The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear (Fifth Edition)


A popular Valentine’s Day present is a stuffed bear with moveable arms and legs. Since its introduction in 1903 and named after Teddy Roosevelt, these toys have become among the most popular ever since. After all, they’re fuzzy, cute, cuddly, and you can dress them up however you like. Thus, you can see all kinds of teddy bears dressed for holidays, special occasions, and characters from pop culture. There are even teddy bear museums where these toys reenact certain scenes. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of adorable teddy bears. Enjoy.

  1. Don’t mess with the Undertakebear.


He’s based on the WWE wrestler, the Undertaker. Wonder why he’s not wearing a shirt with his suit.

2. You’d swear this teddy bear can glow in the dark.


Actually, it lights up inside. I’m sure batteries are included.

3. Make way for the Teddy bear fashion show.


Come see the latest fashions in chic bear couture. I’m sure the clothes won’t come cheap.

4. Mother Theresa helps the poor bears of Calcutta.


Sure, she may not be the saint we think she is. But come on, she and her bear order nuns look cute in these sari habits.

5. You’d think this bear was some Einstein.


Okay, he’s supposed to be dressed like famous physicist Albert Einstein. Has E=mc squared on his paw.

6. Watch out for that iceberg.


This is supposed to be the teddy bear version of the Titanic. A lot of bears lost their lives that night.

7. He’s all dressed with a place to go.


Here’s a Boyd bear with a small suitcase. Wonder why he travels light.

8. In China, don’t forget to see the tomb of Emperor Qin.


This one has a bear terra cotta army. And yes, bear tourists take pictures of them.

9. Germany unites with the fall of the Bearlin Wall.


Here some bear tears down the wall which will later symbolize the fall of Communism. So East and West Germany can unite as one.

10. These bears are globe trekking.


Since they’re a family of tourists. Though I don’t think tourists dress like these bears in real life. So cute.

11. “Growl once again, my dear, our strange duet….”


This is a Phantom o the Opera bear. Hopefully, he doesn’t sing like Gerard Butler.

12. You won’t be chilly for this Winterland Queen bear.


She wears a blue sparkly dress. Not to mention, she’s a ripoff on Queen Elsa from Frozen.

13. You’d admire this bear’s hat with flowers.


She wears a purple hat with deep pink flowers all made out of felt. Also like the purple sash. So pretty.

14. Joe Biden is ready to run again.


Though so far, he hasn’t managed to gain much traction. As we can see with the results in Iowa.

15. Santa finishes one more wooden soldier.


Here he’s in his workshop making toys. Before he goes out to deliver them for that one night.

16. You’ll find nothing wooden with this nutcracker.


Well, this bear is dressed up as one. But he won’t really crack nuts. Because he’s plush wearing felt clothes.

17. This bear’s got a plain habit.


Since he’s a monk. So he’s just wearing a plain black robe. So cute.

18. Beware the Queen of Hearts.


Because if you slight her, she’ll have you beheaded. Doesn’t matter if you’re an outsider or one of her card soldiers.

19. Let’s make this landing at Omaha Beach.


Yes, these bears are reenacting D-Day. And yes, some of them will not survive the invasion. But they’re fighting Nazis for God’s sake.

20. This Teddy Bear is ready to ride.


Since he’s a teddy bear of Teddy Roosevelt. For the teddy bear’s named after him.

21. Want a cold drink with this polar bear?


No thanks for me since I don’t drink pop. But he’s nevertheless an iconic bear that you see around Christmas.

22. The Pope emerges to greet the crowds.


Here he stands between 2 cardinal bears with his long crucifix staff. Yet, unlike human popes, he doesn’t wear shoes.

23. You’d think this bear was out on safari.


Since he’s clearly wearing such an expedition outfit. Even carries a sleeping mat. So cute.

24. This chili pepper will bring some spice to your life.


It even comes with maracas. You’d almost think it works at a Mexican restaurant.

25. You’d might want to party with this bear.


Since he’s dressed as a glass of beer. Though I’d recommend not to let him drive you home from the bar.

26. Many swear to have seen this Sasquatch bear.


He’s fuzzier than most. Yet, despite numerous sightings, scientists question his existence.

27. Dr. Bear wants you to brush your teeth.


Though there’s only a 1 out of 3 chance he accepts Medicaid. If you live in the US, that is

28. Here some rich bears gather for a game of polo.


They ride on plush horses and use sticks to move a ball. And no, I don’t understand how polo works.

29. This bear works all the livelong day on the railroad.


This train engineer bear wears a striped hat and coveralls. But modern train engineers don’t usually wear such apparel.

30. Check out the tatt on this sailor.


It’s one of a heart on his arm. Yet, how can you tattoo a bear, I have no idea.

31. The Korean streets are rather bustling.


This one has marketplaces, tables, and a tent. Then again, it might be outside the palace.

32. Someone’s ready for a summer’s day.


Though I’m not sure if she’s just going on a summer stroll to the park or the beach. Then again, she’s not wearing tennis shoes so it’s probably the latter.

33. Here we come across a royal procession.


Okay, this is a Korean procession. Since a lot of teddy bear museums are in South Korea for some reason. But you have to admire the time and effort people put into this.

34. This bear will put out fires for you.


Okay, maybe not. But you can cuddle with him as your relationship with your significant other crashes and burns.

35. Someone’s ready to race for once.


Since he’s the cutest auto racer you’ll ever see. Hope his car doesn’t crash and burn.

36. This guy always supports his mom.


For he’s her #1 fan. Though at least he’s not creepy about it. Unlike Oedipus.

37. You’d make yourself at home in this Korean village.


Yes, you find a lot of Korean stuff in these teddy bear museums. Since most of them are from South Korea. Don’t know why that is.

38. Teddy bears construct some Buddhist statues.


Guess this is for a temple or shrine. Not sure why the golden Buddha statues don’t look like bears.

39. This bear pilot is ready for takeoff.


Sure his plane doesn’t seem ready to fly. But he doesn’t seem to mind.

40. Guess Koreans really know how to put on a festival.


This one seems to have plenty of ceremonial dancers. From a teddy bear museum in Seoul.

41. The Netherlands has a peaceful countryside.


This one features windmills and tulip fields. So you can guess this is a Dutch display.

42. The Korean king sits on his throne.


Guess this ceremony must’ve taken place between the 19th century and the Korean War. Because we know the Korean kingdom’s no more nowadays.

43. She’s all dressed up for a night on the town.


Here she wears a red dress and carries a purse. Like the matching bows on her dress and ear.

44. She decided to go summer casual today.


Here she wears a striped top with jean. Also carries a purse. Like the gold buttons.

45. You’ll be enchanted by this fancy dress ball.


The display’s not very big. Yet, you’d have to admire the fancy clothes, especially the dresses.

46. These bears go to visit Mount Bearmore.


It’s basically a teddy bear version of Mount Rushmore. And yes you got some teddy bears in the foreground.

47. “Cubs, start your lessons.”


This is an old fashioned school house scene from a teddy bear museum in Germany. Because each kid has their own chalk board.

48. This teddy bear is a wizard.


Since he’s a Harry Potter bear. shown with his scar, hat, and Quidditch broom.

49. How about a trip to the zoo?


Some of the animals here are in plush as well. While the bears frequent the premises. Wonder what the bear exhibit is like.

50. You’d think this angel is heaven sent.


She’s a Boyd’s Bear. She wears a dress and felt wings.

51. These servants always work long hours.


This is from a teddy bear museum in Dorset. And yes, these servants are washing dishes.

52. You’d think this family is rather well-to-do.


You’d see a family like this on Downton Abbey. Except that they’re bears. From a teddy bear museum in Dorset.

53. Steve Jobs unveils the latest Apple product.


He stands near a chair in a black turtleneck. Though his claws won’t hurt you.

54. Klawlo Ren will finish what his grandfather started.


Though watch out when he whips up his lightsaber. Since he’s been known to go to town on it like slicing and smashing things.

55. This bear’s not afraid of no ghost.


This is a ghostbuster bear. So it has the logo on its paw inside its shoes.

56. With Genie bear, he’ll grant you 3 wishes at your command.


I’m sure this one was for the live-action remake with Will Smith. As I can tell from the beard and outfit.

57. Rey always knows how to fight with her staff.


Of course, her bear version doesn’t have her intricate hairstyle. But wait until she gets a hold on a lightsaber.

58. Darth Bearder’s on the Dark Side of the Force.


And yes, he’s black with ears on his helmet. But he still needs to wear his suit in order to live. After what Obi Wan Kenobi did to him.

59. Secret agent or fashionista?


Since this bear’s wearing a black coat and sunglasses. So you may never know.

60. “Sheriff Woody, at your service…”


Here this bear wears the Woody get up. Afraid of getting replaced by a space toy, if Buzz Lightyear gets any hint.

61. Deadpool would like to propose.


Here he goes on one knee with a ring. Great for a guy who wants to marry a girl who likes Marvel and has a sense of humor.

62. Jasmine can always be a princess to impress.


Though you have to admit, she does have daddy issues. Yet, she doesn’t hold the lamp in either the Disney or the live-action version.

63. Captain America is American patriotism personified.


He also shows the wonders of performance enhancement drugs in the Marvel universe. Still, this bear of him is blue.

64. Cinderella is all dressed for the ball.


Though the magic will wear off by midnight. So she’ll only have her glass slippers left. Or one glass slipper left since she left the other at the ball.

65. Queen Elsa knows how to stage a freeze.


Here she’s in her Frozen II outfit. Seems more at home with herself than in the last movie where she doomed her kingdom to eternal winter.

66. Someone can use another tissue.


This is a get well bear in pajamas. Then again, he’s got a hanky so he’s good. So cute.

67. You’ll be fine against this Stormtrooper bear.


Because while Stormtroopers may shoot up a place, they usually don’t hit anything. Though they can be dangerous.

68. Harley Quinn is no laughing matter.


Yet, for God’s sake, don’t romanticize her relationship with the Joker. Because he’s a raging psychopath who’s very abusive to her.

69. No one can resist this Ewok bear.


Ewoks are pretty much teddy bears to begin with. But they will try to eat you and kick your ass.

70. Rapunzel gets all Tangled.


Her bear’s purple with long blond hair. But not long enough to hang from a tower to use as a ladder. That wouldn’t be safe for kids.

71. It’s a tale as old as time.


These are Beauty and the Beast bear set. Come with a rose. So adorable.

72. Ariel comes from under the sea.


She’s basically a teenager who sold her voice for some plastic surgery. And from a shady sea witch no less.

73. This Irish lass can dance.


For she’s an Irish river dancer. Even has her dancing shoes on.

74. Greetings from Hawaii.


She wears a hula skirt, a flower lei, and a coconut bra. Hope se doesn’t dance when the volcano blows.

75. No one can stop Captain Marvel.


Here she springs into action. Know that she’s about as powerful as Superman.

76. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”


She wears the green garb of Lady Liberty. Unfortunately, her words are being undermined by Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policies and family separations.

77. Gotham’s Dark Knight lingers in the shadows.


This bear wears a mask and cape. And he’ll beat the hell out of villains from Arkham Asylum.

78. Thanos Bear wants to wipe half of the universe.


Already he’s got his Infinity gauntlet on. Uh-oh. Don’t have a good feeling about this.

79. Girl Scout bears always bring in the cookies.


Here they wear outfits denoting ranks. But please pay for the cookies or they will end you.

80. “Shitter’s full.”


He’s supposed to be a Cousin Eddie bear. Still, don’t all bears shit in the woods?



The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear (Fourth Edition)


Of course, I couldn’t do Valentine’s Day without including the iconic Teddy Bear. For decades this cuddly toy has been adored by children and adults alike. And you’d often find this little guy as a popular V-Day gift from sweethearts around the world. Since they have movable arms, you often see them dressed in all kinds of little costumes. Since they’re so irresistibly cute, you’d often find them dressed for all kinds of occasions and holiday. But once in awhile, you’ll see a teddy bear dressed as a pop culture icon or culture figure. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of adorable teddy bears. Enjoy.

  1. “One of you will beartray me..”

DaVinci’s The Last Supper with bears. From the Jeju Island teddy bear museum.

2. Mama bear needs a new pair of shoes.


This bear is supposed to frequent a casino. And it seems she’s got all hearts.

3. All bears on deck.


This is from a teddy bear museum, possibly in the UK. Nonetheless, the wooden ship is amazing.

4. Erin has always been an Irish darling.


She’s supposed to resemble an Irish river dancer for Saint Patrick’s Day. Love the shamrock head garland.

5. Seems like our bear archaeologists found something incredible.


These bears have came to the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi. Here they marvel over remains of some terra cotta soldiers.

6. Here they stand on the ruins of war.


These are teddy bear soldiers near ruins in France during WWII. And yes, some hang out in a jeep.

7. The band played on….


This is a teddy bear rendition of the sinking of the Titanic. Cue to the polar bears on the iceberg.

8. A flower dress is perfect for any spring occasion.


She even has a lace handkerchief in her paws. Love her flowery hat.

9. Coco always has to be a fashionista.


She wears a kimono to go with her red handbag and sunglasses. While her bag is from Big Brown Bear.

10. Perhaps you’ll appreciate this birthday bear.


This one has a bikini clad bear coming out of the cake. Kind of amusing and adorable.

11. Bet you’ve never seen a bear in his boxer briefs.


His waist band says it all. And he looks so adorable in that pose.

12. Graduation is always quite an accomplishment.


This graduate is in white for the Class of 2015. So its job prospect might not be great.

13. On Halloween night the pumpkin fairy appears.


It has orange wings and a jack-o’-lantern magic wand. Doesn’t look spooky. But is quite adorable.

14. Mary can always spare a put or two.


She’s supposed to be a female golfer. Here she wears a skirt with her diamond polo.

15. David always knows how to make a goal.


Since he’s got claws, he needs no cleats. But let’s hope they don’t rupture the ball.

16. Ryan will just shoot some hoops.


He also knows how to dribble. So you might not want to play a round of one-on-one with him.

17. Brittany knows how to look chic in pink.


She even wears a camo denim outfit and a pink leather jacket. So cute.

18. Anyone miss Bearack Obearma yet?


Indeed, I sure do miss him and his presidency. Still, he comes with Obearma Care.

19. This your Captain Clawly Clawenberger speaking.


This teddy bear’s supposed to be an airplane pilot. Will fly you to the moon and warm your heart.

20. Watch out for this grizzly pirate.


He’s even got an eyepatch. But back away when he uses his sword.

21. Nancy Bear is on her way to the spa.


She’s in her pink robe with a towel around her head. So she’s good to go.

22. Barry is all ready for the big game.


He’s already got his shoulder pads on. Not sure why he’s not wearing a helmet.

23. Christmas is the time to shine in a Santa dress.


She’s even wearing a Santa hat. So pretty and festive.

24. A bear should always look chic on the town.


she wears a dress with an iconic Vuitton print. Or is it Gucci? Who cares?

25. Ethan is Army strong.


He’s wearing a desert camo uniform. Wonder if he’s served in Afghanistan.

26. Father Christmas is the bearer of great tidings.


He’s the British equivalent to Santa Claus. But check out that cane and kick ass cape.

27. A distinguished Pilgrim always has a goatee.


He’s a Thanksgiving bear. Wait until he takes the land away from the Indians.

28. A Christmas angel wishes peace on earth.


She even has red bird in an intricate design. Love her blue dress.

29. When there’s snow, bring snow shoes.


He’s even all bundled up. Despite that bears usually sleep in during the winter.

30. Tape measure can also double as ribbon.


Though she also uses it to measure sizes. Still, so adorable.

31. This Steiff bear makes his own in his workshop.


Didn’t know he could have his own toy workshop. Includes a sewing machine and wood stove.

32. This alien teddy bear is out of this world.


IT’s red with a little space helmet. It’s also a limited edition Steiff from Japan.

33. A colorful harlequin also needs to know how to juggle.


He’s in red and white. while he wears a cone hat of green and blue.

34. Charlotte always loves to dress in a scary costume for Halloween.


She wears a black bat mask and a black tutu. She’s even got a spider near the skirt.

35. A red dress and tiara makes a bear queen of the ball.


She’s even got a bouquet of roses. So pretty that she stuns.

36. This teddy will be strong for you.


The barbells even have hearts. While he wears a medal for cuteness.

37. A country singer should always have her own guitar.


Trixie’s guitar matches her boots. While she dons a black dress and hat.

38. Say hello to Santa’s newest little helper.


Yes, he’s a Santa elf. Though he doesn’t sport pointy ears.

39. Lindsay always enjoys roasting marshmallows.


She’s dressed for the colder weather, too. Like the scarf and bow.

40. Guess it’s someone’s sleepy time.


He wears his own romper and bear slippers. Though he carries a rather mischievous expression.

41. Even among teddy bears, K-Pop is all the rage.


Well, it’s from Seoul’s teddy bear museum, what do you expect? Guess it’s “Oppa Gangnam Style.”

42. The city is always a bustling place.


This is from a teddy bear museum in Jeju. Yet, all the bears are in street clothes. One’s even checking her smartphone in the street.

43. Anyone in the mood for smores?


He has the graham crackers and chocolate. He wears an orange vest to be seen when going to the bathroom.

44. Ladies and gentlemen, the king.


Here’s bear Elvis in his white jumpsuit and red guitar. Yet, he won’t look so great in his Vegas years.

45. “Me, Pawzan. You, Jane.”


Here he swings with his jungle bear in harms. While the apes look on.

46. “Now let this be a fair fight.”


This can get ugly. But at least they’ll be stuffing leaking out by the end instead of blood.

47. Nobody surpasses this iconic bearsketball player.


This is supposed to be Michael Jordan during the 1990s by the way. He was the Lebron James of his day.

48. It’s always ice and snow in the polar regions.


Sure, polar bears and penguins don’t go together. But it’s a cute display nonetheless.

49. Must be hard to entertain 7 little bears.


This a display of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Here she reads them a bedtime story in the woods.

50. Looks like we have the experts at work.


I think they’re supposed to be archaeologists. Since I saw a few bones and things.

51. Apparently, teddy bears have their own Jurassic Park.


And we come to some bears about to be eaten by a T-Rex. Don’t have much hope for them.

52. This bear has been through so many tissues.


This is a get well bear. Nonetheless, you have to love the pajamas.

53. Japanese bears dress in lavish kimonos.


Wonder if they’re supposed to be a bride and groom or an emperor and empress. Still, they’re adorable.

54. Nobody should miss the Winter Olympics.


I guess they’re watching some of the events. Includes snowboarding and cross country skiing.

55. Don’t think you can scratch this 7-year itch.


This is a teddy bear of Marilyn Monroe from The 7th Year Itch. Here her dress goes up from the air vents.

56. Bears always love their bread.


Here we come to teddy bears baking bread. The bears here also wear chef hats.

57. Everyone seems to love a royal wedding.


This one is of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Let’s just say despite the fairy tale atmosphere, the marriage didn’t last.

58. These bears pay tribute to a Buddhist shrine.


Well, this is from a museum in South Korea. Got to love how the bears bow down to the Buddha.

59. Hera always looks like a queen.


She’s supposed to be the Greek goddess Hera, queen of Mount Olympus. Given that her husband can’t keep it in his pants, she’s got a very vicious streak.

60. Dionysus always knows how to party.


He’s the Greek god of wine and revelry. Still, his parties can get pretty wild.

61. These bears play on the beach.


A mother and daughter build a sandcastle. While a guy goes out surfing.

62. These bears have fallen on hard times.


This is a rendition of a famous painting. Indeed, they’re poor farmers. But it’s kind of cute.

63. Here the king consults with his advisers.


You can tell they’re his advisers due to their tall hats. From South Korea.

64. Seems like a leopard snuck in.


Okay, it’s a teddy bear in a leopard onesy. And it looks adorable in it.

65. This bear lady is rather enterprising.


She’s smartly dressed in a navy blue business suit. Like her scarf.

66. Seems like Gulliver is all tied up.


Here’s a teddy bear rendition of Gulliver’s Travels. Includes one giant bear and a bunch of little ones.

67. On Mount Olympus, Zeus is king.


Yes, that’s Mr. Sex Fiend with the Lightning Bolts himself. As he sits on his golden throne.

68. Beware of the ferocious Minotaur.


He’s supposed to be half-bear and half bull. And he’ll tear people to shreds with his cuteness.

69. This bear means business.


Yes, that teddy bear’s got a knife. So it’s best you stay away.

70. A small red dress can always stun.


This bear wears a sweet little red dress with a bow. Like her jewelry, too.

71. You’d think this was a rainbow bear.


This bear has bright colors all over it. So adorable and colorful.

72. This bear knows how to keep warm.


This is the female version of the Vermont bear. Comes with dog and blond hair.

73. Perhaps you’d want some candy from Lucy.


This is a Lucille Ball teddy bear. Please don’t employ her in any candy factory.

74. When you’re blue, make way for the cheerleading bear.


Comes with pom poms, flag, and megaphone. Like her bows. So adorable.

75. This teddy comes to support Team USA in the Olympics.


This was for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. Nonetheless, he seems like quite the avid patriot.

76. This bear dresses in conversation hearts.


Well, it wears that sweater. Though they’re not making these chalk hearts this year.

77. Someone looks spiffy in a sailor outfit.


Well, this is for a little kid. Nonetheless, it’s a colorful get up with a pom pom hat. So cute.

78. This bear’s reading for 2.


Since she’s pregnant. As you can tell by her maternity dress.

79. Wonder if this is for a Korean wedding.


I guess it is, given the groom’s outfit. The bride wears a white dress.

80. No one can resist a bear on a rocking horse.


Indeed, the bear rocks a horse by the fire. So hard to resist. Awww.

The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear (Third Edition)


One of the more iconic gifts people receive on Valentine’s Day are teddy bears. If you look at the Vermont Teddy Bear website, you’ll find more bears for V-Day than any other holiday. They may be cuddly toys, but they’re not just for kids to play with. In fact, these plushies of cuteness are used for all sorts of occasions and are customized to suit your fancy. You have teddy bears for holidays. You have bears for special occasions. And there are plenty of bears dressed as public figures, occupations, hobbies, fictional characters, and what you will. After all, I did a couple of posts pertaining to them. Still, looking at their beady eyes and fur, you don’t need to wonder why people have loved this toy all over the world. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of teddy bears. Enjoy.

  1. Cuddle this polar bear on cold winter days.

But if you don’t believe in global warming, then explain to this guy why their polar home is disappearing. Still, you want to hug it.

2. Obear wan Kenobi always uses the Force.

Though he doesn’t seem to have a lightsaber. Then again, he can maul Sith with his bear hands.

3. Everyone wants to hug this Panda bear.

Yes, this little guy’s from China. But it’s American made thanks to the Vermont Teddy Bear Company.

4. You’ll never see anything more saintly than this angel.

Well, she’s decked in white and gold. Still, got to love the wings and halo.

5. There is no Jedi bear more powerful and wise than Master Pawda.

Great warrior, Pawda is. Flips during lightsaber battles, Pawda can do.

6. You’d go mad over Mad King Ludwig II and his swan.

Sure he may have been a terrible and crazy king of Bavaria. But at least he gave his people an assortment of great tourist attractions.

7. Even bears hung out at diners during the 1950s.

Though you wouldn’t guess they’d drive muscle cars and wear poodle skirts. Still, this is adorable.

8. Sultan Ali Bearba always sports an amazing mustache.

Yet, he’ll tear any encroachers to shreds with his claws. Love the turban.

9. Someone’s ready for their close up.

Though the camera bear might need to pull up his pants. For his tighty whiteys are showing.

10. This fair lady bear is all ready for the masquerade ball.

She’s dressed in red and has a golden mask in her paws. Wherever she goes, no one can see her face.

11. Joel le Paz loves to give away presents.

He even gives away bears of all sizes. Got to admire his red cape and hood.

12. Gabriella is always in a fairy bloom mood.

Well, she certainly has fairy wings and dress. But she’s nonetheless a heavenly vision.

13. Wonder Wombear empowers girl bears everywhere.

Kind of had to include this one since Wonder Woman came out in 2017. Too bad that film got snubbed for Oscars.

14. Come to the Emerald City for these bears.

Includes Dorothy, her friends, Glinda, the Wicked Witch of the West, and Toto? Don’t get the last one.

15. Michaelangelbear always knew how to capture the moment of creation.

It’s supposed to be a teddy bear rendition of The Creation of Adam. And yes, it’s quite amazing to look at.

16. Care for a Sunday afternoon in the park?

This is based on a painting by George Seurat. And yes, I think they got the whole thing almost perfect with teddy bears.

17. Draculclaws wants to suck your blood.

So you might want to proceed with caution. For he tempts unsuspecting victims with cuddles.

18. Teddy Bears are always up for a spring family picnic.

Though I wonder if this family hijacked some people picnickers. But here they enjoy a nice, quiet day.

19. Lucy Bear is always in the mood for chocolate.

She’s basically a teddy bear Lucille Ball. And yes, she’s always ready to be zany.

20. Ivanka Trump always knows the height of fashion.

However, while she claims to be for women and children, she’s basically her dad in sleeker packaging. Also, she may sell overpriced clothes. But they’re made by sweatshop labor in countries with human rights abuses.

21. Bianca Bear loves to ice skate.

She also has aspirations to become a figure skater. Like her idol Clawnya Harding.

22. Mr. Right is always just around the corner.

However, you didn’t expect him to be covered in fur with a wet nose and ears. But he comes with roses and chocolates.

23. Whatever you wish, its Genie bear’s command.

Comes with a lamp and 3 hearts for wishes. Still, love the turban. So cute.

24. Chef Paw Paws comes highly recommended.

Here he comes with a gingham scarf on his neck. But he always washes his paws before he cooks. His dishes are quite bearable.

25. This teddy bear is great at kung fu fighting.

Sure he may be a white belt. But he can totally karate chop you if he had the chance.

26. Never guess this bear is a real turkey.

Though a Pilgrim or Indian costume would’ve been less outrageous. Still, people will talk about this turkey at Thanksgiving.

27. The Birthday bear loves to wear a cake hat.

Though there are a few candles on top. Any more and his head would be set on fire.

28. This star quarterback is ready for his forward pass.

Well, he’s not wearing a helmet and shoulder pads. Then again, bears are quite resilient.

29. This injured bear’s fallen for you and has the cast to prove it.

He may have an injured leg and crutch. But you can’t help but cuddle him.

30. Beach bear girl never gets too hot on the coast.

She’s in her own swimsuit, sunglasses, and hat. And she’s ready to get in the water.

31. Anyone would want an angel bear on their Christmas tree.

She’s in a white gown trimmed with gold. And her wings give her a heavenly disposition.

32. Sprinting Susie always works out at the trail circuit.

She wears her own sports bra. But you have to like her sweats and sneakers.

33. See Clawnya Harding do a whirl on ice.

But if Nancy Berrigan beats her in the Olympics, she’ll rip her to shreds. Love the outfit though.

34. Sometimes if you want to get a moose, you’d have to dress like one.

Well, I guess this is for the Vermont Teddy Bear Company to promote their state. But I didn’t know any moose lived in Vermont.

35. Though he loves bacon, he loves you more.

I can understand why bears would love bacon. But a bear in a bacon costume is quite hysterical.

36. “Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…”

“Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”
Also, this plaid pajama bear comes with a mouse in his pocket.

37. Dr. Claws wants to check your teeth.

He even has a tooth with its own eyes and smile. Also, he insists you brush and floss.

38. Glitter Whimsy Bear is always full of sparkle.

She has a purple jacket and pink skirt. But she shines wherever she goes.

39. Coco Bear always dresses at the height of fashion.

Has her own handbag to accessorize. Still, you have to admire her good taste.

40. Anyone can be a ferocious dragon with effort.

Or he could be dressed as a dinosaur. Either way, he’s adorably scary.

41. Snowshoe Santabear needs no sleigh and reindeer.

Though reindeer can make a nice supplement. Still, this is kind of clever.

42. Spirit will put you in the Winter Olympic mood.

He’s ready to go to South Korea for Team USA. And he wears red, white, blue to prove it.

43. It’s always G’day to this Australian policeman.

Though he doesn’t seem as cuddly as other police bears. That’s because he’s patrolling the Outback.

44. Nobody could resist Papi Chiulo.

With his black outfit and red rose, he can make the ladies swoon. And he likes to cuddle.

45. These bears can always catch the rainbow.

Each one is a different color. And their bows usually match their fur.

46. Even teddy bears must go to school.

Each student has a slate board. Guess this is from a one room schoolhouse.

47. You’d almost say this bear is Leonardo’s masterpiece.

Well, it’s a teddy bear Mona Lisa from the Teddy Bear Museum. And yes, she has hair from her ears.

48. “Make mine a double.”

Yes, it’s a teddy bear bar scene. And yes, that patron will be there for a long time.

49. I’m sure you’ll be impressed by this Asian ceremony.

Looks like a wedding ceremony. Since the girl bear is wearing red. Still, quite amazing to see.

50. These bears seem to have a natty fashion sense.

Well, their outfits are quite colorful. And they surely know how to accessorize.

51. Mr. Darcy Bear is a proper gentleman.

Sure he may be kind of a crank at first. But deep down, he’s warm and fuzzy.

52. Didn’t know they had teddy bears at Normandy.

Yes, this is a teddy bear rendition of D-Day. Saving Private Ryan has never looked more adorable.

53. “Four score, seven bears ago…”

Yes, that’s an Abraham Lincoln teddy bear. And yes, he’s in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

54. Teddy bears even visit the Great Wall of China.

Some of these guys are already exhausted. Of course, walking long distances can do that to you.

55. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Virtruvian Teddy Bear.

It’s based on Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing. And yes, it has all the limb movements.

56. Check out this teddy bear emperor tomb.

This is a rendition of the Chinese Emperor Qin’s tomb. And yes, they have teddy bear soldier statues.

57. “Let’s get ready to rumble!”

Though I’m sure if bears need boxing gloves since they have sharp claws. But this is a fight I wouldn’t mind seeing. Okay, maybe not.

58. China is home to plenty of pandas.

So a Chinese panda display is a no brainer. Still, this is so adorable.

59. Care to see bears in their natural habitat.

Sure it resembles the North American wilderness. Though it’s from a teddy bear museum in Hawaii.

60. Of course, I couldn’t forget the teddy bear’s namesake.

Yes, that’s a teddy bear of Theodore Roosevelt. And yes, he has a big smile on his face in the wilderness.

61. “It’s a small world after all…”

Well, you have to love this Disney teddy bear display. There’s even one dressed as Mickey Mouse.

62. “That’s one small step for a bear, one giant leap of bearkind.”

Neil Bearstrong becomes the first teddy bear to land on the moon. And here he greets everyone on Earth.

63. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Beartles!”

These are the Beatles before Sergeant Pepper. Still, got to like their mop tops.

64. Looks like the natives are roasting somebody.

And they seem to have him on a rotisserie. Yes, it’s derogatory but kind of funny.

65. Shrek and Fiona haven’t been more warm and fuzzy.

And yes, they’re green and their ears are ogrish. Come with 3 blind mice and Puss in Boots.

66. Greetings, Professor Einstein.

This is within the home of Albert Einstein. And I’m sure it’s supposed to be his home with his wife and kids. Who he’d end up leaving.

67. Didn’t know that bears ate in their own cafeteria.

And I guess they go all over with the buffet. Because we all know bears eat anything.

68. A cheerleading bear always cheers for you.

Comes with her own pom poms. And she is ready to roar.

69. Always honor the sacrifice of a service amputee.

He’s only missing a leg. But he’s been a brave soldier on his crutches. We salute you, one legged bear.

70. “Frosty the Snowbear was a jolly, happy soul..”

Yet, this teddy bear snowman is guaranteed to melt your heart. Even with the carrot nose.

71. How about a teddy bear in your Christmas tree?

And the tree is fuzzy as the bear itself. Comes with ornaments and a star.

72. Perhaps you might want to celebrate Thanksgiving with these Pilgrim bears.

Though the Indian bears would beg to differ. Mostly because the Pilgrims eventually drew them out and gave them smallpox.

73. Bearcent Van Gogh admires his sunflowers.

Still, he only has one ear. Since the real Vincent Van Gogh cut his off.

74. You can’t get enough with this Valentine Sweetheart.

She wears a red dress and bow. Nevertheless, she’s so sweet and adorable you want to hug her.

75. Prince Charming has your glass slipper on a purple pillow.

Though to be fair, the prince had to go all over town to find Cinderella. Still, he could’ve just given a physical description.

76. This bear always has a jackhammer ready.

He’s decked out in orange to show it. Comes with a suitcase.

77. Anyone would want to cuddle this little Eskimo.

Wears a blue parka and has their own polar bear. A great friend if you live up north.

78. A refined bear should come in a Baroque pink dress.

She has a heart purse and an ornate hat. But the dress is quite lovely.

79. Spirit will always be for Team USA in the sun or snow.

I bet this is for the Summer Olympics. Hope he had fun in Rio but I highly doubt it.

80. I’m sure nobody can resist this Christmas penguin.

Well, he has a beak and a top hat. But seeing this bear in a penguin tuxedo will melt your heart.

The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear (Second Edition)


Two years ago, I did a post on Teddy Bears which many people loved since I got a lot of views on it. But since my country is now in the winter of its discontent and that Valentine’s Day will be around soon, I thought I could do another. After all, we all need some cuteness in our lives now and then. And what toy can be any cuter than a fuzzy, wuzzy teddy bear you can cuddle with? Nevertheless, these are mainly toys for kids and a lot of people may not like receiving them for Valentine’s Day. Yet, at the same time, it’s a highly popular toy that has so many variations from places like Build-A-Bear Workshop, Steiff, Gund, Boyds, and the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. I mean you’ll find all kinds of bears suited for holidays, special occasions, occupations and activities, and even celebrities. Oh, and you have to see the ones of fictional characters. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another assortment of these adorable plushies of joy.

  1. Han Solbear shot first.
Wait until his girlfriend's dad freezes him in carbonite and gives him to Bearba Fett to hand him to Jabba. Then he won't look so tough. Also, travels with an alien who resembles a Sasquatch.

Wait until his girlfriend’s dad freezes him in carbonite and gives him to Bearba Fett to hand him to Jabba. Then he won’t look so tough. Also, travels with an alien who resembles a Sasquatch.

2. Lord Furatio Nelson always looks dashing in his naval uniform.

Of course, he should only have one arm in this. But he looks adorable anyway.

Of course, he should only have one arm in this. But he looks adorable anyway. May come with bear of Lady Hamilton.

3. Fuzz Lightyear is always to infinity and beyond.

He even has a cap to show off his own ears. And a suit with his own wings.

He even has a cap to show off his own ears. And a suit with his own wings.

4. Of course, there’s always a cuddly bad boy around town.

This gangster bear has his own machine gun and even that doesn't keep you wanting to hug him. Though he does know how to dress.

This gangster bear has his own machine gun and even that doesn’t keep you wanting to hug him. Though he does know how to dress.

5. A pirate captain bear should always sport a colorful coat for the high seas.

Well, he certainly has a nice jacket. But you wouldn't want to come aboard his ship.

Well, he certainly has a nice jacket. But you wouldn’t want to come aboard his ship.

6. And you thought you wouldn’t want to see a hairy girl on the beach.

Well, at least she knows how to have fun in the sun. And she doesn't seem to show a lot of fur.

Well, at least she knows how to have fun in the sun. And she doesn’t seem to show a lot of fur.

7. Marco Polbear always loves to go on an adventure.

Though we're not sure if his account on China was factual or just made up. But he does look cute with a map and telescope.

Though we’re not sure if his account on China was factual or just made up. But he does look cute with a map and telescope.

8. Wondy Bear is always here to save the day.

Yet, this is her in her more modest attire with the star skirt. Still, she's here to inspire love.

Yet, this is her in her more modest attire with the star skirt. Still, she’s here to inspire love.

9. This festive caroler makes sure to dress for the yuletide season.

Though despite looking adorable, she tends to make people a bit scared at her. Also, can't carry much of a tune.

Though despite looking adorable, she tends to make people a bit scared at her. Also, can’t carry much of a tune.

10. It’s not easy being green in the land of Oz.

Yet, just remember that she has every right to her sister's ruby slippers. And that you don't want her anywhere near water.

Yet, just remember that she has every right to her sister’s ruby slippers. And that you don’t want her anywhere near water.

11. Hear ye, hear ye, comes the town crier bear.

Sure you may find it odd that he's dressed from the 18th century. But his attire suggests a festive spirit at the tavern.

Sure you may find it odd that he’s dressed from the 18th century. But his attire suggests a festive spirit at the tavern.

12. There’s nothing a baby appreciates more at their christening than this little bundle of hugs.

Well, I'm sure this is for a girl. Because having been to a lot of baptisms myself, boy babies usually wear a different outfit.

Well, I’m sure this is for a girl. Because having been to a lot of baptisms myself, boy babies usually wear a different outfit.

13. If you see a bear like this on Christmas Eve, you might be visited by 3 spirits.

Yes, this is a Jacob Marley Bear from A Christmas Carol. Chains not included.

Yes, this is a Jacob Marley Bear from A Christmas Carol. Chains not included.

14. There’s nothing people appreciate more than a teddy bear royal wedding.

Sure it may not be Will and Kate's wedding. But these royal newlyweds look adorable nonetheless.

Sure it may not be Will and Kate’s wedding. But these royal newlyweds look adorable nonetheless.

15. Sometimes you need a furry friend to help you surf the net.

However, please don't mind his broken glasses and bad fashion sense. He's very smart. Honest.

However, please don’t mind his broken glasses and bad fashion sense. He’s very smart. Honest.

16. Unto us, a cub is born.

Yes, this is a teddy bear nativity scene from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Shepherds and wise men not included.

Yes, this is a teddy bear nativity scene from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Shepherds and wise men not included.

17. He may not be a saint but it’s clear his cuteness is infallible.

Yes, it's another pope bear. Yes, I know I had one on the least teddy bear post. But this one has the funny hat and a different outfit.

Yes, it’s another pope bear. Yes, I know I had one on the least teddy bear post. But this one has the funny hat and a different outfit.

18. Of course, Lucille Bear always had spunk.

Well, this is a Vermont Teddy Bear tribute to I Love Lucy. And they seem to have this bear in Lucy's chocolatier outfit.

Well, this is a Vermont Teddy Bear tribute to I Love Lucy. And they seem to have this bear in Lucy’s chocolatier outfit.

19. Accountant Bear will help you do your taxes.

Okay, not really. But you have to like how he has an initialed briefcase and his own calculator.

Okay, not really. But you have to like how he has an initialed briefcase and his own calculator.

20. This little ball of fur nearly makes it to the finish line.

Yes, this is a marathon bear. And he has on his little number to show for it.

Yes, this is a marathon bear. And he has on his little number to show for it.

21. Optometry bear wants to know if you can see anything.

Comes with an eye chart. Though glasses don't seem to be included.

Comes with an eye chart. Though glasses don’t seem to be included.

22. If you’re Jewish, your kids will delight in this Hanukkah moose.

Sure it's no a Hanukkah tradition. But I couldn't resist leaving it out like I did the last time. Plus, it's adorable.

Sure it’s no a Hanukkah tradition. But I couldn’t resist leaving it out like I did the last time. Plus, it’s adorable.

23. A yoga bear should know how to strike a pose.

Includes a yoga mat with carrier. Not sure what this pose is supposed to be though.

Includes a yoga mat with carrier. Not sure what this pose is supposed to be though.

24. Apparently, this crooked bear is only a prisoner of your heart.

Comes with a heart and chain. Of course, this bear has to wear bright orange as modern prisoners do.

Comes with a heart and chain. Of course, this bear has to wear bright orange as modern prisoners do.

25. Even the bears of Vermont are feeling the Bern.

Love how the Bernie Sanders bear has his hairstyle. Yet, this Vermont teddy bear is always a champion for the working class of all types.

Love how the Bernie Sanders bear has his hairstyle. Yet, this Vermont teddy bear is always a champion for the working class of all types.

26. This zombie sweetheart teddy bear will make you rip your heart out.

Goes with the zombie bear I had in the post from 2 years ago. Like her dress, by the way.

Goes with the zombie bear I had in the post from 2 years ago. Like her dress, by the way.

27. The Obearmas will always have a special place in Americans’ hearts.

I already miss these two so much. They were such a great couple at the White House.

I already miss these two so much. They were such a great couple at the White House.

28. A British bear always wears khaki on his tour of duty.

However, as customary for British war bears, he doesn't wear pants. Yet, he looks dashing in his beige beret.

However, as customary for British war bears, he doesn’t wear pants. Yet, he looks dashing in his beige beret.

29. Dr. Bear will make your little dog better.

So that's what a teddy bear vet looks like. Not sure what to think about the bunny though.

So that’s what a teddy bear vet looks like. Not sure what to think about the dog though.

30. This little bear has now received a distinguished degree.

Well, it's not uncommon to buy teddy bears for graduation either. Also available in white.

Well, it’s not uncommon to buy teddy bears for graduation either. Also available in white.

31. This cuddly burglar is out to steal your heart.

It even has a little mask and sack. Love how it's holding hearts in its paws.

It even has a little mask and sack. Love how it’s holding hearts in its paws.

32. Someone must be cooking something in the kitchen.

Of course, her dress always has to match her oven mitt. And she can'd do without her wooden spoon.

Of course, her dress always has to match her oven mitt. And she can’d do without her wooden spoon.

33. Need a tissue?

I'm sure seeing the sight of this bear will make you feel better. Nice how the robe and slippers match.

I’m sure seeing the sight of this bear will make you feel better. Nice how the robe and slippers match.

34. On St. Paddy’s Day, how about you kiss this Irish bear?

For the record, I don't think there are bears in Ireland. But this guy's adorable anyway.

For the record, I don’t think there are bears in Ireland. But this guy’s adorable anyway.

35. A sewing maven always knows how to stick her pins.

She even has her own pin cushion and tape measure bow. But the dress is similar to the cooking bear.

She even has her own pin cushion and tape measure bow. But the dress is similar to the cooking bear.

36. Granny Bear is always full of wit and wisdom.

Sure most grannies don't wear dresses like that. But this is simply adorable.

Sure most grannies don’t wear dresses like that. But this is simply adorable.

37. Hope this pro can take a swing.

Well, she is quite a tennis pro. Sure she's not a Williams sister. But she's not half bad.

Well, she is quite a tennis pro. Sure she’s not a Williams sister. But she’s not half bad.

38. This trooper is proud to serve in the good old US of A.

Hope he's sure proud to be an American. Because I'm nor sure whether I am at the moment.

Hope he’s sure proud to be an American. Because I’m nor sure whether I am at the moment.

39. Fisher bear has a big catch of the day.

I wanted to put this on the teddy bear post 2 years ago but it was already full. So it goes on this one.

I wanted to put this on the teddy bear post 2 years ago but it was already full. So it goes on this one.

40. A gardening bear can have quite a green thumb.

I guess she likes to water the paw paw patch with her watering can. Nice how it matches her floppy hat.

I guess she likes to water the paw paw patch with her watering can. Nice how it matches her floppy hat.

41. Spa Bear just wants a little R&R.

Don't mind her. She just wants to enhance her beauty and take a day off from the den.

Don’t mind her. She just wants to enhance her beauty and take a day off from the den.

42. Golfer Bear strikes a hole in one.

Though golf is a boring sport, it's inexplicably popular. So I had to include this guy.

Though golf is a boring sport, it’s inexplicably popular. So I had to include this guy.

43. Snowboard bear takes to the slopes during the winter.

However, it doesn't seem to snow much in my neck of the woods this winter. Though he certainly looks quite cool with his shades.

However, it doesn’t seem to snow much in my neck of the woods this winter. Though he certainly looks quite cool with his shades.

44. This riding bear is dressed in full habit.

Horse not included. But it does make a rather elegant costume on a countryside estate.

Horse not included. But it does make a rather elegant costume on a countryside estate.

45. You can climb aboard this captain’s boat anytime.

Even has a float with a sentiment. Also like the hat.

Even has a float with a sentiment. Also like the hat.

46. As a true American, this teddy believes in the right to bear hugs.

Well, at least the right to bear hugs is better than the right to bear arms. Though a Second Amendment teddy bear would be quite funny.

Well, at least the right to bear hugs is better than the right to bear arms. Though a Second Amendment teddy bear would be quite funny.

47. All this clown wants to do is put a smile on your face.

Now I don't find clowns typically endearing. But I think this is adorable to say the least.

Now I don’t find clowns typically endearing. But I think this is adorable to say the least.

48. This bear only wants a pizza your heart.

And it's dressed like a pizza slice as you can see. Though it's not picky about toppings.

And it’s dressed like a pizza slice as you can see. Though it’s not picky about toppings.

49. Fans of Game of Thrones will always love a mother of dragons regardless of species.

Though you don't see many from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. And both those franchises are considerable more family friendly than Game of Thrones.

Though you don’t see many from Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. And both those franchises are considerable more family friendly than Game of Thrones.

50. This bear wishes you all health and smiles.

Even though it's in a smiley face hospital gown. Though I'm sure someone would get a chuckle.

Even though it’s in a smiley face hospital gown. Though I’m sure someone would get a chuckle.

51. Commodore Oliver Hazard Beary surely won’t give up his ship.

Though he surely looks quite military for the War of 1812. Love the uniform.

Though he surely looks quite military for the War of 1812. Love the uniform.

52. A teddy bear like this can capture the essence of Joseph and His Technicolor Dream Coat.

Just wait until his brother rip his coat to pieces and throw him in a well. Hey, that's how the story goes, folks.

Just wait until his brother rip his coat to pieces and throw him in a well. Hey, that’s how the story goes, folks.

53. I wish Will and Kate the beary best.

Okay, these are the Will and Kate teddy bears. Hard to believe they have two kids who look like miniature versions of themselves.

Okay, these are the Will and Kate teddy bears. Hard to believe they have two kids who look like miniature versions of themselves.

54. These Chinese bears bring you greetings to their humble surroundings.

Well, they surely know how to dress. However, I like the guy bear's hat the best.

Well, they surely know how to dress. However, I like the guy bear’s hat the best.

55. This black bear has an interesting stripe.

I know it's a certain bear but I can't put my finger on it. But I know it's not a black bear because they're usually all black.

I know it’s a certain bear but I can’t put my finger on it. But I know it’s not a black bear because they’re usually all black.

56. Even bears can have tons of fun during Ocktoberfest.

Though I'm not so much a fan of the lederhosen. Comes with a beer stein.

Though I’m not so much a fan of the lederhosen. Comes with a beer stein.

57. King Ludwig II always believes in kingly taste.

King Ludwig II of Bavaria was seen by many as a mad king obsessed with building his fairy tale castle. Though the project bankrupted the country, it's now a tourist destination.

King Ludwig II of Bavaria was seen by many as a mad king obsessed with building his fairy tale castle. Though the project bankrupted the country, it’s now a tourist destination.

58. In Australia, teddy koala bears are a thing.

Koalas are marsupials and not bears. Though that doesn't stop me from putting one on my post.

Koalas are marsupials and not bears. Though that doesn’t stop me from putting one on my post.

59. I’m sure nobody could resist this Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

This is from a teddy bear museum. Yet, I love how each one of them is dressed in the appropriate uniform.

This is from a teddy bear museum. Yet, I love how each one of them is dressed in the appropriate uniform.

60. Donald Trump Bear promises to make America great again.

Sure he might look cute now. But wait until your locale and family start supporting him and he becomes president. And he signs executive orders banning Muslim refugees.

Sure he might look cute now. But wait until your locale and family start supporting him and he becomes president. And he signs executive orders banning Muslim refugees.

61. This bear can always play the music of the night.

Of course, any teenage girl or young woman might find this Phantom of the Opera bear quite irresistible. Though he's certainly not a nice guy.

Of course, any teenage girl or young woman might find this Phantom of the Opera bear quite irresistible. Though he’s certainly not a nice guy.

62. Some bears just love to party sometimes.

Still, you don't want to clean up after this guy. Because drunk bears can really trash a place.

Still, you don’t want to clean up after this guy. Because drunk bears can really trash a place.

63. A bear of Old Fritz is one of German pride.

Frederick the Great was an 18th century King of Prussia who became an icon in Germany. However, despite being Hitler's hero, Old Fritz would've hated his Nazi fans. And the Nazis would've hated him if they knew he was a cultured and possibly gay Francophile.

Frederick the Great was an 18th century King of Prussia who became an icon in Germany. However, despite being Hitler’s hero, Old Fritz would’ve hated his Nazi fans. And the Nazis would’ve hated him if they knew he was a cultured and possibly gay Francophile.

64. For the Sun King Louis XIV, he is the state.

Louis XIV was perhaps Europe's longest reigning monarch who ruled France in a court of tremendous luxury. However, his precedents would lead to the French Revolution.

Louis XIV was perhaps Europe’s longest reigning monarch who ruled France in a court of tremendous luxury. However, his precedents would lead to the French Revolution.

65. Even a bear can become a graceful ballerina.

Contrary to popular belief, ballet dancers aren't sissies. Since what they do requires tremendous athleticism and stamina. Also, there are a lot of NFL players who take ballet classes.

Contrary to popular belief, ballet dancers aren’t sissies. Since what they do requires tremendous athleticism and stamina. Also, there are a lot of NFL players who take ballet classes.

66. Kaiser Wilhem II always sports a large pointy hat.

Sure he ruled Germany during WWI. But c'mon, this was made by a German company. Besides, the Kaiser wasn't as bad as the guy who led Germany in the next World War.

Sure he ruled Germany during WWI. But c’mon, this was made by a German company. Besides, the Kaiser wasn’t as bad as the guy who led Germany in the next World War.

67. Sir Huggins will be your knight in shining armor.

He even has his own shield with hearts. So you know he just wants your love.

He even has his own shield with hearts. So you know he just wants your love.

68. Willy Wonka bear is always as sweet as his candy.

However, he has no regard to safety and labor standards and has a sadistic streak in torturing naughty children. You've been warned.

However, he has no regard to safety and labor standards and has a sadistic streak in torturing naughty children. You’ve been warned.

69. Albert Bearstein is a noted genius.

And he only wears a vest. Like the crazy hair and mustache, too.

And he only wears a vest. Like the crazy hair and mustache, too.

70. A flapper bear is always 1920s chic.

She even has her own feather hat and halter dress. Hope she stays out of speakeasies.

She even has her own feather hat and halter dress. Hope she stays out of speakeasies.

71. The Japanese Emperor and Empress always hold a space in their subjects’ hearts.

So immortalizing them as teddy bears goes without saying. Because the Japanese always have a fondness for cuteness.

So immortalizing them as teddy bears goes without saying. Because the Japanese always have a fondness for cuteness.

72. St. Nick loves to give presents to the children around Christmas time.

Though he may not always be a nice guy when it comes to yuletide traditions in some countries. Like the outfit though.

Though he may not always be a nice guy when it comes to yuletide traditions in some countries. Like the outfit though.

73. Kiss this bear and he’ll turn into a prince.

Though his frog outfit can make him look just as cute. Still, it's all in the costume.

Though his frog outfit can make him look just as cute. Still, it’s all in the costume.

74. Hockey bear knows how to score a goal on the ice.

Well, he doesn't seem to have the proper safety equipment on. What if he gets injured or in a fight?

Well, he doesn’t seem to have the proper safety equipment on. What if he gets injured or in a fight?

75. This bear has nothing on him.

Though he wouldn't need a fig leaf to cover his privates. I mean he has fur.

Though he wouldn’t need a fig leaf to cover his privates. I mean he has fur.

76. This Vermont teddy bear is cozy in his green maple sweater.

Comes with a bottle of maple syrup. Love the maple leaf buttons.

Comes with a bottle of maple syrup. Love the maple leaf buttons.

77. This bear always tries to be at the height of fashion.

Here she is in her blue dress and shiny shoes. And yes, she has long brown hair, too.

Here she is in her blue dress and shiny shoes. And yes, she has long brown hair, too.

78. This retro bear lives the 1950s.

Unsurprisingly, she wears a poodle skirt. Though you don't see these a lot in 1950s fashion.

Unsurprisingly, she wears a poodle skirt. Though you don’t see these a lot in 1950s fashion.

79. This little peanut is totally nuts for you.

I'm not sure if he's advertising for Planters. But he's nevertheless adorable.

I’m not sure if he’s advertising for Planters. But he’s nevertheless adorable.

80. Help this bear make a wish before he blows out the candles.

It even has a crown along with the cake. Certainly for some kid's birthday.

It even has a crown along with the cake. Certainly for some kid’s birthday.

The Wonderful World of the Teddy Bear


For over a century, the Teddy Bear has been an extremely iconic toy around the world celebrated in song, story, and film. Named after President Teddy Roosevelt due to a 1902 incident in Mississippi which he refused to shoot a black bear tied to a tree, there has barely been any toy that’s enjoyed so much adoration and popularity as this exceedingly cute and cuddly toy. And not only has the toy industry made a lot of money from selling these bears as toys for children, but also collectors and as gifts for so many holidays and occasions to signify love, congratulations, or sympathy. Not to mention, there are even a lot of Teddy Bear museums around the world as well with feature many uniquely clothed Teddy Bears in dioramas. Still, there are many reasons why teddies tend to be so popular such as irresistible cuteness, being suitable for all ages like most cuddly stuffed animals, could be given to both genders, being very customizable, and has been around for so long. Nevertheless, Teddy Bears tend to be very popular gifts around Valentine’s Day even though it’s quite early to be thinking about the holiday though. Yet, we’ve also famous bears like Winnie the Pooh and now Paddington is about to have a movie come out so perhaps doing a teddy post is as good time as ever. However, you won’t believe the kinds of Teddy Bears out there and some these aren’t appropriate for children by the way. So without further adieu, here’s a glimpse of some of the wonderful Teddy Bears you might want to have.

1. Straitjacket Bear is just utterly crazy about you.

Of course, having this bear in a straitjacket might make you think he's just too crazy for you to handle. Then again, at least he's better than people like abusers, rapists, stalkers, and the like and they don't get put in a straitjacket. Still, very cute.

Of course, having this bear in a straitjacket might make you think he’s just too crazy for you to handle. Then again, at least he’s better than people like abusers, rapists, stalkers, and the like and they don’t get put in a straitjacket. Still, very cute.

2. Muhpawmad Ali thinks that you’re an absolute knock out and hope he doesn’t beat his rival to the punch.

Sadly, Muhpawmad Ali was retired by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company after he converted to Islam and refused to be drafted to Vietnam. Oh, wait that's a different boxer.

Sadly, Muhpawmad Ali was forcibly retired by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company after he converted to Islam and refused to be drafted to Vietnam. Oh, wait that’s a different boxer.

3. Seems like Ted is looking sharp these days.

Yes, this bear was inspired by the movie Ted which is an R-rated comedy about a foul mouthed, irresponsible, and really cantankerous bear. Of course, a lot of young men loved it. Still, despite the crudeness, it did have a great song to it. And now there's going to be a sequel.

Yes, this bear was inspired by the movie Ted which is an R-rated comedy about a foul mouthed, irresponsible, and really cantankerous bear. Of course, a lot of young men loved it. Still, despite the crudeness, it did have a great song to it. And now there’s going to be a sequel.

4. “Hello, Hello, Hello, now what have we got here?” said Inspector Mortimer Biggles.

As a die-hard Monty Python fan, I couldn't let this British cop Teddy Bear slip by me for this post. Still, you have to love his little badge and Bobbie hats they still wear to day. Yet, in media, they always seem so polite.

As a die-hard Monty Python fan, I couldn’t let this British cop Teddy Bear slip by me for this post. Still, you have to love his little badge and Bobbie hats they still wear to day. Yet, in media, they always seem so polite.

5. Out of his den, the one the only, Sir Belton Pawn.

Yes, this is a Teddy Bear of Elton John perhaps from his fame in the 1970s. Love his star sunglasses and shiny purple jacket. Now that's simply adorable.

Yes, this is a Teddy Bear of Elton John perhaps from his fame in the 1970s. Love his star sunglasses and shiny purple jacket. Now that’s simply adorable.

6. President Bearack Opawma is the United States Commander in Chief.

Yes, this is a Barack Obama Teddy Bear, and politics aside this is simply adorable and I'm astounded that this one didn't require a lot of accessories. Sure I think Obama is doing a decent job as president despite the circumstances but that's beside the point. Yet, will probably go a bit gray after a few years.

Yes, this is a Barack Obama Teddy Bear, and politics aside this is simply adorable and I’m astounded that this one didn’t require a lot of accessories. Sure I think Obama is doing a decent job as president despite the circumstances but that’s beside the point. Yet, will probably go a bit gray after a few years.

7. Of course, who can forget the Clawley family from the hit TV Show of Bearton Abbey?

Of course, this Limited Teddy Bear set includes, Lady Mary, Lady Cora Countess of Grantham, Lord Robert Earl of Grantham, and the Dowager Countess Violet. Still, wish they some of the other characters though.

Of course, this Limited Teddy Bear set includes, Lady Mary, Lady Cora Countess of Grantham, Lord Robert Earl of Grantham, and the Dowager Countess Violet. Still, wish they some of the other characters though.

8. Armed with his lightsaber, this Jedi Knight Teddy Bear is on the cuddlier side of the Force.

Of course, they do have Star Wars Build-a-Bear clothes and accessories on its website. And no, this isn't an Ewok. Still, I have to put a Star Wars reference in the post somewhere.

Of course, they do have Star Wars Build-a-Bear clothes and accessories on its website. And no, this isn’t an Ewok. Still, I have to put a Star Wars reference in the post somewhere.

9. The hills are alive with the sound of music as you snuggle with the Maria Von Trapp bear.

Luckily for some people, this bear doesn't sing. Yet, I'm sure any Sound of Music fan will love it if he or she can afford about $300 for it. Seriously, Steiff bears are very expensive.

Luckily for some people, this bear doesn’t sing. Yet, I’m sure any Sound of Music fan will love it if he or she can afford about $300 for it. Seriously, Steiff bears are very expensive.

10. Step into the Colonial and Revolutionary Era with Abigail.

Now I'm sure this is not an Abigail Adams bear because the Boyd's Bear website says she's from the Williamsburg Collection. Still, she'd make a lovely gift for an elementary school teacher trying to reach out to students on the American Revolution.

Now I’m sure this is not an Abigail Adams bear because the Boyd’s Bear website says she’s from the Williamsburg Collection. Still, she’d make a lovely gift for an elementary school teacher trying to reach out to students on the American Revolution.

11. Strum up some country music with Cash.

I originally thought that this was a Johnny Cash Teddy bear. Then again, if it was, then he'd be dressed in black. Also, has a female counterpart named Paisley.

I originally thought that this was a Johnny Cash Teddy bear. Then again, if it was, then he’d be dressed in black. Also, has a female counterpart named Paisley.

12. With her yellow coat, feather hat, and red and white striped dress, Audrey Hepbearn is a true Parisian Fashionista.

Now I'm not sure if that's supposed to be Audrey Hepburn or an original Boyd's Bear character (probably the latter). Either way, she certainly looks cute in that outfit.

Now I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be Audrey Hepburn or an original Boyd’s Bear character (probably the latter). Either way, she certainly looks cute in that outfit.

13. Mia is kind what you’d call a yoga bear but don’t mention, Jellistone National Park or she’d get angry.

Of course, Mia may not be using her yoga mat, but she seems like doing a pose anyway. Perhaps she's in the park. Yet, I'm not sure what that pose is supposed to be.

Of course, Mia may not be using her yoga mat, but she seems like doing a pose anyway. Perhaps she’s in the park. Yet, I’m not sure what that pose is supposed to be.

14. Julia can be a domestic goddess in the kitchen and still be adorable.

Now this is definitely a Boyd's Bear take off on Julia Child. I mean she even as

Now this is definitely a Boyd’s Bear take off on Julia Child. I mean she even as “Bon Appetite” in her apron. Yet, I wonder if Julia knows anything about French cuisine.

15. Tilly Gardenberry always loves to hang out in her vegetable garden and probably eats organic.

Of course, the fact that Tilly wears crocs while out in her vegetable patch really shows that she cares more about gardening than fashion of which she is no slave. Seriously, crocs are about one of the tackiest shoes anyone can wear.

Of course, the fact that Tilly wears crocs while out in her vegetable patch really shows that she cares more about gardening than fashion of which she is no slave. Seriously, crocs are about one of the tackiest shoes anyone can wear.

16. Lizzie Snowbum is all dressed and ready for the winter weather in the snow.

Of course, we all know that real bears don't need snow gear and usually hibernate in the winter anyway. Still, I do appreciate Boyd's creativity with names as well as think Lizzie is simply adorable.

Of course, we all know that real bears don’t need snow gear and usually hibernate in the winter anyway. Still, I do appreciate Boyd’s creativity with names as well as think Lizzie is simply adorable.

17. On windy days, Skylar Breezebeary always loves to fly her kite.

Unlike Skylar, I was never able to fly a kite as a child mostly because my house was near so many power lines in both the front lawn and the back yard. Doesn't make a safe kite flying environment.

Unlike Skylar, I was never able to fly a kite as a child mostly because my house was near so many power lines in both the front lawn and the back yard. Doesn’t make a safe kite flying environment.

18. Of course, since Paddington Bear has a movie coming out, I certainly can’t leave him out of my post.

Sure Paddington may seem polite, love marmalade, and can be a screw up at times, but why the hell does he speak in an English accent if he's actually from Peru? Seriously, shouldn't he be speaking in Spanish for God's sake?

Sure Paddington may seem polite, love marmalade, and can be a screw up at times, but why the hell does he speak in an English accent if he’s actually from Peru? Seriously, shouldn’t he be speaking in Spanish for God’s sake?

19. May your sweetheart find this Loverboy Teddy Bear totally irresistible.

Of course, with his adorable Teddy Bear form, macho sunglasses, Love tattoo, and his bad boy poise, he's the kind of bear that's hard to resist.

Of course, with his adorable Teddy Bear form, macho sunglasses, Love tattoo, and his bad boy poise, he’s the kind of bear that’s hard to resist.

20. Whether as a horny devil or a saintly angel, you can’t deny how adorable these two look side by side.

Of course, it's a popular notion that good girls like bad boys. That is, until they come to the realization that they make terrible boyfriends and dump them. So perhaps having nice guys finish isn't all that bad.

Of course, it’s a popular notion that good girls like bad boys. That is, until they come to the realization that they make terrible boyfriends and dump them. So perhaps having nice guys finish isn’t all that bad.

21. Now you can’t help yourself to all these beautiful bearillrinas practicing.

Sure ballet may seem like a girly dance but remember that it's very exhausting for the dancers who don't have a very long shelf life. Still, there are some celebrities who do ballet like some NFL football players.

Sure ballet may seem like a girly dance but remember that it’s very exhausting for the dancers who don’t have a very long shelf life. Still, there are some celebrities who do ballet like some NFL football players.

22. Now Coco Chic’s clothes are always at the height of fashion these days.

Now I don't know what consists of high fashion these days. However, I'm not sure if Coco's fur hat and trim is necessarily

Now I don’t know what consists of high fashion these days. However, I’m not sure if Coco’s fur hat and trim is necessarily “in” since it’s probably from an endangered species. Then again, PETA probably won’t be on her case since she’s a bear.

23. Still, since he’s so well known, I can’t possibly forget Winnie the Pooh from the Hundred Acre Wood.

Before the Winnie the Pooh became a multimillion Disney franchise, it originated in a series of stories by A. A. Milne who basically named the animal characters after his son's stuffed toys. Son's name was Christopher Robin who hated the books for obvious reasons. Also, Pooh was also named after a real Canadian bear.

Before the Winnie the Pooh became a multibillion Disney franchise, it originated in a series of stories by A. A. Milne who basically named the animal characters after his son’s stuffed toys. Son’s name was Christopher Robin who hated the books for obvious reasons. Also, Pooh was also named after a real Canadian bear. Still, as Disney is concerned, Winnie the Pooh is a $6 billion bear.

24. Now this Teddy Bear just bares all.

The Vermont Teddy Bear Company calls this one,

The Vermont Teddy Bear Company calls this one, “Birthday Suit Bear” which is odd since I thought I’ve seen a lot of Teddy Bears in their birthday suits to begin with. Seriously, why is he climbing out of his own fur? Kind of disturbing if you ask me.

25. To commemorate the E. L. James Series Fifty Shades of Grey, here’s a Christian Grey Teddy Bear.

From what I've heard about the series (originally a Twilight fanfic), Christian Grey is supposed to be an abusive, controlling bastard.Thus, not cuddly at all, which makes this Teddy Bear all the more ironic. Even funnier is that he's actually gray.

From what I’ve heard about the series (originally a Twilight fanfic), Christian Grey is supposed to be an abusive, controlling bastard.Thus, not cuddly at all, which makes this Teddy Bear all the more ironic. Even funnier is that he’s actually gray.

26. This gangster Teddy Near is just a fool for love but don’t open his violin case.

Of course, this gangster Teddy Bear always comes well dressed with his tailored pinstripe vest, tie, black fedora, a rose on his lapel, an his while spats above his paws. Still, for a killer, he's a cutie.

Of course, this gangster Teddy Bear always comes well dressed with his tailored pinstripe vest, tie, black fedora, a rose on his lapel, an his while spats above his paws. Still, for a killer, he’s a cutie.

27. Lo and behold, a Teddy Bear Royal Guardsman from Buckingham Palace.

Sure he may seem friendly now but when he's on duty, you don't want to disturb him. Seriously, he wouldn't like it when you try to break his stiff upper lip.

Sure he may seem friendly now but when he’s on duty, you don’t want to disturb him. Seriously, he wouldn’t like it when you try to break his stiff upper lip.

28. From the Vatican, here we hail the retired pontiff Bearnedict XVI.

I'm not sure if a Pope Francis Teddy Bear exists but he's probably much cuter and cuddlier. Nevertheless, since former Pope Benedict XVI does have a few Teddy Bears of him, he'll have to do.

I’m not sure if a Pope Francis Teddy Bear exists but he’s probably much cuter and cuddlier. Nevertheless, since former Pope Benedict XVI does have a few Teddy Bears of him, he’ll have to do.

29. Of course, despite the Santa suit, this Teddy Bear doesn’t like Christmas, well, at first.

Of course, this is a Teddy Bear of the Grinch inspired by the Dr. Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Nevertheless, this bear is just adorable at least more than the Grinch himself.

Of course, this is a Teddy Bear of the Grinch inspired by the Dr. Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Nevertheless, this bear is just adorable at least more than the Grinch himself.

30. For Easter, I’m sure a Teddy Bear in a bunny suit would make a swell addition to the Easter basket.

Of course, this could be a Teddy Bear hunting rabbits in a pink rabbit disguise but that's kind of far fetched. Still, it's pretty adorable.

Of course, this could be a Teddy Bear hunting rabbits in a pink rabbit disguise but that’s kind of far fetched. Still, it’s pretty adorable.

31. If you think Teddy Bears are adorable, you should see what a Panda Teddy Bear.

Of course, real Giant Pandas are an endangered species due to habitat loss and a low birthrate (pandas only mate once a year). Still, baby pandas born in zoos usually make the news at six.

Of course, real Giant Pandas are an endangered species due to habitat loss and a low birthrate (pandas only mate once a year). Still, baby pandas born in zoos usually make the news at six.

32. From Scotland, you’ll never find a cuter man in a kilt than Ewan McClawfur.

Of course, this adorable Highlander Bear doesn't come with bagpipes but I really don't care since they're annoying instruments anyway. Still, you have to love his little kilt and tam.

Of course, this adorable Highlander Bear doesn’t come with bagpipes but I really don’t care since they’re annoying instruments anyway. Still, you have to love his little kilt and tam.

33. While polar bears (hopefully) typically live where there is ice and snow, this polar bear teddy will warm your heart.

Of course, polar bears rely on the Arctic sea ice so much that they're now an increasingly at risk for becoming a casualty of global warming (which is real and manmade by the way, sorry, climate denying assholes). Still, this is just so adorable you'd want to take it home and name it Nappy.

Of course, polar bears rely on the Arctic sea ice so much that they’re now an increasingly at risk for becoming a casualty of global warming (which is real and manmade by the way, sorry, climate denying assholes). Still, this is just so adorable you’d want to take it home and name it Nappy.

34. Of course, since the legend of the Teddy Bear was inspired by an American legend, you can’t leave out a Grizzly Teddy Bear.

Though you might think this is cute and cuddly, remember that you don't want to be anywhere near a real Grizzly Bear, especially in front of a mother and her cubs. Any guy who messes with a Mama Grizzly or her cubs is a dead man to say the least.

Though you might think this is cute and cuddly, remember that you don’t want to be anywhere near a real Grizzly Bear, especially in front of a mother and her cubs. Any guy who messes with a Mama Grizzly or her cubs is a dead man to say the least. Talk about an idiotic death.

35. Give your sweetheart the gift of  true love this Valentine’s Day with these Romeo and Juliet Teddy Bears.

Give your girlfriend the kind of gift that remind her that your love is the kind that was brought on by raging hormones, reckless decision making such as marrying a few days later, you killing your cousin after offing your best friend in a gang war between your families, you two running off together in a tomb, poisoning yourself while she faked your death, and she dying by her dagger. Yeah, that's what I call true love. Yeah right.

Give your girlfriend the kind of gift that remind her that your love is the kind that was brought on by raging hormones, reckless decision making such as marrying a few days later, you killing your cousin after offing your best friend in a gang war between your families, you two running off together in a tomb, poisoning yourself while she faked your death, and she dying by her dagger. Yeah, that’s what I call true love. Yeah right. It’s just tragedy, simply reckless tragedy, folks.

36. Warm your little girl’s heart this winter with a Snow Queen Teddy Bear.

Sure this may not be Elsa from Frozen, but it's not like little girls will no the difference, at least at first. Still, in her icy domain, she's just so adorable in that little blue dress and crown as well as her furry muff.

Sure this may not be Elsa from Frozen, but it’s not like little girls will know the difference, at least at first. Still, in her icy domain, she’s just so adorable in that little blue dress and crown as well as her furry muff.

37. Make bedtime memorable with this little pajama bear.

Of course, this Teddy bear might be for babies since it has cute little footie pajamas. Nevertheless, this is something any little kid could love and want to go to bed with.

Of course, this Teddy bear might be for babies since it has cute little footie pajamas. Nevertheless, this is something any little kid could love and want to go to bed with.

38. What you mean you’ve never seen a Teddy Bear in his heart dotted boxer shorts.

Of course, this adorable Teddy Bear doesn't look that bad in his little boxers. But I'm sure they help conceal his naughty bits if you know what I mean. Still, love how he seems so buffed up in them.

Of course, this adorable Teddy Bear doesn’t look that bad in his little boxers. But I’m sure they help conceal his naughty bits if you know what I mean. Still, love how he seems so buffed up in them.

39. Ride the waves this summer with this one of a kind surfer bear.

Of course, Cuddlebut only took up surfing just so he could get closer to all the exotic ocean fish at high tide. Unfortunately, he'd be chased to the shore by whales and sharks wanting to eat him.

Of course, Cuddlebut only took up surfing just so he could get closer to all the exotic ocean fish at high tide. Unfortunately, he’d be chased to the shore by whales and sharks wanting to eat him.

40. I now pronounce you man and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bearenstein. You may kiss the bride.

I see a lot of wedding bears from the internet. Maybe it's because weddings are popular occasions for giving these things. Nevertheless, they do make a cute couple don't you think?

I see a lot of wedding bears from the internet. Maybe it’s because weddings are popular occasions for giving these things. Nevertheless, they do make a cute couple don’t you think?

41. Have the flu? Well, I’m sure Dr. Jones will make it all better.

Of course, you know he's a doctor since his little Furst Aid medical bag contains a bandage and a thermometer. Still, I kind of wish he had a little stethoscope with him but who am I to judge? Still, he's adorable.

Of course, you know he’s a doctor since his little Furst Aid medical bag contains a bandage and a thermometer. Still, I kind of wish he had a little stethoscope with him but who am I to judge? Still, he’s adorable.

42. Now this Teddy Bear is certainly a real angler with the rod and the reel.

Of course, unlike most bears, Clawson caught his salmon with his fishing rod instead of just by his own claws near the waterfall. Thought it was just more efficient that way.

Of course, unlike most bears, Clawson caught his salmon with his fishing rod instead of just by his own claws near the waterfall. Thought it was just more efficient that way.

43. By order of Officer Snuggles, you’re under arrest.

Of course, only a police Teddy Bear could be equipped with handcuffs and not seem to have anything ironic about it. Still, hope he doesn't go after any innocent black bears (then again, in my area the only bears around are black bears).

Of course, only a police Teddy Bear could be equipped with handcuffs and not seem to have anything ironic about it. Still, hope he doesn’t go after any innocent black bears (then again, in my area the only bears around are black bears).

44. While most bears love the taste of honey, Vermont bears prefer the taste of maple syrup.

Unsurprisingly, this Teddy Bear is by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company, where maple syrup is one of the state's products. Still, wonder why the company doesn't have a Teddy Bear representing all 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, this Teddy Bear is by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company, where maple syrup is one of the state’s products. Still, wonder why the company doesn’t have a Teddy Bear representing all 50 states.

45. Clawrles Furbergh has just become the first bear to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Of course, I know aviators today don't wear that kind of gear as much as they used to. Still, I think this Teddy Bear is so adorable anyway. Yet, I'm not sure if I'd want to fly on his plane though.

Of course, I know aviators today don’t wear that kind of gear as much as they used to. Still, I think this Teddy Bear is so adorable anyway. Yet, I’m not sure if I’d want to fly on his plane though.

46. Clawbo Furcasso specializes in masterpieces pertaining to Modernist Cave painting.

Now this might be a perfect Teddy Bear for my sister, who's an art major at VCU. Well, at least she started out as one. Nevertheless, you have to like seeing him with his little beret, paintbrush, and palette. Also, it seems like he's got a few stains on his little apron.

Now this might be a perfect Teddy Bear for my sister, who’s an art major at VCU. Well, at least she started out as one. Nevertheless, you have to like seeing him with his little beret, paintbrush, and palette. Also, it seems like he’s got a few stains on his little apron.

47. Of course, where would Cinderbearla be without her Beary Godmother?

Sure she may be a beary godmother but that doesn't mean she won't go after the mice and pumpkin before turning them into a coach and footmen. Still, this is simply adorable.

Sure she may be a beary godmother but that doesn’t mean she won’t go after the mice and pumpkin before turning them into a coach and footmen. Still, this is simply adorable.

48. Now never in my life have I ever seen a beary princess.

Now despite being a beary princess, you'd probably wouldn't want to lock her in a tower. Seriously, bears don't take it well. Nevertheless, I love that pretty pink dress.

Now despite being a beary princess, you’d probably wouldn’t want to lock her in a tower. Seriously, bears don’t take it well. Nevertheless, I love that pretty pink dress.

49. Now Chef Beariscue loves to bring his creativity to the kitchen.

Now I bet that this bear chef cooks with all natural ingredients instead of stuff he found at somebody's camp site. Still, you have to love him in his little chef's outfit.

Now I bet that this bear chef cooks with all natural ingredients instead of stuff he found at somebody’s camp site. Still, you have to love him in his little chef’s outfit.

50. This bear has been working on the railroad all the livelong day.

Now I know railroad engineers don't dress like that these days. Still, he wears his little red handkerchief quite well with his little overalls and cap.

Now I know railroad engineers don’t dress like that these days. Still, he wears his little red handkerchief quite well with his little overalls and cap.

51. Now this BMX Bear certainly knows his tricks on the skateboard.

However, unlike most BMX bears, he's not wearing a helmet on top of his hoodie which isn't a great idea. Still, he seems quite classy in his skull and crossbones shirt, cargo shorts, and sunglasses.

However, unlike most BMX bears, he’s not wearing a helmet on top of his hoodie which isn’t a great idea. Still, he seems quite classy in his skull and crossbones shirt, cargo shorts, and sunglasses.

52. This patriotic mama bear is as all American as her apple pie.

Not sure if this mama bear baked the pie herself or stole it from from someone's picnic basket. Either way, she's just so adorable in her red, white, and blue dress.

Not sure if this mama bear baked the pie herself or stole it from from someone’s picnic basket. Either way, she’s just so adorable in her red, white, and blue dress.

53. Of course, ice cream with pickles are all what a bear needs when she has a cub in the oven.

Of course, this mama to be bear may be quite friendly and mostly in hibernation at first. But when a bear becomes a mama, she certainly becomes a force to be reckoned with. Seriously, after the cubs are born, don't ever piss her off!

Of course, this mama to be bear may be quite friendly and mostly in hibernation at first. But when a bear becomes a mama, she certainly becomes a force to be reckoned with. Get between her and her babies, and she will tear you apart. Seriously, after the cubs are born, don’t ever piss her off!

54. Now it’s customary of Inuit Teddy Bears to wear parkas in the polar regions.

Though penguins are cute animals, they actually live in the Southern Hemisphere and don't coexist with Inuit or Arctic wildlife. Still, I love how that bear looks in its cute little parka.

Though penguins are cute animals, they actually live in the Southern Hemisphere and don’t coexist with Inuit or Arctic wildlife. Still, I love how that bear looks in its cute little parka.

55. Hire this Handyman Teddy Bear to fix your broken heart.

Yes, this little handybear doesn't fix stuff with a pencil or rule. He's just handy with love and he's no fool. He just fixes broken hearts because he knows he surely can.

Yes, this little handybear doesn’t fix stuff with a pencil or rule. He’s just handy with love and he’s no fool. He just fixes broken hearts because he knows he surely can. Fixing 24 hours a day.

56. Sailor Teddy Bear serves as a proud member of the US Navy.

Of course, you have to love how he does his little paw salute. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to be scrubbing the deck while wearing that outfit though.

Of course, you have to love how he does his little paw salute. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want to be scrubbing the deck while wearing that outfit though.

57. Now this bear is only hurting for love, one blow at a time.

Either that, or this teddy was just looking for love in all the wrong places, naturally. Still, hope he gets well or finds the right person.

Either that, or this teddy was just looking for love in all the wrong places, naturally. Still, hope he gets well or finds the right person.

58. Of course, this Mother Goose bear can always read a rhyme or two to children.

Now I'm sure this bear thinks the goose is delicious (well, a wild bear would). Still, you have to love her adorable 18th century dress and cap.

Now I’m sure this bear thinks the goose is delicious (well, a wild bear would). Still, you have to love her adorable 18th century dress and cap.

59. This Teddy Bear EMT will save your life and drive you to the hospital in no time.

Of course, if anyone found a bear trying to resuscitate them in the ambulance (or driving one), most would pass out from shock. This is where the defibrillator comes in handy.

Of course, if anyone found a bear trying to resuscitate them in the ambulance (or driving one), most would pass out from shock. This is where the defibrillator comes in handy.

60. Here comes noted surgeon Dr. Bearensen appearing at the operating table in his scrubs.

Then again, this bear could be a nurse for you sometimes can't really tell in the operating room. Then again, nurses usually wear scrubs in the hospital while doctors don on lab coats outside the OR.

Then again, this bear could be a nurse for you sometimes can’t really tell in the operating room. Then again, nurses usually wear scrubs in the hospital while doctors don on lab coats outside the OR.

61. Count Furcula wants to suck your blood and be let into your heart.

Sure he may be a vampire with fangs, but he's far more cuddly than Edward Cullen from the Twilight series and much cuter, too. Still, doesn't seem pale by any means.

Sure he may be a vampire with fangs, but he’s far more cuddly than Edward Cullen from the Twilight series and much cuter, too. Still, doesn’t seem pale by any means.

62. Don’t worry, if you’re trapped in a burning building, this firefighting teddy will save you.

Of course, while he may be saving people and fighting fires on the outside, inside his heart is on fire and burning for love and cuddles.

Of course, while he may be saving people and fighting fires on the outside, inside his heart is on fire and burning for love and cuddles.

63. This bear teacher is always well loved by the cubs she teaches.

Man, she wears a dress similar to what a lot my teachers did while I was at Mendon. Of course, she's much more adorable than any of them there.

Man, she wears a dress similar to what a lot my teachers did while I was at Mendon. Of course, she’s much more adorable than any of them there.

64. Now Old Red Furbart is said to be the fastest draw in the Old West.

Now this cowpoke seems to be quite fancy for a rodeo or a shoot out. Still, he does look cute in his red shirt and blue jeans even if you don't want a cow near him.

Now this cowpoke seems to be quite fancy for a rodeo or a shoot out. Still, he does look cute in his red shirt and blue jeans even if you don’t want a cow near him.

65. Nothing makes this snow bear more eager for winter than being able to use his cross country skis.

Of course, he may go try out his skies in the Rocky Mountains or at Seven Springs this year. Yet, he certainly looks so cute in his sunglasses and snow gear.

Of course, he may go try out his skies in the Rocky Mountains or at Seven Springs this year. Yet, he certainly looks so cute in his sunglasses and snow gear.

66. Now this is what I’d call a true honey bear.

Of course, this Teddy Bear is probably the only one you can possibly trust with a hive. Seriously, real bears rip these places apart for the honey.

Of course, this Teddy Bear is probably the only one you can possibly trust with a hive. Seriously, real bears rip these places apart for the honey.

67. This Cupid Teddy Bear will shoot arrows that will make you fall in love.

Of course, unlike the popular chubby winged baby images, Cupid in Classical mythology was a handsome young man barely out of his teens. Then again, I wonder if there's a Teddy Bear of Pysche.

Of course, unlike the popular chubby winged baby images, Cupid in Classical mythology was a handsome young man barely out of his teens. Then again, I wonder if there’s a Teddy Bear of Pysche.

68. Zombie Teddy Bear is hungry for your brains, heart, and hugs.

 I don't know about you but I think this is probably a very funny Teddy Bear creation from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Sure he'll probably turn you into something mindless and undead, but he's so irresistible to say the least.

I don’t know about you but I think this is probably a very funny Teddy Bear creation from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Sure he’ll probably turn you into something mindless and undead, but he’s so irresistible to say the least.

69. As far as bears go, this one is certainly the Queen Bee of her castle.

She may be bossy but you have to love her beehive crown as well as black and yellow dress. I mean she's so cute that she might as well be sweet as honey. Yet, she may sting.

She may be bossy but you have to love her beehive crown as well as black and yellow dress. I mean she’s so cute that she might as well be sweet as honey. Yet, she may sting.

70. Of course, for this lender bear, everyone needs a bailout once in a while. Sort of.

Of course, this was a creation by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company in wake of the 2008 federal bailout to the jerks on Wall Street. I'm not sure that the money lent was ever paid back in full. Probably not.

Of course, this was a creation by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company in wake of the 2008 federal bailout to the jerks on Wall Street. I’m not sure that the money lent was ever paid back in full. Probably not.

71. Come and join Hugh Heffur and his den buddies at the Playbear Mansion.

Of course, Ted might've taught us that not all Teddy Bears are as sweet an wholesome as they're created to be. Still, I think this is kind of funny.

Of course, Ted might’ve taught us that not all Teddy Bears are as sweet an wholesome as they’re created to be. Still, I think this is kind of funny.

72. Ladies and Gentlemen, all hail, Her Royal Majesty Elizabearth II.

Yes, this is a Teddy Bear of the Queen of Great Britain in her royal regalia. And yeas, the crown does seem to be bigger than her head. Still, she's still so cute as a bear if you look at it.

Yes, this is a Teddy Bear of the Queen of Great Britain in her royal regalia. And yeas, the crown does seem to be bigger than her head. Still, she’s still so cute as a bear if you look at it.

73. This bad teddy was born to ride on the open road.

Now this bear looks adorably badass in his black leather, sunglasses, and denim. However, he forgot to follow one important lesson in safety which is to wear a helmet.

Now this bear looks adorably badass in his black leather, sunglasses, and denim. However, he forgot to follow one important lesson in safety which is to wear a helmet.

74. Now why don’t thee huggeth this adorable William Shakesbear?

“To bear, or not to bear, that is the question—
Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Hives and Berries of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Claws against a Fleas of troubles,
And by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep—”

75. Legendary sleuth Furlock Holmes is on the case in A Study in Salmon.

Of course, in the original Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries, Sherlock Holmes didn't wear his tweed coat or his deerstalker cap he's seen with in the Basil Rathbone movies. However, he did smoke a pipe as well as got on Watson's nerves from time to time as an eccentric roommate on Baker Street.

Of course, in the original Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries, Sherlock Holmes didn’t wear his tweed coat or his deerstalker cap he’s seen with in the Basil Rathbone movies. However, he did smoke a pipe as well as got on Watson’s nerves from time to time as an eccentric roommate on Baker Street.

76. The crew of the Bear Trek Enterprise venture to seek new worlds and new civilizations as well as go where no bear has gone before.

No, the Spock Teddy Bear isn't a dog. He just has his ears turned pointy like a dog's because he's a Vulcan. Also, I wonder if Captain Kirk's bear has a thing for alien green bear girls or just girls in general.

No, the Spock Teddy Bear isn’t a dog. He just has his ears turned pointy like a dog’s because he’s a Vulcan (which you don’t want to see at Pon Pharr). Also, I wonder if Captain Kirk’s bear has a thing for alien green bear girls or just girls in general.

77. Now these three BDSM bears are certainly getting kinky downstairs.

Sure they may be adorable but these cute little Teddy Bears are certainly not for kids. Nevertheless, they're pretty funny in full gimp gear in all.

Sure they may be adorable but these cute little Teddy Bears are certainly not for kids. Nevertheless, they’re pretty funny in full gimp gear in all.

78. In his mask and cape, the legendary Zorro leaps in to save the day.

Yes, this swinging swashbuckler manages to outwit and disarm bad guys as well as steal your heart. Nevertheless, that outfit is simply adorable.

Yes, this swinging swashbuckler manages to outwit and disarm bad guys as well as steal your heart. Nevertheless, that outfit is simply adorable.

79. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the King of Rock n’ Roll, Elvis Bearsley.

Sure he may be in his

Sure he may be in his “Jailhouse Rock” phase. But after he gets married and joins the army, his days of Vegas as well as peanut butter and banana sandwiches won’t be far behind.

80. Though Christmas may be over for now, I couldn’t do a post without leaving out Santa and Mrs. Paws.

Of course, Santa and his wife are so iconic in stature that I couldn't just leave them out of this post, even if Christmas is over. Nevertheless, the really do make an adorable couple.

Of course, Santa and his wife are so iconic in stature that I couldn’t just leave them out of this post, even if Christmas is over. Nevertheless, the really do make an adorable couple.