The Second Line World of Mardi Gras Parasols


Before people embark on their 6-week sacrifice of Lent come Ash Wednesday, some areas hold a big party where they can indulge in their own desires. The French and those in New Orleans may call it Mardi Gras. Others like the Venetians call it Carnival. Anyway, while those in Venice often don masks and dress in lavish costumes for masquerade balls, those in New Orleans usually tend to hold costumed parades with jazz music and floats. While the costumes in Venice reflect that of a bygone era, the costumes in New Orleans are incredibly festive that they may include some flamboyant parasols among them. Some can contain flashy sequins. Some might have feathers. While some may consist of fringe. So for your reading pleasure, I give you an assortment of parasols for Mardi Gras. Enjoy.

  1. A gold parasol should always have purple feathers.

Well, the feathers are fake. But it’s also covered in Mardi Gras beads around the folds.

2. There’s so much music on this parasol.


Well, the notes, clefs, and guitars are in pink. Trimmed with red fringe. Touched by black bows and red feathers.

3. A purple parasol should have all the trimmings.


Has Mardi Gras beads and gold fleur de lis on all sides. Love the purple feathers around the rims.

4. This umbrella is trimmed with money.


Okay, they’re plastic gold coins. Though you see some fringe along this parasol as well.

5. Perhaps a paper parasol may suit you.


This one has fleur de lis stenciled and painted in gold, purple, and green. So lovely.

6. Golden fringe always goes with black.


This one has embroidered fleur de lis. Perfect for any Mardi Gras parade or wedding.

7. Sometimes all a Mardi Gras parasol needs is a big festive bow.


This one is made from a gold bordered see through ribbon. Also includes feathers for a more festive touch.

8. This parasol will bring music to the scene.


This one uses a guitar handle for the stem. Includes fringe and feathers.

9. Green and purple always make for a great Mardi Gras parasol.


This one has a purple bow on top with shiny jingles. Covered with crowns and masks.

10. Even Saints fans can use a parasol for Mardi Gras.


This one has a “Who Dat?” bow on top. Also consists of sequin fleur de lis and golden fringe.

11. A black parasol can always use something extra.


This large parasol has fringe on the bottom and a bouquet of roses on top. Though they’re mostly in gold.

12. Your parasol can never have enough pink fringe.


This one has 3 rows of fringe. Like the small mask with feathers.

13. Those at LSU might want a Mardi Gras parasol like this.


Though college football season takes place in the fall. While Mardi Gras is in February or March.

14. Sometimes feathers are all you need.


This one is a fancy white parasol. While the feathers are in lavender.

15. Don’t forget to add some treble.


Well, this one has a golden treble clef. Like the black bow on top and fringe.

16. When in doubt, you might want to go with lace.


This one uses green and purple lace with purple and yellow ribbons. Love it.

17. You can always use shiny beads to decorate.


This one consists of a fleur de lis, a purple treble clef, a mask, and music notes. So pretty.

18. Sometimes a simple white parasol is all you need.


this one has gold tassles on the rim. While a large golden bow sits on top.

19. Perhaps you can use a few fleur de lis.


This one has 4 shiny gold fleur de lis and a ribbon to divide them. Love the bow though.

20. When it comes with Mardi Gras parasols, the more colorful the better.


This one has sides in purple, green, and yellow. Includes sequins, music notes, and masks.

21. There’s nothing more festive on a Mardi Gras parasol than masks.


Well, it has a purple mask. Also consists of pom poms, feathers, crowns, and Mardi Gras beads.

22. A simple white parasol can always use a festive touch.


This one has a blue bow with some green squiggles. Love the white fringe.

23. Perhaps your parasol can use some glitter.


Okay, the images are more or less made out of sequins. Consists of masks and fleur de lis. Love the purple feathers.

24. No parasol can have too many ribbons.


This one has New Orleans Saints ribbons in black and gold. While the fleur de lis is in sequins.

25. A black lace parasol can always use some ornamentation.


This one has crosses, jewels, and ribbons. Perfect for any Mardi Gras funeral.

26. A silver Mardi Gras parasol should always contain blue feathers.


Also contains silver Mardi Gras beads. As a silver fleur de lis sits on top.

27. Salute your LSU Tigers with this Mardi Gras parasol.


Decorated with Tigers insignia encrusted in the fabric. Includes Mardi Gras beads, a gold fleur de lis on top, and purple feathers.

28. You’ll find masks all around this Mardi Gras parasol.


This one has masks embroidered on some of the sides. Love the purple feathers though.

29. A black shiny parasol should always look festive.


Has a gold fleur de lis sitting on top. Includes gold Mardi Gras beads and black feathers.

30. A festive Mardi Gras parasol should always shimmer.


This one has 2 fleur de lis in purple and green. While the feathers are in green, purple, and yellow.

31. A black parasol can always use a feather plume.


This one has fleur de lis on all sides. Also consists of gold decoration.

32. A white parasol can uses some colorful masks.


This one has feather masks of many different colors. Has a crown on top.

33. A black parasol is easy to customize.


Includes masks, crowns, feathers, and Mardi Gras beads. Love the crown on top.

34. Nothing is jazzier on Mardi Gras than a pink parasol.


This one has a saxophone with pink plumes along with lace and roses at the ends. Pink fringe lies along the edges. Great for any Mardi Gras party.

35. A silver parasol should always sparkle.


This one has sparkly fleur de lis. Like the jewels and silver bow. So pretty.

36. A purple parasol should have all the trimmings.


This one his trimmed with lace and fringe. Also contains yellow jewels and ribbons.

37. A large gold bow really stands out on a black parasol.


This one has fleur de lis painted on the sides. While the edges have feathers. Though I love the bow.

38. Perhaps you’d like a golden parasol with pink feathers.


This one is spray-painted gold with a golden fleur de lis. Includes pink Mardi Gras beads as well.

39. Of course, no parasol can’t be complete without a peacock.


Well, the peacock is fake. Yet, the feathers make this parasol sensational.

40. Sometimes two Mardi Gras parasols must match.


One is green with a purple plume and fringe. The other is purple with a green plume and fringe.

41. A purple parasol for Mardi Gras can be quite fancy.


This one has shiny jewels and sequin decorations. But the purple plume really stands out here.

42. Perhaps you might prefer a parasol of blue lace.


This one is said to include LED lights. Bad for a rainy day. Perfect for Mardi Gras.

43. At weddings, you might prefer plain parasols with feathers.


You see a lot of these parasols when you do a Google search. Still, it’s kind of annoying.

44. Wedding parasols must always match.


Each of these has gold coins, feathers, and a fleur de lis. Don’t ask since this is a New Orleans tradition.

45. A pink parasol should have all kinds of jewels.


This one has colorful feathers near the top. Though the jewels make it extra sparkly.

46. A white parasol should always have some decorations.


Has jewels, fleur de lis, and green, yellow, and purple feathers. Though it can use a fancy ornament on top.

47. Fun party decorations can always belong on a parasol.


Yes, I know it kind seems more party store style than the others. But it certainly belongs in a Mardi Gras parade.

48. You can never have too many fleur de lis on a parasol.


And you see them in yellow, green, and purple. The edge is trimmed with lace by the way.

49. A purple parasol can always be a sparkling sight.


This one has Mardi Gras beads and fleur de lis. The bird’s pretty, too.

50. A circular parasol should always be decked out.


Covered with jewels, fleur de lis, and feathers. Love it.

51. A red parasol will always stand out from the music.


This one has a treble clef, crowns, and musical notes. Like the bow on top.

52. A sparkly white parasol must shimmer.


This one is covered in jewels. Like the feathers and plume.

53. The fancier your Mardi Gras parasol, the better.


This one has sequins and is covered with green, purple, white, and gold patches. Love the purple feathers.

54. A gold parasol with yellow feathers can be quite festive.


Includes a shiny fleur de lis on tops. Also comprises of gold Mardi Gras beads, too.

55. When it comes to black parasols, feel free to give it a great impression.


Has 2 fleur de lis and a festive garland. But I love the bow the best.

56. A white parasol should always have a matching plume and feathers.


Has some gold sequin fleur de lis and other decorations. Guess this is a companion for a wedding second line.

57. You can’t go wrong on Mardi Gras with a parasol of black.


This one has coins and fleur de lis all over the sides. Also trimmed with black and gold feathers.

58. A Mardi Gras parasol should be in green, yellow, and purple.


Contains masks, sequins, and crowns. Trimmed with fringe.

59. A lacy black parasol should have black feathers.


Also, not a good one for a rainy day. Includes golden crowns and other decorations.

60. A parasol with rainbow feathers always creates a colorful impression.


Well, it’s black with nothing much on it. Though the feather colors are amazing.