The Festive World of Pinatas


For honoring Cinco de Mayo this year (or Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day as I call it), I’ve decided that instead of doing a craft and treat post for observing the holiday, I decided to mark the occasion through a post on something we associate with Mexico. That’s right pinatas. Of course, in the US, pinatas are commonly used for children’s birthday parties which they wear a blindfold and try to whack it down with a large stick before everyone scrambles to get candy coming out of it. However, despite its common association with Mexico, the pinata’s origins aren’t just reserved for that country. In fact, the word “pinata” is a Spanish deviation of the Italian word, “pignatta” meaning “earthenware cooking pot.” Not to mention, the idea of breaking a container with treats had existed in Europe since the 14th century. And it’s very likely that Europeans got the idea for it from China where it was used to celebrate the Chinese New Year and depicted as either a cow or ox and filled with seeds. In Europe, it was associated with the Christian observance of Lent. The first Lenten Sunday was called “Pinata Sunday” with a celebration called Dance of the Pinata. The pinata mostly consisted of a clay pottery container decorated with ribbons, tinsel, and colored paper.  Though to be fair, Mesoamerica did have similar traditions such as honoring  Huitzilopochtli’s birthday in mid-December. So the pinata tradition wasn’t quite imported though the Spanish used pinatas for catechism purposes as well to co-opt the Huitzilopochtli ceremony. And the Mayan tradition before that involved something similar to what you see at kids’ birthday parties. Still, in 16th century Mexican Catholicism, the pot represented man’s struggle against temptation. The pot symbolized evil with whatever’s in it the seasonal fruit within. The blindfolded person with the stick represents faith. Anyway, today, you’ll find pinatas in all different shapes and sizes. And it Mexico, you’ll find it used not just for kids’ birthday parties, but also for Christmas, weddings, and other occasions. Nevertheless, for your reading pleasure, I give you a treasure trove of these Mexican containers of goodies.

  1. No hair salon party should do without pinatas like these.

Includes scissors, a hairbrush, shampoo, and a hair dryer. Guess these are filled with shampoo and conditioner samples.

2. You can actually sit under this toadstool pinata.

Now that’s a big pinata you wouldn’t find at kids’ birthday party. Made from paper mache.

3. A cupcake pinata should always have a cherry on top.

And I see it has sprinkles and chocolate icing. Can’t wait to the get to the filling with candy.

4. I’m sure breaking this pinata you’re fishing for something.

Well, I’m sure this one doesn’t contain any fish. But you’d have to be a real angler to hit this one.

5. This pinata was brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Spider Man.

Here we see him in an upside down position before he’s about to be broken apart by a bunch of excited 5-year-olds. Made from paper mache.

6. A minion pinata can always make birthday parties fun.

Of course, regardless what people might think about minions, they might agree on this one. But not always for the same reason. Yes, I know there are some people who don’t like these guys.

7. A lobster pinata makes a rather classic party addition.

However, only rich people can afford to have a lobster pinata at their kids’ birthday parties. Though I do like its tuxedo.

8. A tiki pinata can bring paradise to anywhere.

Though this might be a remnant of Polynesian culture. Because those tiki figures depicted their gods.

9. Nobody could resist this Dalmatian pinata pup.

Great for any firehouse birthday party. Though a German Shepard can do just as nice but they’re more associated with police.

10. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, then this pinata is for you.

This one even has flaming tissue paper torches. Yet, we have to understand that a pirate’s life wasn’t as cool as these movies show.

11. Wonder what’s in this mysterious box.

According to Super Mario Bros., it can be a spotted mushroom that makes you bigger, a blinking star that allows you to shoot fire balls, or gold coins. Still, this is a pretty simple pinata to make.

12. A disco ball pinata always makes things groovy.

Make sure to use very shiny paper on the outside. But it must be broken to the soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever.

13. This lipstick pinata definitely leaves a mark.

Even has some kiss marks to emphasize. Hope it’s full of candy and not cosmetic samples.

14. A happy butterfly pinata always brings a smile.

This is so cute I’d hate to see it broken open by a bunch of kids. But that’s the crux of a pinata’s existence.

15. This Frida Kahlo pinata is an artistic masterpiece.

After all, I can’t do a pinata post without including one of her. Since she’s an especially iconic Mexican artist.

16. A teepee pinata should have a few floral touches.

Though let’s remember not all of the Native American tribes lived in these things. Yet, they’re often depicted as such.

17. A rocketship pinata can always reach for the stars.

Well, great for any space themed party. And it doesn’t seem hard to make either.

18. You can never go wrong with a sandal pinata.

But remember that the candy is mostly stored in the sole and heel. Love the purple straps though.

19. You can’t deny the chemistry on this pinata.

This one has a flask filled with a purple substance. Nevertheless, I’m sure there won’t be harmful chemicals in this.

20. This happy raindrop sure won’t rain on your parade.

Doesn’t hurt it’s decorated with flowers either. Though looking at it requires a temporary suspension of disbelief.

21. This house fly pinata will never be an ongoing pest.

Okay, this is one of the creepiest pinatas I’ve ever seen. Probably one you’d want to beat open with a stick since it inspires nightmares.

22. Nothing makes a party like a pinata of Mr. Potato Head.

Wonder if it comes with detachable features like the toy. Great for a Toy Story themed party.

23. With this pinata, you can almost see the whole world.

This is a pinata of the globe all right. And yes, it depicts all the continents.

24. Snoopy and Woodstock are always a delight.

Another pinata I wouldn’t want to break down. These two are so adorable with each other. Though I never understand what Woodstock says.

25. This sun pinata can always keep you on the sunny side.

Because nothing makes your day like a bright smiling burst of yellow. And I hear this pinata is filled with sunny delights.

26. You never know what you’d find in a Russian nesting doll pinata.

However, I’m sure there are several nesting doll pinatas inside. So it’ll be a while before you get to the candy.

27. This fish pinata’s proving to be a real angler.

Another great pinata for fishing enthusiasts. Wonder if it’s used for any parties for Field and Stream.

28. A wedding cake pinata should be hoisted on high.

Doesn’t hurt if it comes with white roses. By the way, wedding pinatas are a thing in Mexico.

29. There’s nothing like seeing a rainbow pinata on a spring day.

This one even has rainbow streamers attached to it. So lovely.

30. There’s nothing you can resist about a cute little pink elephant.

By the way, a pink elephant is a euphemism for a drunken hallucination. Though to be fair, this is perfectly acceptable for any little girl’s party.

31. This penguin pinata is all decorated for Christmas cheer.

Yes, pinatas are used for Christmas, too. Still, this little penguin with a Santa hat is adorable.

32. There’s always something magical about a unicorn pinata.

This one even has a glitter neck and hooves along with a rainbow mane and tail. I’m sure any little girl would love it.

33. Nothing makes an impression like a shiny golden lightning bolt.

If you’re throwing a Harry Potter themed party, this is perfect for you. Or a Thor one since he’s the Norse god of thunder.

34. I bet this pinata contains something explosive.

Well, it says TNT on the outside. But I don’t think you’ll find any dynamite in there. Unless the party’s for a pyromaniac.

35. For traditional Mexican pinatas, you can’t go wrong with a 9-pointed star.

Mexicans use this one for Christmas, by the way. And yes, it’s decked in all kinds of different colors.

36. This bee pinata will always keep you buzzing.

And it’s face make it seem as sweet as can be. Made with paper mache.

37. I don’t think this lamp contains a genie.

Sure it won’t contain a genie that could grant you 3 wishes. But, hey, candy is just as good.

38. This Batman pinata never fails to save the party.

This one just consists of the bat logo. Yet, I’m sure it’ll delight fans young and old.

39. A Stay Puft Marshmallow Man pinata always needs busted.

Of course, he’s what everyone remembers best about Ghostbusters. Still, he’s supposed to be a menace storming the city. Not a cute little ghost in a sailor suit.

40. No princess could resist a pinata of Rapunzel’s tower.

Well, it’s certainly a work of art. Love the flowers and roof tiles. Would be a shame to see it hacked open by a stick.

41. Not sure how you hoist up this mounted deer pinata.

But it sure makes a swell decoration on someone’s wall. Until someone breaks it open.

42. With this hanging deer pinata you’re in for a real treat.

Though I recommend it for kid parties for late November and early December. Still, this just cracks me up.

43. This little kitty pinata is certainly the cat’s meow.

Of course, I could include a crude pussy joke here. But I’m not going to even try. Still, this is adorable.

44. There’s nothing buzzing at a party like this little beehive.

Sure it’s perfectly safe for any child to whack open this beehive pinata. But when it comes to real hives and wasp nests, just tell them to stay the hell away.

45. It’s always time to party with a goldfish pinata.

Yet, I’d be deeply disappointed if it didn’t contain any goldfish crackers inside. Love the little thought bubble.

46. A dolphin pinata can always make a splash.

After all, who doesn’t like dolphins besides the food they eat? Great for any ocean themed party.

47. A mermaid pinata can always enchant under the sea.

Though this one is more or less used for a children’s party. But she’s so adorable with her starfish.

48. Bet you’ll find all kinds of candy inside this boat.

Helps if it’s in red, white, and blue. If you like nautical, you’ll certainly like this.

49. If you work at PennDOT, you might want to go with this.

Yes, it’s an orange traffic cone pinata. I’m sure it’s pretty easy to pull off. Though it’s not a pinata I’d have in mind.

50. A purse pinata can contain all kinds of things.

Just like a purse. But I’m sure a pinata purse won’t contain stuff you’d find in a regular one.

51. My Little Pony fans will adore this Rainbow Dash pinata.

Though let’s hope this is used at a little girl’s party. Because from what College Humor says, bronies can be kind of creepy.

52. A doughnut pinata should always come in assorted sprinkles.

Even has some pink frosting to match. Nevertheless, it’s not a hard one to pull off.

53. A crown pinata is always fit for a king or queen.

Helps if the crown is large with gold cardboard and jewels. Though this one almost seems to pretty to smash.

54. This diamond ring pinata seems like a real jewel.

Still, I think it’s definitely for a wedding. Because pinatas are bad places to hide a ring in a marriage proposal.

55. This little chicken pinata is almost impossible to resist.

I mean it’s so white and fluffy. Would be a shame to break this one open with a stick.

56. A cactus pinata can never dry up a party.

As you know, cactus are associated with Mexico and the American Southwest. But at least this one doesn’t have spiky needles.

57. A pinata bread slice should always have sprinkles.

Well, you can’t go wrong with that. Besides, sprinkles always seem to brighten anyone’s day.

58. Now this pinata is just an imitation of a real game controller.

Yet, it bears a rather striking resemblance to the real thing. Must’ve been made by someone with too much time on their hands.

59. This pink owl pinata is certainly a hoot.

Yes, I’ve posted a lot of owl stuff on my blog. But you have to admit, this little owl is simply adorable.

60. These bride and groom pinatas make a perfect match.

Nevertheless, they come in a set. However, chances are they’re probably too big to top a wedding cake.

61. There’s so much to love about this rainbow heart.

Well, everyone loves hearts and rainbows. So it’s understandable why I included this. So pretty.

62. I bet this lollipop pinata contains all the sweets.

Then again, a lollipop pinata seems quite appropriate for parties. Because we all know what they usually have inside.

63. This red high-heel can always be the life of the party.

And I’m sure this one is used for more fashionable occasions. Though I hope there’s candy inside.

64. A flower pinata can always blossom.

Still, don’t see a lot of flower pinatas around. Yet, this pink one is quite lovely.

65. Nobody could ever resist this panda pinata.

After all, pandas are irresistibly cute and cuddly. Yet, remember they’re bears that can kill you.

66. You’ll always know it’s spring with this Easter chick.

Yes, Easter pinatas exist, too. And yes, this little chick hatches from an Easter egg. But it’s so cute.

67. “We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine…”

I guess this one is for a Beatles themed party. Made of paper mache.

68. If you don’t know what this pinata’s supposed to be, then you don’t know jack.

As you can see, it’s a bottle of Jack Daniels. And no, I don’t think it’s for kid parties. Please whack responsibly.

69. Now here’s a pinata of polish.

Well, it’s a bottle of nail polish, anyway. Any bet those words stand for “Oh, my God?”

70. This ice cream cone pinata comes in a festive flavor.

Doesn’t hurt if it comes with lots of decorations. Bet it has some tasty treats inside.

71. Would you want fries with this pinata?

And it seems to have all the toppings on it, too. Still, clever but not my thing.

72. A flamingo pinata will always have you tickled pink.

After all, flamingos are graceful pink birds. Though lawn sculptures of them make them an object of tackiness.

73. I guarantee a pinata like this will make your party yuge.

If not, then it will at least it would make great therapy. Because beating a Trump pinata with a stick should make anyone feel happy in this dark time.

74. A dazzling bull can always make a memorable impression.

This is another traditional Mexican pinata shape. And yes, the bull has stripes of many colors.

75. A frog pinata can always make you jump for joy.

Well, big eyed frogs with a smile, anyway. Nevertheless, you can’t resist it if you tried.

76. It’s always a party with a bucket of Corona.

Well, I like how it has gold bottles and tissue paper as ice. Yet, like the Jack Daniels, it’s not for kids.

77. A chocolate chip cookie pinata always has memorable delights.

It’s also a rather easy pinata to make. But if you use it, make sure you don’t invite Cookie Monster.

78. With this octopus, I’m sure nobody will be disappointed.

The blue octopus even has a sailor hat on and a smiley face. So cute.

79. There’s nothing more fashionable than a pinata of Chanel No. 5.

And I hear it’s quite expensive, too. Can only be used for rich girls’ parties.

80. This white moon pinata always has pleasant dreams.

Not sure if they pertain to being hacked open. But I’m sure that’s what will happen to it.

81. A graduation pinata always shows that you’ve made it.

If it’s for college graduation, make sure it contains checks and cash for paying student loans. Because grads will sure as hell need them.

82. There’s always something pleasant about a sundae pinata.

Even comes with a straw and cherry on top. Any money that’s it’s strawberry flavored.

83. I’m sure a shark pinata is a real bite at parties.

Sure they may be feared as killing swimmers. But sharks seem to have their fans.

84. There’s nothing that delights more than a popcorn pinata.

Yes, it resembles the kind of popcorn you’d see at the movies. But it’s quite charming.

85. Celebrate this Cinco de Mayo with a pinata of Jose Cuervo.

Because there’s no beer like it that’s associated with the holiday. Also, it’s not for kids.

86. This robot pinata’s special talent is melting hearts.

Leave it to the magic of cardboard to create this icon of cuteness. Love it.

87. A pirate ship pinata can always make an impressive entrance.

Yes, someone made this. And yes, it’s certainly a masterpiece. Hate to see it hacked to pieces.

88. Emoji pinatas are always expressive.

These are more used for party favors. But I had them up so you can see as many emoji faces as you can.

89. You can never see a pinata like one of a rainbow zebra.

And please take a look at those stripes. Seems like you can see them for miles.

90. A peacock pinata can always show its feathers.

Helps if it has peacock feathers in its colorful display. Love it.

91. This dinosaur pinata is always so endearing.

Though it’s shaped like a T-Rex, it has spikes on its back. But kids will love it.

92. You can bet this fighter jet pinata takes to the skies.

Though it might take a lot to hoist it up. But yes, pinatas can look cool.

93. A sugar skull pinata can’t just be used for any occasion.

Also, had to include a Day of the Dead pinata like this one. Use sugar skull pinatas at any other time, and it might as well be cultural appropriation.

94. This pinata has a certain spray to it.

That’s because it’s a hairspray can. And yes, it’s in shiny pink to sparkle.

95. There’s something fishy about this sushi pinata.

Well, this sushi contains a fish over it. But sushi doesn’t always have to. And the fish doesn’t always have to be raw.

96. A pencil pinata always has the write stuff.

Well, that’s a rather interesting concept. Best for teachers’ parties in the faculty lounge.

97. Nothing makes a fiesta a hit like a bottle of tequila.

Well, tequila is a Mexican drink. But it has a stronger alcohol content than beer.

98. A bunny pinata always keeps the party hopping.

Yes, look into its eyes. So sweet and innocent. Hate to beat it open with a stick, wouldn’t you?

99. A dragon pinata always sparks a good time.

Sure it may not blow fire. But it looks nonetheless awesome in paper mache.

100. How about trying to break open this Golden Snitch?

Well, golden snitches do contain stuff inside them. But good luck finding a Resurrection Stone in this one.

Please Don’t Build This Stupid Border Wall


“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively — I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” – Donald Trump, during his presidential campaign.

One of President Pussygrabber’s signature campaign promises is to build a huge wall at the US-Mexican Border to deter undocumented immigration which has attracted a lot of support from his supporters. Now that he’s president despite most Americans’ fears and embarrassment, he has a chance to make this border wall a reality. Now I know that many Americans aren’t very cool with undocumented immigration and think a large border wall is a good idea. After all, people apparently think that large physical barriers can keep people from accessing certain places. As of now, there are about 300 companies bidding on it. However, having the border wall in any sense would be a notoriously stupid idea that would waste billions of American taxpayer money. In fact, it would be an utter catastrophe. There is absolutely no evidence that it will be beneficial to anyone. Not to mention, it’s very likely that it’ll inflict tons of needless damage. Common sense alone should tell us that building a wall along the US-Mexican border is an inherently dumb idea. Besides, the reason why so many Americans want a wall built has more to do with racism and xenophobia. My advice to them fearing diversification is suck it up. Minorities just want to live their lives in peace. So if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you. Nevertheless, a wall may make these Americans feel safer even if it won’t. But that doesn’t building an incredibly expensive wall to ease their cultural and demographic anxieties because it won’t. Here I list the reasons why we shouldn’t build that stupid wall Trump wants.


I remember from reading about Asian history in college how Chinese Emperor Qi Shi Huang declared he’d build a big beautiful wall to keep the barbarian hordes out. And that Mongolia was going to pay for it. Well, it did eventually when Kublai Khan took over China. So I guess the Great Wall of China didn’t really do its job.

  1. It Won’t Work– This totally obvious in that whenever there’s a border wall, people will always find a way to get past it. It doesn’t keep people out or in. Because they’re merely obstacles that delay people from their destinations. The Great Wall of China didn’t stop the country from being taken over by foreign invaders like the Mongols and the Manchurians who established dynasties lasting for several decades. At least the Great Wall of China’s main asset is its cultural and historical significance as well as the money it generates from tourists. The Berlin Wall surely didn’t keep East Germans from trying to get over it during the Cold War even with heavy security. Because living under an authoritarian Communist regime with little regard for human life pretty much sucks. If you want to know whether Trump’s wall will keep undocumented immigrants, cartels, and so-called deviants out, you can just think of all the ways they can circumvent it, if desperate enough. They can climb over it. They can dig a tunnel under it. They can take a plane and fly over it. Or they can go around it by boat either along the Pacific or the Gulf of Mexico. Just look at the map on the last one. Oh, and border barriers have a tendency to frequently fail.

Most estimates on how much Trump’s wall is going to cost usually range between $21-$25 billion at least. However, as time passes, we should expect it to be more expensive. Kind of like having Trump as president and just as useless. Seriously, what the fuck, Trump voters? However, Mexico would still pay for it, right? Sorry, but that’s not going to happen.

2. It’s Obscenely Expensive to Build and Maintain– Almost every cost estimate I looked at on Trump’s border wall has ranged from as low as $25 billion to as high as $2 trillion. But in any case, constructing and maintaining the wall will only get more expensive as time goes on. As John Oliver pointed out last March, as “maintenance costs will exceed the initial construction costs within seven years.” Of course, the construction costs would include the building materials, equipment, transportation, and labor. You also have to account for access to infrastructure, source locations for power and utilities, soil conditions, unplanned errors and omissions, regulatory requirements, and weather. With labor, you have to worry about morale and fatigue which can lead to absenteeism, turnover, and crew inefficiencies. Not to mention, in a project spanning great distance, you have to expect labor productivity loss due to continuous mobilization and demobilization such as moving labor, equipment, and materials from one area to another. You should also count for security since there will be activists protesting. In addition, construction megaprojects like Trump’s proposed wall usually go over budget 90% of the time. Once the wall’s built, then you need border patrol including agents on foot, vehicles, and horseback as well as various forms of video surveillance. Because without monitoring the wall wouldn’t be effective. Not that it will be anyway. Then there’s maintenance when it fails or is breach which will often happen adding billions more. But that’s all right because Trump promised that Mexico will pay for it. Though don’t bet on it.


Despite that Cheetoface promised that Mexico will pay for the wall, former Mexican President Vincente Fox has made it perfectly clear it won’t. Why? Because Mexico sure as hell doesn’t want it, especially after Trump referred to Mexicans as criminals, drug mules, and rapists. So Trump voters who took into your Cheeto lord’s bullshit, the wall bill’s on you. Sorry.

3. Mexico Won’t Pay for It– Mexico knows that building a border wall between their country and US will only hurt their interests. Trump’s border wall has pissed off the Mexicans and soured US relations with the country that its president cancelled a meeting with President Cheetoface. Mexican politicians have even swore about not building it in English. And Mexico’s Catholic church has equated any Mexican building that wall to committing treason. Not to mention, the Mexican economy has shown signs of stress with bordering communities suffering much disruption since the first barriers went up in 2006, including environmental damage and increased business costs due to prolonged crossing times. We should also understand that during the 19th century, we took a lot of their northern territory that now consists of the American Southwest. Oh, and that Mexico is out 3rd largest trading partner. So no, contrary what Lord Cheeto said, Mexico won’t pay for the wall. Not now. Not ever. I am 100% sure that the costs of building and maintaining that stupid wall will fall to American taxpayers. So, Trump voters, you’ve been conned.


This is a coati which lives along the US-Mexican border. It’s a Mexican raccoon. Like many animals living in one of the most biodiverse areas in the country as well as home to some of the continent’s most imperiled species. Since many of these animals depend on migration routes, border barriers already make their lives difficult. Trump’s wall could make their lives even worse as well as drive some of these species further to extinction. And I’m sure you don’t want to see this little guy go, right?

4. Environmental Issues– From the Pacific Ocean down to the mouth of the Rio Grande to the Gulf or Mexico, the US-Mexican borderlands encompass some of the nation’s most compelling landscapes as well as harbor some of our most imperiled species including jaguars, bighorn sheep, and Sonoran Pronghorn. Trump’s wall will divide ecosystems and block anything walking, crawling, or slithering in its path, further pushing these and many other species to toward extinction. Open borders are essential for these animals. A wall could isolate these populations, fragment and decimate wildlife habitats, and ultimately threaten one of the most biodiverse areas in the US. Trump’s executive order over the wall threaten to destroy cooperation between Border patrol and public servants who care for many of our public lands there, including national parks, national monuments, and national forests as well as numerous areas of state, local, and private land and preserves. Not to mention it would significantly increase border security damage in these fragile, diverse landscapes.

US - Mexico Border

By the way, if Trump has his way to build that stupid useless wall, you might have to say goodbye to such picturesque landscapes like this. I know it’s sad. But that’s the price we have to pay for a bunch of white people’s racism and xenophobia.

5. Legal and Community Challenges– We should understand that the US-Mexican border is home to a lot of communities which the wall’s construction will certainly cut through such as San Diego and Brownsville, Texas. But we should also acknowledge that much of the land along the Texas side is privately owned. Sure the federal government could use eminent domain to relegate the private land into public use. But that could result in disputes over compensation. Not to mention, we should account the fact that many of these landowners wouldn’t be happy to part with their land in any case. Texas landowners, in particular, have brought lawsuits against attempts to construct short sections of barriers on their lands during the rush to construction a decade ago. Additionally, borderlands residents have made it clear they don’t want Trump’s wall, particularly the Tohono O’odham Nation in Arizona, which has villages on both sides of the border and has frequently endured civil rights abuses under Border Patrol officials. And that borderlands residents have elected officials who don’t want Trump’s wall either. Furthermore, during the past 2 decades borderlands communities have put up with intensive militarization including thousands of Border Patrol agents and construction of checkpoints, encampments, surveillance towers and stadium lighting. Trump’s wall could further intensify this to the bane of communities. Not to mention, the wall could wreak havoc on businesses on both sides of the border. If not, then perhaps entire states and localities.


Here’s a sign in California telling border crossers to, “Caution! Do not expose your life to the elements. It’s not worth it!” Nevertheless, despite what Trump says about undocumented immigration, no wall can deter desperate migrants from crossing the border. And many of them are now coming from violent regions of Central and South America.

6. Doesn’t Address Complexities of Undocumented Immigration– We should keep in mind that nearly half of undocumented immigrants in the US are those who overstay their visas. Sometimes their visa overstays may not altogether be their fault, especially if they applied for a renewal prior. At any rate, these people entered the country through legal channels so the border wall won’t affect them. Nor do many of them fit into the traditional undocumented immigrant stereotype, since a lot of them all over the world through air. As for border crosses, there have fewer Mexicans and more from Central and South America fleeing violence who don’t attempt to circumvent border patrol. But rather willingly go to entry points and seek asylum or other protections there. As John Oliver said building a wall to solve undocumented immigration, “like wearing a condom to protect from head lice. You could do that. But that’s not really how you keep the thing you’re worried about from happening.” Undocumented immigration from Mexico has been on the decline and most of our nation’s undocumented immigrants have been in the country for at least a decade. Most of the newer undocumented immigrants don’t live along the border but further north in states like Washington, New Jersey, Louisiana, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. If you want less undocumented immigrants from Mexico, your best bet is strengthening the Mexican economy. When Mexico’s economy does well, undocumented immigration declines. Besides, most Mexicans crossing the border usually intend to stay in Mexico and work in the booming manufacturing, healthcare, and education industries in the US. They have no intention of crossing the border. Also, thanks to deportation policies under the Bush and Obama administrations, US immigration courts are already overwhelmed. Renegotiating NAFTA and launching a Mexican trade war might only make things worse.


Another big obstacle to Trump’s wall is geography. Here we have Big Bend National Park in Texas which has nearly 6,0000 ft elevation changes as well as temperatures of around 100 degrees during the spring and summer. Building a border wall here wouldn’t be easy and almost next to impossible. So I don’t think it’s worth trying, especially given the view.

7. It’s Practically Implausible– During the administration of George W. Bush, the US built about 700 long fence along the US-Mexican border. Not only did Bush’s fence was much more expensive than anyone anticipated, it was extremely challenging to building it. They had to build through people’s property, build around geography, as well as waive 36 laws including the Endangered Species Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Building a wall from 1,250-2,000 miles would face the same obstacles at least. Walls and barriers haven’t been constructed in the remaining areas because much of the borderlands are remote and physically imposing. We should that the US-Mexican Border stretches 2,000 miles which includes the Rio Grande and Big Bend National Park. So even if you don’t have to worry about building through San Diego, Brownsville, Texas, privately owned Texas border land, and more, you’d still have topographical constraints to erect any physical structure all the way across. For instance, Big Bend alone has almost 6,000 feet of elevation changes as well as dry and hot late spring and summer days often exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The Rio Grande twists and snakes through the region even more dramatically than the Mississippi so the wall in some locations would be miles from it and not follow the actual border. The river has also been dammed in several places and diverted to agriculture so it’s more of a series of different rivers than a single one. So a giant wall doesn’t seem remotely practical.

8. It Will Hurt Economies– Sure many working and middle class Americans like to blame immigrants and international trade for their economic woes. And I understand many of them prefer simple, concrete solutions like a stupid wall. However, building walls limiting mobility and trade are too simple a solution to a complex problem. Today’s economies are more linked by data, goods, and services exchanges than ever before. Workers even move between countries even with greater regulation than in the past. US economic inequality has less to do with foreigners taking American jobs and more to do with increased automation, decline in labor unions, decline in labor standards, increased deregulation, increased corporate power in almost every facet in American life, and the overall normalization of greed. For instance, income of the 1% has increased dramatically while lower and middle class wages have remained stagnant as the cost of living rises. As 1% incomes increase so does their power as well as their tendency to screw people over without consequence. In addition the mainstream media doesn’t even cover widespread labor abuses like wage theft, workplace endangerment, sexual harassment, employer intimidation, unlivable minimum wages, and other violations. No wall can change these facts. No wall can solve these problems. And I can guarantee that wall or no wall, Donald Trump will not fix them. Not because he’s a total idiot with no idea how the government functions. But because he’s benefitted from these problems along with prominent Republican donors who helped elect him and other conservative politicians. The fact Republicans and the rich have embraced fantastical notions of free-market wishful thinking that has absolutely no basis in reality to justify their anti-labor stances. And that long-standing racist attitudes and poor shaming have made many white voters eager to vote for these politicians who care nothing for them. Your best bet is overturning Citizens United, abolishing right to work laws, raising and indexing the minimum wage to at least $10-$15 an hour, real consequences for labor violators like jail time, and a social culture affirming that employee mistreatment is not okay.

Large Elaborate Drug Tunnel Found Along U.S. Mexico Border

Cartels and smugglers can always adapt to border security measures if need be since they prefer to exploit checkpoint schedules over scattering their resources. And Trump’s wall certainly wouldn’t prevent narco tunnels like this one. Remember how I said it wouldn’t work?

9. It Will Not Protect Against Cartels– Despite that Trump thinks a wall could stop the flow of drugs and guns, evidence suggests otherwise. According to Politico, while the dozen or so official “ports of entry” on the border line are highly regulated and policed, cartels prefer to exploit their predictability and rationality than to scatter their resources across open desert and river expanses. Traffickers carefully study how security operates in each checkpoint so they can observe and instantly respond to weakness. One instance would be when inspections are relaxed in order to speed up traffic flows or when a corrupt inspection officer on duty turns a blind eye. They can also be clever in adjusting their behavior like smuggling weapon parts into Mexico instead of whole weapons. After all, you can more easily conceal parts that don’t contain identification numbers, making them harder to trace. Cartels can also factor and calculate losses through these checkpoints as well. And even on a bad say, cartels still would risk their shipments through checkpoints than put people and product through an unpredictable wilderness.

10. It Will Not Protect Against Terrorists– Trump has often proclaimed that building a wall across our Southern border will thwart terrorists despite that no terrorist has ever entered the country through crossing it. Even the Department of Homeland Security has long held that it has, “no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border.” In addition, we should remember that our 9/11 hijackers entered the US legally and since then 80% of those charged with or died while engaging in jihadist-related terrorist activities in the nation were either US citizens or permanent residents. Not to mention, native-born white men committed way more terror attacks on US soil than their jihadist counterparts in that same time span. These findings should indicate that most active US terrorists are homegrown. As for the terrorists who were foreign born, a list of 154 individuals who committed or plotted attacks in the US from 1975-2015 only yielded 1 Mexican.


Support for Trump’s stupid, useless wall is mostly motivated by fear, racism, and xenophobia from white Americans seen here. It’s very clear that walls don’t work, don’t keep people safe, and don’t keep people out or in. So why do I have to pay for a stupid wall I don’t even want just to assuage white people’s anxieties of demographic change? Can’t they just suck it up, already?

11. It’s Un-American– According to Fast Company, Trump’s wall can amount to a spectacular land and resource giveaway, including ceding access the Rio Grande and its reservoirs for Mexico which won’t be good for American interests. Nor would it be great for the communities who depend on the Rio Grande for water. But what’s even more Un-American is that Trump’s wall idea mainly finds appeal among those who embrace repugnant ideologies like racism and xenophobia. And it’s mainly driven of irrational fears that have no basis in reality whatsoever. By sealing the Mexican border, the US would turn away asylum seekers from Central America. Many of them fleeing because of violence and persecution. Sending them back their home countries is basically a death sentence. Keeping these people out of the country won’t make it safer and goes against our values. And don’t get me started on mass deportations which I think are very cruel and tear families and communities apart.

12. It’s Unnecessary– As I wrote earlier, many border crossers at the US-Mexican border usually live in Mexico and work in the US. Now if big walls could keep out Immigrants, they could also keep some of them in, particularly these border commuters. Increased border security limits freedom of movement. Besides, if you look at some of the big walls throughout history and around the world today, it’s not clear why we actually need one. After all most of the big walls today were built for military and defensive reasons. I mean we’re not really at war with Mexico and haven’t been since before the American Civil War. That was mostly because we wanted some of Mexico’s lands. And the last time we had any southern border violence was during the Wilson administration. Today we have a pretty nice relationship with Mexico. And building a wall along the border only pisses them off. Besides border communities and ecosystems depend much more on freedom of movement between the US and Mexico and a wall would just hurt their interests. So there’s no reason why we should build this stupid, useless wall. It’s just a massive waste of money and nothing more.


I can never think of a dumber Trump policy than building a border wall along the US-Mexican border. It’s useless, expensive as hell, unnecessary, and poses very negative consequences. And what’s fueling support for this barrier are fear inspired ideologies which shouldn’t be accepted by society anyway. As a taxpayer, I don’t feel that I should pay for stuff like that. So no wall, no way.

Calaca Inspired Dia de los Muertos Costumes


Disclaimer: I am aware that the Dia de los Muertos is not just a holiday just confined to Mexico or celebrated by Latinos who aren’t just of Mexican heritage. But I have to remind viewers that this isn’t a post to give you ideas to do a Halloween costume (unless Dia de los Muertos is part of your culture and you want to save money). Dia de los Muertos is not Mexican Halloween and unless your culture celebrates the holiday, then you shouldn’t wear these costumes whether on Halloween or on any occasion. Dia de los Muertos is a time for Mexicans and people from some parts of Latin America to remember their ancestors. I understand that cultural appropriation is an American tradition and not a very good one. If your culture doesn’t celebrate Dia de los Muertos, then walking around in a Day of the Dead inspired costume for Halloween because you thought the art was cute is offensive, ignorant, disrespectful, and complicit in erasing a rich culture and identity. Painting your face with sugar skull decoration is not being cultural, it’s stupid. There’s a meaning behind sugar skulls and just because you do it doesn’t mean you understand the significance of this symbol. So please, don’t do it.

Special Disclaimer: I understand that some of these costumes may be culturally appropriated which is offensive. But since Pinterest unintentionally encourages this and I know they tend to be promoted as Halloween costumes, cultural appropriation might not be avoidable. Yet since I’m aware that blond and redheaded Hispanics do exist and that they can be of any race, distinguishing between which costumes are culturally appropriate and which are not is difficult. And you can’t always tell with a photograph. Yet, I will try my best not to be disrespectful to viewers who celebrate this holiday that they view so central to their cultural identity. And I intend not to promote them as Halloween costumes for this post. Nor do I encourage people do dress in these costumes despite having no connection to the holiday whatsoever. Just because I may show a costume post on Dia de los Muertos doesn’t mean I think these are perfectly fine for just anyone.

Aside from setting altars and visit cemeteries to honor and celebrate their dead ancestors and loved ones, it’s not unusual for those who observe Dia de los Muertos also don costumes as well as parade and dance in the streets. Yet, this tradition may not always be practiced in some places in Mexico or Latin America. But there are some areas that do. Many tend to don the calavera makeup and dress in fancy clothes in order to mock death or celebrate their deceased loved ones. For most Mexicans and other Latin Americans who celebrate the holiday, there is nothing scary about dressing up as the elegant “La Catrina” and other figures of death the holiday celebrates. Some may even wear skull shaped masks to scare the dead away. After all, death in Mexico is just part of the natural cycle of life, not something to be feared. So for your reading pleasure, I give you a treasure trove of richly elaborate Dia de los Muertos costumes for you to enjoy. And if your culture doesn’t celebrate the Day of the Dead, these are just for your eyes only.

  1. The makeup scheme must always match the flowers.
Well, she has a pink skull face with beautiful flowers in her hair. The clothes aren't too shabby either.

Well, she has a pink skull face with beautiful flowers in her hair. The clothes aren’t too shabby either.

2. This woman honors her dead great-grandmother by wearing her clothes.

Yes, I know she looks what you might see in a horror movie. But she's not meant to be scary. Just honoring her deceased loved ones.

Yes, I know she looks what you might see in a horror movie. But she’s not meant to be scary. Just honoring her deceased loved ones.

3. Thought you’d never see a dead lady in red before.

If it wasn't for the face paint, I would've sworn she seemed like one of those Mexican women from the Old West movies. Love the dress.

If it wasn’t for the face paint, I would’ve sworn she seemed like one of those Mexican women from the Old West movies. Love the dress.

4. These men celebrate Dia de los Muertos in their fancy hats.

Now this is a great way to mock death along with the Mexican elite who used to starve 90% of the country's population in the early 20th century. The hats and suits are spot on.

Now this is a great way to mock death along with the Mexican elite who used to starve 90% of the country’s population in the early 20th century. The hats and suits are spot on. Then again, maybe that’s another case of cultural appropriation on multiple levels.

5. Don’t forget to don the skulls and feathers.

You might see that a lot of Dia de los Muertos costumes do contain feathers and skulls on them. Then again, it's to be expected.

You might see that a lot of Dia de los Muertos costumes do contain feathers and skulls on them. Then again, it’s to be expected.

6. Sometimes a small touch up is all you need.

Seems like she has a pink shawl to match the flowers. Surely looks stunning.

Seems like she has a pink shawl to match the flowers. Surely looks stunning.

7. This skull face woman is draped with curls.

She's even wearing a white embroidered dress. Love the intricate makeup job.

She’s even wearing a white embroidered dress. Love the intricate makeup job.

8. To look at her is to see a window into your own mortality.

I understand that skeletons aren't supposed to be scary on Dia de los Muertos. But this costume is so good that it doesn't help matters.

I understand that skeletons aren’t supposed to be scary on Dia de los Muertos. But this costume is so good that it doesn’t help matters.

9. White hair is always chic on a dead woman.

I'm sure the white hair is a wig in this. But kind of reminds us that you grow old and then you die.

I’m sure the white hair is a wig in this. But kind of reminds us that you grow old and then you die.

10. A spiderweb on your forehead goes great with flowers.

Notice how she has dark circles under her eyes. Oh, wait, that's makeup, not sleep deprivation.

Notice how she has dark circles under her eyes. Oh, wait, that’s makeup, not sleep deprivation.

11. No Day of the Dead costume could be complete without an embroidered flower skirt.

Well, if it's DIY, then she must've spent a long time doing this costume. Love the rich flowery detail.

Well, if it’s DIY, then she must’ve spent a long time doing this costume. Love the rich flowery detail.

12. Hoop earrings and roses create a neat traditional look.

This woman has roses in her hair as well as an intricate skull makeup scheme. Absolutely stunning.

This woman has roses in her hair as well as an intricate skull makeup scheme. Absolutely stunning.

13. Sometimes it’s best to stick with the basics.

Well, she didn't really do too much as far as makeup goes. Yet, the lipstick provides a nice contrast.

Well, she didn’t really do too much as far as makeup goes. Yet, the lipstick provides a nice contrast.

14. It helps if you top off your look with a colorful sombrero.

Like how she used shiny face paint for her mask as we.. Love the rose design.

Like how she used shiny face paint for her mask as we.. Love the rose design.

15. On Dia de los Muertos, a bride always has her diamond rosary.

Well, she has a nice white dress with her skull makeup as well as matching flowers in her hair. Love it.

Well, she has a nice white dress with her skull makeup as well as matching flowers in her hair. Love it.

16. Dia de los Muertos is a holiday that’s been celebrated for generations.

Here we have 3 generations of a family in their skull face makeup and flowers. Two of them carry parasols in hand.

Here we have 3 generations of a family in their skull face makeup and flowers. Two of them carry parasols in hand.

17. This dead looking girl is all dressed up with no place to go.

She's also wearing a black lace veil with a white lace dress. Nevertheless, really like the flowers.

She’s also wearing a black lace veil with a white lace dress. Nevertheless, really like the flowers.

18. This man seems to have the look of death upon him.

You can even see all his teeth. Yet, this guy seems to have a rather scary touch up.

You can even see all his teeth. Yet, this guy seems to have a rather scary touch up.

19. This little girl dances in her flowery dress.

Helps she's wearing a ribbon to match her dress. Love the flowers on it, too.

Helps she’s wearing a ribbon to match her dress. Love the flowers on it, too.

20. Sometimes death can bring a dour look upon you.

Well, she has a rather rich costume with fancy black lace and all. The rose on her face seems like it's losing petals though.

Well, she has a rather rich costume with fancy black lace and all. The rose on her face seems like it’s losing petals though.

21. Perhaps a red veil can go best with the flowers.

Helps she has a string of pearls to complete the outfit. Love the makeup, too.

Helps she has a string of pearls to complete the outfit. Love the makeup, too.

22. Even a skeleton needs a fine pair of gloves at times.

Well, I said they dress up to mock death and the old Mexican elite. Love the flowery black veil.

Well, I said they dress up to mock death and the old Mexican elite. Love the flowery black veil.

23. Don’t forget to set up an altar for your loved ones on the Day of the Dead.

Well, at least there's not a lot of cultural appropriation going on here. At least the picture gets the tradition right and has some inscriptions in Spanish.

Well, at least there’s not a lot of cultural appropriation going on here. At least the picture gets the tradition right and has some inscriptions in Spanish.

24. You may see some revelers in Mexico during the Day of the Dead.

Here we have a La Catrina and a mariachi. Both seem a bit dead on the outside but are actually quite lively.

Here we have a La Catrina and a mariachi. Both seem a bit dead on the outside but are actually quite lively.

25. Skeleton makeup isn’t always confined to the face.

She even has a cross on her skull makeup. Love the roses in her hair.

She even has a cross on her skull makeup. Love the roses in her hair.

26. This little senorita is all dressed to kill.

She even has a cute little fur stole and necklaces. I think this is so adorable.

She even has a cute little fur stole and necklaces. I think this is so adorable.

27. Sometimes the skull eyes could be lined with jewels.

Of course, I'm not sure her skin is that white, given how they add photo effects. But this is stunning.

Of course, I’m not sure her skin is that white, given how they add photo effects. But this is stunning.

28. Man, does she really have her heart on display.

Funny how it's not encased in her skeleton which is normally the case. Love the flowers though.

Funny how it’s not encased in her skeleton which is normally the case. Love the flowers though.

29. This man celebrates Dia de los Muertos like he’s on of the Three Amigos.

I'm sure this guy is white and is wearing the makeup. But even I have to admire the intricate costume details.

I’m sure this guy is white and is wearing the makeup. But even I have to admire the intricate costume details.

30. This couple are dressed like they’re together in death.

Well, they're surely dressed nice. And I do like the flowers. But I sure hope they're not wearing these outfits for a Halloween party.

Well, they’re surely dressed nice. And I do like the flowers. But I sure hope they’re not wearing these outfits for a Halloween party.

31. This woman’s Dia de los Muertos costume is truly revolutionary.

Since she's dressed up as a Mexican revolutionary that got fed up with the elite back in the early 20th century. Hope those bullets aren't real.

Since she’s dressed up as a Mexican revolutionary that got fed up with the elite back in the early 20th century. Hope those bullets aren’t real.

32. Sometimes a simple white veil is all you need.

Well, she does have an intricate makeup scheme on her face despite how it makes her look like the Joker. Okay, that might be pretty insulting. Sorry about that.

Well, she does have an intricate makeup scheme on her face despite how it makes her look like the Joker. Okay, that might be pretty insulting. Sorry about that.

33. It helps if you top your costume with a fancy hat.

It's especially true if the hat has marigolds in it since they're a critical flower for Day of the Dead. Also, calla lilies also symbolize death.

It’s especially true if the hat has marigolds in it since they’re a critical flower for Day of the Dead. Also, calla lilies also symbolize death.

34. Flowers can go almost anywhere on your costume.

She seems to have roses around her dress and in her hair. By the way, this was taken by a Hispanic photographer.

She seems to have roses around her dress and in her hair. By the way, this was taken by a Hispanic photographer.

35. Who said a La Catrina can’t have purple hair?

Well, she does have a Joker like face makeup. But you have to love the flowers and the large rings.

Well, she does have a Joker like face makeup. But you have to love the flowers and the large rings.

36. At Dia de los Muertos weddings, it’s till death do they part.

Too bad they only had the bride, groom, and a bridesmaid in this photo. Would've loved to see the rest of the party.

Too bad they only had the bride, groom, and a bridesmaid in this photo. Would’ve loved to see the rest of the party.

37. Sometimes a plain, simple dress will always do fine.

This woman just wears a traditional Mexican outfit. Just a white top and green skirt.

This woman just wears a traditional Mexican outfit. Just a white top and green skirt.

38. Always have a skull mask and rose bouquet in hand.

She certainly has her outfit match her face and hair. Love the flowers.

She certainly has her outfit match her face and hair. Love the flowers.

39. Sometimes a dress in bright colors is all you need.

Yes, you might think she looks like Frida Kahlo from the costume. But that doesn't mean she's supposed to be dressed as her.

Yes, you might think she looks like Frida Kahlo from the costume. But that doesn’t mean she’s supposed to be dressed as her.

40. May you allow this gentleman to tip his hat?

At least this guy chose to wear a mask. At any rate, I do like his hat with a skull decoration.

At least this guy chose to wear a mask. At any rate, I do like his hat with a skull decoration.

41. “Well, that certainly didn’t seem dead funny to me.”

She has a nice made up face with blue around the eyes and a spiderweb. Love the rose in her hair.

She has a nice made up face with blue around the eyes and a spiderweb. Love the roses in her hair.

42. The skull face can occasionally really show up in the dark.

This one has black skull eyes and roses in her hair. But you can see her almost blend into the background.

This one has black skull eyes and roses in her hair. But you can see her almost blend into the background.

43. Here comes a skeleton bride with her veil over a crown of thorns.

Well, I have to admit how stunning this in in black and white. Love the keyhole heart on her chest as well.

Well, I have to admit how stunning this in in black and white. Love the keyhole heart on her chest as well.

44. This woman stands proud in her skull makeup and flowers.

The flowers in her hair seem to match the makeup on her face. Though her lips are in a zipper fashion.

The flowers in her hair seem to match the makeup on her face. Though her lips are in a zipper fashion.

45. This skeletal woman has absolutely nothing to hide.

Well, she's dressed in a skeletal outfit. But she has the skull face, flowers, and veil for Dia de los Muertos.

Well, she’s dressed in a skeletal outfit. But she has the skull face, flowers, and veil for Dia de los Muertos.

46. Couples always dress their finest in their skull and flower finery.

Well, I think this might be from a Dia de los Muertos in California. Yet, both wear the same kinds of flowers and other decoration.

Well, I think this might be from a Dia de los Muertos in California. Yet, both wear the same kinds of flowers and other decoration.

47. This photo surely shows that love is stronger than death.

While he has a tux, she has a rose bouquet and a longhorn necklace. Any guess they might be from the Southwest?

While he has a tux, she has a rose bouquet and a longhorn necklace. Any guess they might be from the Southwest?

48. She knows where it’s at with red and black.

She even has the bony fingers to show it. Yet, she wears roses to go with her red corset.

She even has the bony fingers to show it. Yet, she wears roses to go with her red corset.

49. Sometimes it helps if you have a showy flower headdress.

It also helps if you wear a dress of black lace since it gives a distinctive look. Still, she does seem stunning.

It also helps if you wear a dress of black lace since it gives a distinctive look. Still, she does seem stunning.

50. It’s not just hombres who don the sombreros.

This woman wears a sombrero that matches her outfit and makeup. And she has it buttoned to show some of her ribs.

This woman wears a sombrero that matches her outfit and makeup. And she has it buttoned to show some of her ribs.

51. With light colors come light flowers.

Though she wears a dress without sleeves, she seems to have a poofier skirt. Yet, the flowers match perfectly.

Though she wears a dress without sleeves, she seems to have a poofier skirt. Yet, the flowers match perfectly.

52. This little girl is dressed like she just woke from her grave.

For the record, there are Dia de los Muertos celebrations devoted to children and adult souls on separate days. Still love the flowers and lace.

For the record, there are Dia de los Muertos celebrations devoted to children and adult souls on separate days. Still love the flowers and lace.

53. This little girl comes all dressed in black.

She even has a bouquet of black flowers in her hands. Yet, the flowers she wears on her head are colorful.

She even has a bouquet of black flowers in her hands. Yet, the flowers she wears on her head are colorful.

54. Hope her sombrero isn’t too wide for your taste.

Well, it's a nice touch to her costume. Let's hope she's not wearing it for a Halloween party. Because that would be bad.

Well, it’s a nice touch to her costume. Let’s hope she’s not wearing it for a Halloween party. Because that would be bad.

55. If looks could kill, then this man has racked a high body count.

Yes, he surely seems like a debonair skeleton who might actually be a supervillan. Yet, I can't really tell from here.

Yes, he surely seems like a debonair skeleton who might actually be a supervillan. Yet, I can’t really tell from here.

56. When in doubt, you might want to decorate your face with sequins.

Well, that's a little flashy for my taste. Not sure what I think about that. Might be from a Dia de los Muertos in Vegas.

Well, that’s a little flashy for my taste. Not sure what I think about that. Might be from a Dia de los Muertos in Vegas.

57. Sometimes a mujer has to have dress to show off her top vertabrae.

This one at least has a marigold print trim on black. She even has a necklace to resemble marigolds.

This one at least has a marigold print trim on black. She even has a necklace to resemble marigolds.

58. Dia de los Muertos is a time to visit the dead where they lay.

Well, at least she's in a cemetery, perhaps to honor her dead relatives. Yet, I do like her multicolored serape.

Well, at least she’s in a cemetery, perhaps to honor her dead relatives. Yet, I do like her multicolored serape.

59. Here comes a skeletal bride with a large skirt.

She even has a white parasol to go with it. Might want to clear a path for her.

She even has a white parasol to go with it. Might want to clear a path for her.

60. Let’s hope the love never dies for these two.

This bride is surprisingly tame compared to the previous one. But she's still dressed in white lace.

This bride is surprisingly tame compared to the previous one. But she’s still dressed in white lace.

61. Best to have flowers in your hair of all different colors.

And she's sure lined her face wit quite a few of them. Still, I really like this one.

And she’s sure lined her face wit quite a few of them. Still, I really like this one.

62. On Dia de los Muertos, the dead come up to party.

Don't look now. But the guy almost seems to be close to a "stinkin' badges" stereotype. Well, as far as I'm concerned.

Don’t look now. But the guy almost seems to be close to a “stinkin’ badges” stereotype. Well, as far as I’m concerned.

63. This la Catrina is expecting you.

This is fairly close to a traditional Catrina which was a figure of Mexican satire on the upper class. And yes, she dressed like the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey.

This is fairly close to a traditional Catrina which was a figure of Mexican satire on the upper class. And yes, she dressed like the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey.

64. This man seems to have his heart turned to stone.

So does this mean he's not a guy you should associate with? Because his expression doesn't reveal that he's that kind of guy at all.

So does this mean he’s not a guy you should associate with? Because his expression doesn’t reveal that he’s that kind of guy at all.

65. Hey, look, a little mariachi boy.

He even has his own little guitar as a prop. So adorable.

He even has his own little guitar as a prop. So adorable.

66. This woman in black now takes the mic.

This one has a black dress with a rose in her hair. The mic is just a vintage touch akin to Walk the Line.

This one has a black dress with a rose in her hair. The mic is just a vintage touch akin to Walk the Line.

67. What’s bright about her costume are the marigolds in her hair.

Seems like she's wearing a shawl over her head. By the Mexican marigold was used as a medicinal plant and incense by the Aztecs.

Seems like she’s wearing a shawl over her head. By the Mexican marigold was used as a medicinal plant and incense by the Aztecs.

68. With your Day of the Dead costume, use all the flowers you want.

This woman has hers on her hair, neck, and dress. And she's all dressed in leather.

This woman has hers on her hair, neck, and dress. And she’s all dressed in leather.

69. This couple seems all flowered up.

Guy seems dressed with a powder blue tuxedo top and a string of flowers across. Woman only took to black and roses.

Guy seems dressed with a powder blue tuxedo top and a string of flowers across. Woman only took to black and roses.

70. As far a I can tell, she has the look of a goddess.

Well, an Aztec goddess if you get my drift. Of course, some might find worth sacrificing for.

Well, an Aztec goddess if you get my drift. Of course, some might find worth sacrificing for.

71. Someone seems unusually pale these days.

Yet, she decked with so many beautiful flowers that add color to her outfit. Quite stunning if you ask me.

Yet, she decked with so many beautiful flowers that add color to her outfit. Quite stunning if you ask me.

72. A lady must always have a taste in elegance.

My, does she have a huge hat. But at least it can give her plenty of shade.

My, does she have a huge hat. But at least it can give her plenty of shade.

73. This Catrina has so many flowers in all her finery.

She has flowers all over her outfit as well as inside her large black hat. And she even fans herself, too.

She has flowers all over her outfit as well as inside her large black hat. And she even fans herself, too.

74. This La Catrina has just woke up from the wrong side of the grave.

I have to admit, I really like that purple dress. Also, how this actually resembles a skeleton.

I have to admit, I really like that purple dress. Also, how this actually resembles a skeleton.

75. Anyone can look stunning in a lighter shade of red.

Sure she may wear a corset with flowers. But you have to concede that she does strike a pose.

Sure she may wear a corset with flowers. But you have to concede that she does strike a pose.

76. Of course, you could always wear a mask.

She's even dressed in traditional Victorian attire, too. Love the purple on this.

She’s even dressed in traditional Victorian attire, too. Love the purple on this.

77. My, does she have flowery eyes.

Well, her eyes are laced with gold petals. Yet, she has red flowers in her hair and an embroidered dress.

Well, her eyes are laced with gold petals. Yet, she has red flowers in her hair and an embroidered dress.

78. This little girl only has two roses in hand.

Yet, she wears some in her head to brighten up her black outfit. So adorable.

Yet, she wears some in her head to brighten up her black outfit. So adorable.

79. Seems she’s a little red around the eyes.

However, that's just the magic of makeup. Yet, I do love the roses in her hair.

However, that’s just the magic of makeup. Yet, I do love the roses in her hair.

80. Sometimes death can come out behind you when you’re not looking.

She's even wearing a colorful shirt to go with the flowers on her hair. Love the eye makeup on this.

She’s even wearing a colorful shirt to go with the flowers on her hair. Love the eye makeup on this.

81. How about 3 red roses in your hair?

Man, she seems to have a lot of paint on her and not just her face. Love the roses.

Man, she seems to have a lot of paint on her and not just her face. Love the roses.

82. My, what a lovely hat she wore.

Well, it's not a large hat but it's a fancy one nonetheless. Goes nice with her black lace dress.

Well, it’s not a large hat but it’s a fancy one nonetheless. Goes nice with her black lace dress.

83. Of course, she only shows some of her ribs.

Well, she's painted ribs on her chest. Still, like the lace jacket and flowers.

Well, she’s painted ribs on her chest. Still, like the lace jacket and flowers.

84. How about a sombrero lined with gold?

Wonder if she's worried that she'll mess her hair if she dons the sombrero. Yet, I do think it's finely embroidered.

Wonder if she’s worried that she’ll mess her hair if she dons the sombrero. Yet, I do think it’s finely embroidered.

85. Not sure about her, but she seems a bit bony if you ask me.

Well, she has a lot of skeleton makeup on her. Yet she has a black dress on to, if you look closer.

Well, she has a lot of skeleton makeup on her. Yet she has a black dress on to, if you look closer.

86. Seems like she’s had to tie up to hold herself together.

She seems to have to keep her organs contained for the moment. Yet, you have to admire her red dress.

She seems to have to keep her organs contained for the moment. Yet, you have to admire her red dress.

87. Seems like someone likes to wear the flag of Mexico.

Well, the woman at least does as well as dons a turquoise shawl. The man dresses like one of the Three Amigos.

Well, the woman at least does as well as dons a turquoise shawl. The man dresses like one of the Three Amigos.

88. I suppose she might impress the proper set.

Reminds me of a Dia de los Muertos character Tim Burton would create. This especially since I think Helen Bonham Carter wore a similar outfit in Sweeny Todd.

Reminds me of a Dia de los Muertos character Tim Burton would create. This especially since I think Helen Bonham Carter wore a similar outfit in Sweeny Todd.

89. A rose headdress surely makes an impression.

Well, the roses are certainly stunning. But the make up seems somewhat terrifying.

Well, the roses are certainly stunning. But the make up seems somewhat terrifying.

90. How about roses on your hat?

Well, she doesn't dress too badly here. Still, I think the hat goes well with her Victorian dress.

Well, she doesn’t dress too badly here. Still, I think the hat goes well with her Victorian dress.

91. Unfortunately, these well dressed women seem to be all bone.

Though the two of them seem quite lively with each other. Love their hats.

Though the two of them seem quite lively with each other. Love their hats.

92. My, she has a very colorful Chiapas dress.

Well, it's in white unlike some of the others I featured. But the embroidery really stands out.

Well, it’s in white unlike some of the others I featured. But the embroidery really stands out.

93. When you’re in a big dress, you’ll need a big flower.

She even has a big parasol with her, too. Still, the rose really catches your eye.

She even has a big parasol with her, too. Still, the rose really catches your eye.

94. Perhaps you can go to a lighter shade of blue on some occasions.

Well, these women have made up their faces to match their outfits. At least to some extent, especially the one in the middle.

Well, these women have made up their faces to match their outfits. At least to some extent, especially the one in the middle.

95. Hope she’s not laced too tightly in that corset.

Well, she seems covered in flowers and has her hair all nice. But sexy Halloween costume, it is definitely not.

Well, she seems covered in flowers and has her hair all nice. But sexy Halloween costume, it is definitely not.

96. Sometimes you’ll just need a bowtie to snazz it up.

Seems to look more like a little Jack Skellington with hair and brighter clothes. Still, this is cute.

Seems to look more like a little Jack Skellington with hair and brighter clothes. Still, this is cute.

97. Who says you can’t have Lego people join in the celebration?

Well, Lego people must exist in Mexico. Seriously, they just got to.

Well, Lego people must exist in Mexico. Seriously, they just got to.

98. This man always dresses to kill for the Dia de los Muertos procession.

Yes, he stands proud in his Mexican outfit that probably serves no practical use to him besides special occasions. Love the black.

Yes, he stands proud in his Mexican outfit that probably serves no practical use to him besides special occasions. Love the black.

99. Make sure your face paint matches your outfit.

Well, she certainly has the roses and black lace nailed. Love it.

Well, she certainly has the roses and black lace nailed. Love it.

100. Now he’s reduced to a walking, talking skeleton.

Well, at least he's wearing the cape. But it still doesn't protect him from exposing his bones.

Well, at least he’s wearing the cape. But it still doesn’t protect him from exposing his bones.

Calavera Inspired Craft Projects for Dia de los Muertos


As you can see, Dia de los Muertos is a huge holiday in Mexico and it should surprise nobody that you’ll find plenty of Day of the Dead decorations through Pinterest and Google Search. Contrary to popular notions, Dia de los Muertos is not Mexico’s Halloween though both holidays do have similar traditions like dressing in costumes, partying, skull decorations, and trick or treating in some regions. Of course, traditions can vary from town to town. Though I have seen it presented this way. Seriously, it’s not. Nevertheless, since Mexicans are among the largest US ethnic groups as well as among the fastest growing that some horrible orange man with straw hair wants to build a wall on the US-Mexican border. So I advise everyone not to vote this fucktard for president and stick with Hillary Clinton regardless of how you feel about her e-mails. Moving on, it’s not uncommon for many Dia de los Muertos decorations to contain skulls otherwise known as calaveras. You know the decorated sugar skulls. They also have bright flowers and other Mexican motifs. So for your reading pleasure, I give you a treasure trove of Day of the Dead craft projects.

  1. Sit back and relax on this Mexican chair.
I don't think this could be done from scratch. But I do admire fine embroidery craftsmanship when I see it. Lovely.

I don’t think this could be done from scratch. But I do admire fine embroidery craftsmanship when I see it. Lovely.

2. There’s nothing more fitting than a plush skull with spiderwebs in its hair.

Even has dangling bones for earrings. And the spiderwebs are all different colors.

Even has dangling bones for earrings. And the spiderwebs are all different colors.

3. This rose headband would look great on any costumed Catrina.

Yes, people dress in costumes during this holiday. But I think this flower headband is pretty.

Yes, people dress in costumes during this holiday. But I think this flower headband is pretty.

4. Keep warm this Dia de los Muertos with this colorful quilt.

And yes, it has plenty of skulls on it for your heart's heart content. In triangle and square pattern.

And yes, it has plenty of skulls on it for your heart’s heart content. In triangle and square pattern.

5. No Day of the Dead could be without this crocheted Frida Kahlo doll.

Well, that's a dead Frida amigurumi doll no doubt. But I think she's supposed to look more decomposed.

Well, that’s a dead Frida amigurumi doll no doubt. But I think she’s supposed to look more decomposed.

6. Grace your mantle with these Day of the Dead nesting dolls.

As you can see, they all have skulls on them. They also have bright colors and symbols.

As you can see, they all have skulls on them. They also have bright colors and symbols.

7. Keep warm in the cold with this crocheted skull cap.

This one has blue flowers on it. Sure it's kind of freaky but it's well suited for Day of the Dead.

This one has blue flowers on it. Sure it’s kind of freaky but it’s well suited for Day of the Dead.

8. For your beautiful houseplants, this Frida Kahlo flower pot is for you.

Notice she's not a skull in this one. Yet, she has part of her face covered in bright flowers.

Notice she’s not a skull in this one. Yet, she has part of her face covered in bright flowers.

9. Make your Dia de los Muertos festive with this deco mesh wreath.

Has a colorful skull in the middle. And yes, the colors seem festive for a time of remembrance. But this is a Mexican holiday.

Has a colorful skull in the middle. And yes, the colors seem festive for a time of remembrance. But this is a Mexican holiday.

10. Check out this sugar skull mosaic.

I'm sure the skulls used in these are fake. But this one contains eyes akin to suns.

I’m sure the skulls used in these are fake. But this one contains eyes akin to suns.

11. This stained glass skull panel is a morbid delight.

Well, it's an elaborate skull to say so myself. Love the eyes and forehead. Yes, I know a lot of these decorations contain skulls. But what do you expect?

Well, it’s an elaborate skull to say so myself. Love the eyes and forehead. Yes, I know a lot of these decorations contain skulls. But what do you expect?

12. A colorful skull mask should always have birds and flowers.

I'm not sure if it's for a costume or for hanging on a wall. Still, like the smile.

I’m not sure if it’s for a costume or for hanging on a wall. Still, like the smile.

13. Nothing makes Dia de los Muertos complete like this skeleton quilt.

Seems like it's a Mexican version of "Dumb Ways to Die." Or as they say. "Formas Estupidas Morir."

Seems like it’s a Mexican version of “Dumb Ways to Die.” Or as they say. “Formas Estupidas Morir.” Well, at least some of the patchwork scenes.

14. This mosaic skull has a butterfly in its eye.

This one is mostly lined with pink. And I think the butterfly brings a sweet touch.

This one is mostly lined with pink. And I think the butterfly brings a sweet touch.

15. Lounge outside in the fall weather with this Dia de los Muertos chair.

This one has two skeletons in love on the back. How sweet like something in a Tim Burton movie.

This one has two skeletons in love on the back. How sweet like something in a Tim Burton movie.

16. If skulls aren’t your thing, try these skeleton nesting dolls.

Well, they're just as morbid as the other set. But they seem to have a lot of colorful decor on them.

Well, they’re just as morbid as the other set. But they seem to be richly painted.

17. Try to go out in this crocheted skull cap.

This one has a rose and eyes lined with blue. Not as fancy as the other one but still just as lovely.

This one has a rose and eyes lined with blue. Not as fancy as the other one but still just as lovely.

18. Cuddle up this Dia de los Muertos with this skull quilt.

It's as colorful a skull quilt as I've seen one. Each skull is uniquely decorated in its own way.

It’s as colorful a skull quilt as I’ve seen one. Each skull is uniquely decorated in its own way.

19. Keep clean this Day of the Dead with some skull soap.

Wonder if they have some skull soap for Halloween. Bet they have but I didn't check.

Wonder if they have some skull soap for Halloween. Bet they have but I didn’t check.

20. Dia de los Muertos is always a time to wear a flowery skull pendant.

This one has a turquoise skull. Yes, I know skull jewelry is a thing according to Etsy.

This one has a turquoise skull. Yes, I know skull jewelry is a thing according to Etsy.

21. Keep your ipad secure from evil spirits with this Day of the Dead case.

This one has a skull and a jewels on the cover. Yes, I know the skull motif is a bit creepy but get used to it.

This one has a skull and a jewels on the cover. Yes, I know the skull motif is a bit creepy but get used to it.

22. Bundle up with your very own Dia de los Muertos crocheted scarf.

Consists of crocheted skulls and roses. I know they usually don't go together, except at grave sites.

Consists of crocheted skulls and roses. I know they usually don’t go together, except at grave sites.

23. Never have I saw as skull like this so richly decorated.

Yeah, you can find some unique designs like this on Pinterest. Love the hat.

Yeah, you can find some unique designs like this on Pinterest. Love the hat.

24. “Angelica, will you marry me?”

"I thought you'd never ask." Keep in mind, this display is from a craft store. So it's all good.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Keep in mind, this display is from a craft store. So it’s all good.

25. A spiderweb should always go well with roses.

This is another headband for a costume with roses, a spiderweb, and black tulle. Still, I think it's stunning.

This is another headband for a costume with roses, a spiderweb, and black tulle. Still, I think it’s stunning.

26. Be hospitable to guests with this sugar skull wreath with roses.

Yes, roses and skulls seem to go together during Dia de los Muertos. This one is a red and white variation.

Yes, roses and skulls seem to go together during Dia de los Muertos. This one is a red and white variation.

27. How about this purple mask and flowers?

Yes, there's a skeleton hand coming out of it. And teeth under the lips. But you have to expect this.

Yes, there’s a skeleton hand coming out of it. And teeth under the lips. But you have to expect this.

28. For the Day of the Dead, these skull crosses seem like holy relics.

Well, not all of these have skulls on it. One has the Virgin Mary and the other has a mermaid. Not sure why for the latter.

Well, not all of these have skulls on it. One has the Virgin Mary and the other has a mermaid. Not sure why for the latter.

29. A blue and black skull can always use some metal inlaids.

Yes, it's another mosaic skull. And yes, you'll see a lot of these. But this one really has a lot going for it.

Yes, it’s another mosaic skull. And yes, you’ll see a lot of these. But this one really has a lot going for it.

30. This skull lamp will surely light up a room.

It even has flowers in the eyes. Of course, it's from a metal shade over a light.

It even has flowers in the eyes. Of course, it’s from a metal shade over a light.

31. This crocheted garland is great over any fireplace.

Sure it contains skulls and flowers. But you can almost hang it anywhere you please. Not sure if you can use it as a scarf.

Sure it contains skulls and flowers. But you can almost hang it anywhere you please. Not sure if you can use it as a scarf.

32. I’m sure any cat lover on Dia de los Muertos would enjoy these statues.

Yes, these are cat statues painted like skeletons. They also have other animals if you're interested.

Yes, these are cat statues painted like skeletons. They also have other animals if you’re interested.

33. The light really comes out from this skull panel.

Sure it doesn't use a lot of colors. But it has a very elaborate design few could master.

Sure it doesn’t use a lot of colors. But it has a very elaborate design few could master.

34. This skull can reflect almost anything.

This mirror tiles were either from a disco ball or a cut up mirror. Still, love the pink flower eyes.

This mirror tiles were either from a disco ball or a cut up mirror. Still, love the pink flower eyes.

35. Of course, white skulls can be pretty, too if you use marble.

Sure this one may have copper teeth. But it has a lovely purple decoration. Love it.

Sure this one may have copper teeth. But it has a lovely purple decoration. Love it.

36. Skulls and flowers always make this ceramic candelabra.

I saw a few of these on Pinterest. Not sure if they're mass produced or handmade. Either way, goes on my post.

I saw a few of these on Pinterest. Not sure if they’re mass produced or handmade. Either way, goes on my post.

37. With these skull pots, you can create an interesting stack of house plants.

Yes, I've seen a few of these for other holidays. Yet, each skull pot has a unique flower in it.

Yes, I’ve seen a few of these for other holidays. Yet, each skull pot has a unique flower in it.

38. Grace your front door this Dia de los Muertos with this skull and flower wreath.

Sure it might just be a normal flower wreath without the decorated skulls. But it's nevertheless stunning.

Sure it might just be a normal flower wreath without the decorated skulls. But it’s nevertheless stunning.

39. Nothing makes Dia de los Muertos worthwhile than a colorful skull banner.

Now this is a very colorful display that seems to glow in the dark. Then again, they used a bright yellow I've seen on PennDOT uniforms.

Now this is a very colorful display that seems to glow in the dark. Then again, they used a bright yellow I’ve seen on PennDOT uniforms.

40. Of course, sometimes you might need to touch it up with a few roses.

Another mosaic skull with reflective tiles. Yet, this one has flowery, cheeks, lips, and roses.

Another mosaic skull with reflective tiles. Yet, this one has flowery, cheeks, lips, and roses.

41. This Dia de los Muertos, how about pull a chair?

This one has a skull with roses and candles. Yes, it's a morbid but stunning display on the seat.

This one has a skull with roses and candles. Yes, it’s a morbid but stunning display on the seat.

42. For wreaths on Day of the Dead, the more festive the better.

This one has skulls, flowers, ribbons, and more. What else could you want?

This one has skulls, flowers, ribbons, and more. What else could you want?

43. Remember your deceased loved ones with these Dia de los Muertos candle holders.

Each one has a decorated skull design for your desires. Of course, I'm not sure these are appropriate but what do you know?

Each one has a decorated skull design for your desires. Of course, I’m not sure these are appropriate but what do you know?

44. This skull vase is great for holding flowers.

Sure people might think you're a bit too into the Addams family. But these skulls are richly decorated for Day of the Dead.

Sure people might think you’re a bit too into the Addams family (if you’re not Mexican). But these skulls are richly decorated for Day of the Dead.

45. With this chair, you can sit on Calavera Catrina’s lap.

Yes, this is the original Calavera Catrina design. However, I do like her outrageous hat which I think goes well with her blue dress.

Yes, this is the original Calavera Catrina design. However, I do like her outrageous hat which I think goes well with her blue dress.

46. This cowboy skeleton fears nobody.

Well, I see a decorated skull biting his foot. So he shouldn't spend too much time gloating.

Well, I see a decorated skull biting his foot. So he shouldn’t spend too much time gloating.

47. You could hold these felt skulls in the palm of your hand.

They also have sequin eyes and come in variety of bright colors. Yet, not all seem to smile.

They also have sequin eyes and come in variety of bright colors. Yet, not all seem to smile.

48. Curl up on your couch with this skull pillow.

Has a lot of impressive embroidery. Love the flowery eyes and other motifs.

Has a lot of impressive embroidery. Love the flowery eyes and other motifs.

49. This tapestry makes a great Day of the Dead garden flag.

Of course, by that time of year the garden is mostly dead anyway. Or at least it's dead in my neck of the woods.

Of course, by that time of year the garden is mostly dead anyway. Or at least it’s dead in my neck of the woods.

50. This mosaic skull always looks bright in the right circumstances.

Not sure why it has clocks in its eyes. Maybe they know everything. I was just joking.

Not sure why it has clocks in its eyes. Maybe they know everything. I was just joking.

51. Sure you may have heard of a sugar skull? But have ever seen a pumpkin skull before?

Yes, I'm aware some Halloween traditions get intermeshed with Dia de los Muertos. But this is a very nice rendition. The spider, skeleton hand, and flowers is spot on.

Yes, I’m aware some Halloween traditions get intermeshed with Dia de los Muertos. But this is a very nice rendition. The spider, skeleton hand, and flowers is spot on.

52. On the Day of the Dead, a skull sampler is always most becoming.

However, it'll take more work than if it's just for Halloween. Of course, you can use this one for Halloween, too.

However, it’ll take more work than if it’s just for Halloween. Of course, you can use this one for Halloween, too.

53. Guess you can never come across a wooden skull panel like this.

Well, it's on a square panel with a skull painted on it. But I do love the purple flower eyes.

Well, it’s on a square panel with a skull painted on it. But I do love the purple flower eyes.

54. You can never overdo the orange flowers with this wreath.

This one has so many decorations going for it. Love the skull with heart eyes and veil.

This one has so many decorations going for it. Love the skull with heart eyes and veil.

55. Dress in style this Dia de los Muertos with these beaded skull earrings.

The flowers are beaded. The skulls aren't. But I don't think they go with the pendant I showed earlier.

The flowers are beaded. The skulls aren’t. But I don’t think they go with the pendant I showed earlier.

56. Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with this skeletal flamingo in your yard.

I'm sure there are plenty of Mexicans who live in Florida. Since it would be a perfect lawn decoration for them this time of year.

I’m sure there are plenty of Mexicans who live in Florida. Since it would be a perfect lawn decoration for them this time of year.

57. Never thought I’d ever see a sugar skull jack-o-lantern before.

Well, these only have only the eyes and nose carved out. I guess they were painted before they met the knife.

Well, these only have only the eyes and nose carved out. I guess they were painted before they met the knife.

58. This skull stained glass mosaic panel is great for any window.

Might freak out some of the neighbors in the process. But it certainly has an intricate design.

Might freak out some of the neighbors in the process. But it certainly has an intricate design.

59. This skull suncatcher seems content with nature.

This one has roses with a butterfly. Not very decorative but surely fitting.

This one has roses with a butterfly. Not very decorative but surely fitting.

60. This shiny skull mosaic bears a nice, shiny cross.

Well, Dia de los Muertos does have some religious elements in it. But these tiles seem highly reflective if you ask me.

Well, Dia de los Muertos does have some religious elements in it. But these tiles seem highly reflective if you ask me.

61. With these Dia de los Muertos earrings and necklace, you’ll be talk of the town.

Contains roses as well as beads in rainbow colors. Yes, seems morbid but we're talking about a holiday centering around death here.

Contains roses as well as beads in rainbow colors. Yes, seems morbid but we’re talking about a holiday centering around death here.

62. Honor your loved ones this Day of the Dead with this colorful inviting shrine.

Seems like it was straight out of IKEA before being brightly painted. Of course, there are skulls on the border.

Seems like it was straight out of IKEA before being brightly painted. Of course, there are skulls on the border.

63. Keep almost anything safe with these skull bottles or dispensers.

From how I see it, they look like soap dispensers to me. Colorful skulls but soap dispensers nevertheless.

From how I see it, they look like soap dispensers to me. Colorful skulls but soap dispensers nevertheless.

64. This colorful skull lamp would certainly wow visitors.

This one even has crazy eyes to hypnotize. Still, love the flowers.

This one even has crazy eyes to hypnotize. Still, love the flowers.

65. Don’t like wreaths? Hope this Catrina hanging suits your fancy.

This may be of Frida Kahlo but I'm not really sure. Sometimes it's hard to tell by the skull alone.

This may be of Frida Kahlo but I’m not really sure. Sometimes it’s hard to tell by the skull alone.

66. This skull wreath is all full with ribbons.

Well, it has ribbons, all right. And it's surely festive even with the skull in the center.

Well, it has ribbons, all right. And it’s surely festive even with the skull in the center.

67. Delight your guests this Dia de los Muertos with these skull dishes.

This set features a man, woman, dog and cat. Woman has marigolds for hair and a butterfly decoration.

This set features a man, woman, dog and cat. Woman has marigolds for hair and a butterfly decoration.

68. In this felt sampler, this skull has a rainbow headdress of flowers and grapes.

Well, the colors aren't in order, but still. Again, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be Frida Kahlo since she appears a lot in these decorations.

Well, the colors aren’t in order, but still. Again, I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be Frida Kahlo since she appears a lot in these decorations.

69. Never saw such a fine skull mask like this before.

So I guess this one is for hanging. Still, love the pearly whites and the bejeweled eye sockets. Very classy.

So I guess this one is for hanging. Still, love the pearly whites and the bejeweled eye sockets. Very classy.

70. Keep your belongings secure with this little coffin box.

And the one for the Day of the Dead gets a very flowery finish. Love the pink flowery border on this. Stunning.

And the one for the Day of the Dead gets a very flowery finish. Love the pink flowery border on this. Stunning.

71. Dazzle everyone with this flowery Dia de los Muertos necklace.

Has a skull in the center but flowers all over the place. Hope it doesn't weigh anyone down.

Has a skull in the center but flowers all over the place. Hope it doesn’t weigh anyone down.

72. This skull bottle lamp can change in to many different colors.

Well, as far as Pinterest is concerned. But I have some idea, that there's something funky going on inside.

Well, as far as Pinterest is concerned. But I have some idea, that there’s something funky going on inside.

73. This owl eyed skull jack-o-lantern is a real hoot.

Okay, it may not be an owl since I saw it had teeth which owls don't have. But the eyes and nose sure made me think that.

Okay, it may not be an owl since I saw it had teeth which owls don’t have. But the eyes and nose sure made me think that.

74. This white skull chair has a few flowery touches.

This is contrary to the black one we saw before. Still, you have to admire the fine paint job.

This is contrary to the black one we saw before. Still, you have to admire the fine paint job.

75. This skull scarf will keep you warm in the dead of fall.

Contains all the skulls and flowers for your desires. And in a black background for added morbidity.

Contains all the skulls and flowers for your desires. And in a black background for added morbidity.

76. Bet you’d want to cuddle with this skull pillow.

Well, this one is in a skull shape. Contains a purple cross and pink flower eyes.

Well, this one is in a skull shape. Contains a purple cross and pink flower eyes.

77. Perhaps you might want to take a cup and stay awhile.

Seems like these skull mugs almost give the word a whole new meaning. Like the one with the sacred heart.

Seems like these skull mugs almost give the word a whole new meaning. Like the one with the sacred heart.

78. Serve a drink at your Dia de los Muertos party with this mosaic bottle.

I had one featured in my Cinco de Mayo craft post in April. But not nearly as colorful as this one.

I had one featured in my Cinco de Mayo craft post in April. But not nearly as colorful as this one.

79. Never came across a skull mosaic with porcelain flower eyes before.

OR a nose for that matter. Yes, some of these skulls can be very elaborate if you use the right tiles.

OR a nose for that matter. Yes, some of these skulls can be very elaborate if you use the right tiles.

80. Sometimes a partial mask can be better than the full face.

Even a partial mask can contain skull eyes and a skull nose. The flower is a great touch.

Even a partial mask can contain skull eyes and a skull nose. The flower is a great touch.

81. Hey, is that a skeletal mariachi band?

You may not hear any music from these guys. But they sure make a great lawn decoration trio.

You may not hear any music from these guys. But they sure make a great lawn decoration trio.

82. This skull necklace is almost to die for on Dia de los Muertos.

Again, I almost thought this was an owl due to the big yes. And maybe it is. But now I don't think so.

Again, I almost thought this was an owl due to the big yes. And maybe it is. But now I don’t think so.

83. For double glass doors, these colorful skull wreaths are perfect.

As far as I can tell, they seem to come in a set. Still, you can't help but adore them.

As far as I can tell, they seem to come in a set. Still, you can’t help but adore them.

84. If you’re serving tea or hot water, here’s the perfect pot for you.

Yes, this is a pottery tea pot or kettle. And it has a skull design to fit with the occasion.

Yes, this is a pottery tea pot or kettle. And it has a skull design to fit with the occasion.

85. These turquoise skull and rose earrings are surely a delight.

If these skulls were surrounded by other flowers, they'd be perfect with the pendant necklace. But they don't. Then again, sometimes it's best to be simple.

If these skulls were surrounded by other flowers, they’d be perfect with the pendant necklace. But they don’t. Then again, sometimes it’s best to be simple.

86. This mosaic Frida Kahlo skull is a work of a true artist.

Like Frida Kahlo was herself. At least I could tell it's here here. Love the earrings.

Like Frida Kahlo was herself. At least I could tell it’s here here. Love the earrings.

87. This Mexican chair is loaded with colors and birds.

It has two peacocks on the seat. Not to mention, even the chair back and legs are painted in bright colors.

It has two peacocks on the seat. Not to mention, even the chair back and legs are painted in bright colors.

88. A mosaic skull could never have too many flowers.

This one has flowers almost everywhere. It even has roses on the forehead.

This one has flowers almost everywhere. It even has roses on the forehead.

89. This owl skeleton figure is especially flowery.

See, I told you they had other animals. And I definitely know this is an owl.

See, I told you they had other animals. And I definitely know this is an owl.

90. For a more elaborate display, you can’t go wrong with this skull headdress.

Might make people scratch their heads. But I'm sure it'll go well with whatever dress you pick.

Might make people scratch their heads. But I’m sure it’ll go well with whatever dress you pick.

91. For a more simple look, this skull wreath comes with a few homey touches.

Well, it only has a few skulls on it along with some flowers. But I do think it goes great with any front door.

Well, it only has a few skulls on it along with some flowers. But I do think it goes great with any front door.

92. This dancing skeleton quilt will sure make things lively at your home.

Yeah, you see a lot of skeletons depicted this way this time of year. Of course, what do you expect?

Yeah, you see a lot of skeletons depicted this way this time of year. Of course, what do you expect?

93. For a morbid hair piece, these skull flowers will satisfy.

And I'm sure they will on Dia de los Muertos. Available in 7 different colors.

And I’m sure they will on Dia de los Muertos. Available in 7 different colors.

94. This skull pillow and rug always go hand in hand.

Doesn't hurt they're both crocheted in the same pattern. As far as I can tell.

Doesn’t hurt they’re both crocheted in the same pattern. As far as I can tell.

95. For a more flowery cross, these may strike your fancy.

Available in several bright colors. Each one also has flowers, too.

Available in several bright colors. Each one also has flowers, too.

96. Hope your little one has hours of fun on this skeletal rocking horse.

Okay, that's pretty clever and creative. Love how the bones are painted.

Okay, that’s pretty clever and creative. Love how the bones are painted.

97. Raise a glass to your deceased loved ones with these skull wine glasses.

I'm sure these are only just for decoration. Still, they come in a wide variety of colors.

I’m sure these are only just for decoration. Still, they come in a wide variety of colors.

98. This turquoise rose and skull bracelet is all the rage on Dia de los Muertos.

This one goes with the turquoise skull and rose earrings. So I had to include it.

This one goes with the turquoise skull and rose earrings. So I had to include it.

99. For a mask like this one, you’d almost mistake it for a masterpiece.

This one is painted like a skull with a wide array of purple feathers and flowers. Like the purple butterfly.

This one is painted like a skull with a wide array of purple flowers. Like the purple butterfly.

100. With this skull lounge chair, you can lounge around like there’s no tomorrow.

Yes, this skull lounge chair is more decorated than it's Halloween counterpart. But it still has the skull eyes and nose.

Yes, this skull lounge chair is more decorated than it’s Halloween counterpart. But it still has the skull eyes and nose.

Day of the Dead Worthy Treats for Dia de los Muertos


Around the same time as Halloween, there is Dia de los Muertos in Mexico which unlike Cinco de Mayo is actually a holiday Mexicans celebrate. However, since I’m more focused on Halloween posts this time of year, I usually tend to skip it. But since the US has so many Mexicans living the country, I think I should acknowledge this occasion. Anyway, Dia de los Muertos is a 3 day holiday from October 31 to November 2 when family and friends gather to pray for and remember loved ones who have died and help support their spiritual journey.In Mexico, this is a public holiday as well as was inscribed by UNESCO in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. However, what you may not know that it’s a blend of the the Catholic feast of All Saints and Souls, Halloween, and an Aztec celebration that used to take place in the beginning of summer that was dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl. Traditions include building private altars called ofrendas, honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and their favorite foods and beverages, as well as visiting graves with these gifts. They also leave possessions of the deceased, too. Sometimes there are parties and processions as well, which is where I come in. There are even people who dress in costumes. So for your reading pleasure, I give you a treasure trove of treats pertaining to the Day of the Dead.

  1. Skull cookies always are great on any Day of the Dead dessert platter.
A lot of these treats featured in this post will have decorated skulls on them. These are in multiple colors.

A lot of these treats featured in this post will have decorated skulls on them. These are in multiple colors.

2. Take a bite out of these skull cupcakes.

These ones seem to be covered in flowers. They also seem quite cute, which is kind of disturbing.

These ones seem to be covered in flowers. They also seem quite cute, which is kind of disturbing.

3. No Dia de los Muertos party is a hit without this skull cake.

Well, this one has pink flowers on it. Not sure what to think about the teeth.

Well, this one has pink flowers on it. Not sure what to think about the teeth.

4. No Dia de los Muertos cake is complete without a dead flower girl.

I think this is supposed to be a cutesy rendition of La Calavera Catrina. More on her later.

I think this is supposed to be a cutesy rendition of La Calavera Catrina. More on her later.

5. This Day of the Dead cake is quite two faced.

Though once a figure of political satire, La Calavera Catrina may have been inspired by the Aztec Mictecacihuatl, Lady of the Dead and Keeper of Bones. She also has roots in the Spanish Dance of Death.

Though once a figure of political satire, La Calavera Catrina may have been inspired by the Aztec Mictecacihuatl, Lady of the Dead and Keeper of Bones. She also has roots in the Spanish Dance of Death.

6. These little skull cupcakes are worth dying for.

Seem quite adorable for an image that pertains to death. Love the flowers and icing though.

Seem quite adorable for an image that pertains to death. Love the flowers and icing though.

7. Each skull cookie can have its unique design.

Guess these were professionally made. And each seems unique in its own way.

Guess these were professionally made. And each seems unique in its own way.

8. For a flowery touch, go with some cactus cupcakes.

Well, I can't have them all be skulls. Besides, cacti grow in Mexico so I'm sure these are appropriate.

Well, I can’t have them all be skulls. Besides, cacti grow in Mexico so I’m sure these are appropriate.

9. Sometimes a skull cake just needs the right hat.

There are even skulls on the top and the sides. Yes, it's a really dead cake for a dead celebration.

There are even skulls on the top and the sides. Yes, it’s a really dead cake for a dead celebration.

10. On the Day of the Dead, fiesta colors are always great with skulls.

Then again, Mexicans usually prefer bright colors anyway. Though each skull is unique in it's own way while the icing is in pink, yellow, and cyan.

Then again, Mexicans usually prefer bright colors anyway. Though each skull is unique in it’s own way while the icing is in pink, yellow, and cyan.

11. Sometimes a purple skull cake is a real treat.

Yes, it looks quite morbid as most of these treats go. But since I love purple, I find it hard to resist.

Yes, it looks quite morbid as most of these treats go. But since I love purple, I find it hard to resist.

12. Even chocolate skull cookies can be a tasty treat.

Wonder how long it took to decorate these. My guess is that they were professionally made. Hope they're delicious.

Wonder how long it took to decorate these. My guess is that they were professionally made. Hope they’re delicious.

13. You can’t go wrong with this Skull Rice Krispie cake on your dessert platter.

Doesn't hurt that it's decorated with candy like Smarties and gumdrops. Though they're not the most edible decorations around.

Doesn’t hurt that it’s decorated with candy like Smarties and gumdrops. Though they’re not the most edible decorations around.

14. This skull cake comes in its bejeweled glory.

Either those pieces are candy or are merely inedible. I don't know which.

Either those pieces are candy or are merely inedible. I don’t know which.

15. Want to bite into these sugar skull chocolate brownies?

Well, they may not be colorful. But they're sure as decorative as the other skulls on here.

Well, they may not be colorful. But they’re sure as decorative as the other skulls on here.

16. Have you ever sat through a skeleton serenade.

Like how he has spiky hair and a flowery guitar. Also, love the flowers.

Like how he has spiky hair and a flowery guitar. Also, love the flowers.

17. Heard of a gingerbread man? How about a gingerbread skeleton?

This one even has flowers and well decorated bones. And I make no bones about that.

This one even has flowers and well decorated bones. And I make no bones about that.

18. Skull cookies can also be as dazzling in black and white.

Yet, I'm not sure if these professionally made cookies come cheap either. But they're just as elaborate.

Yet, I’m not sure if these professionally made cookies come cheap either. But they’re just as elaborate.

19. A skull cake should always have flowers.

Don't forget the red eyes, too, which might make it creepier. Could you imagine eating a cake like this?

Don’t forget the red eyes, too, which might make it creepier. Could you imagine eating a cake like this?

20. If you like cats, I have just the cookie for you.

Yes, this is a skeleton cat cookie. And yes, it has a multi-colored rib cage. Don't ask me about it. I wasn't consulted.

Yes, this is a skeleton cat cookie. And yes, it has a multi-colored rib cage. Don’t ask me about it. I wasn’t consulted.

21. Grace your fiesta platter with these gingerbread skull cookies.

I guess these go with the other gingerbread skeleton cookies. Love how each one is decorated though.

I guess these go with the other gingerbread skeleton cookies. Love how each one is decorated though.

22. This purple skull cake comes with purple flowers.

Also comes with flowery eyes and purple ribbons. Though I wouldn't want to eat the ribbons.

Also comes with flowery eyes and purple ribbons. Though I wouldn’t want to eat the ribbons.

23. To go with a Dia de los Muertos skull cake, check out these cake pops.

Yes, these are skull cake pops with roses in them. But each of them sure look just as lovely.

Yes, these are skull cake pops with roses in them. But each of them sure look just as lovely.

24. This Calavera Catrina cake comes with flowery eyes.

Kind of resembles a Mexican Tim Burton character. Love the skirt.

Kind of resembles a Mexican Tim Burton character. Love the skirt.

25. Of course, these skull cupcakes shall do quite nicely on any dessert platter.

Well, they do have all the flowery trimmings. But not all the skulls are decorated.

Well, they do have all the flowery trimmings. But not all the skulls are decorated.

26. This flowery skull cake can almost be considered a work of art.

Well, I do love the purple flower eyes on this one. Also think the rose is ornately painted.

Well, I do love the purple flower eyes on this one. Also think the rose is ornately painted.

27. How about a skull cake in blue?

Well, this one seems really unique. The purple teeth and green flower eyes sure are creepy.

Well, this one seems really unique. The purple teeth and green flower eyes sure are creepy.

28. Nothing makes Day of the Dead like these sugar skull marshmallows.

Wonder how people decorate these. I mean it can't be easy to put icing on a marshmallow like that.

Wonder how people decorate these. I mean it can’t be easy to put icing on a marshmallow like that.

29. For your Dia de los Muertos party, you can’t go wrong with these skull pizzas.

These are covered in tomato sauce and cheese with veggie features. Bet you can't resist these.

These are covered in tomato sauce and cheese with veggie features. Bet you can’t resist these.

30. For lunch on Day of a Dead, take a bite out of this skull sandwich.

The jelly on this one makes it look a bit bloody. But I love how they used seeds for the features.

The jelly on this one makes it look a bit bloody. But I love how they used seeds for the features.

31. Of course, some cakes go over the top.

Now this one may be festive but it's just so outlandish. Bet it didn't come cheap.

Now this one may be festive but it’s just so outlandish. Bet it didn’t come cheap.

32. These Hello Kitty Dia de los Muertos cookies are a real treat.

Yes, these do exist. And yes, many will find them adorable. Not sure about the witch hat though.

Yes, these do exist. And yes, many will find them adorable. Not sure about the witch hat though.

33. Nothing makes your Day of the Dead party a hit like these brownie bites.

Some of these have skulls on them. Some of them have bones. What you choose is up to you.

Some of these have skulls on them. Some of them have bones. What you choose is up to you.

34. If you love the Day of the Dead, then you’ll enjoy these apple and cheese empanadas.

Guess these are small apple pies. Like how this skull one has heart eyes.

Guess these are small apple pies. Like how this skull one has heart eyes.

35. Heard of candy apples? How about candy apple skulls?

Well, that's one unique way to decorate a skull besides cakes and cupcakes. Beautifully painted.

Well, that’s one unique way to decorate a skull besides cakes and cupcakes. Beautifully painted.

36. This skull cake is all flowered out.

Guess this was made at a professional bakery and didn't come cheap. Love the flower eyes and wreath.

Guess this was made at a professional bakery and didn’t come cheap. Love the flower eyes and wreath.

37. These cactus cupcakes come in all shapes and sizes.

Well, one of them is a rose but that's beside the point. Yet, you see what I mean.

Well, one of them is a rose but that’s beside the point. Yet, you see what I mean.

38. These Day of the Dead owl cookies will surely be a hoot.

Doesn't hurt that they're chocolate either. Still, don't know what owls have to do with the holiday but I like them.

Doesn’t hurt that they’re chocolate either. Still, don’t know what owls have to do with the holiday but I like them.

39. Sometimes it’s best to go with a simple skull head flower girl.

Well, she is surrounded by skulls but she's not supposed to be scary. Actually quite adorable to tell you the truth.

Well, she is surrounded by skulls but she’s not supposed to be scary. Actually quite adorable to tell you the truth.

40. If you can’t use icing on your cupcakes, sprinkles is the way to go.

After all, you can't paint these sugar skulls. But they nevertheless look festive.

After all, you can’t paint these sugar skulls. But they nevertheless look festive.

41. For simple treats, go with these skull Rice Krispie pops.

Each of these has a skull with a flower on it. Includes butterfly bites.

Each of these has a skull with a flower on it. Includes butterfly bites.

42. This Calavera Catrina Frida Kahlo cake is a work of art.

Frida Kahlo was an iconic Mexican artist who painted surreal self portraits. This is a fitting tribute to her.

Frida Kahlo was an iconic Mexican artist who painted surreal self portraits. This is a fitting tribute to her.

43. Never seen an intricate gingerbread skeleton like that before.

This one is even more elaborate and colorful than the other one. Even has a gold tooth to boot.

This one is even more elaborate and colorful than the other one. Even has a gold tooth to boot.

44. Always keep your sugar skull cookies uniquely decorated.

Though I think these are by a professional decorator. Honestly, someone must spend a lot of time on these.

Though I think these are by a professional decorator. Honestly, someone must spend a lot of time on these.

45. No nino could ever resist this Dia de los Muertos lunch.

Well, it has a skull cookie and some skull treats. However, let's get this straight, Dia de los Muertos isn't Mexican Halloween.

Well, it has a skull cookie and some skull treats. However, let’s get this straight, Dia de los Muertos isn’t Mexican Halloween.

46. Sometimes a simple skull cake is best.

This one uses candy and icing decorations. It's also among the most doable cake on this list.

This one uses candy and icing decorations. It’s also among the most doable cake on this list.

47. For your Dia de los Muertos, you can’t resist this kind of bread.

Well, this is Pan de Muertos or "bread of the dead." Not sure what it's used for. But I do like these bread figures.

Well, this is Pan de Muertos or “bread of the dead.” Not sure what it’s used for. But I do like these bread figures.

48. How about a skull cake encased in a coffin?

Even has cherries on the edges. Kind of morbid yet, kind of creative if you ask me.

Even has cherries on the edges. Kind of morbid yet, kind of creative if you ask me.

49. There’s nothing more Mexican at a Dia de los Muertos party like a sugar skull hummus.

Even includes vegetables as well as blue nachos to dip in. One of the most elaborate hummus displays I've seen.

Even includes vegetables as well as blue nachos to dip in. One of the most elaborate hummus displays I’ve seen.

50. These skull cake pops come with interesting attributes.

Some come with flowers. Some come with mustaches. Yet, most come with icing decor.

Some come with flowers. Some come with mustaches. Yet, most come with icing decor.

51. Impress your guests on Dia de los Muertos with this sugar skull bread.

It's kind of like the pizza one except it has no tomato sauce. But includes plenty of peppers.

It’s kind of like the pizza one except it has no tomato sauce. But includes plenty of peppers.

52. This skull cakes seems rather fruity to me.

And boy, does it use a variety, too. Even has a fruit frame to go with it.

And boy, does it use a variety, too. Even has a fruit frame to go with it.

53. Wish your guests un feliz Dia de los Muertos con estes cookies.

I don't know the Spanis word for cookie. But I do love how these are decorated.

I don’t know the Spanis word for cookie. But I do love how these are decorated.

54. When it comes to flowers, sometimes less is more.

Here we have another doable skull cake. Can also double as a Halloween cake. Then again, so can most of these treats.

Here we have another doable skull cake. Can also double as a Halloween cake. Then again, so can most of these treats.

55. This sugar skull pizza has all the toppings.

Indeed like pepperoni and veggies galore. Like the eyes and mouth.

Indeed like pepperoni and veggies galore. Like the eyes and mouth.

56. A skull cake like this comes with blue, yellow, and green flowers.

This seems somewhat toned down compared to some of the other ones. Still, the green teeth is kind of disgusting.

This seems somewhat toned down compared to some of the other ones. Still, the green teeth is kind of disgusting.

57. Sometimes the skulls can just be among the trimmings.

Like you see on this cake, which wouldn't be for Dia de los Muertos without them. Still, love the flowers.

Like you see on this cake, which wouldn’t be for Dia de los Muertos without them. Still, love the flowers.

58. You never know how elaborate a skull could be on a cake.

I think this one is for a birthday. Yet, I do like the pink flowery touches.

I think this one is for a birthday. Yet, I do like the pink flowery touches.

59. Yellow skulls and black flowers show up well in black.

This might be a wedding cake or for a birthday. I can't tell which. But I guess the ornate decor doesn't come cheap.

This might be a wedding cake or for a birthday. I can’t tell which. But I guess the ornate decor doesn’t come cheap.

60. These Oreo skulls always make tasty treats.

You almost don't want to eat them with their adorable faces. But since they're Oreos, how can you resist?

You almost don’t want to eat them with their adorable faces. But since they’re Oreos, how can you resist?

61. From the faces, these Dia de los Muertos cookies almost seem like works of art.

Some of the faces seem kind of creepy if you ask me. Includes orange flowers and butterflies.

Some of the faces seem kind of creepy if you ask me. Includes orange flowers and butterflies.

62. Sugar skulls can also take a chocolate form.

Yes, these do exist. And you can buy them in Mexico during this time of year as well.

Yes, these do exist. And you can buy them in Mexico during this time of year as well.

63. For healthier options, try a skull salad.

This treat article doesn't seem to have a lot of healthy stuff in it. Then again, sometimes you have to go with what you have.

This treat article doesn’t seem to have a lot of healthy stuff in it. Then again, sometimes you have to go with what you have.

64. Take a bite out of these sugar skull Rice Krispie treats.

Well, each seem to be bite sized and decorated. But they're nevertheless adorable.

Well, each seem to be bite sized and decorated. But they’re nevertheless adorable.

65. These sugar skull cake pops would do quite nicely on any Day of the Dead dessert platter.

These seem a bit more painted than the other ones. They also seem to look less like skulls.

These seem a bit more painted than the other ones. They also seem to look less like skulls.

66. These Frida Kahlo Oreos are an artist’s delight.

Strangely, her art might seem appropriate for the Mexican holiday as well. These are perfect with the Frida Kahlo cake.

Strangely, her art might seem appropriate for the Mexican holiday as well. These are perfect with the Frida Kahlo cake.

67. These skull candy apples come Disney approved.

Yes, these are Mickey and Minnie Mouse skull candy apples. Disney isn't just popular in the states, you know.

Yes, these are Mickey and Minnie Mouse skull candy apples. Disney isn’t just popular in the states, you know.

68. A Day of the Dead fiesta always needs a cake like this.

Has decor and flowers near the top and middle. Yet, the skulls are on the bottom, instead of what's featured.

Has decor and flowers near the top and middle. Yet, the skulls are on the bottom, instead of what’s featured.

69. There’s nothing more flowery than this Day of the Dead skull cake.

Well, the flowers are all over the skull in this one. But I can't help but adore it.

Well, the flowers are all over the skull in this one. But I can’t help but adore it.

70. Of course, no Day of the Dead party can ever be without a Catrina cake.

Well, this is an older rendition of Catrina. But she really knows how to buy a hat.

Well, this is an older rendition of Catrina. But she really knows how to buy a hat.

71. These sugar skull and cross bone cookies shall delight.

I guess these are for the Mexican pirates in your life. Then again, I'm kidding around.

I guess these are for the Mexican pirates in your life. Then again, I’m kidding around.

72. This skull cake comes with a cameo.

Just not the one Stan Lee makes in the Marvel movies. It's a kind of jewelry pendant.

Just not the one Stan Lee makes in the Marvel movies. It’s a kind of jewelry pendant.

73. Sometimes you don’t have to ice the skulls before you decorate them.

Well, as far as these sugar cookies are concerned. Yet, I guess these were made by a professional.

Well, as far as these sugar cookies are concerned. Yet, I guess these were made by a professional.

74. Don’t like sugar skulls? How about flowers?

This one is a Mexican flower cake with pots. And yes, this doesn't come cheap as well as is over the top.

This one is a Mexican flower cake with pots. And yes, this doesn’t come cheap as well as is over the top.

75. This cake has a girl on top of a hat.

Even has a heart flower wreath as well. Professionally made but I like it.

Even has a heart flower wreath as well. Professionally made but I like it.

76. Decorating these cookies requires a delicate touch.

Yes, I'm sure these require considerable time and patience fore each detail. If you mess up, you might be done.

Yes, I’m sure these require considerable time and patience fore each detail. If you mess up, you might be done.

77. Cat lovers would always want a cake like this for their Day of the Dead party.

Yes, this is a cat skeleton cake. Don't ask me how it was made. But I'm sure you can't eat the flowers.

Yes, this is a cat skeleton cake. Don’t ask me how it was made. But I’m sure you can’t eat the flowers.

78. Sometimes the most artistic skulls are done on sheet cake.

This one really brings out the colors. Not sure if a regular decorator can pull this of. But wow.

This one really brings out the colors. Not sure if a regular decorator can pull this of. But wow.

79. For Dia de los Muertos, bet you never saw such a spectacular cake like this.

This is a wedding cake and a very expensive one at that. Contains skulls, flowers, and birds galore.

This is a wedding cake and a very expensive one at that. Contains skulls, flowers, and birds galore.

80. Sometimes a simple cake design might just do the trick.

Sure it doesn't have skulls on it. But it has flowers and hearts just the same. Love it.

Sure it doesn’t have skulls on it. But it has flowers and hearts just the same. Love it.

The Indigenous Peoples of North America: Part 7 – The Southwest


The most distinguishing feature of this region has to be the Pueblo adobe apartment complexes with multiple stories and numerous rooms. These were built with baked bricks of clay and straw and were not held together by mortar. This complex is in Taos, New Mexico.

We now come to one of the more familiar Native American cultural areas in my series with the Southwest. You’ve probably seen stuff from this region since it’s been depicted in westerns and that you’ve might’ve seen an adobe house or a Hopi woman with traditional Padme Amidala buns. Then there are the Apache leader Geronimo who you’ve probably heard of. Like their Great Basin neighbors, the native peoples of the Southwest lived in a land that was dominated by a rocky desert. Yet, unlike the Great Basin, many of these people usually led sedentary lives and even farmed. Not that it was easy, because it wasn’t, especially without irrigation. But we know a lot about these pre-contact Native Americans better than those in other regions because they left an extensive amount of archaeology, particularly the adobe houses and villages which still stand. Not only that, but despite being among the first Native Americans groups to deal with European influence (such as the Spanish in the 1500s), but have shown a remarkable tenacity to retain their land, religion, institutions, languages, and aesthetic traditions while facing vigorous efforts over the centuries to eradicate indigenous culture as well as the people themselves. Today Southwest Indian identity remains relatively strong perhaps to a greater degree than Native Americans in most regions (like California). Today, much of the Native American population in the US is concentrated in this area with one of today’s most populous tribes being the Navajo. Of course, the fact that many Indians in the region were farmers and among the more settled probably worked in their favor as well as the fact that these cultures managed to integrate European innovations within their culture like domestic animals, silversmithing, wool and textiles, wheat and other crops, metal tools, and firearms. That and the fact the Pueblos managed to kick the Spanish out of the region for 12 years starting in 1680, leading them to moderate their demands. By the way, these Indians were also under a mission system during Spanish rule like their California counterparts. But that doesn’t change the fact that initial Spanish contact in the region wiped out 75-80% of the Southwest pre-contact population by the mid-17th century (mostly be European diseases). Or the fact Southwest saw more conflict between Native Americans and the US government than any other Indian region. The famous among them being the Apache Wars which spanned from 1849-1886 and is best remembered for numerous raids in both US and Mexico being led by Geronimo. Another famous Apache was Cochise who led a small warrior band that terrorized anyone who entered their territory as well as fought a bloody war with the US. Oh, and the fact, Native American archaeology and antiquities tend to face a lot of ethical dilemmas in general. So this isn’t a region to trifle with.


The Ancestral Pueblo peoples are known for their cliff dwelling villages like the famous Cliff Palace of Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado. This part of the Mesa Verde was built and inhabited between at about the 12th-13th centuries with as many as 22,000 living there. However, while they’re said to disappear by the late 13th century, it’s more likely that they simply made a mass exodus to Arizona and New Mexico due to environmental instability as well as economic and social unrest (as evidence of violence and cannibalism have been documented). Their descendants still live there today as the Pueblo.

Location: Spans from the American Southwest to northern Mexico covering Arizona, New Mexico, and western Texas as well as Mexican states Chihuahua, California, and Sonora.

First Peoples: Outside Mesoamerica, it’s one of the longest continuous inhabited region on the continent. The first people are said to come to the area between 23,000 B.C.E. and 10,000 B.C.E. and were originally hunter gatherers before gradually making the transition to agriculture at around 4,000 years ago to 500. The region would be dominated by 5 major groups such as the sandstone cliff dwelling Ancestral Pueblo of Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon, the Mongollon of the Colorado Plateau known for using irrigation and some of the best pottery north of Mexico, the Hohokam known for their extensive irrigation canal system as well as large villages and towns, the Hakataya known for their semi-nomadic villages and small scale agriculture, and the Southern Athapaskans (early Apache) who settled abandoned Anasazi and Mongollon villages between 1200 and 1500.

Environment: Mostly hot and arid desert with dry, rocky land and cactus with canyons, bluffs, rock formations, caves, and plateaus. Has some forests, grasslands, and few river valleys at higher elevations. Experiences little rain but mild to cool winters.


Unlike a lot of Native American cultures, the Pueblo primarily survived on an agricultural subsistence. Yet, this wouldn’t be possible in a desert environment without some kind of water management, particularly irrigation. Nevertheless, unlike how corn is grown today, the Southwest Native Americans grew theirs in clumps instead of the standard rows.

Subsistence: Primarily agricultural subsistence with techniques including canal irrigation, trincheras, lithic much, and floodplain cultivation. Though some tribes like the Apache hunter-gatherers while the Navajo was somewhere in between. Crops planted consisted of corn, squash, beans, pumpkins, fruit, melons, and sunflower seeds. People living near rivers also fished. Gathered cacti, mescal, screwbeans, mesquite, and grasses. Hunted deer, mountain sheep, buffalo, wild turkey, pronghorn, and small mammals. Those with limited food access usually raided, traded, or received agricultural products as gifts


While the Pueblo lived in massive adobe complexes, the Navajo lived in clay houses called hogans that could be round, conical, multi-sided, or square. They could also have internal posts as well as be covered in stone or wood such as this one.

Housing: Depended on availability of natural resources in a location, the tribe, and whether the dwelling was temporary or permanent. Farming tribes lived in houses with numerous rooms and stories made from adobe brick (made from clay and straw) and stone that could be built next to each other in villages often at strategic defense positions. These also had flat roofs. Used bone and wood ladders to reach higher buildings or rooms. Also constructed canals, aqueducts, reservoirs, dikes, and dams. They also had ceremonial pits that were called kivas as well as water wells. The Navajo built clay roundhouses sometimes outfitted by logs called hogans as well as underground homes, summer shelters, sweat houses. Brush shelters, teepees, and wickiups were commonly used among the Apache.


There’s probably nothing that distinguishes the Hopi more from the other Southwest Pueblo than the trademark “squash blossom” buns worn by their unmarried women indicating their eligibility for courtship. Since the Hopi live in a matrilineal clan system, this practice is understandable. Still, Padme Amidala wore this hairstyle in at least one of the Star Wars prequels.

Clothing: Due to the climate, the Pueblo usually didn’t wear much. Though some tribes often made woven cotton clothes for colder weather. Men wore breechcloths, leggings, and ponchos while women wore blanket dresses and robes in these communities. Clothing can be decorated with flowers or feathers. Adorned themselves with turquoise jewelry believed to promote prosperity, health, and happiness. Often wore their hair long. All wore moccasins, however. Apaches usually wore clothing made from animal skins (particularly bison) or whatever else they could get their hands on.


Even before contact with the Europeans, the Apaches had already established themselves in the Southwest region as traders and raiders. After European contact, they gained a reputation as one of the most hostile groups in the region. Seen here is the legendary leader Geronimo with his half-brother, brother-in-law, and son.

Transportation: The Apaches used dogs to carry their stuff on travois (according to Francisco Coronado in 1541). Recent estimates state that these dogs may have pulled loads up to 50 pounds on long trips at rates as high as 2 or 3 miles per hour.

Society: Primarily sedentary save for tribes like the nomadic Apache and Navajo. Yet, even among the farming Pueblo tribes, there was a certain degree of mobility since growing food often required using many different environmental niches. Was a place of large scale trade between Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache groups. Devised complex systems of exchange to ensure, without risk to their independence and basic egalitarianism that each community received. Though localized raiding and plundering was a common occurrence (by the Apache raiding Pueblo villages), there were few organized wars. Of course, Apache raiding was done by small parties with specific economic targets while wars with large parties were usually to achieve retribution (but both could be quite violent on their victims). Pueblo villages had specialized offices for unique responsibilities required by their lifestyle and environment. One tribe had a chief, a war priest, and hunting chief. Some even had specialized shamans. Pueblo communities also held lands in common with village decisions requiring unanimous consent of all adult men (though women held an influential voice, too). They also had planned villages composed of large terraced buildings with many rooms. The largest of these is said to contain 700 rooms in 5 stories and may have housed as many as 1000 people. Apaches and Navajos resided in extended family units usually consisting of parents, unmarried children, their married daughters, and their families as well as relied on kinship networks. Local Apache groups and bands were headed by a male chief who was chosen due to his effectiveness and influence. He was only as strong as he was evaluated to be, no one was obligated to follow him, and his office wasn’t hereditary.


While Pueblo marriage and lineage patterns differed among various tribes, this was not the same with the Apache. Apache women lived within the same clan their entire lives as well as inherited the family property.

Family Structure: Pueblo tribes had differing marriage practices as well as lines of descent. Apaches and Navajo practiced matrilineal descent and matrilocal, exogamous marriages. Apache men practiced varying degrees of avoidance of his wife’s close relatives while women generally inherited and owned property. Men generally hunted, fished, fought, and farmed while women took care children, kept house, made clothes, and cooked. A Hopi baby would be named until 20 days after it was born when being held from a cliff by the women at their father’s clan at dawn (like in the Lion King). Though they’d also bear gifts. A Hopi child could be given over 40 names though it’s up to the parents to decide which one to use. They can also change their names if they decide to become members of the Kachina society or after a major life event.


Another major aspect of Pueblo Native American culture are the Kachina dancers during their religious ceremonies, particularly among the Hopi and the Zuni. These dancers are masked men meant to represent spiritual beings. The Hopi also have Kachina clowns, too.

Practices: Basketry, Kachina dolls, animism, shamanism, prayer sticks, ceramics, dancing, music, sandpaintings, katsina dances, masks, textile weaving, tobacco, murals, beadwork, storytelling, pictographs, lunar calendars, and intricate blankets.

Tools and Weapons: Bows and arrows, spears, knives, grinding stone and receptacle, spindles and looms, hoes and rakes, pump drills, axes, clubs, dibble sticks, and adzes.

Notable Tribes: Pueblo, Apache, Navajo, Pima, Mojave, Tewa, Tiwa, Towa, Zuni, Quechan, Manso, La Junta, Coahuiltecan, Comecrudo, Cocopa, Karankawa, Maricopa, Mamulique, Hopi, Yavapapi, Solano, Toboso, Quems, Tamique, Tompiro, Walalpai, Yaqui, Papagos, Solano, O’odham, Mayo, Opata, Seri, Taos, and Keres.

Fiesta Worthy Cinco de Mayo Craft Projects


While it’s contrary to popular belief in America, Cinco de Mayo isn’t Mexico’s independence day. That, mi amigo, is on Diez y Seis de Septembre. Rather it’s a holiday that’s observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory against the French in on the 5th of May in 1862 called the Battle of Puebla. Note that at the time Mexico was taken over by France 6 months before that and it had previously been an independent nation since the early 1800s. This should be obvious to us Americans since Texas fought a war with them to gain independence from Mexico and that US fought a war with Mexico during the 1840s so it could take over some of its lands. So what the Mexicans were fighting for in 1862 was to regain their independence, this time from the French. Did the Battle of Puebla accomplish that? Well, in the short run. It wasn’t a strategic victory, just a symbolic one for the Mexican government which bolstered a resistance movement as well as establish a much needed national unity and patriotism. A year later, France would send 30,000 troops to defeat the Mexican Army, capture Mexico City, installed Maximilian I as “Emperor,” and occupied the country for 3 years from 1864-1867. Sure the Battle of Puebla was a significant battle since it was an unlikely victory by the Mexican Army who were against an enemy that was better equipped and outnumbered them 11,000 to 4,000. And the fact that no country in the Americas has been invaded by a European military force ever since.Yes, that’s quite impressive. But I don’t understand why Mexico would want to honor the Battle of Puebla with a holiday like Cinco de Mayo. It just makes no sense to me because you can say the same about some of the battles during the American Revolution and Americans don’t make holidays over the Battles of Trenton or Princeton. Besides, it’s said that the first Cinco de Mayo celebration wasn’t in Mexico at all, but by Mexican American miners in California in 1863. And it’s actually more of a significant holiday for Mexican Americans. In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo isn’t exactly a national holiday and its observance there is like how Americans observe Columbus Day. Sure public schools tend to be closed on May 5, nationwide in Mexico, but other than that, not much else except in Puebla and Veracruz. Nevertheless, since Cinco de Mayo is a significant holiday for Mexican Americans, then I probably should do a post on it. After all, Mexicans are the largest Latino group in the US, which makes Cinco de Mayo a major holiday in California and Texas. So for your reading pleasure, I give you a treasure trove of Cinco de Mayo craft projects.

  1. A decomesh fiesta wreath always shows where the party is.
I have to admit, this is a lovely fiesta wreath. Like the pinata in the center.

I have to admit, this is a lovely fiesta wreath. Like the pinata in the center.

2. This flower pot is well suited for cacti.

Well, the cacti and this flower pot give it a real Mexican feel. Love how it's painted.

Well, the cacti and this flower pot give it a real Mexican feel. Love how it’s painted.

3. Empty Corona bottles always make great Cinco de Mayo vases.

Well, the water in the bottles has food coloring in it to get the transparent color look. But the flowers are lovely.

Well, the water in the bottles has food coloring in it to get the transparent color look. But the flowers are lovely.

4. Sometimes a sombrero is too pretty to wear on a Cinco de Mayo fiesta.

This one is covered in flowers and is used as an outdoor decoration. Love the ribbons, too. So pretty.

This one is covered in flowers and is used as an outdoor decoration. Love the ribbons, too. So pretty.

5. You can make a fiesta floral wreath with some ribbons, bows, and tissue paper.

The tissue paper involved with this wreath is used for flowers. But it looks quite festive just the same.

The tissue paper involved with this wreath is used for flowers. But it looks quite festive just the same.

6. Those who wish to take pride in their Chicano heritage, you may use this decorative flower pot.

This is a painted flower pot in Mexican flag colors. Like the tissue paper flower on the top.

This is a painted flower pot in Mexican flag colors. Like the tissue paper flower on the top.

7. These decorative gourds will be a fine addition to any Cinco de Mayo party.

Okay, maybe it's not decorative gourd season. But these gourds certainly have Mexican inspired art on them. So it counts.

Okay, maybe it’s not decorative gourd season. But these gourds certainly have Mexican inspired art on them. So it counts.

8. For Cinco de Mayo, you can’t go wrong with a feathered sombrero wreath.

Well, these sombreros seem to be made from styrofoam. And those pinatas seem quite small. But I like it.

Well, these sombreros seem to be made from styrofoam. And those pinatas seem quite small. But I like it.

9. Make your Cinco de Mayo hot with this spicy chili pepper wreath.

According to Pinterest, this is said to come from Martha Stewart's website. Still, I hope those chili peppers are plastic because real chili peppers should only be used for cooking.

According to Pinterest, this is said to come from Martha Stewart’s website. Still, I hope those chili peppers are plastic because real chili peppers should only be used for cooking.

10. Don’t live where’s there’s cacti? How about use rocks instead?

I have to admit, painting rock cacti is pretty creative. I recommend this for Chicanos who might celebrate Cinco de Mayo in my neck of the woods.

I have to admit, painting rock cacti is pretty creative. I recommend this for Chicanos who might celebrate Cinco de Mayo in my neck of the woods.

11. For Cinco de Mayo, sometimes a multicolored ribbon wreath is all you need on your front door.

Well, that certainly looks festive. Love the bright colors and ribbons on this one.

Well, that certainly looks festive. Love the bright colors and ribbons on this one.

12. Who can ever celebrate Cinco de Mayo without these amigurumi?

Sure they may denote Mexican food stereotypes like chili peppers, tacos, margaritas, and that square bread thing. But these are adorable.

Sure they may denote Mexican food stereotypes like chili peppers, tacos, margaritas, and that square bread thing. But these are adorable.

13. In preparing for your Cinco de Mayo party, it sometimes helps if you use a ceiling hanging or two.

Not sure if it's a craft project or not. But if it is, it's probably made by someone with too much time on their hands. Still, it's quite lovely.

Not sure if it’s a craft project or not. But if it is, it’s probably made by someone with too much time on their hands. Still, it’s quite lovely.

14. Nothing makes your food look more festive on Cinco de Mayo than this Mexican dish.

You were probably thinking I was going to show food. But this is a Mexican inspired dish which has a lovely design on it.

You were probably thinking I was going to show food. But this is a Mexican inspired dish which has a lovely design on it.

15. A wreath like this on Cinco de Mayo always denotes a fiesta going on.

Because it says "fiesta" on the wreath. And it's decorated in bright colors, flowers, and ribbons.

Because it says “fiesta” on the wreath. And it’s decorated in bright colors, flowers, and ribbons.

16. You heard of tacos and pinatas? Well, here’s a taco pinata.

I'm sure you don't want to eat that. But I have to admit, it's pretty funny and charming.

I’m sure you don’t want to eat that. But I have to admit, it’s pretty funny and charming.

17. These fiesta birds would surely make a festive presence.

I think this might be a kid craft project of some sort. But I don't think these were made by kids though. The detail looks too intricate.

I think this might be a kid craft project of some sort. But I don’t think these were made by kids though. The detail looks too intricate.

18. For your Cinco de Mayo fiesta, these pinata candle holders would make fine centerpieces on any table.

Well, each one is decorated with flowers and pinatas. Quite festive and very creative if I say so myself.

Well, each one is decorated with flowers and pinatas. Quite festive and very creative if I say so myself.

19. Nothing shows you where the margaritas are than a wreath of small umbrellas.

Okay, I know some people use Cinco de Mayo as a way of wasting away again in Margaritaville. Still, this could also be used for luau parties.

Okay, I know some people use Cinco de Mayo as a way of wasting away again in Margaritaville. Still, this could also be used for luau parties.

20. For Cinco de Mayo a festive flower pot is great for orange flowers.

I like how this flower pot is painted. And it seems that the front has a Spanish word on it for mermaid.

I like how this flower pot is painted. And it seems that the front has a Spanish word on it for mermaid.

21. Nothing makes a better clock on Cinco de Mayo than one like this.

This one also has Spanish words on it. But I could tell it's Mexican inspired because it has a sugar skull at the 9.

This one also has Spanish words on it. But I could tell it’s Mexican inspired because it has a sugar skull at the 9.

22. On Cinco de Mayo, this chili pepper margarita glass is hot stuff.

However, if you drink too many margaritas on Cinco de Mayo, you might soon be searching for your lost shaker of salt. Well, that's what Jimmy Buffett says.

However, if you drink too many margaritas on Cinco de Mayo, you might soon be searching for your lost shaker of salt. Well, that’s what Jimmy Buffett says.

23. Bell peppers make great Cinco de Mayo candle holders.

And they come in 4 colors: orange, green, yellow, and red. Unfortunately, Dios didn't get around to creating a blue or purple one.

And they come in 4 colors: orange, green, yellow, and red. Unfortunately, Dios didn’t get around to creating a blue or purple one.

24. On Cinco de Mayo, kick back in these Mexican styled ottomans.

Yes, I know I'm putting these on for Cinco de Mayo. But I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy these to use for a once a year decoration. Furniture must be used year round.

Yes, I know I’m putting these on for Cinco de Mayo. But I wouldn’t recommend anyone to buy these to use for a once a year decoration. Furniture must be used year round.

25. Well, that’s a lovely fiesta floral centerpiece.

Well, I found this under Cinco de Mayo crafts on Pinterest. So it better be used for the holiday. Still, it's beautiful.

Well, I found this under Cinco de Mayo crafts on Pinterest. So it better be used for the holiday. Still, it’s beautiful.

26. Can’t get cacti? How about make some cacti sculptures?

Well, I think these might be made of clay. But you have to appreciate the work put into them. Like the small saguaro.

Well, I think these might be made of clay. But you have to appreciate the work put into them. Like the small saguaro.

27. Nothing makes a better fiesta table than a mosaic one like this.

Once again, furniture should be used year round. I'm just putting this one up because it looks Mexican inspired. And it's very pretty.

Once again, furniture should be used year round. I’m just putting this one up because it looks Mexican inspired. And it’s very pretty.

28. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a wreath like this on your front door.

This one is of the Mexican flag. I kind of wish it'd include an eagle with a snake in its mouth. But you can't have everything.

This one is of the Mexican flag. I kind of wish it’d include an eagle with a snake in its mouth. But you can’t have everything.

29. On Cinco de Mayo, you can’t go wrong with a cornhusk doll.

To be fair, cornhusk dolls were also prominent in the US. However, this one is dressed as a Mexican dancer.

To be fair, cornhusk dolls were also prominent in the US. However, this one is dressed as a Mexican dancer.

30. Pinatas can come in any size.

Sure you might not get much candy out of it if you break it. But it's adorable.

Sure you might not get much candy out of it if you break it. But it’s adorable.

31. How would you like a decomesh flower wreath like this at your gate?

This has to be a big wreath since gate entrances are usually wider. Nevertheless, it's lovely to behold.

This has to be a big wreath since gate entrances are usually wider. Nevertheless, it’s lovely to behold.

32. A glittery cactus will always stand out at any fiesta.

I'm sure these are fake cacti in the pot. But they sure do sparkle.

I’m sure these are fake cacti in the pot. But they sure do sparkle.

33. Celebrate your Cinco de Mayo with a lovely decomesh wreath like this at your front door.

Yes, it's another Cinco de Mayo wreath. I have quite a few of them on this post. But this one has thicker ribbons and a sombrero on top.

Yes, it’s another Cinco de Mayo wreath. I have quite a few of them on this post. But this one has thicker ribbons and a sombrero on top.

34. Got empty glass bottles? Have them say, “Ole!”

I have to admit this is funny. Like how bottles are dressed like banditos with their own mustaches and sombreros.

I have to admit this is funny. Like how bottles are dressed like banditos with their own mustaches and sombreros.

35. On Cinco de Mayo, sometimes 3 wreaths are better than one.

This is especially when they're strung together and look the same. Can't help but love this though.

This is especially when they’re strung together and look the same. Can’t help but love this though.

36. Now that you’ve hunted down a pinata, perhaps use its skin for interior decorating.

This is a pinata skin rug which I don't think is possible to do. Still, I think its hilarious.

This is a pinata skin rug which I don’t think is possible to do. Still, I think its hilarious.

37. Painted cacti always has to match with painted pots.

Yes, I know these are rocks painted as cacti. But at least these are in appropriate Mexican inspired painted flower pots.

Yes, I know these are rocks painted as cacti. But at least these are in appropriate Mexican inspired painted flower pots.

38. “Aaaah! There’s an invisible mariachi in my room!”

Didn't know the Invisible Man celebrated Cinco de Mayo considering that he's supposed to be British. Still, this is funny.

Didn’t know the Invisible Man celebrated Cinco de Mayo considering that he’s supposed to be British. Still, this is funny.

39. Never seen a chair as colorful as this.

Well, it may not be for Cinco de Mayo. But it's sure Mexican inspired. So it goes on.

Well, it may not be for Cinco de Mayo. But it’s sure Mexican inspired. So it goes on.

40. Grace your couch this Cinco de Mayo with this serape throw.

Yes, I know a serape is a blanket. But I don't know if this counts as one. Still, it does have a serape color scheme.

Yes, I know a serape is a blanket. But I don’t know if this counts as one. Still, it does have a serape color scheme.

41. Your Cinco de Mayo veggies should be served on this chili pepper dip tray.

Then again, it looks quite small. But its pepper motifs make this Tex-Mex appropriate for the occasion.

Then again, it looks quite small. But its pepper motifs make this Tex-Mex appropriate for the occasion.

42. Nothing makes a splash this Cinco de Mayo than this flower pot fountain.

Then again, it doesn't seem much like an active fountain. But it's sure intricately painted. Love it.

Then again, it doesn’t seem much like an active fountain. But it’s sure intricately painted. Love it.

43. Grace your home this Cinco de Mayo with these festive flower trees.

Well, these are small and are mostly decorated in tissue paper. But they sure look festive.

Well, these are small and are mostly decorated in tissue paper. But they sure look festive.

44. On Cinco de Mayo, this sacred heart mirror looks great in any room.

Well, this is supposed to be a Mexican rendition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Looks cool though, especially with the silver flames.

Well, this is supposed to be a Mexican rendition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Looks cool though, especially with the silver flames.

45. Don’t have a wreath? Use a sombrero.

Now that's a fancy sombrero. Wouldn't want to put it on my front door this time of year due to the weather.

Now that’s a fancy sombrero. Wouldn’t want to put it on my front door this time of year due to the weather.

46. My. this wreath sure looks festive.

Yes, this is a very festive wreath indeed. Not because it's in bright colors with "Fiesta" on it.

Yes, this is a very festive wreath indeed. Not because it’s in bright colors with “Fiesta” on it.

47. Nothing brings in the spirit of Cinco de Mayo like this purse.

Or is it a pillow or pillow cover. Either way, Etsy says it has a colorful Mexican design on it.

Or is it a pillow or pillow cover. Either way, Etsy says it has a colorful Mexican design on it.

48. Didn’t know there was such a thing as a gilded pinata.

Well, this is a pinata with some gold spray paint on it. Though nice, I kind of prefer the colorful ones better.

Well, this is a pinata with some gold spray paint on it. Though nice, I kind of prefer the colorful ones better.

49. Step right out this Cinco de Mayo in these shoes.

Sure they're more suited for Dios de los Muertos. But they're Mexican inspired so I'll put them in this post.

Sure they’re more suited for Dia de los Muertos. But they’re Mexican inspired so I’ll put them in this post.

50. A decomesh wreath like this ensures that there’s a fiesta around the corner.

Well, this sure puts you in the fiesta spirit. Like the flowers and pinata on this.

Well, this sure puts you in the fiesta spirit. Like the flowers and pinata on this.

51. Cacti always look quite festive in sugar skull pots.

Yes, I know sugar skulls are more or less associated with Day of the Dead. Still, they're a Mexican motif and are intricately done. So they go on.

Yes, I know sugar skulls are more or less associated with Day of the Dead. Still, they’re a Mexican motif and are intricately done. So they go on.

52. These papermache sugar skulls make quite colorful Cinco de Mayo decorations.

I'm sure these weren't made by kids. Because they seem so intricately done you'd think they were created from some repressed art major.

I’m sure these weren’t made by kids. Because they seem so intricately done you’d think they were created from some repressed art major.

53. For Cinco de Mayo, this skull bottle will go well on any mantle.

I'm sure you won't be drinking anything out of this one. Because this is just for decoration. But it's lovely.

I’m sure you won’t be drinking anything out of this one. Because this is just for decoration. But it’s lovely.

54. If you have some Mexican cans, perhaps plant cacti in them.

Not sure where I could get those. But I think the cacti should feel right at home.

Not sure where I could get those. But I think the cacti should feel right at home.

55. These sugar skulls are as soft as they’re colorful.

Because they're made of felt and cotton. Nevertheless, they're sure pretty.

Because they’re made of felt and cotton. Nevertheless, they’re sure pretty.

56. You can’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo without this statue of Our Lady of Guadelupe.

Well, Our Lady of Guadelupe is a significant Mexican cultural icon. Also, at least her day of observance makes more sense than Cinco de Mayo.

Well, Our Lady of Guadelupe is a significant Mexican cultural icon. Also, at least her day of observance makes more sense than Cinco de Mayo.

57. This Mexican cross must’ve been done with holy hands.

This one is in a Mexican mosaic style. Think this might've been an Etsy listing.

This one is in a Mexican mosaic style. Think this might’ve been an Etsy listing.

58. For hanging decorations, you have to go with tissue paper flowers.

I've seen these on Pinterest and Etsy. While, indeed festive, I'm not sure where I'd put one if I had one.

I’ve seen these on Pinterest and Etsy. While, indeed festive, I’m not sure where I’d put one if I had one.

59. Ever heard of a cucumber cactus?

I've seen a lot of these, too. A lot of them are just cucumbers in pots with toothpicks in them. At least these have flowers.

I’ve seen a lot of these, too. A lot of them are just cucumbers in pots with toothpicks in them. At least these have flowers.

60. Nothing makes a better Cinco de Mayo fiesta than having a sombrero wreath at your door.

Well, this one brings out a festive mood. Like how it's decorated with ribbons, a serape, and a guitar.

Well, this one brings out a festive mood. Like how it’s decorated with ribbons, a serape, and a guitar.

61. You can’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo without a pair of maracas.

These are covered with colored duct tape. Not sure how they sound.

These are covered with colored duct tape. Not sure how they sound.

62. On Cinco de Mayo, even the margarita glasses have to have their own sombreros.

I don't know about this one. On one hand, that might be going to far. But on the other hand, looks quite charming.

I don’t know about this one. On one hand, that might be going to far. But on the other hand, looks quite charming.

63. This sombrero makes a big impression on Cinco de Mayo.

This one has a pinata, a sun, and a sunflower as well as a few other things. In any case, makes a lovely door decoration.

This one has a pinata, a sun, and a sunflower as well as a few other things. In any case, makes a lovely door decoration.

64. These sugar skulls have dazzling eyes.

They're also made from felt and are soft as can be. Love the crazy eyes though.

They’re also made from felt and are soft as can be. Love the crazy eyes though.

65. This fiesta wreath is known to say, “Ole!”

It also has a pinata near the top. Like the flowers on this one, especially the pink one.

It also has a pinata near the top. Like the flowers on this one, especially the pink one.

66. This wreath shows where the tacos are.

Because it's a taco shell wreath. Still, taco shells are food so this decoration will only last temporarily.

Because it’s a taco shell wreath. Still, taco shells are food so this decoration will only last temporarily.

67. Inside this box, you’ll find the Sacred Heart.

Well, it's Mexican inspired and listed on Etsy. So it goes on this post. Still, you have to admire the craftsmanship.

Well, it’s Mexican inspired and listed on Etsy. So it goes on this post. Still, you have to admire the craftsmanship.

68. Now this is a Sacred Heart box anyone could love.

You'll find a Sacred Heart in a lot of Mexican art as far as I see. But this one is quite ornate.

You’ll find a Sacred Heart in a lot of Mexican art as far as I see. But this one is quite ornate.

69. Nothing makes a Cinco de Mayo wreath than a serape.

This one seems more simpler than the other wreaths. Maybe because it uses a serape, a guitar, and some floral decor.

This one seems more simpler than the other wreaths. Maybe because it uses a serape, a guitar, and some floral decor.

70. Remember the bigger the pinata, the bigger the impression.

I'm sure some people will be tempted to destroy this given there's a pinata in the center. But I'm positive the pinata has no candy inside.

I’m sure some people will be tempted to destroy this given there’s a pinata in the center. But I’m positive the pinata has no candy inside.

Get in the Fiesta Spirit with These Treats of Cinco de Mayo


Now as a Caucasian American in Pennsylvania, I don’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo (though I did take Spanish in high school and college). But since most Hispanic Americans are Mexican and we have a lot of Hispanics in this country, I can’t really avoid doing a treat post on it. Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not the Mexican equivalent to the 4th of July. Rather it’s more like Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated by Mexican Americans as a day of pride for their ethnic heritage. But instead of pertaining to religious connotations, Cinco de Mayo commemorates the anniversary of a famous Mexican battle in which their forces defeated the French on May 5, 1862. Of course, it didn’t stop the French from taking over Mexico and installing an Austrian prince as a puppet ruler under the title, “Emperor of Mexico.” But the Mexicans later fight back to regain their independence, have the Mexican puppet emperor killed, which would later drive his wife crazy (and being a sister of Belgium’s King Leopold II certainly didn’t help). Nevertheless, many people in the American Southwest who aren’t Mexican tend to celebrate this holiday as an excuse to party and to go wasting away again in Margaritaville. Still, it tends to be celebrated in places like Canada, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, France, and Japan. Again, don’t ask me why. So for your Cinco de Mayo party, here are some ideas for treats for your reading pleasure.

1. No Cinco de Mayo fiesta is complete without pinata cookies with M&Ms in store.

Of course, how they keep the M&Ms in there without melting, I don't know. Then again, some must have. Still, you have to break them open.

Of course, how they keep the M&Ms in there without melting, I don’t know. Then again, some must have. Still, you have to break them open.

2. Nothing celebrates one’s Mexican heritage more than a Rice Krispie treat of the Mexican flag.

Of course, I can't do a post on treats for occasions without having a few made from Rice Krispies. They're just pretty unavoidable.

Of course, I can’t do a post on treats for occasions without having a few made from Rice Krispies. They’re just pretty unavoidable.

3. Top off your Cinco de Mayo festivities with the ultimate smash pinata cake.

Of course, you wouldn't be able to get away with these kinds of cakes during the Cinco de Mayo festivities at the penitentiary. Especially if the authorities will suspect that something's in them.

Of course, you wouldn’t be able to get away with these kinds of cakes during the Cinco de Mayo festivities at the penitentiary. Especially if the authorities will suspect that something’s in them.

4. Since you’ll probably have tacos during the Cinco de Mayo fiesta, may I suggest these would make a perfect dessert.

Now these are taco cookies, which most likely contain peanut butter, icing, and sprinkles. Well, as far as I can see. Still, at one angle, it's easy to mistake them for the real thing.

Now these are taco cookies, which most likely contain peanut butter, icing, and sprinkles. Well, as far as I can see. Still, at one angle, it’s easy to mistake them for the real thing.

5. You couldn’t ask for a better Cinco de Mayo treat than pretzel candies of Saguaro Cacti.

Unlike real cacti, these candies won't make you bleed when you touch them. But they won't help you survive if you're stuck in the desert.

Unlike real cacti, these candies won’t make you bleed when you touch them. But they won’t help you survive if you’re stuck in the desert.

6. Nothing shows off Mexican pride more than a sandwich of the Mexican flag.

Well, it had stuff sticking out of it so I guess it's a sandwich. Also, it's on a plate. Nevertheless, it's covered with guacamole, cream cheese, refried beans, and salsa.

Well, it had stuff sticking out of it so I guess it’s a sandwich. Also, it’s on a plate. Nevertheless, it’s covered with guacamole, cream cheese, refried beans, and salsa.

7. Por los ninos, you can’t go wrong with these Mexican sombrero guys cake pops.

Of course, don't use them to imitate the banditos from Treasure of the Sierra Madre, especially in front of your Mexican friends. Then again, when it gets to that point, you'd probably been drinking too many Margaritas anyway.

Of course, don’t use them to imitate the banditos from Treasure of the Sierra Madre, especially in front of your Mexican friends. Then again, when it gets to that point, you’d probably been drinking too many Margaritas anyway.

8. To go with the Mexican flag Rice Krispie treats, a Rice Krispie sombrero will do.

As if you can't come up with more ideas for Rice Krispies, there comes a sombrero made of these. It's like Rice Krispies are the cooking medium for the repressed art majors.

As if you can’t come up with more ideas for Rice Krispies, there comes a sombrero made of these. It’s like Rice Krispies are the cooking medium for the repressed art majors.

9. Nothing makes a Cinco de Mayo fiesta than topping it off with a sombrero cake.

Now this is an intricate cake probably made at a bakery. But it'll do nicely. Still, I wonder if they use the same shape for a Pilgrim hat around Thanksgiving.

Now this is an intricate cake probably made at a bakery. But it’ll do nicely. Still, I wonder if they use the same shape for a Pilgrim hat around Thanksgiving.

10. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with these Frida Kahlo cake pops.

Yes, she had a mustache. But compared to her husband Diego Rivera, she looked like a supermodel. And she was his 3rd wife. But the story of this couple is another matter altogether.

Yes, she had a mustache. But compared to her husband Diego Rivera, she looked like a supermodel. And she was his 3rd wife. But the story of this couple is another matter altogether.

11. Nothing celebrates Mexican heritage than a cake containing everything we associate Mexico with.

Then again, everything on this cake you can associate with the American Southwest. Except that you take the sombrero and serape and replace it with cowboy stuff.

Then again, everything on this cake you can associate with the American Southwest. Except that you take the sombrero and serape and replace it with cowboy stuff. Then again, you don’t see a Margarita glass.

12. To go with your Cinco de Mayo cakes, here are some Cinco de Mayo cookies.

Now these cookies are of May 5th, pinatas, Mesoamerican temple art, cacti, maracas, chili peppers, limes, Our Lady of Guadelupe, and Corona. And I identified all that without consulting Wikipedia.

Now these cookies are of May 5th, pinatas, Mesoamerican temple art, cacti, maracas, chili peppers, limes, Our Lady of Guadelupe, and Corona. And I identified all that without consulting Wikipedia.

13. For your sombrero cake, these sombrero cupcakes will go well perfectly.

Either these are sombreros or they are the kind of Mexicanized version of the hat you'd see the one guy wear in Curious George. But at least they're chocolate as far as I'm concerned.

Either these are sombreros or they are the kind of Mexicanized version of the hat you’d see the one guy wear in Curious George. But at least they’re chocolate as far as I’m concerned.

14. Bring some spice into your life this Cinco de Mayo with these nacho bowl cupcakes.

Now they almost resemble the real thing until you get a closer look. The nachos are cookies while the cheese is icing, the salsa is jelly, and jalapenos are candy.

Now they almost resemble the real thing until you get a closer look. The nachos are cookies while the cheese is icing, the salsa is jelly, and jalapenos are candy.

15. I’m sure the little ninos in your life will love these Cinco de Mayo kitties in sombreros.

Yes, they may be made from cookies, candy, and marshmallows. But even I have to admit that they're so adorable.

Yes, they may be made from cookies, candy, and marshmallows. But even I have to admit that they’re so adorable.

16. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a Mexican flag dip tray, as far as I know.

Well, this consists of guacamole, sour cream, and tomato. Probably should've went with salsa but hey, I didn't come up with the recipe.

Well, this consists of guacamole, sour cream, and tomato. Probably should’ve went with salsa but hey, I didn’t come up with the recipe.

17. To give your Cinco de Mayo fiesta an extra spike, go with this cactus cake.

Unlike real cacti, this won't actually hurt anyone nor will it keep you from dying of dehydration. But it does have a pretty flower.

Unlike real cacti, this won’t actually hurt anyone nor will it keep you from dying of dehydration. But it does have a pretty flower.

18. To dance the night away, you can’t go wrong with these edible maracas.

Unfortunately, they're filled with Nerd candies which don't taste very good. May I suggest M&Ms instead?

Unfortunately, they’re filled with Nerd candies which don’t taste very good. May I suggest M&Ms instead?

19. For your hungry ninos, these sombrero candies make great party favors.

Now this is topped with gum drops. But I'm not sure about what kind of sheet you'd need for the brim part though. Still, pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Now this is topped with gum drops. But I’m not sure about what kind of sheet you’d need for the brim part though. Still, pretty cute if I do say so myself.

20. So if you’re having tacos for dinner on Cinco de Mayo, why not have them for dessert, too?

Now these consists of a chocolate covered waffle cone taco shell with ice cream, chocolate syrup, and M&Ms. All in all, this is a a taco sundae all smothered in chocolate. Yum!

Now these consists of a chocolate covered waffle cone taco shell with ice cream, chocolate syrup, and M&Ms. All in all, this is a a taco sundae all smothered in chocolate. Yum!

21. I’m sure your little ninos will have fun with these chili pepper treats on a stick.

Now these are adorable, especially the one with the little sombrero. Still, I'm sure they aren't made of peppers though. But I like them anyway.

Now these are adorable, especially the one with the little sombrero. Still, I’m sure they aren’t made of peppers though. But I like them anyway.

22. Don’t like Margaritas, then fill Margarita glasses with candy and cupcakes.

Now that I think about it, I kind of like these Margaritas better than the real thing. Of course, I'd fill them with peanut M&Ms though.

Now that I think about it, I kind of like these Margaritas better than the real thing. Of course, I’d fill them with peanut M&Ms though.

23. Seems like your little muchachos will love these Mexican man cookie sandwiches on sticks.

Of course, remind them that they can't use these to act out derogatory Mexican stereotypes as one may see from Treasure of the Sierra Madre. That, or the Frito Bandito.

Of course, remind them that they can’t use these to act out derogatory Mexican stereotypes as one may see from Treasure of the Sierra Madre. That, or the Frito Bandito.

24. For your nino’s Cinco de Mayo dinner, you might want to go with this tortilla sandwich.

Now this has tortilla with fried rice, carrots, beans and sour cream. Nevertheless, it's a better looking specimen than anything I would do in art class.

Now this has tortilla with fried rice, carrots, beans and sour cream. Nevertheless, it’s a better looking specimen than anything I would do in art class.

25. For a real fiesta, these sombrero cookies will work wonders for Cinco de Mayo.

Yes, these are cookies. And yes, the mound is covered in layers of multicolored icing. Still, they're a sight to behold. Bet they taste delicious.

Yes, these are cookies. And yes, the mound is covered in layers of multicolored icing. Still, they’re a sight to behold. Bet they taste delicious.

26. Go for a cold one this Cinco de Mayo with these Mexican flag popsicles.

Of course, if you have some left over, you can always save them for celebrating one's Italian heritage by passing off as Italian flag popsicles. Works much easier that way.

Of course, if you have some left over, you can always save them for celebrating one’s Italian heritage by passing off as Italian flag popsicles. Works much easier that way.

27. These cacti cupcakes will have your fiesta guests prickly for more.

Sure they may seem spikey but they won't hurt you except when it comes to possibly putting you at risk for diabetes. Nevertheless, at least they're chocolate.

Sure they may seem spikey but they won’t hurt you except when it comes to possibly putting you at risk for diabetes. Nevertheless, at least they’re chocolate.

28. Make your Cinco de Mayo fiesta complete with this Mexican flag veggie tray.

Now these consist of pea pods, red peppers, cheese sticks, and cherry tomatoes. So it's not quite like a veggie tray but close.

Now these consist of pea pods, red peppers, cheese sticks, and cherry tomatoes. So it’s not quite like a veggie tray but close.

29. Bring the fiesta spirit to your Cinco de Mayo party with these Margarita cake pops.

Let's hope they have a chocolate filling and aren't too salty. Then again, I could be wrong here.

Let’s hope they have a chocolate filling and aren’t too salty. Then again, I could be wrong here. But I wonder if they’re for people under 21.

30. I’m sure these Mexican flag jalapeno peppers will make your Cinco de Mayo fiesta a certified hit.

Well, they may be covered in icing and sugar. But at least they have some nutritional value compared to other treats on this post.

Well, they may be covered in icing and sugar. But at least they have some nutritional value compared to other treats on this post.

31. Nothing makes your Cinco de Mayo fiesta memorable than these cupcakes of all things Mexico.

These consist of sombreros, serape,s and the Mexican flag. But they all seem intricately decorated with layers of icing.

These consist of sombreros, serape,s and the Mexican flag. But they all seem intricately decorated with layers of icing.

32. These beautiful fiesta dress cupcakes will make your fiesta a sight to behold.

Not sure about the pattern for these dresses. But they're nevertheless so beautiful that you'd wonder whether to eat them.

Not sure about the pattern for these dresses. But they’re nevertheless so beautiful that you’d wonder whether it would be right to eat them.

33. Of course, you can’t have a Cinco de Mayo fiesta without these Mexican sun cookies.

Now these seem to be well above my artistic talents. Yet, the are nevertheless beautiful. They also have, "ole" written in a way that resembles a face.

Now these seem to be well above my artistic talents. Yet, the are nevertheless beautiful. They also have, “ole” written in a way that resembles a face.

34. Your Cinco de Mayo fiesta won’t get into the true spirit of Mexico unless it has a cake like its flag.

Now I'm sure you can't eat the decal of the eagle with the snake. Yet, it very much gets into the Mexican spirit indeed.

Now I’m sure you can’t eat the decal of the eagle with the snake. Yet, it very much gets into the Mexican spirit indeed.

35. If you can have tacos during meals, why not on cupcakes?

Now these are made from cookies, candies, and icing to put them together. But the cupcakes themselves are vanilla.

Now these are made from cookies, candies, and icing to put them together. But the cupcakes themselves are vanilla.

36. If you can eat tacos for dinner and lunch, you can have them for breakfast.

Now these are fruit tacos that contain almost any fruit you can think of. But they probably have more nutritional value than anything you'd find at Taco Bell.

Now these are fruit tacos that contain almost any fruit you can think of. But they probably have more nutritional value than anything you’d find at Taco Bell.

37. Seems like these taco cookies can’t wait to be eaten.

Yes, they are smiling. Yes, they are taco cookies. And yes, they are adorable. Need I say more.

Yes, they are smiling. Yes, they are taco cookies. And yes, they are adorable. Need I say more.

38. I’m sure these pinata cookies are just waiting to be broken. But good luck with getting candy out of them.

Now these are simply adorable that even their noses are smiley faces. Of course, it's kind of weird but what the hell.

Now these are simply adorable that even their noses are smiley faces. Of course, it’s kind of weird but what the hell.

39. M&Ms are certainly great when it comes to decorating maraca cookies.

And I hope they have M&Ms inside them, too. Or I will be very angry if I don't see them after breaking one open.

And I hope they have M&Ms inside them, too. Or I will be very angry if I don’t see them after breaking one open.

40. You heard about Margaritas. Now here’s some Margarita cupcakes.

Sure they may be bigger than regular cupcakes since you put them in Margarita glasses. Yet, the fact these aren't chocolate is kind of disappointing to say the least.

Sure they may be bigger than regular cupcakes since you put them in Margarita glasses. Yet, the fact these aren’t chocolate is kind of disappointing to say the least.

41. Now these cupcakes are supposed to be of nachos in guacamole.

I'm sure the guacamole is made from green icing and sprinkles. And the pot is made from chocolate cake. But these look delicious.

I’m sure the guacamole is made from green icing and sprinkles. And the pot is made from chocolate cake. But these look delicious.

42. On Cinco de Mayo, some cookies may be of basic Mexican concepts. Others can be quite intricate to say the least.

Now these are certainly beyond my level of artistry which is pretty low to begin with. Nevertheless, they are incredibly beautiful and probably decorated by repressed art majors.

Now these are certainly beyond my level of artistry which is pretty low to begin with. Nevertheless, they are incredibly beautiful and probably decorated by repressed art majors.

43. Celebrate your Cinco de Mayo with these pinata cupcakes.

Now these may be covered with icing and not have anything in them. But they're adorable. And they're chocolate, too.

Now these may be covered with icing and not have anything in them. But they’re adorable. And they’re chocolate, too.

44. Nothing says Cinco de Mayo than these meringue cacti cookies.

Yes, these are saguaro cacti with flowers on them. But they won't make you bleed when you touch them or rehydrate you in the desert.

Yes, these are saguaro cacti with flowers on them. But they won’t make you bleed when you touch them or rehydrate you in the desert.

45. Get in the Mexican spirit of Cinco de Mayo with these pinata jello shots.

Of course, a word of caution here. Just because they're jello and in bright colors, doesn't mean they're for kids. In fact, they may contain alcohol, which means they aren't suitable for anyone under 21.

Of course, a word of caution here. Just because they’re jello and in bright colors, doesn’t mean they’re for kids. In fact, they may contain alcohol, which means they aren’t suitable for anyone under 21.

46. Who says you need ice cream to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with cones?

Now these are cupcakes that contain yellow cake with rice cakes and ice cream cones. But they're nevertheless cute by any means.

Now these are cupcakes that contain yellow cake with rice cakes and ice cream cones. But they’re nevertheless cute by any means.

47. Make your Cinco de Mayo memorable with this cactus Rice Krispie treat on a stick.

It may not be as much help to you in the desert. But it's so cute by any means. Also, I love its little sombrero hat.

It may not be as much help to you in the desert. But it’s so cute by any means. Also, I love its little sombrero hat.

48. Have your little ninos wake up this Cinco de Mayo to this pancake maracas hombre in his sombrero.

Most of this consists of pancakes and bacon, especially his bacon mustache. But it's still quite adorable.

Most of this consists of pancakes and bacon, especially his bacon mustache. But it’s still quite adorable.

49. Taco cupcakes? How about taco cookies?

For once, I'd almost mistake these for the real thing due to how they photographed this. But these would go great with topping any cupcakes since they consist of cookie, sprinkles, and icing.

For once, I’d almost mistake these for the real thing due to how they photographed this. But these would go great with topping any cupcakes since they consist of cookie, sprinkles, and icing.

50. For those who don’t like taco cookies, try some tostada cookies instead.

As far as I know, the main difference between a tostada and a taco is that you eat one of them with a fork. Still, quite impressive if I do say so myself.

As far as I know, the main difference between a tostada and a taco is that you eat one of them with a fork. Still, quite impressive if I do say so myself.