden and quite homey, too.

12. Sure this shed might not seem like much, but it’ll do.

Yes, I know it's not suited for Southwestern Pennsylvania weather. But you have to admire its construction.

Yes, I know it’s not suited for Southwestern Pennsylvania weather. But you have to admire its construction.

13. With this one, you can always open the windows for a little light.

And you can shut them if it gets too cold outside for the plants. Nevertheless, love the colors on this one.

And you can shut them if it gets too cold outside for the plants. Nevertheless, love the colors on this one.

14. Have an old edifice on your property? Make a greenhouse out of it.

Well, Pinterest says this was an old barn. Still, love what they did with it, especially how they added the windows.

Well, Pinterest says this was an old barn. Still, love what they did with it, especially how they added the windows.

15. As we all know, every greenhouse needs windows.

And this one has windows all on one side so the plants can get their fill of sunlight. Wonder if this is a shop. Wouldn't be surprised.

And this one has windows all on one side so the plants can get their fill of sunlight. Wonder if this is a shop. Wouldn’t be surprised.

16. Who says that a small garden shed can’t have style?

I guess this one is supposed to match the house. However, I really like the top windows and roof. Very intricate.

I guess this one is supposed to match the house. However, I really like the top windows and roof. Very intricate.

17. Sometimes a small white shed is a simple place to rest.

Sure it's not much to look at. But I think it goes very well with the garden surroundings.

Sure it’s not much to look at. But I think it goes very well with the garden surroundings.

18. This is just an old wooden shed.

This one looks quite old and is probably just used for tools. Guess there are no plants here.

This one looks quite old and is probably just used for tools. Guess there are no plants here.

19. In the Victorian Era, some estates had grand greenhouses to behold.

However, this one hasn't been used for decades. And it has been abandoned as well as fallen into disrepair.

However, this one hasn’t been used for decades. And it has been abandoned as well as fallen into disrepair.

20. Sometimes wooden siding can make a lot of difference.

Yes, it's a bit small with a few windows. But at least the plants would love it in there.

Yes, it’s a bit small with a few windows. But at least the plants would love it in there.

21. It’s always said that some plants do well in the shade.

Well, this shed looks as colorful as it is rustic. Love the roof and the stonework outside.

Well, this shed looks as colorful as it is rustic. Love the roof and the stonework outside.

22. When it comes to building a greenhouse, all you need are wood and windows.

Sure it's an unconventional shape as you see. But hey, it works. So you can't complain.

Sure it’s an unconventional shape as you see. But hey, it works. So you can’t complain.

23. Who says a garden shed can’t have an ornate porch?

This one looks old and almost abandoned. Well, if it wasn't for the light and flowers. Beautiful though.

This one looks old and almost abandoned. Well, if it wasn’t for the light and flowers. Beautiful though.

24. For a greenhouse, a glass one is utter perfection.

Sure this one appears to be made from windows which may not be very sturdy. But will sure let the light in.

Sure this one appears to be made from windows which may not be very sturdy. But will sure let the light in.

25. This one may not have much walls but provides plenty of shade.

This one looks quite quaint. Probably not suited for where I live. But I like it.

This one looks quite quaint. Probably not suited for where I live. But I like it.

26. Bright red always creates a rustic feel.

This one seems decorated for fall. But I do like how the roof and the doors stand out.

This one seems decorated for fall. But I do like how the roof and the doors stand out.

27. It always helps if a garden shed is surrounded by your garden flora.

Not sure about the plants growing on the shed. But it sure looks pretty. Like the door and windows.

Not sure about the plants growing on the shed. But it sure looks pretty. Like the door and windows.

28. A garden shed like this one is quite quaint and adorable.

I don't think this was an old schoolhouse as Pinterest might imply. But I'm sure it goes quite well with its garden surroundings.

I don’t think this was an old schoolhouse as Pinterest might imply. But I’m sure it goes quite well with its garden surroundings.

29. A pink garden shed always goes well with the peonies.

This one even has a heart on the roof. Yes, it looks like something a little girl might design. Well, if it wasn't a garden shed.

This one even has a heart on the roof. Yes, it looks like something a little girl might design. Well, if it wasn’t a garden shed.

30. This greenhouse will always float your boat.

Wonder what they keep in there. Water plants? I think this one might be from England but I'm not sure.

Wonder what they keep in there. Water plants? I think this one might be from England but I’m not sure.

31. A greenhouse sure would look splendid with a nice brass roof.

Wonder how old this one is. Hope the roof doesn't get rusty. Because this one is quite beautiful.

Wonder how old this one is. Hope the roof doesn’t get rusty. Because this one is quite beautiful.

32. Sometimes a flat roof greenhouse is all you need.

I like the door on this. Very intricate to say the least. Not sure about the building shape.

I like the door on this. Very intricate to say the least. Not sure about the building shape.

33. A greenhouse always needs some glass and a nice canopy.

Sure it might resemble a fancy pavilion. But I'm not sure if the walls are of glass or thin air.

Sure it might resemble a fancy pavilion. But I’m not sure if the walls are of glass or thin air.

34. Sometimes you can put all your tools in a small white garden shed.

Sometimes the lines between garden sheds and greenhouses are blurred. Sometimes not. Still, I think this is pretty.

Sometimes the lines between garden sheds and greenhouses are blurred. Sometimes not. Still, I think this is pretty.

35. Sometimes a garden shed could use a wooden tower.

Except for the light inside, this one seems nearly abandoned. Then again, the look is probably intentional.

Except for the light inside, this one seems nearly abandoned. Then again, the look is probably intentional.

36. You can build a greenhouse with old windows.

Well, it doesn't look like much. But if you're growing plants, sometimes design doesn't matter.

Well, it doesn’t look like much. But if you’re growing plants, sometimes design doesn’t matter.

37. For greenhouses, a weather vane makes a fine finishing touch.

This one consists of mostly windows. But this looks quite quaint and rustic for any country garden.

This one consists of mostly windows. But this looks quite quaint and rustic for any country garden.

38. It doesn’t hurt if you build a greenhouse at the side of a rock.

Yet another Victorian greenhouse that's abandoned. But at least this one has plants in them.

Yet another Victorian greenhouse that’s abandoned. But at least this one has plants in them.

39. Who says a garden shed can’t have porch and pots outside?

Yes, it looks as if it's an abandoned shack in a garden. Well, if it weren't for the blooming flowers.

Yes, it looks as if it’s an abandoned shack in a garden. Well, if it weren’t for the blooming flowers.

40. Sometimes on a brick shed, a toadstool roof will do.

I think this is an old picture of a garden shed. However, it should be perfect if you have a fairy tale like house.

I think this is an old picture of a garden shed. However, it should be perfect if you have a fairy tale like house.

41. A blue greenhouse always looks lovely with some flowers on it.

Well, the flowers are on the roof. But this looks quite lovely if you ask me.

Well, the flowers are on the roof. But this looks quite lovely if you ask me.

42. Sometimes you just have to have a greenhouse to go with the patio.

Love the woodwork on this. Love how it matches the greenhouse and the furniture.

Love the woodwork on this. Love how it matches the greenhouse and the furniture.

43. If you want your greenhouse to stand out, use bright colors.

Well, this certainly goes well with the garden. However, in my area, this wouldn't fly.

Well, this certainly goes well with the garden. However, in my area, this wouldn’t fly.

44. Sometimes a small blue garden shed with red windows will do just fine.

Like how they have boxes for yellow flowers. Like the walls on this, too.

Like how they have boxes for yellow flowers. Like the walls on this, too.

45. A greenhouse always seems rustic with green trimmings.

Well, the siding doesn't seem remarkable. But I do think this lovely, especially near the flowers.

Well, the siding doesn’t seem remarkable. But I do think this lovely, especially near the flowers.

46. Nothing makes a better garden shed unless it’s covered with vines.

Yes, the wood doesn't seem the greatest. But you have to love the ivy on this thing. Lovely.

Yes, the wood doesn’t seem the greatest. But you have to love the ivy on this thing. Lovely.

47. There’s nothing more quaint than a greenhouse of stone and stucco.

This has wooden frame windows and a small balcony. Love the roof on this, too.

This has wooden frame windows and a small balcony. Love the roof on this, too.

48. A greenhouse always looks rustic with wooden window frames.

Sure it might look quite small. But it surely looks lovely next to these garden plots.

Sure it might look quite small. But it surely looks lovely next to these garden plots.

49. A glass section is great for a greenhouse like this.

Yes, I know it kind of seems fairly modern. But I think it's lovely in its own way.

Yes, I know it kind of seems fairly modern. But I think it’s lovely in its own way.

50. A red roof is always a fine addition on a garden shed.

This one has a red shingle roof. Also has some vines growing on it. Lovely.

This one has a red shingle roof. Also has some vines growing on it. Lovely.

51. This greenhouse uses a quaint glass dome for plants.

Not sure if it's an old greenhouse design. But I do think it's very beautiful.

Not sure if it’s an old greenhouse design. But I do think it’s very beautiful.

52. Window walls and roofs a good greenhouse make.

Seems like the only non-window fixtures here are two large wooden doors. Still, quite quaint.

Seems like the only non-window fixtures here are two large wooden doors. Still, quite quaint.

53. Flowers can always stand out in a white greenhouse.

This one has a lovely flowers out front. But it seems to glimmer in the sunlight like a marble statue.

This one has a lovely flowers out front. But it seems to glimmer in the sunlight like a marble statue.

54. A small brick garden shed always looks great on the patio.

I know it looks old and run down. But it sure goes well with its surroundings.

I know it looks old and run down. But it sure goes well with its surroundings.

55. Doesn’t hurt to set plants on a garden shed of wooden siding.

Well, it certainly resembles a little cabin. But it has so many windows with white frames and a shingle roof.

Well, it certainly resembles a little cabin. But it has so many windows with white frames and a shingle roof.

56. For some greenhouses, they ‘d sure go great with the patio.

Not sure if was made from a kit. But it sure looks quite beautiful. Love the glass roof.

Not sure if was made from a kit. But it sure looks quite beautiful. Love the glass roof.

57. A quaint wooden garden shed always needs an archway entrance.

Not sure what's in here. But I do like the green trim on this building.

Not sure what’s in here. But I do like the green trim on this building.

58. There’s nothing more quaint than a garden shed of white and red.

This is made from aluminum that's painted on. When it's sunny, some of these white walls tend to look pink.

This is made from aluminum that’s painted on. When it’s sunny, some of these white walls tend to look pink.

59. A curved roof always looks lovely on a greenhouse.

The curved roof sort of gives an East Asian flair. But the windows look nice on this one, too.

The curved roof sort of gives an East Asian flair. But the windows look nice on this one, too.

60. A greenhouse like this always seems one with nature.

Yes, it looks like a small, quirky cabin. And it has tree furniture to go with it.

Yes, it looks like a small, quirky cabin. And it has tree furniture to go with it.

61. A blue garden shed will always be lovely at the end of the garden path.

And this one appears to be covered in ivy. Love the garden surrounding it though.

And this one appears to be covered in ivy. Love the garden surrounding it though.

62. Pink and blue windows always go well on a greenhouse.

Wonder what this one looks like with the lights coming from inside. Must be magnificent.

Wonder what this one looks like with the lights coming from inside. Must be magnificent.

63. This small garden shed has its own little porch.

Well, seems like this was made from a kit. Probably could only fit plants and tools. But it's quaint.

Well, seems like this was made from a kit. Probably could only fit plants and tools. But it’s quaint.

64. A white greenhouse could always use a red shingled roof.

This is very beautiful, especially under the blue sky. Love the plants nearby.

This is very beautiful, especially under the blue sky. Love the plants nearby.

65. A yellow garden shed goes well with a sprawling wildflower patch.

Well, I think this shed makes the garden seem more sunny. Love the window frames.

Well, I think this shed makes the garden seem more sunny. Love the window frames.

66. To protect your plants, put them in high places.

This is a greenhouse tree house if you will. Nevertheless, it looks completely stunning in its surroundings.

This is a greenhouse tree house if you will. Nevertheless, it looks completely stunning in its surroundings.

67. No greenhouse is complete without a metal roof.

Mostly because metal is effective at absorbing heat. Also beats assembling shingles.

Mostly because metal is effective at absorbing heat. Also beats assembling shingles.

68. A greenhouse doesn’t always have to be big to keep plants.

This one was made of old windows. And it fits in a garden box.

This one was made of old windows. And it fits in a garden box.

69. Never seen a garden shed with a roof like this one.

Are those shingles? Sure looks like it. Still, love the door on this building.

Are those shingles? Sure looks like it. Still, love the door on this building.

70. Any lovely greenhouse can always use a few columns.

I suppose this is another Victorian greenhouse. And it seems abandoned. But it's in better shape than the other ones I've shown.

I suppose this is another Victorian greenhouse. And it seems abandoned. But it’s in better shape than the other ones I’ve shown.

71. Guess this one is black, white, and red all over.

Love how the black trimmings stand out with the red. The white windows look great, too.

Love how the black trimmings stand out with the red. The white windows look great, too.

72. A green garden shed sure looks lovely covered with snow.

Seems like the white roof goes well with the snow on the ground. Of course, it might also be covered in snow, too.

Seems like the white roof goes well with the snow on the ground. Of course, it might also be covered in snow, too.

73. A wooden shed can always use a few flower boxes.

Well, it's quite small. But it does look quite pretty with the flowers being planted in it.

Well, it’s quite small. But it does look quite pretty with the flowers being planted in it.

74. A greenhouse could be made from windows and doors lying about.

Well, this one might seem like a shack. But I'm sure the plants would love the light coming through the windows and doors.

Well, this one might seem like a shack. But I’m sure the plants would love the light coming through the windows and doors.

75. A stone garden shed always has to have a roof of sod.

Well, it's not quite grass and it's not quite hay. So it's sod at least in my opinion.

Well, it’s not quite grass and it’s not quite hay. So it’s sod at least in my opinion.

76. Nothing makes a lovely garden shed than a whimsical purple one.

The roof seems rather unusual on this one. But you have to love how its color goes with the flowers.

The roof seems rather unusual on this one. But you have to love how its color goes with the flowers.

77. A greenhouse of metal and glass can never be as ornate as this.

This one is either quite old or built by someone with too much time on their hands. Man, you have to love the designs on this.

This one is either quite old or built by someone with too much time on their hands. Man, you have to love the designs on this.

78. Sometimes a garden shed needs a few pink touches.

This is rustic enough for a garden. And it has some pink in the windows to stand out and blend with the flowers.

This is rustic enough for a garden. And it has some pink in the windows to stand out and blend with the flowers.

79. A stone garden shed can always blend in with any garden landscape.

And sometimes the garden shed might become part of the garden. But it's away from the main part as you can see.

And sometimes the garden shed might become part of the garden. But it’s away from the main part as you can see.

80. For a large impression, you cant’ go wrong with an octagon greenhouse in your garden.

Of course, you'd have to have a lot of money for this. But I'm sure it'll provide the kind of insulation your plants need in cold weather.

Of course, you’d have to have a lot of money for this. But I’m sure it’ll provide the kind of insulation your plants need in cold weather.

Pomp and Circumstance on Graduation Memories


Here am I standing with me and my parents and sister Molly at my graduation from Yough High School in June 2008. I was thinking about putting my sister’s picture. But I decided against it because I already put her high school graduation picture in my Father’s Day post.

As the school year winds down to a close, so comes graduation season where all seniors prepare to say goodbye and face the world years of education prepared them for. Since I’m a 2008 graduate of Yough High School as well as a 2012 graduate of Saint Vincent College, I can say I’ve been down the commencement cap and gown road twice in my life. Such experience is bittersweet for me since while I have gotten a sense of accomplishment that years of committing to my education have paid off, I also feel a bit sad that I miss the place and the people. But perhaps there’s always a trade off. After all, receiving your college degree is a proud moment even though it means you’ll have years of struggle to pay for your student loans. Nevertheless, graduations usually consists of students entering in procession dressed in their caps and gowns as each one is called to receive their degree. There’s usually a commencement speaker giving a few remarks for the graduates as well as other performances. It’s quite an elaborate ceremony. It’s kind of funny at my high school graduation, we had our state senator at the time Bob Regola who kind of got in trouble for perjury after his kid and a neighbor were involved in some firearms mishap that killed the latter. The guy was later forced to resign. Yet, while there are many graduations that consist of wonderful ceremonies, some don’t always go as well as planned. And for your pleasure, I show a treasure trove of photos pertaining to the not so savory sentiments of graduation.

  1. Guess someone is questioning their degree’s worth already.
As you'll see, some grads decorate their caps in unique ways. I suppose "B.S." either stands for bullshit or Bachelor in Science.

As you’ll see, some grads decorate their caps in unique ways. I suppose “B.S.” either stands for bullshit or Bachelor in Science.

2. At graduation, you never know what people are wearing under their gowns.

I guess these women are from some state like California or Hawaii. Because I don't think I could wear a swimsuit under my cap and gown.

I guess these women are from some state like California or Hawaii. Because I don’t think I could wear a swimsuit under my cap and gown.

3. Seems like some people are excited that they’ve graduated.

I think these guys are from China. Still, all seem to have their gown blowing with one jumping into the air.

I think these guys are from China. Still, all seem to have their gown blowing with one jumping into the air.

4. Seems like someone is happy with their advanced degree.

I think this might be someone's dad in his kid's cap and gown. And it's probably done as a joke. Pretty funny.

I think this might be someone’s dad in his kid’s cap and gown. And it’s probably done as a joke. Pretty funny.

5. Apparently, not everyone is basking in the glories of their graduation.

Either that, or the girl doesn't like having her picture taken. That, or she was doing a photo bomb.

Either that, or the girl doesn’t like having her picture taken. That, or she was doing a photo bomb.

6. This guy made it and has the diploma and picture to show for it.

However, you have to wonder about his school's colors. Maroon? Please. Still, love his goofy grin.

However, you have to wonder about his school’s colors. Maroon? Please. Still, love his goofy grin.

7. Now I can fully understand why this person went to college.

Also, Hogwarts is a school for wizarding youth ages 11-18. Perhaps being a Muggle at 18 was a factor as well.

Also, Hogwarts is a school for wizarding youth ages 11-18. Perhaps being a Muggle at 18 was a factor as well.

8. Dobby has graduated. Dobby is freed.

Yes, these caps are very creative. Who knew that Dobby needed a diploma to be freed from the Malfoys? Oh, wait he needed a sock.

Yes, these caps are very creative. Who knew that Dobby needed a diploma to be freed from the Malfoys? Oh, wait he needed a sock.

9. Those who graduate are more likely to have their life on the right track.

However, this girl isn't one of them because she's standing in the middle of the railroad tracks. Seriously, she's putting herself at a very dangerous risk of being mangled and run over.

However, this girl isn’t one of them because she’s standing in the middle of the railroad tracks. Seriously, she’s putting herself at a very dangerous risk of being mangled and run over.

10. Being photographed with your parents in your cap and gown is always a proud moment.

At least for this dad who just can't resist embarrassing his son one last time. Yes, that will do it.

At least for this dad who just can’t resist embarrassing his son one last time. Yes, that will do it.

11. Sure you nearly flunked but at least you made it.

I don't know about you. But I'm sure this guy isn't going to be college material for receiving a 1.9. But at least he didn't flunk.

I don’t know about you. But I’m sure this guy isn’t going to be college material for receiving a 1.9. But at least he didn’t flunk.

12. Remember, graduates, processions always take one step at a time.

And it seems this girl tripped during "Pomp and Circumstance." Still, this place kind of reminds me of my high school stadium, except the stands are significantly lower.

And it seems this girl tripped during “Pomp and Circumstance.” Still, this place kind of reminds me of my high school stadium, except the stands are significantly lower.

13. Posing with your family at graduation is always a highlight.

And it seems that this young woman has an interesting family worthy of a sitcom. You have to wonder what her life is like at home.

And it seems that this young woman has an interesting family worthy of a sitcom. You have to wonder what her life is like at home.

14. Of course, if it’s your sibling’s graduation, you might hate them for getting all the attention.

Can't this boy at least try to be happy for his sister? Yes, it's her day. But he'll get his time in a few years. Trust me.

Can’t this boy at least try to be happy for his sister? Yes, it’s her day. But he’ll get his time in a few years. Trust me.

15. Some graduates make better entrances than others.

And it seems like this girl embarrassed herself by falling flat on her face to receive her diploma. I'm sure she's going to be well remembered for years.

And it seems like this girl embarrassed herself by falling flat on her face to receive her diploma. I’m sure she’s going to be well remembered for years.

16. I guess this person managed to graduate by a nose.

Wonder whether this grad plans to major in. Dressage, steeplechase, polo, equestrian, or carriage rides?

Wonder whether this grad plans to major in. Dressage, steeplechase, polo, equestrian, racing, or carriage rides?

17. Oh, great, some major dick has to screw it up for everyone and get all the attention.

I'm sure the parents with small children had a very tough time explaining this moment. Seriously, who the hell crashes a graduation in a dick costume? Then again, there's that one college in Rhode Island that has a mascot named Scrotie.

I’m sure the parents with small children had a very tough time explaining this moment. Seriously, who the hell crashes a graduation in a dick costume? Then again, there’s that one college in Rhode Island that has a mascot named Scrotie.

18. Remember, after receiving your diploma, watch yourself on your way out.

And it seems like someone tripped and fell as they were leaving the stage. Of course, this is the third trip picture I posted already.

And it seems like someone tripped and fell as they were leaving the stage. Of course, this is the third trip picture I posted already.

19. I guess these two guys were known to be quite the party animals.

Because how else could they have beer pongs on their caps? Wonder what their parents are thinking.

Because how else could they have beer pongs on their caps? Wonder what their parents are thinking.

20. At high schools, it’s always a custom for the valedictorian and the salutatorian to give a speech during the ceremony.

However, we're not sure if cue cards are used or not. Then again, someone was probably playing a prank.

However, we’re not sure if cue cards are used or not. Then again, someone was probably playing a prank.

21. You can guess what this person is doing after graduation.

And yes, I feel for that person. Mostly because I haven't been able to get a steady income that could pay for mine.

And yes, I feel for that person. Mostly because I haven’t been able to get a steady income that could pay for mine.

22. While black men have it better as graduates, this doesn’t always curb their incarceration rates.

Introduce young black boys to Hamilton and they're off getting arrested for spontaneously bursting into song and dance routines on the streets. Yes, musical theater is a real menace in the African American community these days.

Introduce young black boys to Hamilton and they’re off getting arrested for spontaneously bursting into song and dance routines on the streets. Yes, musical theater is a real menace in the African American community these days.

23. Yes, tell them what it really cost you.

Man, $200,000 for a college education. I took out less than that on student loans and I'm still struggling to pay them.

Man, $200,000 for a college education. I took out less than that on student loans and I’m still struggling to pay them.

24. Now they received an education, they couldn’t care less about their school these days.

Yes, throw your caps as your school that provided your education smolders behind you. You bastards.

Yes, throw your caps as your school that provided your education smolders behind you. You bastards.

25. Sometimes cap designs can get quite elaborate.

This woman has a computer box and a piggy bank on hers. How she keeps her head up, I have no idea.

This woman has a computer box and a piggy bank on hers. How she keeps her head up, I have no idea.

26. That’s an interesting graduation cap there.

Wonder why this girl opted for a Nike swoosh instead of a conventional graduation cap square. Maybe she just wanted to be noticed more.

Wonder why this girl opted for a Nike swoosh instead of a conventional graduation cap square. Maybe she just wanted to be noticed more.

27. Guess someone plans to watch something scary after the commencement ceremony.

Yes, I could say American Horror Story Student Loans is a very scary series. This is especially when you have bad social skills and have to do job interviews.

Yes, I could say American Horror Story Student Loans is a very scary series. This is especially when you have bad social skills and have to do job interviews.

28. After commencement, it helps for some to take a rest.

And it seems these people prefer to take a nap on a tree. Let's not disturb them.

And it seems these people prefer to take a nap on a tree. Let’s not disturb them.

29. So I guess some colleges do have mixed martial arts majors.

This is from China and is probably photoshopped. Nevertheless, I'm sure some grads dreamed of pulling this one off.

This is from China and is probably photoshopped. Nevertheless, I’m sure some grads dreamed of pulling this one off.

30. At some commencements, there’s always someone who needs a little extra to get by.

Let's hope this is a college graduation. Still, I think this guy with the bottle might have a problem.

Let’s hope this is a college graduation. Still, I think this guy with the bottle might have a problem.

31. This girl always wondered why no one saw her haircut.

Maybe because she wore a headscarf all the time as a practicing Muslim. That could explain a lot.

Maybe because she wore a headscarf all the time as a practicing Muslim. That could explain a lot.

32. That moment when you realize when you need to pay those loans for obedience school.

Okay, I don't think it's the dog's graduation. But that look in the cap and gown is so priceless.

Okay, I don’t think it’s the dog’s graduation. But that look in the cap and gown is so priceless.

33. While most grads are covered in their caps and gowns, some show up in their birthday suit.

So I guess wacky graduation hijinks are nothing new. Wonder what this guy's parents thought about his stunt when he received his diploma.

So I guess wacky graduation hijinks are nothing new. Wonder what this guy’s parents thought about his stunt when he received his diploma.

34. Guess this guy is now graduated from college.

However, you'd think a graduate from NC State would know how to use proper grammar. It's "I am" not "I is."

However, you’d think a graduate from NC State would know how to use proper grammar. It’s “I am” not “I is.”

35. Congratulations on your graduation and here is your AK-47.

I'm thinking this is in Africa, but I don't want to be stereotypical. Oh wait, I just was. Still, the AK-47s don't give me hope here.

I’m thinking this is in Africa, but I don’t want to be stereotypical. Oh wait, I just was. Still, the AK-47s don’t give me hope here.

36. Some grads wished to build a little world in one little place.

This one seems to have a little house built on his cap. Guess he couldn't resist his creative impulses.

This one seems to have a little house built on his cap. Guess he couldn’t resist his creative impulses.

37. Congratulations, graduate, and may the Force be with you.

I'm sure these grads will treasure this moment forever. Guess there was a Star Wars convention in their town at the time.

I’m sure these grads will treasure this moment forever. Guess there was a Star Wars convention in their town at the time.

38. I’m sure the grads aren’t looking forward to their graduation surprise.

I don't think I'd want to have water dumped on me at my graduation. Then again, this is probably from a different country.

I don’t think I’d want to have water dumped on me at my graduation. Then again, this is probably from a different country.

39. This is a big day for this Imperial Stormtrooper.

Sure he's a terrible shot. But at least he managed to get an education so he could contribute to society in a different way.

Sure he’s a terrible shot. But at least he managed to get an education so he could contribute to society in a different way.

40. Not sure if I’d want to know what’s under his gown.

I guess these girls were in for a disturbing surprise. Then again, it's probably staged as a joke.

I guess these girls were in for a disturbing surprise. Then again, it’s probably staged as a joke.

41. Sometimes it all takes one guy in the background can ruin your Kodak moment.

You have to wonder whether this picture was taken on a digital camera. Because I don't think whoever took this picture noticed the guy mooning behind this girl.

You have to wonder whether this picture was taken on a digital camera. Because I don’t think whoever took this picture noticed the guy mooning behind this girl.

42. Well, I guess this guy’s future is ruined.

But at least the cops were nice enough to wait and let him graduate before taking him. You have to respect that at least.

But at least the cops were nice enough to wait and let him graduate before taking him. You have to respect that at least.

43. I think that this girl isn’t from the most happy families.

Then again, perhaps the people behind these two were in an argument. You know how stuff like this goes.

Then again, perhaps the people behind these two were in an argument. You know how stuff like this goes.

44. This car has a graduate on bored.

Maybe a bored graduate. However, it should be "graduate on board." Ever heard of homonyms?

Maybe a bored graduate. However, it should be “graduate on board.” Ever heard of homonyms?

45. During boring commencement speeches, it helps if you have something to bide the time.

I guess this was taken in the 1980s or 1990s. However, she needs a straw hat for cover.

I guess this was taken in the 1980s or 1990s. However, the straw hat is for cover.

46. Okay, what’s that sticking out of that guy’s cap?

I think it's a diorama of some sort. But it sure sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

I think it’s a diorama of some sort. But it sure sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

47. I’m guessing this person is anxious about employment prospects.

Sure I feel for this person since I've struggled to get a job for a long time. And it doesn't seem to end.

Sure I feel for this person since I’ve struggled to get a job for a long time. And it doesn’t seem to end.

48. For graduates, group photos are always a custom.

Of course, don't mind the guy behind you. And yes, that face is quite strange and a bit creepy.

Of course, don’t mind the guy behind you. And yes, that face is quite strange and a bit creepy.

49. Families are always there to celebrate our precious moments whether we want them to or not.

Yeah, I think this girl just captured what a lot of us think about our families sometimes. Because they usually are the people in our lives we can't avoid.

Yeah, I think this girl just captured what a lot of us think about our families sometimes. Because they usually are the people in our lives we can’t avoid.

50. Seems like the cows have gone to pasture on her cap.

So she made her graduation cap into a pasture diorama. Interesting.

So she made her graduation cap into a pasture diorama. Interesting.

51. “But I don’t want to go into the real world, it’s scary out there.”

Then again, he might either be scared or just wants to sneeze. Not sure which.

Then again, he might either be scared or just wants to sneeze. Not sure which.

52. Congratulations on your graduation, lady terrorists?

Sorry to offend anyone here but it's not what you'd think. It's actually a graduation ceremony of women in the Iranian police force. However, as an American, I tend to be accustomed to the idea that assault weapons and hijabs don't mix.

Sorry to offend anyone here but it’s not what you’d think it is. It’s actually a graduation ceremony of women in the Iranian police force. However, as an American, I tend to be accustomed to the idea that assault weapons and hijabs don’t mix.

53. I’m sure this guy will be ready when he has to take his cap off.

Then again, I'm sure he's using his remote control to light up the cap. And he probably has no intention taking it off.

Then again, I’m sure he’s using his remote control to light up the cap. And he probably has no intention taking it off.

54. For her graduation photo, nothing could do better than the Bard.

Sure she might like Shakespeare. But she might just be sucking up to her drama teacher. Not sure which.

Sure she might like Shakespeare. But she might just be sucking up to her drama teacher. Not sure which.

55. After commencement it helps to get out of your gowns to relax.

And it seems that this women didn't have a lot on them when they received their diplomas. Still, at least their underwear matches.

And it seems that this women didn’t have a lot on them when they received their diplomas. Still, at least their underwear matches.

56. He just had to have a cap in his likeness.

Not sure what to think about this. Seems like his picture has him spurting blue stuff down his nose.

Not sure what to think about this. Seems like his picture has him spurting blue stuff down his nose. But at least they’ll know it’s his when he throws it up.

57. Congratulations, it’s a graduate!

What the fuck got these guy to do something like this? This is just incredibly crazy if you ask me.

What the fuck got these guy to do something like this? This is just incredibly crazy if you ask me.

58. I give this graduation 2 thumbs up.

Seems like he's trying to be enthusiastic. But he doesn't seem that way. At least as I can tell.

Seems like he’s trying to be enthusiastic. But he doesn’t seem that way. At least as I can tell.

59. Yes, graduation is a highly emotional time.

This is especially if you're Carrot Top receiving his diploma from an orange face man. Yes, it's quite a time.

This is especially if you’re Carrot Top receiving his diploma from an orange face man. Yes, it’s quite a time.

60. I think this cap explains a lot about recent grads.

Well, I didn't have any idea of what I was doing either. Sometimes I still don't.

Well, I didn’t have any idea of what I was doing either. Sometimes I still don’t.

61. Wonder what this valedictorian has to say in his speech.

Hey, that's Weird Al Yankovic giving his valedictorian speech. And yes, he's as weird now as he was then. But he's one of the most successful musical comedy artists of all time.

Hey, that’s Weird Al Yankovic giving his valedictorian speech. And yes, he’s as weird now as he was then. But he’s one of the most successful musical comedy artists of all time.

62. I guess this girl expects to be seated with dumbasses.

How else could I have guessed? Guess "I'm with Stupid" is a dead giveaway.

How else could I have guessed? Guess “I’m with Stupid” is a dead giveaway.

63. Each school tends to have their own traditions.

And apparently, this guy's school tends to photograph their graduates with a lei of pot. Or so it looks like it.

And apparently, this guy’s school tends to photograph their graduates with a lei of pot. Or so it looks like it.

64. When it comes to graduation, these soldiers are always alert.

Apparently, not. Yes, these are of the military who are trained to combat enemy fire. But they can't seem to keep themselves awake during a commencement speech.

Apparently, not. Yes, these are of the military who are trained to combat enemy fire. But they can’t seem to keep themselves awake during a commencement speech.

65. Sometimes the cap doesn’t always fit in with the hairstyle.

I hope this kid either gets a job at some punk rock locale, design studio, or tattoo parlor. Because I don't think a regular office would hire him.

I hope this kid either gets a job at some punk rock locale, design studio, or tattoo parlor. Because I don’t think a regular office would hire him.

66. At some graduations, the weather gets more attention if it takes place outdoors.

Well, seems like there could be a tornado in their midst. Apparently, the strange thing about this is that it's in New Jersey.

Well, seems like there could be a tornado in their midst. Apparently, the strange thing about this is that it’s in New Jersey.

67. As far as caps are concerned, sometimes it’s hard to fit your hair in it.

Yes, 1980s hair and a square cap don't go well together. And yes, this looks pretty awkward indeed.

Yes, 1980s hair and a square cap don’t go well together. And yes, this looks pretty awkward indeed.

68. When it comes to graduation parties, some people tend to multi-task.

Well, at least Cortney got her education out of the way. Because she's gonna need it where she's going.

Well, at least Cortney got her education out of the way. Because she’s gonna need it where she’s going.

69. In Russia, some grads are transported through a shopping cart.

Well, as far as Russians are concerned, this isn't that crazy. Still pretty funny.

Well, as far as Russians are concerned, this isn’t that crazy. Still pretty funny.

70. Sometimes there are those who can’t stay awake during a boring speech.

Whether he'd be up when they call his name is the question. Hope he is so he could make his parents proud.

Whether he’d be up when they call his name is the question. Hope he is so he could make his parents proud.

Memorable Senior Portaits from Bygone High School Days


No, this isn’t my senior picture. But it’s a picture of me and my sister Molly, on our first day of the last year we went to the same school together. Here I am a senior in high school while my sister is a freshman.

Sure senior picture season is over and has been since they do them in the fall. However, graduation season will be upon us before you know it so I might as well do some posts pertaining to that. Nevertheless, when you’re in high school, your senior year is usually seen as particularly special since your class occupies the leadership roles in student organizations as well as have events dedicated to you like Homecoming Court, Senior Night, and all that stuff. One of the big traditions for senior high school students is the senior picture. Traditionally, these pictures were used for the yearbook and still are (as was mine). However, there are plenty of seniors and their families who tend to be a little creative with some of their photoshoots. After all, my cousins Josh and Nick have senior pictures that seem rather specialized as they hang at my Aunt Mary’s house. But since my parents are cheap and didn’t like the studio my school district hired, we decided to go to a professional photographer for mine at Target even though the pictures didn’t turn out so right either. Let’s just say I wasn’t the most photogenic girl at the time. Still, at least I didn’t have a senior portrait that was too embarrassing unlike these I’m about to show. And yes, I had to go through the ends of the Internet to find them. So for your reading pleasure here are some undignified senior photos whose sitters would rather forget.

  1. “Say hello to my lizard friends.”
Sure they're not as cuddly as kittens and might cause salmonella. But hey, at least they're not poisonous. Or as far as she knows.

Sure they’re not as cuddly as kittens and might cause salmonella. But hey, at least they’re not poisonous. Or as far as she knows.

2. Hey, I didn’t know that Hulk Hogan was in track and field.

Okay, it's not Hulk Hogan. It's just some blond track kid in a mullet from the 1980s. And yes, it's unsightly.

Okay, it’s not Hulk Hogan. It’s just some blond track kid in a mullet from the 1980s. And yes, it’s unsightly.

3. A lot of student athletes try to put their game into their senior picture. Not sure what his sport is.

So this kid has wrestling gear, a football, and a lacrosse stick. Would be very interested to see what kind of sport he's in that uses these things. Oh wait, he's in football, wrestling, and lacrosse.

So this kid has wrestling gear, a football, and a lacrosse stick. Would be very interested to see what kind of sport he’s in that uses these things. Oh wait, he’s in football, wrestling, and lacrosse.

4. Sometimes a football star has absolutely nothing to hide.

Well, he's in briefs, but still. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if I found out this was a senior portrait of Brett Favre. As we all know about his sexting scandal.

Well, he’s in briefs, but still. Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out this was a senior portrait of Brett Favre. As we all know about his sexting scandal.

5. When it comes to hoops, this guy is willing to dunk it for the Elks.

Nevertheless, he's wearing a pair of basketball shorts that would be banned from the school dress code if they weren't part of the school uniform. Also, part of his underwear is showing.

Nevertheless, he’s wearing a pair of basketball shorts that would be banned from the school dress code if they weren’t part of the school uniform. Also, part of his underwear is showing.

6. When he pitches, he throws a ball of fire.

Let's just say, any sane hitter would rather strike out than hit a flaming baseball. Sure it's photoshop but still.

Let’s just say, any sane hitter would rather strike out than hit a flaming baseball. Sure it’s photoshop but still.

7. Seems like the guys from the water polo team are totally ripped.

I may not say this very often but I really hope these guys are wearing speedos. Also, I don't think they're very keen on picking up chicks as I see how they're looking at each other.

I may not say this very often but I really hope these guys are wearing speedos. Also, I don’t think they’re very keen on picking up chicks as I see how they’re looking at each other.

8. She’s just a girl from the railroad tracks.

Who shouldn't be posing for a picture there because a train could freaking hit and run her over at any second. Jesus, doesn't she ever have a clue?

Who shouldn’t be posing for a picture there because a train could freaking hit and run her over at any second. Jesus, doesn’t she ever have a clue?

9. Even student athletes need their bath time.

Yes, I know athletes sweat a lot. But I think he's in a tub that's way too small for him. Also, dear God, I hope he's wearing a speedo.

Yes, I know athletes sweat a lot. But I think he’s in a tub that’s way too small for him. Also, dear God, I hope he’s wearing a speedo.

10. Nothing makes a senior girl glow with pride than posing with her own hunting rifle.

And let's hope it's not loaded for hunting season. Because she might ending up shooting the photographer by accident.

And let’s hope it’s not loaded for hunting season. Because she might ending up shooting the photographer by accident.

11. When riding a motorcycle to prom, always wear a helmet.

I'm sure this kid is wearing a motorcycle helmet because he likes motorcycles. Or he's rather self-conscious of his looks. Or both.

I’m sure this kid is wearing a motorcycle helmet because he likes motorcycles. Or he’s rather self-conscious of his looks. Or both.

12. Seems like this cowpoke likes going for horsey rides.

Well, he's on a rocking horse in cowboy attire. Nevertheless, he's bound to inspire nightmares.

Well, he’s on a rocking horse in cowboy attire. Nevertheless, he’s bound to inspire nightmares.

13. Just a few more steps and he passes the high school finish line.

And the rainbow just shines on him. Also note the unicorn in the background. Still, totally photoshop.

And the rainbow just shines on him. Also note the unicorn in the background. Still, totally photoshop.

14. Seems like he likes to hustle when he’s not playing ball.

And I thought Napoleon Dynamite was a wholesome nerd. Apparently, they were wrong.

And I thought Napoleon Dynamite was a wholesome nerd. Apparently, they were wrong.

15. “Hey girls, gather round, listen to what I’m putting down./Hey babe, I’m your handy man.”

"I'm not the kind to use a pencil or rule, I'm handy with love and I'm no fool,/I fix broken hearts, I know that I truly can./ If your broken heart should need repair, then I'm the man to see./I whisper sweet things, you tell all your friends, they'll come running to me." Fixing 24 hours a day, by the way.

“I’m not the kind to use a pencil or rule, I’m handy with love and I’m no fool,/I fix broken hearts, I know that I truly can./
If your broken heart should need repair, then I’m the man to see./I whisper sweet things, you tell all your friends, they’ll come running to me.” Fixing 24 hours a day, by the way.

16. Couple pictures are also a rather common senior picture motif.

Heard the blonde kid took little Suzie to the Junior Prom. And he raped and killed her before taking her home. But he's just an excitable boy they all say. And I think I've listened to too much Warren Zevon.

Heard the blonde kid took little Suzie to the Junior Prom. And he raped and killed her before taking her home. But he’s just an excitable boy they all say. And I think I’ve listened to too much Warren Zevon.

17. There are some kids who’d like nothing but sit and read in nature.

However, doing so with antique furniture doesn't seem to make sense to me. After all, have you heard of rain? Yes, this kid is very strange.

However, doing so with antique furniture doesn’t seem to make sense to me. After all, have you heard of rain? Yes, this kid is very strange.

18. Guess this guy is going bananas.

Well, he's with a plush banana. Still, I think this guy might be losing touch with reality. Or is just desperate.

Well, he’s with a plush banana. Still, I think this guy might be losing touch with reality. Or is just desperate.

19. Kids these days, always into themselves.

And he has a picture of himself on his laptop screen. What a self-absorbed asshole.

And he has a picture of himself on his laptop screen. What a self-absorbed asshole.

20. “Hello, my cat can eat bread.”

Yes, this guy has a cat going through a slice of bread. And yes, he seems like he could give you the creeps.

Yes, this guy has a cat going through a slice of bread. And yes, he seems like he could give you the creeps.

21. “Oh, no, I got to go in there to save my rooster.”

Okay, it's a rooster statue that was probably an heirloom. But to him, it counts. I know he's not right in the head at the moment.

Okay, it’s a rooster statue that was probably an heirloom. But to him, it counts. I know he’s not right in the head at the moment.

22. “Come on baby, light my fire/Come on baby, light my fire/Try to set the night on fire”

Guess this kid was voted either Most Likely to Commit Arson or Most Likely to Blow Himself Up. Either way, he seems to like fire a lot which is disturbing.

Guess this kid was voted either Most Likely to Commit Arson or Most Likely to Blow Himself Up. Either way, he seems to like fire a lot which is disturbing.

23. Nothing initiates senior pride like having your picture with your prized gourd.

Now that's one of the biggest gourds I've ever seen. And this guy is like, "Prepare to be amazed by my gourd I fed with radioactive fertilizer."

Now that’s one of the biggest gourds I’ve ever seen. And this guy is like, “Prepare to be amazed by my gourd I fed with radioactive fertilizer.”

24. Nothing makes a senior portrait than a couple of mustaches.

Are these seniors? Because they seem to look like a couple of guys you'd see either at a trailer park or a 1970s porn flick.

Are these seniors? Because they seem to look like a couple of guys you’d see either at a trailer park or a 1970s porn flick.

25. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Pumpkin Man.

And I sure hope that he's wearing a speedo before he got into that pumpkin. Yeah, I think this might traumatize some kids like Linus Van Pelt. No, you wouldn't want to see the Great Pumpkin like this.

And I sure hope that he’s wearing a speedo before he got into that pumpkin. Yeah, I think this might traumatize some kids like Linus Van Pelt. No, you wouldn’t want to see the Great Pumpkin like this.

26. A senior football star bares all.

You may not hear me say this often, but I hope he's wearing a thong. Still, not a bad looking guy which disturbs me even more if I find that he's actually 17.

You may not hear me say this often, but I hope he’s wearing a thong. Still, not a bad looking guy which disturbs me even more that I hope he’s 18.

27. Of course, a tough ginger always has to pose with his gun.

Is that an assault rifle? Seriously, I think there have been students who staged school shootings with this kind of weapon. Seriously, this is disturbing.

Is that an assault rifle? Seriously, I think there have been students who staged school shootings with this kind of weapon. Seriously, this is disturbing.

28. With this guy, it’s John Deere parking only.

So I guess this guy wants to be a centerfold for Country Farm Girl magazine. Not sure if that exists but I hope he gets a recommendation.

So I guess this guy wants to be a centerfold for Country Farm Girl magazine. Not sure if that exists but I hope he gets a recommendation.

29. When this guy gets out of school, he’s gonna be working on a road crew.

Now that has to be one of the sluttiest PennDOT workers I've ever seen. Guess he's a male stripper by night and performs at bachelorette parties as Rock Hard Rod.

Now that has to be one of the sluttiest PennDOT workers I’ve ever seen. Guess he’s a male stripper by night and performs at bachelorette parties as Rock Hard Rod.

30. When he touches the pigskin, it lights on fire.

That means he's probably not a great football player. After all, if you touch the ball and it bursts into flames, you can't play football.

That means he’s probably not a great football player. After all, if you touch the ball and it bursts into flames, you can’t play football.

31. Within this boy lies a large ferocious beast.

However, you wouldn't know it if you looked at him. Appearances can be deceiving.

However, you wouldn’t know it if you looked at him. Appearances can be deceiving.

32. My, what small hands he has.

Okay, those are doll hands he's using. And let's face it, for a handsome guy like him, it's kind of creepy.

Okay, those are doll hands he’s using. And let’s face it, for a handsome guy like him, it’s kind of creepy.

33. “When I grow up, I want to be a welder before making a career change to a nightclub dancer.”

"What a feeling/Being's believing/I can have it all/Now I'm dancing for my life" Not sure if I want to see Flashdance. But I kind of should.

“What a feeling/Being’s believing/I can have it all/Now I’m dancing for my life” Not sure if I want to see Flashdance. But I kind of should.

34. As he dresses in black and chains so does his chihuahua.

This would've made a decent senior photo. But the image of a similarly dressed chihuahua makes it so hard to take it seriously.

This would’ve made a decent senior photo. But the image of a similarly dressed chihuahua makes it so hard to take it seriously.

35. “Okay, just a few more seconds.”

Apparently, the photographer was really pressed for time. So the picture had to be taken. Still, this boy thinks he's hot stuff doesn't he?

Apparently, the photographer was really pressed for time. So the picture had to be taken. Still, this boy thinks he’s hot stuff doesn’t he?

36. Of course, even future dominatrixes had to have attended high school.

She wanted to do her senior picture with her cat o' nine tails. But the school wouldn't allow it due to their zero tolerance weapons policy.

She wanted to do her senior picture with her cat o’ nine tails. But the school wouldn’t allow it due to their zero tolerance weapons policy.

37. “What? What’s wrong with bathing in furs and a tiara?”

Well, he seems dressed for his bath in all his finery. I know it's weird. But who are we to judge.

Well, he seems dressed for his bath in all his finery. I know it’s weird. But who are we to judge.

38. This senior is feeling just ducky under the weather.

Wouldn't be surprised if Ernie from Sesame Street had a senior picture like this. However, this isn't Ernie.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Ernie from Sesame Street had a senior picture like this. However, this isn’t Ernie.

39. When it comes to senior pictures, there are some guys who really know how to dress.

Okay, seems like someone has been watching too much Boardwalk Empire. And I don't think it's a show high school kids should watch. Well, unless their class is studying the 1920s.

Okay, seems like someone has been watching too much Boardwalk Empire. And I don’t think it’s a show high school kids should watch. Well, unless their class is studying the 1920s.

40. I guess this guy wants to be a firefighter to get on a calendar.

Sure he might be a fine firefighter. However, I'm not sure if he has a chops to make it on the hot fireman calendar. A firefighter has to be exceptionally hot for that.

Sure he might be a fine firefighter. However, I’m not sure if he has a chops to make it on the hot fireman calendar. A firefighter has to be exceptionally hot for that.

41. This guy seems pretty handy with picking up limbs.

However, he's certainly not dressed for it since his short shorts have pockets showing. And they're not practical.

However, he’s certainly not dressed for it since his short shorts have pockets showing. And they’re not practical.

42. This football player knows how to get his game on fire.

Not sure why there are photos like these. Yes, the flames are photoshopped. But it's fairly going overboard.

Not sure why there are photos like these. Yes, the flames are photoshopped. But it’s fairly going overboard.

43. You know they say, a dog is man’s best friend.

Apparently, this pair has to have T-shirts of each other. Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

Apparently, this pair has to have T-shirts of each other. Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

44. When it comes to video games, this guy is playing on top of his Game Boy Advance.

This has to be the early 2000s as I see it. Because even now these are fairly obsolete.

This has to be the early 2000s as I see it. Because even now these are fairly obsolete.

45. As we all know, jamming on guitars always looks cool.

Uh, is that guy getting strangled? Seriously, did these guys think this pose through? Because this doesn't look good.

Uh, is that guy getting strangled? Seriously, did these guys think this pose through? Because this doesn’t look good.

46. Sure she didn’t go to Hogwarts but she wanted her senior picture taken in Gryffindor garb.

Yes, she's more obsessed Harry Potter than most people. And this is coming from a woman who dressed as Hermione Granger for Halloween in college.

Yes, she’s more obsessed Harry Potter than most people. And this is coming from a woman who dressed as Hermione Granger for Halloween in college.

47. A true warrior always has to have a horse.

Riding a horse is one thing. Riding on one in a toga with a sword, that's just crazy. Seriously, that's insane.

Riding a horse is one thing. Riding on one in a toga with a sword, that’s just crazy. Seriously, that’s insane.

48. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this log for you.”

Don't worry, she's just using a chainsaw to cut logs. You know like yard work. She's not going to kill anyone with it.

Don’t worry, she’s just using a chainsaw to cut logs. You know like yard work. She’s not going to kill anyone with it.

49. Once Vince is out of high school, he plans on joining the family business.

He plans to be in waste management like his father before him. Of course, he does have an uncle who's living in Arizona he hasn't seen in years.

He plans to be in waste management like his father before him. Of course, he does have an uncle who’s living in Arizona he hasn’t seen in years.

50. In her camo dress, this country girl holds her hunting rifle with pride.

I know there are plenty of hunters. But still, why pose with your gun? It's ludicrous in my opinion. Seriously, they kill people.

I know there are plenty of hunters. But still, why pose with your gun? It’s ludicrous in my opinion. Seriously, they kill people.

51. This guy would dive anywhere for a buck.

And yes, he'd even go to the bottom of a pool in his suit. Yes, I know this guy's insane.

And yes, he’d even go to the bottom of a pool in his suit. Yes, I know this guy’s insane.

52. During a dark and stormy day, this senior is ready to rip.

Apparently, he was voted Most Likely to Stage a Chainsaw Massacre. Doesn't help that he's wearing a White Castle tank top either.

Apparently, he was voted Most Likely to Stage a Chainsaw Massacre. Doesn’t help that he’s wearing a White Castle tank top either.

53. A guy like this is bound to set a woman’s heart on fire.

Maybe some women. But not me. Apparently, I've seen more ripped guys than that. Sorry.

Maybe some women. But not me. Apparently, I’ve seen more ripped guys than that. Sorry.

54. In the morning, this young man takes his Life.

Yes, his Life cereal with 2% milk. Apparently, he'd rather get his photo session over with at breakfast.

Yes, his Life cereal with 2% milk. Apparently, he’d rather get his photo session over with at breakfast.

55. It’s not uncommon for seniors to have their photos with their cars. Not sure if it was a good idea for this guy.

I have a friend from high school who drove a rusty white van This guy's ride make his lousy ride look like a luxury convertible.

I have a friend from high school who drove a rusty white van This guy’s ride make his lousy ride look like a luxury convertible.

56. For this senior, Monster energy drinks give him a boost.

Yes, I remember fellow classmates drinking energy drinks. However, they're very bad for you since they contain tons of caffeine. Seriously, don't drink these things.

Yes, I remember fellow classmates drinking energy drinks. However, they’re very bad for you since they contain tons of caffeine. Seriously, don’t drink these things.

57. Who says that real men don’t wear pink?

Sure there's no problem wearing pink. But that pink suit seems to make me think this guy will end up being either a pimp or a used car salesman.

Sure there’s no problem wearing pink. But that pink suit seems to make me think this guy will end up being either a pimp or a used car salesman.

58. When it comes to this guy, there’s nothing better than wearing a furry hat and listening to his toy tape recorder.

Hey, I had one of those tape recorders when I was a kid. Used to have a lot of fun with that. Still, this is freaky.

Hey, I had one of those tape recorders when I was a kid. Used to have a lot of fun with that. Still, this is freaky.

59. For this guy, his hustling tome is playing in the pool halls.

Yes, he's a different kind of pool boy. Wants to be the Fast Eddie of his generation. Note what Fast Eddie lost in order to beat Minnesota Fats.

Yes, he’s a different kind of pool boy. Wants to be the Fast Eddie of his generation. Note what Fast Eddie lost in order to beat Minnesota Fats.

60. In couple’s portraits, some have more class than others.

Sure they may love each other for now. But do you think we should glamorize teen pregnancy like this? Seriously, I'm happy that no one in my graduating class was pregnant by then. This is just so trashy.

Sure they may love each other for now. But do you think we should glamorize teen pregnancy like this? Seriously, I’m happy that no one in my graduating class was pregnant by then. This is just so trashy.

61. For senior year, welcome to Senior Avenue.

And according to how this guy sees it, it sucks. Since you have to think about the future as well as all the other stuff.

And according to how this guy sees it, it sucks. Since you have to think about the future as well as all the other stuff.

62. Some guys seem to enjoy the finer things in life.

Yes, he might like frilly fans and parasols. But such preferences might make you question his sexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But it's still less gay than the one with the water polo players.

Yes, he might like frilly fans and parasols. But such preferences might make you question his sexuality. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it’s still less gay than the one with the water polo players.

63. This track star wants you to see him race against a car.

I'm sure the car will win as the track star will be run down to exhaustion. Hey, have to be honest here.

I’m sure the car will win as the track star will be run down to exhaustion. Hey, have to be honest here.

64. Sometimes all you need to lounge on a divan with a bottle.

Uh, is this kind of photo even legal? I mean the guy obviously has to be 17 or 18. And the US legal drinking age is 21.

Uh, is this kind of photo even legal? I mean the guy obviously has to be 17 or 18. And the US legal drinking age is 21.

65. There’s nothing that rings in senior year than sharing a drink with your dog.

Let's hope there's no alcohol in that wine glass. Also, why is his dog wearing a tie?

Let’s hope there’s no alcohol in that wine glass. Also, why is his dog wearing a tie? And why does he have a monocle?

66. When he swings, his bat catches flames.

I don't think you'd want a burning bat. Because it's not a bat. It's a torch.

I don’t think you’d want a burning bat. Because it’s not a bat. It’s a torch.

67. By senior year, we should understand that warning labels exist for a reason.

For the love of God, kid, don't pull down the lever! It's high voltage and you'll get electrocuted.

For the love of God, kid, don’t pull down the lever! It’s high voltage and you’ll get electrocuted.

68. A high school senior like him is both armed and dangerous.

I think this kid was voted by his class as Most Likely to Stage a School Shooting. Seriously, kids have been killed at schools with these weapons. For the love of God, this is seriously disturbing.

I think this kid was voted by his class as Most Likely to Stage a School Shooting. Seriously, kids have been killed at schools with these weapons. For the love of God, this is seriously disturbing.

69. How about a picture of a sexy organ grinder?

And they said that accordion players have a hard time getting dates. Organ grinders aren't much better to pose with. Since they've fallen out of regular use for decades.

And they said that accordion players have a hard time getting dates. Organ grinders aren’t much better to pose with. Since they’ve fallen out of regular use for decades.

70. A man like him always has a bottle of Nivea on his mind.

So I guess this guy tends to have problems with dry skin after shaving. Explains a lot.

So I guess this guy tends to have problems with dry skin after shaving. Explains a lot.

71. Nothing makes a more proud senior moment than sitting on an easy chair with a chainsaw on your lap.

Okay, I'm sure this kid is just into power tools. He'll probably never end up staging a chainsaw massacre. Even though he might be a prime suspect if such an event happens in his hometown.

Okay, I’m sure this kid is just into power tools. He’ll probably never end up staging a chainsaw massacre. Even though he might be a prime suspect if such an event happens in his hometown.

72. Of course, you have one senior girl who’s proud to be a cheerleader.

Uh, maybe a jumping shot isn't a good idea. Seriously, you can almost see her crotch. That doesn't seem appropriate for a senior picture.

Uh, maybe a jumping shot isn’t a good idea. Seriously, you can almost see her crotch. That doesn’t seem appropriate for a senior picture.

73. While some girls are on the cheerleading squad, others do other things to attract more fish in the sea.

In her case, the fish in the sea are quite literal if you get my drip. And she does it with net.

In her case, the fish in the sea are quite literal if you get my drip. And she does it with net. Guess her name is Downeaster Alexa and is the kind of girl who works with a rod and a reel. Okay, I listen to too much Billy Joel.

74. When it comes to reptiles, this guy likes his snakes.

Okay, this kid is freaky. Not sure if it's because of the snake or his outfit. Or the eyeliner.

Okay, this kid is freaky. Not sure if it’s because of the snake or his outfit. Or the eyeliner.

75. “Hey, want to go snorkeling with me?”

Apparently, he'd rather do it in a tuxedo. And I'm sure it's not appropriate attire underwater as far as I know.

Apparently, he’d rather do it in a tuxedo. And I’m sure it’s not appropriate attire underwater as far as I know.

76. “I use antlers in all of my decorating.”

I guess this guy is an avid hunter. Let's hope he is. Because seeing him with deer heads is giving me the creeps.

I guess this guy is an avid hunter. Let’s hope he is. Because seeing him with deer heads is giving me the creeps.

77. While Jesus walks on water, this guy does crunches on it.

Well, maybe he's crawling, not crunching. And I'm sure he's not on water. Still, not sure how this picture makes any sense.

Well, maybe he’s crawling, not crunching. And I’m sure he’s not on water. Still, not sure how this picture makes any sense.

78. Seems like this boy is looking out from a well.

Hope he's careful and doesn't fall in there. But I'm sure this guy is tempting fate. Because you don't want to be trapped in a well. You really don't.

Hope he’s careful and doesn’t fall in there. But I’m sure this guy is tempting fate. Because you don’t want to be trapped in a well. You really don’t.

79. A scenic shot is always optimal for a senior picture.

Apparently, they didn't get the memo that the country club would be running the sprinkler system that day. In my area, we have a kind of sprinkler system called, "rain."

Apparently, they didn’t get the memo that the country club would be running the sprinkler system that day. In my area, we have a kind of sprinkler system called, “rain.”

80. They always said she was a down home type.

However, she's had to do some dusting below the pots and pans. And I'm not sure if she's able to reach any of them.

However, she’s had to do some dusting below the pots and pans. And I’m not sure if she’s able to reach any of them.

81. This guy can never go without his own graphing calculator.

I suppose this kid is taking advanced math and science courses as well as aspires to be an engineer. So I guess his gadget is fairly essential to him. But why be photographed with it is the question.

I suppose this kid is taking advanced math and science courses as well as aspires to be an engineer. So I guess his gadget is fairly essential to him. But why be photographed with it is the question.

82. Sometimes doing a handstand is as good idea on paper than in reality.

Yeah, I don't think she got the hang of it. Seems like a poorly executed break dance move. Then again, I don't know much about break dancing.

Yeah, I don’t think she got the hang of it. Seems like a poorly executed break dance move. Then again, I don’t know much about break dancing.

83. Nothing is more tender than a photo of a senior and her dog.

Except her dog really isn't enjoying this photo op. As you can see by how it shows its fangs.

Except her dog really isn’t enjoying this photo op. As you can see by how it shows its fangs.

84. Nothing creates a better feel than a senior picture on the streets.

Uh, I don't think the kid lives there as you can tell by the clothes. Also, his shirt collar is all wrong.

Uh, I don’t think the kid lives there as you can tell by the clothes. Also, his shirt collar is all wrong.

85. Someday this senior wishes to drive a Mercedes Benz.

However, he's not too keen on showing his emotions as you can tell by the look on his face. Also, I don't think he's ever going to drive a Mercedes.

However, he’s not too keen on showing his emotions as you can tell by the look on his face. Also, I don’t think he’s ever going to drive a Mercedes.

86. You know what they say about a guy who plays lacrosse.

Seems like he put his helmet in a strategic area. Pray to God that he's wearing a speedo at this moment.

Seems like he put his helmet in a strategic area. Pray to God that he’s wearing a speedo at this moment.

87. There are always some people who never stop dreaming.

And there are some people who should give up on their dreams. Seriously, Chad, there's no way in hell you're going to be a Chippendale without inflicting some serious bodily harm. Also, that mullet is terrible.

And there are some people who should give up on their dreams. Seriously, Chad, there’s no way in hell you’re going to be a Chippendale without inflicting some serious bodily harm. Also, that mullet is terrible.

88. Steven always dresses sharp and is always on cue.

I guess Harold Hill was right. Maybe playing pool does lead boys down a very bad road.

I guess Harold Hill was right. Maybe playing pool does lead boys down a very bad road.

89. In car photos, perhaps a face is best reflected from a side mirror.

However, this kid seems to look like he has no soul. Watch out for him.

However, this kid seems to look like he has no soul. Watch out for him.

90. In some senior photos, there are some who have no taste in fashion.

I don't know if this is from the 1980s or 1990s but it sure looks like it. Also, is his silver get up made of duct tape?

I don’t know if this is from the 1980s or 1990s but it sure looks like it. Also, is his silver get up made of duct tape?

91. There is no picturesque scene than a waterfall.

However, I'm not sure about this one. And I hope he's wearing something. Also, is he spreading his legs? That's disturbing.

However, I’m not sure about this one. And I hope he’s wearing something. Also, is he spreading his legs? That’s disturbing.

92. Introducing the legendary Kinex warrior.

Sure you can build a lot of cool stuff with Kinex. However, a wardrobe isn't one of them. Nor is a warrior outfit either.

Sure you can build a lot of cool stuff with Kinex. However, a wardrobe isn’t one of them. Nor is a warrior outfit either.

93. This guy always knows how to pack a punch.

However, I'm not sure whether he's punching through glass or water. If glass, he doesn't seem to have any injuries. Also, how is it possible he could punch through water?

However, I’m not sure whether he’s punching through glass or water. If glass, he doesn’t seem to have any injuries. Also, how is it possible he could punch through water?

94. Of course, let’s hope this kid doesn’t suffer from his rusty mail.

Still, piss him off and he might end up going medieval on you. Nevertheless, he probably plans to major in siege warfare before going on a Crusade.

Still, piss him off and he might end up going medieval on you. Nevertheless, he probably plans to major in siege warfare before going on a Crusade.

95. Sometimes Michael has to bring on the style.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this guy ended up being cast on MTV's Jersey Shore. Because that's a horrible tan. Seriously, it seems like his dad is either John Boehner or an Ooompah-Loompah.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy ended up being cast on MTV’s Jersey Shore. Because that’s a horrible tan. Seriously, it seems like his dad is either John Boehner or an Ooompah-Loompah.

96. This girl might have a Pez addiction.

Then again, she has a quite a collection of Pez dispensers. Which is mostly why people buy Pez anyway since they're quite nasty.

Then again, she has a quite a collection of Pez dispensers. Which is mostly why people buy Pez anyway since they’re quite nasty.

97. This guy’s music is bound to set the night on fire.

However, it makes you wonder what kind of explosives he put in his saxophone. Because saxes normally don't work that way.

However, it makes you wonder what kind of explosives he put in his saxophone. Because saxes normally don’t work that way.

98. After graduation, this girl is Ivy League bound.

Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that this girl has common sense. After all, getting your picture taken in the middle of traffic is not a good idea. Even children in preschool know that.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that this girl has common sense. After all, getting your picture taken in the middle of traffic is not a good idea. Even children in preschool know that.

99. When it comes to hairstyles, some are beyond description.

Okay, this was probably from the 1980s. But still, it makes you think of a rat's nest on steroids.

Okay, this was probably from the 1980s. But still, it makes you think of a rat’s nest on steroids.

100. When it comes to pets, this guy really has it in for his cat.

So much so that his cat gets a cosmic image. Still, this is incredibly freaky as I see it.

So much so that his cat gets a cosmic image. Still, this is incredibly freaky as I see it.

Marvel Comics Treats Straight From Deadpool’s Kitchen


Of course, while some superheroes have powers, this doesn’t mean that some of them have to eat to sustain themselves. And if you don’t have superpowers like a lot of those in Marvel, you need to eat a balanced diet. And spend hours a day working out and training because a vigilante crime fighter always needs to stay in shape. Seriously, while female superheroes are always thin and pretty, there’s not a big body image problem among them. Because most of their male counterparts basically have six-packs anyway. And the genre tends to be geared toward boys and young men anyway even if it does have a big peripheral demographic. That’s because a lot of your superhero stories tend to operate on different levels. Captain America’s story with the Winter Soldier can’t be more poignant if the Winter Soldier isn’t his best friend Bucky Barnes whom he thought died in WWII but apparently he received a fate far worse than death. And this story line was created before the Peeta hijacking idea in the Hunger Games. Spider Man is popular because he’s really a guy named Peter Parker who’s trying to balance his life as a masked vigilante along with normal every day problems. He also has a boss who utterly hates Spider Man (ironically). People love Iron Man because even though Tony Stark can create a reactor heart, he’s still an incredibly selfish guy with unresolved daddy issues as well as struggles with drinking and relationships. Seriously, look how he treats Pepper Potts and you see what I mean. Wolverine enjoys incredible appeal mostly because despite being utterly indestructible, he’s such an utter mess that nothing seems to go right for him. And if it weren’t for his mutant powers and his sense of justice, Wolverine probably wouldn’t be able to function as a human being. Nevertheless, superheroes are so popular that people have parties pertaining to them, mostly for young boys. So it’s not unusual to see some superhero themed food. And I here I present the Marvel set.

  1. Wish your kid a smashing birthday with this Hulk Smash cake.
Hulk smash through wall. Alex smash through cake. Cake more suited for toddlers.

Hulk smash through wall. Alex smash through cake. Cake more suited for toddlers.

2. There’s nothing more patriotic than this Captain America shield cookie platter.

And it helps that these cookies consist of red, white, and blue stars. Not sure if they're all the same size.

And it helps that these cookies consist of red, white, and blue stars. Not sure if they’re all the same size.

3. For a healthier fruit snack, this Captain America salad is right for you.

To add the red, white, and blue this consists of raspberries, banana slices, and blueberries. And yes, it looks great.

To add the red, white, and blue this consists of raspberries, banana slices, and blueberries. And yes, it looks great.

4. For an alternative fruit snack, you might want to munch on Spider Man strawberries.

These are basically strawberries with Spider Man icing eyes on them. Seem rather simple to make.

These are basically strawberries with Spider Man icing eyes on them. Seem rather simple to make.

5. Spider Man pita pizza is always a tasty treat to make.

So what would it be, olives or not? From the look of it, seems like a tough question.

So what would it be, olives or not? From the look of it, seems like a tough question.

6. Avenger pizzas, assemble!

You have to like how which Avenger goes with which topping composition. Not sure if I'd want to taste the Hulk's.

You have to like how which Avenger goes with which topping composition. Not sure if I’d want to taste the Hulk’s.

7. A cake like this is bound to go with your Avengers’ pizza party.

On this cake , each Avenger has a respective layer. And it seems Black Widow has one, too. Or is it Nick Fury?

On this cake , each Avenger has a respective layer. And it seems Black Widow has one, too. Or is it Nick Fury?

8. This is kind of sandwich for anyone with a hulking appetite.

I guess this is an Incredible Hulk tortilla sandwich? Or is it a quesadilla? I can't tell.

I guess this is an Incredible Hulk tortilla sandwich? Or is it a quesadilla? I can’t tell.

9. For an easy cookie treat, try these Iron Man hands.

At least these cookies don't shoot laser beams. Still, these are quite creative.

At least these cookies don’t shoot laser beams. Still, these are quite creative.

10. If you liked Guardians of the Galaxy, you might want to take a bite from these cupcakes.

These cupcakes show aspects you might see from the movie. Some I remember. Some I don't.

These cupcakes show aspects you might see from the movie. Some I remember. Some I don’t.

11. This Iron Man Cake surely lights up a party.

This one is said to have LED lights embedded in the cake to create the effect. Seems pretty expensive and unnecessary.

This one is said to have LED lights embedded in the cake to create the effect. Seems pretty expensive and unnecessary.

12. For any Guardians of the Galaxy party, this Rocket cookie cake is a real treat.

Yes, that's a raccoon on a cake. If this wasn't an icing one though, you'd be in trouble.

Yes, that’s a raccoon on a cake. If this wasn’t an icing one though, you’d be in trouble.

13. Deadpool stuffed peppers are sure to make a great super meal.

And it seems this one thinks in slices of American cheese. Not sure what's on his mind now.

And it seems this one thinks in slices of American cheese. Not sure what’s on his mind now.

14. Nothing packs a healthy punch like Spider Man fruit salad.

This one has a watermelon Spider Man head along with some blueberries mixed in. It also has sound effects in it, too.

This one has a watermelon Spider Man head along with some blueberries mixed in. It also has sound effects in it, too.

15. These dancing baby Groot cupcakes will make a fine addition to any Guardians of the Galaxy dessert platter.

Of course, these use cupcakes for the pot and cookie for Groot. Nevertheless, they're adorable.

Of course, these use cupcakes for the pot and cookie for Groot. Nevertheless, they’re adorable.

16. Start your day with Captain America’s super powered pancakes.

Because a pancake decorated with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream is all your little super soldier needs to start their day. Still, clever.

Because a pancake decorated with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream is all your little super soldier needs to start their day. Still, clever.

17. Seems like Spidey knows how to scale this cake.

Apparently, he's squaring off against Doctor Octopus. Wonder where he is in this beyond the tentacles.

Apparently, he’s squaring off against Doctor Octopus. Wonder where he is in this beyond the tentacles.

18. For your Spider Man dessert platter, you can’t go without these macarons.

Well, these are red Spider Man cookies with icing. They're probably incredibly sweet. However, at least they look good.

Well, these are red Spider Man cookies with icing. They’re probably incredibly sweet. However, at least they look good.

19. Pancakes like these are perfect when you’re angry.

I'm sure these are for anyone who wakes up feeling like the Incredible Hulk. Then again, nobody wants to be with the Incredible Hulk in the morning.

I’m sure these are for anyone who wakes up feeling like the Incredible Hulk. Then again, nobody wants to be with the Incredible Hulk in the morning.

20. These Captain America cookies sure have great patriotic flair.

As you see, each one is painted like his shield. Great for any birthday or 4th of July picnic.

As you see, each one is painted like his shield. Great for any birthday or 4th of July picnic.

21. When it comes to Avenger parties, nothing beats this cake.

Like how they went with Thor's hammer at the top. Not sure if the green layer is for the Hulk though. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Like how they went with Thor’s hammer at the top. Not sure if the green layer is for the Hulk though. But I wouldn’t be surprised.

22. There’s no worth appetizer than a plate of Thor’s hammers.

These hath cheeses and meats attached to sticks of dough covered in salt. Yet, must they provide excellent sustenance that will make thou say, "Another!"

These hath cheeses and meats attached to sticks of dough covered in salt. Yet, must they provide excellent sustenance that will make thou say, “Another!”

23. For secret agents, you can’t get better than S.H.I.E.L.D pull apart bread.

Okay, it's a little dark and I'm not sure if it's bread. But it certainly has the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on there.

Okay, it’s a little dark and I’m not sure if it’s bread. But it certainly has the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on there.

24. For a dessert platter, you can’t do without some Spider Man bark.

Yes, this is Spider Man spider web candy bark. I know because it's red.

Yes, this is Spider Man spider web candy bark. I know because it’s red.

25. At Vahalla, you have to guarantee that they’ll have Thor hammer cupcakes.

The hammer is made from pretzel sticks and marshmallows. Available only to those who are worthy.

The hammer is made from pretzel sticks and marshmallows. Available only to those who are worthy.

26. These Hulk cupcakes are sure to be an incredible smash.

And these seemed homemade, too. Just add 3 colors of icing on the chocolate cupcakes.

And these seemed homemade, too. Just add 3 colors of icing on the chocolate cupcakes.

27. Nothing makes a better lunch in the galaxy than a Groot sandwich.

No, I don't mean Groot as a sandwich. I mean a sandwich that looks like Groot. There's a difference.

No, I don’t mean Groot as a sandwich. I mean a sandwich that looks like Groot. There’s a difference.

28. Speaking of sandwiches, how about try some Iron Man cheese and tomato?

The cheese has Iron Man's face on it. The tomato is for background. Bound to do Stark Industries proud.

The cheese has Iron Man’s face on it. The tomato is for background. Bound to do Stark Industries proud.

29. No evil in the MCU could ever resist a HYDRA pie.

This would be a great addition for the annual HYDRA bake sale. How do you expect such an evil organization to raise funds?

This would be a great addition for the annual HYDRA bake sale. How do you expect such an evil organization to raise funds?

30. Try to claw your way into this Wolverine cake.

And it seems that you might want to be careful with the adamantium claw on top. Perhaps use it as a knife since it can slice through anything.

And it seems that you might want to be careful with the adamantium claw on top. Perhaps use it as a knife since it can slice through anything.

31. Nothing makes a Spidey party than these Spider Man cookies.

These are sugar cookies with icing Spider Man faces on them. Still, I'm sure any fan will love them.

These are sugar cookies with icing Spider Man faces on them. Still, I’m sure any fan will love them.

32. This Spider Man cake is surely surrounded by webs.

I'm sure this was professionally done considering the Spider Man at the center. Nevertheless, I think it's quite clever if you ask me.

I’m sure this was professionally done considering the Spider Man at the center. Nevertheless, I think it’s quite clever if you ask me.

33. Those who might like Japanese cuisine might appreciate some Deadpool sushi.

This only has Deadpool's eyes. But I'm sure any diehard fan is bound to appreciate this.

This only has Deadpool’s eyes. But I’m sure any diehard fan is bound to appreciate this.

34. Nobody can resist a cake in the galaxy like this of baby Groot.

Definitely professionally made as I see from the artistry. Nevertheless, it's so adorable.

Definitely professionally made as I see from the artistry. Nevertheless, it’s so adorable.

35. I’m sure this apple would make a healthy Spidey snack.

Because it's an apple with Spider Man's face carved into it. Portable but probably takes some time to make.

Because it’s an apple with Spider Man’s face carved into it. Portable but probably takes some time to make.

36. For tearaway cupcake cakes, this one certainly is great for patriotic occasions.

Well, at least the red and white outer circles are. Not sure about the blue cake with the star in the middle.

Well, at least the red and white outer circles are. Not sure about the blue cake with the star in the middle.

37. This lunch was made courtesy of your neighborhood Spider Man.

This one has Spider Man in a salad as well as spiders in the other dishes. Parents, try to make sure your kid isn't arachnaphobic before serving them this.

This one has Spider Man in a salad as well as spiders in the other dishes. Parents, try to make sure your kid isn’t arachnaphobic before serving them this.

38. No Avengers party is complete without some Black Widow bars.

Because as a member of the Avengers, she has to have a treat of her own. Sure she's a girl but she's an Avenger. And she should be treated like one.

Because as a member of the Avengers, she has to have a treat of her own. Sure she’s a girl but she’s an Avenger. And she should be treated like one.

39. How about a Spider Man platter with a spider in it.

After all, that's Spider Man's trademark. He was bit by a radioactive spider, you know.

After all, that’s Spider Man’s trademark. He was bit by a radioactive spider, you know.

40. If you love your friendly neighborhood Spider Men, then you will love this pizza.

Not a lot of cheese used on top, but that's the point. Still, this is quite clever.

Not a lot of cheese used on top, but that’s the point. Still, this is quite clever.

41. Only a Captain America appetizer platter is super worthy of any patriot.

This includes strawberries, cheese, raspberries, and blueberries. Mostly fruit but the colors are consistent with the shield.

This includes strawberries, cheese, raspberries, and blueberries. Mostly fruit but the colors are consistent with the shield.

42. For dessert, you can’t go wrong with some Spider Man jello.

It's just red jello made to resemble Spider Man's head. And yes, icing is involved.

It’s just red jello made to resemble Spider Man’s head. And yes, icing is involved.

43. Nothing makes your Guardians of the Galaxy veggie platter complete like a Rocket Raccoon veggie platter.

Well, it doesn't have all veggies. But it's surely so cute.

Well, it doesn’t have all veggies. But it’s surely so cute.

44. Never seen a Groot cake like this.

Yes, this is a cake bust of Groot's head. Professionally made and probably rather expensive.

Yes, this is a cake bust of Groot’s head. Professionally made and probably rather expensive.

45. Apparently, you can see Iron Man rising from this one.

Not sure if I remembered this scene in the movies. Then again, I've never seen the first one, anyway.

Not sure if I remembered this scene in the movies. Then again, I’ve never seen the first one, anyway.

46. For a smashing party, check out this smashing salad.

Yes, this is a Hulk salad. And sure, it's not green. But the watermelon it's presented in is.

Yes, this is a Hulk salad. And sure, it’s not green. But the watermelon it’s presented in is.

47. Nothing makes your dessert platter ever more smashing than these Hulk pudding cups.

These mostly consist of green pudding with chocolate chips on top. Nevertheless, like the faces.

These mostly consist of green pudding with chocolate chunks on top. Nevertheless, like the faces.

48. Captain America cupcakes always make a fine patriotic addition to any dessert platter.

Sure they're not chocolate. But they're surely easy to decorate than some of the others on this list.

Sure they’re not chocolate. But they’re surely easy to decorate than some of the others on this list.

49. When it comes to Marvel superheroes, you can’t do wrong than these bento lunches.

Includes Captain America, Spider Man, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Wolverine. I'm sure each lunch has something different to offer.

Includes Captain America, Spider Man, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Wolverine. I’m sure each lunch has something different to offer.

50. If you want some super soldier pizza, this Captain America pie can’t be beat.

This one has pepperoni for the stripes. And blue food coloring for the center around the star.

This one has pepperoni for the stripes. And blue food coloring for the center around the star.

51. Top your Marvel dessert platter with this Captain America shield cake.

Well, this one has the comic Captain America. But the shield is quite nice.

Well, this one has the comic Captain America. But the shield is quite nice.

52. For your Spider Man party, go all out with these Spidey cupcakes.

Well, at least these have either webs and spiders on them. Still, if they're red, they're from Spider Man.

Well, at least these have either webs and spiders on them. Still, if they’re red, they’re from Spider Man.

53. This Captain America cake will make any party patriotic.

This one has a helmet and shield on top. And it's in red, white, and blue.

This one has a helmet and shield on top. And it’s in red, white, and blue.

54. These Spider Man cake pops are worth spinning a web for.

Since these webs have red underneath, they're Spider Man. But they're certainly not for arachnaphobes.

Since these webs have red underneath, they’re Spider Man. But they’re certainly not for arachnaphobes.

55. For your Marvel party, take a taste of this Captain America tart.

Well, it's a berry shield tart with strawberries and blueberries. Captain America action figure not included.

Well, it’s a berry shield tart with strawberries and blueberries. Captain America action figure not included.

56. Nothing makes your Avengers party more assembled than these cake pops.

These include Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Avengers log. Black Widow and Hawkeye not included.

These include Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, and Avengers log. Black Widow and Hawkeye not included.

57. In the realm of Rice Krispies, there’s nothing more incredible than these treats.

Hulk snacks on these Rice Krispie treats. Treats green with sprinkles, too.

Hulk snacks on these Rice Krispie treats. Treats green with sprinkles, too.

58. Those into Deadpool might find these cookies quite tasty.

These are cookies with Deadpool's face on them. But I'm sure non-fans wouldn't notice it.

These are cookies with Deadpool’s face on them. But I’m sure non-fans wouldn’t notice it.

59. When it comes to saving a city, this Spider Man cake is just the ticket.

This one is from Cake Boss. It was probably for some spoiled rich kid's birthday party. Considering how big it is and how it's a cake Peter Parker can't afford.

This one is from Cake Boss. It was probably for some spoiled rich kid’s birthday party. Considering how big it is and how it’s a cake Peter Parker can’t afford.

60. Those at HYDRA might take delight in these Red Skull marshmallow pops.

Yes, they look like red marshmallows with faces on them. Kind of makes Red Skull seem like a lovable figure, which he's not.

Yes, they look like red marshmallows with faces on them. Kind of makes Red Skull seem like a lovable figure, which he’s not.

61. Nothing makes your Avengers party complete like this cake.

Man, this Avengers cake uses a lot of detail in this. Hulk is smashing through walls while Iron Man is just hanging out.

Man, this Avengers cake uses a lot of detail in this. Hulk is smashing through walls while Iron Man is just hanging out.

62. In this galaxy, there’s nothing more worth munching on than Groot cookies.

I'm sure some pastry mechanism was involved with this one. Still, these are Groot- I mean great.

I’m sure some pastry mechanism was involved with this one. Still, these are Groot- I mean great.

63. For a smashing good time, try some Hulk pops.

Not sure are marshmallow or cake pops. Either way, they seem rather easy to make since they're green with sprinkle hair.

Not sure are marshmallow or cake pops. Either way, they seem rather easy to make since they’re green with sprinkle hair.

64. Nothing graces not your appetizer platter like Thor hammer snacks.

Okay, I might've shown these before. However, those had other cheeses and meat. These ones are mostly of cheddar.

Okay, I might’ve shown these before. However, those had other cheeses and meat. These ones are mostly of cheddar.

65. For a healthy appetite, try something from this Spider Man fruit salad.

Yes, this fruit salad in the form of Spider Man. And it's filled with apple slices, pineapple, strawberries, and grapes.

Yes, this fruit salad in the form of Spider Man. And it’s filled with apple slices, pineapple, strawberries, and grapes.

66. What’s more awesome in Guardians of the Galaxy than Awesome Music Mix Vol. 1? Well, this cake.

Okay, I'm kidding about that one. The music from that film practically made the movie. Still, this is a really awesome cake.

Okay, I’m kidding about that one. The music from that film practically made the movie. Still, this is a really awesome cake.

67. No Iron Man party should ever go without these hand cookies.

Yes, I put up Iron Man hand cookies before. But these don't use any icing.

Yes, I put up Iron Man hand cookies before. But these don’t use any icing.

68. These Avengers cake pops are surely well assembled.

Includes Hulk, Iron Man, Yhor, Captain America, Black Widow, and Nick Fury. Apparently, Hawkeye isn't nearly as popular to have one, is he?

Includes Hulk, Iron Man, Yhor, Captain America, Black Widow, and Nick Fury. Apparently, Hawkeye isn’t nearly as popular to have one, is he?

69. This Mjolnir cake should only be for the birthday of whom is worthy.

I know I've posted a Thor hammer cake before in last year's birthday cake post. Still, at least this one doesn't resemble anything phallic. At least as I see it.

I know I’ve posted a Thor hammer cake before in last year’s birthday cake post. Still, at least this one doesn’t resemble anything phallic. At least as I see it.

70. There’s nothing more smashing green at a party than this Hulk face cake.

Sure it may not look quite like Mark Ruffalo. But still, this cake looks really pissed.

Sure it may not look quite like Mark Ruffalo. But still, this cake looks really pissed.

71. At Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, every meal is served with some Cyclops bread.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Cyclops is the most popular character on X-Men. Because despite being married to Jean Grey, most fans would rather see her with Wolverine.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Cyclops is the most popular character on X-Men. Because despite being married to Jean Grey, most fans would rather see her with Wolverine.

72. To celebrate a birthday at S.H.I.E.L.D., this is the kind of cake to mark the occasion.

Now we know the kind of cake someone should get for Nick Fury's birthday party. After all, even though S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization, its logo appears everywhere.

Now we know the kind of cake someone should get for Nick Fury’s birthday party. After all, even though S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization, its logo appears everywhere.

73. For your fiesta, you can’t do without your very own Captain America nacho tray.

Includes two colors of chips, dip, and some cherry tomatoes. Not sure if Captain America eats Mexican though.

Includes two colors of chips, dip, and some cherry tomatoes. Not sure if Captain America eats Mexican though.

74. You can’t have a patriotic party without a quintessential Captain America shield cake.

Well, this is probably the kind of Captain America cake you'd get at a bakery. I suppose the others were custom made.

Well, this is probably the kind of Captain America cake you’d get at a bakery. I suppose the others were custom made.

75. Those who like X-Men might like these punk Storm cake pops.

Let's just say that Storm didn't always stick to the same hairstyle over the years. Still, she looks better without a mohawk.

Let’s just say that Storm didn’t always stick to the same hairstyle over the years. Still, she looks better without a mohawk.

76. Grace your Marvel dessert platter with these Captain America shield cookies.

Okay, this is another set of Captain America cookies. But these don't have icing as you see.

Okay, this is another set of Captain America cookies. But these don’t have icing as you see.

77. For a feast at Vahalla, you can’t possibly do without some Odin bread.

Surprised that I couldn't find many treats associated with Loki since he's a rather popular character. In the movies, Odin is kind of a jerk (though he's a better guy than in the myths).

Surprised that I couldn’t find many treats associated with Loki since he’s a rather popular character. In the movies, Odin is kind of a jerk (though he’s a better guy than in the myths).

78. Anyone into Deadpool might want to get a taste of these mask cookies.

Yes, this is another set of Deadpool cookies. But these mask ones look quite different from the others. So they count.

Yes, this is another set of Deadpool cookies. But these mask ones look quite different from the others. So they count.

79. Those who are into Spider Man vs. Venom might appreciate this cake.

Sure Venom may seem like Spider Man in a black suit. However, he's not and he's far worse than that.

Sure Venom may seem like Spider Man in a black suit. However, he’s not and he’s far worse than that.

80. At Asgard, there’s no worthy sustenance than some Thor hammer snacks.

These include Ritz crackers, cheese lightning bolts, grapes, and pretzel sticks. And I ensure they're worthy snacks for a Norse god.

These include Ritz crackers, cheese lightning bolts, grapes, and pretzel sticks. And I ensure they’re worthy snacks for a Norse god.

81. Each of the Avengers get a piece of this cake.

As long it's Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man. Because they're the most significant in the Marvel Comics franchise.

As long it’s Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man. Because they’re the most significant in the Marvel Comics franchise.

82. Nothing makes a Spidey party better than this Spider Man cake.

This one is a cake of Spider Man's face. And it comes with some web cupcakes. Looks pretty neat.

This one is a cake of Spider Man’s face. And it comes with some web cupcakes. Looks pretty neat.

83. Your Avengers baby shower simply can’t happen without these cookies.

Of course, I'm sure the Avengers weren't wearing such outfits when they were little. Still, these are cute.

Of course, I’m sure the Avengers weren’t wearing such outfits when they were little. Still, these are cute.

84. When it comes to Guardians of the Galaxy, these Awesome Music Vol. 1 cookies would make a fine addition to your dessert platter.

Because nothing says Guardians of the Galaxy like its awesome music soundtrack. Nevertheless, these are great.

Because nothing says Guardians of the Galaxy like its awesome music soundtrack. Nevertheless, these are great.

85. Start your breakfast with whole Groot muffins.

Well, these are just muffins with eyes in them. And they're uneven for Groot's hair. So cute.

Well, these are just muffins with eyes in them. And they’re uneven for Groot’s hair. So cute.

86. Nothing packs the punch like some Hulk hand cake pops.

Yes, these are little Hulk hand cake pops. Not good for smashing. Though they might be delicious.

Yes, these are little Hulk hand cake pops. Not good for smashing. Though they might be delicious.

87. These Avengers cupcakes are surely well assembled.

Includes The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Spider Man, and Loki. Sure Loki is a bad guy. But you can't help but like him.

Includes The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Spider Man, and Loki. Sure Loki is a bad guy. But you can’t help but like him.

88. On your Spidey shack platter, you can’t go without some Spider Man gouda.

Well, these shells have webs to match Spider Man's spider suit. Kind of clever if you think about it.

Well, these shells have webs to match Spider Man’s spider suit. Kind of clever if you think about it.

89. For a Mexican treat in the galaxy, perhaps take a bite out of a Groot churo.

I'm sure the dirt is made from pudding and Oreos that you can dip churo Groot in. Still, this is quite clever.

I’m sure the dirt is made from pudding and Oreos that you can dip churo Groot in. Still, this is quite clever.

90. No Iron Man dinner is complete without some Iron Man pizza.

Well, this one seems to have the suit down quite right. Like how they used onion for the heart.

Well, this one seems to have the suit down quite right. Like how they used onion for the heart.

91. There’s nothing more soft and fluffy than some Hail HYDRA bread.

Well, this looks pretty disgusting. Still, I'm sure the people at HYDRA enjoy this in their cafeteria.

Well, this looks pretty disgusting. Still, I’m sure the people at HYDRA enjoy this in their cafeteria.

92. Get ironed up for this Iron Man cake.

This one seems to have a reactor light inside. Probably not edible. But I'm sure the rest of cake is.

This one seems to have a reactor light inside. Probably not edible. But I’m sure the rest of cake is.

93. For a special Avengers treat, taste some of these Black Widow dark chocolate pinata cookies.

And these are filled with Mini M&M's. At least Black Widow has a great treat like this if you ask me.

And these are filled with Mini M&M’s. At least Black Widow has a great treat like this if you ask me.

94. There’s nothing grander at a party in Asgard than these chocolate Thor hammers.

All you need are chocolate, pretzel sticks, and possibly marshmallows. Serve only whom is worthy.

All you need are chocolate, pretzel sticks, and possibly marshmallows. Serve only whom is worthy.

95. If you like Marvel, then you’ll sure adore these cupcakes.

I'm sure these were professionally made with all the detail. Nevertheless, they're pretty cool if you ask me.

I’m sure these were professionally made with all the detail. Nevertheless, they’re pretty cool if you ask me.

96. Delight your Spider Man party guests with these Spidey pizza bites.

These are covered with tomato sauce, cheese, and olives. Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Spider Man.

These are covered with tomato sauce, cheese, and olives. Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Spider Man.

97. This Marvel cake seems very full of color.

Since it has at least 2 Avengers as well as sound effects galore. Love the bright colors.

Since it has at least 2 Avengers as well as sound effects galore. Love the bright colors.

98. Get a patriotic healthy taste with this Captain America fruit platter.

Yes, this is another Captain America fruit dish. However, this one has marshmallows and dip.

Yes, this is another Captain America fruit dish. However, this one has marshmallows and dip.

99. No Marvel superhero party is complete without these Deadpool cupcakes.

I don't know much about Deadpool. But I hear he's really popular. Also, these cupcakes have red filling and chocolate icing for the mask.

I don’t know much about Deadpool. But I hear he’s really popular. Also, these cupcakes have red filling and chocolate icing for the mask.

100. Finally, there’s no better Guardians of the Galaxy treat out of this world than these chocolate Groots.

And here they all are in their pudding cups. Made from pretzels, marshmallow, and chocolate. Adorable.

And here they all are in their pudding cups. Made from pretzels, marshmallow, and chocolate. Adorable.