The Camping World of Tents and Campers


Of course, when it comes to staying in the great outdoors, camping has been a long tradition whether it be at your national parks, state parks, or at some privately owned resort. And chances are, if you’re not sleeping under the stars, campers are probably going to stay in some sort of shelter like a tent or camper. If you live in southwest Pennsylvania, then I highly suggest you take some sort of shelter with you because you never know when it might rain. Honestly, it rains a lot in the summer in these parts. Hell, it rains all year round. Nevertheless, when you look at some outdoor area, you’re bound to find tents and campers of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, setting up any of them is not nearly as easy as erecting a tent up in Harry Potter. And not nearly as luxurious either (seriously, the Weasley tent looks like something straight out of Lawrence of Arabia, with plenty of room as well as carpets and furniture). Mostly because we muggles don’t have access to magic. But that doesn’t stop me from seriously wanting one. Still, that doesn’t stop me from finding all kinds of unusual tents and campers on Pinterest that I decided to do a post separate from the outdoor gear. So for your reading pleasure, enjoy.

1, This wooden camper comes all set with all the amenities.

It's also very compact since it comes with an air conditioner and a roof. And to think it seemed rather small.

It’s also very compact since it comes with an air conditioner and a roof. And to think it seemed rather small.

2. With this tent, you can almost be among the trees.

Because it's shaped like an evergreen tree. However, this doesn't mean it will blend in with the forest. Because it won't.

Because it’s shaped like an evergreen tree. However, this doesn’t mean it will blend in with the forest. Because it won’t.

3. This tent can be set on top of your car and in high places.

I didn't know they had tents like that in the 1950s. Guess this couple really wanted to save space at their campsite. Or maybe they just wanted the view.

I didn’t know they had tents like that in the 1950s. Guess this couple really wanted to save space at their campsite. Or maybe they just wanted the view.

4. Who knew that you could camp out in a bubble?

Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend you to undress in it due to its transparency. Still, it looks pretty cool.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t recommend you to undress in it due to its transparency. Still, it looks pretty cool.

5. Perhaps setting a tent up from a tree would be easier.

Maybe but it doesn't seem to have a lot of room. Then again, it may not take much time to set up.

Maybe but it doesn’t seem to have a lot of room. Then again, it may not take much time to set up.

6. Those looking for a more rustic homey camping place might want to go with this camper.

You have to admire the front window and door on this thing. Very welcoming if you get my drift.

You have to admire the front window and door on this thing. Very welcoming if you get my drift.

7. With this camper, you might want to go with an open dining option.

Then again, it tends to resemble an open bar. But you get the idea.

Then again, it tends to resemble an open outdoor bar. But you get the idea.

8. For privacy in the wilderness, these camping stalls will suit you just fine.

Yes, these tents exist. But you can use one for going to the bathroom and one for taking a shower in. If you have the right equipment.

Yes, these tents exist. But you can use one for going to the bathroom and one for taking a shower in. If you have the right equipment.

9. Could you imagine camping in a shell or cocoon? Now you can.

Wonder how you set up a tent like this. Seems like it would be rather easy to bungle up.

Wonder how you set up a tent like this. Seems like it would be rather easy to bungle up. Comes solar powered, too.

10. There’s nothing like the camping experience in the great outdoors like sleeping in a tent camper shopping cart.

Now that just can't be comfortable. Seriously, you have to wonder if this guy sleeps being curled into a ball in there. Still, it's funny.

Now that just can’t be comfortable. Seriously, you have to wonder if this guy sleeps being curled into a ball in there. Still, it’s funny.

11. Ever thought about camping in a box?

Well, these two seem to in a box tent. Theirs even has a door, window, and table.

Well, these two seem to in a box tent. Theirs even has a door, window, and table.

12. Yes, I know this camper seems a bit lopsided.

However, I don't think it's been in a wreck because it seems designed that way. So perhaps we shouldn't judge on appearances.

However, I don’t think it’s been in a wreck because it seems designed that way. So perhaps we shouldn’t judge on appearances.

13. Now that must be an unusual hollow log.

Oh, wait, it's a log tent. Yeah, I kind of thought something didn't seem quite off. Still, it doesn't stand out much in brown.

Oh, wait, it’s a log tent. Yeah, I kind of thought something didn’t seem quite off. Still, it doesn’t stand out much in brown.

14. With a tent like this, you can literally sleep in a tree.

Yes, this resembles an abnormally large windowed punching bag. But I assure you, it's a tent.

Yes, this resembles an abnormally large windowed punching bag. But I assure you, it’s a tent.

15. With a mini nautic sleeper, you can now camp out on the water.

However, make sure you keep it well anchored so it won't float away. And make sure you don't decide to camp in some marina in Florida during hurricane season.

However, make sure you keep it well anchored so it won’t float away. And make sure you don’t decide to camp in some marina in Florida during hurricane season.

16. This RV comes solar powered.

So if you have to camp in the desert, this will help you get through it. Which begs the question, why would you want to camp in the desert?

So if you have to camp in the desert, this will help you get through it. Which begs the question, why would you want to camp in the desert?

17. This tent comes in handy for providing shelter for your bike.

Yes, this is an ideal biker tent indeed since it provides a place to store a motorcycle. Still, seems to make motorcycle gangs seem less badass for some reason.

Yes, this is an ideal biker tent indeed since it provides a place to store a motorcycle. Still, seems to make motorcycle gangs seem less badass for some reason.

18. This tent apparently hangs from a tree.

Yet, unlike the last tent I just showed you, it at least has a flatter surface. Wonder how long it takes to set up.

Yet, unlike the last tent I just showed you, it at least has a flatter surface. Wonder how long it takes to set up.

19. Who knew that you can camp under a dome?

Yes, these are dome tents. And yes, I have no idea how they're set up. But they do look quite cool.

Yes, these are dome tents. And yes, I have no idea how they’re set up. But they do look quite cool.

20. Kayak by day, tent by night.

I know people are scratching their heads thinking how could this tent exist. But it does and it must be expensive as hell.

I know people are scratching their heads thinking how could this tent exist. But it does and it must be expensive as hell.

21. With a tent like this, you’ll have your campsite set up in no time.

This is a pop up tent and the pictures show you how to set one up. Seems easy until you have to peg it down.

This is a pop up tent and the pictures show you how to set one up. Seems easy until you have to peg it down.

22. Ever imagined you can sleep in a tent camper like the Sydney Opera House? Now you can.

Okay, it doesn't really look like the Sydney Opera House. But it does have all the cozy fixtures you can't resist.

Okay, it doesn’t really look like the Sydney Opera House. But it does have all the cozy fixtures you can’t resist.

23. With a camping doughnut, experience a whole new kind of cozy spaces.

Now that's a very large tent. Not sure if that would be comfortable to stay in. But you get the idea.

Now that’s a very large tent. Not sure if that would be comfortable to stay in. But you get the idea.

24. Cinchi presents the ultimate pop up tent.

Comes with a solar power pack and LED lighting. Fits 2-4 people.

Comes with a solar power pack and LED lighting. Fits 2-4 people.

25. For self-contained shelter in the great outdoors, this canopy cot tent has got you covered.

Just make sure you put the cot outside before you set it up. Wonder if it's comfy though.

Just make sure you put the cot outside before you set it up. Wonder if it’s comfy though.

26. This bubble tent seems quite cozy when inflated.

Yes, this is another bubble tent. But at least this one has a place where you can change your clothes.

Yes, this is another bubble tent. But at least this one has a place where you can change your clothes. Unlike the last one.

27. At night, you can be sure to find this tent if you need to pee.

Because this one apparently glows in the dark or lights from the inside. Either way, seems stunning.

Because this one apparently glows in the dark or lights from the inside. Either way, seems stunning.

28. With large tents, you can’t go wrong with the teepee maze.

I know it seems like a tunnel. But you have to wonder what it looks from the inside.

I know it seems like a tunnel. But you have to wonder what it looks from the inside.

29. With this tent, you don’t have to worry about finding a secluded bathing spot again.

This is a portable camp shower as you can see. So if you want a place for your portable shower, it's got you covered.

This is a portable camp shower as you can see. So if you want a place for your portable shower, it’s got you covered.

30. Instead of camping in a hippie van, how about a hippie van tent?

Yet, it kind of looks ridiculous. But I have to admit that it's quite clever even if the designer might've been on something.

Yet, it kind of looks ridiculous. But I have to admit that it’s quite clever even if the designer might’ve been on something.

31. This hammock tent will provide you with the quality self-contained space you need.

I might've shown you something like this in my outdoor post. But I think it deserves a recap for this one. For obvious reasons.

I might’ve shown you something like this in my outdoor post. But I think it deserves a recap for this one. For obvious reasons.

32. You can wear this tent/sleeping bag/jacket as long as you please.

I know this is a rather ridiculous tent. But in the wilderness looking like an idiot is kind of the least of your worries.

I know this is a rather ridiculous tent. But in the wilderness looking like an idiot is kind of the least of your worries.

33. How about camp in some log cabin this year?

Oh, wait, that's a log cabin tent. But somehow, you can almost mistake it for the real thing.

Oh, wait, that’s a log cabin tent. But somehow, you can almost mistake it for the real thing.

34. This tent comes with so much room to spare.

This is a 10 room tent as you can see inside. So it's perfect for scouting trips to a degree.

This is a 10 room tent as you can see inside. So it’s perfect for scouting trips to a degree. Or MASH.

35. A pyramid teepee should set your campsite right.

Well, it's structured like a teepee by shaped like a pyramid. What more can I say? Also includes windows.

Well, it’s structured like a teepee by shaped like a pyramid. What more can I say? Also includes windows.

36. For beach bound surfers, this tent is just for you.

From Gadget Him: "Pack a surf and camp into one with this delectably compact and innovative surf tent design. The inner sleeping pod is an inflatable design that makes the tent non-bulky and easy-carry. Give your impulsiveness a free reign with this surf tent!"

From Gadget Him: “Pack a surf and camp into one with this delectably compact and innovative surf tent design. The inner sleeping pod is an inflatable design that makes the tent non-bulky and easy-carry. Give your impulsiveness a free reign with this surf tent!”

37. Nothing looks better than a tent on top of a jeep.

Sure it might be a home covered in canvas. But if I was on an African expedition, I want a tent like this.

Sure it might be a home covered in canvas. But if I was on an African expedition, I want a tent like this.

38. How about a nip at the Irish pub?

Yes, this is an inflatable Irish pub tent. May not give you authentic Irish cuisine. But it sure has the look nailed flat.

Yes, this is an inflatable Irish pub tent. May not give you authentic Irish cuisine. But it sure has the look nailed flat.

39. This tent is sure to have you fully booked.

Since it's shaped like a Natural World book. Get it? Cool though.

Since it’s shaped like a Natural World book. Get it? Cool though.

40. This tent is guaranteed to give you a taste of home.

Yes, it's a tent shaped like a house. I'm sure you can't see much through the windows. And I'm positive it won't withstand the Big Bad Wolf. Or will it?

Yes, it’s a tent shaped like a house. I’m sure you can’t see much through the windows. And I’m positive it won’t withstand the Big Bad Wolf. Or will it?

41. With this tent, you can just put it up a tree and watch it unfold.

Unlike the other tree tent I showed you, you don't set it down with ropes. Also called the Trepee.

Unlike the other tree tent I showed you, you don’t set it down with ropes. Also called the Trepee.

42. This decagon tent spreads in all directions.

Of course, it takes up a lot of space and is perhaps a pain in the ass to pitch. But it looks pretty cool.

Of course, it takes up a lot of space and is perhaps a pain in the ass to pitch. But it looks pretty cool.

43. Now this is the tent well suited for camping in the asphalt jungle.

Guess this was created for protestors of Occupied Wall Street. Then again, it definitely looks like a car.

Guess this was created for protestors of Occupied Wall Street. Then again, it definitely looks like a car.

44. Those who like the London Metro might enjoy camping in this tent.

Who knew they'd make a tent out of a subway? Guess they'll probably have one of the Hogwarts Express sometime soon.

Who knew they’d make a tent out of a subway? Guess they’ll probably have one of the Hogwarts Express sometime soon.

45. The Temper Fly Solar-Powered Tent can generate its own solar energy.

This tent is said to be tested by the US Army and could power so many gadgets. So it's kind of easy to see why.

This tent is said to be tested by the US Army and could power so many gadgets. So it’s kind of easy to see why.

46. RV or 2 cars stacked on each other?

Actually it's an RV. But yeah, it's bound to attract rather confused onlookers.

Actually it’s an RV. But yeah, it’s bound to attract rather confused onlookers.

47. Didn’t know that a camper can come with an open patio.

Guess this is a vintage design. Still, wouldn't mind having something like it.

Guess this is a vintage design. Still, wouldn’t mind having something like it. Talk about dining on the roof of your car.

48. This bike tent is well suited for cyclists on the go.

It's quite small but it can be pitched on the bike in no time. Not sure if I'd like that.

It’s quite small but it can be pitched on the bike in no time. Not sure if I’d like that.

49. For some people, the camper is their castle.

No, I don't know if the Victorians had campers like that. But if they did, it would pretty much look like it.

No, I don’t know if the Victorians had campers like that. But if they did, it would pretty much look like it.

50. Why stop at a log cabin when you can take it with you?

Well, that's one way of making the most of it. Wonder if the chimney actually works.

Well, that’s one way of making the most of it. Wonder if the chimney actually works.

51. Here’s a nice place to camp in the tree tops.

Sure it might be a hammock tent with a ladder. But I guess the view was worth it.

Sure it might be a hammock tent with a ladder. But I guess the view was worth it.

52. Guess this tent has a circular disposition.

Yeah, I know it's of a sphere and it's hung from trees. But it's a tent so it goes on the post.

Yeah, I know it’s of a sphere and it’s hung from trees. But it’s a tent so it goes on the post.

53. Ever wish your camper could be your home away from home?

Looks like this person took the concept to a whole another level. It even has a porch and steps.

Looks like this person took the concept to a whole another level. It even has a porch and steps.

54. Take a look at this old timey RV.

This was one of the first RV's out there. Made in 1926. I know it looks ridiculous. But I didn't design the thing.

This was one of the first RV’s out there. Made in 1926. I know it looks ridiculous. But I didn’t design the thing.

55. This RV is said to have a real mean caboose.

And it certainly resembles a caboose all right. Yeah, someone must really like to tinker.

And it certainly resembles a caboose all right. Yeah, someone must really like to tinker.

56. This tent could be easily pitched any time on the open road.

Yes, this tent can be pulled by a truck or car. I know it's weird. But that's why it's on this post.

Yes, this tent can be pulled by a truck or car. I know it’s weird. But that’s why it’s on this post.

57. Nothing beats camping on the roof of your car.

And here someone managed to pitch a rooftop tent. Yes, these things exist.

And here someone managed to pitch a rooftop tent. Yes, these things exist.

58. When it comes to camping, there’s only one camper to rule them all.

Yes, some one decorated a camper to look like Bag End from the Shire. I know it's perhaps one of the geekiest things one can ever do.

Yes, some one decorated a camper to look like Bag End from the Shire. I know it’s perhaps one of the geekiest things one can ever do.

59. Perhaps this shows what it’s like to camp during the Atomic Age.

Actually that might supposed to resemble a nuke. But it kind of reminds me of a fish.

Actually that might supposed to resemble a nuke. But it kind of reminds me of a fish. Charming.

60. This RV is the ultimate tiki machine.

Might be well suited for beach trips or Hawaii. But everywhere else? Not so much.

Might be well suited for beach trips or Hawaii. But everywhere else? Not so much.

61. An SUV is always a great place to pitch a tent.

Yes, this is another car roof tent. But it's smaller and is shaped more like a box.

Yes, this is another car roof tent. But it’s smaller and is shaped more like a box.

62. Sometimes it helps to blend with local surroundings.

Sure it looks great in the desert. But it will sure stand out like a sore thumb everywhere else.

Sure it looks great in the desert. But it will sure stand out like a sore thumb everywhere else.

63. This camper comes equipped with a few homey touches.

I know they probably went with some shingles and siding. But it sure looks amazing.

I know they probably went with some shingles and siding. But it sure looks amazing.

64. How about hop along on a magic camping trip?

Yes, this is one of those hippie colored campers. I know it looks quite tacky. But you have to admire the artwork.

Yes, this is one of those hippie colored campers. I know it looks quite tacky. But you have to admire the artwork.

65. Guess this tent is in a rather geometric position.

And I can't help but wonder whether they're finished pitching it. Or how big it is by stories.

And I can’t help but wonder whether they’re finished pitching it. Or how big it is by stories.

66. Fans of Titanic will surely adore this quality tent.

Actually it's very much in poor taste, especially with the iceberg hole. But I kind of had to include it.

Actually it’s very much in poor taste, especially with the iceberg hole. But I kind of had to include it.

67. This poncho tent makes an easy pitch.

Well, at least it saves backpack space. Other than that, I'm not sure if I want to wear one.

Well, at least it saves backpack space. Other than that, I’m not sure if I want to wear one.

68. This is a tent that’s bound to blend in with the landscape.

Sorry, but the sheep on the tent isn't real. Yet, I wasn't lying on the "blending in" part.

Sorry, but the sheep on the tent isn’t real. Yet, I wasn’t lying on the “blending in” part.

69. Seems like the trees have stretched these tents to their limits.

Then again, these tree tents were designed that way. Not sure if they're allowed at some campgrounds.

Then again, these tree tents were designed that way. Not sure if they’re allowed at some campgrounds.

70. You might have to climb a tree to reach this tent.

I know these tents could get quite outlandish. But at least this one gives you a great view.

I know these tents could get quite outlandish. But at least this one gives you a great view.

71. Seems like this tent is ready to take to the skies.

This is supposed to resemble a seaplane. But I doubt it could fly without any engine.

This is supposed to resemble a seaplane. But I doubt it could fly without any engine. Nor would you want it to.

72. This domed tent provides ideal camping shelter.

Not sure how you set one of these things up. But they seem rather comfortable.

Not sure how you set one of these things up. But they seem rather comfortable.

73. Presenting the new Cabela’s mansion tent.

Seems to resemble something you'd see off of MASH to me. No disrespect, but I almost imagine Hawkeye and his friends operating in their right this minute.

Seems to resemble something you’d see off of MASH to me. No disrespect, but I almost imagine Hawkeye and his friends operating in their right this minute.

74. Now this tent is said to be a real palace.

Yes, it may resemble a castle. But I bet it nowhere near resembles what the Weasleys' tent did on the inside.

Yes, it may resemble a castle. But I bet it nowhere near resembles what the Weasleys’ tent did on the inside.

75. For moving around, this teepee tent is just the ticket.

Of course, it's made from canvas instead of buffalo skins. But at least it does its job.

Of course, it’s made from canvas instead of buffalo skins. But at least it does its job.

76. Who knew a trampoline tent would make a great tent floor?

Well, a trampoline has a firm surface which beats dirt. However, might cause some bouncing during the night.

Well, a trampoline has a firm surface which beats dirt. However, might cause some bouncing during the night.

77. Guess these two really seemed to let themselves go.

Actually, it's just their tent. But yeah, this is pretty kitschy for the beach.

Actually, it’s just their tent. But yeah, this is pretty kitschy for the beach.

78. This camper surely lets in the sunlight.

I think this one came from the 1960s. And I'm sure it folds out at the destination.

I think this one came from the 1960s. And I’m sure it folds out at the destination.

79. Perhaps a wooden cabin fits best on the back of a truck.

Guess this RV was inspired by the Grapes of Wrath. Oh, wait that family didn't have an RV. What am I thinking?

Guess this RV was inspired by the Grapes of Wrath. Oh, wait that family didn’t have an RV. What am I thinking?

80. If you want to camp out on the water, a floating teepee will serve you well.

Even though Plains Indians didn't camp on the water or had rafts. Because the water ways weren't always navigable.

Even though Plains Indians didn’t camp on the water or had rafts. Because the water ways weren’t always navigable.

81. For camping on the bike trail, this tent trailer can’t be beat.

Sure it's quite small. But so is the thing that's pulling it. Let that sink in.

Sure it’s quite small. But so is the thing that’s pulling it. Let that sink in.

82. You’re sure to have plenty of room in this forest yurt.

Yurts are homes on the Mongolian steppe. Still, I'm sure the doors aren't real.

Yurts are homes on the Mongolian steppe. Still, I’m sure the doors aren’t real.

83. This rooftop tent comes with its own shade.

Well, it keeps the ladder concealed from view. However, the window is totally fake.

Well, it keeps the ladder concealed from view. However, the window is totally fake.

84. When you need a break, this tent might put you at ease.

This is a tent that turns into a hammock whenever need be. It just needs to be flipped over from time to time.

This is a tent that turns into a hammock whenever need be. It just needs to be flipped over from time to time.

85. With a tent like this, you can fall asleep while watching the stars.

Unless it's rainy. Because rain doesn't fall on clear nights, usually.

Unless it’s rainy. Because rain doesn’t fall on clear nights, usually.

86. Sometimes two stacked tents are better than one.

That seems like an interesting canvas watchtower. And unlike some of the rooftop tents on here, it's not attached to a car.

That seems like an interesting canvas watchtower. And unlike some of the rooftop tents on here, it’s not attached to a car.

87. A tent like this has to be out of this world.

Yes, this is a tent of a space module. No, I don't know if it goes with a space shuttle one but I'll try to find out.

Yes, this is a tent of a space module. No, I don’t know if it goes with a space shuttle one but I’ll try to find out.

88. How about camping out in a honeycomb?

Another crazy tent that I'd probably won't see at a campground. Guess this one has 3 stories at least.

Another crazy tent that I’d probably won’t see at a campground. Guess this one has 3 stories at least.

89. Are you sure you want to take your house with you?

Yes, this is a camper shaped like a house. Not sure about the architectural style here.

Yes, this is a camper shaped like a house. Not sure about the architectural style here.

90. Camper or mobile garden shed?

It's a camper that's supposed to resemble a gypsy caravan. Still, not a fan of the color.

It’s a camper that’s supposed to resemble a gypsy caravan. Still, not a fan of the color.

91. This camper comes with all the works.

Well, this seems to come with a desk and shelf for starters. And the shelf seems to store two bottles of wine.

Well, this seems to come with a desk and shelf for starters. And the shelf seems to store two bottles of wine.

92. There’s nothing like a camper with an aluminum roof.

Well, this seems to be a DIY by the looks of it. Like the windows. And it seems to match the truck colors, too.

Well, this seems to be a DIY by the looks of it. Like the windows. And it seems to match the truck colors, too.

93. Guess this one went with the BLT option.

Okay, it's a camper painted as a cheeseburger which is pretty tacky. But I'm sure my viewers would get a kick out of this.

Okay, it’s a camper painted as a cheeseburger which is pretty tacky. But I’m sure my viewers would get a kick out of this.

94. Guess the tent camper goes on top to save luggage room.

Well, the tent camper looks pretty normal sans the wheels. But this seems to be pretty crazy to put it on the roof of a truck.

Well, the tent camper looks pretty normal sans the wheels. But this seems to be pretty crazy to put it on the roof of a truck.

95. Apparently, you might want to make room for this RV.

Let's just say if you want to see Darth Vader camping, you'd could bet any money he'd be sleeping in this. Doesn't help that the front reminds me of an Imperial Storrmtrooper's squashed face.

Let’s just say if you want to see Darth Vader camping, you’d could bet any money he’d be sleeping in this. Doesn’t help that the front reminds me of an Imperial Storrmtrooper’s squashed face.

96. Well, this hot camper was made on fire.

I'm sure this person is a hot rod fan. Not sure if the flames make it look cool though.

I’m sure this person is a hot rod fan. Not sure if the flames make it look cool though.

97. How about a camper in the lap of luxury?

I know it seems like a resort lodge. But it's one of those campers that just happens to have a swimming pool. Like the woodwork though.

I know it seems like a resort lodge. But it’s one of those campers that just happens to have a swimming pool. Like the woodwork though.

98. Can’t decide whether this design is industrial or futuristic.

Or if it's a cross between a trailer truck and a prison. But I think it's pretty lucky. And I think the lights sticking up really don't help.

Or if it’s a cross between a trailer truck and a prison. But I think it’s pretty lucky. And I think the lights sticking up really don’t help.

99. Well, at least they don’t have to worry about fire emergencies.

Okay, maybe they do. But it's funny how this camper is attached to a fire truck. And not a red one.

Okay, maybe they do. But it’s funny how this camper is attached to a fire truck. And not a red one.

100. If you want more room, you could pitch the tent section.

It's called an ECOcombo off grid camper. Said to be solar powered and comes with its own boat.

It’s called an ECOcombo off grid camper. Said to be solar powered and comes with its own boat.