The Wonderful World of Scarecrows (Second Edition)


As September rolls in, fall will soon be in the air. And when it comes to fall decorations, there’s almost nothing to beat than the scarecrow. Two years ago, I did a scarecrow post which got really popular around this time of year so I decided to do another one. Still, contrary to the name, most scarecrows aren’t really that scary. Besides, using a scarecrow to ward off crows isn’t going to help rid them from your garden. I mean crows are very smart birds and probably know that the figure in your plot is just a guy full of straw. But not always. So they probably won’t be scared of it. Nevertheless, people love them so much that there are even contests for them at fall festivals and even one post can’t show the amount of creativity you might see in these things. Many of these have straw but they don’t always have to. And a lot of them are dressed in old clothes. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another glimpse into the wonderful world of scarecrows.

  1. Look, it’s none other than Gandalf the Straw-Haired.
The wizard beard is a stroke of genius. Also like the flower eyes and carrot nose. But you wonder why they don't have scarecrows like that in the Shire.

The wizard beard is a stroke of genius. Also like the flower eyes and carrot nose. But you wonder why they don’t have scarecrows like that in the Shire.

2. Hey, get off of that lamp post!

Yes, these scarecrows are definitely hanging there. Guess they have all night party hijinks, too. Figures.

Yes, these scarecrows are definitely hanging there. Guess they have all night party hijinks, too. Figures.

3. Didn’t expect to see a fairy princess around here.

This one has a little purple dress and pink hair. But her crown and wand are twigs.

This one has a little purple dress and pink hair. But her crown and wand are twigs.

4. Guess somebody is ready for a wheelbarrow ride.

But the guy gets the ride while the woman has to push him around. Love the flower hat though.

But the guy gets the ride while the woman has to push him around. Love the flower hat though.

5. Apparently, there are even NRA scarecrows out there.

And here is one standing with his gun and a chain of bullets. However, instead of scaring crows, his function is to scare potential terrorists, home invaders, and undocumented immigrants.

And here is one standing with his gun and a chain of bullets. However, instead of scaring crows, his function is to scare potential intruders and minorities.

6. It’s widely noted that they call her the Iron Lady since she comes off a little stiff.

Well, she's made with an ironing board. But yes, she seems a bit flat and stiff.

Well, she’s made with an ironing board. But yes, she seems a bit flat and stiff.

7. Just going out for a morning stroll with the baby, nothing special.

Seems like whoever made this has kids who are no longer toddlers. Well, at least they used it for something like this.

Seems like whoever made this has kids who are no longer toddlers. Well, at least they used it for something like this. Very clever.

8. Nothing to see here, just an old man tending his garden.

For a second, I almost thought it was a real guy. Until I saw the pumpkin head and the stuffed arms. Like the beard.

For a second, I almost thought it was a real guy. Until I saw the pumpkin head and the stuffed arms. Like the beard.

9. What’s this? Jack Skellington and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas?

Yes, that's it. However, do these two seem like they're getting married? Because Sally is dressed in a nice white dress.

Yes, that’s it. However, do these two seem like they’re getting married? Because Sally is dressed in a nice white dress.

10. This veterinarian always tries to be good to animals.

However, that dog is kind of freaky looking to me. So is the vet's pumpkin head.

However, that dog is kind of freaky looking to me. So is the vet’s pumpkin head.

11. Guess someone has shown up with a sun flowery face.

Well, a sunflower head, anyway. Still, seems to make everything seem sunny even in patched overalls.

Well, a sunflower head, anyway. Still, seems to make everything seem sunny even in patched overalls.

12. Seems like Gulliver shouldn’t have been sleeping.

This is from Gulliver's Travels where the Lilliputains tie him off on the beach and see him as a giant.

This is from Gulliver’s Travels where the Lilliputains tie him off on the beach and see him as a giant.

13. Seems like somebody has been sleeping on the job.

He should be out trying to scare crows off. But he's just taking a snooze. Lazy bum.

He should be out trying to scare crows off. But he’s just taking a snooze. Lazy bum.

14. Now this is a real corn maiden here.

Since she has a dress made from corn stalks as well as decked in full fall regalia. Kind of wish she was in an outdoor setting though.

Since she has a dress made from corn stalks as well as decked in full fall regalia. Kind of wish she was in an outdoor setting though.

15. This lady seems to have a head full of grains.

Well, her head consists of wheat. Yet, she's almost entirely made from straw. Guess she sometimes makes it hay.

Well, her head consists of wheat. Yet, she’s almost entirely made from straw. Guess she sometimes makes it hay.

16. Guess this woman seems to be waiting for the bus or something.

She's just sitting on the bench. Too bad she has straw in her boots. Then again, she's a scarecrow.

She’s just sitting on the bench. Too bad she has straw in her boots. Then again, she’s a scarecrow.

17. These two scarecrows surely adore their little pumpkin.

Too bad it doesn't have a jack o'lantern face yet. Guess it's too young to get one.

Too bad it doesn’t have a jack o’lantern face yet. Guess it’s too young to get one.

18. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Princess Ladybug.

Well, she's wearing a ladybug dress. But that was what her name was on Pinterest so I'm going with that.

Well, she’s wearing a ladybug dress. But that was what her name was on Pinterest so I’m going with that.

19. Looks like we’ve found ourselves in Tin Can Alley.

Seems like we come across a tin can lady and her metal dog. Not scary, but adorable for any Tin Man to love.

Seems like we come across a tin can lady and her metal dog. Not scary, but adorable for any Tin Man to love.

20. Seems like this old rusty truck needs some fixing.

Well, that's one way you can reuse an old busted truck. Like the scarecrow pumpkin mechanics the best though.

Well, that’s one way you can reuse an old busted truck. Like the scarecrow pumpkin mechanics the best though.

21. This scarecrow lady has to look her best when she’s out on the town.

She even has her straw lapdog in a shirt that she has around her arm. Like the purple purse and turquoise scarf.

She even has her straw lapdog in a shirt that she has around her arm. Like the purple purse and turquoise scarf.

22. To scare the crows away, this guy resorts to cartwheels.

Then again, it might for some of the crows. But this is a really creative, especially with having the scarecrow being upside down.

Then again, it might for some of the crows. But this is a really creative, especially with having the scarecrow being upside down.

23. Heard about Angry Birds? How about Angry Bales?

Well, they're Angry Birds as hay bales. Basically consists of spray-paint and straw. Fans will love it.

Well, they’re Angry Birds as hay bales. Basically consists of spray-paint and straw. Fans will love it.

24. While everyone works, these scarecrows take an afternoon bike ride.

Looks like these guys are having a good time. Wonder if any of them are wearing helmets.

Looks like these guys are having a good time. Wonder if any of them are wearing helmets.

25. Anyone else think her dress looks shady?

I mean her dress is made from 3 different lamp shades. And each one is trimmed with autumn leaves.

I mean her dress is made from 3 different lamp shades. And each one is trimmed with autumn leaves or flowers.

26. This lady scarecrow brings an aura of sophistication.

Well, she has a rather interesting dress that seems straight from My Fair Lady. Seems to suit her.

Well, she has a rather interesting dress that seems straight from My Fair Lady. Seems to suit her.

27. This little dog seems to come out right from the haystack.

Sure it looks like a normal pile of hay until you see the dog's face. But sometimes you don't know where the straw dog begins and the bale ends.

Sure it looks like a normal pile of hay until you see the dog’s face. But sometimes you don’t know where the straw dog begins and the bale ends.

28. This scarecrow appears to be a bit potted lately.

After all, he's made from a lot of flower pots that were probably sold at discount prices. Like the hay in the hands and head.

After all, he’s made from a lot of flower pots that were probably sold at discount prices. Like the hay in the hands, feet, and head.

29. There’s nothing more relaxing to this garden lady than picking some flowers.

Sure her head is a flower pot and she wears a flower hat. But you have to admire how her bright green gloves would stand out. Also, that's not an outfit you wear for gardening.

Sure her head is a flower pot and she wears a flower hat. But you have to admire how her bright green gloves would stand out. Also, that’s not an outfit you wear for gardening.

30. Wonder what that scarecrow is doing in his long underwear or pajamas.

Okay, those may be pajamas and they seem to be in light pink. Not sure if that would scare the crows.

Okay, those may be pajamas and they seem to be in light pink. Not sure if that would scare the crows.

31. This Victorian scarecrow looks smashing in her elegant dress.

Well, it certainly is a dress of black and lace. Love the flowers in the hat. Lovely.

Well, it certainly is a dress of black and lace. Love the flowers in the hat. Lovely.

32. Oh, look, the minion bales are coming.

Yes, these the hay bales of minions from Despicable Me. There are a lot of minion scarecrows out there. This among the most creative.

Yes, these the hay bales of minions from Despicable Me. There are a lot of minion scarecrows out there. This among the most creative.

33. Sometimes you can always use a break to relax.

But I'm not sure if lounging in a swimsuit is ideal for fall weather. Also, her skin seems to be made from burlap.

But I’m not sure if lounging in a swimsuit is ideal for fall weather. Also, her skin seems to be made from burlap.

34. Want to buy some garden veggies?

Well, she seems to have quite the variety. Not sure people wear flowery aprons anymore. But it adds a nice touch.

Well, she seems to have quite the variety. Not sure people wear flowery aprons anymore. But it adds a nice touch.

35. This scarecrow’s head seems a bit rakey for some reason.

Well, he seems to have a rake head decked with sunflowers. Must have a rather sunny disposition.

Well, he seems to have a rake head decked with sunflowers. Must have a rather sunny disposition.

36. This redhead pumpkin head revels in her polka dot dress.

Not a fan of polka dots, but she does seem to rock the outfit without being tacky. Like the flowers in her hair, too.

Not a fan of polka dots, but she does seem to rock the outfit without being tacky. Like the flowers in her hair, too.

37. How about you come in and stay for a spell?

I think this was for a town scarecrow contest. But I love how these ladies are wearing bright colored dresses. And how one of them sits on the hay bale.

I think this was for a town scarecrow contest. But I love how these ladies are wearing bright colored dresses. And how one of them sits on the hay bale.

38. Since Christ was born in a stable, it’s only fair we have a scarecrow nativity scene.

Seems like they didn't have the time and the energy to have shepherds, livestock, and wise men. but you have to like the fall display though.

Seems like they didn’t have the time and the energy to have shepherds, livestock, and wise men. but you have to like the fall display though.

39. Kiddies, you might not want to go near this bed.

Because that's not Little Red Riding Hood's grandma. That's the Big Bad Wolf dressed as her grandma. But you have love this display. So right.

Because that’s not Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma. That’s the Big Bad Wolf dressed as her grandma. But you have love this display. So right.

40. This jack o’lantern couple seems much happier than in the Grand Wood painting.

Yes, it's supposed to be the American Gothic couple that's countlessly parodied. But these two are smiling instead of stern.

Yes, it’s supposed to be the American Gothic couple that’s countlessly parodied. But these two are smiling instead of stern.

41. This woman walks to the garden all decked in lettuce.

Her top is in red (well, purple) and her skirt seems romaine. And she's even wearing a sunflower to top it all off.

Her top is in red (well, purple) and her skirt seems romaine. And she’s even wearing a sunflower to top it all off.

42. Guess that witch should’ve watched out for that tree.

Yeah, she should always keep her eyes open when she's on the broom. Also, not drink and fly.

Yeah, she should always keep her eyes open when she’s on the broom. Also, not drink and fly.

43. This knightly scarecrow mounts for a joust on his noble steed.

Yes, his horse might be made from a tree or straw. But he looks so cool in his red knightly attire.

Yes, his horse might be made from a tree or straw. But he looks so cool in his red knightly attire.

44. Guess there’s so much straw inside this thing for a horse.

Oh, wait, that is a scarecrow horse. Not sure how it'll scare crows. But you have to admire this person's creativity and effort.

Oh, wait, that is a scarecrow horse. Not sure how it’ll scare crows. But you have to admire this person’s creativity and effort.

45. Supercrow his here to save the day from grasshopper infestation!

Like how he's hanging. But the fact this guy could flatten entire cities in his encounters with fellow Kryptonians should have the crows proceed with caution.

Like how he’s hanging. But the fact this guy could flatten entire cities in his encounters with fellow Kryptonians should have the crows proceed with caution.

46. Just 3 little girls playing in a garden, nothing to see here.

Well, I guess children scarecrows take up less straw. But you have to appreciate this concept. So cute.

Well, I guess children scarecrows take up less straw. But you have to appreciate this concept. So cute.

47. This straw owl is always set to be a hoot.

It's even bigger than a real owl and less fancy. Still, got to love the wings on this.

It’s even bigger than a real owl and less fancy. Still, got to love the wings on this.

48. These workers have just been given a break to break off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.

Yes, these are road workers. But the sign should clearly say, "Give me a break. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar." The slogan's wrong.

Yes, these are road workers. But the sign should clearly say, “Give me a break. Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.” The slogan’s wrong.

49. In this lawn Captain Jack Sparrow surely makes an unforgettable presence.

Now that really looks like Johnny Depp, almost lifelike. Not sure if the garden setting agrees with him.

Now that really looks like Johnny Depp, almost lifelike. Not sure if the garden setting agrees with him.

50. This scarecrow seems to haven numbers and letters all over him.

Well, it looks like something made for a teacher. Love the patches though.

Well, it looks like something made for a teacher. Love the patches though.

51. Time for this old scarecrow to saddle up.

See he's on a wooden horse wearing a sheriff's badge. And he's carrying a lasso. Seems more like a rodeo clown to me.

See he’s on a wooden horse wearing a sheriff’s badge. And he’s carrying a lasso. Seems more like a rodeo clown to me.

52. Guess it’s always a luau where this guy is concerned.

That or on his way to a Jimmy Buffett concert. Wonder if there are people in Hawaii who have scarecrows in their gardens.

That or on his way to a Jimmy Buffett concert. Wonder if there are people in Hawaii who have scarecrows in their gardens.

53. No, I don’t think Vincent can lend an ear today.

You can guess this is a scarecrow of Vincent Van Gogh who sometimes painted crows. He even has a bandage from where he cut his ear, too.

You can guess this is a scarecrow of Vincent Van Gogh who sometimes painted crows. He even has a bandage from where he cut his ear, too.

54. This scarecrow ogre isn’t the monster you think he is.

Okay, he may be gross but he mostly keeps to himself. Still, this Shrek scarecrow is clever.

Okay, he may be gross but he mostly keeps to himself. Still, this Shrek scarecrow is clever.

55. This gypsy scarecrow comes in on her tambourine.

Then again, I'm not sure if she's carrying a tambourine or not. But I really like her dress though.

Then again, I’m not sure if she’s carrying a tambourine or not. But I really like her dress though.

56. “On the crows again, just can’t wait to get on the crows again…”

That's a very good Willie Nelson scarecrow. The braids are excellent. Brilliant.

That’s a very good Willie Nelson scarecrow. The braids are excellent. Brilliant.

57. This Carmen Miranda scarecrow has quite a fruit bowl on her head.

Yeah, Carmen Miranda seems to be widely imitated. But a lot of people don't know what she actually sang.

Yeah, Carmen Miranda seems to be widely imitated. But a lot of people don’t know what she actually sang.

58. Looks like Cousin It has come to stay for awhile.

That has to be a very easy scarecrow to make. I mean you just need a haystack, hat, and sunglasses.

That has to be a very easy scarecrow to make. I mean you just need a haystack, hat, and sunglasses.

59. Looks like this scarecrow display comes straight from under the sea.

And it seems that Ariel isn't in her trademark seashell bra. Still, wish I can find other Disney scarecrows.

And it seems that Ariel isn’t in her trademark seashell bra. Still, wish I can find other Disney scarecrows.

60. Harry Potter tends to make an entrance on his Firebolt.

However, the hair doesn't exactly look right on this. Because Harry has black hair, not straw colored. But seems like whoever made this didn't have the time.

However, the hair doesn’t exactly look right on this. Because Harry has black hair, not straw colored. But seems like whoever made this didn’t have the time.

61. On some days, you just have to give the dog a bone.

This especially goes for a scarecrow dog. Because crows are more likely to be scared of them.

This especially goes for a scarecrow dog. Because crows are more likely to be scared of them.

62. This scarecrow gorilla is sure going ape.

Yes, you read that right. That's a gorilla scarecrow. And it probably consists of a gorilla suit with straw.

Yes, you read that right. That’s a gorilla scarecrow. And it probably consists of a gorilla suit with straw.

63. Here we have a firefighting scarecrow to the rescue.

Unfortunately, he may not be able to survive the flames since most scarecrows are extremely flammable. This was made by a town fire department.

Unfortunately, he may not be able to survive the flames since most scarecrows are extremely flammable. This was made by a town fire department.

64. This scarecrow thinks his garden is his own orchestra.

Sure he may be in normal clothes. But so are a lot of conductors at rehearsal. Fits in with the garden look though.

Sure he may be in normal clothes. But so are a lot of conductors at rehearsal. Fits in with the garden look though.

65. Hijacked Henry messed with the wrong crow.

Well, the crow is just incredibly large in this rendition. But you have to wonder how someone could do this.

Well, the crow is just incredibly large in this rendition. But you have to wonder how someone could do this.

66. How about you spend some time listening to this jughead band?

Yes, the kind of band that makes country western bands seem less hickish in comparison. Still, it's pretty funny and clever.

Yes, the kind of band that makes country western bands seem less hickish in comparison. Still, it’s pretty funny and clever.

67. Heard of a scarecrow? How about a scare chicken?

Bigger and tanner than a regular chicken. But doesn't have much meat despite appearances.

Bigger and tanner than a regular chicken. But doesn’t have much meat despite appearances.

68. I’m sure this little straw dog won’t hurt a thing.

My guess is that it's a little straw terrier. Not sure what it has in its mouth which might be toilet paper.

My guess is that it’s a little straw terrier. Not sure what it has in its mouth which might be toilet paper.

69. This chef doesn’t seem too happy about crows on his pie.

Yet, he doesn't seem to do anything about the crows. Or is that really a crow pie? Best not think of it.

Yet, he doesn’t seem to do anything about the crows. Or is that really a crow pie? Best not think of it.

70. Yes, raking leaves is a lot of work.

And it seems that someone just fell into the wheelbarrow. Like the outfits. So much like fall.

And it seems that someone just fell into the wheelbarrow. Like the outfits. So much like fall.

71. Now this lady sports a fine barrel dress.

Well, metal barrel anyway. Yet, seems to take form of Scarlett O'Hara's curtain dress with a dash of Wizard of Oz.

Well, metal barrel anyway. Yet, seems to take form of Scarlett O’Hara’s curtain dress with a dash of Wizard of Oz.

72. This colorful scarecrow seems to go for the flowers.

Helps that she seems to spring from a pot in a flowery dress. Love the rainbow petals.

Helps that she seems to spring from a pot in a flowery dress. Love the rainbow petals.

73. Seems like this plumber doesn’t know where to put a plunger.

He's even sporting a pumpkin plumber's butt to boot. Yeah, really needs to aim for the toilet bowl.

He’s even sporting a pumpkin plumber’s butt to boot. Yeah, really needs to aim for the toilet bowl.

74. This scarecrow prefers the company of bees to the birds.

Well, a beekeeper scarecrow, how original. Even has bees to go with it. Awesome.

Well, a beekeeper scarecrow, how original. Even has bees to go with it. Awesome.

75. Seems like this paratrooper landed in the wrong place.

Now he's hanging from the roof in his parachute. Must be WWII blitz inspired.

Now he’s hanging from the roof in his parachute. Must be WWII blitz inspired.

76. Mary had her little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

Because if it was Little Bo Peep, she would've lost her sheep. Also, not sure about depicting her in bloomers.

Because if it was Little Bo Peep, she would’ve lost her sheep. Also, not sure about depicting her in bloomers.

77. Guess you wouldn’t want to go to this scarecrow for marriage advice.

Then again, he only beheaded two of his wives. But Henry VIII also put the ax to a lot of his friends and advisers who either refused to go along with what he wanted (like Thomas More) or screwed over big time (like Thomas Cromwell).

Then again, he only beheaded two of his wives. But Henry VIII also put the ax to a lot of his friends and advisers who either refused to go along with what he wanted (like Thomas More) or screwed over big time (like Thomas Cromwell).

78. This mermaid scarecrow seems to be a fish out of water.

Yes, it looks quite unusual if you ask me. But you might see a few at a scarecrow festival or two.

Yes, it looks quite unusual if you ask me. But you might see a few at a scarecrow festival or two.

79. This scarecrow seems to have a real beak for things.

Never mind that he resembles a giant crow with wings. Like how he takes to a straw hat and coveralls.

Never mind that he resembles a giant crow with wings. Like how he takes to a straw hat and coveralls.

80. Seems like somebody ran in to a shrub with their bike.

Probably should've put their foot on the brakes before running into that. Still, like how it just consists of a pair of legs.

Probably should’ve put their foot on the brakes before running into that. Still, like how it just consists of a pair of legs.