The Early Lives of Celebrities in Pictures

Me and my sister at some park swing set in 1994. Now I'm not a celebrity by any stretch of the imagination. But I just thought this photo was appropriate. That's all.

Me with my mom and my sister, Molly at some park swing set in 1994. Now I’m not a celebrity by any stretch of the imagination. But I just thought this photo was appropriate to open this post. That’s all.

As human beings, while there are hundreds of ways to die, we all pretty much start our lives the same way. Obviously, all of us start our lives as babies and progress through childhood. And let’s just say, celebrities are no different. Yes, they’re famous and live more affluent lives than we do. Yes, they tend to be targets of the paparazzi and tabloids. Yes, they even get stories about them in the newspaper. But like you and me, we tend to forget that the rich and famous did start out as children. Still, when you look at some of their pictures, it’s pretty interesting. This is particularly the case in some of these old baby pictures when you even see boys wearing dresses. Now in this post, I present to you an assortment of photos of well-known celebrities. Some of them you will know while others you may not. Some of them are currently dead while others may be very much alive and might not want me to show them for fear of embarrassment.Now by “celebrity” I tend to include anyone who’s famous, not just people you see in Hollywood or in the entertainment industry. So without further adieu, here are some childhood pictures of celebrities in their early lives.

  1. Cat Stevens
Now Cat Stevens looks quite spiffy as an English schoolboy than the kind of folk rock singer-songwriter he'd become in the 1970s. He'd also be known for converting to Islam later on and changing his name to Yusuf Islam. Then again, he was the son of a Greek Cypriot and a Swede.

Now Cat Stevens looks quite spiffy as an English schoolboy than the kind of folk rock singer-songwriter he’d become in the 1970s. He’d also be known for converting to Islam later on and changing his name to Yusuf Islam. Then again, he was the son of a Greek Cypriot and a Swede.

2. Charles Boyer

Awwww. He's such an adorable little French baby. Of course, it's hard to imagine this little guy growing up to be Ingrid Bergman's psychological abusing husband in Gaslight. He was also an inspiration for Pepe le Pew, by the way.

Awwww. He’s such an adorable little French baby. Of course, it’s hard to imagine this little guy growing up to be Ingrid Bergman’s psychological abusing husband in Gaslight. He was also an inspiration for Pepe le Pew, by the way.

3. Salma Hayek

Of course, even as a baby she knew she was destined to be a star. Also, I love the bow in her hair.

Of course, even as a baby she knew she was beautiful enough for the camera. Also, I love the bow in her hair. So cute.

4. Stephen King

Just a little kid in the park. You know the kind of little boy who'd grow up to have a really demented imagination. Still, even as a little tyke he has that signature smile.

Just a little kid in the park. You know the kind of little boy who’d grow up to have a really demented imagination. Still, even as a little tyke he has that signature smile.

5. Rudyard Kipling

Judging how they dressed boys in those days, I guess he's probably old enough to attend grade school. Yet, he's so distinguished in his little suit. Of course, he'd later wear glasses, grow a mustache, and go bald. Still, he's best known for his literary output on India during the Raj.

Judging how they dressed boys in those days, I guess he’s probably old enough to attend grade school. Yet, he’s so distinguished in his little suit. Of course, he’d later wear glasses, grow a mustache, and go bald. Still, he’s best known for his literary output on India during the Raj.

6. Bob Dylan

This is him while he was 3 years old and known as Robert Zimmerman. However, not sure if his dipes, they need a-changin' or not.

This is the famed singer-songwriter while he was 3 years old and known as Robert Zimmerman from Minnesota. However, not sure if his dipes, they need a-changin’ or not. Also, not sure how he sounded like but let’s just say he’s not praised for his vocals. Besides, I don’t think he wants to go to Maggie’s Farm no more.

7. Henry Ford

Can't believe this little boy in the ruffle and funny hat would grow up to become one of the most influential innovators in history. I mean he came up with the auto assembly line with the Model T and established the Ford Motor Company. Also was a noted anti-Semite though.

Can’t believe this little boy in the ruffle and funny hat would grow up to become one of the most influential innovators in history. I mean he came up with the auto assembly line with the Model T and established the Ford Motor Company. Also was a noted anti-Semite though.

8. Angelina Jolie

Well, she might be blond but she does have the lips. Still, this little girl is bound to grow up to be one of the prettiest stars in Hollywood today. She'd also adopt a bunch of kids and have a few with Brad Pitt.

Well, she might be blond but she does have the lips. Still, this little girl is bound to grow up to be one of the prettiest stars in Hollywood today. She’d also adopt a bunch of kids and have a few with Brad Pitt.

9. Adele

Now this little lady will soon grow up to be a Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter best known for her sultry voice. Would also do the theme song for Skyfall. Still, this photo is suffering from serious red eye here.

Now this little lady will soon grow up to be a Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter best known for her sultry voice. Would also do the theme song for Skyfall. Still, this photo is suffering from serious red eye here.

10. Christopher Walken

Sure he's a kid at this time but he's actually quite cute. However, adult Christopher Walken is better known for his scratchy New York accented voice as well as looking quite haggard and creepy.

Sure he’s a kid at this time but he’s actually quite cute. However, adult Christopher Walken is better known for his scratchy New York accented voice as well as looking quite haggard and creepy.

11. Tina Fey

Well, she has the scar on her face. However, she also may be sporting a mullet from what I can tell from this picture. Of course, it really does look like her.

Well, she has the scar on her face. However, she also may be sporting a mullet from what I can tell from this picture. Of course, it really does look like her.

12. Barbara Stanwyck

Of course, it doesn't quite look like Barbara as we know here. However, she's also known to have a really shitty childhood with her mom being killed by a drunk driver and her dad deserting the family. She was also placed in a series of foster homes as well.

Of course, it doesn’t quite look like Barbara as we know here. However, she’s also known to have a really shitty childhood with her mom being killed by a drunk driver and her dad deserting the family. She was also placed in a series of foster homes as well.

13. Jennifer Lopez

Normally, when I hear about J. Lo, an image of a little girl in a dress and braid loops doesn't really come to mind. I'm not sure why. Still, this is an adorable picture.

Normally, when I hear about J. Lo, an image of a little girl in a dress and braid loops doesn’t really come to mind. I’m not sure why. Still, this is an adorable picture.

14. Harry S. Truman

Yes, this is baby Harry Truman who'd later grow up to become one of the most wise ass presidents of the United States. Of course, at this moment he's basically dropping atomic bombs in his diapers (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Yes, this is baby Harry Truman who’d later grow up to become one of the most wise ass presidents of the United States. Of course, at this moment he’s basically dropping atomic bombs in his diapers (metaphorically speaking, of course).

15. Robert Pattinson

For some reason, he kind of reminds me of my cousin. Well, at least the blond hair. Still, he's much cuter than the pale, emotionally abusive, creepy, and one-dimensional vampire he'd become famous for.

For some reason, he kind of reminds me of my cousin. Well, at least the blond hair. Still, he’s much cuter than the pale, emotionally abusive, creepy, and one-dimensional vampire he’d become famous for.

16. Vincent Price

Yes, he was a rich boy as you see in this picture. But he'd soon become one of the most famous horror movie legends of all time with his distinctive, creepy voice. He's also Tim Burton's hero.

Yes, he was a rich boy as you see in this picture. But he’d soon become one of the most famous horror movie legends of all time with his distinctive, creepy voice. He’s also Tim Burton’s hero.

17. Betty White

Even then she had the dimples. Of course, Betty White was also famous for a pioneer in television. But you probably know her as a funny old lady from the Golden Girls.

Even then she had the dimples. Of course, Betty White was also famous for a pioneer in television. But you probably know her as a funny old lady from the Golden Girls.

18. Lenny Kravitz

Seated with his mother so she could make sure that he doesn't split his coveralls while standing up. It's also funny if you consider the fact he wore gold mascara as Jennifer Lawrence's fashion designer on The Hunger Games.

Seated with his mother so she could make sure that he doesn’t split his coveralls while standing up. It’s also funny if you consider the fact he wore gold mascara as Jennifer Lawrence’s fashion designer on The Hunger Games.

19. The Sundance Kid

Pictured with his dad who doesn't seem very affectionate here. Of course, this little tyke from Pennsylvania will go on to have a life of crime out west, die in South America, and be played by Robert Redford. Yes, a true American outlaw legend.

Pictured with his dad who doesn’t seem very affectionate here. Of course, this little tyke from Pennsylvania will go on to have a life of crime out west, die in South America, and be played by Robert Redford. Yes, a true American outlaw legend.

20. Ernest Hemingway

Something tells me that this little boy didn't seem to care too much about wearing frilly dresses. Guess it's because he'd grow up to lead a life doing all kinds of men's stuff like going to war, hunting big game in Africa, watching a bullfight, getting drunk in Paris, screwing a bunch of women, being married 4 times, and committing suicide in Idaho.

Something tells me that this little boy didn’t seem to care too much about wearing frilly dresses. Guess it’s because he’d grow up to lead a life doing all kinds of men’s stuff like going to war, hunting big game in Africa, watching a bullfight, getting drunk in Paris, screwing a bunch of women, being married 4 times, and committing suicide in Idaho. I’d like to page Dr. Freud to determine whether this little guy spent the rest of his life compensating for something.

21. Martha Stewart

When she grows up, she'll become a domestic diva as well as a convicted felon. But right now, isn't she so adorable? Wouldn't you just love to see her in the kitchen or making crafts?

When she grows up, she’ll become a domestic diva as well as a convicted felon. But right now, isn’t she so adorable? Wouldn’t you just love to see her in the kitchen or making crafts? But hold onto your wallet.

22. David Bowie

Who knew that this little diaper filler will go on to become a recording artist known to wear outrageous outfits during the 1970s. Also played the Goblin King in a movie where he wore skin tight leather pants.

Who knew that this little diaper filler will go on to become a recording artist known to wear outrageous outfits during the 1970s, in which he performed as Ziggy Stardust. Also played the Goblin King in a movie where he wore skin tight leather pants.

23. Bruce Willis

Enjoy that blond hair while it lasts little guy. Because like your marriage to Demi Moore, it'll be gone before you know it. Luckily your action movie career shows that you'll embrace the change.

Enjoy that blond hair while it lasts little guy. Because like your marriage to Demi Moore, it’ll be gone before you know it. Luckily your action movie career shows that you’ll embrace the change.

24. Neil Young

Now I hate to say this but he was certainly one ugly kid while growing up. Besides, his teeth are kind of freaky. Still, at least he'll grow up to sometimes join Crosby, Stills, and Nash as well as write a bunch of great songs as a solo artist.

Now I hate to say this but he was certainly one ugly kid while growing up. Besides, his teeth are kind of freaky. Still, at least he’ll grow up to sometimes join Crosby, Stills, and Nash as well as write a bunch of great songs as a solo artist. His voice, however, is something to be desired.

25. Conan O’Brien

For some reason, I'm not surprised that Conan was the red haired kid with freckles while growing up. Still, he needs to watch out for the local big bully, Jay Leno who'd give him the chance of hosting a late night show before taking it away from him. Yes, he got screwed big time.

For some reason, I’m not surprised that Conan was the red haired kid with freckles while growing up. Still, he needs to watch out for the local big bully, Jay Leno who’d give him the chance of hosting a late night show before taking it away from him. Yes, he got screwed big time.

26. Jane Goodall

Now here's the little lady with her toy chimpanzee, which is so adorable. Little did we know that it would amount to a lifetime of studying chimpanzees in the wild in Africa.

Now here’s the little lady with her toy chimpanzee, which is so adorable. Little did we know that it would amount to a lifetime of studying chimpanzees in the wild in Africa.

27. Cary Grant

Who knew that the man we associate with classiness would start out as some poor boy from Bristol? Of course, Grant would also have a pretty rotten childhood in which his dad put his mom in a loony bin so he could shack up with his girlfriend. Yeah, little Archie Leach didn't have an easy life and left home for Vaudeville at 14.

Who knew that the man we associate with classiness would start out as some poor English boy from Bristol? Of course, Grant would also have a pretty rotten childhood in which his dad put his mom in a loony bin so he could shack up with his girlfriend. Yeah, little Archie Leach didn’t have an easy life and left home for Vaudeville at 14. He also had a Cockney accent, by the way.

28. Jimmy Fallon

Now this little boy doesn't seem camera shy in the slightest. Of course, it's funny how my dad thought he wouldn't amount to anything after he left SNL. Boy, he didn't seem to bet on him hosting Late Night or the Tonight Show. Loved how he turned the theme of Reading Rainbow into a stoner anthem.

Now this little boy doesn’t seem camera shy in the slightest. Of course, it’s funny how my dad thought he wouldn’t amount to anything after he left SNL. Boy, he didn’t seem to bet on him hosting Late Night or the Tonight Show. Loved how he turned the theme of Reading Rainbow into a stoner anthem.

29. Justin Bieber

Yes, he's adorable as a teddy bear. But when he grows up, chances are unless you're preteen to teenage girl, you're probably not going to like him. This is especially the case when he does a lot of other obnoxious things.

Yes, he’s adorable as a teddy bear. But when he grows up, chances are unless you’re preteen to teenage girl, you’re probably not going to like him. This is especially the case when he does a lot of other obnoxious things.

30. Gerald Ford

At the time, he was known as Leslie Lynch King Jr. Of course, his parents would split up and his mom married a much better man who adopted him and gave him his name. That man was Gerald Ford. Still, he'd go on to play college football and pardon Richard Nixon. Nevertheless, I think he's adorable in his little dress.

At the time, he was known as Leslie Lynch King Jr. Of course, his parents would split up and his mom married a much better man who adopted him and gave him his name. That man was Gerald Ford. Still, he’d go on to play college football and pardon Richard Nixon. Nevertheless, I think he’s adorable in his little dress and playing his accordion.

31. James Cagney

Can't believe that this little boy in frills and stroller would grow up to play gangsters at Warner Brothers. Then again, he did play George M. Cohan in Yankee Doodle Dandy. Still, I don't think he looks too happy.

Can’t believe that this little boy in frills and stroller would grow up to play gangsters at Warner Brothers. Then again, he did play George M. Cohan in Yankee Doodle Dandy. Still, I don’t think he looks too happy.

32. Eric Clapton

When he grows up, he's going to become one of the greatest rock guitarists of all time as well as steal George Harrison's first wife, Patti Boyd. Will also be inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame 3 time as part of the Yard Birds, Cream, and as a solo artist.

When he grows up, he’s going to become one of the greatest rock guitarists of all time as well as steal George Harrison’s first wife, Patti Boyd. Will also be inducted into the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame 3 time as part of the Yard Birds, Cream, and as a solo artist.

33. Kanye West

Of course, this little boy will soon become an obnoxious rapper who will interrupt Taylor Swift's awards speech at the VMAs. He'd also marry Kim Kardashian and name his daughter North. But isn't he so adorable in that clown hat?

Of course, this little boy will soon become an obnoxious rapper who will interrupt Taylor Swift’s awards speech at the VMAs. He’d also marry Kim Kardashian and name his daughter North. But isn’t he so adorable in that clown hat?

34. Mohandas K. Gandhi

Yes, this is the future Mahatma as a 4 year old boy in India. I'm sure his idea of passive resistance won't work for him when it comes to afternoon naps. Because India tends to be a rather hot place.

Yes, this is the future Mahatma as a 4 year old boy in India. I’m sure his idea of passive resistance won’t work for him when it comes to afternoon naps. Because India tends to be a rather hot place.

35. Billy Joel

Yes, this is the little Piano Man himself without his two front teeth. Of course, he'll grow up as a well as endure moments when he crashes cars into houses. Will also be married to Christie Brinkley during the 1980s.

Yes, this is the little Piano Man himself without his two front teeth. Of course, he’ll grow up as a well as endure moments when he crashes cars into houses. Will also be married to Christie Brinkley during the 1980s.

36. Leonardo DiCaprio

Yes, that's Leonardo DiCaprio. Well, he was a kid in the 1970s so his parents probably thought that hairstyle was cute. Of course, he'd end up becoming a star after Titanic. But he should've been nominated for Django Unchained.

Yes, that’s Leonardo DiCaprio. Well, he was a kid in the 1970s so his parents probably thought that hairstyle was cute. Of course, he’d end up becoming a star after Titanic. But he should’ve been nominated for Django Unchained.

37. The Dalai Lama

Of course, unlike many of the celebrities on this list, he assumed his position when he was still in diapers. Of course, he wouldn't stay in Tibet for long due to the rise of Chinese who forced him to flee to India.

Of course, unlike many of the celebrities on this list, he assumed his position when he was still in diapers. Of course, he wouldn’t stay in Tibet for long due to the rise of Chinese who forced him to flee to India.

38. Miley Cyrus

Sorry I couldn't find a baby picture of her on a wrecking ball, which would've been so adorable. Still, this is as close as I could get.

Sorry I couldn’t find a baby picture of her on a wrecking ball, which would’ve been so adorable. Still, this is as close as I could get.

39. F. Scott Fitzgerald

Some of you may not know who he is. But this little boy would go on to write The Great Gatsby, a book a lot of teenagers are required to read in high school. He was also a drunk and had a crazy wife.

Some of you may not know who he is. But this little boy would go on to write The Great Gatsby, a book a lot of teenagers are required to read in high school. He was also a drunk and had a crazy wife. Oh, and he’s played by Loki in Midnight in Paris.

40. Stephen Hawking

Yes, this is the world famous physicist Stephen Hawking. Of course, at this point he got to do a lot of things on his own that he wouldn't be able to do later in life like crawling. Still, he's probably not capable of solving complex physics problems, yet.

Yes, this is the world famous physicist Stephen Hawking. Of course, at this point he got to do a lot of things on his own that he wouldn’t be able to do later in life like crawling. Still, he’s probably not capable of solving complex physics problems, yet.

41. Lucille Ball

Of course, you'll remember her for being in a 1950s sitcom as being married to Ricky. But once she kicked Desi Arnaz out for being a creep, she assumed control over their production company which helped put on a lot of classic shows. One of these would be Star Trek.

Of course, you’ll remember her for being in a 1950s sitcom as being married to Ricky. But once she kicked Desi Arnaz out for being a creep, she assumed control over their production company which helped put on a lot of classic shows. One of these would be Star Trek.

42. Jeff Bridges

Yes, the Dude high fives, apparently. Still, this is a picture of him with his dad, Lloyd. Nevertheless, even at the age of 2, he'd make his debut as Jane Greer's baby in The Company She Keeps. Still, he's the best known actor from that family.

Yes, the Dude high fives, apparently. Still, this is a picture of him with his dad, Lloyd. Nevertheless, even at the age of 2, he’d make his debut as Jane Greer’s baby in The Company She Keeps. Still, he’s the best known actor from that family.

43. Steve Martin

Seems like this little boy from Waco will soon be one of the best known celebrities today. Of course, he's said to be a hell of a banjo player and his

Seems like this little boy from Waco will soon be one of the best known celebrities today. Of course, he’s said to be a hell of a banjo player and his “King Tut” song is hilarious.

44. Bette Davis

Now this baby girl will grow up to be one of Hollywood's foremost actresses and have big eyes. Her roles would range from ugly ducklings, spinsters, fallen women, divas, and bitches. Oh, and she'd go on to be president of the Academy of Motion Pictures and win 2 Oscars.

Now this baby girl will grow up to be one of Hollywood’s foremost actresses and have big eyes. Her roles would range from ugly ducklings, spinsters, fallen women, divas, and bitches. Oh, and she’d go on to be president of the Academy of Motion Pictures and win 2 Oscars as well as have a career that spanned nearly 5 decades.

45. Humphrey Bogart

Now his baby picture is just simply adorable. However, the adult Humphrey Bogart isn't remembered for his cuteness. In fact, he's much more appealing for his, uh, personality.

Now his baby picture is just simply adorable. However, the adult Humphrey Bogart isn’t remembered for his cuteness. In fact, he’s much more appealing for his, uh, personality.

46. Meryl Streep

Seemed to be such a smiley baby and loved puppies. Of course, she might've been quite the diva as well. Still, she'll grow up to be one of Hollywood's most illustrious actresses of all time.

Seemed to be such a smiley baby and loved puppies. Of course, she might’ve been quite the diva as well. Still, she’ll grow up to be one of Hollywood’s most illustrious actresses of all time.

47. Shirley MacLaine and Warren Beatty

You may know who Shirley MacLaine is if you've seen Downton Abbey. However, she had a little brother named Warren Beatty who was known to be the hottie of his day. He also directed Reds and is currently married to Annette Bening.

You may know who Shirley MacLaine is if you’ve seen Downton Abbey. However, she had a little brother named Warren Beatty who was known to be the hottie of his day. He also directed Reds and is currently married to Annette Bening.

48. Joan Crawford

To be fair, Joan Crawford had a rough childhood and grew up in a broken home. Of course, she would go on to have to be a big movie star as well as be seen as an abusive mother, thanks to her adoptive daughter's Mommie Dearest.

To be fair, Joan Crawford had a rough childhood and grew up in a broken home. Of course, she would go on to have to be a big movie star as well as be seen as an abusive mother, thanks to her adoptive daughter’s Mommie Dearest.

49. Leonard Nimoy

Contrary to popular belief, Nimoy was actually born to a Jewish family in Boston. Not on Vulcan to a Vulcan dad and human mom. Nevertheless, everyone will know him as Spock.

Contrary to popular belief, Nimoy was actually born to a Jewish family in Boston. Not on Vulcan to a Vulcan dad and human mom. Nevertheless, everyone will know him as Spock.

50. Vivien Leigh

Now this little girl will soon grow up to play Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. Still, you have to love her little curls in this one. So cute.

Now this little girl will soon grow up to play Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind. Still, you have to love her little curls in this one. So cute.

51. Truman Capote

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes Dill looking a lot like this (which you wouldn't pick up from the movie). Of course, there's a reason why Truman Capote was the inspiration for Dill since he and Lee would be childhood friends. However, he'd later be known for Breakfast at Tiffany's and In Cold Blood. Not to mention, he was also rather light in the loafers so to speak.

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes Dill looking a lot like this (which you wouldn’t pick up from the movie). Of course, there’s a reason why Truman Capote was the inspiration for Dill since he and Lee would be childhood friends. However, he’d later be known for Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood. Not to mention, he was also rather light in the loafers so to speak.

52. Adrien Brody

Awwww, little Adrien is so adorable with his little button nose and his somewhat immobilizing winter clothes. Of course, his nose will actually be more aquiline and prominent when he's older. But unlike Bogie and Walken, his cuteness won't really fade. Just change form so to speak. Also, will win an Oscar for Best Actor at 29.

Awwww, little Adrien is so adorable with his little button nose and his somewhat immobilizing winter clothes. Of course, his nose will actually be more aquiline and prominent when he’s older. But unlike Bogie and Walken, his cuteness won’t really fade. Just change form so to speak. Also, will win an Oscar for Best Actor at 29 and a French Cesar before Kristen Stewart.

53. Madonna

Who knew that this little doe eyed girl would become so identified with skimpy outfits in music videos? Of course, we should also remember that Madonna is her given birth name as well.

Who knew that this little doe eyed girl would become so identified with skimpy outfits in music videos? Of course, we should also remember that Madonna is her given birth name as well.

54. Sir Laurence Olivier

Little Larry is so adorable in his sailor outfit in 1915. Of course, he'll be one of the great British legends of stage and screen as well as known for his film performances of Shakespeare.

Little Larry is so adorable in his sailor outfit in 1915. Of course, he’ll be one of the great British legends of stage and screen as well as known for his film performances of Shakespeare.

55. Elizabeth Taylor

Now we all know this little girl will gain fame as one of Hollywood's most beautiful actresses of all time. She'd also become a alcoholic and marry 8 times, including twice to Richard Burton. But she's so adorable standing herself with the boat.

Now we all know this little girl will gain fame as one of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses of all time. She’d also become a alcoholic and marry 8 times, including twice to Richard Burton. But she’s so adorable standing herself with the boat.

56. Frida Kahlo

Here's the future painter holding a doll with a book in its hand. Of course, because of health problems and an accident in her teenage years, Frida will be unable to have children. So she kept a bunch of monkeys instead. Not to mention, she was married to Diego Rivera.

Here’s the future painter holding a doll with a book in its hand. Of course, because of health problems and an accident in her teenage years, Frida will be unable to have children. So she kept a bunch of monkeys instead. Not to mention, she was married to Diego Rivera.

57. Queen Elizabeth II

Here is the future queen on her grandmother Queen Mary's lap. Of course, she wasn't known to be a warm and fuzzy sort. More like a kleptomaniac and a jewel collector.

Here is the future queen on her grandmother Queen Mary’s lap. Of course, she wasn’t known to be a warm and fuzzy sort. More like a kleptomaniac and a fanatic jewel collector.

58. Neil Armstrong

Seems like this little boy had a lot of great dreams ahead of him. However, I'm sure being the first man on the moon wasn't one of them.

Seems like this little boy had a lot of great dreams ahead of him. However, I’m sure being the first man on the moon wasn’t one of them. It’s possible nobody expected him to achieve that during his childhood.

59. Lyndon Baines Johnson

Yes, he may be a little cowboy in coveralls. But even then he seems to develop his distinctive features. Of course, the future president would also be known to be a colorful figure who conducted meetings in his bathroom, pulled his dick at the White House Press Corps, and holding a dog by the ears.

Yes, he may be a little cowboy in coveralls. But even then he seems to develop his distinctive features. Of course, the future president would also be known to be a colorful figure who conducted meetings in his bathroom, pulled his dick at the White House Press Corps, and holding a dog by the ears. Still, despite the political price he paid in popularity, he’s remembered as a very successful US presidents in history.

60. Pharrell Williams

Now he just looks so adorable and happy in that fro. Of course, he'd soon shave his head and start wearing an ugly looking hat.

Now he just looks so adorable and happy in that fro. Of course, he’d soon shave his head and start wearing an ugly looking hat.

61. Ozzy Osbourne

Somehow I'm not used to seeing him in a sweater, necktie, or with short hair. Of course, his speech was probably much more comprehensible back in the day. Still, doesn't seem likely to hop on the crazy train.

Somehow I’m not used to seeing him in a sweater, necktie, or with short hair. Of course, his speech was probably much more comprehensible back in the day. Still, doesn’t seem likely to hop on the crazy train.

62. Hugh Hefner

Who knew that this little squirt with blocks would soon become founder of Playboy and have a mansion full of gorgeous young women. Of course, he's one of the guys who angers die hard Christians and feminists alike.

Who knew that this little squirt with blocks would soon become founder of Playboy and have a mansion full of gorgeous young women. Of course, he’s one of the guys who angers die hard Christians and feminists alike.

64. Sir Anthony Hopkins

Sure he may have looked like an innocent schoolboy then. But let's just say, he'll be famous for playing one of the most brutal fictional serial killers of all time. You know the criminal psychologist who enjoys fine cannibalistic dining.

Sure he may have looked like an innocent schoolboy then. But let’s just say, he’ll be famous for playing one of the most brutal fictional serial killers of all time. You know the criminal psychologist who prefers to eat human flesh as gourmet meals.

64. Brad Pitt

Such a little guy and he's already sporting one of his iconic hairstyles. Still, he's just so adorable in this picture.

Such a little guy and he’s already sporting one of his iconic hairstyles. Still, he’s just so adorable in this picture.

65. Jacqueline “Jackie” Kennedy Onassis

When this little girl grows up, she's going marry John F. Kennedy and become one of the most iconic First Ladies in history. She'll also marry a Greek shipping tycoon later on as well. But now, she'd rather sit with her cute dog.

When this little girl grows up, she’s going marry John F. Kennedy and become one of the most iconic First Ladies in history. She’ll also marry a Greek shipping tycoon later on as well. But now, she’d rather sit with her cute dog.

66. Hillary Clinton

Sure she's just learned to walk but already little Hillary Rodham is hitting the campaign trail for president of her local playground. While the local toddlers may not like her, they think her opponents are either worse or stand no chance of winning.

Sure she’s just learned to walk but already little Hillary Rodham is hitting the campaign trail for president of her local playground. While the local toddlers may not like her, they think her opponents are either worse or stand no chance of winning.

67. Alice Cooper

Seems more clean cut than I usually see him as an adult. Of course, he's probably looking forward to school being out, at least for the summer.

Seems more clean cut than I usually see him as an adult. Of course, he’s probably looking forward to school being out, at least for the summer.

68. Walt Disney

Yes, that baby in a dress is the guy who will found what's now a multi-billion dollar empire of wholesomeness and whimsy. Of course, he's not much fond of Communism, Jews, or moms.

Yes, that baby in a dress is the guy who will found what’s now a multi-billion dollar empire of wholesomeness and whimsy. Of course, he’s not much fond of Communism, Jews, or moms.

69. Albert Einstein

Of course, like most young boys at the time, the future Nobel Prize winning physicist would be stuck wearing a dress in the first few years of his life. Still, he kind of looks spiffy and doesn't seem to mind.

Of course, like most young boys at the time, the future Nobel Prize winning physicist would be stuck wearing a dress in the first few years of his life. Still, he kind of looks spiffy and doesn’t seem to mind.

70. Gregory Peck

Sure he may be toddling around, but this little boy will soon become one of the hottest men in the Golden Age of Hollywood. He'd also play Atticus Finch, by the way, just so you know.

Sure he may be toddling around, but this little boy will soon become one of the hottest men in the Golden Age of Hollywood. He’d also play Atticus Finch, by the way, just so you know.

71. Gary Cooper

You can guess that this little tyke loved playing cowboys in his early life. Of course, it's prevalent that he also got frequently cast in westerns in his movie career.

You can guess that this little tyke loved playing cowboys in his early life. Of course, it’s prevalent that he also got frequently cast in westerns in his movie career.

72. Bruno Mars

Seems like he looks no different than as an adult. I mean the guy basically has the same hairstyle and everything. Just a little more pint-sized than he was as an adult.

Seems like he looks no different than as an adult. I mean the guy basically has the same hairstyle and everything. Just a little more pint-sized than he was as an adult.

73. Sean Connery

Seems like this sweet boy is destined to become a little heartbreaker as 007. But now he just wants to hug his puppy.

Seems like this sweet boy is destined to become a little heartbreaker as 007. But now he just wants to hug his little puppy.

74. Kevin Spacey

Seems like someone just can't wait to unwrap their Christmas presents. Of course, this cuteness wouldn't last so he can work its magic on House of Cards.

Seems like someone just can’t wait to unwrap their Christmas presents. Of course, this cuteness wouldn’t last so he can work its magic on House of Cards.

75. Orson Welles

Such a cute kid in his little winter outfit. Of course, he won't be so adorable once he gets older and fatter. In fact, he'll get quite grotesque. Still, his movie Citizen Kane will be a masterpiece in cinema.

Such a cute kid in his little winter outfit. Of course, he won’t be so adorable once he gets older and fatter. In fact, he’ll get quite grotesque. Still, his movie Citizen Kane will be a masterpiece in cinema.

76. James Dean

Sure he may be tiny, but this little boy will soon appear in movies like East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause, and Giant. After that, he'd die in a car crash at 24.

Sure he may be tiny, but this little boy will soon appear in movies like East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause, and Giant. After that, he’d die in a car crash at 24.

77. Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm sure this little boy has a dream, but you won't hear of it until 1963 during the March on Washington. Still, the future civil rights leader is quite adorable in this photo.

I’m sure this little boy has a dream, but you won’t hear of it until 1963 during the March on Washington. Still, the future civil rights leader is quite adorable in this photo.

78. Jimmy Stewart

Now isn't this little guy handsome? Of course, he's adorable in his little outfit. Nevertheless, this boy from Indiana, Pennsylvania will grow up to play George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life as well as obtain the rank of Major General in the Air Force Reserve.

Now isn’t this little guy handsome? Of course, he’s adorable in his little outfit. Nevertheless, this boy from Indiana, Pennsylvania will grow up to play George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life as well as obtain the rank of Major General in the Air Force Reserve.

79. Katharine Hepburn

Now she's just so adorable with her cute haircut and freckles. Of course, she'll go on to win 4 Oscars and have an affair with Spencer Tracy.

Now she’s just so adorable with her cute haircut and freckles. Of course, she’ll go on to win 4 Oscars and have an affair with Spencer Tracy.

80. Bill Clinton

Yes, little Bill looks so handsome in his suit and coat. And I'm sure he loves the ladies and the ladies love him. Of course, that would soon come back to bite him when he's an adult.

Yes, little Bill looks so handsome in his suit and coat. And I’m sure he loves the ladies and the ladies love him. Of course, that would soon come back to bite him when he’s an adult.

81. Antonio Banderas

Now this baby seems so cute in his little cap. Of course, he doesn't seem to be a happy in this photo. Then again, he'll go on to do the voice of Puss in Boots.

Now this baby seems so cute in his little cap. Of course, he doesn’t seem to be a happy in this photo. Then again, he’ll go on to do the voice of Puss in Boots.

82. James Earl Jones

Somehow it's hard to believe that this kid will later become famous for his deep and sonorous voice. For many he'd be best known for voicing Darth Vader and Mufasa.

Somehow it’s hard to believe that this kid will later become famous for his deep and sonorous voice. For many he’d be best known for voicing Darth Vader and Mufasa.

83. Lauren Bacall

Seems like baby Betty Joan Perske just wants to lounge around in her stroller. She also seems so snug and warm in her little woolen cap. Meanwhile her future husband is probably on his stage career at this point, given it was the 1920s.

Seems like baby Betty Joan Perske just wants to lounge around in her stroller. She also seems so snug and warm in her little woolen cap. Meanwhile her future husband is probably on his stage career at this point, given it was the 1920s.

84. Pope Francis

You don't think of your future pontiff from Argentina as a schoolboy don't you? Of course, he also seems to sport elf or goblin ears.

You don’t think of your future pontiff from Argentina as a schoolboy don’t you? Of course, he also seems to sport elf or goblin ears, too.

85. Carl Sagan

Of course, we all know that the stars and the universe are in his future. Well, as far as the PBS documentary Cosmos is concerned for the 1980s. Still, he's pretty adorable so to speak.

Of course, we all know that the stars and the universe are in his future. Well, as far as the PBS documentary Cosmos is concerned for the 1980s. Still, he’s pretty adorable so to speak.

86. Peter Cushing

Hard to believe that this curly haired toddler would grow up to play Van Helsing, Dr. Whoi as well as bitch slap Darth Vader. Of course, you have to wonder whether his mother wanted him to be a girl in that get up.

Hard to believe that this curly haired toddler in a dress would grow up to play Van Helsing, Dr. Who as well as bitch slap Darth Vader and blow up Alderaan. Of course, you have to wonder whether his mother wanted him to be a girl in that get up.

87. Theodore Roosevelt

Yes, this is Teddy Roosevelt. I'm sure he's toilet trained by this point since he's wearing pants. But as soon as he overcame childhood health problems, he'd soon be open to writing books, going on adventures, and running for office.

Yes, this is Teddy Roosevelt. I’m sure he’s toilet trained by this point since he’s wearing pants. But as soon as he overcame childhood health problems, he’d soon be open to writing books, going on adventures, and running for office. Not to mention, being a badass president and having a badass family.

88. Beatrix Potter

Best known for writing The Tale of Peter Rabbit and other stories you've probably heard during your childhood. Still, I'm sure she's not a wizard or related to Harry Potter for that matter.

Best known for writing The Tale of Peter Rabbit and other stories you’ve probably heard during your childhood. Still, I’m sure she’s not a wizard or related to Harry Potter for that matter.

89. Michael Douglas

Seems like someone wants to shave like his daddy, Kirk Douglas (who'd later play Spartacus). Still, I'm sure little Michael is bound up to grow up looking just like him (sans the distinctive voice and dimple chin).

Seems like someone wants to shave like his daddy, Kirk Douglas (who’d later play Spartacus). Still, I’m sure little Michael is bound up to grow up looking just like him (sans the distinctive voice and dimple chin).

90. Katie Perry

Yes, she's simply adorable in her little sailor dress and cute haircut. However, you wouldn't say the same if she was wearing a similar outfit when she got older. You know how the press talks about the way she dresses in her music videos.

Yes, she’s simply adorable in her little sailor dress and cute haircut. However, you wouldn’t say the same if she was wearing a similar outfit when she got older. You know how the press talks about the way she dresses in her music videos.

91. Eminem

Never expected Eminem to be a ginger. Of course, I never thought I'd see a picture of him wearing plaid either. Still, he had a pretty crappy childhood though.

Never expected Eminem to be a ginger. Of course, I never thought I’d see a picture of him wearing plaid either. Still, he had a pretty crappy childhood though.

92. Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Here we see the future princess climbing a rock in her pigtails. Of course, when her prince comes, little would she know that he'd be an actual prince. Prince William, anyway.

Here we see the future princess Kate Middleton climbing a rock in her pigtails. Of course, when her prince comes, little would she know that he’d be an actual prince. Prince William, anyway.

93. Robert Downey Jr.

At this point, he's at the age when he's probably learning how to read from Iron Man. However, after cleaning up his drug habit which almost wrecked his career, he would soon play him.

At this point, he’s at the age when he’s probably learning how to read from Iron Man. However, after cleaning up his drug habit which almost wrecked his career, he would soon play him.

94. Beyonce Knowles

For some reason, she reminds me of a little Cabbage Patch kid in this picture. Must be the hair. Then again, she's much cuter than a Cabbage Patch kid anyway.

For some reason, she reminds me of a little Cabbage Patch kid in this picture. Must be the hair. Then again, she’s much cuter than a Cabbage Patch kid anyway.

95. Buster Keaton

Before his movie career, little Buster would begin his time in show business with his vaudevillian parents which usually consisted of comedy sketches. He'd often wear a deadpan expression on his face during the acts. As a young man, he'd achieve fame as one of the great comedians of the silent era.

Before his movie career, little Buster would begin his time in show business with his vaudevillian parents which usually consisted of comedy sketches. He’d often wear a deadpan expression on his face during the acts. As a young man, he’d achieve fame as one of the great comedians of the silent era.

96. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Of course, seeing the kid in dress and long hair, some of you might think this would be Eleanor. But you'd be wrong. This is FDR as a baby with his father James. Besides, Eleanor's dad Elliot was a much younger man as well as a womanizing drunk.

Of course, seeing the kid in dress and long hair, some of you might think this would be Eleanor. But you’d be wrong. This is FDR as a baby with his father James. He was doted and loved on by both his parents, but especially his mom (to Eleanor’s distress, no doubt). And yes, babies were dressed like that back then. Besides, Eleanor’s dad Elliot was a much younger man as well as a womanizing drunk.

97. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Of course, since his aristocratic parents were first cousins with a family history of inbreeding, he would be suspect with cogenital health problems throughout his life. Of course, these stunted his growth as well during adolescence and he'd also be known for his short stature. But at least he liked to draw and became a painter, anyway.

Of course, since his aristocratic parents were first cousins with a family history of inbreeding, he would be suspect with cogenital health problems throughout his life. Of course, these stunted his growth as well during adolescence and he’d also be known for his short stature. But at least he liked to draw and became a painter, anyway.

98. Eleanor Roosevelt

Now this is Eleanor Roosevelt. Of course, unlike her husband, she had a wretched childhood with losing her parents at a young age and living in her grandma's house starved for affection. Still, at least she was able to assert her self-confidence during finishing school (or high school).

Now this is Eleanor Roosevelt. Of course, unlike her husband, she had a wretched childhood with losing her parents at a young age and living in her grandma’s house starved for affection. Still, at least she was able to assert her self-confidence during finishing school (or high school).

99. Alfred Hitchcock

“Good evening. I’m afraid I have some terrible news tonight because I just soiled my pants. Now I have to cry it all out before my mother could secure me a new diaper.” Still, even as a baby, you can still tell that it’s the master of suspense.

100. Winston Churchill

This is the future British prime minister when he was about 6 or 7 years old. But even then he seems to strike the pose of a British gentlemen. But since his dad wasn't the oldest son in a noble family, he had to strike it on his own. His parents were also kind of neglectful with his American mother being quite a slut.

This is the future British prime minister when he was about 6 or 7 years old. But even then he seems to strike the pose of a British gentlemen. But since his dad wasn’t the oldest son in a noble family, he had to strike it on his own. His parents were also kind of neglectful with his American mother being quite a slut.

Stupid Baby Stuff


I may be a non-pregnant single woman who doesn’t have kids, but even I know that like pets, babies need certain things that the rest of us don’t. Yes, we know they’re a lot of work and hassle since they can’t do anything for themselves save maybe the standard bodily functions and crying for someone to meet their every whim. However, despite what the media may seem, babies don’t stay babies for long so there are plenty of ways for new or expectant parents to get all their baby needs without breaking the bank as much. Seriously, I can’t remember how many times I’ve seen baby stuff at yard sales. Nevertheless, as the oldest of 24 grandchildren, I’ve probably been around babies longer than a lot of people that I’ve lost count to how many baptisms I’ve been to growing up. Still, this doesn’t stop some enterprising person from inventing some baby stuff these little tykes really don’t need or want in that matter. Some baby things out there will not see much use like certain clothes whether by designers or not. Some baby things are just downright inappropriate or ridiculous. And other products just may traumatize the wee things. Then there are the baby products that would make some people wonder whether they should call Child Services on their parents. Of course, as long as the human race keeps reproducing, there will always be someone trying to cash in on it. So without further adieu, here is an assortment of products for babies that parents should probably stay away from.

1. Laugh and Learn Apptivity Case

I know future generations will need to learn to live with technology. But c'mon, do babies really need iPhones this badly?

I know future generations will need to learn to live with technology. But c’mon, do babies really need iPhones this badly? In fact, I’m sure nobody wants their babies learn cognitive skills by organizing their contacts folder.

2. The WhyCry Mini Cry Analyzer

Yes, I know  babies cry a lot. But I'm sure it doesn't take much for parents to know what their babies want without one, especially when it comes to diaper changes. Nevertheless, I suspect this is a scam or an annoying game of Simon for infants.

Yes, I know babies cry a lot. But I’m sure it doesn’t take much for parents to know what their babies want without one, especially when it comes to diaper changes. Nevertheless, I suspect this is a scam or an annoying game of Simon for infants.

3. Gotta Go Mitts

Now I know this is for little kids. But still, wouldn't it be better to teach them to clean their messes. Also, there are already products that keep kiddie hands clean. It's called soap. You may have heard of it.

Now I know this is for little kids. But still, wouldn’t it be better to teach them to clean their messes. Also, there are already products that keep kiddie hands clean. It’s called soap. You may have heard of it.

4. Heelarious Baby Heels

Oh, hell no! Seriously, now's not the time to give baby Maddie a lifetime of foot problems or see a podiatrist before her time, especially when she's barely learned to walk. Seriously, why does this product even exist?

Oh, hell no! Seriously, now’s not the time to give baby Maddie a lifetime of foot problems or see a podiatrist before her time, especially when she’s barely learned to walk. Seriously, why does this product even exist?

5. The Baby Lasso

Yes, it may be hard to keep babies still for a diaper change. But still, what the hell is this thing even used for? Is the baby a piece of cattle?

Yes, it may be hard to keep babies still for a diaper change. But still, what the hell is this thing even used for? Is the baby a piece of cattle?

6. Pee Pee Teepee

Now these are supposed to cover a baby boy's junk during a diaper change in order to avoid any accidents. Of course, some baby boys might think it takes all the fun out of it.

Now these are supposed to cover a baby boy’s junk during a diaper change in order to avoid any accidents. Of course, some baby boys might think it takes all the fun out of it. May only be useful about once or twice.

7. Poop Alarm

Now this device is designed to alert parents when the baby needs changing. However, there is a cheaper and more reliable device that already does this which doesn't attach to a baby's butt. It's called the nose.

Now this device is designed to alert parents when the baby needs changing. However, there is a cheaper and more reliable device that already does this which doesn’t attach to a baby’s butt. It’s called the nose.

8. The Baby Flower Shower Visor

It's said to help protect babies from getting soap and shampoo in their eyes. However, my question is how do you wash and rinse what's under the cap?

It’s said to help protect babies from getting soap and shampoo in their eyes. However, my question is how do you wash and rinse what’s under the cap? Also, the baby doesn’t seem happy in it.

9. Snail Vacuum Cleaner

The toy that combines the independence of riding free with the wind with the joys of housecleaning. I'm sure my mom would've wanted me to have one of these while I was a baby. Of course, I probably wouldn't use it since I hate the noise of vacuum cleaners.

The toy that combines the independence of riding free with the wind with the joys of housecleaning. I’m sure my mom would’ve wanted me to have one of these while I was a baby. Of course, I probably wouldn’t use it since I hate the noise of vacuum cleaners.

10. Baby Toupee

As to why anyone would want their babies to look like Donald Trump, I don't have the slightest idea. Seriously, I'm sure the hair is as fake as the ugly mop Donald Trump has on his own head. And let's just say, your baby is much less whiny and self-centered than he is.

As to why anyone would want their babies to look like Donald Trump, I don’t have the slightest idea. Seriously, I’m sure the hair is as fake as the ugly mop Donald Trump has on his own head. And let’s just say, your baby is much less whiny and self-centered than he is.

11. The Tummy Tub

It's basically a bucket that costs $45 that's supposed to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Nevertheless, if that does the trick, you should just hold on to your $45 and use a regular bucket, which comes with a handle.

It’s basically a bucket that costs $45 that’s supposed to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Nevertheless, if that does the trick, you should just hold on to your $45 and use a regular bucket, which comes with a handle.

12. The Grillz Pacifier

I'm sure Kanye West probably bought one of these for his daughter North. Nevertheless, I see a a lot of bad rap songs and crime in this child's future, not to be stereotypical.

I’m sure Kanye West probably bought one of these for his daughter North. Nevertheless, I see a a lot of bad rap songs and crime in this child’s future, not to be stereotypical.

13. Baby Bangs

Just wait and their hair will come soon enough. That's how it works. In the meantime, you don't need me to tell you that these Baby Bangs look so ridiculous. Seriously, why does this even exist?

Just wait and their hair will come soon enough. That’s how it works. In the meantime, you don’t need me to tell you that these Baby Bangs look so ridiculous. Seriously, why does this even exist?

14. Baby Knee Pads

Because crawling babies have a chance to bust their knees while they're on the mood and must need protection. This doesn't account for the fact that ever since the dawn of time, most babies had to crawl without them and did just fine.

Because crawling babies have a chance to bust their knees while they’re on the mood and must need protection. This doesn’t account for the fact that ever since the dawn of time, most babies had to crawl without them and did just fine.

15. Baby Onesie Dust/Mop

Because if your baby can crawl, it can clean. Yeah, I'm sure your baby will be thrilled about that. Just wait until it needs a diaper change.

Because if your baby can crawl, it can clean. Yeah, I’m sure your baby will be thrilled about that. Just wait until it needs a diaper change or slips on a hardwood floor and loses a tooth.

16. The Peekaru

For the Alien lover inside you. Sorry, but this seems like a choking hazard and a waste of money. Also, pretty creepy if you think about it.

For the Alien lover inside you. Sorry, but this seems like a choking hazard and a waste of money. Also, pretty creepy if you think about it.

17. J&D’s Bacon Flavored Baby Formula

Because it's never too early to hop aboard the obesity train where all the stops consist of fat camp, body shaming, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and early death.

Because it’s never too early to hop aboard the obesity train where all the stops consist of fat camp, body shaming, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and early death.

18. Crumb Cap

For those worried about a messy baby, then you shouldn't even have a baby. Also, doubles as a scuba suit.

For those worried about a messy baby, then you shouldn’t even have a baby. Also, doubles as a scuba suit.

19. The Windi

This is a baby but plug supposed to help its gastrointestinal problems. However, I just see it as a big waste of money.

This is a baby but plug supposed to help its gastrointestinal problems. However, I just see it as a big waste of money.

20. The Kickbee

This is a motion sensing belt that sends a tweet every time a kick is detected. Basically sets up your kid into being an annoying douche from inside the womb. Seriously, what does a fetus have to tweet about?

This is a motion sensing belt that sends a tweet every time a kick is detected. Basically sets up your kid into being an annoying douche from inside the womb. Seriously, what does a fetus have to tweet about?

21. The Thudguard

Sure babies have softer heads than the rest of us. But still, I'm sure most of us have transitioned from infancy and toddlerhood just fine without the need for a stupid helmet like this.  Seriously, kids get bumps and bruises all the time. The best we can do is make sure they're more careful.

Sure babies have softer heads than the rest of us. But still, I’m sure most of us have transitioned from infancy and toddlerhood just fine without the need for a stupid helmet like this. Seriously, kids get bumps and bruises all the time. The best we can do is make sure they’re more careful.

22. The Zaky Hand Pillow

Because nothing comforts your child more than a disembodied arm. Or in that case, gives parent's nightmares. Luckily, the baby below just sees it as a toy.

Because nothing comforts your child more than a disembodied arm. Or in that case, gives parent’s nightmares. Luckily, the baby below just sees it as a toy.

23. NoseFrida the Snotsucker

Now I know a lot of people have snot coming out of their noses which is gross enough. However, sucking your baby's snot with this thing is perhaps the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Seriously, there's a better way to clean your baby's snot ridden face. It's called a tissue or Kleenex.

Now I know a lot of people have snot coming out of their noses which is gross enough. However, sucking your baby’s snot with this thing is perhaps the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard. Seriously, there’s a better way to clean your baby’s snot ridden face. It’s called a tissue or Kleenex.

24. The Bottle Holder

Is it so much effort just to hold a bottle to your child? Or do you have to get a contraption inspired by those beer holders we see at an NFL game? Also doubles as a baby hang glider.

Is it so much effort just to hold a bottle to your child? Or do you have to get a contraption inspired by those beer holders we see at an NFL game? Also doubles as a baby paraglider.

25. The Crib Dribbler

Okay, this is just wrong. Seriously, cribs aren't cages and babies aren't pets. Also, while you're at it, why don't you just get a baby crib exercise wheel for your baby to run on? Fortunately, this isn't a real product, just a prank box for a baby shower. Well, as far as we know.

Okay, this is just wrong. Seriously, cribs aren’t cages and babies aren’t pets. Also, while you’re at it, why don’t you just get a baby crib exercise wheel for your baby to run on? Fortunately, this isn’t a real product, just a prank box for a baby shower. Well, as far as we know.

26. The iPotty

With all the crap on Twitter and Facebook these days, it's never too early to start trolling with this costing $499. Nevertheless, an iPad is probably not necessary for a potty training toddler. Still, does it come in adult size?

With all the crap on Twitter and Facebook these days, it’s never too early to start trolling with this costing $499. Nevertheless, an iPad is probably not necessary for a potty training toddler. Still, does it come in adult size?

27. Baby Butt Fan

This is a fan that dries your baby's butt. However, there's a much cheaper alternative to this that only takes 10 seconds.

This is a fan that dries your baby’s butt. However, there’s a much cheaper alternative to this that only takes 10 seconds.

28. Baby Keeper

Because when mommy and daddy have their hands full, baby needs to be strung up and put against the wall. Guaranteed to traumatize the little tykes that they'll need a diaper change every time they're out of it.

Because when mommy and daddy have their hands full, baby needs to be strung up and put against the wall. Guaranteed to traumatize the little tykes that they’ll need a diaper change every time they’re out of it.

29. Swimming Neck Ring

Otherwise known as,

Otherwise known as, “My First Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation Trainer.” Supposed to keep babies afloat. Seriously, this looks like it could suffocate them. I’m sure they have other baby floatation devices.

30. My Carry Potty

I hate to say this, but wouldn't just be easier for your potty trained kid to just use a public toilet? Would make much better sense than having them carry their crap around with them. Disgusting.

I hate to say this, but wouldn’t just be easier for your potty trained kid to just use a public toilet? Would make much better sense than having them carry their crap around with them. Disgusting.

31. Baby Bomb Shelter

For the crazy survivalist parent who believes that the apocalypse will soon be upon us. I'm sure this baby will totally use this thing. Not.

For the crazy survivalist parent who believes that the apocalypse will soon be upon us. I’m sure this baby will totally use this thing. Not.

32. The Po-Knee

This device brings the technology of faux pony rides into the new millennium. Never before has Creepy Uncle bait been so sophisticated. Parents, make sure the individual giving out pony rides is always wearing pants.

This device brings the technology of faux pony rides into the new millennium. Never before has Creepy Uncle bait been so sophisticated. Parents, make sure the individual giving out pony rides is always wearing pants.

33. The Baby Bubadoo

Basically this is a baby straitjacket for the changing table.Seriously, why don't you put on a baby Hannibal Lecter mask while you're at it?

Basically this is a baby straitjacket for the changing table.Seriously, why don’t you put on a baby Hannibal Lecter mask while you’re at it?

34. Baby Perfume

Sure babies tend to stink a lot since they pee and poo in their diapers. But this doesn't mean you should buy perfume for them. Seriously, they're too young for that.

Sure babies tend to stink a lot since they pee and poo in their diapers. But this doesn’t mean you should buy perfume for them. Seriously, they’re too young for that.

35. Baby Bikini

Because it's never too early to sexualize your little girl with swimwear. Seriously, why does this thing even exist?

Because it’s never too early to sexualize your little girl with swimwear. Seriously, why does this thing even exist?

36. Toe Blooms

Now these would be perfect for my cousin Ava's very first trip to Las Vegas. Of course, this is assuming her parents are incredibly irresponsible people. Seriously, Vegas is a terrible place for babies. You're better off taking them to Disney World.

Now these would be perfect for my cousin Ava’s very first trip to Las Vegas. Of course, this is assuming her parents are incredibly irresponsible people (which they’re not). Seriously, Vegas is a terrible place for babies. You’re better off taking them to Disney World.

37. Ashton Martin Stroller

For God's sake, $3,000 is way too much for a baby stroller. Seriously, what kind of parent in their right mind would buy this thing?

For God’s sake, $3,000 is way too much for a baby stroller. Seriously, what kind of parent in their right mind would buy this thing?

38. Baby Flip Flops

Sorry, but if your baby can't walk into a shower unsupervised, then it's probably not the time to buy baby flip flops. Seriously, how do these things exist?

Sorry, but if your baby can’t walk into a shower unsupervised, then it’s probably not the time to buy baby flip flops. Seriously, how do these things exist?

39. Clip-On Stroller Fan

Obviously designed by someone who's never been around babies or small children. I mean that just looks like an accident waiting to happen.

Obviously designed by someone who’s never been around babies or small children. I mean that just looks like an accident waiting to happen.

40. Baby Cleats

Listen, if your baby isn't walking, then it's too early to get them to play soccer. Seriously, who the hell thinks babies can play soccer for God's sake?

Listen, if your baby isn’t walking, then it’s too early to get them to play soccer. Seriously, who the hell thinks babies can play soccer for God’s sake?

41. iPhone Teether

For one, it's made from wood. Second, if you give your baby this, try telling your kid later that

For one, it’s made from wood. Second, if you give your baby this, try telling your kid later that “phones are not toys.” Yeah, they’ll listen (sarcasm).

42. My Pee Pee Bottle

If your toddler has grown out of diapers then they should be potty trained to use a toilet. He or she should only pee in a bottle if there's no bathroom in sight, like everyone else.

If your toddler has grown out of diapers then they should be potty trained to use a toilet. He or she should only pee in a bottle if there’s no place to pee in sight, like everyone else. Also, if it’s a girl, I especially recommend the toilet, for obvious reasons.

43. Toddler Urinal

I'm sure there's a better way to teach your son how to pee standing up than buying his own training urinal. It's called the toilet and he could even use it to pee sitting down, too. Also, what's wrong with teaching him how to pee sitting down first?

I’m sure there’s a better way to teach your son how to pee standing up than buying his own training urinal. It’s called the toilet and he could even use it to pee sitting down, too. Also, what’s wrong with teaching him how to pee sitting down first?

44. Juppy Baby Walking Aid

Sure babies must learn to walk sometime. But putting them in a harness 57 times a day just seems too much trouble than just having them hold your freaking hand.

Sure babies must learn to walk sometime. But putting them in a harness 57 times a day just seems too much trouble than just having them hold your freaking hand.

45. Paper High Chair

I'm sure this is supposed to be

I’m sure this is supposed to be “sustainable” but I’m just not buying it, especially since it seems disposable. Of course, there’s a better way to be sustainable with high chairs. Just buy one at a yard sale for God’s sake.

46. Walk Up Toddler Changing Table

If your toddler is old enough for this, then they're probably old enough to use a toilet. Seriously, why does this even exist? Better stick with a potty seat.

If your toddler is old enough for this, then they’re probably old enough to use a toilet. Seriously, why does this even exist? Better stick with a potty seat.

47. Riding Potty Chair

I don't think mixing bathroom time with playground time is a good idea. Seriously, I just hope this girl knows that you don't take a dump on the playground equipment nor do you ride on the toilet.

I don’t think mixing bathroom time with playground time is a good idea. Seriously, I just hope this girl knows that you don’t take a dump on the playground equipment nor do you ride on the toilet.

48. Penguin Urinal

Now if you thought the toddler urinal was crazy enough, this one tells little boys to pee into their,

Now if you thought the toddler urinal was crazy enough, this one tells little boys to pee into their, “penguin friend.” Also, it’s said you can place this thing anywhere, even the living room. Which begs the question, why?

49. Potty Mitts

Public bathrooms may be gross but still, I'm not sure you want your kids growing up to be the next Howard Hughes. Seriously, nobody wears mitts going to the bathroom, save maybe Alaska.

Public bathrooms may be gross but still, I’m not sure you want your kids growing up to be the next Howard Hughes. Seriously, nobody wears mitts going to the bathroom, save maybe Alaska.

50. Poop Scoop Bag

Now as someone who lives in the country, I think a poop scoop bag is ridiculous enough in its original use. But using one for babies? Seriously, we have diapers for a reason.

Now as someone who lives in the country, I think a poop scoop bag is ridiculous enough in its original use. But using one for babies? Seriously, we have diapers for a reason. Still, if you’re going to clean up from your kid like that, why don’t you just line the floor with newspapers or buy a pooper scooper?

51. Baby Dumbbell

Sure babies need their exercise. But some workout routines should be started later than others. Weightlifting probably falls among the later.

Sure babies need their exercise. But some workout routines should be started later than others. Weightlifting probably falls among the later.

52. Woombie

This is supposed to be a cocoon like sack to get a baby to sleep and it's stretchy enough for comfort and movement. However, it resembles something you'd see at the Ye Olde Insane Asylum.

This is supposed to be a cocoon like sack to get a baby to sleep and it’s stretchy enough for comfort and movement. However, it resembles something you’d see at the Ye Olde Insane Asylum.

53. Hula-Bye

Now this straps your baby onto a changing table so you won't have a hard time cleaning up. Of course, my grandfather used to strap me onto a changing table in my infancy and it didn't cost him $42. Still, this isn't a medieval torture device.

Now this straps your baby onto a changing table so you won’t have a hard time cleaning up. Of course, my grandfather used to strap me onto a changing table in my infancy and it didn’t cost him $42. Still, this isn’t a medieval torture device.

54. Baby Stimulation Shirt for Adults

Yes, now parents can wear this shirt to stimulate their baby's senses at the cost of the retail price and their dignity. Seriously,   I'm sure plenty of parents just bought educational toys instead.

Yes, now parents can wear this shirt to stimulate their baby’s senses at the cost of the retail price and their dignity. Seriously, I’m sure plenty of parents just bought educational toys instead.

55. The Ritmo Advanced Pregnancy Sound System

I'm sure fetuses need a lot of things, but I'm not sure blasting music through the womb is one of them. Seriously, singing is cheaper and won't cost $150.

I’m sure fetuses need a lot of things, but I’m not sure blasting music through the womb is one of them. Seriously, singing is cheaper and won’t cost $150.

56. Baby Tattoos

Of course, these aren't real. But still, I'm sure grandma won't be pleased assuming she's not in a biker gang. Seriously, babies are too young for tattoos.

Of course, these aren’t real. But still, I’m sure grandma won’t be pleased assuming she’s not in a biker gang. Seriously, babies are too young for tattoos.

57. Beeni Baby Hat

Combine this with the Baby Bubadoo, and you've gotten a little Hannibal Lecter on your hands. Seriously, this is disturbing, not cute.

Combine this with the Baby Bubadoo, and you’ve gotten a little Hannibal Lecter on your hands. Seriously, this is disturbing, not cute.

58. Thongies

Thong diapers? Why in the hell do these exist? Seriously, these aren't just inappropriate but they probably aren't as effective as regular diapers.

Thong diapers? Why in the hell do these exist? Seriously, these aren’t just inappropriate but they probably aren’t as effective as regular diapers.

59. The Bite Counter

Basically this is designed to count bites. But I think it's maximum embarrassment with minimum effort. From Japan, no less.

Basically this is designed to count bites. But I think it’s maximum embarrassment with minimum effort. From Japan, no less.

60. Baby Hjolster

Because in Texas, carrying a baby has to be like carrying a gun: from the hip. Seriously, why? It's stupid.

Because in Texas, carrying a baby has to be like carrying a gun: from the hip. Seriously, why? It’s stupid.

61. The Boob Hat

Inspired by the mother's breasts and the father's NFL beer hat, this is supposed to feed an active baby or toddler without disrupting their lifestyles. However, has the unfortunate side effect of making your little one look like a complete idiot.

Inspired by the mother’s breasts and the father’s NFL beer hat, this is supposed to feed an active baby or toddler without disrupting their lifestyles. However, has the unfortunate side effect of making your little one look like a complete idiot.

62. Colemom 1.5 Person Wearable Breastfeeding Tent

Good News: Will keep moms away from cops asking them to cover up while breastfeeding in public. Bad News: Force moms to sacrifice their dignity upon feeding baby.

Good News: Will keep moms away from cops asking them to cover up while breastfeeding in public.
Bad News: Force moms to sacrifice their dignity upon feeding baby.

63. Mr. Milker Breastfeeding Vest for Men

Now I may be for gender equality and gay marriage as much as anyone, but I believe God created men and women as anatomically different for a reason. Seriously, the concept behind this is just very wrong. Besides, the idea that breastfeeding is the only way you can bond with your baby is just plain sexist.

Now I may be for gender equality and gay marriage as much as anyone, but I believe God created men and women as anatomically different for a reason. Seriously, the concept behind this is just very wrong. Besides, the idea that breastfeeding is the only way you can bond with your baby is just plain sexist.

64. The Baby Cage

Hey, stupid baby products aren't just limited to the 21st century. When your grandparents were young, many of them were suspended over their family's apartment windows with these. It's a wonder how many of them managed to survive childhood without needing therapy.

Hey, stupid baby products aren’t just limited to the 21st century. When your grandparents were young, many of them were suspended over their family’s apartment windows with these. It’s a wonder how many of them managed to survive childhood without needing therapy.

65. Ice Skating Baby Holder

Another vintage baby product that makes the baby cage seem reasonable. Still, if mommy and daddy want to go ice skating, why can't they just leave baby with a sitter or grandparents? Seriously, think about the baby's safety here!

Another vintage baby product that makes the baby cage seem reasonable. Still, if mommy and daddy want to go ice skating, why can’t they just leave baby with a sitter or grandparents? Seriously, think about the baby’s safety here!

66. Bottle Sling

I don't know about you, but this seems like an all around formula disaster waiting to happen. Seriously, why does this even exist?

I don’t know about you, but this seems like an all around formula disaster waiting to happen. Seriously, why does this even exist?

67. Bathtub Divider

I'm sure plenty of parents bathed their babies just fine without one. Seriously, they have baby bathtubs available. Why can't parents just use that?

I’m sure plenty of parents bathed their babies just fine without one. Seriously, they have baby bathtubs available. Why can’t parents just use that?

68. Sun Smarties Swimwear

These suits are meant to protect babies and toddlers from sunburn. Still, sunscreen was invented like 100 years ago, so parents don't have to dress their little ones at the beach with "My Very First Haz Mat Suit." Yes, nothing says "fun in the sun" like a uranium leak that's going to give your future grandchildren 3 heads.

These suits are meant to protect babies and toddlers from sunburn. Still, sunscreen was invented like 100 years ago, so parents don’t have to dress their little ones at the beach with “My Very First Haz Mat Suit.” Yes, nothing says “fun in the sun” like a uranium leak that’s going to give your future grandchildren 3 heads.

69. Safety Trampoline

A kind of trampoline for your child minus the terrible injuries or fun. Seriously, if you kid thinks holding a bar while jumping repeatedly is fun, you might need to reconsider their sugar intake.

A kind of trampoline for your child minus the terrible injuries or fun. Seriously, if you kid thinks holding a bar while jumping repeatedly in place is fun, you might need to reconsider their sugar intake.

70. Time Out Pad

Now this is supposed to turn a common parental punishment into a fun game with sound effects and lights. Seriously, small children have no concept of time and time out isn't supposed to be fun.

Now this is supposed to turn a common parental punishment into a fun game with sound effects and lights. Seriously, small children have no concept of time and time out isn’t supposed to be fun.

71. Lil’ Chompers

Just because babies are born without teeth, doesn't mean you should buy dentures for them. The teeth will come before you know it, like in seven months. These just make your baby look freaky.

Just because babies are born without teeth, doesn’t mean you should buy dentures for them. The teeth will come before you know it, like in seven months. These just make your baby look freaky.

72. Nurse Me Tender

Just because you can't breastfeed, doesn't mean you should use this to feed your baby. Why else do we have baby formula or bottles? Seriously, why does this exist?

Just because you can’t breastfeed, doesn’t mean you should use this to feed your baby. Why else do we have baby formula or bottles? Seriously, why does this exist?

73. Toddler Tracker

Because toddlers tend to wander off, here's a surveillance device in order to know where they are. Let's hope it can't be detached by kidnappers. Still, if you feel that your kid needs a tracker, what does it say about your parenting skills?

Because toddlers tend to wander off, here’s a surveillance device in order to know where they are. Let’s hope it can’t be detached by kidnappers. Still, if you feel that your kid needs a tracker, what does it say about your parenting skills?

74. Wipe Warmer

I know these are supposed to keep wipes warm. However, a non-warm wipe will do just fine. So why waste your hard earned cash on this stupid thing?

I know these are supposed to keep wipes warm. However, a non-warm wipe will do just fine. So why waste your hard earned cash on this stupid thing?

75. Bling Binky

A diamond studded pacifier? For the love of God! Seriously, you can get a pacifier cheap at any store. So there's no reason why parents should spend hundreds of dollars on a stupid binky.

A diamond studded pacifier? For the love of God! Seriously, you can get a pacifier cheap at any store. So there’s no reason why parents should spend hundreds of dollars on a stupid binky.

76. Baby-Q Ribs

Just because your baby is teething doesn't mean it's time to teach them how to eat some baby back ribs. Seriously, BBQ ribs are for grown-ups.

Just because your baby is teething doesn’t mean it’s time to teach them how to eat some baby back ribs. Seriously, BBQ ribs are for grown-ups.

77. The Nuroo Pocket Babywearing Shirt

This is supposed to make mothers look good as they have a baby down her shirt. However, to me, this just looks freaky.

This is supposed to make mothers look good as they have a baby down her shirt. However, to me, this just looks freaky.

78. Pacifier Wipes

You can easily wash pacifiers in the dishwasher or with soap and water. Like my parents did. So why to these even exist I'll never know.

You can easily wash pacifiers in the dishwasher or with soap and water. Like my parents did. So why to these even exist I’ll never know.

79. Baby Whirpool Spa

I'm sure this is as expensive as hell and totally unnecessary. Seriously, your baby can go without jetted water or a spa tub for that matter.

I’m sure this is as expensive as hell and totally unnecessary. Seriously, your baby can go without jetted water or a spa tub for that matter.

80. Formula Mixer

I'm sure there's a cheaper gizmo that will mix baby formula just as well. You may have heard of it. It's called a spoon.

I’m sure there’s a cheaper gizmo that will mix baby formula just as well. You may have heard of it. It’s called a spoon.

Congratulations, it’s a Baby Shower Cake!


Ah, baby showers, a gathering to celebrate a child’s birth by presenting gifts to the kid’s mother (who’s usually pregnant at the time). Sure these are usually occasions for women with cutesy gifts and decorations included as well. Oh, and there’s usually a cake there, too. Of course, I could go on and on about how all the cute cakes you see at baby showers but you’d probably barf to such saccharine suggestions. Instead I’m going to show you some of the most disturbing and inappropriate cakes that that have been used to commemorate such occasions which may not be safe for work. Let’s just say that there are all so many examples of bakers perhaps taking their creativity too far or maybe these events aren’t as cutesy as many would think it would be. So without further adieu, here are some outlandish cakes that have been used to greet all those little bundles of joy.

1. What better way to greet the little shit machine than with a cake to remind the mother to be of what’s in store for the next three to four years?

Sure this is one of the less anticipated moments of parenting but do you have to have a cake of what a baby’s diaper looks like from the inside? Seriously, this is disgusting.

2. Congratulations on the impending birth of your new, demon child?

Seriously, I think Damien would be the better choice for the creepy baby on the TV set than Ethan. Also, if he’s the fifth kid in the family, then you shouldn’t be having a baby shower. Still, maybe it’s for the dad who’s an alien or something since the baby tends to very much look like it’s from another world or Hell.

3. Now here’s a cake that depicts why we’re celebrating this occasion from the microscopic point of view.

Well, let's say if any children are around, this cake would provide them a good opportunity of how babies are made. Seriously, what's with the egg and sperm thing?

Well, let’s say if any children are around, this cake would provide them a good opportunity of how babies are made. Seriously, what’s with the egg and sperm thing? And why do all the sperm have smiley faces on them as if they’re happy for their buddy to fertilize the egg?

4. Now here’s a cake that provides a simulated view of what the baby looks like up close and personal.

I’m perfectly fine with showing ultrasound images but not on such a tacky cake display such as this. Besides, I think this is kind of too up close and personal.

5. Now here’s a cake that depicts an image from an anatomy textbook.

I guess the baker figured that a cross section image from sex-ed was the perfect inspiration for this design. Let's just say when I go to a baby shower, the last thing I want to remember is health class.

I guess the baker figured that a cross section image from sex-ed was the perfect inspiration for this design. Let’s just say when I go to a baby shower, the last thing I want to remember is health class.

6. Now here’s a perfect cake for those throwing a baby shower during hunting season.

The fact that the torso's decked in camouflage with a baby footprint protruding  from it makes it all the more disturbing. Doesn't help that the camouflage from the mother's stomach bears a remarkable resemblance to blood vessels.

The fact that the torso’s decked in camouflage with a baby footprint protruding from it and a popped up belly button makes it all the more disturbing. Doesn’t help that the camouflage from the mother’s stomach bears a remarkable resemblance to blood vessels.

7. Nothing says about the ups and downs of parenthood than a cake with a dirty diaper.

On second thought, chocolate syrup seems to bear a remarkable resemblance to poo now that I think of it.

On second thought, chocolate syrup seems to bear a remarkable resemblance to poo now that I think of it.

8. There’s nothing like a baby shower cake that states the reason for such celebration in the most crassest way possible.

Someone in this baby shower seems to be a huge fan of that stupid Seth Rogen movie for some reason. Still, I'm sure that the guest of honor at this thing knew about it for months.

Someone in this baby shower seems to be a huge fan of that stupid Seth Rogen movie for some reason. Still, I’m sure that the guest of honor at this thing knew about it for months.

9. Now here’s a cake that seems to take some inspiration from a sex ed animation.

Is is just me or does the baker have some side job in medical illustration. Still, now that's how babies are made, kids, at least in the technical aspects as well as what a woman's reproductive system looks like upon fertilization. Also, what kind of name is Gentri, seriously?

Is is just me or does the baker have some side job in medical illustration. Still, now that’s how babies are made, kids, at least in the technical aspects as well as what a woman’s reproductive system looks like upon fertilization. Also, what kind of name is Gentri, seriously?

10. Nothing says baby shower like a cake reminding the guest of honor of the tribulations of labor with the encouragement from an iconic childhood character.

Sure induce further trauma of giving birth by including the Cat in the Hat. Makes one not think the same way about Dr. Suess ever again. Why not have Thing 1 and Thing 2 assist with the delivery. Also, why did the baker have to be so graphic about this?

11. What better baby shower cake to have than a cake depicting Spencer the Spermazoa, mascot from WTFU.

I think this is a baby shower cake for guys but I’m not sure. Also, I heard WTFU’s Spiking Spermazoa have a lousy record in college football and basketball.

12. And if you like cupcakes what better way to commemorate a baby shower than ones with chocolate sperm.

Actually they kind of more or less resemble creepy chocolate tadpoles. Perhaps these are better at a gathering for amphibian enthusiasts instead of baby showers.

Actually they kind of more or less resemble creepy chocolate tadpoles. Perhaps these are better at a gathering for amphibian enthusiasts instead of baby showers.

13. What better way to say congratulations to the new parents than with a cookie cake just stating the obvious but in a way you wouldn’t say to kids.

Let's just say there's a reason why we don't include the word "genitals" in cakes. Still, this is like "congratulations for the new baby" in the most inappropriate way possible.

Let’s just say there’s a reason why we don’t include the word “genitals” in cakes. Still, this is like “congratulations for the new baby” in the most inappropriate way possible.

14. What way to celebrate the coming of a new baby than depict a delivery scene that would be akin to a horror movie.

Seriously, this cake would be much more appropriate for Halloween than a baby shower. The use of a baby doll covered in strawberry syrup kind of makes this cake even more nightmarish. Perhaps it's enough to make any pregnant woman opt for a c-section.

Seriously, this cake would be much more appropriate for Halloween than a baby shower. The use of a baby doll covered in strawberry syrup kind of makes this cake even more nightmarish. Perhaps it’s enough to make any pregnant woman opt for a c-section.

15. Nothing says adorable than seeing a sweet baby in its blankie.

Except this baby wants to devour your soul through your lactating teets than be fed from the baby bottle. Seriously, this is is pretty creepy if you think about it.

Except this baby wants to devour your soul through your lactating teets than be fed from the baby bottle. Seriously, this is is pretty creepy if you think about it.

16. What could be better baby shower cake than to have one depicting who the mother works for (or just got fired from).

I suppose this baby shower cake  was for the woman at Hooters known for getting way too friendly with the customers.

I suppose this baby shower cake was for the woman at Hooters known for getting way too friendly with the customers.

17. Aw, what would be a more heartwarming cake than one with the parents rubbing the mother’s tummy and going through the journey of parenthood together.

On second thought, does the woman have four hands or do they belong to two different people? Also, this is kind of creepy if you ask me.

On second thought, does the woman have four hands or do they belong to two different people? Also, this is kind of creepy if you ask me.

18. Now here’s a cake on how the whole thing happened.

Look, even with the plant references, this cake still reminds me of health class in high school. Seriously, we get it now and no, this narrative doesn't make this cake any more adorable.

Look, even with the plant references, this cake still reminds me of health class in high school. Seriously, we get it now and no, this narrative doesn’t make this cake any more adorable.

19. Finally, a cake to show where the action is.

Look, we've all been to sex-ed and we know what happens in the uterus once the egg is fertilized. Also, the cookie fetus is pretty creepy.

Look, we’ve all been to sex-ed and we know what happens in the uterus once the egg is fertilized. Also, the cookie fetus is pretty creepy.

20. What better way to commemorate the arrival of a new bundle of joy than to have a cake that depicts the inevitability all mothers to be may have to face.

What the hell is that flesh thing coming from that torso's stomach? It sure doesn't look like a baby to me. Also, these pregnant torso cakes are pretty tacky if you ask me.

What the hell is that flesh thing coming from that torso’s stomach? It sure doesn’t look like a baby to me. Also, these pregnant torso cakes are pretty tacky if you ask me.

21. Nothing says baby shower like having a cake with a creepy baby doll who wants to kill you.

Aw, look at her blank soulless eyes. Who's mommy's future little serial killer? You are, you are. Seriously, this baby is showing signs of being a sociopath.

Aw, look at her blank soulless eyes. Who’s mommy’s future little serial killer? You are, you are. Seriously, this baby is showing signs of being a sociopath.

22. Nothing welcomes a new baby home than having a cake contain his ultrasound images.

Maybe ultrasound images of fetuses should be in cards and such, not on cakes. Oh, God, no please.

Maybe ultrasound images of fetuses should be in cards and such, not on cakes. Oh, God, no please.

23. Aw, what a lovely cake to greet God’s little angel.

Wait a minute, is this for a baby shower or a baby funeral? Seriously, that cross kind of makes it disturbing. Of course, in Rick Bobby's opinion, this is a cake of Baby Jesus.

Wait a minute, is this for a baby shower or a baby funeral? Seriously, that cross kind of makes it disturbing. Of course, in Rick Bobby’s opinion, this is a cake of Baby Jesus.

24. Nothing says “welcome baby” than a cake depicting a scene in the delivery room.

I don't know about you bud doesn't the doctor instruments on the baby table seem a little terrifying to you? I don't know about you but it seems that bakers can't traumatize us enough.

I don’t know about you bud doesn’t the doctor instruments on the baby table seem a little terrifying to you? I don’t know about you but it seems that bakers can’t traumatize us enough.

25. This baby shower was sponsored by Pampers.

Seriously, if this isn't some kind of product placement cake, then I don't know what is. Still, a diaper cake, why?

Seriously, if this isn’t some kind of product placement cake, then I don’t know what is. Still, a diaper cake, why?

26. Nothing says “welcome baby” than a little baby about the crawl into your nightmares.

God, that baby is ugly and creepy as hell. Probably better suited as a Halloween cake since it doesn't even look like a baby to me.

God, that baby is ugly and creepy as hell. Probably better suited as a Halloween cake since it doesn’t even look like a baby to me.

27. There ain’t no baby like a gangsta baby.

What’s with the cigars, seriously? Still, no matter what your taste in music is, you got to agree with me that this is in very bad taste, according to some people.

28. Nothing says “welcome baby” than a pregnant torso cake with limbs bursting out of it.

This is horrifying and it kind of reminds me of some kind of horror movie in which the monster bursts out of someone's stomach or something like that.

This is horrifying and it kind of reminds me of some kind of horror movie in which the monster bursts out of someone’s stomach or something like that.

29. There’s nothing so adorable than a cake of a baby’s bottom and a lobster.

Looks more like a red scorpion to me and we know those are poisonous. Also, I think the idea of baby bottom cakes is a very tacky idea if you ask me.

Looks more like a red scorpion to me and we know those are poisonous. Also, I think the idea of baby bottom cakes is a very tacky idea if you ask me.

30. Nothing says, “welcome baby” than a cake of an infant fresh from the delivery room.

This is simply terrifying. Whoever thought this was a creative idea for a baby shower cake, ought to have his head examined. Seriously, this isn’t cute at all, especially the fact that the baby is blue, making the cake even more disturbing in the process.

31. Congratulations, it’s uh, baby. Can you tell me what the hell that is?

This cake reminds me of that Saint Vincent DePaul statue with the children at my alma mater Saint Vincent College. Let's just say that sculptor didn't know how to draw kids which gave it an aura of creepiness like this cake does. The child in this cake is butt ugly and doesn't seem to resemble a baby at all. Also, it looks too young to be Benjamin Button.

This cake reminds me of that Saint Vincent DePaul statue with the children at my alma mater Saint Vincent College. Let’s just say that sculptor didn’t know how to draw kids which gave it an aura of creepiness like this cake does. The child in this cake is butt ugly and doesn’t seem to resemble a baby at all. Also, it looks too young to be Benjamin Button.

32. Aw, take a look at this adorable cake of a little baby in the tub.

Never in the history of the world has anyone depicted such an activity of innocence in such a nightmarish way possible. I mean a baby in the tub should be seen as adorable but this cake is simply terrifying.

Never in the history of the world has anyone depicted such an activity of innocence in such a nightmarish way possible. I mean a baby in the tub should be seen as adorable but this cake is simply terrifying.

33. Nothing says “welcome twins” like a cake in which the babies resemble kidneys.

Seriously, are they supposed to be in a uterus or something else. Because that does not look like a uterus at all. Looks more like a fruit of some sort if you ask me.

34. Nothing says “welcome baby” than seeing one in a cake.

Seriously, this baby doll in cake thing is creeping me out. Also, how did they bake that or at least get that baby in the cake?

35. Finally a cake with an exhausted expectant mother in labor on her hospital bed.

Hey, at least they didn't depict a cake with a c-section. Still, why have a cake depicting this? Why? I mean she has bloodshot eyes, for God's sake.

Hey, at least they didn’t depict a cake with a c-section. Still, why have a cake depicting this? Why? I mean she has bloodshot eyes, for God’s sake.

36. Congratulations it’s a Ooompa Loompa?

Then again, maybe being a slave laborer at Willie Wonka’s factory isn’t so bad after all as this cake shows. Yet, their offspring are fairly ugly if you know what I mean.

37. Aw, such an adorable cake with twins in a basket to show a mother to be’s double bundle of joy.

These babies are the spawn of Satan and are hungry for your soul. Take them away! Take them away!

These babies are the spawn of Satan and are hungry for your soul. Take them away! Take them away!

38. Finally, a baby shower cake for little green aliens to enjoy.

After all, little green men are people, too, even if their kids freak you out at one time. Yet, strangely the parents intend to name their new son with the Earth name of Tristan. Perhaps this might be the case since Orgarth and Mosal figured that a name from their planet would get their son beat up in school.

After all, little green men are people, too, even if their kids freak you out at one time. Yet, strangely the parents intend to name their new son with the Earth name of Tristan. Perhaps this might be the case since Orgarth and Mosal figured that a name from their planet would get their son beat up in school.

39. Congratulations and may your little girl make a lovely little addition to the Dark side of the Force.

Either this, or that the expectant mother's friends are trying to tell her that she needs a divorce and that her husband would make a terrible dad. That, or just that she may really be into Star Wars for some reason. Seriously, Darth Vader on a baby shower cake? You know this is a guy who cut off his son's hand and blew up his daughter's planet.

Either this, or that the expectant mother’s friends are trying to tell her that she needs a divorce and that her husband would make a terrible dad. That, or just that she may really be into Star Wars for some reason. Seriously, Darth Vader on a baby shower cake? You know this is a guy who cut off his son’s hand and blew up his daughter’s planet.

40. Playboy Bunny bra over enormous boobs? Check. Foot protruding out of stomach? Check. Ultrasound image of baby? Check.

Does anyone think that a Playboy Bunny bra on big boobs on these pregnant torso cakes seem like a covert way of saying what a skank the expectant mother is? I mean seriously, everyone knows that Playboy is a porno magazine created by some old guy who has a harem of scantily clad young women at his own mansion.

41. Finally a baby shower cake for the mother to be who would give birth in a tub.

Seriously, why make a cake of this? How the expectant mother wants in a delivery should be her own personal business, not something to announce to the world.

Seriously, why make a cake of this? How the expectant mother wants in a delivery should be her own personal business, not something to announce to the world.

42. Congratulations it’s a baby human-monkey hybrid.

Look, I’m fine with whatever you do in your personal life but I’m not a fan of bestiality even if it’s between women or chimps. Either that, or whoever designed this cake is really terrible at monkeys for some reason for it looks strangely humanoid. This would’ve been a better baby shower cake if this was Planet of the Apes.

43. Congratulations on your new chest bursting alien that will probably strike you dead.

This would've been a perfectly appropriate baby shower cake for Sigourney Weaver, assuming that she didn't have any kids before the Alien franchise movies. Hey, at least the alien doesn't burst out of a woman's chest in the actual movie, it bursts out of a guy's.

This would’ve been a perfectly appropriate baby shower cake for Sigourney Weaver, assuming that she didn’t have any kids before the Alien franchise movies. Hey, at least the alien doesn’t burst out of a woman’s chest in the actual movie, it bursts out of a guy’s.

44. Congratulations, uh, who’s Jason here?

Either this is a baby shower cake for an expectant dad named Jason. Or Jason is the unborn baby who has been determined to be a boy. Either way, it's kind of freaky to have a sperm in scuba gear if you know what I mean.

Either this is a baby shower cake for an expectant dad named Jason. Or Jason is the unborn baby who has been determined to be a boy. Either way, it’s kind of freaky to have a sperm in scuba gear if you know what I mean.

45. Finally, a bad baby shower cake for the undead expectant mother.

Seriously that baby looks like a monstrosity like a zombie hungry for brains. Also, I didn't know zombies could even reproduce on their own either.

Seriously that baby looks like a monstrosity like a zombie hungry for brains. Also, I didn’t know zombies could even reproduce on their own either.

46. Finally, a baby shower cake that gives the term, “baby carrots” a whole new meaning.

I don't know about you, but I kind of find the idea of a clone army naked  babies with mohawks riding carrots kind of terrifying if you ask me.

I don’t know about you, but I kind of find the idea of a clone army naked babies with mohawks riding carrots kind of terrifying if you ask me.

47. Nothing says, “welcome baby” than a cake depicting a big boobed mother nursing her bundle of joy.

Either the designer was a guy who frequented strip clubs on a regular basis or this cake was originally made for a bachelor party of some sort but cancelled at the last minute. If it's the latter, then the baby was probably a last second addition.

Either the designer was a guy who frequented strip clubs on a regular basis or this cake was originally made for a bachelor party of some sort but cancelled at the last minute. If it’s the latter, then the baby was probably a last second addition.

48. Finally, a cake that tells an expectant mother exactly what her friends and relatives are thinking about her unplanned pregnancy.

Of course, this cake features a pregnant Marge Simpson whose story seems fairly similar to the slogan. Then again, I guess you could do worse than Homer even if he is kind of a jerk at times. Nevertheless, it’s a pretty bad way to rub it in.

49. Nothing could be a better baby shower cake than one with a fetus you can see through the the stomach.

Honestly, who's idea was this nightmarish disaster? I mean the cake has a baby in a gelatin stomach on it. This is creepy beyond all reason.

Honestly, who’s idea was this nightmarish disaster? I mean the cake has a baby in a gelatin stomach on it. This is creepy beyond all reason.

50. Finally, a baby shower cake befitting for a mother-to-be in the adult entertainment industry.

Looks like the naked lady from the pick up truck mudflaps got herself  in the family way. I hope that doesn't hurt her career as a figure on stuff for perverts.

Looks like the naked lady from the pick up truck mudflaps got herself in the family way. I hope that doesn’t hurt her career as a figure on stuff for perverts.