The Inside World of Furniture


Whether you need to sit, eat, put stuff away, set stuff down, work, sleep, or go to Narnia, then furniture is absolutely essential for your day to day living. After all, without furniture, we’d just carry on our daily lives in empty rooms with only the floor to conduct our activities on, which is neither comfortable or practical. Even our Neolithic cave dwelling ancestors couldn’t live without furniture 30,000 years ago and they survived without agriculture. Sure the earliest furniture pieces were made from wood, bone, and stone, and no Stone Age pieces exist. But they did depict figures in chairs, according to archaeological evidence. The Neolithic village of Skara Brae in Scotland’s Orkney Islands contains some of the oldest surviving furniture with each house equipped with stone cupboards, beds, dressers, shelves, seats, and even limpet tanks. If they had stone electronics, appliances, and foot motion cars, you’d almost think these people lived like the Flintstones. More complex techniques such as joinery first appear in the early dynastic period of Ancient Egypt with mostly wooden pieces, some decorated precious metals and ivory. Ancient Greece and Rome followed suit with the klinai, a multipurpose couch you can eat, relax, and sleep in. Go into a furniture store today and you’ll find all kinds of styles and in many materials. Home furniture usually consists of wood and upholstery (save for beds which can be wood or metal). Office furniture is normally composed of metal and plastic. Then there’s IKEA furniture which can be made from anything though you’d have to put it together yourself. Still, as with anything else, you’ll find some odd pieces here and there which is where I come in. So for your reading pleasure, I give you an assortment of unique furniture you wouldn’t find in a store, including IKEA. Enjoy.

  1. How about a chair that branches out?

Sure it looks as if it was cut off straight from a tree with its bark shaved off. But come on, do you think it was really made that way?

2. May you have a seat in this little teacup.

It’s a teacup chair you can sit in. The handle is on top. Wonder if you can lift it like that. Maybe if you’re a giant.

3. You might have a swinging good time if you sat at this table during a meeting.

Yes, it sure looks fun since the chairs are all swings. And the swings are in all different colors.

4. A strung up bed doesn’t touch the floor.

However, don’t weigh it down much that the ropes snap. Though the look quite delicate to me in this picture.

5. Now your little girl can have her own loft bed and playhouse.

Resembles a quaint little cottage. Has a bed on top and some cushions on the bottom.

6. This china cabinet appears slightly askew.

Well, it certainly has a strong personality. Though it was carved slightly lopsided like that.

7. This couch comes with some extra padding.

Just rest your back on the cushions on this one. Maybe that’s a little high for a couch.

8. A hotdog couch is perfect for any indoor barbecue.

Comprises of a bun couch with a hotdog cushion along with tomato and cucumber slice pillows. Great tasty fun if you want to kick back and relax.

9. Finally a mattress specifically made for any sleeper’s needs.

Okay, maybe not since it’s in the form of a side sleeper. But you’d have to admire the creativity on this.

10. No living room is complete without an overhead bookcase.

Includes a ladder you can use to find books and lights to read them. You can even put houseplants on top.

11. Check out this flowery chair.

Kind of resembles a morning glory. Wonder what sitting on it feels like.

12. Seems like someone had an accident on this table.

Actually, that spill is made from wood attached to it. But yes, it certainly seems like a mess.

13. How about you kick back and relax in this burger chair?

Includes a bun frame, a burger cushion, and pickle and tomato slice pillows. Goes with the hotdog couch.

14. Perhaps you can make your own bathroom shelf.

This is hung from a towel rack with shower hooks. Yet, holds what you need.

15. For young recruits, boot camp starts at an early age.

If your son likes Vietnam War movies, this is the bed for him. Even has a ladder, porch, and slide.

16. Not sure whether to call this flowery or geometric.

Sure it has a flowery shape on the top. But its stand is a silver ring.

17. Try solving this Rubik’s Cube.

Actually you can’t since the jumbled blocks have drawers. But you can put your clothes in it.

18. You’d think this chair was all folded.

Well, at least the fabric is. Not sure how you can sit on this one.

19. A cabinet like this can make a rather interesting conversation piece.

Yes, it doesn’t look very practical. Unless you live on Middle Earth. Though it’s quite interesting to see that I couldn’t ignore it.

20. You might find your inner piece in this chair.

Yes, it’s in an Indian style. And yes, it has human legs and hands. Not sure what the hand signs stand for.

21. Someone must’ve recycled some very large guitar to make this table.

Actually that’s not the case. But if you have a rocking living room, it’s a must have.

22. How about a cassette coffee table in your living room?

For my younger viewers, before we had CDs and MP3 players, we used to listen to music on these things. Ask anyone who grew up during the 1980s and 1990s.

23. You’d almost think this table was made from work shop scraps.

And in a way it seems to be. But it does make a wonderful art piece, doesn’t it? Also got a lot of legs.

24. There’s nothing more cozy than a nest bed.

Basically consists of a bird’s nest frame with pillows resembling eggs. Makes you want to go straight to sleep.

25. In this bed, your little one can now sleep in a box.

Even has some openings to get in and out as well as a couple of windows. Also has wallpaper inside.

26. A large hollow tree trunk should make adequate chair arms.

Okay, they’re kind of assembled. But they certainly seem fit for a rustic cabin or lodge.

27. You’ll find this couch a bit up a wall, so to speak.

Yes, it’s a couch. Sure it you may not be able to sit on one of its sides. But it’s a couch.

28. I now introduce you to the ultimate book lover’s chair.

It’s practically surrounded by books on the edges. So you can spend hours reading Harry Potter.

29. If you love bacon, then you can’t resist having this for a breakfast table.

Not sure why they have to have bacon stuff. But at least it doesn’t smell like it. I hope.

30. You can easily roll up this chair any time.

Yes, it resembles Dr. Seuss patio furniture. But it’ll certainly look great anywhere.

31. You’d almost be on hand and foot in this chair.

It’s a wooden chair with a hand seat and a foot stand. Great for Halloween. Too creepy for anything else.

32. You’ll have books all around on this chair.

At least it has all your books where you want them. It’s a book lover’s dream.

33. You’d almost think this table was dripping.

You’d almost think it was made from paint. But that’s actually plastic.

34. Any kid would certainly monkey around in this jungle bunk bed.

Includes a house, a ladder, and trees. Bet the little monkey goes on the top.

35. You can always hang around in a hammock on the porch.

You can even have all your friends on this hammock couch if you want to. But hope the ropes don’t snap.

36. Any evil overlord would die for this wicked chair.

Yes, it’s certainly a throne a villain would love. Still, got to like the spikes.

37. You can always cuddle up in a baked potato bean bag chair.

It’s even filled with sour cream and chives. The butter pillow is great.

38. This playhouse bed is a little girl’s dream.

Sure it’s another playhouse bed. But it’s in vibrant colors as well as has shutters and stairs.

39. This armchair is all wiry.

I don’t think this chair is made for sitting. Looks too delicate and uncomfortable.

40. You’d almost think this chair sprouted from the ground.

It’s supposed to look that way. But come on, no tree grows like that.

41. This chair is all legs.

I know what you’re thinking. And yes, it’s sick. The high heels really don’t help.

42. In this bed you can wake up in the trees.

Makes you feel like you’re in an enchanted forest. Even if it’s just your bedroom. But at least you’ll run no risk of contracting Lyme Disease.

43. For patio furniture, may I recommend a grassy couch?

Though you might not want to sit on it in the morning. Or after it rains. Or at night. Or after mowing the lawn.

44. Hope this couch can give you a hand.

Okay, the couch consists of large hand cushions. Yes, it’s creepy and the color is atrocious. But it’s unique so it goes on the post.

45. A scorpion chair will always impress.

I’m sure this is a perfect armchair for a supervillain. Looks really sinister.

46. A car front table is stylish for any retro living room.

There’s a line of furniture made out of car parts. This uses the front of a Rolls Royce.

47. Bet you’ve never seen this rocking chair.

It’s a rocking chair wheel. More of a modern concept design. Yeah, I know. Doesn’t look quite right.

48. This bench is getting really unraveled.

Yes, it’s an art piece. Because of course, you wouldn’t sit on the thing. If you saw a bench like this in a park, you’d wonder if you’re on acid.

49. You’d almost think this chair was full of spikes.

Not a chair you’d want at your dinner table. But very interesting to see nonetheless.

50. You’d almost think this dresser was her friend.

Sure it can only hold her things. But it’s nevertheless adorable with its arms and legs. Wait a minute.

51. You’ll totally rave about this woolen stool.

Well, it’s a ball of yarn with legs that’s a stool. Keep it away from cats.

52. An office should always have desk that’s a fish tank.

Great for waiting rooms, especially dental offices. Then again, maybe not.

53. You’d be amazed with this rose on this chair back.

Though I’m not sure if that would fit in my living room. But the red rose is incredibly gorgeous.

54. This wicker couch will give you wonderful shade outdoors.

Wouldn’t mind having this in my patio. Yet, the top has a giant wooden spike.

55. This dragon throne would make anyone look like a badass.

Game of Thrones fans must be reeling at this one. Perfect for any Mother of Dragons.

56. This red car desk is a real show on the road.

Perfect for any mechanic’s office or auto dealership. I’m sure anyone would like the shiny red hood.

57. Heard of a VW microbus? How about a VW pool table?

Though it kind of looks pretty lame so to speak. Also, I’m not a fan of pool either.

58. You’d feel you fall asleep in the forest in this bed.

Well, it’s more of a fantasy scape. But it has a large trunk at the base with lily pad steps.

59. You can never take your eyes off this rosy chair.

Has a green frame and rose cushions with leafy arms. So pretty.

60. How about a couch with its own lights?

Yes, it’s a rather weird design. But a reader will surely enjoy it. If they’re not keen on aesthetics.

61. If you like swimming with the sharks, you might want this bed.

Well, it has the shark on the bottom. Sure it looks awesome. But is probably expensive as hell.

62. A cutlery chair is perfect for any dining room.

Has a spoon seat and a fork back. Goes with a plate table with knife legs.

63. Any car girl would adore a pink Cadillac bed.

Yes, you’re a fan of Grease, you will want this bed. Though it’s not meant for beauty school dropouts.

64. This is a horned throne that Satan could love.

Yes, you can totally see Satan sitting on this nice leather chair in the fiery ravages of Hell. After all, the horns are especially quite wicked.

65. Any outdoorsy kid would relish in sleeping under a tent.

But at least you don’t have to brave the elements, animals, or the mosquitoes. Has a shade opening and white balls hanging from the roof.

66. Any little girl would enjoy sleeping in this quaint cottage.

Yes, it’s another playhouse bed. But it has drawer steps and flower baskets. So pretty.

67. Sit in this chair and you’ll have a library on the side.

Well, the shelf is on the side. And the chair looks really comfy.

68. A Swan Princess just has to sleep in this swan bed.

I actually saw this one at Maymont a couple years ago. There’s also a vanity and chair made out of narwhal horn.

69. I’m sure some people fantasize sleeping in the bed of a truck.

Okay, it’s a truck bed you can sleep in. But at least you don’t have to worry about rolling over.

70. Perhaps you can sit and rest easy in this wooden hanger chair.

You’d almost think this would be appropriate for a chiropractor’s office. Yes, hangers can certainly pass for vertabrae.

71. Seems like this bookcase is a bit lopsided.

Don’t worry, it was constructed that way. Also, it has legs to keep it standing.

72. Outside you can seat yourself on a moss covered stool.

Then again, it could be grass. Don’t know the difference between the two sometimes.

73. You can really spell it out on these Scrabble couches.

Like how the tiles are pillows. And each couch resembles a tile slot.

74. Apparently, this vanity really wants to make an impression.

Has a rather whimsical quality to it. Like how they used books balance the legs.

75. A real snake would surely enjoy this cobra chair.

I’m sure you’d find this at Uncle Monty’s place. Too bad he died to the dismay of the Baudelaire orphans in The Reptile Room.

76. How about a car sofa for two?

Seems like it’s a Volkswagen bug with two seats. And yes, it’s attached to the wall.

77. You can have a colorful chair with pom poms.

Well, certainly makes a colorful addition. Wouldn’t mind having this in my house.

78. You’d always find your type with these kinds of stools.

Yes, it’s set up like a typewriter. But you won’t see any letters on the brick wall if you sit on them.

79. Keep your books neat and tidy on this teacup shelf.

Each shelf is a teacup stacked on another. A cute addition for any little girl’s room.

80. This looks like a job for Bookman!

Yes, it’s a bookshelf guy. Not sure how I could put it in a living room.

81. You can feel like royalty sitting in this zebra throne.

Aren’t zebras supposed to be endangered? Then again, this is probably an old chair. Like the plume.

82. Someone must’ve done something to this chest of drawers.

Actually, it’s designed that way as an art piece. So you can’t put your clothes in it.

83. Any Gladiator fan would want to sit on this Coliseum seat.

Okay, it looks pretty cheap as an Ancient Roman merch rip off. But it sure appears comfy.

84. This chaise seems to have a whole world spilling from it.

Wouldn’t want to be one of the tiny people living on this piece. Though it’s pretty impressive.

85. Perhaps you might want fries with this bed.

Well, this consist of fry pillows you can put in the back. Though I don’t think they’re very comfortable.

86. You can hold lots of things on this tree shelf.

Sure it may not hold a lot of stuff. But it certainly has a whimsical quality to it.

87. You can have lots of fun in this book bed.

Well, the bed is on one side. The drawing figures are on the other below the comforter.

88. You can have your own table without legs.

Resembles a floating table you’d find at a haunted house. Great for Halloween.

89. You’d think this bed is a real rollercoaster.

Yes, this is a long bed. Not sure how you sleep on it. Not sure if I want to know.

90. A little princess has to sleep in her own fairy tale castle.

Sure it’s all pretty in pink. But what little princess wouldn’t want to it in their castle?

91. You’d almost think these chairs are part of the table.

I’m sure this is more of an art piece than actual furniture. But somehow I just want to sit on one of the chairs to see what it’s like.

92. Check out the feet on this bedside table.

Now that’s tacky as hell. I mean why should its feet consist of feet in high heeled shoes? Why?

93. You’d almost think a beaver did a number on this chest of drawers.

Don’t worry. It’s an art piece. But this little girl loves posing with it.

94. There are no bones about this skeletal chair.

Weird how they have skulls on the seat. Perfect for Halloween but incredibly creepy.

95. You might just turn a new leaf in this chair.

Seems like a chair you’d put in a daycare center. But it certainly has its charm.

96. There’s nothing more romantic like sleeping on a gondola.

So it’s a gondola couch but same rule applies. Even has its own umbrella.

97. These dining chairs are always together.

After all, they’re a couple at a fancy dress ball. And no, you can’t sit on them.

98. You’d definitely find these chairs quite eggscellent.

Yes, these are egg chairs. And no you can’t scramble them and sit on them over easy. Egg tables included.

99. Kick back your feet on this ice cream sandwich ottoman.

At least it won’t melt when it gets warm. Also, has fine cushioning for your desires.

100. You’ll be happy as a clam in this shell bed.

Yes, you can sleep like you’re a mermaid in the ocean. Except you’ll breathe air and not get wet.