A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Musical – “Lulu Lies Bleeding”


Though they escaped with their lives, the Baudelaires are nonetheless distressed by Olivia’s grisly end since she seemed to be among the few adults who seemed to sympathize with them. Not to mention, one of the only adults who didn’t see the kids as killers. Anyway, the children go return to Madame Lulu’s tent to get what they need for their escape. Violet is worried about the fan belt though we all know it’s in the pit of lions since Olivia had it when she fell. But she’s really just trying to focus on anything but what’s just happened and worrying their course of action might not be the right one. However, Klaus and Sunny try to reassure her that her invention might not’ve worked and that Olivia’s death wasn’t their fault. After all, the crowd was bloodthirsty to begin with and the lions pit was Count Olaf’s idea. But none of it makes their sister any happier. Still, Klaus is determined not to give up since he’s a researcher and knows there’s a way to get to the bottom of things. Besides, Olivia was planning to leave since she had stuff packed, including the food.


Once again, I turn to Elton John with “Love Lies Bleeding” which opens with an instrumental sequence called “Funeral for a Friend.” The original version is about the dissolution of a relationship due to cheating. In this version, I have Violet trying to coming to terms with Oliva’s death and Klaus trying to reassure her.


“Lulu Lies Bleeding”

Sung by Violet and Klaus Baudelaire

We went inside the fortune tent
While the crowd looks by
Lions eating Madame Lulu
And that bad bald guy

But I don’t see the fan belt around in this tent
Not sure where it went to
But if I don’t find it now
We may not even get out

Lulu lies bleeding in the pit
Oh, she’s being eaten by lions along with the bald man
It’s not our fault that Olivia had fallen in
The crowd was blood thirsty and Count Olaf had started it
Lulu lies bleeding in the pit

I wonder if our actions
Are in the right to do
Seeing two people are devoured
It all has led us to

Though she had her bags all packed
Inside her fortune tent
Let’s take some of her archives at this moment, Vi
And we’ll make it there by then

Lulu lies bleeding in the pit
Oh, she’s being eaten by lions along with the bald man
It’s not our fault that Olivia had fallen in
The crowd was blood thirsty and Count Olaf had started it
Lulu lies bleeding in the pit

Lulu lies bleeding in the pit
Oh, she’s being eaten by lions along with the bald man
It’s not our fault that Olivia had fallen in
The crowd was blood thirsty and Count Olaf had started it
Lulu lies bleeding in the pit

Ooh ooh
Oh oh oh oh ooh
Lulu lies bleeding in the pit
Ooh ooh

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