May the Force Be with You Dressed in These Magnificent Star Wars Costumes


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far, a movie called Star Wars debuted on the big screen and has changed how science fiction movies have been made ever since. Inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress (which creator George Lucas has acknowledged, by the way), this franchise is now a beloved institution for nerds everywhere featuring intergalactic battles, Jedi knights, droids, aliens, an evil empire, the Force, as well as the classic struggle between good and evil. Now 2 good sequels, 3 mediocre prequels, nearly 40 years, and millions of dollars in merchandise later, the Star Wars franchise has been enjoyed by generations of fans of all ages. You might see this by the sheer numbers of Star Wars stuff you see on the internet. And in December 18th, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be released in theaters, that will reunite at least 3 members from the original cast. You might be asking as to why the hell I’m doing posts on Star Wars in early November when the new movie won’t be out for another month. Well, I can explain. For one, the new Star Wars movie will be out at a time when I’ll be busy with my Christmas posts. Doing posts on Star Wars now will get it out of the way. Second, I’ve already said I’d do Star Wars posts after I was done with the Hunger Games so I might as well stick to it. Third, Star Wars has millions of fans all over the world so doing posts on the franchise to cash in is a good way to get more views between Halloween and Thanksgiving. And finally, doing Star Wars posts early gives people plenty of time to see them. So there.


Unsurprisingly, Star Wars does have a lot of fans who like to dress up for occasions like movie premieres, conventions, cosplay, and Halloween. And yes, the movies do have tons of costumes as well, particularly when you’re talking about Padme Amidala’s wardrobe in the prequel series, which would make her the undisputed fashion queen of the franchise. This is why I open with pictures of her. At any convention you’re bound to see people dress as Star Wars characters like Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Boba Fett, Yoda, Lando Calrissian, Obi Wan Kenobi, and others. But you’d also see people dress up as minor alien characters, minor droids, clones, Imperial Stormtroopers, Jawa, Rebel pilots, fighter craft, the Death Star, and more. Some may even have costume combinations like Princess Vader or Steampunk. And yes, you see people of all ages and sometimes entire families in Star Wars apparel. Some of these costumes may be bought. Others were created by the fans themselves. So for your reading pleasure, here is a treasure trove of the many Star Wars fan costumes that you might see on December 18th. May the Force be with you. Always.

  1. Sometimes even Imperial Stormtroopers need a day off now and then.
Nothing like seeing a couple of Stormtroopers walking their dogs on a quiet afternoon. Of course, I didn't know they wore any accessories on their uniforms.

Nothing like seeing a couple of Stormtroopers walking their dogs on a quiet afternoon. Of course, I didn’t know they wore any accessories on their uniforms.

2. Luke Skywalker is just as good with a lightsaber as he is with a blaster.

Of course, both take two hands to operate. One of which Darth Vader cuts off before he tells Luke that he's his father.

Of course, both take two hands to operate. One of which Darth Vader cuts off before he tells Luke that he’s his father.

3. As Star Wars taught all of us, a girl’s best friend is her R2 unit.

Because if Princess Leia didn't have R2 D2 to send a message to Obi Wan Kenobi, she'd be dead. Still, this picture is so precious.

Because if Princess Leia didn’t have R2-D2 to send a message to Obi Wan Kenobi, she’d be dead. Still, this picture is so precious.

4. Of course, you can’t have a Star Wars convention without Boba Fett, even if his armor is a little rusty.

Now this was a DIY costume but looks almost like the real thing. Well, minus the jetpack at least.

Now this was a DIY costume but looks almost like the real thing. Well, minus the jetpack at least.

5. Some droids costumes are easier to make than others.

Now this droid costume was made from stuff you'd find at a hardware store. Not sure what kind of droid it's supposed to be.

Now this droid costume was made from stuff you’d find at a hardware store. Not sure what kind of droid it’s supposed to be.

6. If you dress in the iconic Princess Leia outfit, make sure your hair looks like cnnabuns.

Yeah, the Princess Leia hairstyle might be the hardest part of that costume. Then again, it might be a wig.

Yeah, the Princess Leia hairstyle might be the hardest part of that costume. Then again, it might be a wig.

7. Look like a sunrise in this Padme costume from Episode II.

Yes, I know the love scenes in that movie were essential. But still, could've they just Anikan with an actor Natalie Portman could actually have chemistry with?

Yes, I know the love scenes in that movie were essential. But still, could’ve they just Anakin Skywalker with an actor Natalie Portman could actually have chemistry with?

8. Anyone can get into the Star Wars cosplay action, even the pets.

Let's see the humans are Chewbacca and Princess Leia. The dogs are Darth Vader, an Ewok, R2-D2, and possibly Obi Wan Kenobi.

Let’s see the humans are Chewbacca and Princess Leia. The dogs are Darth Vader, an Ewok, R2-D2, and possibly Obi Wan Kenobi.

9. When it comes to small children, you can always dress them as Ewoks.

Yes, I know Ewoks aren't well liked by some of the fans. But come on, this costume seemed quite easy to make. Not sure if I'd want the kid holding a spear though.

Yes, I know Ewoks aren’t well liked by some of the fans. But come on, this costume seemed quite easy to make. Not sure if I’d want the kid holding a spear though.

10. Because every girl should be able to be Princess Darth Vader.

Now this is a pretty princess you don't want to mess with. Because she'll either force choke you, blow up your planet, or cut off your hand with her pink lightsaber.

Now this is a pretty princess you don’t want to mess with. Because she’ll either force choke you, blow up your planet, or cut off your hand with her pink lightsaber.

11. Snow White Fett will always be the fairest bounty hunter in the land.

Of course, you have to like how she's wearing a red bow and has one on her helmet. Yes, you get costumes like this.

Of course, you have to like how she’s wearing a red bow and has one on her helmet. And she has 7 little men to help her.

12. Even Muppets like to dress up as Stormtroopers now and then.

Looks like Kermit and Gonzo are enjoying some time at Comic Con. Wonder if Miss Piggy is wearing a Slave Leia costume.

Looks like Kermit and Gonzo are enjoying some time at Comic Con. Wonder if Miss Piggy is wearing a Slave Leia costume.

13. As Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala was the fashionista of the galaxy.

Still, I'm not sure if this outfit is complete without some epic shoulder pads. But yeah, she dressed this way a lot in Episode I.

Still, I’m not sure if this outfit is complete without some epic shoulder pads. But yeah, she dressed this way a lot in Episode I.

14. All this Stormtrooper wanted to be was a prima ballerina in Swan Lake. But parents had other ideas.

Now this is just hysterical. Still, I think the armor might put a dent in the drama though.

Now this is just hysterical. Still, I think the armor might put a dent in the drama though.

15. Of course, we all know that Darth Vader had to start out as Anakin Skywalker.

Now I think this guy is more rugged than Hayden Christensen. Then again, that's not saying much.

Now I think this guy is more rugged than Hayden Christensen. Then again, that’s not saying much.

16. “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”

Now that's just so cute, isn't it? Love how the R2-D2 costume, which is DIY.

Now that’s just so cute, isn’t it? Love how the R2-D2 costume, which is DIY.

17. Looks like this C-3PO is going to a disco.

Yeah, a C-3PO polyester costume isn't very flattering. This is especialyl true with a blond afro and big gold sunglasses.

Yeah, a C-3PO polyester costume isn’t very flattering. This is especialyl true with a blond afro and big gold sunglasses.

18. Seems like this Anakin Skywalker has gone to the Dark Side.

Yeah, once a Jedi has yellow eyes, there's no turning back. Well, except maybe years later when you're on life support and Sidious is electrocuting your son.

Yeah, once a Jedi has yellow eyes, there’s no turning back. Well, except maybe years later when you’re on life support and Sidious is electrocuting your son.

19. Sometimes the best costumes in Star Wars conventions tend to be the most original.

Now this woman isn't a particular character from the franchise. She's the introduction as you look on her dress and purse.

Now this woman isn’t a particular character from the franchise. She’s the introduction as you look on her dress and purse.

20. What kind of Star Wars Convention would it be without Admiral Akbar?

Best known for,

Best known for, “It’s a trap!” Still, not sure why he’s a rather popular character in the franchise.

21. It’s said that Darth Vader fiddled while Alderaan blew up.

Not sure if a street musician in a Darth Vader mask is bound to earn any money. That is, unless he threatens to force choke you if you don't give him any spare change or adulation.

Not sure if a street musician in a Darth Vader mask is bound to earn any money. That is, unless he threatens to force choke you if you don’t give him any spare change or adulation.

22. Who says that Darth Vader can’t be sexy in a corset, garters, and miniskirt?

Let's just say reenacting some scenes from The Empire Strikes Back in this with your boyfriend is bound to be awkward. This is especially if he's playing Luke Skywalker.

Let’s just say reenacting some scenes from The Empire Strikes Back in this with your boyfriend is bound to be awkward. This is especially if he’s playing Luke Skywalker.

23. Of course, you can also dress up in Imperial Battle equipment to stand out.

Still, this little boy better watch out for Ewoks. I've seen how they destroyed such equipment with their technology and it's not pretty.

Still, this little boy better watch out for Ewoks. I’ve seen how they destroyed such equipment with their technology and it’s not pretty.

24. Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia do make great sibling costumes for Halloween.

Thankfully, these two kids have been around each other long enough to know that they're brother and sister. With Luke and Leia, this wasn't the case.

Thankfully, these two kids have been around each other long enough to know that they’re brother and sister. With Luke and Leia, this wasn’t the case.

25. When it comes to battle, clone troops know how to use the big guns.

Now that's a really convincing costume. I mean even the outfit looks like it's got some use.

Now that’s a really convincing costume. I mean even the outfit looks like it’s got some use.

26. Guess Queen Amidala doesn’t really want her picture taken.

Now that is a convincing costume. Wonder if it's bought or DIY. Probably bought.

Now that is a convincing costume. Wonder if it’s bought or DIY. Probably bought.

27. Seems like this Death Star is ready to blow up a planet.

Now this is a clever costume. Love how she used part of the Death Star as a skirt.

Now this is a clever costume. Love how she used part of the Death Star as a skirt. But yeah, it looks ready to blow up Alderaan.

28. Now I don’t know which character this is but looks pretty familiar to me.

Oh, wait, that's Princess Leia from Return of the Jedi. She's in disguise to defrost and rescue Han Solo.

Oh, wait, that’s Princess Leia from Return of the Jedi. She’s in disguise to defrost and rescue Han Solo.

29. If you don’t have a small child to dress as an Ewok, you can always use a plushie.

Now we all know that's supposed to be Princess Leia in the closest thing she'll have for camo. Still, it's a pretty creative Endor costume.

Now we all know that’s supposed to be Princess Leia in the closest thing she’ll have for camo. Still, it’s a pretty creative Endor costume.

30. It’s said that aluminum foil has some resemblance to carbonite.

From the looks of it, it seems like there's a sibling rivalry going on here. Still, this is a great costume combination though I feel bad for Han Solo.

From the looks of it, it seems like there’s a sibling rivalry going on here. Still, this is a great costume combination though I feel bad for Han Solo.

31. Of course, people tend to forget the samurai Stormtrooper from feudal Japan.

Still, I wouldn't worry about him when he goes on a rampage with his sword. Because we all know that Imperial Stormtroopers never hit anything.

Still, I wouldn’t worry about him when he goes on a rampage with his sword. Because we all know that Imperial Stormtroopers never hit anything.

32. You can’t have a Star Wars convention without a homemade Chewbacca costume.

Now this really looks like Chewie. Almost as if this costume was made for the movies.

Now this really looks like Chewie. Almost as if this costume was made for the movies.

33. Now I can’t do a post on Star Wars costumes without including Slave Leia at some point.

This is guaranteed to attract some adolescent boys and young men. Still, she did manage to strangle Jabba the Hutt to death in it.

This is guaranteed to attract some adolescent boys and young men. Still, she did manage to strangle Jabba the Hutt to death in it.

34. If you’re an X-Wing pilot, you can always take your spacecraft with you.

Now this is a clever homemade costume. Love how the X-Wing was made from cardboard boxes.

Now this is a clever homemade costume. Love how the X-Wing was made from cardboard boxes.

35. You don’t become a dark lord of the galaxy unless you wear a menacing mask and a long black tutu.

Now this is just clever. She even made the Darth Vader mask, too.

Now this is just clever. She even made the Darth Vader mask, too.

36. Looks like somebody isn’t happy with his daughter dating.

Just you wait, Han. Once he's Darth Vader and in Cloud City, he's going to freeze you in carbonite for Boba Fett to take to Jabba the Hutt.

Just you wait, Han. Once he’s Darth Vader and in Cloud City, he’s going to freeze you in carbonite for Boba Fett to take to Jabba the Hutt.

37. Of course, Yoda isn’t the only alien Jedi out there.

Seem to remember these two Jedi from Episode II. And I think they both died in Episode III.

Seem to remember these two Jedi from Episode II. And I think they both died in Episode III.

38. Finally, a Star Wars alien even James T. Kirk could love.

I think this might be a Twilek, whatever that is. Still, Captain Kirk would find her irresistible since he goes for green girls.

I think this might be a Twilek, whatever that is. Still, Captain Kirk would find her irresistible since he goes for green girls.

39. Of course, when your family consists of Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewie, you just have to get a Millennium Falcon stroller.

Now the Millennium Falcon stroller is so clever. Still, love how Chewie has a pink ribbon and purse. So cute.

Now the Millennium Falcon stroller is so clever. Still, love how Chewie has a pink ribbon and purse. So cute.

40. If you’re a mom, then a Princess Leia and Ewok costume might do nicely for you and your little one.

Now I'm sure an Ewok costume is quite easy to make. Just get a little teddy bear costume and hood. So adorable.

Now I’m sure an Ewok costume is quite easy to make. Just get a little teddy bear costume and hood. So adorable.

41. And you thought only men were Jedi. Well, you’d be wrong.

Still, unless we're talking about Clone Wars, female Jedi don't usually have speaking roles. They just function as extras in the prequels.

Still, unless we’re talking about Clone Wars, female Jedi don’t usually have speaking roles. They just function as extras in the prequels.

42. If you love Star Wars and the 1950s, then you’ll love this Wampa skirt.

Now this is just so funny. Who knew that you can mash up a maimed monster on Hoth with a poodle skirt?

Now this is just so funny. Who knew that you can mash up a maimed monster on Hoth with a poodle skirt?

43. Wonder what you’d do if you see Jawa at your door.

Ah, the Jawa, the guys who sold C-3PO and R2-D2 to Luke and his step uncle. Nice fellows. Sad they were killed by Stormtroopers.

Ah, the Jawa, the guys who sold C-3PO and R2-D2 to Luke and his step uncle. Nice fellows. Sad they were killed by Stormtroopers.

44. Remember, you’re never too young to be an X-Wing pilot.

Now this is so adorable. Wonder if he has a little X-Wing stroller.

Now this is so adorable. Wonder if he has a little X-Wing stroller.

45. While Slave Ariel might be as dumb as dirt, she knows her way around a fork.

Still, at least she uses her fork for higher things like strangling Jabba the Hutt. Then again, Ariel was never one of my favorite Disney princesses. Such an immature brat.

Still, at least she uses her fork for higher things like strangling Jabba the Hutt. Then again, Ariel was never one of my favorite Disney princesses. Such an immature brat.

46. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to do Han Solo in carbonite.

Wonder if that's plaster or something else. Still, this is a pretty clever, indeed.

Wonder if that’s plaster or something else. Still, this is a pretty clever, indeed.

47. Star Wars: a science fiction saga for the whole family since 1977.

Now this is just so adorable. Let's see we have Anakin, Padme, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and Yoda.

Now this is just so adorable. Let’s see we have Anakin, Padme, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and Yoda.

48. If you want a pretty Star Wars costume, you can always go with Padme’s from the lake in Naboo.

Reminds me of one of the costumes you'd see at a Renaissance Festival. That or something a Disney princess would wear.

Reminds me of one of the costumes you’d see at a Renaissance Festival. That or something a Disney princess would wear.

49. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a Wookie Bounty Hunter.

Well, a wookie with some elaborate weaponry and tools. Guess Chewie would envy him since he can't afford all that.

Well, a wookie with some elaborate weaponry and tools. Guess Chewie would envy him since he can’t afford all that.

50. If you have daughters, you can always dress them up as droids.

In some ways, C-3PO and R2-D2 are the real heroes in Star Wars. This is especially the case with R2-D2 who keeps saving everyone's ass all the time.

In some ways, C-3PO and R2-D2 are the real heroes in Star Wars. This is especially the case with R2-D2 who keeps saving everyone’s ass all the time.

51. Didn’t know that cardboard can make great coverings for C-3PO.

Now this is quite creative. Still, I have to wonder how C-3PO got coverings after Anakin had been away from Tatooine for years to become a Jedi.

Now this is quite creative. Still, I have to wonder how C-3PO got coverings after Anakin had been away from Tatooine for years to become a Jedi.

52. Who knew that Ewoks walked on all fours.

Now this is an easy Star Wars costume for dogs. In this case, the dog actually almost looks like an Ewok.

Now this is an easy Star Wars costume for dogs. In this case, the dog actually almost looks like an Ewok.

53. Even among girls, Star Wars fandom tends to start at a young age.

Now I the guy here is Hayden Christensen who played Anakin Skywalker in the prequels. I think he's a shitty actor. Still, this picture is adorable.

Now I the guy here is Hayden Christensen who played Anakin Skywalker in the prequels. I think he’s a shitty actor. Still, this picture is adorable.

54. Now this Imperial Stormtrooper loves to do it the American way.

Yes, this is a Captain America Stormtrooper. Yes, it looks cool. But I don't know what side he's on.

Yes, this is a Captain America Stormtrooper. Yes, it looks cool. But I don’t know what side he’s on.

55. Of course, it doesn’t hurt for a Stormtrooper to dress in pink.

Isn't that a little short for a Stormtrooper? Still, even with the blaster, it's still pretty adorable.

Isn’t that a little short for a Stormtrooper? Still, even with the blaster, it’s still pretty adorable.

56. When it comes to introducing your kids to Star Wars, it’s doesn’t hurt to start early.

Funny, how Yoda is over 900 years old and is one of the oldest characters in the franchise. Yet, due to his size, he's more of a little kid costume.

Funny, how Yoda is over 900 years old and is one of the oldest characters in the franchise. Yet, due to his size, he’s more of a little kid costume.

57. Seems like Princess Leia cat sees something off with that Stormtrooper.

Well, even fans tend to dress their pets once in awhile. Still, I like the cat's Princess Leia wig for some reason.

Well, even fans tend to dress their pets once in awhile. Still, I like the cat’s Princess Leia wig for some reason.

58. Didn’t know that wookies came in all kinds of colors.

Now these are in pink, purple, and light blue. And they all have matching blasters. No, it's not a drug trip.

Now these are in pink, purple, and light blue. And they all have matching blasters. No, it’s not a drug trip.

59. Sometimes it takes two to make a costume.

Now this is an AT-AT. It was seen in the Empire Strikes Back. X-Fighters were supposed to tie their legs together and make them explode.

Now this is an AT-AT. It was seen in the Empire Strikes Back. X-Fighters were supposed to tie their legs together and make them explode.

60. There are some little girls who want to be Jedi, just like their mothers.

Now this is adorable. Still, I don't think female Jedi can have children if I'm not mistaken. Aren't they supposed to be celibate?

Now this is adorable. Still, I don’t think female Jedi can have children if I’m not mistaken. Aren’t they supposed to be celibate?

61. Nothing is cuter than a baby wookie.

Still, when they grow up, they tend to leave a lot of hair everywhere. Han Solo would know all too well.

Still, when they grow up, they tend to leave a lot of hair everywhere. Han Solo would know all too well.

62. Now this is what I call a Jedi family.

Still, that is no way to hold a lightsaber. But I wonder if the mom is supposed to be Padme or Leia in another outfit.

Still, that is no way to hold a lightsaber. But I wonder if the mom is supposed to be Padme or Leia in another outfit.

63. Queen Elsa isn’t the only one who can brave the cold.

Yes, this is the Leia on Hoth costume from The Empire Strikes Back. I think she kissed her brother in this.

Yes, this is the Leia on Hoth costume from The Empire Strikes Back. I think she kissed her brother in this and had some sexual tension with Han.

64. When you don’t have the makeup for Han Solo in carbonite, make the costume your color.

Now that's one way to work around it. Seems happy that he doesn't have to wash his face afterwards.

Now that’s one way to work around it. Seems happy that he doesn’t have to wash his face afterwards.

65. Of course, you have to shimmer like Padme in this purple dress.

I wonder if any of Padme's wardrobe designers are regular Renaissance Festival attendees. It would explain a lot.

I wonder if any of Padme’s wardrobe designers are regular Renaissance Festival attendees. It would explain a lot.

66. Sorry, but you can’t resist the power of the Dark Side.

Yes, I'm sure Sith lords have to hang out, too, you know. But, Emperor Sidious, stay off of Vader's kids.

Yes, I’m sure Sith lords have to hang out, too, you know. But, Emperor Sidious, stay off of Vader’s kids.

67. Seems that Princess Leia wasn’t the only one in her family with cinnabun hair.

Now this is another Padme costume from Episode II. And yes, it also looks like it's from a Renaissance Festival.

Now this is another Padme costume from Episode II. And yes, it also looks like it’s from a Renaissance Festival.

68. Of course, now that Star Wars has been bought by Disney, Disney Princess Jedi rule!

Now we have Mulan, Belle, Pocahontas, Jasmine, and Ariel. And all are wielding lightsabers but have no princes.

Now we have Mulan, Belle, Pocahontas, Jasmine, and Ariel. And all are wielding lightsabers but have no princes.

69. Now this Luke Skywalker can really use the Force.

Almost does look like an older Mark Hamil. However, I'm sure it's not him, since he has a toy lightsaber in his hand.

Almost does look like an older Mark Hamil. However, I’m sure it’s not him, since he has a toy lightsaber in his hand.

70. Seems like Padme enjoys the breeze of Tatooine.

Now I think this is in Tunisia. Not sure if it's safe to go there anymore. Not that I'd want to.

Now I think this is in Tunisia. Not sure if it’s safe to go there anymore. Not that I’d want to.

71. In the months ahead, it wouldn’t hurt to go as a Wampa.

Now this is how you design a costume for a winter monster on Hoth. Still, stay away from lightsabers.

Now this is how you design a costume for a winter monster on Hoth. Still, stay away from lightsabers.

72. Of course, you don’t have to be a girl to dress up as Princess Leia. Nor do you have to be a guy to dress up as Han Solo.

Don't know what to think of seeing Slave Leia in a beard. Still, doesn't look as bad as I thought.

Don’t know what to think of seeing Slave Leia in a beard. Still, doesn’t look as bad as I thought.

73. Now this Obi Wan Kenobi doesn’t seem too happy.

“Excuse me, but can you direct me toward the men’s room? Anyone?”

74. Nevertheless, you can’t  forget the touching relationship between Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Now that costume set up is adorable. I mean who can't love this picture with this little boy as Han and his dog as Chewie.

Now that costume set up is adorable. I mean who can’t love this picture with this little boy as Han and his dog as Chewie.

75. You might want to stop or these guys will shoot.

Just tell them that you don't have the droids they're looking for. Still, there's a chance they might look in your trunk, if they're smart.

Just tell them that you don’t have the droids they’re looking for. Still, there’s a chance they might look in your trunk, if they’re smart.

76. Seems like this is a job for Princess Leia Wonder Woman.

Now this is a Wonder Woman Slave Leia costume. She even has the cinnabun hair.

Now this is a Wonder Woman Slave Leia costume. She even has the cinnabun hair.

77. Looks like this Darth Vader has to take his AT-AT for a walk.

Now this is clever cosplay if you think about it. Still, the AT-ATs were huge in the movies.

Now this is clever cosplay if you think about it. Still, the AT-ATs were huge in the movies.

78. So I guess these are the Stormtroopers Luke and Han stole their clothes from.

Still, I think Luke and Han took their helmets, too, if I'm not mistaken. Then again, without the helmets it wouldn't be funny.

Still, I think Luke and Han took their helmets, too, if I’m not mistaken. Then again, without the helmets it wouldn’t be funny.

79. Don’t worry, Steampunk Leia is here to fix it and save the day.

Now you might see a lot of Star Wars steampunk mashups. Still, I think this is one of the best.

Now you might see a lot of Star Wars steampunk mashups. Still, I think this is one of the best.

80. Of course, it can be difficult to make a cute costume of the disgusting Jabba the Hutt.

Now this Jabba is so adorable that you'd wouldn't want Leia to strangle him. This kid must have very creative parents.

Now this Jabba is so adorable that you’d wouldn’t want Leia to strangle him. This kid must have very creative parents.

81. If you want a date, ladies, then C-3PO is the droid you’re looking for.

Now this is pretty clever if you think about it. It helps that he speaks millions of languages, possibly including Klingon.

Now this is pretty clever if you think about it. It helps that he speaks millions of languages, possibly including Klingon.

82. Nothing makes a woman feel more beautiful than her Jedi robes.

Sometimes I wish I could wear those. They look so comfy. Guess that's why Obi Wan Kenobi wore his for years.

Sometimes I wish I could wear those. They look so comfy. Guess that’s why Obi Wan Kenobi wore his for years.

83. Of course, it’s said that an R2 unit makes a great baby stroller.

Now this is so adorable. Still, you have to wonder if the parents had too much time on their hands.

Now this is so adorable. Still, you have to wonder if the parents had too much time on their hands.

84. Seems like Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi are together again at Comic Con.

Now this is pretty funny and I know the guy on the left is Obi Wan Kenobi. But those outfits look so comfy.

Now this is pretty funny and I know the guy on the left is Obi Wan Kenobi. But those outfits look so comfy.

85. This little Boba Fett has something for Jabba the Hutt.

Yes, I know parenting does take sacrifice. And sometimes this means being Han Solo in carbonite while your kid is Boba Fett.

Yes, I know parenting does take sacrifice. And sometimes this means being Han Solo in carbonite while your kid is Boba Fett.

86. “Step away from your X-Wing with your hands up, Rebel scum!”

Yes, this is a cosplay depicting an X-Wing pilot being captured by the Empire's fighter pilots. Yes, it looks kind of scary but they're fans having a good time.

Yes, this is a cosplay depicting an X-Wing pilot being captured by the Empire’s fighter pilots. Yes, it looks kind of scary but they’re fans having a good time.

87. Of course, it’s hard to tell who’s the master in this one.

I know that's supposed to look like Yoda training Luke Skywalker. But come on, this Yoda is a baby for God's sake.

I know that’s supposed to look like Yoda training Luke Skywalker. But come on, this Yoda is a baby for God’s sake.

88. If you’re a woman with a dog, why not dress up as Princess Leia and an Ewok?

Guess you can bring your pets to Star Wars conventions. Still, this is very clever if you think about it.

Guess you can bring your pets to Star Wars conventions. Still, this is very clever if you think about it.

89. Seems like Daddy’s little princess is taking a bad road to the Dark Side.

Then again, this Darth Vader is probably a great dad who's totally fine with his daughter dressing like that. Not like Darth Vader in the movies who blew up his little girl's planet.

Then again, this Darth Vader is probably a great dad who’s totally fine with his daughter dressing like that. Not like Darth Vader in the movies who blew up his little girl’s planet.

90. Now Padme Amidala sure looks lovely in white and ruffles, doesn’t she?

Now this is a lovely costume. Almost looks like the real thing. Then again, that's the magic of cosplay.

Now this is a lovely costume. Almost looks like the real thing. Then again, that’s the magic of cosplay.

91. Of course, I couldn’t do a post on Star Wars costumes without including General Grievous.

Now this guy is mostly in the cape because Grievous is a very skinny guy. But he does know his way around a few lightsabers.

Now this guy is mostly in the cape because Grievous is a very skinny guy. But he does know his way around a few lightsabers.

92. You can either go as an Imperial fighter pilot or as an Imperial fighter.

Yes, it looks a little flat. But it's cardboard. Still, you have to admire his effort.

Yes, it looks a little flat. But it’s cardboard. Still, you have to admire his effort.

93. Remember, the family that does Star Wars together, stays together.

Let's see, the parents are a Stormtrooper and Princess Leia. The kids are Darth Vader, Yoda, and R2-D2. Still, the tutu is so cute.

Let’s see, the parents are a Stormtrooper and Princess Leia. The kids are Darth Vader, Yoda, and R2-D2. Still, the tutu is so cute.

94. There is no bigger top dog in the galaxy than Pug Vader.

Yes, he might not look like much. But if you ever dare attack or fail him, he will force choke you with a vengeance.

Yes, he might not look like much. But if you ever dare attack or fail him, he will force choke you with a vengeance.

95. When it comes to Star Wars conventions, it’s best that you be careful around Darth Maul.

I mean this guy was one of the few to ever kill Liam Neeson. Think about it.

I mean this guy was one of the few to ever kill Liam Neeson. Think about it.

96. You never know who you’d meet as an X-Wing pilot in the Rebel Alliance.

And these two are holding each other's helmets. Still, in the original trilogy, why is it that almost all of them are men?

And these two are holding each other’s helmets. Still, in the original trilogy, why is it that almost all of them are men?

97. There is nothing romantic in the galaxy than a wedding between those giving their lives for the Empire.

Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts. Because I know that what they're suited is for the good guys to shoot at.

Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts. Because I know that what they’re suited is for the good guys to shoot at.

98. Of course, there’s nothing in a Star Wars convention than seeing a woman in her fashionable Jedi robes.

You see, ladies, there our great outfits that don't cause bodily discomfort. And they're just as practical as they are comfortable.

You see, ladies, there our great outfits that don’t cause bodily discomfort. And they’re just as practical as they are comfortable.

99. Some may feel blue, while some Star Wars aliens are blue.

I don't think you see these Twilek aliens in the movies. But I have seen plenty in fan costumes on Pinterest. Wonder why.

I don’t think you see these Twilek aliens in the movies. But I have seen plenty in fan costumes on Pinterest. Wonder why.

100. Some Stormtroopers just want to stand out among the others.

Yes, he might be committing a lot of uniform infractions. But unlike his peers, he doesn't care what Lord Vader does to him.

Yes, he might be committing a lot of uniform infractions. But unlike his peers, he doesn’t care what Lord Vader does to him.

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