The Deadly Infectious Vaccine Myths Needing Eradicated

Vaccine in vial with syringe. Vaccination concept.  3d

I often do my best to avoid telling parents how to raise their children. However, since it’s come to my attention that more US states are loosening their vaccination exemptions. And today a growing number of parents are refusing to vaccinate their children which I think is extremely irresponsible and dangerous to public health. Many of these parents refuse to get their kids vaccinated because internet misinformation such as the idea that vaccines cause autism promoted by Jenny McCarthy. Yet, these falling immunization rates correspond with recent resurgences of vaccine-preventable diseases. In 2010, an outbreak in California 9,120 cases of whooping cough, more than any year since the whooping cough vaccine was introduced in the 1940s. 10 babies too young to be vaccinated for the disease died during the outbreak. In some outbreaks, some children have been left severely and permanently injured or disabled. The New England Journal of Medicine said that anti-vaxxer activities resulted in a high cost to society “including damage to individual and community well-being from outbreaks of previously controlled diseases, withdrawal of vaccine manufacturers from the market, compromising of national security (in the case of anthrax and smallpox vaccines), and lost productivity.” A 2011 journal described the vaccine-autism connection as, “perhaps the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years.” But despite that scientific studies have debunked the non-existent vaccine-autism link, hundreds of parents still believe in this fraudulent claim and don’t get their kids vaccinated, which continue to greatly damage public health.


For all my readers on my blog and visitors, as a member of the autistic community, I sincerely plead with you not to listen to Jenny McCarthy. Sure she might have a child diagnosed with autism (or misdiagnosed), but she’s a prominent anti-vaxxer who promotes dangerous misinformation that have led to dangerous outbreaks as well as demonize a whole group of people. I may not be an expert in vaccines or autism. But I know a lot more about either than her. So listen to me instead.

I am on the autism spectrum. I have gone great lengths to avoid the subject of vaccines for as long as I could because I didn’t want people to see me as an autistic person. I didn’t want that fact to distract people from seeing me as the person I am who just happens to be autistic. Nor do I ever try to gain anything from except services I need so I can live independently from my parents someday. But since far too many people think the decision whether to get your kids vaccinated is like choosing whether you kid can have a puppy, I don’t see myself as having a choice. I may not be anywhere near as famous as Jenny McCarthy. But I consider myself more of an authority on autism than her since I am autistic though my experience doesn’t mirror everyone in the autistic community. And despite being diagnosed at 12, I’ve certainly had it long before receiving my shots like before birth. Personally, I see the anti-vaxxer idea of vaccines causing autism as resoundingly false and dangerous ideology that could lead to a public health crisis. I also find the frequently debunked autism-vaccine link deeply offensive and dehumanizing. I mean saying that vaccines cause autism is like saying that having autism is worse than contracting a potentially deadly communicable disease. Sorry, but as an autistic woman with a B.A. in history, it just doesn’t hold up for me. Have I had it hard living with autism, especially in getting a job and establishing social contacts? Yes, though I didn’t let it stop me from doing well in school and graduating from college or building up my blog and starting out as a writer. I may not be completely satisfied with my life right now and wish I had a better way to earn money than go on an exhaustive job search I see as a waste of time. But in some ways I have it better than a lot of other people in my age group. I have supportive parents and family members as well as a passion that gives me direction in life. Blogging on WordPress may not give me the money to pay my bills but at least I earn something from it and find the work more rewarding than trying to get a job.


Here’s another anti-vaxxer who has no idea of how autism and vaccines work. Yes, I know he’s an entitled rich sociopath who regularly promotes conspiracy theories on his Twitter feed and lies all the time. But somehow the Conald managed to convince over 60 million Americans to elect him president (though he didn’t win the popular vote). I know he’s an utter embarrassment and I did what I could to not make this happen. I sincerely apologize.

Vaccines are a great pillar of modern medicine. Before vaccines, life was especially brutal for children with huge portions dying from diseases like measles, smallpox, whooping cough, or rubella, along with others. Today a single injection can completely prevent these ailments in a number of ways. Nevertheless, we should never forget how many deaths and illnesses vaccines have prevented and continue to do so. Vaccines have been so beneficial to society that it’s no wonder practically all jurisdictions make them mandatory. For parents, having one’s children vaccinated on schedule isn’t just a parental responsibility but also a community obligation. Not vaccinating your kids not only leaves them exposed to danger unprotected, but also other kids and adults who can’t be vaccinated. Now that we have an anti-vaxxer in the White House, a Health and Human Services Secretary who was once part of an organization that’s espoused anti-vaxxer views, and a bullshit anti-vaxxer documentary shown at a film festival, I feel that we must debunk the falsehoods as I have in this list.


Here’s a poster with anti-vaxxer bullshit on how vaccines cause autism. Sorry, but just because vaccines and autism diagnostic rates have increased over the years doesn’t mean there’s a correlation between the two. Besides, autism was never an epidemic and its dramatic rise only indicates that it just happens to be far more common than we thought. Also, there are unvaccinated children who do have autism like those living in 3rd world countries.

  1. Vaccines cause autism.– Sorry, but that hypothesis has been completely discredited that 1997 Lancet article on the MMR vaccine by British surgeon Andrew Wakefield who now addressed as Mr. Wakefield these days. The Lancet eventually retracted that paper due to serious procedural errors, undisclosed financial conflicts, financial conflicts of interest, and ethical violations. Furthermore, no scientific study afterwards has found any link between vaccines and the likelihood developing autism. Oh, and the fact in 2011, a “vaccine court” ruled against over 5,000 families claiming vaccines caused their children’s autism. Though causes of autism remain a mystery, most scientists believe genetics are certainly involved and identified autistic symptoms in children well before receiving the MMR vaccine. Further research provides evidence that autism develops in utero well before the baby is born or receives vaccinations. At any rate, the most effective way to prevent your kid getting autism is avoiding sexual contact with an autistic adult. Even that’s not 100% effective due to congenital mutations, possibly environmental factors, higher paternal age, pregnancy-related conditions, and that there’s no foolproof way of knowing who’s autistic and who’s not. Hell, there’s a good chance you or someone you know might have autism and not even know it. Because while there’s been an increase of children being diagnosed with autism, there’s also been an increase in adults as well. Many times the adults are the kids’ parents who don’t find out until after their kid’s diagnosis. Also, more families are experiencing multiple members with autism than ever before. So if one kid has autism, there’s an extremely good chance their sibling will have it, too. This is especially if autistic child and their sibling are identical twins. So the cause of autism has many genetic paths sometimes through familial inheritance or congenital mutations. Let’s just say autism prevention isn’t worth it unless you either get yourself sterilized or try celibacy. If anything, it’s very likely that autism may be underdiagnosed in both kids and adults, especially among females, minorities, and the poor. As someone with autism, I find blaming vaccines for autism to be extremely offensive and irresponsible. It’s very clear that these anti-vaxxers don’t know a thing about autism and think it’s worse than having a child suffer and die from some communicable disease. Having autism wasn’t the worst thing that happened to me. But I concealed that fact for years from fellow classmates, friends, and students since I was diagnosed at 12 because I didn’t want to deal with the stigma and the fact I didn’t fit in with their idea of autism. A lot of the people I grew up with would find it almost impossible to believe that an autistic person could be substantially more intelligent and articulate than them. Yet, I also have my limitations such as sensitivity to loud noises and an inability to filter distractions which is a major reason why I still don’t have a driver’s license. While my social skills have drastically improved over the years thanks to a childhood of speech therapy at school and medications, many concepts of social interaction don’t come natural to me. And a lot of what I had to learn about social norms and communication I had to learn. When I was a little, I didn’t start talking until I was 4 years old and was a very hyperactive and curious toddler who’d often get into things I wasn’t supposed to. Oh, and I also exhibited obsessive and repetitive behaviors like lining my stuffed animals on the couch and giving them books to read. Nevertheless, it’s an integral part of who I am which I would never change though it doesn’t necessarily define me. But many anti-vaxxers and the general public don’t understand there are different recognized versions of autism along a spectrum so no two cases are the same. The rise in autism rates has more to do with the fact that scientists have redefine what constitutes it, which explains why I was diagnosed at 12 instead of 2 (though I had early intervention, medication, and speech therapy anyway). Because back in the early 1990s, autistic children were widely perceived as intellectually disabled while my toddler self could open child locks. So it was an ADHD diagnosis for me. But even when it was under the radar, I’ve always had it. There is no autism epidemic for it has always been there whether those with it have been diagnosed or not. Those autism rates don’t reflect on who has autism, they just indicate those known to have it. And most autistic people including myself don’t see their condition as a disease needing to be cured. Though they could use attention, support, and resources that all too often go to misguided efforts to find one devilish, monolithic cause of the alleged epidemic. So to say that vaccines cause autism is not only bad science that encourages parental irresponsibility, it also marginalizes people who live with a condition many people view as a disease that it’s not.

This woman’s statement on Facebook really says a lot about what I think of anti-vaxxer parents. Having child with autism isn’t as bad as having a kid suffer from a deadly communicable disease people died from. Seriously, autism isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person.

2. Infant immune systems can’t handle so many vaccines.-In reality, infant immune systems are much more resilient than we give them credit for. Why? Because babies are exposed to countless bacteria and viruses every day. Besides, most vaccines usually contain a weakened or dead form of the bacteria or virus in order to train the immune system to fight it. And since many of these diseases contributed to high infant and child mortality rates in the past, today’s baby immune systems actually have it easy thanks to vaccines. Based on the number of antibodies present in the blood, a baby could theoretically respond to around 10,000 vaccines at one time. Even if all 14 scheduled vaccines were given at once, it would only use up slightly more than 0.1% of their immune capacity. So vaccinating infants won’t tax their immune system since their grandparents had to handle much worse at their age or older.


Yes, I know a lot of babies get a lot of shots as you can see from this graph. However, unlike what anti-vaxxers think, giving your baby a bunch of vaccines will only use up a very tiny fraction of their immune capacity. Also, before vaccines, then how do you think their unvaccinated ancestors survived infancy? I mean the days of pre-modern medicine had a lot of high infant mortality rates because of these bad germs.

3. Natural immunity is better than vaccine-acquired immunity.– In some cases, natural immunity like catching the disease and getting sick results in a stronger immunity to the disease than vaccination. Unfortunately, the dangers of this approach far outweigh the benefits. Of course, you could acquire a natural immunity from chicken pox with few ill effects. But contracting diseases like measles on the other hand, chances are you’d face a 1 in 500 chance of death from your symptoms. By contrast, the chance of you having a severe allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine is less than 1 in a million. Besides, even if vaccines aren’t natural so is a lot of modern medicine. So I’ll take my chances and go with the vaccine over natural immunity from deadly diseases any day of the week.


Another anti-vaxxer myth is that vaccines contain toxins like mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. While it may contain some truth, they are only in very trace amounts that are well within the most stringent EPA safety guidelines or not at all.

4. Vaccines contain unsafe toxins.- People have concerns about formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum in vaccines. While these chemicals are toxic in certain levels, FDA approved vaccines only use trace amounts if any. In fact, according to the FDA and CDC, our own metabolic systems produce formaldehyde at higher rates (10 times as much in fact). There’s no scientific evidence that low levels of this chemical, mercury, or aluminum are harmful. If you’re still worried, remember that childhood vaccines haven’t contained any mercury since 1999. And when they did, the mercury levels were well below the EPA’s most stringent public safety limits. So even if your kid received a vaccine containing thimerosal, the overwhelming majority of data supports a lack of association between the substance and neurological problems. And that children are exposed to mercury from many environmental sources that according to Dr. Margaret Rennels, “The reality that a lot of people seem to miss is that the largest source of organic mercury is the environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink and the fish we eat. That’s due to the burning of coal.” As for aluminum, babies get more of that from food even in the first 6 months whether be from breast-feeding or formula.


While better sanitation, nutrition, personal hygiene habits, and antibiotics have helped decrease infections, they don’t explain the whole story. I’ll let this graph from The Wall Street Journal speak for itself. Or you can just ask a celebrity polio survivor (they do exist).

5. Better hygiene and sanitation are actually responsible for decreased infections, not vaccines.- Sure better hygiene and sanitation have helped reduce or eliminate infectious disease rates. But so have better nutrition and the development of antibiotics as well. However, when we isolate these factors and scrutinize infectious disease rates, vaccines’ role can’t be denied. Because many infections can still spread regardless of how clean we are. For instance, when the first measles vaccine came out in 1963, infection rates had held steady at 400,000 cases a year. Hygienic and sanitation didn’t change much during the following decade, but measles infections dropped dramatically with only 25,000 cases by 1970. Another example is Hib disease. According to the CDC, its incidence rate plummeted from 20,000 in 1990 to around 1,500 in 1993 after the vaccine was introduced.


As you see from this rag of lies, anti-vaxxers like to go out of their way to show that vaccines aren’t worth the risk. However, while vaccines do cause severe allergic reactions, the overall incident rate is like 1 in 2 million. Perhaps you should worry about bigger dangers to your children like meteors or lightning strikes.

6. Vaccines aren’t worth the risk.– Children have been successfully vaccinated for decades that there has never been a single credible study linking vaccines to long term health conditions. As for immediate danger like allergic reactions or severe side effects, the incidence of death is so rare they can’t ever truly be calculated. For example, the CDC reported only one death attributable to a vaccine between 1990 and 1992. The overall incident rate of severe allergic reactions to vaccines is usually placed around one case for every 2 million injections. Besides, vaccines are tested in more children over a longer period of time than any other drug. And when introducing a new vaccine, the FDA requires pharmaceutical companies to prove their product doesn’t pose a threat when added to the existing vaccine schedule. There’s even as special database called the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which can help scientists monitor vaccine safety and anyone can use the system to report a suspected side effect. And in many cases, the side effects reported are mostly coincidences and of the people who reported to VAERS about vaccines causing autism, 80% were personal injury lawyers. Not to mention, vaccine makers often take a cautious approach when writing their warning labels, listing all possible side effects even if they occur at the same rate in unvaccinated people. So your child is more likely to die from being struck by a meteor than from a vaccination.


Here’s a chart on the types of vaccine denialists. There’s Autism Andy, Poisonous Pete, Loony Lucy, Hygenic Helen, and Naturalist Nancy. Each is an unreliable steaming pile of shit who shouldn’t be trusted.

7. Vaccines can infect children with the disease it’s trying to prevent.– Vaccines can cause mild symptoms resembling those from the disease they’re protecting against. It’s a common misconception is that these symptoms signal infection. In reality, in the less than small percentage of (less than 1 million cases) where symptoms do occur, the vaccine recipients are experiencing a body’s immune response to the vaccine, not the disease itself. There’s only one recorded instance in which the vaccine was shown to cause disease. This was the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), which is no longer used in the US. Since then, vaccines have been in safe use for decades and follow strict FDA regulations. Today, according to Kathryn Edwards, M.D., spokesperson for the National Network for Immunization Information, “Most vaccines we give today, such as meningitis and DTaP, contain killed vaccines—not live agents that could replicate.” Though there are some vaccines that do contain a live weakened virus to provoke an immune response such as the MMR and chicken pox immunizations.


Here’s some more faces of vaccine denialism we’ll get to. There’s Libertarian Larry, Ruling Roger, Skeptical Sally, Prove-Me-Right Rita, Violet VAERS, and Everything Evelyn. Again, a bunch of wackjobs.

8. We don’t need to vaccinate because infection rates are already so low in the United States.- The fact infection rates are already so low in the US is because we’ve been vaccinating our kids for decades because the virus and bacteria responsible for these diseases don’t go away. Thanks to “herd immunity,” so long as a large majority of people are immunized in any population, even the unimmunized minority will be protected. With so many people resistant, an infectious disease will never get the chance to establish itself and spread. This is important because there will always be a portion of the population like infants, pregnant women, elderly, and those with weakened immune systems who can’t receive the vaccines. But if too many people don’t vaccinate themselves and their children, they contribute to collective danger and open up opportunities for viruses and bacteria to establish themselves and spread. Not to mention, since international travel is growing quickly, the CDC warn that even if a disease isn’t a threat to your country, it may be common elsewhere. If someone carries in a trip from abroad, an unvaccinated individual will be at far greater risk of getting sick if they’re exposed.


Vaccines are very instrumental in the concept of “herd immunity.” This works when a large population gets vaccinated against a deadly virus, they can contain infectious individuals and protect those who can’t get vaccinated. If not enough people are unvaccinated, deadly diseases can come back. So for those who says as long as other kids get vaccinated that your kids don’t need to be, you totally do. Unless you’re Amish or live under a rock.

9. As long as other children are getting vaccinated, mine don’t need to be.- Sorry, but skipping your kid’s vaccinations puts your kids at greater risk for potentially life-threatening diseases. Besides, there’s the whole “herd immunity” thing you don’t understand in which according to Professor Thomas Saari, M.D., “The ability of immunizations to prevent the spread of infection depends on having a certain number of children immunized.” And the immunization level required to prevent most of these vaccinable diseases is very high. For instance, in order for the herd immunity to prevent measles from being spread from child to child, the 95% of kids have to be vaccinated against it. In 2003, the national vaccination rate in the US in children between 19-35 months was only about 80% despite that the number increases to the mid-90s when kids are starting school. Such rates may not be high enough to provide herd immunity, especially if exemptions from school vaccines are on the rise in some states. According to studies from Colorado where residents claim high numbers of vaccine exemptions for medical, personal or religious reasons, kids who aren’t immunized pose a greater risk for disease like 22 times to come down with measles.


When enough parents listen to Jenny McCarthy instead of get their kids vaccinated like they’re supposed to, the disease causing agents weasle their way back and cause outbreaks with a vengeance. Look at the map of the 2015 measles outbreak from the CDC, people.

10. Now that major illnesses have largely disappeared, we really don’t need vaccines anymore.- That analogy is similar to what Republicans and libertarians say now that working conditions have improved, we no longer need unions and regulations. Or how some say now that the Civil Rights Movement did away with social discrimination, we no longer need civil rights protections on certain demographics. Or how some say that now that we have clean air and water thanks to the EPA, we no longer need environmental protections. Except you do because the propensity to commit such social injustice still lingers on as we know by the election of President Pussygrabber. The same logic applies to vaccines because despite relatively high vaccination rates in the US, many American communities still have outbreaks of diseases like measles and pertussis, a respiratory illness characterized by spasms of coughing that can last for weeks or even months. In 2003, 13 kids died from the infection. Unvaccinated children can also spread infection to vulnerable family members. According to Dr. Saari in Parenting Magazine, “Those children are more likely to give a disease to those who can’t fight it off, such as a six-month-old or a grandparent living at home.” One case is the incidence of whooping cough which has been increasing since the 1980s, and the CDC has recommended a pertussis booster shot for 11-year-olds because the risk of passing the disease to a vulnerable relative is so high. Also, if you remember reports about panics involving Zika and Ebola, diseases are spread by people from foreign countries who travel here. As Dr. Saari said, “Air travel has extended the range of diseases from countries where people aren’t immunized. We’re no more than one airplane ride from being exposed to many diseases.” Thus, if people aren’t vaccinated, these supposedly uncommon diseases can come back.

11. You shouldn’t give a vaccine to a child who has a cold.– You might think that a sick child would be more likely to have a bad reaction to a vaccine or that it might present and added burden to their immune systems if they’re fighting a cold. However, studies show that a mild illness doesn’t affect a child’s ability to react appropriately to the vaccine. As Dr. Rennels says, “Certainly if a child comes in with a fever of 102 and a rip-snorting ear infection, it’s not the best time for a vaccine. But a low-grade fever, mild respiratory infection or a little diarrhea shouldn’t be reasons to delay one, especially if the illness is on the way out.” Of course, vaccines can trigger side effects such as a fever and rash as well as soreness at the injection site, but these are rarely cause for alarm. The 5-in-1 Pediarix is more likely to cause a low fever than the individual shots are, but many moms say the fewer injections for their child, the better. But if your child has hives (which can indicate an allergic reaction), a fever of 105 degrees or higher, or convulsions, call your doctor right away.

12. I had chicken pox when I was a kid and it isn’t a big deal.– So did I and so did my sister. But my parents tried to get us vaccinated for it anyway before there was no longer any need to. Sure chicken pox may not be a big deal for most kids but on rare occasions, children can die from it. Before the vaccine was introduced, many children were hospitalized each year with serious complications, including pneumonia and dangerous skin infections. According to Dr. Rennels, “Chicken pox lesions can become infected with staph, including necrotizing fasciitis—the ‘flesh-eating’ bacteria.” Getting the chicken pox vaccine is especially important now that less of the virus is in circulation. And as Dr. Rennels adds, “Children who don’t get chicken pox or the vaccine are at risk of getting it as an adult, which is a much more serious illness.” Besides, I had a kid in my class who had chicken pox during our junior year in high school and he was out for days.


Vaccines may not be 100% effective. But they’re effective enough that you won’t need get well gifts like these when you get the diseases vaccines are supposed to prevent.

13. Vaccines can provide 100 percent disease protection.- Vaccines may not be 100% effective (though the effect rate can range from 75-95% which still very good) and it’s possible you can be vaccinated against a disease and still get it. But if all children are vaccinated against an organism, it’s less likely to hang around. Again, we have herd immunity kicking in, which is why vaccinating an entire population is crucial. As Dr. Edwards says, “Not getting vaccinated is like failing to stop at a four-way stop. If three people get vaccinated but one doesn’t, the risk is not bad. But if two people don’t get vaccinated, the burden of risk is greater on everyone.”


Some anti-vaxxer parents think it’s better to wait until their kids are older to get the vaccinations. However, the reason why vaccine schedules are designed the way they are is that small children are the most vulnerable to contracting them. Remember how historical times witnessed high infant mortality rates.

14. It’s best to wait until children are older before starting to give them vaccines.- The best time to get your kids vaccinated against the disease, is at the earliest possible moment they can get it. Immunization schedules are designed to protect the most vulnerable patients from disease. If you wait to give the vaccine, you might miss the window when a child is most vulnerable. We should also remember that many of these infectious diseases we vaccinated against have killed high numbers of infants and small children. So you get off the schedule, you put your child at risk. One instance in Wisconsin had 300 children under the age of 1 come down with whooping cough with 177 less than 6 months old. Half of these babies were hospitalized and 3 died. For a kid to die of whooping cough nowadays is criminal.

15. It’s safe to space out vaccinations.- Spacing out vaccines may actually cause children more distress. Sure kids don’t like getting several shots at once. But studies show that a child’s stress hormones peak after one shot while additional needlesticks doesn’t increase their distress. So it’s better to get several shots out of the way in one doctor’s visit than once a month. Besides, postponing shots leave babies at risk and none of the alternative schedules has been clinically tested. As Ari Brown says, “There is absolutely no research that says delaying certain shots is safer. Doctors who promote these schedules are simply guessing when to give which shots. What we know for certain is that delaying your child’s shots is playing Russian roulette.”

Iron Lungs in a Polio Ward

When anti-vaxxers say that vaccine-preventable diseases aren’t that dangerous, they’re usually thinking about relatively less severe ones like chicken pox. This picture depicts a polio ward with kids being encased in iron lungs. Polio was a menace because it could kill or leave its victims permanently disabled. Dr. Salk’s discovery of the polio vaccine in the 1950s was seen as a medical miracle. Let that sink in.

16. Vaccine-preventable diseases aren’t that dangerous. – Sorry, but as a history major, I think anyone who believes this bullshit have absolutely no fucking idea. Sure they may have had chicken pox as a kid which is usually not very dangerous. But if you think that most vaccine-preventable diseases are like chicken pox, you’re a fucking moron. Vaccines have eliminated diseases that have once sickened, disabled, or killed hundreds of thousands of people. Because few young parents have encountered any of these diseases and possibly not know a thing about science or history, they don’t realize how dangerous they are. Whooping cough once sickened 300,000 people a year and killed 7,000 mostly young children. A better example would be polio which ravaged the country so much that when Dr. Jonas Salk discovered the vaccine and gave it away for free, he was seen as nothing less than a miracle worker. But before that, polio was a nightmare virus that parents and children feared because it was contagious disease that paralyzed and killed people. Surviving the disease could be a life changing experience leaving some permanently physically disabled to varying degrees while remember the fear and isolation. It crippled Franklin Delano Roosevelt that he nearly ended his political career over it, which could’ve shaped the US quite differently had he not ran for Governor of New York and later president during the Great Depression. Hell, we have plenty of celebrities who’ve survived polio and are still alive like Alan Alda, Donald Sutherland, Mia Farrow, Donovan, Joni Mitchell, Itzhak Perlman, Neil Young, and Sir Ken Robinson.


This is US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In 1921, he came down with polio during vacation at Campobello that would leave him crippled from the waist down. He would be confined to wheelchair and walk with braces for the rest of his life. And he nearly ended his political career of this. Nevertheless, he’s an example what vaccine preventable diseases did to people.

17. Only sick people need flu shots and other vaccines.- As with herd immunity when healthy people get vaccinated, it can help protect the weak, including cancer patients, anyone with compromised immune systems, and newborns too young to get the shot. Because babies can’t begin common vaccinations until they’re 2 months old, they depend on those around them for disease protection whether they be family, hospital staff, or babysitters.

18. Vaccines contain tissue from aborted fetuses.- No they don’t. And even if they did, the National Catholic Bioethics Center has said that Catholics are, “morally free to use the vaccine, regardless of its historical association with abortion. The reason is that the risk to public health, if one chooses not to vaccinate, outweighs the legitimate concern about the origins of the vaccine. This is especially important for parents, who have a moral obligation to protect the life and health of their children and those around them. … It is important to note that descendant cells are not the cells of the aborted child. They never, themselves, formed a part of the victim’s body.” Anyway, fetal tissue has been used in the development of some vaccines like hepatitis A, chicken pox, and rabies. But the best example is in rubella during the 1960s since it involved isolating the virus from the tissue of fetuses whose mothers have had it. The women chose abortion due to concerns about birth defects caused by rubella which include deafness, heart disease, mental retardation, a devastating brain inflammation called encephalitis and pneumonia. Though in any case, the viruses were often purified before being used in vaccines and no human cells remain in the final shots given to children.

19. Vaccinated children can shed virus and infect others.- Only one vaccine has been known to do this which was the liquid OPV and it was one time. Even then children vaccinated with OPV could shed the virus through their feces and spread it to other kids who didn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. In the process, they could protect those kids against the virus. Doctors call this phenomenon, “contact immunity,” and it was a useful trait in the 1950s, when the country was ravaged by polio, because vaccinating one child against polio could help to indirectly vaccinate others. After polio had been eliminated in the US by 2000, American doctors stopped using the live virus and have resorted to killed polio vaccines from then on. No other vaccine has been known to shed so kids vaccinated against measles won’t spread the disease to other kids spreading the virus. In fact, measles can only spread when people are actually sick with the disease and showing symptoms.

20. Vaccines cause autoimmune disease.- According to Medscape, “The role of vaccination in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases (presumably by triggering autoimmunity) has long been a matter of debate. Although the cause of these diseases is still unclear, several factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and infectious diseases, may play a role. The relationship between vaccines and autoimmunity is still under study; however, no definitive evidence supporting a causative association exists to date. Most of the data linking vaccines with autoimmunity comes from case studies, which are considered to offer a low level of evidence. So far, no large epidemiologic studies have been conducted to provide us with relevant compelling clinical evidence. Given the nature and heterogeneity of autoimmune disorders, such studies are very difficult to be performed.”


Here’s a good poster of why every kid should be vaccinated. And yes a lot of myths are listed on here. Yeah, it’s that simple.

21. Influenza is a harmless illness, so vaccination is unnecessary.- According to Medscape, “Although influenza is commonly considered to be a mild illness, this is certainly not always the case. Influenza is a large threat to public health, with three pandemics and millions of deaths from influenza in the 20th century. During the last pandemic period of the H1N1 virus (June 11, 2009 to August 1, 2010), 18,449 deaths were attributed to influenza, although the global death rate was certainly higher. Influenza can have serious complications, including severe pneumonia, and extrarespiratory complications, such as encephalopathy and myocarditis. In addition, a considerable number of deaths related to cardiac and pulmonary complications typically follow influenza epidemics. Particularly among the elderly, people with underlying medical conditions, and pregnant women, the risk for influenza-associated complications is higher and flu vaccination is strongly recommended.”


Most vaccines aren’t only safe for pregnant women, two are also recommended. One of these is the flu shot while the other is the TDaP vaccine taken in the third trimester. Not only does this protect the mother, but the baby, too. Which is great because many newborns can’t be vaccinated.

22. Vaccines shouldn’t be administered to pregnant women.- Most vaccines aren’t only safe during pregnancy, but highly recommended. Two vaccines are especially important such as the flu vaccine and the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) given between 27 and 36 weeks. According to Medscape, “Tetanus, pertussis, and influenza are diseases with potentially severe consequences for the child and/or the mother that can be prevented through vaccination. The vaccination of a pregnant woman against pertussis offers substantial protection of the newborn against this infection.” Medscape adds, “An evaluation of the available data suggests that vaccines containing inactivated microorganisms are safe for administration during any week of pregnancy. Influenza, in particular, can be very severe during pregnancy, thus it is recommended that pregnant women receive flu vaccination during flu season.” There has been no evidence that the flu vaccine has contributed to any congenital malformations. Same goes for any other vaccines.


Many Anti-vaxxers think vaccinating their children should be a personal choice instead of mandatory, claiming that mandatory vaccinations violate their civil rights. Sure it’s only a personal decision if it only affects themselves. But unfortunately, with herd immunity involved, vaccines don’t work that way.

23. Mandatory vaccination violate civil rights.- Sorry, but this has no basis in reality. Massachusetts enacted the first mandatory vaccination law in the US in 1809. Nearly 100 years the Supreme Court ruled mandatory vaccination laws constitutional with the case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Though all states do offer medical exemptions. Nevertheless, parents need to be aware that if don’t vaccinate their kids, they’re putting them and their contacts at risk of serious disease. And unvaccinated children often have to stay home from school or daycare during outbreaks. Besides, what about those who can’t get vaccinated? Don’t they have a right to not contract a serious vaccine-preventable disease that won’t kill them? Don’t they have a right to herd immunity protection?


VAERS is a reporting system on vaccine reactions from the US federal government. Anyone can report anything on it. Nevertheless, despite what Anti-Vaxxer testify, VAERS data doesn’t prove anything. Nevertheless, here’s a VAERS form.

24. VAERS data proves that vaccines are dangerous.- VAERS data actually can’t “prove” anything. On VAERS anyone can report anything as “no proof of causality is required” while only reports of special interests like hospitalizations are verified. Even when checked, many reports aren’t accurate while many include non-serious reactions. The number of reported to adverse events is usually influenced by publicity. Besides, VAERS just exists to properly detect early warning signals and to generate hypotheses. It’s not meant to inform people about vaccine since it’s more of a suggestion box open to the public.


There’s an anti-vaxxer children’s book out there I had on one of my book cover posts called Melanie’s Marvelous Measles. Here are some other anti-vaxxer follow ups. Enjoy.

25. More people die from the vaccine than from measles.- For God’s sake, this is utter bullshit. In reality, according to the World Health Organization, measles kills 140,000 people a year globally while the measles vaccine saves 1 million lives annually. By contrast, there have only been 57 deaths due to measles vaccines filed through the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is a no-fault system set up to compensate people injured by vaccines. The program doesn’t say how many of these claims are allowed. Nevertheless, while vaccines aren’t 100% safe, a person’s chance of dying from the vaccine are miniscule compared to their astronomical chance of being saved.

26. Existence of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program proves that vaccines are harmful.- Sure vaccines aren’t 100% safe as with any product since there are people who are allergic to it. However, vaccines are so safe that your chances of dying from one are less than being struck by a meteor. Nevertheless, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was launched in 1986 because vaccine makers were dropping out of the business out of fear of pricey lawsuits. Public health officials feared that the US would suffer a vaccine shortage. Nevertheless, under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, if people can prove they suffered an injury known to be caused by a vaccine, they could be compensated without having to prove the vaccine caused the problem. And it’s paid for by a tax on vaccines.

27. Foreigners, especially undocumented immigrants, are bringing measles to the US. – It’s true that measles was eliminated from the US in 2000 and that all outbreaks now begin with an imported case. But in 2014 which was the worst year for measles since 1994, 635 out of 644 cases involved US citizens. And out of them 77% were unvaccinated people. What’s happening is that unvaccinated Americans are going to countries where measles is more common and bringing the virus back. Unless they live in a community where many people aren’t vaccinated like Amish country, usually they don’t infect very many people. But when measles happens anywhere in the world, it can come here on a plane pretty quick. And it’s not coming over land borders because high vaccination rates in the Americas has eliminated measles there. Rather it’s more likely coming from Europe, Asia, and the Philippines.


This Natural News graph shows the often debunked anti-vaxxer myth that Big Pharma profits from them. In reality, doctors, drug makers, and insurance companies actually lose money from vaccines since they’re so labor intensive. Also, you shouldn’t trust Natural News as a viable news site. Since it’s full of conspiracy theories like this one.

28. Doctors and insurance companies promote vaccination to drive profits.- Actually doctors and insurers don’t profit from vaccination in any way. Some insurers pay the cost of vaccination to prevent having to pay more later if a patient gets sick. And a 2009 study found that 1 out of 3 doctors actually lose money when giving vaccines. Also, big Pharma only makes 1.5% of their income on vaccines anyway and only 5 companies make 80% of them that there have been problems in vaccine supply and fact making them is so labor intensive.

29. The DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) and the polio vaccines cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). – There’s no evidence these vaccines cause SIDS. 90% of SIDS cases occur before the infant is 6 months old with the highest rates between 1 and 4 months of age. Unfortunately, this is the age group when children are scheduled to be vaccinated against DTaP and polio. The SIDS deaths are co-incidental to vaccination and would’ve occurred even if the child hadn’t been given the vaccines. This is especially if the infant didn’t sleep in a crib with proper bedding, wasn’t in a proper sleeping arrangement or position, or had parent who smokes. Not to mention, these vaccines have been linked to a 50% lower risk of SIDS.


Some people may believe that one shot is enough protection. However, some vaccines take multiple doses since one shot isn’t enough like the whooping cough one you see here.

30. One vaccine in a series gives a child enough protection.- Getting the recommended dose of each recommended vaccine provides a child with the best protection possible. Depending on the vaccine, more than one dose is needed to build high enough immunity to prevent disease, boost immunity that fades over time, make sure people who did not get immunity from a first dose are protected, or protect against germs that change over time, like flu. Every vaccine dose is important because they all protect against infectious diseases that are threats today and can be especially serious for infants and very young children. Skipping vaccines puts children at risk for contracting the diseases, especially measles and pertussis. Thus, if the recommendations are for a series of shots, make sure your child receives all of them so they’re not left unprotected.


Of course, nobody likes receiving a shot from the doctor, especially babies who are likely to scream and cry. However, while giving them a TDaP shot today might your little one cry, it’ll keep them from constantly screaming in agony from diphtheria later.

31. Shots are very painful to a baby. – Indeed they are but the pain is only momentary and not significant. Besides, studies show there are ways to minimizing the pain your baby feels such as being breastfed before or afterwards as well as being held and distracted by their parents. The doctor could even give the baby numbing cream or a sugar solution. Yet, even if you don’t resort to any of this, at worst a small prick of a needle will only cause enough pain that might instill a lifelong fear of shots. Yet, this is a small price for protecting them against a world of pain from the serious diseases the vaccine protects against.


Contrary to anti-vaxxer logic, vaccines don’t weaken immune systems. If anything, they usually strengthen the immune system from diseases that can compromise it and leave people more vulnerable to other infections as well as serious health problems.

32. Vaccines weaken the immune system. – Vaccines usually contain a weakened if not dead form of the virus so they can train the immune system in to fighting them without causing infection. Natural infections on the other hand, can weaken the immune system by preventing some people from fighting off other viruses and bacteria easily. This happens most notably in children during a natural infection like chicken pox or measles. And the fact so many small children died of serious diseases before we had vaccines for them illustrates why we have them in the first place.


While vaccinations aren’t 100% effective, they are certainly necessary as this graph certainly shows. And because of vaccines, these infectious disease rates have plummeted. But if at least 95% of the American public don’t receive their shots, these germs could infect with a vengeance. So yes, vaccines are necessary and if you haven’t already, vaccinate your kids.

33. Since most vaccines are not 100% effective, there’s really no need to get them. – Just because something doesn’t work 100% of the time doesn’t mean there’s no real need to have it, especially if it could save your life. For instance, wearing seatbelt may not guarantee my survival in a car crash. But I’d have to be an idiot not to wear one every time I ride in a car. Sure vaccines aren’t 100% effective but most have an 85-99% protection rate which makes it the best way to avoid these diseases. In addition, for some vaccine-preventable diseases, the serious effects of the disease may be less for someone who’s received the vaccine. And the more people who get the vaccine, the less likely the disease will be present in the community where it can spread to people unable to get the vaccine either due to being too young or having certain medical conditions. This is known as “herd immunity.” So yes, getting the vaccine is worth it.


In recent years, the rate of nonmedical exemptions from vaccines has risen thanks to the rise of anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories. Along with that comes a higher prevalence of outbreaks pertaining to vaccine-preventable infections. And these endanger the most vulnerable such as newborn babies. We need to understand that vaccine shouldn’t be a choice most of the time.

34. More vaccinated people get the disease than the unvaccinated. – Yes, but that’s because vaccines aren’t 100% effective so it’s still possible to get the disease being vaccinated against. However, if you do get the disease, you’ll only suffer fewer complications and long term effects than those who are unprotected. For instance, with pertussis (whooping cough), severe complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis (brain inflammation) occur almost exclusively in the unvaccinated. Both of these could either cause permanent damage in small children or kill them. However, the fact vaccines aren’t 100% effective don’t mean that they don’t work.

35. There are “hot lots” of vaccine that have been associated with more adverse events and deaths than others. Parents should find the numbers of these lots and not allow their children to receive vaccines from them.- This gets a lot of publicity but the concept of “hot lot” used in this context is wrong. This is based on the presumption that the more reports of adverse events a vaccine lot is associated with, the more dangerous the vaccine is in that lot. And that by consulting a list of reports per lot, a parent can identify which ones to avoid. According to WHO, this is misleading for 2 reasons. First, and adverse report following vaccination doesn’t mean that the vaccine caused the event. In fact, statistically, a certain number of serious illnesses, even deaths, can be expected to occur by chance alone among kids recently vaccinated. Besides, no scientific study has ever linked vaccines to any serious long-term health problems. Second, vaccine lots aren’t all the same with sizes varying from several hundred thousand to several million. According to WHO, “Naturally a larger lot or one that is in distribution for a longer period will be associated with more adverse events, simply by chance. Also, more coincidental deaths are associated with vaccines given in infancy than later in childhood, since the background death rates for children are highest during the first year of life. So knowing that lot A has been associated with x number of adverse events while lot B has been associated with y number would not necessarily say anything about the relative safety of the two lots, even if the vaccine did cause the event.”

36. Only children need vaccinations.- Look, I may not always get the flu shot every year even though I know I need it. But vaccine-preventable diseases continue to be a threat throughout our lives. According to the California Department of Public Health, “Adolescents need boosters for many childhood diseases, some college age students need protection from meningitis, adults need vaccines for shingles and pneumonia, and everyone needs the flu vaccine and, especially for those around infants, the pertussis vaccine.” We should also acknowledge that Franklin Delano Roosevelt contracted polio as an adult in the 1920s. So while infants and young children are the most vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases, they can and have killed adults. Just look at history or old timey literature.


Yeah, this pretty much sums up anti-vaxxers in a nutshell. Pretty much people with dangerous ideas. So if you’re skeptical about vaccinating your kids, just do it. Believe me, don’t listen to anti-vaxxer celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, Robert DeNiro, or Jim Carrey. Instead, listen to the medical community who know what they’re talking about. Sure some may be anti-vaxxers, but most of them aren’t.

A Speech for Our Times


The 1940 film The Great Dictator is a historically significant political satire where Charlie Chaplin condemns Hitler, Mussolini, the Nazis, and Anti-Semitism. At the end of the movie, Chaplin as the barber is mistaken for the titular despot and gives a speech denouncing totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany and rallying the soldiers along with the audience to fight for free liberal democracy. 76 years later with the rise of right-wing populist authoritarianism, Chaplin’s 5-minute climatic speech resonates as much as ever. These regimes may not be like the militarist nationalist regimes of the 1930s, but they can be just as much a threat to democracy, civil liberties, state institutions, human rights, and even the civic moral fiber. Many of these regimes came into power on platforms promoting racism and xenophobia. And many of the movements have demagogue leaders who have abused their power for their own enrichment, discredited and intimidated anyone who’s challenged or criticized them, and have little respect for the laws, values, and traditions in the very country they’re supposed to lead. Furthermore, their elections have emboldened extremists within their own nations into committing acts against vulnerable people with little or no consequence. But unlike some dictators of the 1930s, authoritarian leaders are much more likely to erode their constitutionally democratically elected regimes through legitimate means from within, which can even be scarier as well as just as disturbing. We must stand firm against authoritarian regimes that may not just compromise people’s liberties and rights, but can also rot a nation’s soul through corruption, misinformation, manipulation, and incompetence. Today we need to hear the words of Chaplin’s climatic speech more than ever to be reminded of our common humanity and how authoritarian leaders threaten our way of being. And since I doubt it’ll be heard at the Oscars this weekend, I have it on my blog.

Chaplin’s Final Speech from The Great Dictator:

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone – if possible – Jew, Gentile – black man – white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost….

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men – cries out for universal brotherhood – for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world – millions of despairing men, women, and little children – victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.

To those who can hear me, I say – do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed – the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. …..

Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes – men who despise you – enslave you – who regiment your lives – tell you what to do – what to think and what to feel! Who drill you – diet you – treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men – machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate – the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” – not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

Then – in the name of democracy – let us use that power – let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world – a decent world that will give men a chance to work – that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will!

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world – to do away with national barriers – to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

Dazzling Masquerade Costumes at the Carinval of Venice


Next week is Mardi Gras which marks an occasion of parties and parades before Christians the world over take part in their 6 week sacrifice over the course of Lent. And while most Americans think New Orleans whenever they hear about Mardi Gras, it’s actually celebrated the world over. One of the best known Mardi Gras celebrations is Carnival which can last at least a week prior to Fat Tuesday or longer. One of the most famous is the Carnival of Venice, best known for its elaborate masks and costumes. It was said that this festival in the city of singing gondolas and canals was first celebrated in 1162 for the victory of  a victory of the “Serenissima Repubblica” against the Patriarch of Aquileia, Ulrico di Treven with people gathering and dancing at San Marco Square. Venice would make their Carnival official during the Renaissance and would achieve great renown and notoriety. In the 17th century, the Carnival of Venice was a way to save the city’s prestigious image while it attracted notoriety in the 18th as encouraging license and pleasure and protecting Venetians from present and future anguish. Nevertheless, the King of Austria would outlaw the festival entirely in 1797 while the use of masks was strictly forbidden. But that didn’t stop the famous carnival from gradually reappearing in the 19th century, but only for short periods and above all for private feasts where it became an occasion for works of art. The Carnival would officially return in 1979 thanks to the Italian government making it a centerpiece wanting to bring back Venice’s history and culture. College students redeveloped some of the masks to sell to tourists. And since then, the Carnival of Venice attracts about 3 million visitors each year. They even have a mask beauty contest to boot that’s judged by international costume and fashion designers. At any rate, the Carnival of Venice is well known for its style of gorgeous costumes and masks. So for your reading pleasure, I give you a glimpse into the colorful world of the Venice Carnival.

  1. At the masquerade, it always pays to dress in blue.
For some reason, a lot of couples wear similar colored costumes. And they seem to come straight from the Cavalier Years.

For some reason, a lot of couples wear similar colored costumes. And they seem to come straight from the Renaissance and Cavalier Years.

2. Floral motifs can be customary for spring time.

And I see she's dressed in pink and purple with flowers to boot. She even has a matching tri corner hat.

And I see she’s dressed in pink and purple with flowers to boot. She even has a matching tri corner hat.

3. A fancy hat can sometimes make all the difference.

Well, this one is quite fancy. Love the gold embroidery and skirt.

Well, this one is quite fancy. Love the gold embroidery and skirt.

4. A lady jester should always have a matching hat and dress.

Yes, she may look like a 16th century Harley Quinn. But jesters are common in Venetian Carnival celebrations.

Yes, she may look like a 16th century Harley Quinn. But jesters are common in Venetian Carnival celebrations.

5. Yet, while some go all out, others prefer to dress in black.

Yes, that may resemble Big Bird's evil twin. But he's dressed as a plague doctor who wore a mask like that protect himself against getting sick from his patients. Unfortunately, this wasn't very effective.

Yes, that may resemble Big Bird’s evil twin. But he’s dressed as a plague doctor who wore a mask like that protect himself against getting sick from his patients. Unfortunately, this wasn’t very effective.

6. There’s nothing that brings out the chic like silver.

Yeah, you tend to find a lot of costumes consisting of one color like these two. Still, you might think their outfits would be great for a haunted house. If they weren't incredibly fancy.

Yeah, you tend to find a lot of costumes consisting of one color like these two. Still, you might think their outfits would be great for a haunted house. If they weren’t incredibly fancy.

7. A white snow queen should always make a grand entrance.

Had Frozen taken place in a place like Venice, it might've been way creepier. And there would be no doubt Lady Gaga would play Queen Elsa in the live-action remake.

Had Frozen taken place in a place like Venice, it might’ve been way creepier. And there would be no doubt Lady Gaga would play Queen Elsa in the live-action remake.

8. With these two, their heads are bursting with flowers.

Well, spring won't be long so they might as well wear hats like that. Though their outfits are quite stunning to behold.

Well, spring won’t be long so they might as well wear hats like that. Though their outfits are quite stunning to behold.

9. A dress of hot pink makes one really stand out.

Though the elaborate headdress doesn't do that outfit wonders. But I like the gold trim.

Though the elaborate headdress doesn’t do that outfit wonders. But I like the gold trim.

10. So I guess we have a couple of visitors from Candy Land.

According to their 18th century pastel attire, they seem to be. Though I think the skirts are supposed to mimic a carousel top.

According to their 18th century pastel attire, they seem to be. Though I think the skirts are supposed to mimic a carousel top.

11. A dress of lavender always makes a classy look.

Here we see her with a purple parasol and hat along with an ornate mask mirror. All in all, I think this is try gorgeous.

Here we see her with a purple parasol and hat along with an ornate mask mirror. All in all, I think this is try gorgeous.

12. An orange dress should have floral decor to match.

Apparently, the two seem t resemble very elaborate traffic cones. Though that just might be for the hoops skirts.

Apparently, the two seem t resemble very elaborate traffic cones. Though that just might be for the hoops skirts.

13. Is that a detached boat figurehead or a living statue?

Certainly looks like a golden girl to me. But not in the tradition of Betty White per se.

Certainly looks like a golden girl to me. But not in the tradition of Betty White per se. Also, What’s with the hat?

14. At times, it can be easy to go all out with feathers.

Yes, these costumes could get very elaborate. No, I'm not sure what Lady Gaga would wear to this. Though this is not a bad guess.

Yes, these costumes could get very elaborate. No, I’m not sure what Lady Gaga would wear to this. Though this is not a bad guess.

15. Neon green can always make a presence in small quantities.

Though it works better as an accent color as seen here. Not sure about the veil.

Though it works better as an accent color as seen here. Not sure about the veil.

16. If you’re a traveling minstrel, a short skirt is sometimes necessary.

Though it's just as elaborate with a headdress and lyre to match. Though the headdress contains wild feathers.

Though it’s just as elaborate with a headdress and lyre to match. Though the headdress contains wild feathers.

17. Even Egyptian royals want to get into the festivities.

I'm sure you might see these pop up quite a bit. Though they're both decked in blue and gold.

I’m sure you might see these pop up quite a bit. Though they’re both decked in blue and gold.

18. Sometimes you’ll have to dress to impress.

This woman has puffed sleeves, a hoop skirt, and a fancy headdress. How she keeps her head up, I don't know.

This woman has puffed sleeves, a hoop skirt, and a fancy headdress. How she keeps her head up, I don’t know.

19. To dress in purple is to show a certain degree of grace.

Though this is more of a later 19th century garb than anything which is quite unusual. Though just as lovely.

Though this is more of a later 19th century garb than anything which is quite unusual. Though just as lovely.

20. Golden attire can always shimmer at San Marco Square.

She even holds a rose in her golden dress. Though her headdress sports a golden veil.

She even holds a rose in her golden dress. Though her headdress sports a golden veil.

21. Even men occasionally want to shine like the sun.

Though an outfit like this makes it seem rather ridiculous. Though it all seems to match.

Though an outfit like this makes it seem rather ridiculous. Though it all seems to match.

22. For some couples, it pays to accentuate the shoulders.

Though I'd sure hate to stand behind these two. Like their outfits though.

Though I’d sure hate to stand behind these two. Like their outfits though.

23. To welcome spring, a dress in green is sometimes appreciated.

Though this isn't as bad as the lime green you'd see on PennDOT workers. However, you'd think she'd create a neon impression.

Though this isn’t as bad as the lime green you’d see on PennDOT workers. However, you’d think she’d create a neon impression.

24. A pink dress makes you a darling around the Venetian canals.

Well, she certainly resembles an 18th century beauty. Like the pink hat and flowers.

Well, she certainly resembles an 18th century beauty. Like the pink hat and flowers.

25. A noble lady may occasionally go for a conniving knave.

I can see that both are dressed in black and purple. Love the woman's hat.

I can see that both are dressed in black and purple. Love the woman’s hat.

26. A couple of jesters can enliven the festivities.

Like I said, there are a lot of jesters at the Venice Carnival. Though I think these two really stand out for me.

Like I said, there are a lot of jesters at the Venice Carnival. Though I think these two really stand out for me.

27. With these two, it’s always for the birds.

Sure their outfits might not be period accurate. But you have to admit they have some charm.

Sure their outfits might not be period accurate. But you have to admit they have some charm.

28. Sometimes the more elaborate the robe the better.

You should get the idea this is a guy. But you have to admire his golden staff.

You should get the idea this is a guy. But you have to admire his golden staff.

29. At the Carnival of Venice, there’s no such ting as too much gold embroidery.

Though you might say these two come quite close. Though at least their outfits match.

Though you might say these two come quite close. Though at least their outfits match.

30. Even a radiant beauty needs some shade now and then.

Though how she could get through doorways is the question. Nevertheless, she looks like a queen.

Though how she could get through doorways is the question. Nevertheless, she looks like a queen.

31. Any fair lady can look ravishing in red.

So simple, yet so elegant. Not showy, but just as ornate as some of the others.

So simple, yet so elegant. Not showy, but just as ornate as some of the others.

32. These two apparently have a flowery disposition.

And decked in flowers these two sure are. Like their hats.

And decked in flowers these two sure are. Like their hats.

33. There are some Venice Carnival costumes that can range from the regal to the outlandish.

She may dress fancy but she looks like a queen or fairy princess. The guy on the other hand, well, he kind of puts Lady Gaga to shame.

She may dress fancy but she looks like a queen or fairy princess. The guy on the other hand, well, he kind of puts Lady Gaga to shame.

34. Seems her dress is filled with nothing but hot air.

Okay, she's wearing a hot air balloon skirt. And a hot air balloon headdress. Don't ask.

Okay, she’s wearing a hot air balloon skirt. And a hot air balloon headdress. Don’t ask.

35. These two always go together like the sun and the moon.

Though they may not be out at the same time, they respect each other's personal space. Still, got to admire their costumes.

Though they may not be out at the same time, they respect each other’s personal space. Still, got to admire their costumes.

36. Sometimes it helps to stick to a pattern.

However, I'm not so sure about her choice. Though she does know how to make it work.

However, I’m not so sure about her choice. Though she does know how to make it work.

37. For a simple pattern, perhaps white will suit your fancy.

Not sure if those tall hats go with the outfits. But they surely know how to coordinate with each other.

Not sure if those tall hats go with the outfits. But they surely know how to coordinate with each other.

38. Seems like the clowns love playing on her hoop skirt.

Though you have to admit, the clowns are quite creepy. But this is quite an inventive costume if you think about it.

Though you have to admit, the clowns are quite creepy. But this is quite an inventive costume if you think about it.

39. Occasionally, you might come across a masked Little Red Riding Hood.

Because how else could you explain the red dress and cape? Still, I doubt Little Red would wear such a thing in the woods.

Because how else could you explain the red dress and cape? Still, I doubt Little Red would wear such a thing in the woods.

40. When your costume isn’t up to snuff, perhaps a cool cape might help.

Though I'm not so sure if it goes great with the elaborate headdress. But this guy seems to think so.

Though I’m not so sure if it goes great with the elaborate headdress. But this guy seems to think so.

41. When you’re with a group of friends, it helps if your costumes match.

Well, purple and black are good colors for these 4. Love their hats.

Well, purple and black are good colors for these 4. Love their hats.

42. Near the railings, purple will surely dazzle.

Sure you may not see much of her dress. But her headdress is truly sensational.

Sure you may not see much of her dress. But her headdress is truly sensational.

43. You can’t go to a masquerade ball without donning peacock blue.

Though they both wear wigs for good measure. The woman's coiffe is especially high.

Though they both wear wigs for good measure. The woman’s coiffe is especially high.

44. Sometimes all it takes is an elaborate headdress.

Yeah, I know he looks a bit strange. But you get costumes like this at the Carnival of Venice.

Yeah, I know he looks a bit strange. But you get costumes like this at the Carnival of Venice.

45. When in doubt, it’s best to start simple.

On the bright side, at least they won't be uncomfortable in their outfits all the time. Nice how they use lanterns as accessories.

On the bright side, at least they won’t be uncomfortable in their outfits all the time. Nice how they use lanterns as accessories.

46. A Venice Carnival costume should always be encrusted with jewels.

Doesn't hurt if it's topped with a feather headdress mask. Love it.

Doesn’t hurt if it’s topped with a feather headdress mask. Love it.

47. A pink dress should always come with frills.

And frills this dress surely has. Reminds you of a princess, doesn't she?

And frills this dress surely has. Reminds you of a princess, doesn’t she?

48. Purple Venice hats are all the rage these days.

Well, at least they match in their outfits. Love the lady's hat with all the feathers sticking out.

Well, at least they match in their outfits. Love the lady’s hat with all the feathers sticking out.

49. When in doubt, wear a very fancy hat.

Hers seems all blinged up as far as I could tell. Her dress and fan are no different.

Hers seems all blinged up as far as I could tell. Her dress and fan are no different.

50. The Venice Carnival is always a place for pagentry.

Well, these two are certainly dressed in medieval styles. And in such vibrant colors, too. Still, tights aren't pants.

Well, these two are certainly dressed in medieval styles. And in such vibrant colors, too. Still, tights aren’t pants.

51. This orange explorer is very hard to miss.

And he even has a telescope which was invented in the 1600s. How they didn't come up with it earlier, I'll never know.

And he even has a telescope which was invented in the 1600s. How they didn’t come up with it earlier, I’ll never know.

52. The Carnival of Venice brings endless fun to the whole family.

After all, these 3 are dressed in similar garb. And are wearing similar masks. Love how they're decked in purple.

After all, these 3 are dressed in similar garb. And are wearing similar masks. Love how they’re decked in purple.

53. Here we have an 18th century Vegas like showgirl.

Okay, maybe not. But she's in a rather skimpy outfit with feathers.

Okay, maybe not. But she’s in a rather skimpy outfit with feathers.

54. With these two it’s nothing but butterflies.

They even wear wings to show for it. Even on their masks as you can see.

They even wear wings to show for it. Even on their masks as you can see.

55. With these two women, spring has certainly sprung.

Doesn't hurt if they're dressed in springly attire. And sport flowery headdresses.

Doesn’t hurt if they’re dressed in springly attire. And sport flowery headdresses.

56. Apparently, this couple came straight from the sea.

Well, Venice is a seaside town of canals. So it's only fair. Though I do like the staff with the oyster.

Well, Venice is a seaside town of canals. So it’s only fair. Though I do like the staff with the oyster.

57. With this family, it’s always silver and blue.

The woman's costume is especially stunning. The boy's outfit is very similar to his dads like he's a miniature version of his old man.

The woman’s costume is especially stunning. The boy’s outfit is very similar to his dads like he’s a miniature version of his old man.

58. Sometimes the right costume is as simple as black and white.

Well, this is a lovey dress. Like the hat that goes with it. Seems like she has a fancy feather accessory.

Well, this is a lovey dress. Like the hat that goes with it. Seems like she has a fancy feather accessory.

59. A yellow dress brings out a sunny disposition.

And she certainly stands out in her fantastically large hat and fan. Not want to wear that outfit.

And she certainly stands out in her fantastically large hat and fan. Not want to wear that outfit.

60. Speaking of black and white, these 4 make a haunting scene.

Though to be fair, they all match. Their hats are really something else as well.

Though to be fair, they all match. Their hats are really something else as well.

61. These guys really like to strut like peacocks.

And they have tall feather headdresses to show it. Yet, I'm not sure about the lime green robes.

And they have tall feather headdresses to show it. Yet, I’m not sure about the lime green robes.

62. Orange and black is where it’s at.

Sure they might seem like they're going to a Halloween party. But this is for the Venice Carnival which is in February or March.

Sure they might seem like they’re going to a Halloween party. But this is for the Venice Carnival which is in February or March.

63. A gentleman would like to kiss a lady’s hand.

Though I don't think their brown is a great color. But it's a sweet scene I had to include.

Though I don’t think their brown is a great color. But it’s a sweet scene I had to include.

64. A lady should never forget her fan before leaving her house.

Wouldn't want to wear a dress like this. Because 18th century dresses might be pretty. But they were also pretty uncomfortable.

Wouldn’t want to wear a dress like this. Because 18th century dresses might be pretty. But they were also pretty uncomfortable.

65. Now here we come across a real snow queen.

Even her fan has some semblance of winter. Lovely dress and mask.

Even her fan has some semblance of winter. Lovely dress and mask.

66. Nothing beats a stroll at San Marco Square than being dressed in green.

They can also wear these outfits for Saint Patrick's Day if they wanted to. But it's not a big holiday in Italy.

They can also wear these outfits for Saint Patrick’s Day if they wanted to. But it’s not a big holiday in Italy.

67. Here we come to a woman holding a golden cornucopia.

Though the costumes at the Carnival of Venice are comparable Capitol fashions. I mean both can become quite outlandish at times.

Though the costumes at the Carnival of Venice are comparable Capitol fashions. I mean both can become quite outlandish at times.

68. You can almost call these two a winter king and queen.

Yet, you can guess that they'll leave a trail of feathers in their midst. And those headdresses certainly didn't come cheap.

Yet, you can guess that they’ll leave a trail of feathers in their midst. And those headdresses certainly didn’t come cheap.

69. Say what you want, but these guys are about as different as night and day.

After all, they're dressed to reflect that. And they each have the sun and the moon on their heads.

After all, they’re dressed to reflect that. And they each have the sun and the moon on their heads.

70. A lady always prepares for a fancy dress ball this time of year.

Well, she does seem like she could be from the 18th century. Love the beautiful headdress and flowers.

Well, she does seem like she could be from the 18th century. Love the beautiful headdress and flowers.

71. Gold and red always glisten in the sunset.

She has a lovely hat and a fan of lace and gold roses. Quite mysterious as her mask gives a haunting impression.

She has a lovely hat and a fan of lace and gold roses. Quite mysterious as her mask gives a haunting impression.

72. You an be quite regal wearing a jester hat.

Helps if you have a veil of red and gold. Love the dress, by the way.

Helps if you have a veil of red and gold. Love the dress, by the way.

73. A jester in a tutu knows how to frolic.

Well, female jesters anyway. Still, she looks quite sad for a clown in this picture.

Well, female jesters anyway. Still, she looks quite sad for a clown in this picture.

74. A black cape always goes well with an orange suit.

However, you might want to reconsider if you don't want to stand out. Though it does give a creepy vibe with the mask.

However, you might want to reconsider if you don’t want to stand out. Though it does give a creepy vibe with the mask.

75. A silver dress can be very chic.

Now that's very classy. Makes me think of a painting. Love the cross on her skirt.

Now that’s very classy. Makes me think of a painting. Love the cross on her skirt.

76. Could he be a jester or an evil sorcerer?

Either way is a mystery. But yes, some do wear partial masks at the Venice Carnival. And some not at all.

Either way is a mystery. But yes, some do wear partial masks at the Venice Carnival. And some not at all.

77. Even the crazy cat lady dresses for the festivities.

Okay, she may not be that crazy since she only has a couple. But her outfit is obviously cat themed.

Okay, she may not be that crazy since she only has a couple. But her outfit is obviously cat themed.

78. These two women are two halves of the same sun.

Yes, they do group costumes, too as you see here. I know it's crazy but they do make a pretty picture.

Yes, they do group costumes, too as you see here. I know it’s crazy but they do make a pretty picture.

79. In black and gold, these two make a lovely pair.

Sure they may not be Steelers or Saints fans. But their costumes are resplendent to behold. Love the hats.

Sure they may not be Steelers or Saints fans. But their costumes are resplendent to behold. Love the hats.

80. Sometimes a headdress can almost take your breath away.

Yes, you might wonder how these women keep such large headdresses on their heads. But you have to love how they go with their resplendent costumes.

Yes, you might wonder how these women keep such large headdresses on their heads. But you have to love how they go with their resplendent costumes.

81. These two can enter a room like a real king and queen.

They even have some back flames behind them for further enhancement. Love their golden outfits.

They even have some back flames behind them for further enhancement. Love their golden outfits.

82. This woman always has to admire her own reflection.

Yet, she surely shimmers in her creamy white dress. Her headdress isn't that bad either.

Yet, she surely shimmers in her creamy white dress. Her headdress isn’t that bad either.

83. A sorceress has to don the finest gown and cape for the festivities.

She also has to have an elaborate headdress to boot. Because anyone with magical powers has to at least conform to a style akin to Lady Gaga.

She also has to have an elaborate headdress to boot. Because anyone with magical powers has to at least conform to a style akin to Lady Gaga.

84. Queen or knave? You decide.

Either way, her costume is truly an ornate sight to see. Love the mask and dress.

Either way, her costume is truly an ornate sight to see. Love the mask and dress.

85. Nothing makes you stand out in front of the gondolas like a bright red dress.

Since Venice is a canal city, gondolas are a major form of transport. Nevertheless, she looks pretty.

Since Venice is a canal city, gondolas are a major form of transport. Nevertheless, she looks pretty.

86. The Venice Carnival is always an occasion to sparkle.

This woman wears a costume with a jewel encrusted headdress. Is surely a sight from a fairy tale.

This woman wears a costume with a jewel encrusted headdress. Is surely a sight from a fairy tale.

87. Here I present to you the Queen of Hearts.

Well, I call her the Queen of Hearts because of her costume. Hope she doesn't call me for my heading for this.

Well, I call her the Queen of Hearts because of her costume. Hope she doesn’t call me for my heading for this.

88. These clowns always know how to hang out.

Though they might freak out you and your kids in some instances. Like the parasols.

Though they might freak out you and your kids in some instances. Like the parasols.

89. A Venetian Carnival dress should radiate in orange splendor.

That one dress reminds me of what Katniss Everdeen wore in the Hunger Games. Seriously, they don't call her the "Girl on Fire" for nothing.

That one dress reminds me of what Katniss Everdeen wore in the Hunger Games. Seriously, they don’t call her the “Girl on Fire” for nothing.

90. Sometimes it helps to take a mask to spare.

You will find that many of these outfits come with more than one mask. Though only one is used for the face.

You will find that many of these outfits come with more than one mask. Though only one is used for the face.

91. Good friends always wear matching dresses.

And these two are no exception. But their masks are as different as can be.

And these two are no exception. But their masks are as different as can be.

92. Sometimes a headdress must come with a long white veil.

Well, this is quite stunning. Love the peacock blue dress. But the headdress really makes the costume.

Well, this is quite stunning. Love the peacock blue dress. But the headdress really makes the costume.

93. Nothing like parading at San Marco Square decked in a peacock dress.

And of these sure look rather resplendent. Each has a fleur de lis purse.

And of these sure look rather resplendent. Each has a fleur de lis purse and peacock feather fan.

94. These two women are certifiable snow beauties.

Well, you have to like them in their blue dresses and fur trimmed muffs and hats. Lovely.

Well, you have to like them in their blue dresses and fur trimmed muffs and hats. Lovely.

95. Occasionally you might come across a jester wearing a crown.

Well, who says a king needs to look regal? Still, he has a nice black ruff on his neck.

Well, who says a king needs to look regal? Still, he has a nice black ruff on his neck.

96. These 3 beauties would like to do a dance in blue.

Well, this makes for a rather haunting trio. If their costumes weren't so festive and colorful.

Well, this makes for a rather haunting trio. If their costumes weren’t so festive and colorful.

97. There’s a certain kind of elegance having a king and queen in green.

Though you might not see them in this outfit on St. Patrick's Day. Still, like how they match.

Though you might not see them in this outfit on St. Patrick’s Day. Still, like how they match.

98. A feathered mask must always be worn with a purple dress.

Well, you don't see much of the dress. But it sure looks sensational. Beautiful.

Well, you don’t see much of the dress. But it sure looks sensational. Beautiful.

99. A dress like this will make you a belle at a masquerade ball.

Well, the creamy white really goes with the black. Love the feather headdress.

Well, the creamy white really goes with the black. Love the feather headdress.

100. With a dress like this, you can radiate with the sun.

Yes, her headdress is huge. But without it, she can't shine like a queen. And I'm sure she'll cause a sensation.

Yes, her headdress is huge. But without it, she can’t shine like a queen. And I’m sure she’ll cause a sensation.

Vintage Saint Patrick’s Day Greetings of the Emerald Isle


As you probably know by now, people have always been sending greeting cards to each other during certain holidays. And Saint Patrick’s Day was no exception to that, especially in the days before the Internet. We should also note that in the olden days, the 19th century was a very terrible time in Ireland that a series of unfortunate events, most notably the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s prompted a mass diaspora from there to other parts of the world such as the United States. But they also found new homes in other places like the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and even Latin America. And it’s because so many Irish immigrants came to these parts of the world that Saint Patrick’s Day is such a widely celebrated holiday. This is particularly the case in the 19th century when so many Irish Americans were either immigrants or related to one where we first see many of these celebrations get started like the Saint Patrick’s Day parades in places like Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh. So it’s not unusual to see Saint Patrick’s Day greeting cards around either. And though I could go all I want about these lovely works of Hallmark art, I understand you’d probably be bored to tears. So instead, I’ll stick to the ones that might make people scratch their heads. We should also note that the 19th century was a time when offensive Irish stereotypes proliferated which have now manifested in modern depictions on leprechauns to much Irish disdain. So for your reading pleasure, I give you an assortment of Saint Patrick’s Day cards from the days of old.

  1. “God bless dear/old Ireland our home/And all her Sons/Where’er they roam.”
For some reason this kid has the disposition of a future serial killer. There is now soul within those Irish eyes.

For some reason this kid has the disposition of a future serial killer. There is now soul within those Irish eyes.

2. “See my flag and see my hat./Sure you’re right! My name is Pat.”

Another soulless Irish lad. Seems like he's using his superficial innocence to play you for a fool before stabbing you in the back. Don't be taken in.

Another soulless Irish lad. Seems like he’s using his superficial innocence to play you for a fool before stabbing you in the back. Don’t be taken in.

3. Even Santa Claus has a bit of Irish in him.

How can Saint Nick be Irish, I have no idea. But I don't think dressing up as a leprechaun will endear him to the good Irish boys and girls.

How can Saint Nick be Irish, I have no idea. But I don’t think dressing up as a leprechaun will endear him to the good Irish boys and girls.

4. A Saint Patrick’s Day greeting and wait a minute, that doesn’t look like an Irish flag.

Okay, I had to look this flag up on Google. According to a historical flag site, it's the Saint Patrick's Cross flag used by the Irish National Corporate Party of the 1930s known as the "Greenshirts." And it was an openly fascist organization. So though it's seen as a traditional Irish flag before then, it hasn't been used in Ireland since.

Okay, I had to look this flag up on Google. According to a historical flag site, it’s the Saint Patrick’s Cross flag which was allegedly used by the Irish National Corporate Party of the 1930s known as the “Greenshirts.” And it was an openly fascist organization. So though it’s seen as a traditional Irish flag before then, it hasn’t been used in Ireland since.

5. May luck bestow blessings upon you the way leprechauns shower shamrocks from blimps.

Yes, I know it looks ridiculous. But blimps have appeared on a variety of greeting cards during this period. Not sure why.

Yes, I know it looks ridiculous. But blimps have appeared on a variety of greeting cards during this period. Not sure why.

6. Nothing brings in the spirit of Saint Patrick’s Day like an Irish lass riding a white pipe.

And she's riding it like a horse as if she's in someone's drug induced pipe dream. I'm sure someone was high off some opium binge to come up with this idea.

And she’s riding it like a horse as if she’s in someone’s drug induced pipe dream. I’m sure someone was high off some opium binge to come up with this idea.

7. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from high up in the shamrock plane.

Not sure if you can really fly that thing or whether it's safe to stand up in it. In any case, if these two survive a crash, consider them lucky.

Not sure if you can really fly that thing or whether it’s safe to stand up in it. In any case, if these two survive a crash, consider them lucky.

8. “Me Irish eyes are smilin.'”

Hate to say this, but Irish Mr. Potato Head looks so damn creepy. Like he's out to get you during a hangover kind of way.

Hate to say this, but Irish Mr. Potato Head looks so damn creepy. Like he’s out to get you during a hangover kind of way.

9. Saint Patrick’s Day greetings from the nightmarish green woman holding a shamrock wreath.

Sorry, but pale green skin makes her seem like a bride of Dracula than an Irish angel. I'm sure she'll haunt many Irish dreams.

Sorry, but pale green skin makes her seem like a bride of Dracula than an Irish angel. I’m sure she’ll haunt many Irish dreams.

10. On Saint Patrick’s Day, it’s customary to get all shamrocked out.

She even has a shamrock dress on. And a yellow hat with shamrocks on it. I'm sure Lady Gaga would wear the same thing.

She even has a shamrock dress on. And a yellow hat with shamrocks on it. I’m sure Lady Gaga would wear the same thing.

11. An Irishman always likes to see his lass in a shamrock dress.

The fact a lot of women's dresses were shaped like that at the time was coincidental. Though this is kind of ridiculous.

The fact a lot of women’s dresses were shaped like that at the time was coincidental. Though this is kind of ridiculous.

12. These Irish kids would like to bestow a Saint Patrick’s Day greeting.

I'm sure little Patty is giving little Molly some clover because she wants to see her tits and look up her skirt. And Molly knows it.

I’m sure little Patty is giving little Molly some clover because she wants to see her tits and look up her skirt. And Molly knows it.

13. Irish couples always know when to get it on during Saint Patrick’s Day.

However, whether the guy practiced consent is another matter. But she doesn't seem to mind because he's hot.

However, whether the guy practiced consent is another matter. But she doesn’t seem to mind because he’s hot.

14. May Saint Patrick’s Day make you a lucky frog on March 17th.

I have no idea what the frog has to do with Saint Patrick's Day. Is it because it's green. Other than that, not much else.

I have no idea what the frog has to do with Saint Patrick’s Day. Is it because it’s green. Other than that, not much else.

15. Erin Go Bragh for this pair of newlyweds.

Who seem to resemble a couple you'd find in a creepy illustration of some Gothic novel. Though they do seem terrifyingly happy together.

Who seem to resemble a couple you’d find in a creepy illustration of some Gothic novel. Though they do seem terrifyingly happy together.

16. This garden gnome wishes you a lucky Saint Patrick’s Day.

You better because this gnome might want to kill your cat sometime. His eyes only show pure evil.

You better because this gnome might want to kill your cat sometime. His eyes only show pure evil.

17. “St. Patrick’s Day and I wish you luck.”

Now I understand the oversized shamrock. But the small pig? Not so much.

Now I understand the oversized shamrock. But the small pig? Not so much.

18. “Nothing slow for the likes of us.”

So this card implies that the Irish are bad drivers? Seems to be the case.

So this card implies that the Irish are bad drivers? Seems to be the case.

19. “Good luck on Saint Patrick’s Day.”

Let's just say disembodied Cabbage Patch doll heads aren't what you'd want to put on a St. Paddy's Day card. Oh wait, those are potatoes.

Let’s just say disembodied Cabbage Patch doll heads aren’t what you’d want to put on a St. Paddy’s Day card. Oh wait, those are potatoes.

20. Saint Patrick’s Day Greetings from the woman with the giant pipe.

And that pipe is making a smoky haze. But I don't think she's bringing luck but lung cancer. Seriously, what's with the large pipe?

And that pipe is making a smoky haze. But I don’t think she’s bringing luck but lung cancer. Seriously, what’s with the large pipe?

21. “Tis the shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day/ That bring back memories dear and gay.”

Though the kid's expression on his face reads something more sinister. And no, I don't think he's musing about Ireland either.

Though the kid’s expression on his face reads something more sinister. And no, I don’t think he’s musing about Ireland either.

22. Some tourists in Ireland would go to great lengths to kiss the Blarney Stone.

But using a rope harness is kind of ridiculous. Seriously, please don't try this. Ever.

But using a rope harness is kind of ridiculous. Seriously, please don’t try this. Ever.

23. It’s always grand to watch the Saint Patrick’s Day parade.

However, this doesn't change the fact the Irish here are depicted in a very disparaging way. And that there's booze depicted along the border.

However, this doesn’t change the fact the Irish here are depicted in a very disparaging way. And that there’s booze depicted along the border.

24. Saint Patrick’s Day is always a time to celebrate.

Now this couple looks rather cartoonish. Guess card designers of the time couldn't resist putting in Irish stereotypes after all.

Now this couple looks rather cartoonish in caricature. Guess card designers of the time couldn’t resist putting in Irish stereotypes after all.

25. “May the corners of yer mouth never turn down.”

Apparently. people in the 19th century thought old Irish ladies resembled witches who'd own candy houses to lure kids they'd cook for dinner. Seriously, this is in very poor taste if you ask me.

Apparently. people in the 19th century thought old Irish ladies resembled witches who’d own candy houses to lure kids they’d cook for dinner. Seriously, this is in very poor taste if you ask me.

26. “Here’s to the Auld Sod,/An’ shamrock so green,/Th’ land ave Saint Patrick,/Th’ Emerald Queen.”

Hmm...a jolly Irish guy dressed like a leprechaun with a glass of booze. Not something I've seen before (sarcasm).

Hmm…a jolly Irish guy dressed like a leprechaun with a glass of booze. Not something I’ve seen before (sarcasm).

27. How about an old Irish jig?

Is that guy dancing with a club in his hand? If so, is it to clobber any guy who wants to dance with his girlfriend? I need answers.

Is that guy dancing with a club in his hand? If so, is it to clobber any guy who wants to dance with his girlfriend? I need answers.

28. “An may ye always feel as gay as I do on Saint Patrick’s Day.”

In other words, "plastered drunk." Yes, the Irish drunk is on a Saint Patrick's Day card. I believe this card was sent to the Irish in people's lives they hated.

In other words, “plastered drunk.” Yes, the Irish drunk is on a Saint Patrick’s Day card. I believe this card was sent to the Irish in people’s lives they hated.

29. “Never a girl so sweet as an Irish girl.”

And in Ireland, you'll find Irish girls come in 3 different varieties such as blond, brunette, and redhead. As this pipe shamrock smokescreen can show.

And in Ireland, you’ll find Irish girls come in 3 different varieties such as blond, brunette, and redhead. As this pipe shamrock smokescreen can show.

30. Saint Patrick’s Day is always a time of Irish love.

Though I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be dancing or making out. Can go either way.

Though I’m not sure whether they’re supposed to be dancing or making out. Can go either way.

31. Even Cupid would like to get in the Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations.

For the love of God, Cupid, Valentine's Day is over. Seriously, what the hell are you doing on a card for St. Patrick's Day. It's not your holiday.

For the love of God, Cupid, Valentine’s Day is over. Seriously, what the hell are you doing on a card for St. Patrick’s Day. It’s not your holiday.

32. Saint Patrick’s Day is a merry time in dear old Ireland.

Yet, this guy happily wields his club when he's walking his pig. No, I don't think Irishmen are like this.

Yet, this guy happily wields his club when he’s walking his pig. No, I don’t think Irishmen are like this.

33. Irish couples always seem to enjoy a bit of blarney.

However, the guy in this card seems to remind me of a creepy old man for some reason. Not sure why.

However, the guy in this card seems to remind me of a creepy old man for some reason. Not sure why.

34. On Saint Patrick’s Day, Uncle Sam loves to make out with his Irish lass.

Yes, I know this is at a purely symbolic angle. However, Uncle Sam is supposed to look like a skinny old guy. So you get the creepy vibes.

Yes, I know this is at a purely symbolic angle. However, Uncle Sam is supposed to look like a skinny old guy. So you get the creepy vibes.

35. Shamrock head would like to wish you a Saint Patrick’s Day greetings.

But instead of bringing you luck, it'll bring you nightmares. Seriously, why?

But instead of bringing you luck, it’ll bring you nightmares. Seriously, why?

36. Speaking of Uncle Sam, here he enjoys an Irish toast.

I know this is supposed to be a gesture of Irish and American friendship. But the Irish guy is represented by an oversized leprechaun.

I know this is supposed to be a gesture of Irish and American friendship. But the Irish guy is represented by an oversized leprechaun.

37. There’s nothing on Saint Patrick’s Day like a peaceful rowboat ride.

Yet, we find this Irishman in a boat with 2 women which is about to capsize. Wonder what it says about him.

Yet, we find this Irishman in a boat with 2 women which is about to capsize. Wonder what it says about him.

38. Best wishes on Saint Patrick’s Day from the clover kids.

So I bet this card was made possible by acid trips. Not sure how else I can explain it.

So I bet this card was made possible by acid trips. Not sure how else I can explain it.

39. “I’m thinking of Old Erin tonight/Of the dear little cot by the sea/for the shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day/Still bringing back memories to me.”

However, I'm sure the woman is like, "Sorry, but I'm not interested so get your stupid hand off me." Yeah, I don't think she's happy.

However, I’m sure the woman is like, “Sorry, but I’m not interested so get your stupid hand off me.” Yeah, I don’t think she’s happy.

40. Here’s looking at you on Saint Patrick’s Day.

Because nothing says Saint Patrick's Day like a pair of eyes staring at you through a shamrock. Now that's very unsettling.

Because nothing says Saint Patrick’s Day like a pair of eyes staring at you through a shamrock. Now that’s very unsettling.

41. “Here’s to the toast in th’ rosy cup/To Swatehearts far across the sea/Wid wine ave hope/We fill it up/An’ drink to days that yet may be.”

Another depiction of an Irishman drinking. I know it's an offensive stereotype that never seems to die.

Another depiction of an Irishman drinking. I know it’s an offensive stereotype that never seems to die.

42. How about a toast to Ireland on Saint Patrick’s Day?

Yes, it looks like a toast. But we all know what'll happen afterwards.

Yes, it looks like a toast. But we all know what’ll happen afterwards.

43. “Let our hearts be young at the dawning/of Saint Patrick’s Day in the morning.”

The guy in this card isn't drawn very well. Yes, he's supposed to look happy. But his expression is more terrifying. And holding the club doesn't help.

The guy in this card isn’t drawn very well. Yes, he’s supposed to look happy. But his expression is more terrifying. And holding the club doesn’t help.

44. Nothing makes one feel lucky on Saint Patrick’s Day like pilfering a pig.

For some reason, pigs were seen as symbols of luck back in the day. Not sure why.

For some reason, pigs were seen as symbols of luck back in the day. Not sure why.

45. “The sweet little green little shamrock of Ireland.”

Don't look now but I think the man might have eyes on the girl with ill intent. The girl should run away while she still can.

Don’t look now but I think the man might have eyes on the girl with ill intent. The girl should run away while she still can.

46. Saint Patrick’s Day is always marked by the wearing of the green.

And in here even the bird of prey is green. Nevertheless, the woman has a rather oversized head for some reason.

And in here even the bird of prey is green. Nevertheless, the woman has a rather oversized head for some reason.

47. “Saint Patrick was a gentleman.”

For the love of God, this kid looks like a pure monster in a little suit. Avoid him like the plague.

For the love of God, this kid looks like a pure monster in a little suit. Avoid him like the plague.

48. On Saint Patrick’s Day, the whole world looks upon Ireland.

Don't tell me that's a crazed Santa Claus dressed in leprechaun garb. Might need to calm down a bit.

Don’t tell me that’s a crazed Santa Claus dressed in leprechaun garb. Might need to calm down a bit.

49. There’s room for everyone on the Shamrock blimp.

Though why anyone would disregard any notion of safety is a good question. Hope they're lucky to have parachutes.

Though why anyone would disregard any notion of safety is a good question. Hope they’re lucky to have parachutes.

50. You never know what you’d find on Saint Patrick’s Day.

I'm sure that guy is interested in watching the girl beside him peeling potatoes. Then again, he probably has his eyes stuck somewhere else.

I’m sure that guy is interested in watching the girl beside him peeling potatoes. Then again, he probably has his eyes stuck somewhere else.

Top of the Morning with These Lucky Saint Patrick’s Day Craft Projects (Second Edition)


Now it’s on to some lucky craft projects. When it comes to looking for holiday crafts for a blog post, I often find myself running into stuff geared toward children. And Saint Patrick’s Day was no exception. Of course, I understand these are designed for parents and teachers looking for child appropriate activities for the holiday. But for a blogger like me, running into them can be a major pain in the ass since I usually focus on craft projects made by adults like what you see above. Nevertheless, it’s always something I have to deal with when coming up with such posts. Anyway, I don’t usually go all out for Saint Patrick’s Day, but I’m sure there are plenty people who do. And last year, I did a Saint Patrick’s Day craft post that received a nice reception as far as I’m concerned. I mean it got 7 likes from WordPress bloggers. So this time, I decided to do another since I had many craft pictures left over. So for your reading pleasure, I give you some more Saint Patrick’s Day craft projects for good luck.

  1. Felt 4-leaf clovers always make great centerpieces.
Each of them is in a different shade of green. And they're all supported by a pole on a green block.

Each of them is in a different shade of green. And they’re all supported by a pole on a green block.

2. Grace your lucky front door this Saint Patrick’s Day with this green ribbon wreath.

Includes ribbons of different patterns as well as shamrocks. Lovely to put on any front door or on a wall.

Includes ribbons of different patterns as well as shamrocks. Lovely to put on any front door or on a wall.

3. Of course, one large 4-leaf clover can make Irish eyes smile.

If you like wreaths and don't care for the fancy stuff, this is for you. Just consists of a burlap wreath, a shamrock ribbon, and a wooden 4-leaf clover.

If you like wreaths and don’t care for the fancy stuff, this is for you. Just consists of a burlap wreath, a shamrock ribbon, and a wooden 4-leaf clover.

4. No Saint Patrick’s Day decoration makes you feel more lucky than a wooden long bearded leprechaun.

Sure he may not lead you to a pot of gold. But you have to admire his long red beard and hat.

Sure he may not lead you to a pot of gold. But you have to admire his long red beard and hat.

5. Bring the luck of the Irish to your home by hanging this shiny golden horseshoe.

Of course, you wouldn't want the luck of the Irish if you lived in the 19th century. When many Irish immigrants fled their home country due to poverty, civil unrest, and a deadly potato famine.

Of course, you wouldn’t want the luck of the Irish if you lived in the 19th century. When many Irish immigrants fled their home country due to poverty, civil unrest, British oppression of Irish Catholics, and a deadly potato famine.

6. A lucky grapevine wreath should always include shamrocks.

Well, you can't have enough shamrocks, can you. Love the green ribbon on this.

Well, you can’t have enough shamrocks, can you. Love the green ribbon on this.

7. This pallet leprechaun will bring a smile to your face.

After all, he's smiling. Because he'll never lead you to his pot of gold which may not exist.

After all, he’s smiling. Because he’ll never lead you to his pot of gold which may not exist.

8. Green flowers always make a Saint Patrick’s Day wreath worthwhile.

Not sure what to think about green flowers. Sure they exist, but they don't seem natural to me. Maybe I'm more used to seeing green foliage. I don't know.

Not sure what to think about green flowers. Sure they exist, but they don’t seem natural to me. Maybe I’m more used to seeing green foliage. I don’t know.

9. A green yarn wreath has shamrocks all around.

The shamrocks are made of felt and are tied down with yarn. At any rate, consider yourself lucky to have a decoration like this. Supposing you do.

The shamrocks are made of felt and are tied down with yarn. At any rate, consider yourself lucky to have a decoration like this. Supposing you do.

10. No girl on Saint Patrick’s Day should go without bows like these.

Consists of green bows with sequin gold shamrocks and rainbows. What more can an Irish girl want?

Consists of green bows with sequin gold shamrocks and rainbows. What more can an Irish girl want?

11. If you wish to make Saint Patrick’s Day a festive occasion, this wreath is for you.

Has a large green bow, green leprechaun hats, and a large green shamrock. Great for parties, though it might get destroyed in the process if there's a lot of alcohol.

Has a large green bow, green leprechaun hats, and a large green shamrock. Great for parties, though it might get destroyed in the process if there’s a lot of alcohol.

12. Keep your candy safe with this leprechaun candy dispenser.

Sure they usually store gumballs. But this one holds almond Hershey's kisses. Nice how it comes in a gold wrapper.

Sure they usually store gumballs. But this one holds almond Hershey’s kisses. Nice how it comes in a gold wrapper.

13. Have old wine bottles? A green one makes a great Saint Patrick’s Day bottle lamp.

I'm sure a green wine bottle isn't hard to find among your recyclables. Though I love the shamrock touch.

I’m sure a green wine bottle isn’t hard to find among your recyclables. Though I love the shamrock touch.

14. With a sign like this, everyone can see how lucky you are.

Nice how the letters are in plaid and covered with shamrocks. So stunning.

Nice how the letters are in plaid and covered with shamrocks. So stunning.

15. Keep your things in good order with this shamrock rainbow basket.

The outside is covered with string as you can see. Sure it's a kid's project but it's adorable.

The outside is covered with string as you can see. Sure it’s a kid’s project but it’s adorable.

16. A Saint Patrick’s Day wreath should always contain green flowers.

Okay, like I said, green flowers are strange. But since we're talking about Saint Patrick's Day, this is appropriate. Besides, the flowers are fake anyway.

Okay, like I said, green flowers are strange. But since we’re talking about Saint Patrick’s Day, this is appropriate. Besides, the flowers are fake anyway.

17. A block display of “Luck” should always contain a golden horseshoe.

Well, certainly seems rustic to me. Not sure about the paint job on the other letters though.

Well, certainly seems rustic to me. Not sure about the paint job on the other letters though.

18. A St. Patrick’s Day decomesh wreath should have different colored shamrocks.

Well, there's at least one gold one. But the wreath is also decked in some green ribbons, too.

Well, there’s at least one gold one. But the wreath is also decked in some green ribbons, too.

19. A leprechaun flower pot is great for a bouquet.

Okay, this one is rather tall. And the flowers are most definitely fake. But at any rate, makes a great centerpiece.

Okay, this one is rather tall. And the flowers are most definitely fake. But at any rate, makes a great centerpiece.

20. A shamrock made of panels is as good as any other.

Though you might want to be sure to paint it green. And to put a ribbon with small shamrocks on it for extra luck.

Though you might want to be sure to paint it green. And to put a ribbon with small shamrocks on it for extra luck.

21. A grapevine St. Patrick’s Day wreath can always add some festive flair.

Another one with fake green flowers along with green ribbons. Wouldn't mind having this on my front door.

Another one with fake green flowers along with green ribbons. Wouldn’t mind having this on my front door.

22. A Saint Patrick’s Day wreath of decomesh will wow your visitors.

This one has a large shamrock and an Irish Blessing attached. Also, has other green decorations.

This one has a large shamrock and an Irish Blessing attached. Also, has other green decorations.

23. Nothing says Saint Patrick’s Day like a green wreath.

Well, not sure what it's made from exactly. Probably burlap. But the shamrock ribbon adds a nice touch.

Well, not sure what it’s made from exactly. Probably burlap. But the shamrock ribbon adds a nice touch.

24. As spring is around the corner, a St. Patrick’s wreath of tulips seems appropriate.

Includes a glittery green pipe and a leprechaun hat. But at least the small tulips are white, not green.

Includes a glittery green pipe and a leprechaun hat. But at least the small tulips are white, not green.

25. Nothing makes Irish eyes smile like a glittering rainbow.

Well, it's made from wood and may not always be used for Saint Patrick's Day. But don't bet you'll find a pot of gold here.

Well, it’s made from wood and may not always be used for Saint Patrick’s Day. But don’t bet you’ll find a pot of gold here.

26. Is that a little leprechaun here for a visit?

You can't see his face. But his clothes are made from felt. So adorable.

You can’t see his face. But his clothes are made from felt. So adorable.

27. A leprechaun hat always makes a wonderful display of Irish pride.

Though not in Ireland since they don't care for leprechauns there. However, this felt hat is quite fancy and whimsical.

Though not in Ireland since they don’t care for leprechauns there. However, this felt hat is quite fancy and whimsical.

28. Putting a leprechaun on your Saint Patrick’s Day wreath brings good luck.

Of course, you don't see all of the leprechaun. But this is a rather charming wreath nonetheless.

Of course, you don’t see all of the leprechaun. But this is a rather charming wreath nonetheless.

29. Even a snowman can wish anyone a happy St. Patrick’s Day.

However, unless it's the polar regions, a snowman on St. Patrick's Day isn't long for this world. Since the coming spring ensures his demise if global warming hadn't already.

However, unless it’s the polar regions, a snowman on St. Patrick’s Day isn’t long for this world. Since the coming spring ensures his demise if global warming hadn’t already.

30. A wreath of green flowers and shamrocks brings a quaintness in the air.

Again, not used to the green flowers. But I do like the shamrocks and ribbons.

Again, not used to the green flowers. But I do like the shamrocks and ribbons.

31. Have your little lass keep warm this Saint Patrick’s Day with a crocheted hat.

Then again, I'm not sure if these are made for kids or not. Though you have to love the shamrock decor.

Then again, I’m not sure if these are made for kids or not. Though you have to love the shamrock decor.

32. For a flashy St. Paddy’s Day, this green tulle wreath is for you.

I swear I've seen that green on PennDOT workers at some point in my life. But I don't think the shiny shamrocks help matters either.

I swear I’ve seen that green on PennDOT workers at some point in my life. But I don’t think the shiny shamrocks help matters either.

33. Nothing shows Irish pride on St. Patrick’s Day like a yarn wreath of Kelly green.

Yes, this is another yarn wreath with shamrocks. But this one has fewer and is in a different green shade.

Yes, this is another yarn wreath with shamrocks. But this one has fewer and is in a different green shade.

34. A green Saint Patrick’s Day bow should always give you the best of luck.

Has a ribbon that says "Saint Patrick's Day" on it. Like the shamrock in the middle.

Has a ribbon that says “Saint Patrick’s Day” on it. Like the shamrock in the middle.

35. A large shamrock always belongs on a green wreath.

Yes, this is another decomesh wreath. But the shamrock is quite ornate that I just had to put it on this post.

Yes, this is another decomesh wreath. But the shamrock is quite ornate that I just had to put it on this post.

36. Curl up this Saint Patrick’s Day with this crocheted blanket of shamrocks.

Sure it's not the whole ting. But at least the shamrocks have 4 leaves on them.

Sure it’s not the whole ting. But at least the shamrocks have 4 leaves on them.

37. On a St. Patrick’s Day yarn wreath gold should always be found at the rainbow.

Though these remind me more of gold flowers than gold coins. Nevertheless, this wreath is quite charming.

Though these remind me more of gold flowers than gold coins. Nevertheless, this wreath is quite charming.

38. A white yarn St. Patrick’s Day wreath should have green flowers and ribbons.

My Saint Patrick's Day craft post contained a wreath similar to this. However, it didn't have some of the decorations though.

My Saint Patrick’s Day craft post contained a wreath similar to this. However, it didn’t have some of the decorations though.

39. A simple shamrock hanging should always have a golden ribbon.

Sure it depicts a 3 leaf clover with 3 leaves of hearts. But it brings a rather quaint touch.

Sure it depicts a 3 leaf clover with 3 leaves of hearts. But it brings a rather quaint touch for any home.

40. A Saint Patrick’s Day wreath should bring you a fortune in gold.

Or in gold coins made from plastic used to decorate this wreath. But it's quite creative and appropriate.

Or in gold coins made from plastic used to decorate this wreath. But it’s quite creative and appropriate.

41. A mossy leprechaun hat on a door is an inviting sight.

I'm sure the moss is fake but it's green and looks real. Like the golden shamrock though.

I’m sure the moss is fake but it’s green and looks real. Like the golden shamrock though.

42. With empty green bottles, shamrock bottle tops will go quite nicely.

Not sure how to make the shamrock tops. But whoever did certainly has some interesting green bottles.

Not sure how to make the shamrock tops. But whoever did certainly has some interesting green bottles.

43. Seems like someone must’ve spilled some gold coins.

Okay, this is only a mere decoration and the coins aren't real. But it's certainly fitting for St. Paddy's Day.

Okay, this is only a mere decoration and the coins aren’t real. But it’s certainly fitting for St. Paddy’s Day.

44. A Saint Patrick’s Day plate and glasses leaves Irish eyes a shining.

Of course, these are only used for display, not eating. But I'm sure who created these is a repressed art major.

Of course, these are only used for display, not eating. But I’m sure who created these is a repressed art major.

45. Seems like we’ve found the leprechaun’s gold in this little flower pot.

Oh, wait. Those are spray painted rocks which aren't worth anything. Yes, these leprechauns can be quite sneaky in their tricks.

Oh, wait. Those are spray painted rocks which aren’t worth anything. Yes, these leprechauns can be quite sneaky in their tricks.

46. This Saint Patrick’s Day, may the beads be always at your back.

You can put this wreath up during Mardi Gras if you want. Since it's on the 28th. Though it might look a bit strange.

You can put this wreath up during Mardi Gras if you want. Since it’s on the 28th. Though it might look a bit strange.

47. An owl on a Saint Patrick’s Day wreath is a great hoot.

This one even has green bows on its ears. But it doesn't look too happy. Adorable.

This one even has green bows on its ears. But it doesn’t look too happy. Adorable.

48. There’s nothing luckier to have than this Saint Patrick’s Day star.

Yes, it has some shamrocks and green. But it's not the rustic decor meant for the barn.

Yes, it has some shamrocks and green. But it’s not the rustic decor meant for the barn.

49. A 4-leaf moss shamrock is always a sight of great fortune.

Well, if I had to put a moss leprechaun hat, then I had to add a moss shamrock. Not sure if I like this one as much though.

Well, if I had to put a moss leprechaun hat, then I had to add a moss shamrock. Not sure if I like this one as much though.

50. Sometimes it’s best to express Irish pride in the simplest ways.

This one only entails a heart shaped wreath and a green ribbon. Great to put in any home.

This one only entails a heart shaped wreath and a green ribbon. Great to put in any home.

51. No little leprechaun should go without a crocheted hat like this.

This little leprechaun hat even has a buckle in front. So cute.

This little leprechaun hat even has a buckle in front. So cute.

52. Sometimes white flowers is all you need for a St. Patrick’s Day wreath.

But please include the green ribbon at the front so it's for Saint Patrick's Day. Lovely.

But please include the green ribbon at the front so it’s for Saint Patrick’s Day. Lovely.

53. A zipper shamrock will make a very lucky pin.

Yes, this was made with zipper teeth. I know it looks simple. But it's probably not.

Yes, this was made with zipper teeth. I know it looks simple. But it’s probably not.

54. A leprechaun should find this little green house warm and cozy.

Though we have to admit, this will probably be used to feed birds more than anything. But I love the facade.

Though we have to admit, this will probably be used to feed birds more than anything. But I love the facade.

55. A shamrock key chain makes a great good luck charm.

Because at least you can see your keys better with it. Made of felt with sequin decorations.

Because at least you can see your keys better with it. Made of felt with sequin decorations.

56. Welcome spring this Saint Patrick’s Day with this pin containing 3 flowers.

I bet the boy one is plainer so they can tell them apart. Still, love the flowers.

I bet the boy one is plainer so they can tell them apart. Still, love the flowers.

57. You’ll find a pot of gold in the middle of this wreath on St. Patrick’s Day.

Helps that the wreath is in polka dots and gold trim. And the pot of gold is green and shiny.

Helps that the wreath is in polka dots and gold trim. And the pot of gold is green and shiny.

58. May you be guided by the ladder of luck this Saint Patrick’s Day.

There's a lot of ladder sets for several occasions. But I just put this one up because I had a lot of wreaths already.

There’s a lot of ladder sets for several occasions. But I just put this one up because I had a lot of wreaths already.

59. Looks like a we’ve found a leprechaun at his pot of gold.

I'm sure the gold coins are plastic and aren't worth anything. But it's a charming decoration nonetheless.

I’m sure the gold coins are plastic and aren’t worth anything. But it’s a charming decoration nonetheless.

60. Nothing makes a leprechaun squirm like a large pot of gold.

Well, this is made from wood. But the green and shamrock give it a nice touch.

Well, this is made from wood. But the green and shamrock give it a nice touch.

61. Hope this wooden leprechaun brings you great luck and good cheer.

Another wooden leprechaun. Then again, this one has more of a body. But his hat is definitely one you can see for miles.

Another wooden leprechaun. Then again, this one has more of a body. But his hat is definitely one you can see for miles.

62. A great St. Patrick’s Day wreath has lovely green felt flowers.

Well, if the flowers weren't green it wouldn't be for St. Patrick's day. Love the button centers though.

Well, if the flowers weren’t green it wouldn’t be for St. Patrick’s day. Love the button centers though.

63. This lucky sign includes a horseshoe for better days.

Well, it's a pallet sign that's not just for St. Patrick's Day. Though St. Patrick's Day is the perfect occasion for it.

Well, it’s a pallet sign that’s not just for St. Patrick’s Day. Though St. Patrick’s Day is the perfect occasion for it.

64. You can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day without donning a pair of shamrock earrings.

They also consist of 4 leaves to bring luck to you. Perhaps luck that you won't be found somewhere on the street after a day drinking.

They also consist of 4 leaves to bring luck to you. Perhaps luck that you won’t be found somewhere on the street after a day drinking.

65. For a necklace to match, this pendant will do quite nicely.

Well, certainly goes with the earrings. Though it has a crystal drop underneath. Etsy listing, by the way.

Well, certainly goes with the earrings. Though it has a crystal drop underneath. Etsy listing, by the way.

66. This Saint Patrick’s Day, it’s best you put your green flowers in beer mugs.

Because whiskey shot glasses wouldn't be sufficient. At one hand, it's clever. On the other hand, might evoke bad Irish stereotypes.

Because whiskey shot glasses wouldn’t be sufficient. At one hand, it’s clever. On the other hand, might evoke bad Irish stereotypes.

67. With 3 leftover Valentine’s Day wreaths, you can make a shamrock.

Well, this is a 3 leaf one with a large bow. Might contain a few pearls among the green though.

Well, this is a 3 leaf one with a large bow. Might contain a few pearls among the green though.

68. Show your love for the Irish with this Saint Patrick’s Day mailbox decoration.

Make sure you live in a neighborhood that doesn't have mailbox smashers before you do this. Because it might not turn out quite well.

Make sure you live in a neighborhood that doesn’t have mailbox smashers before you do this. Because it might not turn out quite well.

69. There’s nothing that expresses St. Patrick’s Day quite like Scrabble tiles.

Yes, is a nice display as anything. However, I don't really approve using game tiles for craft projects.

Yes, is a nice display as anything. However, I don’t really approve using game tiles for craft projects for obvious reasons.

70. A Saint Patrick’s Day wreath always brings good luck when it contains flowers.

This one has green, white, and yellow flowers to match as well as a horseshoe. Lovely.

This one has green, white, and yellow flowers to match as well as a horseshoe. Lovely.

71. With this sign of luck, your Saint Patrick’s Day will never dim.

Since the word "luck" is in lights like a marquee. Even has a shamrock to mark the occasion.

Since the word “luck” is in lights like a marquee. Even has a shamrock to mark the occasion.

72. There’s nothing more colorful on St. Patrick’s Day like a tulle rainbow wreath.

Has all the colors as well as white for cloud and some extra green. And it's all tied in a shamrock bow.

Has all the colors as well as white for cloud and some extra green. And it’s all tied in a shamrock bow.

73. A Saint Patrick’s Day tree should have a pot of gold on top.

Also, has to be decorated with shamrocks and fake gold coins, too. By the way, this was made from tinsel garland.

Also, has to be decorated with shamrocks and fake gold coins, too. By the way, this was made from tinsel garland.

74. Don’t like wreaths? How about a Saint Patrick’s Day door hanging of daisies?

Guaranteed to make an impression on guests this March 17. Love the green bow.

Guaranteed to make an impression on guests this March 17. Love the green bow.

75. On this decomesh hanging, you can find gold at the end of the rainbow.

Well, maybe not literally. But you'll find plenty of shamrocks though.

Well, maybe not literally. But you’ll find plenty of shamrocks though.

76. Those with leftover Valentine’s Day baskets might want to make their own shamrock like this.

Even has shamrocks coming out of it, too. Love the rainbow bow.

Even has shamrocks coming out of it, too. Love the rainbow bow.

77. A green burlap wreath can never have enough shamrocks.

And this one certainly has them. Some are around it while some come up from the bow.

And this one certainly has them. Some are around it while some come up from the bow.

78. A lucky charm wreath can always make Irish eyes smile.

For those who aim for more whimsical decorations, this one is certainly for you. It's all green with bows, gold coins, and shamrocks.

For those who aim for more whimsical decorations, this one is certainly for you. It’s all green with bows, gold coins, and shamrocks.

79. For a more naturalistic Saint Patrick’s Day wreath, try one of green hydrangeas.

On second thought, green hydrangeas aren't very naturalistic. Though the petals can pass as leaves here.

On second thought, green hydrangeas aren’t very naturalistic. Though the petals can pass as leaves here.

80. On Saint Patrick’s Day, leprechauns are always welcome.

And here we have a leprechaun welcome sign. Still, might want to start charging them if you want their gold.

And here we have a leprechaun welcome sign. Still, might want to start charging them if you want their gold.

81. Nothing makes your guests feel happy on St. Paddy’s day like this puppy bouquet.

Though an Irish wolfhound pup would've been more appropriate. But sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Though an Irish wolfhound pup would’ve been more appropriate. But sometimes you have to take what you can get.

82. Greet visitors this Saint Patrick’s Day with a wreath of felt flowers and shamrocks.

Consists of flowers on top and shamrocks on the bottom. Think it's quite charming and quaint.

Consists of flowers on top and shamrocks on the bottom. Think it’s quite charming and quaint.

83. Nothing brings the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day like a rainbow wreath and a pot of gold.

Well, this one's in decomesh. But I couldn't pass this one up on Pinterest for good reason.

Well, this one’s in decomesh. But I couldn’t pass this one up on Pinterest for good reason.

84. With this St. Patrick’s Day ladder, every hour is happy hour.

Includes rainbow, shamrock, and a beer mug. Still, might bring you luck with "Irish You Were Beer."

Includes rainbow, shamrock, and a beer mug. Still, might bring you luck with “Irish You Were Beer.”

85. Leprechaun shoes are always great for flowers.

Might want to attach pinwheels now that you're at it. Flowers are most likely fake though.

Might want to attach pinwheels now that you’re at it. Flowers are most likely fake though.

86. How about a tree with gold coins and shamrocks.

May not give you luck. But it would sure make a fine centerpiece at a party.

May not give you luck. But it would sure make a fine centerpiece at a party.

87. With this horseshoe, you’d have all the luck you need.

This one has only 3 shamrocks on it. But you also have to love the bows.

This one has only 3 shamrocks on it. But you also have to love the bows.

88. Capture the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day with a bouquet of shamrocks.

Because nothing denotes St. Patrick's Day like it. Love how they're in a bucket.

Because nothing denotes St. Patrick’s Day like it. Love how they’re in a bucket.

89. A shamrock hanging should always come with flowers.

Makes a nice bouquet doesn't it? Even includes an Irish blessing.

Makes a nice bouquet doesn’t it? Even includes an Irish blessing.

90. Cuddle up this Saint Patrick’s Day with your very own button shamrock pillow.

The shamrock here is made of buttons of all sizes. Love it.

The shamrock here is made of buttons of all sizes. Love it.

91. Show your love for St. Patrick’s Day with some Irish sheep.

You can tell they're Irish because they have shamrocks on their butts. Okay, I was just kidding. Yet, these are quite original.

You can tell they’re Irish because they have shamrocks on their butts. Okay, I was just kidding. Yet, these are quite original.

92. A St. Patrick’s Day birdhouse should always include a horseshoe.

Because a horseshoe is a sign of luck. The green paint job gives this one a rustic feel.

Because a horseshoe is a sign of luck. The green paint job gives this one a rustic feel.

93. There’s nothing on Saint Patrick’s Day like this shamrock pillow.

Seems like it was based on a kid drawing. Then again, it's probably part of the charm.

Seems like it was based on a kid drawing. Then again, it’s probably part of the charm.

94. Nothing shows Irish pride like a quilt of the Emerald Isle.

Includes Irish features as you can see here along with the map of the land itself. Definitely a sight to behold.

Includes Irish features as you can see here along with the map of the land itself. Definitely a sight to behold.

95. Speaking of quilts, check out this shamrock one in purple.

Yes, I know the color isn't quite right since it's not green. But it includes shamrocks so it goes on this post.

Yes, I know the color isn’t quite right since it’s not green. But it includes shamrocks so it goes on this post.

96. Catch the sunlight with this shamrock suncatcher.

Contains a stained glass 4-leaf clover for the sun to shine through. Love it.

Contains a stained glass 4-leaf clover for the sun to shine through. Love it.

97. On this Saint Patrick’s Day wreath, what comes from a leprechaun’s hat comes down a rainbow.

And the rainbow leads to a pot of gold. Yes, I have a lot of wreaths on here. But I just couldn't miss this one.

And the rainbow leads to a pot of gold. Yes, I have a lot of wreaths on here. But I just couldn’t miss this one.

98. With this sign, may you always have luck on this St. Patrick’s Day.

This is from an Etsy listing. But you have to admire the artistic detail. Like the white shamrock.

This is from an Etsy listing. But you have to admire the artistic detail. Like the white shamrock.

99. Impress your lucky guests this Saint Patrick’s Day with this shamrock and coin table runner.

Great for parties and mantle displays. Though you might want to keep it away from the alcohol.

Great for parties and mantle displays. Though you might want to keep it away from the alcohol.

100. For calming words of wisdom, this glass block has an Irish blessing.

Great for added illumination during tough times like these. Lovely.

Great for added illumination during tough times like these. Lovely.

Erin Go Bragh with These Lucky Treats on Saint Patrick’s Day (Third Edition)


After we’re done with pink hearts, love, and chocolates, it’s time for rainbows, green stuff, and all things Irish for Saint Patrick’s Day. Though seen primarily as a religious holiday in Ireland since March 17 honors the nation’s patron’s saint, many see it as a day to either express their Irish heritage and attend local parades or attend an Irish pub crawl. Or both if they’re over 21 years old. Then there’s the fact Americans like to commercialize everything and Saint Paddy’s Day is no exception. So if you’re from Ireland in the States at the moment, expect to see leprechauns and offensive Irish stereotypes along with cultural appropriation. And if you’re at Notre Dame, then may God have mercy on your soul since they have a leprechaun mascot. Seriously, despite the leprechaun mythology originating in Ireland (and rarely appearing in it), modern depictions are largely based on derogatory 19th century caricatures and Irish stereotypes. Let’s just say the 19th century was a very terrible time to be Irish. And most people living outside Ireland in the 21st century have absolutely no idea why the Irish find leprechauns imagery so freaking offensive. But Americans usually accept this because many of these leprechaun stuff nowadays have been perpetuated by Irish Americans. For instance, it was probably an Irish priest who decided that Notre Dame should be the Fightin’ Irish and have bruising leprechaun as their mascot. At any rate, it’s celebrated all over the world including places you wouldn’t expect like Russia or Japan since you won’t find many Irish people there. However, in Latin America, there was a historical figure named Bernardo O’Higgins. And it’s celebrated in more countries than in any other national festival. So for your reading pleasure, I give you yet another assortment of some lucky treats for Saint Paddy’s Day.

  1. This veggie rainbow will lead you to a pot of goldfish crackers.
Sure it may be a bento lunch. But at least it's rather healthy despite only including 4 colors.

Sure it may be a bento lunch. But at least it’s rather healthy despite only including 4 colors.

2. Speaking of rainbows, these square cookies make a lucky dessert.

And you can tie them together with string. Won't lead you to a pot of gold though.

And you can tie them together with string. Won’t lead you to a pot of gold though.

3. Your St. Paddy’s Day lunch should always go with a shamrock pizza.

This one is for young children. But the leprechaun cookie seems rather cute.

This one is for young children. But the leprechaun cookie seems rather cute.

4. These shamrock cookies express the colors of the Irish flag.

So if you're proud and Irish, these would be perfect for your St. Patrick's Day dessert platter. Though you wouldn't find a 4-leaf clover among them.

So if you’re proud and Irish, these would be perfect for your St. Patrick’s Day dessert platter. Though you wouldn’t find a 4-leaf clover among them.

5. Celebrate the luck of the Irish with these St. Patrick’s Day cookies.

Includes pot of gold, leprechaun hat, shamrocks, and a pint of beer. Not sure what the Irish would think of this.

Includes pot of gold, leprechaun hat, shamrocks, and a pint of beer. Not sure what the Irish would think of this.

6. A rainbow waffle pot of gold is part of a complete St. Patrick’s Day breakfast.

Includes scrambled eggs, fruit rainbow, and banana slices. At any rate, your kids would love it.

Includes scrambled eggs, fruit rainbow, and banana slices. At any rate, your kids would love it.

7. Top your St. Paddy’s party with a shamrock bread bowl of spinach dip.

I had this one since last year. But I couldn't fit it on the installment. So here on the third edition it goes.

I had this one since last year. But I couldn’t fit it on the installment. So here on the third edition it goes.

8. Lucky Charms marshmallows are great for rainbows.

However, I think this cookie must be quite large. You can't fit that many marshmallows on one you can hold in your hand.

However, I think this cookie must be quite large. You can’t fit that many marshmallows on one you can hold in your hand.

9. The leprechaun won’t see it coming with this trap cake.

Last year, I did a post on leprechaun traps. So I might as well include this cake in the mix this year.

Last year, I did a post on leprechaun traps. So I might as well include this cake in the mix this year.

10. Chocolate cream shamrocks always make a tasty treat.

Though they might seem like they're made from molds. And perhaps give you green teeth for awhile.

Though they might seem like they’re made from molds. And perhaps give you green teeth for awhile.

11. Green up your Saint Patrick’s Day with some green chocolate chip cookies.

Yes, I know these look disgusting. But I hear they're mint flavored. Don't ask.

Yes, I know these look disgusting. But I hear they’re mint flavored. Don’t ask.

12. How about a rainbow cake that shows within its layers?

Okay, it doesn't have much rainbow inside. But the icing layers make it clear.

Okay, it doesn’t have much rainbow inside. But the icing layers make it clear.

13. Shamrock brownie bites make a great St. Paddy’s dessert.

Well, the shamrock is chocolate. But at least these are topped with green icing.

Well, the shamrock is chocolate. But at least these are topped with green icing.

14. How about a shamrock in your bun?

Well, there you go. Not 4 leaves. But it'll do just fine in the meantime.

Well, there you go. Not 4 leaves. But it’ll do just fine in the meantime.

15. These rainbow cookies are delightfully frosted.

Each one has a layer of icing with a cloud and 5 rainbow colors. Wish they include purple but there wasn't much room.

Each one has a layer of icing with a cloud and 5 rainbow colors. Wish they include purple but there wasn’t much room.

16. Treat your guests this St. Patrick’s day with this shamrock veggie tray.

Includes cucumber slices, baby carrots, and cauliflower inside a shamrock made from peppers. Also uses green beans for a stem.

Includes cucumber slices, baby carrots, and cauliflower inside a shamrock made from peppers. Also uses green beans for a stem.

17. Speaking of veggie trays, this one has a shamrock of every shade of green.

Comprises of broccoli, celery, and cucumber slices. Surrounded by tomato slices and cherry tomatoes.

Comprises of broccoli, celery, and cucumber slices. Surrounded by tomato slices and cherry tomatoes.

18. If you want to go simple, try this St. Patrick’s Day try for a start.

Includes a shamrock in the center for dip. Snacks include carrots, crackers, and cucumber slices.

Includes a shamrock in the center for dip. Snacks include carrots, crackers, and cucumber slices.

19. Get lucky this St. Paddy’s Day with these rainbow jello slices.

Warning: These may contain alcohol and might not be consumed by anyone under 21. Consult your host first.

Warning: These may contain alcohol and might not be consumed by anyone under 21. Consult your host first.

20. Nothing makes St. Patrick’s Day worthwhile than hamburgers with a green bun and cheese.

Okay, that's utterly disgusting for God's sake. Even on St. Patrick's Day, I totally wouldn't eat that.

Okay, that’s utterly disgusting for God’s sake. Even on St. Patrick’s Day, I totally wouldn’t eat that.

21. These mini cupcakes will bring the luck of the Irish to any little leprechaun.

Each of them is decorated in its own way. And they're all chocolate, too.

Each of them is decorated in its own way. And they’re all chocolate, too.

22. A rainbow snack tray will surely be more worthwhile than a pot of gold.

After all, you probably won't find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And if you do in Harry Potter, it won't be worth it.

After all, you probably won’t find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And if you do in Harry Potter, it won’t be worth it.

23. Chocolate shamrock cupcakes should come with a green cream filling.

Let me guess, the filling tastes like mint. Not sure how deep it is. But sure don't want to make a mess.

Let me guess, the filling tastes like mint. Not sure how deep it is. But sure don’t want to make a mess.

24. Show your Irish pride this St. Patrick’s Day with this veggie tray.

This one is of the flag of Ireland including green beans, cauliflower, and carrots. Has the white dip in the middle.

This one is of the flag of Ireland including green beans, cauliflower, and carrots. Has the white dip in the middle.

25. Make your St. Patrick’s breakfast top of the morning with some shamrock pancakes.

Yes, I know green food is disgusting. But at least you'll be lucky to have a pancake 4-leaf clover.

Yes, I know green food is disgusting. But at least you’ll be lucky to have a pancake 4-leaf clover.

26. Grace your St. Paddy’s Day snack platter with this leprechaun cheese ball.

I don't know about you. But this leprechaun looks kind of mean to me. Though nice how they used carrot shavings for a beard and a green pepper hat.

I don’t know about you. But this leprechaun looks kind of mean to me. Though nice how they used carrot shavings for a beard and a green pepper hat.

27. Any little leprechaun would be pleased with this shamrock bento lunch.

Includes green veggies and fruit of all kinds. Like the shamrock crackers and cheese though they may not be green.

Includes green veggies and fruit of all kinds. Like the shamrock crackers and cheese though they may not be green.

28. Some shamrock pasta makes a wonderfully lucky meal on March 17.

Might also want to use pesto and cheese as well. By the way, the shamrock noodles might be from a store.

Might also want to use pesto and cheese as well. By the way, the shamrock noodles might be from a store.

29. No platter of St. Patrick’s Day cookies could ever outshine these.

Includes shamrocks, rainbows, and leprechaun hats. Sure they may be professionally made. But they're so well done I had to include them.

Includes shamrocks, rainbows, and leprechaun hats. Sure they may be professionally made. But they’re so well done I had to include them.

30. Nothing makes a better appetizer for Saint Patrick’s Day like shamrock sandwiches.

Each one comes in a different bread. Though the dark one might fall in the German pumpernickel area.

Each one comes in a different bread. Though the dark one might fall in the German pumpernickel area.

31. There should always be shamrocks on a steak and Guinness pie.

As you know, Guinness is an Irish beer. And as you see, the shamrocks are on the fragmented crust.

As you know, Guinness is an Irish beer. And as you see, the shamrocks are on the fragmented crust.

32. Rainbow donuts will always bring good luck.

But for your blood vessels, not so much. By the way, each of these is decorated with fruity pebbles.

But for your blood vessels, not so much. By the way, each of these is decorated with fruity pebbles.

33. Wake up this Saint Patrick’s Day morning to some shamrock breakfast casserole.

Probably contains eggs and is dyed green. But someone will enjoy it.

Probably contains eggs and is dyed green. But someone will enjoy it.

34. These jello shamrocks will bring you all the luck you need.

Each one has multiple layers of green as you see. But the 4 leaf clover ones are better or so I heard.

Each one has multiple layers of green as you see. But the 4 leaf clover ones are better or so I heard.

35. For Saint Patrick’s Day, you’d swear this bread came over the rainbow.

Well, I included rainbow bread before. But not in this neat and tighty fashion like this.

Well, I included rainbow bread before. But not in this neat and tidy fashion like this.

36. These shamrock pretzels are an ideal St. Patrick’s Day snack.

They also don't look very hard to make either. Just some chocolate, pretzels, and green M&Ms.

They also don’t look very hard to make either. Just some chocolate, pretzels, and green M&Ms.

37. A Saint Patrick’s Day lunch like this has 2 shamrock sandwiches.

Also, includes fruit to make a rainbow along with a mix. Still, this is adorable.

Also, includes fruit to make a rainbow along with a mix. Still, this is adorable.

38. If you want to make thinks easier, make your shamrock cookies from a roll.

Just don't make them the same roll if you want different color configurations. The sprinkles can come in later.

Just don’t make them the same roll if you want different color configurations. The sprinkles can come in later.

39. Top your St. Patrick’s Day dessert platter with some green velvet cake.

Wonder what green velvet cake tastes like. Then again, it might be better not to know.

Wonder what green velvet cake tastes like. Then again, it might be better not to know.

40. A Saint Patrick’s Day lunch should have plenty of green.

Well, they certainly have the fruits and veggies covered. Like the shamrock sandwich.

Well, they certainly have the fruits and veggies covered. Like the shamrock sandwich.

41. For those who have refined tastes, a mint shamrock cheesecake will suit your fancy.

Might contain some chocolate drizzle like this which some might not like. Otherwise, feel free to try.

Might contain some chocolate drizzle like this which some might not like. Otherwise, feel free to try.

42. Irish brownie bombs are a chocolate lover’s delight.

Well, they may not have much green. But they do have shamrocks. so they count.

Well, they may not have much green. But they do have shamrocks. so they count.

43. I’m sure you’ll find these St. Paddy’s Day cookies a colorful sight.

Well, at least they seem like anyone could make them. Though the fancy leprechaun gives it away that they're from a bakery.

Well, at least they seem like anyone could make them. Though the fancy leprechaun gives it away that they’re from a bakery.

44. Green pasta should always be a staple for St. Patrick’s Day.

Well, this is in food coloring since it might be geared toward kids. So it's kind of disgusting.

Well, this is in food coloring since it might be geared toward kids. So it’s kind of disgusting.

45. Green pancakes should always have whipped cream and Lucky Charms.

Okay, that is definitely not good for you. But is certainly in the spirit of the holiday.

Okay, that is definitely not good for you. But is certainly in the spirit of the holiday.

46. This leprechaun hat cake comes with a rainbow inside.

Though you won't find any gold in there. Not sure how you get the rainbow inside either.

Though you won’t find any gold in there. Not sure how you get the rainbow inside either.

47. For Saint Patrick’s Day, you might want to get the green gobs out for once.

Well, green velvet gobs anyway. Yes, they're also called whoopie pies but I think the name is ridiculous.

Well, green velvet gobs anyway. Yes, they’re also called whoopie pies but I think the name is ridiculous.

48. These Saint Patrick’s Day cookies will show your love for the Irish.

Well, at least these are in lovely hearts and in green. So they'll certainly delight.

Well, at least these are in lovely hearts and in green. So they’ll certainly delight.

49. A Saint Patrick’s Day cake should always be decorated with Lucky Charms.

Seems like you can use the cereal marshmallows a lot. Though not sure about what I think of this cake.

Seems like you can use the cereal marshmallows a lot. Though not sure about what I think of this cake.

50. Wake up this St. Patrick’s Day morning to some rainbow French toast.

I think this might be from Martha Stewart. At any rate, at least it's healthier than the sugary fairy bread from 2 years ago.

I think this might be from Martha Stewart. At any rate, at least it’s healthier than the sugary fairy bread from 2 years ago.

51. This pot of gold cake looks almost as if it was real.

Though the gold chocolate coins have an image of John F. Kennedy. Then again, he was Irish, but still.

Though the gold chocolate coins have an image of John F. Kennedy. Then again, he was Irish, but still.

52. Celebrate your St. Patrick’s Day morning with some rainbow waffles.

Well, they come in an array of colors. But not sure if you'd want to pick one of each. Better pick a color and stick with it.

Well, they come in an array of colors. But not sure if you’d want to pick one of each. Better pick a color and stick with it.

53. Peanut butter sandwich leprechaun cookies have their own unique charm.

They're also not that hard to decorate either and are great with kids. Except if they live in Ireland then they might be offended.

They’re also not that hard to decorate either and are great with kids. Except if they live in Ireland then they might be offended.

54. This Saint Patrick’s Day, you might want to make your own Lucky Charms marshmallows.

Well, it's somehow possible since there's something about it on Pinterest. But I'm not sure how it goes exactly.

Well, it’s somehow possible since there’s something about it on Pinterest. But I’m not sure how it goes exactly.

55. A Saint Paddy’s Day cake like this has layers of green.

As you can see from the inside. Still, kind of looks a wee bit disgusting for some reason.

As you can see from the inside. Still, kind of looks a wee bit disgusting for some reason.

56. Cheesecake shamrocks always bring extra luck.

Doesn't hurt if they're in whorls of green either. Though I'm not a fan of green food by one bit.

Doesn’t hurt if they’re in whorls of green either. Though I’m not a fan of green food by one bit.

57. These clover cookies can always satisfy on Saint Patrick’s Day.

Some of them even have 4 leaves as you can see. Though not sure if it'll bring you luck though.

Some of them even have 4 leaves as you can see. Though not sure if it’ll bring you luck though.

58. Beef and Guinness pot pie makes an authentic Irish dinner.

Okay, I might be getting into stereotypes here. But at least this one has a shamrock.

Okay, I might be getting into stereotypes here. But at least this one has a shamrock.

59. You can eat these St. Patrick’s Day cake balls straight from your hand.

Some are green and some have shamrocks on them. Either way, I hope there's chocolate inside.

Some are green and some have shamrocks on them. Either way, I hope there’s chocolate inside.

60. A fruit rainbow cake can always lead to a pot of gold.

Well, at least it's healthier than some of the treats on the list. And that rainbow is quite original.

Well, at least it’s healthier than some of the treats on the list. And that rainbow is quite original.

61. For a Saint Patrick’s Day breakfast, these pancake rainbows on a stick are one of a kind.

Well, at least they're better than a full stack. And I'm sure kids will love them.

Well, at least they’re better than a full stack. And I’m sure kids will love them.

62. With these cupcakes, you’ll find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Whether it means using Rolos and sour fruit roll ups. Still, these are quite creative if you ask me.

Whether it means using Rolos and sour fruit roll ups. Still, these are quite creative if you ask me.

63. These lucky jello treats are in every shade of green.

Let's hope these don't have alcohol in them. Though it might not seem like it. But consult the host just to be safe.

Let’s hope these don’t have alcohol in them. Though it might not seem like it. But consult the host just to be safe.

64. Cool down this Saint Patrick’s Day with some rainbow popsicles.

Well, they may not be suited for March. Well, unless you live in places where it's sweltering hot like Mexico.

Well, they may not be suited for March. Well, unless you live in places where it’s sweltering hot like Mexico.

65. Shamrock cookies like these have leaves of 3.

However, though they may seem pretty, they don't resemble clover leaves. More like poison ivy leaves. Uh-oh.

However, though they may seem pretty, they don’t resemble clover leaves. More like poison ivy leaves. Uh-oh.

66. Seems like you can really make a leprechaun with some assembly required.

All it takes is a leprechaun hat, a 4 leaf shamrock for the body, and a horsehoe for the legs. And try to keep them together as you can.

All it takes is a leprechaun hat, a 4 leaf shamrock for the body, and a horsehoe for the legs. And try to keep them together as you can.

67. Shamrock cookies can come in a multitude of colors and patterns.

As you can see, these shamrocks are certainly professionally made. But they're all in patterns consisting of green, yellow, and white.

As you can see, these shamrocks are certainly professionally made. But they’re all in patterns consisting of green, yellow, and white.

68. A Saint Patrick’s Day cake should always be covered in gold and shamrocks.

Okay, this is from a bakery and might be used for a wedding. But what a wonderful cake it surely is.

Okay, this is from a bakery and might be used for a wedding. But what a wonderful cake it surely is.

69. For extra luck, this shamrock cake is green to its veins.

After all, shamrocks are plants which have veins where they photosynthesize energy. Okay, that's getting a bit too scientific.

After all, shamrocks are plants which have veins where they photosynthesize energy. Okay, that’s getting a bit too scientific.

70. This leprechaun village cake wishes the best of luck.

And it's decorated with Lucky Charms which isn't surprising. Brought to you by Betty Crocker.

And it’s decorated with Lucky Charms which isn’t surprising. Brought to you by Betty Crocker.

71. These pot of gold cupcakes each contain a golden coin.

Even has rainbow icing on top. Love how they're chocolate, too.

Even has rainbow icing on top. Love how they’re chocolate, too.

72. These rainbow cookies have a hole in the center.

You might think they're donuts. But they're not and are certainly covered in icing.

You might think they’re donuts. But they’re not and are certainly covered in icing.

73. Now this must be a St. Patrick’s Day cake from the world of Dr. Seuss.

Well, it's in a rather distinctive style that evokes whimsy. Like the patterns of each tier.

Well, it’s in a rather distinctive style that evokes whimsy. Like the patterns of each tier.

74. Seems like the leprechaun dived head first in his pot of gold.

Well, at least someone's having a good time. Though it might depict negative Irish stereotypes.

Well, at least someone’s having a good time. Though it might depict negative Irish stereotypes.

75. These leprechaun hats are simple and healthy Saint Patrick’s Day snack.

Well, they're made from cucumbers and cheese. But they won't take much effort.

Well, they’re made from cucumbers and cheese. But they won’t take much effort.

76. It takes 2 metal pans for this rainbow appetizer tray.

Fruits and veggies make up the rainbow. Dip and cauliflower make up the clouds. Crackers consist of the gold in the plastic pot.

Fruits and veggies make up the rainbow. Dip and cauliflower make up the clouds. Crackers consist of the gold in the plastic pot.

77. A Saint Patrick’s Day lunch should leave a colorful impression.

Includes a pot of gold with Cracker Jacks, a shamrock sandwich, and some celery. The fruit makes up the rainbow.

Includes a pot of gold with Cracker Jacks, a shamrock sandwich, and some celery. The fruit makes up the rainbow.

78. Show your little leprechaun the love this St. Patrick’s Day with this bento lunch.

Now this is quite adorable. Love what it says in cheese on the pepper rainbow salad.

Now this is quite adorable. Love what it says in cheese on the pepper rainbow salad.

79. A shamrock sandwich brings you the best of luck.

Well, each of these have green tops which look kind of disgusting. But I'm sure they're safe to eat.

Well, each of these have green tops which look kind of disgusting. But I’m sure they’re safe to eat.

80. No kid could resist these leprechaun hats.

Yes, I had on leprechaun hats before. But these are in green with a gum drop at the front.

Yes, I had on leprechaun hats before. But these are in green with a gum drop at the front.

Nazis and White Nationalists by Another Name: Why We Need to Talk About the Alt-Right


Now I always try to respect other people’s opinions as best they can even if I don’t agree with them. And in this day in age, I have to put up with a lot of people in my life spouting crazy ideas that seem to contradict with all kinds of factual information such as climate change. However, there is a one kind of ideology in American society with a considerable political presence we shouldn’t tolerate under any circumstance. But now that Donald Trump is president, it’s a movement we can’t ignore for it’s one that poses a grave and present danger in our country as we speak. We need to talk about the Alt-Right.


Make no mistake. The Alt-Right is a far-right set of extremist ideologies, individuals, and groups whose core belief that “white identity” is under siege by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization. The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League see the Alt-Right as a white nationalist hate movement for this reason. And the fact Trump has Alt-Righters on his team at the White House like Steve Bannon should trouble you.

Considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an extremist ideology, the Alt-Right is a set of far-right ideologies, groups, and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization. Known for heavy social media use and online memes, Alt-Righters reject mainstream American conservatism, skew young white men, and embrace white ethno-nationalism as a fundamental value. The Alt-Right has no formal organization and it’s not clear whether it can be considered a movement while occupying on the extreme ideological fringes of American conservativism. Given the nebulous nature of anonymous online communities such as websites like 4chan and 8chan, we’re not entirely sure who these people are and what motivates them. We also don’t know how much people write on these sites is serious or is intended to stir trouble. However, what we do know is that alt-righters use websites like Twitter and Brietbart to convey their message, post offensive memes, as well as harass people who disagree with them. Legions of anonymous Twitter users have used the hashtag #AltRight to proliferate their ideas, sometimes successfully pushing them into the mainstream. But more importantly, we know that they comprise of Donald Trump’s most steadfast supporters as well as played a pivotal role in bringing him to power. Now that former Brietbart CEO Steve Bannon has a high position of influence in Trump’s White House have made the Alt Right a major political force. Regardless what your political beliefs are, the fact a major Alt-Righter now occupies a major position of power should scare you. It’s perfectly clear the Alt-Right is a hate movement as exemplified by its founder Richard Spencer who’s often been accused of centering it on white nationalism to whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and Neo-Nazism as well as frequently quoted from Nazi propaganda and spoke critically of the Jewish people. And it’s even scarier that the Alt-Right isn’t the kind of white nationalist movement that wears white hoods or swastikas. But one that sells white supremacy by trying to appeal to mainstream youth through a radicalization process involving skilled manipulation and pop culture. In short, they tend to be today’s Nazis by another name.


Mainstream conservatism always had a racist streak in America since our country was built on institutional racism. And the GOP doesn’t shy away from employing subtle racist rhetoric and stereotypes in their political campaigns such as this Willie Horton ad against Michael Dukakis in 1988. However, Republicans usually try to go to great pains not to look racist and love having minorities in their party so it can look diverse during convention time.

So where did the Alt-Right come from? It’s hard to say. Though the term was coined by leading alt-righter Richard Spencer while its members have a well-known online presence, its extremist white nationalist views have deep roots in American history because racism and nativism don’t really go away once they’re no longer acceptable. Nevertheless, mainstream American conservatism has always had a racist streak because our country was built on institutional racism as well as a suspicion on immigrants who don’t fit the WASP ideal. The Republican Party has often used racist dog whistles to win rural whites over for decades and have been very successful at it as you can see thanks to the Southern Strategy designed to convert Southern Democrats who left the party when LBJ signed a series of civil rights policies. And along with appealing to the Christian Right’s version of “traditional values,” racist dog whistles would continue to win more converts in the Rustbelt and the rest of white rural America ever since thanks to Reaganism and Fox News. However, while they often appeal to racist sensibilities in their rhetoric, it’s often in a subtle way that’s made to look somewhat acceptable toward white people who might not notice it. For instance, the “undeserving poor” usually pertain to poor black and Hispanic people. “Illegal immigrants” usually pertain to Hispanics, particularly Mexicans who are also seem to be poor border crossers to drop anchor babies in order to stay in the country. And “terrorists” usually refers to Islamic extremists in the Middle East who are often stereotyped as such. However, despite that mainstream conservatism has a lot of racist undertones, most white conservatives are only racist due to being from environments where almost everyone is like them and having limited exposure to diversity that much of what they believe about people seemingly different from them is shaped by what they see in the media. But these conservatives see no problem with people in those minorities aren’t poor, live like them, and embrace their message, mainstream conservatives accept them as model Americans. And they’re willing to grandstand them to prove that they’re not the racists you might think they are.


The Alt-Right rejects mainstream conservatism mainly for not sufficiently supporting racism and anti-Semitism or don’t advocate for white people’s interests as a group. They often use the term “cuckservative” to castigate Republicans as unmanly white men who support globalism and liberal ideas as well as imply that they let black men sleep with their wives. And yes, the Alt-Right is full of white supremacists.

This is not the case with the Alt-Right. In fact, those identifying with the Alt-Right regard mainstream conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they don’t sufficiently support racism and anti-Semitism or don’t advocate for white people’s interests as a group. They frequently disparage the conservative movement by using the derogatory term of “cuckservative” which is a combination of “conservative” and “cuckold.” And it’s a term mostly used to castigate Republican politicians they see as traitors to their people as well as selling out conservatives with their support for globalism and liberal ideas. It has a racist undertone implying that establishment conservatives are like unmanly white men who allow black men to sleep with their wives. Though not everyone who identifies with the Alt-Right is a white supremacist according to the Anti-Defamation League, the designation itself usually applies to white nationalism because most of them certainly are as “white identity” is central to what they all have in common. And however they define themselves, Alt-Righters reject egalitarianism, democracy, universalism, and multiculturalism.


While the Alt-Right usually recruits its members with its large online presence, they may hold press conferences and other public events at Washington D.C. Here featured is National Policy Institute head Richard Spencer.

What’s even more troubling is that the Alt-Right movement is growing at an alarming rate due to including a number of white people espousing racist and anti-Semitic beliefs as well as a loud presence online. There are also a growing number of small white supremacist enterprises including think tanks like the National Policy Institute, online publications like Radix, Brietbart, American Renaissance, and The Right Stuff, and publishing houses like Washington Summit Publishers and Counter Currents Publishing. Most of what they produced are white supremacist and anti-Semitic literature as well as promote unsubstantiated conspiracy theories many of their members believe. And if Trump’s ascent to the presidency tells us, their political influence is on the rise. Outside the Internet, Richard Spencer reserves the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. at least twice a year for a coat-and-tie gathering of his followers who regularly use false names or refuse to identify themselves for fear of being labeled as racists. Topics and themes can vary. In 2015 it was, “Beyond Conservatism” and capitalized on the strength of the virulently racist “cuckservative” meme. In 2016, it was “Identity Politics” and mostly focused on Trump’s presidential campaign and its continued success with featured speakers addressing a different facet of Trump’s influence on politics and Americans culture which they saw as an implicit white backlash against present-day politics as well as Trump creating a political space where the Alt-Right to grow.


The Alt-Right typically recruits its members online with a marketing strategy that avoids using the word race as well as conjure rebel and anti-establishment imagery that appeals to youth. For instance, its use of Pepe the Frog as a meme is among these.They also tend to talk about preserving European-American identity under the guise of multiculturalism. And thus begins the process of Alt-Right radicalization.

Since their agenda often seeks to insert white supremacy in conservative conversations that have largely deliberately excluded them in recent decades, they have a rather savvy media strategy behind them. For instance, the term Alt-Right is short for “Alternative Right” which is a conscious attempt by these people to stake out part of the conservative spectrum and claim they deserve a voice in conservative conversations. Though many argue their real objective is to challenge and dismantle mainstream conservatism as well as legitimize racism. The phrase “Alternative Right” explicitly avoids using the word “race” as well as conjures up rebel and anti-establishment figures which are often attractive to youth. Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos painted the movement as “born out of the youthful, subversive, underground edges of the internet,” and that the Neo-Nazis in its ranks are unrepresentative. They’re also likely to use terms like “culture” to substitute more lightning rod terms such as “race” or promote “Western Civilization” as a code word for white culture or identity. Alt-Righters don’t make explicit references to white nationalism that they may believe in, they’re more inclined to talk about preserving European-American identity under a guise of multiculturalism in order to recruit his followers. This orchestrates a path toward radicalization in which seemingly normal people are intoxicated with extremist ideology and possibly molded into terrorists. A lot of extremist groups have recruited their members by exploiting their vulnerabilities with narratives of strength and warmth as well as simultaneously emphasizing with those alienated and disaffected while also promising power and belonging through righteous violence against their so-called oppressors. You can easily see a demonstration of this radicalization process in the movie Fight Club.


The Alt-Right is notorious for its ruthless trolls who serve as orators and activists in the movement. Methods include inflammatory comments, doxing, and bombarding social media accounts with slur filled and photoshopped art. Though this statement on Brock Turner’s rape victim is incredibly offensive, this is just mild in their milieu. Because they can be downright hateful and often relentless as their victims suffer under their online harassment. Many Alt-Righters have been banned from social media for hate speech.

The Alt-Right is notorious for its ruthless trolls who serve as orators and activists to the movement. Brietbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos was instrumental in the online harassment campaign against women in the electronic gamer world known as Gamergate. Yiannopoulos was also banned from Twitter for inciting a racist pile-up on Saturday Night Live’s Leslie Jones. Let’s just say his reception at Berkeley was very well deserved despite now that he now has a book contract with Simon and Schuster. Other trolls have bombarded Twitter and e-mail accounts with slur filled and photoshopped art. There are also doxers who release personal information onto the Internet in order harass their victims. Though the Alt-Right didn’t invent these tactics, but the trolling during the 2016 election reached a sadistic pitch. Journalists opposing Trump received photos of themselves and sometimes their children dead or in gas chambers. This was especially the case if they were Jewish or had a Jewish surname with a signature punctuation marking Jewish names with “echoes” or triple parentheses like (((this))). Though the alt-right trolls may initially seem as annoying, they can be downright hateful and inflict a high degree of damage by issuing offensive slurs, threats, doxing, and other forms of intimidation. And they are often relentless as their victims suffer with a force they can’t argue with. At the same time they also stage propaganda campaigns organized around hashtags like #WhiteGenocide (referencing a myth that white people are being subjected to an orchestrated eradication campaign), #ISaluteWhitePeople, #BoycottStarWarsVII (in order to protest the black actor cast in a lead role), #NROrevolt (because the mainstream conservative National Review vehemently opposed Donald Trump in the GOP primary). Some Twitter accounts even depict hate symbols like swastikas and other Neo-Nazi insignia. It’s gotten so bad that several online outlets, including Twitter have suspended alt-right accounts while Reddit removed its alt-right page completely. Richard Spencer got kicked off of social media for hate speech.


The Alt-Right sees Donald Trump as their hero due to railing against “political correctness,” Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, Chinese, and others during his presidential campaign and were among his most enthusiastic supporters. Thanks to Trump, the Alt-Right was elevated into the mainstream and now has a key role in influencing national policy with Steve Bannon working at the White House. However, whether you’re Democrat or a Republican, Bannon’s place in the Trump administration should worry you.

As you may see, the Alt-Right sees Donald Trump as their hero since he regularly railed against “political correctness,” Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, Chinese, and others during his presidential campaign. In return, they’ve worked hard to affix the Alt Right brand to Trump through hashtags and memes as well as become his most enthusiastic supporters. To their glee, Trump has had former Brietbart CEO Steve Bannon to run his campaign as well as be his chief counselor in the White House. Such actions have elevated the Alt-Right into a position of enormous power that they see Trump as a way to get their ideas out there. And the fact Trump cares more about his own delusional vanity and unfettered opportunism as well as his supporters’ loyalty more than concepts like ethics and common sense or decency makes him a perfect vessel indeed. It also helps that Trump managed to secure a presidential victory by calling the government corrupt, assailing the Republican establishment, flouting almost every rule of political etiquette racial or otherwise, and that he did little to put the public at ease with the matter. Now most Alt-Righters don’t see Trump as a rabid white nationalist, but his racist rhetoric has gotten them happily on board since he helps their cause in more ways they could ever dream of. He even has former Brietbart CEO Steve Bannon as one of his closest advisers, which should seriously worry you.


Before he worked in Trump’s campaign, Steve Bannon was the CEO of Brietbart which he turned into the platform of the Alt-Right. Though he’s denied it’s racist, his white nationalist views often echo those of his devotees. As one of Trump’s closest advisers, he’s proven to be very influential in his campaign as well as in his presidency. And it poses a very serious problem since he is a very vile man.

Though Steve Bannon has denied that the Alt-Right is inherently racist, evidence says otherwise. His tenure at Brietbart itself transformed what once was a regular conservative website into the go-to platform for the Alt-Right plunging into the ugliest dregs of conservatism while praising white nationalist groups as an “eclectic mix of renegades.” In short, it was under Bannon that Brietbart became notorious for pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness while its comment section turned into a white supremacist meme maker cesspool. And it’s clear Bannon’s views often echo those of his devotees. He called Islam “a political ideology” and Sharia law “like Nazism, fascism, and communism.” On his Sirius XM radio show, he praised noted Islamophobe Pamela Geller whom he described as, “one of the leading experts in the country, if not the world,” on Islam. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative as an Anti-Muslim hate group. And he even endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s primary challenger, businessman Paul Nehlen who floated the idea of deporting all Muslims from the US. On the front of minorities, Bannon credited now Attorney General Jeff Sessions with laying “this populist nationalist” groundwork. Sessions has suggested that civil rights advocacy groups were “un-American” and “Communist-inspired” and his racist views prevented his appointment to a federal judgeship in the 1980s. In a lengthy July post, Bannon attacked the “Left” for engaging in “a plot to take down America” by focusing on police shootings of African Americans. He went on arguing that the Dallas cops were killed by a “by a #BlackLivesMatter-type activist-turned-sniper.” He also accused the media of an Orwellian “bait-and-switch as reporters and their Democratic allies and mentors seek to twist the subject from topics they don’t like to discuss—murderers with evil motives—to topics they do like to discuss, such as gun control.” And he added, “[H]ere’s a thought: What if the people getting shot by the cops did things to deserve it? There are, after all, in this world, some people who are naturally aggressive and violent.” Since Bannon took over Brietbart the site took a rabidly anti-immigrant tone, often hyping reports of immigrant crimes with tabloid like headlines and attacking Republicans favoring immigration reform. Bannon is even a noted anti-Semite who refused to send his daughters to a certain private school because he thought too many Jews went there and were raised to be whiny brats. Former Brietbart editor Ben Shapiro received a torrent of anti-Semitic tweets after announcing the birth of his second child. One read, “Into the gas chamber with all 4 of you,” while another depicted his family as lampshades. Former Brietbart critic Bethany Mandel was harassed on Twitter for months being called names like, “slimy Jewess” and told that she deserved the oven. We should also note that Bannon has been married 3 times as well as been charged with domestic violence, battery, and dissuading a witness. And that his second wife only dropped the charges due to threats made by Bannon and his lawyer. Brietbart staffers who resisted its transformation into this pro-Trump, alt-right hub eventually resigned in protest with several jumping ship after then-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski manhandled reporter Michelle Fields (with the site siding with Lewandowski and staffers being told not to question his account). Former staffers who called out Brietbart for their ugly ways received a shitload of retaliation. It should be noted that Bannon is a very bad guy who shouldn’t be in such a powerful position at the White House. And as far as the Alt-Right is concerned, Bannon is their man in the Trump administration, as vile he certainly is.


As one of Trump’s most trusted advisers at the White House, Steve Bannon plays a key role in shaping his national policies that will hostile to immigrants and minorities. Bannon was certainly behind Trump’s Muslim ban as well as his counter-terrorism policy to focus only on Muslims. Not to mention, Bannon probably recommended Jeff Sessions as Attorney General since he admires the man.

So what does having Bannon in the White House mean for the United States under a Trump presidency? Well, since Bannon has Trump’s ear and has been elevated to his National Security Council, we can expect a presidency that will be hostile to minorities and immigrants. We shouldn’t be surprised that Bannon was behind the appointment of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions who’s a steadfast opponent of civil rights that he was denounced by Coretta Scott King during his federal judge hearing in the 1980s. Or that Bannon’s fingerprints were all over the Muslim travel ban executive order Trump signed a week into his term. Or that Bannon was a key adviser on Trump’s counter-terrorism policy that the government-run program Countering Violent Extremism will solely focus on Islamic terrorism while downgrading the scrutiny of right-wing radicals as well as sever ties with community groups and educational programs that counter-message violent ideologies. Not to mention, the Trump administration wants to build a massive border wall as wells as crack down on sanctuary cities who refuse to cooperate with ICE 100% of the time. Such measures aren’t what’s best for the US and won’t keep Americans safe. In fact, they may put risk putting more American lives in danger as well as trample on people’s rights in the process. Banning Muslim refugees from entering the country gives Islamic terror groups another reason to hate us as well as angers our Muslim allies in the international community. Having Sessions as US Attorney General will be a massive setback for civil rights that will make a Department of Justice one defending great injustices as far as minorities, immigrants, women, the poor, and LGBT communities are concerned. Not only that, but Sessions will let Trump use the DOJ as a political tool for the White House which will let him leverage the federal government’s major law enforcement arm for political gain. for immigration, well, Trump’s wall will certainly not keep undocumented immigrants out and will only amount to a massive waste of taxpayer money. Forcing municipalities to cooperate with ICE will deteriorate relations between immigrant communities and local law enforcement, lead to an increase of civil rights violations, make local governments pursue actions going against their interests, drain local resources and economies without reimbursements, and make localities increasingly vulnerable to liability costs.


We should understand that a counter-terrorism policy focusing solely on Islamic terror is bad national security policy that won’t keep Americans safe. As of 2017, radical right-wing extremists have committed more attacks and killed more Americans than their jihadist counterparts. And they’ve been seen as a growing threat since the Bush Administration. The fact we have a white nationalist as Trump’s trusted adviser means that there will be no right-wing extremist terror policy in the next 4-8 years. Expect this domestic terrorist problem to get worst since Trump’s victory led to a spike in hate crimes.

However, it’s Trump’s Bannon-inspired terror policy that really worries me. Why? Because a terror policy focusing solely on Islamic terror is simply bad national security. And the fact it includes a Muslim ban only makes it worse. How do I know this? I may not be a national security expert, but I am aware that cultural profiling has never kept Americans safe from terrorism. Because the terrorists posing a bigger threat to America aren’t radical Muslims from the Middle East, but the homegrown white supremacist and anti-government militants of the radical right who may often seem like the guy next door. As of 2017, far right extremists have committed more attacks and killed more Americans than their jihadist extremist counterparts since 9/11. And they’ve been considered a growing threat by US intelligence agencies since the Bush administration while the FBI has reported that white supremacists have infiltrated American law enforcement. The fact we have a known white nationalist at Trump’s right hand means that there will be no radical right counter-terror policy anytime soon in the next 4-8 years. But ignoring the terror problem will not make it go away. In fact, if anything, you can expect our right wing terror problem to get worse since the Trump administration’s hostility toward minorities and immigrants might embolden these anti-government and white supremacist thugs to commit atrocities. This isn’t helped at all that there was a spike of hate crimes immediately following Trump’s election to the presidency while right-wing terror incidents continue to regularly unfold. Or that alt-right platforms like Brietbart may have inspired several radical right terror incidents. We know networks like Fox News had as well as sites like Alex Jones’s conspiracy theory-laden Infowars as well as the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer. And this isn’t helped that right-wing terrorism often gets little media attention in the national spotlight. But when a president decided to ignore the growing threat of right-wing extremist terror, it only bolsters and legitimizes violent white extremism which can make millions of Americans vulnerable to deadly terror attacks. To cut ties with community groups and educational programs working to rehabilitate extremists will not deter any extremism within their communities.


The Alt-Right may not yet engage in violence as we know it, that doesn’t mean they don’t encourage it. Right-wing terror attacks are rarely orchestrated by lone wolves. Trump’s campaign and election victory have normalized hate and conspiracy theories fueling the Alt-Right into the mainstream and dramatically increasing its visibility. And its growing online presence in social media and increased radicalization shows a dangerous trend. Should the Alt-Right become a force of full-terrorism, don’t expect Trump’s White House to intervene.

Right-wing terror attacks are hardly incidents orchestrated by lone wolves. In fact, many of these so-called “lone wolf” terrorists had direct ties to white nationalist movements. Though the Alt-Right may yet not engage in violence as we know it, they do provide vindication for other radical right wing groups who also strongly support Trump and have committed violent acts against other Americans. Trump’s campaign and election victory has normalized the hate and conspiracy theories fueling the Alt-Right into the political mainstream and dramatically elevating its visibility. And as president with Bannon at his side, it’s very likely Trump will put some of their ideas into national action. Its growing online presence in social media shows that the white nationalist movement is increasing in size and radicalization indicates a much more dangerous trend. And with its vulnerable population, extremist ideology, and capacity for violence, the Alt-Right provides a breeding ground for terrorism. Communities infected by the Alt-Right are fertile ground where extremism can and has taken root. The Alt-Right isn’t going anywhere and as their numbers grow, they’ll seem increasingly inclined to violent rhetoric and radicalized ideology. And it will only be a matter of time before more charismatic and ruthless leaders replace the old order, harness this increased capacity for violence, and elevate the radicalized Alt-Right from a marginalized hate group of Internet trolls to a force of full-blown terrorism. If that happens within a very short time, don’t expect the Trump administration to do anything to address the problem other than label the infiltrators as mentally unstable lone wolves if the attacks receive widespread media attention. Trump has absolutely no interest in combating right-wing extremists as such measures would offend mainstream conservative sensibilities and alienate the radical right extremists who so enthusiastically and vocally supported him. When Trump announced he was to scale back efforts combating right-wing extremism, Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin responded, Donald Trump is setting us free. This is absolutely a signal of favor to us. We are not a threat to America, we are American patriots trying to save this country. It is also a slap in the face to the kikes of the SPLC and the ADL who pushed for us to be classified along with actual Islamic terrorists as a way to legally justify outrageous abuses against us by the federal government.” A site called Infostormer replied, “This measure would be the first step to us going fully mainstream, and beginning the process of entering the government in full-force without the fear of being attacked, financially-assailed, and intimidated into silence by the nefarious Jews.” These praises of white nationalist celebration aren’t what you’d want to hear about a president’s counter-terror policy.


The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was the most devastating domestic terror attack in US history which killed 168 and injured over 600. Timothy McVeigh may have engineered this mass slaughter with Terry Nichols, he was deeply influenced by the white supremacist movement and the anti-government wing of the radical right. Now with right-wing extremism on the rise, if the US government doesn’t crack down on right-wing terror, expect another attack like this.

Right-wing and white supremacist terrorism has happened before in America and has killed people. On April 19, 1995, a 7,000-pound truck bomb made of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and nitromethane racing fuel and packed into 13 plastic barrels, ripped through the heart of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 and injuring over 600. In what was the deadliest terror incident in American history, this mass slaughter was engineered by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols who were steeped in radical right conspiracy theories and white-hot fury over Ruby Ridge and the Waco Siege. Well before Oklahoma City, McVeigh had already got the idea of using a truck bomb to blow up a government building from the infamous novel 1978 novel The Turner Diaries which depicts a violent revolution in the US leading to the overthrow of the federal government, nuclear war, and eventually a race war with Jews, gays, and non-whites exterminated. It has also become according to the Anti-Defamation League, “probably the most widely-read book among far-right extremists; many [of them] have cited it as the inspiration behind their terrorist organizing and activity” and has sold over 500,000 copies as of 2000. About a decade earlier, the book had also inspired Aryan Nations regular Robert Jay Matthews into forming The Order which received widespread attention for its role in the 1984 murder of Denver radio talk show host Alan Berg. After Oklahoma City, because it was no longer sufficient for many right-wing terrorists to strike a political significant target and instead aimed for higher body counts. One of these terror plots was a 1997 attempt by three Klu Klux Klan members to bomb a natural gas plant outside Ft. Worth, Texas which would’ve killed as many as 30,000 people had the local Klan leader not gotten cold feet and contacted the FBI. The most recent of these plots was a 2016 attempt by a group called “The Crusaders” to blow up a housing complex that was home to Somali immigrants and a mosque. The fact the FBI reports that white supremacists and other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in US police departments and other law enforcement agencies is particularly troubling. State and local police as well as sheriff’s departments present ample opportunities for right-wing extremists looking to expand their power base. To have an Alt-Righter like Steve Bannon as a chief strategist to a president would be their idea of winning the jackpot. To have extremists in positions of power will only undermine counter-terror efforts as well as abuse their power to victimize the people they’re sworn to protect. In recent years, law enforcement links to right-wing extremist groups have only gotten a lot more troublesome. If the federal government doesn’t step in and crack down on right-wing extremism, we may very well experience another Oklahoma City or worse.


In the early morning of January 31, 2017, a mosque in Victoria, Texas was destroyed by fire. The authorities ruled it as an arson and the suspect is still at large. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Islamophobia had a part to play since it’s very prominent in American society. In any case, ethnic and religious minority houses of worship tend to be prime targets for right-wing terrorists. If white conservatives continue to deny that right-wing extremism is a problem, then expect more scenes like this.

Nevertheless, while the Alt-Right may be a new to the right-wing extremism scene with its social media recruitment strategy, but their white nationalist beliefs and radicalization methods are not and have been embraced by right-wing extremists long before they were around. Downplaying the right-wing extremist threat won’t make it go away as well as put US national security significantly more at risk. For a president to have Alt-Righters as important advisers in his government only compromise US national security even further. In order to keep America safe from terrorists, our national security policies shouldn’t be about protecting white conservatives’ emotional security and making the Pentagon their safe space. When lives are at stake, we can’t ignore the reality of evil just to protect their tender illusions. Today discussing the threat of right-wing terrorism remains politically controversial that when the Department of Homeland Security addressed the issue in 2009, there was considerable conservative backlash. I know many white Americans don’t want to discuss it and some may even be personally insulted by the term “right-wing terrorism” or “right-wing extremism” and think it applies to them despite that there’s no reason they should be. But there comes a time when we have to tell the public what they don’t want to hear. Because ignoring the very real problem of right-wing extremist terror only exacerbates it, especially if millions of Americans vote for a man who’s refused to disassociate himself from his white supremacist supporters. The failure of right-leaning legislators, pundits, and intellectuals to take a clear stand against the Alt-Right along with other right-wing extremists for the benefit of all carries too high a price not only in American lives and national security, but also in our character since they pose an existential threat to our fundamental values such as pluralism, tolerance, and equality that form the basis of a liberal democracy. Americans can’t afford to keep right-wing extremism off-notice and if the White House doesn’t make it clear in opposing their kind of violence, then Trump’s lenience on right-wing terrorism further solidifies the administration as being on the side of white supremacy. Thus, it must be up to us American citizens to make that threat known and inspire political pressure because for millions of people’s lives and well-being may depend on it.


The Wonderful World of Vintage Ads (Fourth Edition)


The beginning of this year hasn’t been good to me other than Netflix premiering A Series of Unfortunate Events  and finally getting to see Rogue One of course. For the nation, we saw the end of a great presidency and the swearing of a president who I strongly believe has absolutely no conscience, has no reason to be trusted, and probably has no idea how to run the country. Oh, and his presidency has a chance to embolden white supremacists as well as inspired mass protests. On Sunday this week, the nation witnessed the Atlanta Falcons nearly winning the Super Bowl before unbelievably seizing defeat in the jaws of victory against the New England Cheetahs, excuse me, I mean Patriots. And to insult to injury, Deflategate Quarterback Tom Brady received another MVP trophy. Yes, it always sucks to see this wretched team win outside of New England of course. For me, personally, I lost my grandfather on the week of my 27th birthday which was sad and somewhat sudden but not unexpected since he was 89. Yet, his loss certainly leaves a big void in my family as well as my life. And that my birthday was on his viewing while his funeral was the next day. So perhaps it would be nice of me to perhaps put some fun blog posts in for once just to hold myself over until after Valentine’s Day. Though McDonald’s has already released their shamrock line already which I believe is premature. And I thought nothing would be better than another vintage ad post. Yes, I know these are crazy nostalgia busting ad pieces are things you can’t unsee. But please, we should understand that they belong to a time when many people consider America great that they voted a billionaire devil in ugly orange hair who brags about grabbing women by the pussy in order to make America great again. In truth, that time they nostalgize about really wasn’t that great as these ads show. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of questionable vintage advertising. Enjoy.

  1. A Kiddie-Coop keeps your baby safe and sound.
For some reason, it reminds me of a cage you'd keep your pet rabbit in. Or is it a pet turtle?

For some reason, it reminds me of a cage you’d keep your pet rabbit in. Or is it a pet turtle?

2. Satisfy your sadistic urges with a Whizooka roach gun.

Warning: Might contain poisonous chemicals that might make your family ill or kill your pets. Might affect other wildlife populations as well. Please use responsibly.

Warning: Might contain poisonous chemicals that might make your family ill or kill your pets. Might affect other wildlife populations as well. Please use responsibly.

3. Stevens: the choice of gun for any child soldier.

Okay, this kid doesn't look like he's on a duck hunt. His expression is more akin of Paul Baumer from All Quiet on the Western Front.

Okay, this kid doesn’t look like he’s on a duck hunt. His expression is more akin of Paul Baumer from All Quiet on the Western Front.

4. Give her a gift she’ll truly appreciate forever like her very own garbage disposal.

To be fair, it's probably not the worst thing to give a woman on Valentine's Day. But it's not one that inspires true romance.

To be fair, it’s probably not the worst thing to give a woman on Valentine’s Day. But it’s not one that inspires true romance.

5. “Should I leave you on the doorstep, Mom?”

Because nobody shames mothers into using a product like introducing a freaky alternative reality. I think Johnson & Johnson hired real basket cases to do this ad.

Because nobody shames mothers into using a product like introducing a freaky alternative reality. I think Johnson & Johnson hired real basket cases to do this ad.

6. Men, do you enjoy engaging in spousal abuse for kicks? The BPA Fun Center is the place for you.

Okay, I get that this ad doesn't intend to promote domestic violence against women at any time. It's supposed to be for a place like Dave & Busters. But the slogan is just so wrong.

Okay, I get that this ad doesn’t intend to promote domestic violence against women at any time. It’s supposed to be for a place like Dave & Busters. But the slogan is just so wrong.

7. Campbell’s Soup: the #1 soup for the budding child psychopath.

Because there's nothing that your budding psychokiller won't enjoy more than some very salty chicken noodle soup. Campbells Mmmmm....salt.

Because there’s nothing that your budding psychokiller won’t enjoy more than some very salty chicken noodle soup. Campbells Mmmmm….salt.

8. Dr. Pepper is always healthy and invigorating that you’d want to get naked at the beach.

So in the early 1900s it was perfectly okay to feature naked women in order to sell stuff. And they thought women wear to little in our advertising.

So in the early 1900s it was perfectly okay to feature naked women in order to sell stuff. And they thought women wear to little in our advertising.

9. Keep yourselves healthy all winter long with a GE sunlamp.

The baby in the doctor's outfit is quite freaky if you ask me. Also, I'm not sure if sun lamps are good for you anyway.

The baby in the doctor’s outfit is quite freaky if you ask me. Also, I’m not sure if sun lamps are good for you anyway.

10. Thanks to Planetary Pencil Pointer, a woman can now sharpen her pencil.

Uh, sharpening pencils doesn't require a lot of physical strength to begin with. Even if you don't use a crank. Seriously, this is just sexist garbage.

Uh, sharpening pencils doesn’t require a lot of physical strength to begin with. Even if you don’t use a crank. Seriously, this is just sexist garbage. But at least it comes from a company whose name is quite fitting.

11. Thanks to DDT, this baby no longer has to worry about the pesky flies.

Unfortunately, you couldn't say the same for the other baby creatures out there. Since DDT has led to thinning eggshells on multiple birds of prey who eat fly infested vermin. This has put a lot of animals on the Endangered Species List.

Unfortunately, you couldn’t say the same for the other baby creatures out there. Since DDT has led to thinning eggshells on multiple birds of prey who eat fly infested vermin. This has put a lot of animals on the Endangered Species List.

12. Doctors agree that Camel cigarettes are great for a child’s health and life expectancy.

Yes, the little girl thinks she'll live to be a hundred when she starts smoking. But what's more likely to happen is that she'll probably end up with a slew of respiratory problems before dying of lung cancer before reaching 60.

Yes, the little girl thinks she’ll live to be a hundred when she starts smoking. But what’s more likely to happen is that she’ll probably end up with a slew of respiratory problems before dying of lung cancer before reaching 60.

13. Problems in your sex life? Well, look no further than in the self-help book Eugenics and Sex Harmony.

Not recommended for ethnic minorities, poor people, and the disabled. Who shouldn't be having feeble minded kids anyway. Seriously, what else does eugenics mean?

Not recommended for ethnic minorities, poor people, and the disabled. Who shouldn’t be having feeble minded kids anyway. Seriously, what else does eugenics mean?

14. Horton’s furniture says let him worry about Vietnam while you ladies think about getting a new sofa.

To be fair, women weren't subjected to the draft in the late 1960s. However, this ad is incredibly sexist just the same for obvious reasons.

To be fair, women weren’t subjected to the draft in the late 1960s. However, this ad is incredibly sexist just the same for obvious reasons.

15. Finally, a scrapbook for the “Homely Woman,” only so they know how to pass as pretty.

Because, ladies, if you can't be a delicate flower who can fit in a suffocating corset, then no man will want you. By the way, if it helps you, Eleanor Roosevelt wasn't considered a great beauty in her day but managed to find a man anyway. Even if he was her 5th cousin. Though her great asset was her brains.

Because, ladies, if you can’t be a delicate flower who can fit in a suffocating corset, then no man will want you. By the way, if it helps you, Eleanor Roosevelt wasn’t considered a great beauty in her day but managed to find a man anyway. Even if he was her 5th cousin who cheated on her.

16. Enhance your respiratory capabilities with a wonderful lung expander.

I don't know about you, but it seems like this boy is taking in air through a vacuum resembling a flying saucer. Makes me scratch my head.

I don’t know about you, but it seems like this boy is taking in air through a vacuum resembling a flying saucer. Makes me scratch my head.

17. A Singer sewing machine is sewing made easy.

While Mom teaches little Susie how to use this thing, little Susie wants to know how she can use this machine to knock down little Timmy from across the street. Because she doesn't see much use in sewing clothes.

While Mom teaches little Susie how to use this thing, little Susie wants to know how she can use this machine to knock down little Timmy from across the street. Because she doesn’t see much use in sewing clothes.

18. Vigoro makes your lawn as good as it looks.

So go ahead let your toddler play outside with his diaper. Then again, from that boy's look, I feel more for the cat.

So go ahead let your toddler play outside with his diaper. Then again, from that boy’s look, I feel more for the cat.

19. Women, if your husband won’t have sex with you, you might be using the wrong vagina cleaner. So consider Zonite.

For some reason, I consider such ads about "feminine hygiene" that shames women for dirty private parts among the most sexist. These are clearly about shaming women for not keeping their vaginas clean enough. Good God.

For some reason, I consider such ads about “feminine hygiene” that shames women for dirty private parts among the most sexist. These are clearly about shaming women for not keeping their vaginas clean enough. Good God.

20. Parker: making pens for women before Bic did. Because girls have smaller hands.

Ellen Degeneres did a whole comedy bit on this which was hilarious. Seriously, women have been using regular pens for years. The idea women need special pens for them is just stupid.

Ellen Degeneres did a whole comedy bit on this which was hilarious. Seriously, women have been using regular pens for years. The idea women need special pens for them is just stupid.

21. Champion’s Mustard: the perfect condiment for a midsummer’s night dream.

Are those supposed to be black? Because if they are, I have a bad feeling about this. Also, Bottom looks like he's just wearing a donkey head.

Are those supposed to be black? Because if they are, I have a bad feeling about this. Also, Bottom looks like he’s just wearing a donkey head.

22. Keep your kids from falling out of the car with a Dickson Rear automatic door lock.

Because this car surely didn't come with a built-in child safety locks on the doors. Or seatbelts for that matter.

Because this car surely didn’t come with a built-in child safety locks on the doors. Or seatbelts for that matter.

23. Incompatible really means “the wife has a dirty vagina problem.” So fix it withe Lysol.

So in olden days, doctors encouraged women to put cleaning products in their hoohahs. Jesus Christ, that's a really super dumb way to fix your relationship.

So in olden days, doctors encouraged women to put cleaning products in their hoohahs. Jesus Christ, that’s a really super dumb and dangerous way to fix your relationship. Marriage counseling would be safer.

24. Put your man at ease over causing the fender bender with a pie made from Jell-O pudding.

So Jell-O believes that women are bad drivers. What a bunch of sexist assholes.

So Jell-O believes that women are bad drivers. What a bunch of sexist assholes.

25. Softness is what boys always find desirable in girls. So try Baby Soft.

Please let this girl be at least 18. Also, why the hell do they have an adult cosmetics like called Baby Soft? That's just freaky.

Please let this girl be at least 18. Also, why the hell do they have an adult cosmetics like called Baby Soft? That’s just freaky.

26. Pratts Healing Ointment cures both man and beast.

However, going to bed with your horse, well, that's not necessarily encouraged. Seriously, that's kind of sick if you think about it.

However, going to bed with your horse, well, that’s not necessarily encouraged. Seriously, that’s kind of sick if you think about it.

27. Do it on the floor with the love rug.

"The Love Rug strokes your bodies as you make love." So how can a rug do that. Also, is that David Hasselhoff?

“The Love Rug strokes your bodies as you make love.” So how can a rug do that. Also, is that David Hasselhoff?

28. Killed your husband and need to getaway fast? Broadway Deluxe Cab is at your service.

It's the cab service you call when you need to get out before the police arrive and find your prints all over the gun. I don't know about you, but I don't think this is an appropriate ad campaign in the least.

It’s the cab service you call when you need to get out before the police arrive and find your prints all over the gun. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this is an appropriate ad campaign in the least.

29. Wash your boy’s hair with Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic so he won’t lose it when he’s older.

Unfortunately, Lucky Tiger won't prevent hair loss if baldness runs in your family. Because that's determined by genetics, folks. But some will lose their hair earlier than others.

Unfortunately, Lucky Tiger won’t prevent hair loss if baldness runs in your family. Because that’s determined by genetics, folks. But some will lose their hair earlier than others.

30. Keep your calls secret with a voice silencer.

Wonder how that works. I'm sure it won't be effective if you're on a party line.

Wonder how that works. I’m sure it won’t be effective if you’re on a party line.

31. Stop being bored by going on a trip to Disneyland.

After all, you probably need it as much as you need a hole in the head. Okay, that doesn't send a very good message.

After all, you probably need it as much as you need a hole in the head. Okay, that doesn’t send a very good message.

32. Thought your kid would be a different gender? Rexall’s got you covered.

So what if he was hoping for a boy and got a girl? I'm sure his daughter will appreciate the Panda bear teddy anyway. Also, kids are too young for all that sporting equipment anyway.

So what if he was hoping for a boy and got a girl? I’m sure his daughter will appreciate the Panda bear teddy anyway. Also, kids are too young for all that sporting equipment anyway.

33. King Electric Furnaces are stacked for comfort so you can safely sit on one with your bare ass.

Well, I have to hand it for King in this case even though I usually don't approve of naked women. But this one shows that you can sit on their furnace and not burn your ass off. What can be better than that.

Well, I have to hand it for King in this case even though I usually don’t approve of naked women. But this one shows that you can sit on their furnace and not burn your ass off. What can be better than that.

34. Have your dogs get in shape while you drive with a “canine exerciser.”

As someone who's watched Vacation, tying your dog to a car can constitute as animal cruelty and kill them. A canine exerciser is a great way to get your local Humane Society to hate you.

As someone who’s watched Vacation, tying your dog to a car can constitute as animal cruelty and kill them. A canine exerciser is a great way to get your local Humane Society to hate you.

35. All these pretty women can’t find husbands because of one crucial problem.

I think I know where this is going. Let me guess, dirty vaginas? Seriously, why the obsession?

I think I know where this is going. Let me guess, dirty vaginas? Seriously, why the obsession?

36. Nothing cures domestic squabbles like Arpege perfume.

From Tinsel Creation: "'“Mommy, don’t cry… I’m sure Daddy’s giving you Arpège.' Nothing sells a classic like the suggestion of domestic violence, apparently. Promise her anything…"

From Tinsel Creation: “‘“Mommy, don’t cry… I’m sure Daddy’s giving you Arpège.’ Nothing sells a classic like the suggestion of domestic violence, apparently. Promise her anything…”

37. Sold digestive problems with Burdock’s Pills.

For some reason, this add suggests that your liver helps you shit. I'm not so sure whoever came up with this ad understands human anatomy.

For some reason, this add suggests that your liver helps you shit. I’m not so sure whoever came up with this ad understands human anatomy.

38. Do you still beat your wife? Keep it up.

This is for a booklet titled, "Why You Should Beat Your Wife." You read that right. This ad promotes domestic abuse, for God's sake. What the hell?

This is for a booklet titled, “Why You Should Beat Your Wife.” You read that right. This ad promotes domestic abuse, for God’s sake. What the hell?

39. Planning to kill your wife sometime soon? Get her an Albany Life insurance policy first.

The fact this ad features knives, pills, bleach, and a pillow makes it seem like this insurance company wants guys to kill their wives. Couldn't they feature something less disturbing like funeral stuff?

The fact this ad features knives, pills, bleach, and a pillow makes it seem like this insurance company wants guys to kill their wives. Couldn’t they feature something less disturbing like funeral stuff?

40. Lavine soap gets things clean.

But please treat yourself to this naked kid about to strangle a swan with bare hands. Hey, that's what it looks like to me.

But please treat yourself to this naked kid about to strangle a swan with bare hands. Hey, that’s what it looks like to me.

41. Centaur Massage cologne is half-man, half-beast but all male.

It's the kind of cologne an Ancient Greek man would want to be massaged with by a skimpy clad woman. Still, given a centaur's body hair abundance, would anyone want to mate with one? Especially after what the centaurs might've done to Umbridge.

It’s the kind of cologne an Ancient Greek man would want to be massaged with by a skimpy clad woman. Still, given a centaur’s body hair abundance, would anyone want to mate with one? Especially after what the centaurs might’ve done to Umbridge.

42. The hotter the day, the more you need Ethyl gasoline.

Note that Ethyl has become notorious for its tetraled gasoline which has contributed to a ton of deadly pollution in the atmosphere and posed significant health risks. The guy who invented this would later create CFCs that would cause a hole in the ozone layer.

Note that Ethyl has become notorious for its tetraled gasoline which has contributed to a ton of deadly pollution in the atmosphere and posed significant health risks. The guy who invented this would later create CFCs that would cause a hole in the ozone layer.

43. Joy’s Cigarettes are great for your asthma.

In reality, they'll only exacerbate your asthma and lead to other health problems that could kill you. And no, they're not safe for children at all.

In reality, they’ll only exacerbate your asthma and lead to other health problems that could kill you. And no, they’re not safe for children at all.

44. Remember, ladies, your bad breath will drive your man away.

I'm sure in plenty of relationships didn't end because the woman had bad breath or used the wrong toothpaste. Also, what's the spider web suppose to mean?

I’m sure in plenty of relationships didn’t end because the woman had bad breath or used the wrong toothpaste. Also, what’s the spider web suppose to mean?

45. Need to stop for a few things? Keep your kids in the car while you visit a 7-Eleven.

Nowadays, keeping your kids in the car might get you arrested for child neglect during the summer. Because keeping your kids in a hot car is a major parenting no-no.

Nowadays, keeping your kids in the car might get you arrested for child neglect during the summer. Because keeping your kids in a hot car is a major parenting no-no.

46. Now you can make your home gay with Gaytop table covers.

I'm sure this ad gets unintentional shits and giggles because "gay" has a different connotation these days. The smiling guy in the plaid shirt make this ad even funnier.

I’m sure this ad gets unintentional shits and giggles because “gay” has a different connotation these days. The smiling guy in the plaid shirt make this ad even funnier.

47. Zonite: the feminine hygiene product for whenever your ginie gets too dirty for lovemaking.

Whenever I see ads like this, I tend to wonder why were they so obsessed with women keeping clean vaginas. This is ridiculous.

Whenever I see ads like this, I tend to wonder why were they so obsessed with women keeping clean vaginas. This is ridiculous.

48. A Sears Kenmore Stove is designed for wives but built for husbands.

So does this mean Kenmore thinks women belong in the kitchen? Because it sure seems like it.

So does this mean Kenmore thinks women belong in the kitchen? Because it sure seems like it.

49. “Are you sure I’d still be a virgin with Tampax?”

For the love of God, asking whether using Tampax hurts one's virginity is like asking whether Harry Potter will lead kids to sorcery and devil worship. We both obviously know that such concepts are utterly ridiculous to even think about. Jesus Christ!

For the love of God, asking whether using Tampax hurts one’s virginity is like asking whether Harry Potter will lead kids to sorcery and devil worship. We both obviously know that such concepts are utterly ridiculous to even think about. Jesus Christ!

50. Save your marriage by changing to Lipton Tea.

No, I don't think changing tea brands improves relationships. Except maybe during the American Revolution but otherwise not really.

No, I don’t think changing tea brands improves relationships. Except maybe during the American Revolution but otherwise not really.

51. Ladies, you can lose your man in a minute if you don’t wash your mouth with Listerine.

Look, if your man leaves you for having bad breath, then it's more likely he's the problem not you. And you're probably better off without Mr. Shallowpants.

Look, if your man leaves you for having bad breath, then it’s more likely he’s the problem not you. And you’re probably better off without Mr. Shallowpants anyway.

52. Don’t let menstrual panic happen to you, use Modess sanitary napkins.

Sure women experience period leakage all the time and it's embarrassing. However, this ad makes such worries severe enough for them to need a psychiatrist.

Sure women experience period leakage all the time and it’s embarrassing. However, this ad makes such worries severe enough for them to need a psychiatrist.

53. These days a girl doesn’t have to be pretty to be popular.

And I suppose you don't have to be a good hospital to be popular. Seriously, why would a girl snorting cocaine be a good way for a hospital to advertise? Were they trying to say they have a good drug treatment center? Because this picture doesn't make them look good at all.

And I suppose you don’t have to be a good hospital to be popular. Seriously, why would a girl snorting cocaine be a good way for a hospital to advertise? Were they trying to say they have a good drug treatment center? Because this picture doesn’t make them look good at all.

54. Husband more frigid than usual but won’t say why? Maybe because it’s stinky down there.

Or that her husband's head is literally frozen inside an ice cube. So I don't think cleaning her privates will help her in this case.

Or that her husband’s head is literally frozen inside an ice cube. So I don’t think cleaning her privates will help her in this case.

55. For women who want a better figure, try Jantzen girdles.

Think of it as spanx in your grandmother's time. Also, who the hell hangs up their laundry in their underwear? Not to mention, you can barely see it on her that her ass almost looks bare.

Think of it as spanx in your grandmother’s time. Also, who the hell hangs up their laundry in their underwear? Not to mention, you can barely see it on her that her ass almost looks bare.

56. A woman should always make sure whether her panties are up to date.

So you mean a woman has to have the latest panties? Seriously, if her panties aren't falling apart and fit her fine, then she doesn't need new ones. Because what she wears underneath is nobody's goddamned business.

So you mean a woman has to have the latest panties? Seriously, if her panties aren’t falling apart and fit her fine, then she doesn’t need new ones. Because what she wears underneath is nobody’s goddamned business.

57. Duraglas baby food shouldn’t leave a tiny bit to waste.

This baby's like, "Please, don't stick that into my mouth. Are you really not trying to poison me?"

This baby’s like, “Please, don’t stick that into my mouth. Are you really not trying to poison me?”

58. Smoke all you want with Jolt cigarettes.

Because odds are, you won't have much time in this world anyway. Since your chain-smoking habit will most likely cause you to die from lung cancer.

Because odds are, you won’t have much time in this world anyway. Since your chain-smoking habit will most likely cause you to die from lung cancer.

59. Do you inhale? Smoke Chesterfields.

Man, can't believe this slogan was used to get people to buy cigarettes since it's mostly used around pot smoking. Also, the woman doesn't seem to have much on her.

Man, can’t believe this slogan was used to get people to buy cigarettes since it’s mostly used around pot smoking. Also, the woman doesn’t seem to have much on her.

60. Church toilet seats are always a stunning improvement.

"And it has easy handling so Ray won't have to struggle putting it down after he pees." Sorry, but I couldn't resist.

“And it has easy handling so Ray won’t have to struggle putting it down after he pees.” Sorry, but I couldn’t resist.

61. Smoke Phillip Morris the throat tested cigarette.

I think my grandma recently talked about the creepy bellhop guy with the pack. And yes, he kind of belongs in a Stephen King novel.

I think my grandma recently talked about the creepy bellhop guy with the pack. And yes, he kind of belongs in a Stephen King novel.

62. Save money on women’s underwear during the JC Penny Father’s Day Sale.

It's especially disturbing it has the line, "We have exactly what you need that will satisfy and bring a smile to your father's face!" It's almost as if this ad was tailor made for Ivanka Trump.

It’s especially disturbing it has the line, “We have exactly what you need that will satisfy and bring a smile to your father’s face!” It’s almost as if this ad was tailor made for Ivanka Trump. Sorry, but that can’t be helped.

63. Iver Johnson Revolvers are the gun for the housewife left alone at night.

So a woman needs a gun to protect herself whenever someone knocks on the door. Sorry, but if you have to be armed to answer the door, you probably need to see a therapist.

So a woman needs a gun to protect herself whenever someone knocks on the door. Sorry, but if you have to be armed to answer the door, you probably need to see a therapist.

64. Upset that all the thin girls get more attention, then reduce your ugly fat with Ry-Krisp.

What a way to fat shame a woman in public, jerkass? For God's sake, she doesn't look that bad and I'm sure some guys would find her attractive despite her weight.

What a way to fat shame a woman in public, jerkass? For God’s sake, she doesn’t look that bad and I’m sure some guys would find her attractive despite her weight.

65. Dr. Swift is an expert in health who’ll teach you how to improve your sex life with a fine gentle massage.

Pardon me for reading too into this but this ad comes off as promoting a 19th century sex talk. Because the guy obviously has his hands up a woman's skirt. Okay, maybe it's just a doctor exam.

Pardon me for reading too into this but this ad comes off as promoting a 19th century sex talk. Because the guy obviously has his hands up a woman’s skirt. Okay, maybe it’s just a doctor exam.

66. Kids are always in the mood for toast and jam.

It's just the kind of treat for the kid who just came home for torturing the cat. Or the neighbor kid who creepily peaks through your blinds.

It’s just the kind of treat for the kid who just came home for torturing the cat. Or the neighbor kid who creepily peaks through your blinds.

67. Have your pooch travel in comfort with the “Bird-dog’s Palace.”

Because nothing shows you're good with animals like attaching a cage to the side of your car. And having that cage sport barred windows.

Because nothing shows you’re good with animals like attaching a cage to the side of your car. And having that cage sport barred windows.

68. Lighten the White Man’s Burden by using Pear’s Soap for cleanliness.

Because nothing brings the fresh smell of colonialism and culture superiority like Pear's. Man, this is epically racist with nods to Imperialism.

Because nothing brings the fresh smell of colonialism and culture superiority like Pear’s. Man, this is epically racist with nods to Imperialism.

69. The Gold Dust Twins are always the right brothers for cleaning.

But they're the wrong brothers when it comes to promoting diversity and multiculturalism. Seriously, Gold Dust might want to retire their virulently racist mascots.

But they’re the wrong brothers when it comes to promoting diversity and multiculturalism. Seriously, Gold Dust might want to retire their virulently racist mascots.

70. Keep your child safe in the car by tying them down to this safety harness.

Imagine what parents had to do to keep their kids safe in the car before they started requiring seatbelts. Probably won't recommend it.

Imagine what parents had to do to keep their kids safe in the car before they started requiring seatbelts. Probably won’t recommend it.

A Primer on Sanctuary Cities in the United States



Federal immigration officials often rely on local law enforcement to identify people who may be in violation of immigration laws. But some jurisdictions would refuse to turn over suspected undocumented immigrants to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The process goes as follows. Police arrest immigrants for reasons unrelated to their immigration status and are booked in local jails. There, their fingerprints are taken and eventually shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement which is required by law. ICE will ask officials to hold individuals if they’re in violation of immigration laws while ICE obtains a warrant. County and municipal policies dictate whether to comply, or release the individuals in question. Depending on local criteria, a sanctuary jurisdiction wouldn’t comply.


Sanctuary cities have been a major topic in recent years and are mainly believed to be liberal metropolises that are riddled with crime. Conservatives often argue in favor of defunding them and they aren’t seen as popular. However, sanctuary communities have been on the rise and not for the reasons conservatives think.

In recent times, the topic of sanctuary cities has attracted a lot of attention since undocumented immigration is a very controversial subject almost everyone has an opinion about. And this issue has been pushed by Republicans who call sanctuary cities as a crime ridden hellholes that should be defunded in order to get with the program. Congressional Republicans have introduced bills targeting these places, while Republican governors and state legislators have enacted policies banning them. Either way, Republican politicians have campaigned against sanctuary cities during the 2016 election. And now newly President Cheeto Pussygrabber has signed an executive order directing the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to defund sanctuary jurisdictions refusing to comply with federal immigration law. Also, he issued the Department of Homeland Security to begin issuing public reports including, “a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.” However, a George Mason law professor argued that Mr. Raging Orange Rug Hair’s withholding of federal funding to these places would be unconstitutional: “Trump and future presidents could use [the executive order] to seriously undermine constitutional federalism by forcing dissenting cities and states to obey presidential dictates, even without authorization from Congress. The circumvention of Congress makes the order a threat to separation of powers, as well.” Nevertheless, sanctuary communities have been on the rise, especially in my home state of Pennsylvania where they now consist of half the state. And it’s likely that Pittsburgh may be on its way. Though that hasn’t stopped the State House from passing an anti-sanctuary bill mandating that these counties and municipalities honor ICE requests to hold a person in custody for at least 48 hours or else no state grants for law enforcement.


Here is Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. In 2016, he distinguished himself as a high profile opponent of sanctuary cities and has proposed to defund these criminal hellholes. But in a sick twist of irony, one of these would be his home county of Lehigh which became the setting for a major case that made sanctuary communities much more popular in Pennsylvania.

So what are sanctuary cities? Are they really as horrible as they say? And why have they been on the rise in recent years? You might think these policies are designed to protect undocumented immigrants. But the reality is far more complicated than what most people even imagine. And they’re often so misunderstood. Perhaps I can show you an FAQ to answer your questions.

What is a sanctuary city?


When people think about sanctuary cities, they often think of San Francisco. However, sanctuary cities is kind of misnomer since sanctuary polices have been adopted by states as well as all kinds of municipalities. Sometimes this is through written policy while other times it’s through certain practices. These policies and practices differ throughout jurisdictions. However, just to be convenient we’re just going to define sanctuary jurisdictions as places who refuse to honor ICE detainers by themselves for whatever reason.

A sanctuary city is a jurisdiction that’s adopted a policy protecting undocumented immigrants by not prosecuting them for violating federal immigration laws in the country in which they’re now living. Such policy can be set out expressly in law (as in local ordinance) or observed only in practice (like a don’t ask, don’t tell policy). It generally applies to cities that don’t use municipal funds or resources to enforce nationally immigration laws and usually forbid police or municipal employees to inquire about a person’s immigration status. The designation has no precise legal meaning. Policies and practices differ throughout the country.

How many sanctuary cities are there?


This map is from a study at Temple University in Philadelphia. It shows how each county in the state deals with ICE detainer requests. I should also like to point out that many of these sanctuary counties don’t like to be viewed as such and went for Trump in 2016. And they’re certainly not the places you think of when we talk about sanctuary cities.

According to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, sanctuary policies limiting how much local police can cooperate with requests from federal authorities to hold immigrants in detention are present in 4 states, 39 cities, and 364 counties. These include almost every county in Colorado, Oregon, and New York as well as most of Florida as well as California, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut, and several major cities on the East Coast. And they’re not just limited to liberal and urban areas either. For instance, if you look at a map of Pennsylvania from a study at Temple, you’d notice that there are sanctuary policies in my home jurisdiction of Westmoreland County as well as in Fayette, Washington, Somerset, Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Erie, Blair, and Bedford as of 2017. And the ones I just described have only had sanctuary policies in their books since September. All of these counties went for Trump in 2016 and probably would rather see the undocumented living among them deported. Which is why local officials try to distance themselves from the loaded “sanctuary” label.

Are sanctuary cities legal?

It’s hard to say. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 has outlawed cities’ bans against municipal workers’ reporting people’s immigration status to federal authorities as well as established minor crimes as grounds for deportation. Its Section 287(g) allows state and local law enforcement personnel to enter into agreements with the federal government to be trained in immigration enforcement that would help them enforce immigration law. But it provides no general power for immigration enforcement by state and local authorities. However, such provision was only implemented by state and local authorities in California, Arizona, Alabama, Florida, and North Carolina as of 2006. Furthermore, 8 U.S. Code § 1373 states that “a Federal, State, or local government entity or official may not prohibit, or in any way restrict, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.” Opponents state that the Justice Department requires that most federal grant money recipients certify their compliance to federal law, which sanctuary cities violate by not asking about, recording, or submitting their residents’ immigration status to the feds.

However, though federal officials usually have to rely on local police to help enforce federal immigration laws, the law doesn’t necessarily require local authorities to detain undocumented immigrants because their federal counterparts make a request. In fact, federal courts across the country have found complying with requests is usually voluntary. To back it up, supporters often cite the Tenth Amendment that according the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, prevents the, “federal government from coercing state or local governments to use their resources to enforce a federal regulatory program, like immigration.” Thus, Congress can’t force state or local governments to collect immigrant status information in order to share it with the Feds. And because these places never collected the data in the first place, they didn’t violate federal law. Some even believe enforcing immigration should only be left to the federal government and that local law enforcement should stay out of it. So let’s just say it’s a legal tossup at the moment.

Are sanctuary cities a new thing?


Sanctuary cities have been in California for years thanks to the Sanctuary Movement. However, while many think that California metro areas adopt these policies due to liberal leanings, we also have to account for the fact that undocumented immigrants play a key role in the state’s economy and society, especially in low-income jobs. Not to mention, past instances have led authorities focus more on building relationships with immigrant communities in order to solve crimes. In other words, local law enforcement needs undocumented immigrants to be able to contact them without fear of deportation.

No. Los Angeles was the first to initiate a sanctuary city policy in 1979 to prevent police from inquiring about arrestees’ immigration status. The internal “Special Order 40” states: “Officers shall not initiate police action with the objective of discovering the alien status of a person. Officers shall not arrest nor book persons for violation of title 8, section 1325 of the United States Immigration code (Illegal Entry).” Certain other cities have followed suit during the 1980s and after. Though recent years have also contributing other jurisdictions to the same.

So when did sanctuary cities become a national issue?


Sanctuary cities have become more of a high profile issue in recent years due to their reputation of harboring undocumented immigrants. And much of it has been opposition by Republicans who have no idea why jurisdictions would implement these policies in the first place. This especially apparent with Pat Toomey who opposes sanctuary polices while his home Lehigh County has adopted them. And for a very good reason.

The issue entered in the national spotlight with the 2008 GOP presidential primary when Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ran on an anti-illegal immigration platform and specifically attacked sanctuary cities. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney also accused former mayor Rudy Giuliani of running New York City as one. Giuliani’s campaign returned the favor saying that Romney ran a sanctuary in the Governor’s mansion and that New York City isn’t a “haven” for undocumented immigrants.

Then there were reports of a series of crimes. In late June 2009, 3 undocumented immigrants were suspected of murdering a waitress in Albuquerque, New Mexico (one of whom was not deported despite being arrested for two prior DUI incidents). Then mayoral candidate Richard J. Berry decried the city’s sanctuary policy and vowed to eliminate it if elected. He defeated incumbent Mayor Martin Chavez that year.


Kathryn Steinle’s murder by an undocumented immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez in 2015 had sparked a national debate about sanctuary cities. And it led to a piece of congressional legislation known as “Kate’s Law” which targeted undocumented immigrants with criminal records and multiple deportations. But as of 2017, no vote has been held.

In 2015, an undocumented immigrant with multiple deportations shot Kathryn Steinle dead in San Francisco which sparked controversy and political debate over its place as a sanctuary city. In addition, many Republican presidential candidates would blame the sanctuary city policy for Steinle’s murder and encourage the need for a secure border wall. Donald Trump would also use the incident to criticize Jeb Bush and as a rationale to deport undocumented immigrants in the US.

Meanwhile, Congress would author The Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015 or Kate’s Law which would’ve amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase from two years to five years the maximum prison term for an alien who reenters after being denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed. It also would’ve established a 10-year maximum prison sentence for an alien reentering after being denied admission, excluded, deported, or removed on 3 or more prior occasions and 5-year mandatory minimum prison term for an alien who reenters after being removed following a conviction for an aggravated felony or following 2 or more prior convictions for illegal reentry.

Do sanctuary cities increase crime?


Despite that conservatives have pointed out how sanctuary policies contribute to more crime, there is absolutely no evidence supporting that argument. However, there is evidence that might suggest that sanctuary policies might do the opposite.

According to a study by University of California at Riverside assistant professor Loren Collingwood, sanctuary policies don’t have any statistically meaningful effect on crime.

A study by associate professor Tommy K. Wong of the University of California, San Diego draws a different conclusion. “Crime is statistically significantly lower in sanctuary counties compared to nonsanctuary counties,” he wrote in a paper for the Center of American Progress. “Moreover, economies are stronger in sanctuary counties—from higher median household income, less poverty, and less reliance on public assistance to higher labor force participation, higher employment-to-population ratios, and lower unemployment.” The study evaluated sanctuary and non-sanctuary cities, “while controlling for differences in population, the foreign-born percentage of the population, and the percentage of the population that is Latino.”


Local law enforcement in sanctuary jurisdictions often admit that they rely on undocumented immigrants to come forward and report crimes. The fact undocumented immigrants are more likely to be crime victims than anyone else and more afraid to contact the police shows why.

We should also account that local law enforcement officials favor sanctuary policies and have said they don’t want the job of enforcing federal immigration laws. In addition, they admit to relying on immigrants in their communities to come forward to report crimes. The fact undocumented immigrants are most likely to be crime victims and least likely to report crimes to the police illustrates why many police view sanctuary cities this way. Undocumented immigrants who don’t live in sanctuary jurisdictions are frequently discouraged from reporting crimes to police due to fears of deportation. And these deportation fears can limit law enforcement access to potential victims, witnesses, informants, and neighborhood advocates. Many police often say that honoring ICE detainer requirements could scare people away and don’t want law-abiding undocumented immigrants to be afraid to contact them in order to report a crime.

Do sanctuary city policies prevent police from cooperating with federal immigration authorities?


Contrary to popular belief, while sanctuary policies may restrict police from cooperating with federal authorities, they don’t prevent it entirely. Most of the time, sanctuary policies restrict ICE cooperation with law enforcement on certain criteria. For instance, a sanctuary jurisdiction may refuse to honor ICE detainer requests because the individual warrant out against them or a criminal record to speak of. Or that the detainer isn’t backed up by a warrant from a judge.

Most sanctuary policies only limit police from cooperating with federal immigration authorities on undocumented immigrants with no criminal record to speak of. Let’s just say every jurisdiction is different but most of the time sanctuary policies specify that local authorities can’t hand over undocumented immigrants to ICE solely due to their immigration status, on minor crimes, or without any judicial warrant or court order. None of these protective policies prevent police from pursuing immigrants who commit felonies. According to a Department of Justice inspector general report, some jails in sanctuary areas only comply with a detainer request when the inmate has prior felony convictions, gang membership, or is on a terrorist watchlist. Others may reject every detainer request as well as refuse any kind of collaboration with ICE. In my home Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, county prison staff don’t accept ICE detainers unless they have a judicially authorized warrant or court order. Otherwise, the ICE detainer will be sent back to the agent. But while Westmoreland County said they’d inform ICE if a suspected undocumented immigrant is being released, most cooperation ends here. Washington County does the same thing as well as put the detainers on file for future reference. Meanwhile, Butler County’s sanctuary policy expressly forbids ICE agents from accessing the county jail or those in custody for investigative purpose. Butler also prohibits officials from using county resources to communicate with ICE regarding inmates. So whether sanctuary policies prevent local police from cooperating with ICE varies from jurisdiction.

Why would any place want to adopt sanctuary policies?


If you want to understand why jurisdictions would adopt sanctuary policies, we should understand the Secure Communities program which was supposed to encourage federal, state, and local cooperation on deporting criminal undocumented immigrants. However, the Secure Communities program was riddled with problems, had unclear constitutionality, and resulted in incidents of abuse.

During the height of the country’s undocumented immigration challenges before the recession, law enforcement officials in some communities expressed concerns about releasing these inmates after they’ve serve time for state offenses. Some of these communities entered agreements to help federal authorities with immigration enforcement. These arrangements allowed local jails to house undocumented immigrants after they served time on state charges and bill the federal government for this service. Sometimes they passed these inmates to jails without any formal notice to family members, then into the immigration court system for an expedited removal hearing. A lot of times, people were returned to their home countries in weeks. By 2011, the Secure Communities program had been deporting more than 400,000 people per year and had over 1,210 jurisdictions participating.


The Secure Communities program was often criticized for many of its inherent flaws such has lack of recognition of civil rights and due process as well as lack of transparency and oversight. Studies showed that most of the arrestees who were deported didn’t have any serious criminal record to speak of. There may be constitutional issues as well.

Critics often said the Secure Communities Program could generate a revenue stream for local prisons as well as violate international human rights accords. Many localities and states reported not being reimbursed for costs relating to their participation and saw the program as a strain on their resources. Civil liberties organizations called it a vehicle for cultural profiling. Some people couldn’t talk to their embassy officials from their countries or notify family members of their arrests, basically disappearing without explanation.More than one analysis of deportees and what happened during the process showed that most of these people were initially arrested for minor traffic violations, had no criminal records to speak of, or were low-level offenders who served their time. A 2011, Berkeley study showed that only 52% of Secure Communities arrestees were scheduled to have a hearing before a judge and out of those who had, only 24% were represented by an attorney. They also found that 88,000 families that included US citizens had a relative arrested under the program and that 3,600 of arrestees were US citizens. Immigrant advocates said the program deeply damaged already limited police trust in immigrant communities, making people afraid to call the cops or provide information, which these advocates saw as a threat to public safety. Thus, making these places harder to police. Also a number of court cases implied that the “detainer requests” might be unconstitutional and put cities in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Then there are have been reports that the Secure Communities program didn’t have clear complaint mechanisms as well as a lack of transparency and oversight.


Ernesto Galarza was a part-time construction worker who was illegally held at the Lehigh County jail for 3 days pursuant of an ICE detainer without a warrant, court order, or an explanation. And the ICE detainer was issued because Allentown police suspected Galarza may be an undocumented immigrant. Even though he carried a state driver’s license and his Social Security card as well as told police he was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. His case sent a broad message that if local jurisdictions choose to honor ICE detainer requests, they’ll have to face the consequences if it’s against the wrong people. Such ruling has been a driving force for jurisdictions across Pennsylvania adopting sanctuary policies.

Then there’s the matter with ICE issuing detainer requests they use to gain custody of undocumented immigrants for deportation. Detainer requests aren’t supported by a finding of probable cause or court order. In other words, it’s someone could have an ICE detainer on them on mere suspicion of an undocumented immigration status which can result in being detained for more than 48 hours. So it’s no surprise that some legal experts have questioned these ICE detainers’ constitutionality. In November 2008, Allentown police arrested a part-time construction worker named Ernesto Galarza in a drug bust at his workplace on a drug offense of which he was found innocent. At the time of his arrest, Galarza showed his state driver’s license and Social Security Card from his wallet and told local officials he was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, which should’ve made his US citizenship obvious to law enforcement. However, because Galarza was Hispanic, the arresting officer was apparently unsure about his citizenship and called ICE. ICE issued a detainer asking prison officials to hold Galarza while ICE investigated his citizenship and immigration status. As a result, Galarza was illegally held in the Lehigh County Prison for 3 days past when he should’ve been released with no warrant, no court order, and no explanation. And it was all because of racial profiling among local law enforcement as well as ICE agents’ baseless assertion that he might be an undocumented immigrant from the Dominican Republic they were looking for. Galarza lost his part-time job because of this. In March 2014, the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia found Lehigh County violated Galarza’s constitutional rights. Furthermore, the court ruled his detainer was only a request for help, not a binding order such as a federal warrant signed by a magistrate and that local governments have to pay damages for violating the rights of criminal suspects and jail inmates, not ICE. In other words, because Lehigh chose to honor the ICE detainer which resulted in a citizen’s wrongful imprisonment, it’s on them. After having to pay Galarza $95,000 in damages and attorney’s fees, the Lehigh County commissioners voted unanimously not to imprison people solely on ICE detainers against them. Other Pennsylvania counties followed suit figuring that it was safer to break federal immigration law than accidentally violate a citizen’s civil rights. Because if a local cop can get an ICE detainer against someone on merely suspecting their legal status, then it’s the federal immigration policy with the problem.

Do undocumented immigrants commit more crime than others?

To put it this way, absolutely not. Immigrants of all kinds are actually much less likely to commit crimes than native born citizens regardless of legal status. Not only that, the possibility of deportation usually gives immigrants a high incentive to obey the law. However, undocumented immigrants are far more likely to be crime victims because they’re least likely to report to the police due to threats of deportation. Now there may be some undocumented immigrants who are criminals, but the count’s not as high as 2-3 million. DHS estimates about 1.9 million while the Migration Policy Institute and Pew Research Center approximates 820,000 with some already incarcerated. Still, we should understand that undocumented crime is far less of a problem in localities than undocumented immigrants shunning contact with the police.

What about the shooting of Kathryn Steinle?


The murder of Kathyrn Steinle is often used as a talking point for cracking down on sanctuary cities. Is San Francisco’s sanctuary policy at fault? To an extent. But despite being deported 5 times, Juan Lopez-Sanchez was a low-level drug offender who served his time. So prior to shooting Steinle with a stolen gun, there was very little reason he’d pose a danger upon his release.

I know this story is often used by sanctuary city opponents on how San Francisco’s refusal to honor a detainer for Juan Lopez-Sanchez requesting that they keep him until ICE agents arrived cost a young woman’s life. Sure Lopez-Sanchez was a convicted felon who’ve been deported 5 times. However, there’s a lot that’s misunderstood about this case. For one, Lopez-Sanchez wasn’t a violent criminal and his record mostly consisted of reentry violations and drug offense all of which he served time on. The only real danger he posed to society was endangering those who bought drugs from him. So at best he was a low-level offender who served his time. Also, multiple deportations aren’t unusual for undocumented immigrants even for those without criminal records. Not to mention, Lopez-Sanchez had been homeless since his release. Second, the reason San Francisco didn’t honor ICE’s request was because Lopez-Sanchez had no active warrant for his arrest upon his release as consistent with their sanctuary city policy upon his release from prison. Yet, while the sheriff’s failure to notify ICE about Lopez-Sanchez’s release may have cost Steinle’s life since he had no active arrest warrant, it doesn’t mean that San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy is solely at fault. And if it is, it could be easily remedied with placing rules requiring law enforcement to notify ICE on individuals with criminal history upon their release. Other sanctuary jurisdictions do that. Third, it’s very likely that Steinle’s death was an accident because Lopez-Sanchez had absolutely no idea who she was. And it’s very unlikely that he fired that stolen gun in order to kill her because he might’ve fired toward the ground before the bullet ricocheted from the pavement. Fourth, it’s very likely Steinle’s death was due to failures at the local, state, and federal levels. Sure San Francisco’s sanctuary policy may be partly to blame. Yet, the Bureau of Prisons could’ve also handed Lopez-Sanchez to ICE instead of San Francisco. Hell, they could’ve just turned him over to a California state penitentiary. Or pass laws requiring people to lock their guns before leaving them in a car. Or maybe put Lopez-Sanchez in a halfway house so he wouldn’t be shooting a gun in the street.


The fact Lopez-Sanchez is an undocumented immigrant is only reason why Steinle’s death has generated such political outcry. However, had Lopez-Sanchez been a native-born US citizen, Steinle’s death would’ve been just as senseless and tragic. But nobody would blame it on San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy or that he should’ve been deported.

However, we should also note that prisons release crooks who go on to commit violent crimes all the time even for drug offenses like Lopez-Sanchez. Usually nobody says that such crimes could’ve been prevented had they been deported. Because most of these criminals were born in the United States. I’m sure the Bureau of Prisons has handed over US-born criminals to San Francisco authorities all the time as well as for crimes Lopez-Sanchez was charged with. It’s probably not unusual that San Francisco releases US-born prisoners without active warrants against them after they serve their time. And I’m certain it’s not unheard of for a US-born ex-con with a record like Lopez-Sanchez to kill someone shortly afterwards. Does any of that lead us to doubt whether our criminal justice system is too lenient? Sometimes. Yet, if Lopez-Sanchez was a native-born US citizen, would any politician blame San Francisco’s sanctuary policy and failure to deport him for Steinle’s death? No. Would Steinle’s murder have gotten the kind of attention it received? No. Because Lopez-Sanchez’s status as an undocumented immigrant is the sole reason why Steinle’s murder is so often used by immigration opponents to illustrate how sanctuary cities threaten public safety. But if Lopez-Sanchez wasn’t undocumented, he still would’ve posed just as much of a danger as any other violent criminal. And Steinle’s death would’ve been just as senseless and tragic even if covered just like any other murder case.

Why support sanctuary cities?


Sanctuary jurisdictions have many reasons to implement the kind of policies they do. Sometimes it’s because undocumented immigrants contribute so much to their society. Sometimes it could be that police would rather build relationships with immigrant communities and solve crimes than enforce immigration law. And sometimes it might be due to the area having limited resources and bigger priorities, having bad experiences with ICE, and a desire to avoid legal entanglements.

Other than basic human decency and keeping families together, supporters argue that cities have bigger priorities and too few resources to handle immigration enforcement. Many local policymakers and law enforcement agencies say that immigration enforcement isn’t their responsibility and that cracking down on undocumented residents disrupts community relations and make it more difficult to do their jobs. Cops prefer to focus on routine incidents in their localities than check whether a suspect, victim, or witness is legally on US soil. Yet, supporters note that none of their protective policies in any way prevent local police from pursuing immigrants suspected of committing crimes. In places like California, it might also be due to the vital role undocumented immigrants play in its economy and society as well as their large Latino population. You can say the same for many major cities as well as areas of Colorado and Florida. Then there’s the fact a lot of these places have endured a lot of bad experiences when they did cooperate with ICE, particularly during the Secure Communities program. For the recent rise in sanctuary counties in Pennsylvania, it has less to do with favoring undocumented immigration and more to do with avoiding expensive litigation, having limited jail space, not getting paid honoring ICE detainers, and others. Because honoring ICE detainers and racial profiling in local law enforcement have led to US citizens being illegally detained as illustrated in the Galarza case in Senator Pat Toomey’s home in Lehigh County. And since detainer requests aren’t binding orders, these local governments are usually stuck with paying the most in damages over civil rights violations, which Lehigh didn’t want to repeat. In the case of Armstrong County, the federal government didn’t reimburse their costs at the desired rate when they did hold people for ICE as well as having a jail typically operating at capacity.

Why oppose sanctuary cities?


Opponents on sanctuary policies often argue that they undermine federal enforcement efforts and compromising public safety that leads to preventable crimes. But opponents often stereotype sanctuary jurisdictions as places that are riddled with crime and lawlessness. Rather than a place that might be similar to where they live.

Opponents argue that sanctuary policies encourage undocumented immigration, undermine federal enforcement efforts, and severely compromise public safety resulting in crimes that could’ve been avoided through deportation. Furthermore, they believe that sanctuary policies keep police from investigating, questioning, and arresting people who’ve broken federal immigration law.

Is there a moral basis for sanctuary cities?


Though the legal basis of sanctuary policies may be in limbo, the moral basis is very much sound. I mean it should be a no brainer to keep families together as well as relieve law-abiding residents of deportation fears. Besides, sanctuary policies might be the best morally solution available at the moment.

Though the legal question of sanctuary cities can be debated, the moral question may not be the case. From what I know about undocumented immigrants, most of them came to this country illegal because the federal immigration system didn’t give them any legally viable options. Most of them have been in the US for at least 10 years while some came as children who grew up calling this country home. Many children who are US citizens and even American spouses. And despite entering illegally, most undocumented immigrants hold jobs, pay taxes, obey most of the laws, celebrate national holidays, and make contributions to society in ways most Americans don’t recognize. Furthermore, most undocumented immigrants come to the US for a better life than the one they left behind, not to commit crimes that endanger public safety. The fact federal immigration policy subjects their very presence as grounds for deportation has resulted in communities wary of law enforcement, thousands of broken families, and hundreds of kids in foster homes. And there is no good way for them to gain legal status or even citizenship. Ignoring an unjust federal immigration policy by providing a safe haven for these people may not be legal, but it’s probably the best moral solution available. But since President Cheeto Fuzz assumed office, you can forget the prospect of much needed comprehensive immigration reform for the next 4-8 years because that’s just not going to happen. In addition, the fact someone could get an ICE detainer against them because a police officer suspects their legal status has led to incidents of racial profiling and illegally holding American citizens in jail for over 48 hours with no warrant, no court order, and no explanation. In that case, refusing to hold individuals solely on an ICE detainer is morally reasonable. Then there’s the matter that municipalities don’t have the resources to handle immigration enforcement as well as bigger things to worry about. Local police would rather catch criminals than crack down on otherwise law-abiding residents who could help them. To cooperate with ICE may not be in their best interests and may lead local authorities to neglect their civic responsibilities to their constituents. So yes, enacting a sanctuary policy is probably the right thing to do.

Should sanctuary cities be punished for not complying with federal immigration policy?


If you think sanctuary cities should be defunded because they’re crime ridden areas sheltering undocumented immigrants, you might want to check if you live in one and why. If you live in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, you should really reconsider because it’s a sanctuary county. I swear I didn’t make this up. Look it up.

No. Despite that sanctuary policies may or may not go against federal law, I don’t think penalizing them is a good idea. Now I do believe that states and localities should adhere to federal law in most cases, especially when it comes to policies involving healthcare, education, civil rights, environmental protection, labor standards, product standards, gun laws, and financial regulation. In many cases, I find that a lot of state and local governments don’t serve their constituents’ best interests, especially when it concerns women, minorities, and the poor. But I do make exceptions when I think federal policy may not be unjust, inadequate, and prone to a lot of abuse particularly when it comes to national policy dealing with undocumented immigrants. The fact states and localities have developed their own policies to dealing with ICE and undocumented immigrants illustrates how federal immigration policy badly needs reform which won’t happen anytime soon. States and localities instituting sanctuary policies have very good reasons to enact them. They may not always be about protecting undocumented immigrants living among them, especially since it’s not just liberal cities adopting these policies. Or in jurisdictions where sanctuary policies would have widespread support like in rural and suburban Pennsylvania.Thus, penalizing sanctuary jurisdictions won’t be a very good idea in any case because they’re clearly not the problem. Sanctuary policies are more like a flawed and necessary substitute to work around a broken immigration system that needed to be fixed a long time ago but hasn’t. The best deterrence would be to pass comprehensive immigration reform which opens a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as well as requiring ICE detainers be issued with warrants and court orders. Now that I think about it, perhaps instead of punishing sanctuary jurisdictions, maybe our politicians should spend time in them and learn about their policies and why they enact them. And perhaps put those policies into congressional legislation. We can start by making US Senator Pat Toomey spend his congressional recess at his Allentown home for he really needs to know why Lehigh County enacted the kind of sanctuary policy he’s so vigorously opposed as well as a lesson on Galarza v. Szalczyk. Nevertheless, if the US government can’t come up with a federal immigration policy this nation needs, then expect more state and local governments enacting their own ideas to make the best of a sticky situation.


I end this post by bringing you a picture of the red covered bridge near where I live in the sanctuary jurisdiction of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Let it be known that sanctuary policies aren’t just limited to liberal urban enclaves like San Francisco. They can also exist in rural areas like this that don’t have a lot of liberals in them. Or a lot of people supporting sanctuary policies either. You can even live in a sanctuary jurisdiction and not even know it. Keep that in mind.

The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear (Second Edition)


Two years ago, I did a post on Teddy Bears which many people loved since I got a lot of views on it. But since my country is now in the winter of its discontent and that Valentine’s Day will be around soon, I thought I could do another. After all, we all need some cuteness in our lives now and then. And what toy can be any cuter than a fuzzy, wuzzy teddy bear you can cuddle with? Nevertheless, these are mainly toys for kids and a lot of people may not like receiving them for Valentine’s Day. Yet, at the same time, it’s a highly popular toy that has so many variations from places like Build-A-Bear Workshop, Steiff, Gund, Boyds, and the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. I mean you’ll find all kinds of bears suited for holidays, special occasions, occupations and activities, and even celebrities. Oh, and you have to see the ones of fictional characters. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of these adorable plushies of joy.

  1. Han Solbear shot first.
Wait until his girlfriend's dad freezes him in carbonite and gives him to Bearba Fett to hand him to Jabba. Then he won't look so tough. Also, travels with an alien who resembles a Sasquatch.

Wait until his girlfriend’s dad freezes him in carbonite and gives him to Bearba Fett to hand him to Jabba. Then he won’t look so tough. Also, travels with an alien who resembles a Sasquatch.

2. Lord Furatio Nelson always looks dashing in his naval uniform.

Of course, he should only have one arm in this. But he looks adorable anyway.

Of course, he should only have one arm in this. But he looks adorable anyway. May come with bear of Lady Hamilton.

3. Fuzz Lightyear is always to infinity and beyond.

He even has a cap to show off his own ears. And a suit with his own wings.

He even has a cap to show off his own ears. And a suit with his own wings.

4. Of course, there’s always a cuddly bad boy around town.

This gangster bear has his own machine gun and even that doesn't keep you wanting to hug him. Though he does know how to dress.

This gangster bear has his own machine gun and even that doesn’t keep you wanting to hug him. Though he does know how to dress.

5. A pirate captain bear should always sport a colorful coat for the high seas.

Well, he certainly has a nice jacket. But you wouldn't want to come aboard his ship.

Well, he certainly has a nice jacket. But you wouldn’t want to come aboard his ship.

6. And you thought you wouldn’t want to see a hairy girl on the beach.

Well, at least she knows how to have fun in the sun. And she doesn't seem to show a lot of fur.

Well, at least she knows how to have fun in the sun. And she doesn’t seem to show a lot of fur.

7. Marco Polbear always loves to go on an adventure.

Though we're not sure if his account on China was factual or just made up. But he does look cute with a map and telescope.

Though we’re not sure if his account on China was factual or just made up. But he does look cute with a map and telescope.

8. Wondy Bear is always here to save the day.

Yet, this is her in her more modest attire with the star skirt. Still, she's here to inspire love.

Yet, this is her in her more modest attire with the star skirt. Still, she’s here to inspire love.

9. This festive caroler makes sure to dress for the yuletide season.

Though despite looking adorable, she tends to make people a bit scared at her. Also, can't carry much of a tune.

Though despite looking adorable, she tends to make people a bit scared at her. Also, can’t carry much of a tune.

10. It’s not easy being green in the land of Oz.

Yet, just remember that she has every right to her sister's ruby slippers. And that you don't want her anywhere near water.

Yet, just remember that she has every right to her sister’s ruby slippers. And that you don’t want her anywhere near water.

11. Hear ye, hear ye, comes the town crier bear.

Sure you may find it odd that he's dressed from the 18th century. But his attire suggests a festive spirit at the tavern.

Sure you may find it odd that he’s dressed from the 18th century. But his attire suggests a festive spirit at the tavern.

12. There’s nothing a baby appreciates more at their christening than this little bundle of hugs.

Well, I'm sure this is for a girl. Because having been to a lot of baptisms myself, boy babies usually wear a different outfit.

Well, I’m sure this is for a girl. Because having been to a lot of baptisms myself, boy babies usually wear a different outfit.

13. If you see a bear like this on Christmas Eve, you might be visited by 3 spirits.

Yes, this is a Jacob Marley Bear from A Christmas Carol. Chains not included.

Yes, this is a Jacob Marley Bear from A Christmas Carol. Chains not included.

14. There’s nothing people appreciate more than a teddy bear royal wedding.

Sure it may not be Will and Kate's wedding. But these royal newlyweds look adorable nonetheless.

Sure it may not be Will and Kate’s wedding. But these royal newlyweds look adorable nonetheless.

15. Sometimes you need a furry friend to help you surf the net.

However, please don't mind his broken glasses and bad fashion sense. He's very smart. Honest.

However, please don’t mind his broken glasses and bad fashion sense. He’s very smart. Honest.

16. Unto us, a cub is born.

Yes, this is a teddy bear nativity scene from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Shepherds and wise men not included.

Yes, this is a teddy bear nativity scene from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Shepherds and wise men not included.

17. He may not be a saint but it’s clear his cuteness is infallible.

Yes, it's another pope bear. Yes, I know I had one on the least teddy bear post. But this one has the funny hat and a different outfit.

Yes, it’s another pope bear. Yes, I know I had one on the least teddy bear post. But this one has the funny hat and a different outfit.

18. Of course, Lucille Bear always had spunk.

Well, this is a Vermont Teddy Bear tribute to I Love Lucy. And they seem to have this bear in Lucy's chocolatier outfit.

Well, this is a Vermont Teddy Bear tribute to I Love Lucy. And they seem to have this bear in Lucy’s chocolatier outfit.

19. Accountant Bear will help you do your taxes.

Okay, not really. But you have to like how he has an initialed briefcase and his own calculator.

Okay, not really. But you have to like how he has an initialed briefcase and his own calculator.

20. This little ball of fur nearly makes it to the finish line.

Yes, this is a marathon bear. And he has on his little number to show for it.

Yes, this is a marathon bear. And he has on his little number to show for it.

21. Optometry bear wants to know if you can see anything.

Comes with an eye chart. Though glasses don't seem to be included.

Comes with an eye chart. Though glasses don’t seem to be included.

22. If you’re Jewish, your kids will delight in this Hanukkah moose.

Sure it's no a Hanukkah tradition. But I couldn't resist leaving it out like I did the last time. Plus, it's adorable.

Sure it’s no a Hanukkah tradition. But I couldn’t resist leaving it out like I did the last time. Plus, it’s adorable.

23. A yoga bear should know how to strike a pose.

Includes a yoga mat with carrier. Not sure what this pose is supposed to be though.

Includes a yoga mat with carrier. Not sure what this pose is supposed to be though.

24. Apparently, this crooked bear is only a prisoner of your heart.

Comes with a heart and chain. Of course, this bear has to wear bright orange as modern prisoners do.

Comes with a heart and chain. Of course, this bear has to wear bright orange as modern prisoners do.

25. Even the bears of Vermont are feeling the Bern.

Love how the Bernie Sanders bear has his hairstyle. Yet, this Vermont teddy bear is always a champion for the working class of all types.

Love how the Bernie Sanders bear has his hairstyle. Yet, this Vermont teddy bear is always a champion for the working class of all types.

26. This zombie sweetheart teddy bear will make you rip your heart out.

Goes with the zombie bear I had in the post from 2 years ago. Like her dress, by the way.

Goes with the zombie bear I had in the post from 2 years ago. Like her dress, by the way.

27. The Obearmas will always have a special place in Americans’ hearts.

I already miss these two so much. They were such a great couple at the White House.

I already miss these two so much. They were such a great couple at the White House.

28. A British bear always wears khaki on his tour of duty.

However, as customary for British war bears, he doesn't wear pants. Yet, he looks dashing in his beige beret.

However, as customary for British war bears, he doesn’t wear pants. Yet, he looks dashing in his beige beret.

29. Dr. Bear will make your little dog better.

So that's what a teddy bear vet looks like. Not sure what to think about the bunny though.

So that’s what a teddy bear vet looks like. Not sure what to think about the dog though.

30. This little bear has now received a distinguished degree.

Well, it's not uncommon to buy teddy bears for graduation either. Also available in white.

Well, it’s not uncommon to buy teddy bears for graduation either. Also available in white.

31. This cuddly burglar is out to steal your heart.

It even has a little mask and sack. Love how it's holding hearts in its paws.

It even has a little mask and sack. Love how it’s holding hearts in its paws.

32. Someone must be cooking something in the kitchen.

Of course, her dress always has to match her oven mitt. And she can'd do without her wooden spoon.

Of course, her dress always has to match her oven mitt. And she can’d do without her wooden spoon.

33. Need a tissue?

I'm sure seeing the sight of this bear will make you feel better. Nice how the robe and slippers match.

I’m sure seeing the sight of this bear will make you feel better. Nice how the robe and slippers match.

34. On St. Paddy’s Day, how about you kiss this Irish bear?

For the record, I don't think there are bears in Ireland. But this guy's adorable anyway.

For the record, I don’t think there are bears in Ireland. But this guy’s adorable anyway.

35. A sewing maven always knows how to stick her pins.

She even has her own pin cushion and tape measure bow. But the dress is similar to the cooking bear.

She even has her own pin cushion and tape measure bow. But the dress is similar to the cooking bear.

36. Granny Bear is always full of wit and wisdom.

Sure most grannies don't wear dresses like that. But this is simply adorable.

Sure most grannies don’t wear dresses like that. But this is simply adorable.

37. Hope this pro can take a swing.

Well, she is quite a tennis pro. Sure she's not a Williams sister. But she's not half bad.

Well, she is quite a tennis pro. Sure she’s not a Williams sister. But she’s not half bad.

38. This trooper is proud to serve in the good old US of A.

Hope he's sure proud to be an American. Because I'm nor sure whether I am at the moment.

Hope he’s sure proud to be an American. Because I’m nor sure whether I am at the moment.

39. Fisher bear has a big catch of the day.

I wanted to put this on the teddy bear post 2 years ago but it was already full. So it goes on this one.

I wanted to put this on the teddy bear post 2 years ago but it was already full. So it goes on this one.

40. A gardening bear can have quite a green thumb.

I guess she likes to water the paw paw patch with her watering can. Nice how it matches her floppy hat.

I guess she likes to water the paw paw patch with her watering can. Nice how it matches her floppy hat.

41. Spa Bear just wants a little R&R.

Don't mind her. She just wants to enhance her beauty and take a day off from the den.

Don’t mind her. She just wants to enhance her beauty and take a day off from the den.

42. Golfer Bear strikes a hole in one.

Though golf is a boring sport, it's inexplicably popular. So I had to include this guy.

Though golf is a boring sport, it’s inexplicably popular. So I had to include this guy.

43. Snowboard bear takes to the slopes during the winter.

However, it doesn't seem to snow much in my neck of the woods this winter. Though he certainly looks quite cool with his shades.

However, it doesn’t seem to snow much in my neck of the woods this winter. Though he certainly looks quite cool with his shades.

44. This riding bear is dressed in full habit.

Horse not included. But it does make a rather elegant costume on a countryside estate.

Horse not included. But it does make a rather elegant costume on a countryside estate.

45. You can climb aboard this captain’s boat anytime.

Even has a float with a sentiment. Also like the hat.

Even has a float with a sentiment. Also like the hat.

46. As a true American, this teddy believes in the right to bear hugs.

Well, at least the right to bear hugs is better than the right to bear arms. Though a Second Amendment teddy bear would be quite funny.

Well, at least the right to bear hugs is better than the right to bear arms. Though a Second Amendment teddy bear would be quite funny.

47. All this clown wants to do is put a smile on your face.

Now I don't find clowns typically endearing. But I think this is adorable to say the least.

Now I don’t find clowns typically endearing. But I think this is adorable to say the least.

48. This bear only wants a pizza your heart.

And it's dressed like a pizza slice as you can see. Though it's not picky about toppings.

And it’s dressed like a pizza slice as you can see. Though it’s not picky about toppings.

49. Fans of Game of Thrones will always love a mother of dragons regardless of species.

Though you don't see many from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. And both those franchises are considerable more family friendly than Game of Thrones.

Though you don’t see many from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. And both those franchises are considerable more family friendly than Game of Thrones.

50. This bear wishes you all health and smiles.

Even though it's in a smiley face hospital gown. Though I'm sure someone would get a chuckle.

Even though it’s in a smiley face hospital gown. Though I’m sure someone would get a chuckle.

51. Commodore Oliver Hazard Beary surely won’t give up his ship.

Though he surely looks quite military for the War of 1812. Love the uniform.

Though he surely looks quite military for the War of 1812. Love the uniform.

52. A teddy bear like this can capture the essence of Joseph and His Technicolor Dream Coat.

Just wait until his brother rip his coat to pieces and throw him in a well. Hey, that's how the story goes, folks.

Just wait until his brother rip his coat to pieces and throw him in a well. Hey, that’s how the story goes, folks.

53. I wish Will and Kate the beary best.

Okay, these are the Will and Kate teddy bears. Hard to believe they have two kids who look like miniature versions of themselves.

Okay, these are the Will and Kate teddy bears. Hard to believe they have two kids who look like miniature versions of themselves.

54. These Chinese bears bring you greetings to their humble surroundings.

Well, they surely know how to dress. However, I like the guy bear's hat the best.

Well, they surely know how to dress. However, I like the guy bear’s hat the best.

55. This black bear has an interesting stripe.

I know it's a certain bear but I can't put my finger on it. But I know it's not a black bear because they're usually all black.

I know it’s a certain bear but I can’t put my finger on it. But I know it’s not a black bear because they’re usually all black.

56. Even bears can have tons of fun during Ocktoberfest.

Though I'm not so much a fan of the lederhosen. Comes with a beer stein.

Though I’m not so much a fan of the lederhosen. Comes with a beer stein.

57. King Ludwig II always believes in kingly taste.

King Ludwig II of Bavaria was seen by many as a mad king obsessed with building his fairy tale castle. Though the project bankrupted the country, it's now a tourist destination.

King Ludwig II of Bavaria was seen by many as a mad king obsessed with building his fairy tale castle. Though the project bankrupted the country, it’s now a tourist destination.

58. In Australia, teddy koala bears are a thing.

Koalas are marsupials and not bears. Though that doesn't stop me from putting one on my post.

Koalas are marsupials and not bears. Though that doesn’t stop me from putting one on my post.

59. I’m sure nobody could resist this Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

This is from a teddy bear museum. Yet, I love how each one of them is dressed in the appropriate uniform.

This is from a teddy bear museum. Yet, I love how each one of them is dressed in the appropriate uniform.

60. Donald Trump Bear promises to make America great again.

Sure he might look cute now. But wait until your locale and family start supporting him and he becomes president. And he signs executive orders banning Muslim refugees.

Sure he might look cute now. But wait until your locale and family start supporting him and he becomes president. And he signs executive orders banning Muslim refugees.

61. This bear can always play the music of the night.

Of course, any teenage girl or young woman might find this Phantom of the Opera bear quite irresistible. Though he's certainly not a nice guy.

Of course, any teenage girl or young woman might find this Phantom of the Opera bear quite irresistible. Though he’s certainly not a nice guy.

62. Some bears just love to party sometimes.

Still, you don't want to clean up after this guy. Because drunk bears can really trash a place.

Still, you don’t want to clean up after this guy. Because drunk bears can really trash a place.

63. A bear of Old Fritz is one of German pride.

Frederick the Great was an 18th century King of Prussia who became an icon in Germany. However, despite being Hitler's hero, Old Fritz would've hated his Nazi fans. And the Nazis would've hated him if they knew he was a cultured and possibly gay Francophile.

Frederick the Great was an 18th century King of Prussia who became an icon in Germany. However, despite being Hitler’s hero, Old Fritz would’ve hated his Nazi fans. And the Nazis would’ve hated him if they knew he was a cultured and possibly gay Francophile.

64. For the Sun King Louis XIV, he is the state.

Louis XIV was perhaps Europe's longest reigning monarch who ruled France in a court of tremendous luxury. However, his precedents would lead to the French Revolution.

Louis XIV was perhaps Europe’s longest reigning monarch who ruled France in a court of tremendous luxury. However, his precedents would lead to the French Revolution.

65. Even a bear can become a graceful ballerina.

Contrary to popular belief, ballet dancers aren't sissies. Since what they do requires tremendous athleticism and stamina. Also, there are a lot of NFL players who take ballet classes.

Contrary to popular belief, ballet dancers aren’t sissies. Since what they do requires tremendous athleticism and stamina. Also, there are a lot of NFL players who take ballet classes.

66. Kaiser Wilhem II always sports a large pointy hat.

Sure he ruled Germany during WWI. But c'mon, this was made by a German company. Besides, the Kaiser wasn't as bad as the guy who led Germany in the next World War.

Sure he ruled Germany during WWI. But c’mon, this was made by a German company. Besides, the Kaiser wasn’t as bad as the guy who led Germany in the next World War.

67. Sir Huggins will be your knight in shining armor.

He even has his own shield with hearts. So you know he just wants your love.

He even has his own shield with hearts. So you know he just wants your love.

68. Willy Wonka bear is always as sweet as his candy.

However, he has no regard to safety and labor standards and has a sadistic streak in torturing naughty children. You've been warned.

However, he has no regard to safety and labor standards and has a sadistic streak in torturing naughty children. You’ve been warned.

69. Albert Bearstein is a noted genius.

And he only wears a vest. Like the crazy hair and mustache, too.

And he only wears a vest. Like the crazy hair and mustache, too.

70. A flapper bear is always 1920s chic.

She even has her own feather hat and halter dress. Hope she stays out of speakeasies.

She even has her own feather hat and halter dress. Hope she stays out of speakeasies.

71. The Japanese Emperor and Empress always hold a space in their subjects’ hearts.

So immortalizing them as teddy bears goes without saying. Because the Japanese always have a fondness for cuteness.

So immortalizing them as teddy bears goes without saying. Because the Japanese always have a fondness for cuteness.

72. St. Nick loves to give presents to the children around Christmas time.

Though he may not always be a nice guy when it comes to yuletide traditions in some countries. Like the outfit though.

Though he may not always be a nice guy when it comes to yuletide traditions in some countries. Like the outfit though.

73. Kiss this bear and he’ll turn into a prince.

Though his frog outfit can make him look just as cute. Still, it's all in the costume.

Though his frog outfit can make him look just as cute. Still, it’s all in the costume.

74. Hockey bear knows how to score a goal on the ice.

Well, he doesn't seem to have the proper safety equipment on. What if he gets injured or in a fight?

Well, he doesn’t seem to have the proper safety equipment on. What if he gets injured or in a fight?

75. This bear has nothing on him.

Though he wouldn't need a fig leaf to cover his privates. I mean he has fur.

Though he wouldn’t need a fig leaf to cover his privates. I mean he has fur.

76. This Vermont teddy bear is cozy in his green maple sweater.

Comes with a bottle of maple syrup. Love the maple leaf buttons.

Comes with a bottle of maple syrup. Love the maple leaf buttons.

77. This bear always tries to be at the height of fashion.

Here she is in her blue dress and shiny shoes. And yes, she has long brown hair, too.

Here she is in her blue dress and shiny shoes. And yes, she has long brown hair, too.

78. This retro bear lives the 1950s.

Unsurprisingly, she wears a poodle skirt. Though you don't see these a lot in 1950s fashion.

Unsurprisingly, she wears a poodle skirt. Though you don’t see these a lot in 1950s fashion.

79. This little peanut is totally nuts for you.

I'm not sure if he's advertising for Planters. But he's nevertheless adorable.

I’m not sure if he’s advertising for Planters. But he’s nevertheless adorable.

80. Help this bear make a wish before he blows out the candles.

It even has a crown along with the cake. Certainly for some kid's birthday.

It even has a crown along with the cake. Certainly for some kid’s birthday.