And Yet They Stay Silent 

Now that Donald Trump is no longer president, I often don’t feel the need to pay as much close attention to him as I once did during those nightmare four years in office. Although he has announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, I still remain wary. Since I still remember how we all underestimated him during the 2016 election campaign to our great detriment. If there’s one thing I don’t want to see in my life, it’s seeing another Trump presidency. Even though their disastrous showing in the 2022 midterm elections have led the Republican Party to reevaluate their relationship with Trump, we must not rejoice that they’ve turned away from their cult leader completely. Even if the GOP establishment has, the fact I still see Trump signs within my area shows that he still has his loyal fans and still has influence. Besides, whenever Trump says or does something that hurts the GOP’s image, most Republican politicians will do this dance where they’ll openly condemn Trump for his inexcusable conduct or try to distance themselves from him. Only to keep crawling back to him once they believe the scandal has gone away. And if Trump does well enough to win the GOP primary in 2024, I can guarantee that the Republicans will have his back. 

On Saturday, December 3, 2022, Donald Trump for the termination of the US Constitution to overturn the 2020 election and reinstate him to power. Writing on his personal bully pulpit Truth Social, Trump said, “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!” According to CNN, Trump’s post came after a release of internal Twitter emails showing deliberation in 2020 over a New York Post story about material found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. But really, who gives a shit about Hunter Biden’s laptop besides right wing news outlets and their viewers? For God’s sake the only thing about Hunter Biden’s laptop that I care about is when I’ll stop hearing about it. Nevertheless, when a public figure calls to do away with foundational blueprint to our democracy, we absolutely need to take that person seriously. Particularly if that figure is a former president who once swore to preserve, protect, and defend that very document. Especially if that former president has been willing to pander to white supremacists, undermine decades of political precedents and democratic norms while in office, refused to accept the results of a presidential election two years ago that he’s still bitching about, constantly pushes conspiracy theories to his cadre of cult followers who’d believe anything he says, and incited violent insurrection at the US Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the federal government. Not to mention, stole thousands of classified documents away to Mar-a-Lago, which spurred an FBI raid on the resort this summer. And certainly if that former president still has supporters to make Republican politicians hesitant to take a cue from Liz Cheney on January 6 and ditch Trump for good.  

I am not surprised that Donald Trump believes in ditching the US Constitution in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election and have his own power reinstated. The man is a textbook, narcissistic psychopath who believes he’s above the law as well as not bound to the same rules and norms as everyone else. Not to mention, sees the world as his personal playground where he can do whatever the fuck he wants and profit from it. Nor does he believe that he should be held accountable for his very egregious actions. Besides, back in 2016, I wrote a blog post on why you shouldn’t vote for Trump. Among the reasons I listed were that he has no respect for America, its values, or its people. Not to mention, linked to US enemies and dictators and had his campaign tamper with the political process. Nor does he have any respect for American democracy or the rule of law. You might think I might’ve sounded alarmist at the time. However, what has transpired since Trump won the presidency during that dark November of 2016 has unfortunately confirmed that I was absolutely right. When Trump solemnly swore to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution during his inauguration, I knew that was all a sham. Because Trump is a man with no conscience who will always put his own interests first, including that of the country’s. Always was. Always will be. Now that he’s subject to multiple criminal investigations, the January 6 Committee has convened, the FBI has raided Mar-a-Lago, and Congress can now look into his tax returns, Trump is trying to use his influence over the Republican rank-and-file to evade facing accountability for his egregious actions. Especially since the Trump Organization has been found guilty of all counts of tax fraud and financial crimes. And the fact he’s willing to do away with the very foundation to our national government in order to be president again and do whatever the hell he wants with no consequence. 

Nonetheless, covering Donald Trump when he spouts such fascist rants like this is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it gives him more time airtime in the news media which will only boost his notoriety and possibly support among voters. The last thing we need right now is another major Trump media circus just so he can spend more time in the spotlight. Especially since he’s still a clear and present danger to our American democracy as well as still has his cult of deplorables and the Republican Party behind him. On the other hand, Trump is such a powerful and destructive influence in our politics and our country that we can’t just turn a blind eye towards all the egregious shit he says and does. Especially when public knowledge of all the horrible stuff he’s said and done will usually be the only lasting consequence he’ll ever receive. Given that he’s a rich psychopath who never learns his lessons or doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself. While he’ll often use all the power and privileges his wealth gives him to escape from any consequences that come his way. And especially if his words and actions have inflicted very real damage on our democracy, our public discourse, and our way of life. To ignore him only enables him to get away with his shit and at the American people’s expense.  

Fortunately, the Biden White House treated such incendiary comments with a quick and decisive response. On that very day, White House spokesman Andrew Bates stated:  

“The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it. It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights. Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation and should be universally condemned. You cannot only love America when you win.”  

In other words, to call for the termination of something so sacred and foundational to what our nation is nothing short of a national heresy. Do away with the US Constitution, then you might as well do away with everything America stands for.  If not, then America itself. And such a statement deserves nothing less than universal condemnation regardless of what side you’re on. Or whether you win an election or not. 

Democratic leaders were also quick to condemn Donald Trump’s remarks. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer told reporters, “If America doesn’t extricate itself from Donald Trump and his MAGA ideology, it will undercut our American way of life.” Meaning that as long as support for Trump and Trumpism is deemed acceptable within American society, the cancer of Trump and Trumpism will continue to undermine American democracy and the public discourse. As someone who’s had to put up with people in her life and community who support this fucking piece of shit, I couldn’t agree more. In many respects, to support Donald Trump is to accept the unacceptable, the excuse the inexcusable, to defend the indefensible, to believe the unbelievable, and to deny the undeniable. That was true back in 2016. And it remains true to this day. Since Trump became the GOP’s standard bearer, he has made it a party without basic principles aside from white supremacy, unfettered capitalism, unchecked dominance by corporations and the 1%, gutting social programs, unionbusting and eroding workers’ rights, and the ever-empty pursuit of retaining and expanding political power. Their allegiance to Trump has rotted GOP standards of acceptable behavior from politicians, empowered some of the worst elements of our society, and has allowed deeply repugnant notions spread to the mainstream. And even when Trump says or does something beyond the pale, Republicans might rebuke him and hope the matter quietly goes away so they can silently crawl back to him.  

However, when it came to Republican politicians, only Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney issued a statement, tweeting, “Donald Trump believes we should terminate ‘all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution’ to overturn the 2020 election. That was his view on 1/6 and remains his view today. No honest person can now deny that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution.” Now I may not support Cheney’s politics, but I think it’s a shame that she’s seen as a hero. Instead of a normal politician who’s fulfilling basic expectations relating to her job. Sure, Cheney’s willingness to denounce Trump after the January 6 insurrection on the US Capitol was certainly brave. But it shouldn’t have been. Nor should her vote to impeach Trump a second time and her vice chairmanship of the January 6 Committee. And none of what she’s done since January 6 should’ve alienated her from her party’s establishment and cost her a congressional seat to a primary challenger. Because when a president incites an attempted coup on the US government, a politician is supposed to break with that leader and put their country first. Doesn’t matter if that president leads their own party. Nor how popular and influential he is within your party’s ranks. A politician’s foremost duty is to the Constitution and the American people. Not their party establishment and not their voters. And yet, Cheney’s considered a hero mainly because most of her Republican colleagues haven’t done the same. In fact, most have done what they could to ensure that Trump won’t be held accountable for his actions on January 6, the exact opposite of what they should. All because they want to retain and expand their political power.  

The only other sharp condemnation comes from Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger, tweeting, “With the former President calling to throw aside the constitution, not a single conservative can legitimately support him, and not a single supporter can be called a conservative. This is insane. Trump hates the Constitution.” Although he hasn’t been primaried like fellow January 6 committee member Liz Cheney, he’s retiring from Congress. Because his stance against Donald Trump over January 6 has pissed of his own constituents who’d almost certainly replace him with a primary challenger if he ran for reelection. And he’s closer to my age than hers. Had it not been for Trump and January 6, he would’ve had a long promising political career ahead of him. Instead, his political career’s been cut short in his prime, which is a damn shame. All because he put his country over his own party. All because he opposes Trump. Still, Kinzinger is absolutely right.  Although to fair, Trump has always hated the Constitution whenever it doesn’t let him get his way. Also, his affinity for dictators makes it pretty clear that he’s a fascist authoritarian who dreams about being an autocratic president who do whatever the hell he likes without question or consequence. Especially if it means crushing political opposition with an iron fist. And yet, other Republicans remain silent. 

Incoming Democratic House leader Hakeem Jeffries told George Stephanopoulos on This Week, “The Republicans are gonna have to work out their issues with the former president and decide whether they’re gonna break from him and return to some semblance of reasonableness or continue to lean into the extremism, not just of Trump, but of Trumpism. Suspending the Constitution is an extraordinary step, but we’re used to extraordinary statements being made by the former president.” Unfortunately, his statement proves to be just prophetic. While many of the Republicans have and will issue mild condemnations for fear of Donald Trump’s political clout and retaliation from his most violent supporters. For many of them speaking against Trump will only incur the wrath of the conservative constituents who’ll rally behind a Trump-supporting primary challenger. Sure, Republicans blame Trump for their 2022 lackluster performance in the mid-terms, but he’s still the party’s central figure. And many people in my area still have their Trump signs out on their lawns in full display. So don’t tell me that the Republican establishment has finally turned their backs on him for good. Because once you think they have, they keep crawling back They may condemn Trump for inciting January 6. But don’t be surprised if you see Representative Kevin McCarthy pictured with the guy at Mar-a-Lago only a month later.  

Aside from Cheney and Kinzinger, the toughest Republican response came from Ohio Congressman Mike Turner who “There is a political process that has to go forward before anybody is a frontrunner or anybody is even the candidate for the party. I believe people certainly are going to take into consideration a statement like this as they evaluate a candidate.” Although Turner suggests Republicans will take Trump’s incendiary fascist remarks into consideration and throw their support behind an alternative candidate. Unfortunately, guess who else had the naïve idea that voters wouldn’t seriously vote for Trump for the presidency? This girl back in 2016. Also, even though Trump’s popularity may not be what it used to be in the Republican Party, he’s got millions of supporters still willing to vote for him. But a more typical response comes from Ohio Congressman David Joyce whose answers frustrated George Stephanopoulos to no end. When Stephanopoulos pressed Joyce to disavow someone who openly wants to overthrow the US Constitution, he told him not to worry about it. “He says a lot of things,” the congressman said of Trump. “But that doesn’t mean that it’s ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy—and fantasy is that we’re going to suspend the Constitution and go backward.” Uh, didn’t he incite an insurrection on the US Capitol in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election results? What makes you think that he won’t at least try to suspend the US Constitution? Although I agree there are times we shouldn’t take Trump’s words too seriously, whenever he suggests a possible overthrow of the US government isn’t one of them. Because he’s tried that before on January 6. And when Stephanopoulos asked Joyce the ever-famous question of whether he’d support Trump in 2024, he replied “I will support whoever the Republican nominee is.” Unfortunately, Trump is the current front-runner and from how he campaigns, he’s likely to remain so.  

And yet, incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remains silent. Mainly because disavowing Donald Trump might cost him his party’s leadership position in the House. Bad enough that five of those Republicans in the incoming majority said they won’t vote for McCarthy because he doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass enough. Even though I’d consider showing up at Mar-a-Lago within a few weeks after condemning the January 6 insurrection as Trumpish enough. That may be enough to deny the overall majority he needs. Also, during the GOP leadership balloting 31 other Republicans voted against McCarthy’s candidacy. All were Trumpers. The fact that so many Republicans don’t want McCarthy as their leader because he doesn’t love Trump enough says all you need to know about the Republican Party’s relationship with that fucking piece of shit. Not only that, but a recent poll by Marquette Law School shows that 32% of Americans view him favorably.  

Nonetheless, the fact Republicans and a sizeable contingent of the American public still stick with Donald Trump despite all the things he’s said and done is deeply damaging to our country. It’s one thing to just turn a blind eye to Trump’s incendiary rhetoric suggesting to overthrow the government. But it’s another to continuously obstruct efforts to investigate and bring justice to what happened on January 6, 2021. All just to stay in Trump’s base’s good graces and remain in power. Even more infuriating is that thanks to Trump’s influence on the GOP, just merely stating that this fucking piece of shit is responsible for January 6 will absolutely ruin any Thanksgiving dinner. Which is a shame because a terrorist attack on the US Capitol should’ve been able to unite the country against Trump. And even though Republicans are starting realize that their cult leader is a political liability after the 2022 midterms, don’t expect the GOP to bolt just yet. Sure, they may not be thrilled that he’s running for president for a third time. But he’s the current front-runner and we must not expect him to lose the GOP’s full support if he should remain if he should become their party’s nominee. Still, the fact that the GOP by and large has chosen what they believe what’s best for themselves over what’s best for the country is a national shame. And it doesn’t help there are currently January 6 insurrectionists holding elected office or were even allowed to stand in the midterms like Doug Mastriano. Now Trump calls for another coup and yet, Republicans remain silent.  

Now I may not live in the most liberal area in Pennsylvania. Far from it, in fact. However, my own feelings toward Donald Trump and his loyalists have only intensified. I understand this is a free country. However, the fact people still support this fucking piece of shit despite his presidency being a living nightmare, his role inciting the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, and his calls to terminate the US Constitution only makes me deeply appalled. Especially if they believe the Big Lie or embrace any batshit Qanon conspiracy theories. As much as I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, their continued support for their cult leader has only inspired me to look upon them with disdain and disrespect. Apparently, after all what Trump has said and done, I can no longer be sure whether anyone supporting this either understands what siding with the guy entails or simply doesn’t care. Nonetheless, the fact people in my community still support this fucking piece of shit, some even passionately, makes me want to storm onto a podium in front of a large crowd of MAGAts and scream into the microphone:  

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea of what this fucking piece of shit has said and done since 2016? Do you know what supporting this unrespectable man says about you? May not mean that you’re willing to storm the US Capitol. But that even inciting an attempted coup of the US government isn’t enough to convince you that he nowhere near the flag-hugging patriot he portrays himself to be. And you still side with this traitor who called for this attack on our nation’s lawmakers and representatives all in order to overturn an election that he didn’t win. And yet, you still support him, sometimes believing his brazen lies and manipulations. Well, if you still stick with him despite his clear disdain for American democracy when it turns against him, either your patriotism is just as much a sham or you’re a fool to his myriad of political con games. Either way, I’ve had enough of you seeing this narcistic psychopath as your hero while the United States suffers for his sins. And if you can’t see your dear leader as the clear and present danger to America he is, then you have no right to question my patriotism. Especially if your allegiance to him above all else makes me question yours.”