The Dark Scary World of Vintage Halloween Costumes (Second Edition)


Whether it’s how they made costumes those days, the photography, or what else, there’s some reason why many of these vintage Halloween costumes are so creepy. Some of these can put a slasher horror movie costume department to shame. Sometimes they can be quite strange. Last year, I did a post on these old Halloween costumes and it became a hit. Not to mention, I had plenty of pictures left over that I couldn’t use in the last one. So I decided to do another one for this year. After all, why not? Halloween’s around the corner and I feel people need some distraction from the scary election playing out on our airwaves. Still, vintage stuff doesn’t always consist of cutesy politically correct nostalgia of one’s imagination.Sometimes it might feature stuff that might make you laugh or cringe. And Halloween costumes are no exception. Since there could be a lot of these that may make you shake your head in horror or disgust. So for your reading pleasure, I give you another treasure trove of haunted Halloween costumes from long ago.

  1. Sometimes witches aren’t always in a scaring mood.
Sure they may not be excited for Halloween. But they're nonetheless creepy if you take a good look at them.

Sure they may not be excited for Halloween. But they’re nonetheless creepy if you take a good look at them.

2. Here we come to a witch and an African tribesman?

Dude, that's not cool. Seriously, blackface racial caricatures are never okay. Nor are African tribesman stereotypes.

Dude, that’s not cool. Seriously, blackface racial caricatures are never okay. Nor are African tribesman stereotypes.

3. Is that supposed to be Donald Duck with a top?

Now that's a very creepy rendition. More like a serial killer dressed as Donald Duck and on a budget. Not something you'd want in a slasher horror movie.

Now that’s a very creepy rendition. More like a serial killer dressed as Donald Duck and on a budget. Not something you’d want in a slasher horror movie.

4. Either this is a gnome or the Joker’s daughter. I can’t tell which.

Okay, I think it's supposed to be a girl dressed as a gnome. But she reminds me more like the Joker with a beard and hat.

Okay, I think it’s supposed to be a girl dressed as a gnome. But she reminds me more like the Heath Ledger’s Joker with a beard and hat. Why so serious?

5. For witches, it’s always like mother, like daughter.

Well, they can both scare the bejesus out of you. But I love how they have matching dresses.

Well, they can both scare the bejesus out of you. But I love how they have matching dresses.

6. You might want to beware of walking outhouses while trick or treating.

Well, I knew people had outhouses during those days. But I didn't know they'd dress like them for Halloween.

Well, I knew people had outhouses during those days. But I didn’t know they’d dress like them for Halloween.

7. Don’t have a witch’s gown? Use a trash bag.

Well, seemed to work for this kid. However, not sure what to make of the makeup job. Let's hope it's not blackface.

Well, seemed to work for this kid. However, not sure what to make of the makeup job. Let’s hope it’s not blackface.

8. No, I don’t think you should let a grizzly babysit. It won’t go well.

Sure it's just a Halloween costume. But this bear seems to have dead eyes. And I wouldn't trust it with children.

Sure it’s just a Halloween costume. But this bear seems to have dead eyes. And I wouldn’t trust it with children.

9. Every demonic nightmare always has to start small.

Well, putting on a mask is one way to go trick or treating with little effort. But would you want to give candy to this kid? Well, if it means not seeing him again.

Well, putting on a mask is one way to go trick or treating with little effort. But would you want to give candy to this kid? Well, if it means not seeing him again.

10. Unfortunately, the original Batman costume didn’t go so well.

Kind of a combination of Chernaborg from Fantasia and someone from Cats. Creepy, yes, but not something for Batman.

Kind of a combination of Chernaborg from Fantasia and someone from Cats. Creepy, yes, but not something for Batman.

11. You never know what kind of costume you could make with a paper bag.

Well, the scarecrow is pretty scary enough. But the witch photobomb can really creep you out.

Well, the scarecrow is pretty scary enough. But the witch photobomb can really creep you out.

12. No matter what you think, sometimes things can be quite chill on the Planet of the Apes.

And you thought a chimp head wouldn't look scary on a small child. You were wrong.

And you thought a chimp head wouldn’t look scary on a small child. You were wrong.

13. Let’s see what this ragdoll looks in color.

Well, this might make a nice costume. But that face just creeps me out. There's something about her that sets me off.

Well, this might make a nice costume. But that face just creeps me out. There’s something about her that sets me off.

14. For witches and ghouls, cats make great companions.

I don't feel great for this cat. Wonder if these women are going to make cat stew later on. Wouldn't be surprised.

I don’t feel great for this cat. Wonder if these women are going to make cat stew later on. Wouldn’t be surprised.

15. During fall, you’ll never know what you’ll find in a field.

Now these scarecrows can literally scare crows. Along with anyone else in that regard. Not sure which one will give you more nightmares.

Now these scarecrows can literally scare crows. Along with anyone else in that regard. Not sure which one will give you more nightmares.

16. Remember, kids, always carry a trick or treat bag and wear a mask.

The trick or treat bags are for holding candy. The masks are for scaring the neighbors into giving it to you so they won't have to worry about their lives.

The trick or treat bags are for holding candy. The masks are for scaring the neighbors into giving it to you so they won’t have to worry about their lives.

17. When the cat and the pig get together, there’s always trouble.

Of course, they're already planning their scheme to taking out the neighborhood. Not that it matters to anyone.

Of course, they’re already planning their scheme to taking out the neighborhood. Not that it matters to anyone.

18. Halloween is a great time for ghost costumes and offensive racial stereotypes.

Sure the ghost costumes are creepy as hell. But the blackface and the Fu-Manchu mustache may qualify as offensive cultural appropriation.

Sure the ghost costumes are creepy as hell. But the blackface and the Fu-Manchu mustache may qualify as offensive cultural appropriation.

19. Pink elephants always stick together.

Pink elephant is a euphemism for a drunken hallucination. But these pink elephants are freaking nightmares in living color.

Pink elephant is a euphemism for a drunken hallucination. But these pink elephants are freaking nightmares in living color.

20. When it comes to costumes, the masks aren’t always lifelike.

At first I almost though the guy in the middle wasn't real. Also, not sure about the priest depiction though scary.

At first I almost though the guy in the middle wasn’t real. Also, not sure about the priest depiction though scary.

21. Now these two seem like strange old crows.

Well, they have bird heads which remind me of those old taxidermy pictures. But this is freakier.

Well, they have bird heads which remind me of those old taxidermy pictures. But this is freakier.

22. My, what a very ghostly classroom.

Each is made from paper it seems. But they're quite menacing as a group. Maybe that's the magic of black and white photography.

Each is made from paper it seems. But they’re quite menacing as a group. Maybe that’s the magic of black and white photography.

23. A skeleton always needs to cover his bones.

If I saw this guy on Halloween, I'd run away screaming. Yes, he's a virtual omen of death.

If I saw this guy on Halloween, I’d run away screaming. Yes, he’s a virtual omen of death.

24. Wonder why this witch won’t show her face.

Either she has a face that could stop a clock or she's insecure about her appearance. Or she might want to scare more children.

Either she has a face that could stop a clock or she’s insecure about her appearance. Or she might want to scare more children.

25. Well, that’s one handy way to use a First Communion dress.

However, that creepy bride look really won't help you at the altar. Still, best give her candy if you want to live.

However, that creepy bride look really won’t help you at the altar. Still, best give her candy if you want to live.

26. Seems like the mad scientists want to show off his little green man.

Well, more like an alien in white. But yeah, I don't like where this is going.

Well, more like an alien in white. But yeah, I don’t like where this is going.

27. No, I don’t think you’d want to be at this quacky chorale.

I think the guy in back might view Donald Duck cartoons as horror from now on. And I couldn't blame him.

I think the guy in back might view Donald Duck cartoons as horror from now on. And I couldn’t blame him.

28. Oh, shit another creepy clown sighting.

Yes, they creepy clowns, too. But it was nothing like the creepy clown scare now. Then again, I might be wrong.

Yes, they creepy clowns, too. But it was nothing like the creepy clown scare now. Then again, I might be wrong.

29. The paper bag girls will have their vengeance.

Are these two scarecrows? If so, then I think they'll really scare the crows this year. And anyone else if you think about it.

Are these two scarecrows? If so, then I think they’ll really scare the crows this year. And anyone else if you think about it.

30. Hope these kids won’t bring any harm but I’m not sure.

Not sure what they're doing with the jack-o-lanterns. Are they using them as weapons.

Not sure what they’re doing with the jack-o-lanterns. Are they using them as weapons.

31. Beware of the pumpkin head people.

I always thought there was something not right with them from the vintage cards. But these are goddamn creepy.

I always thought there was something not right with them from the vintage cards. But these are goddamn creepy.

32. You might want to be on the lookout for a black cat.

Especially when it could scratch your eyes out with no second thought. Yes, this cat is evil.

Especially when it could scratch your eyes out with no second thought. Yes, this cat is evil.

33. You may want to stay away from these angry birds.

Each of these seems to remind me of a Big Bird's evil twin or a plague doctor. And yes, they will peck you to death if they have a chance.

Each of these seems to remind me of a Big Bird’s evil twin or a plague doctor. And yes, they will peck you to death if they have a chance.

34. These Michelin men aren’t here to give you new tires.

Both seem to have Teddy Roosevelt glasses. But both will steal your tires if you give them the chance.

Both seem to have Teddy Roosevelt glasses. But both will steal your tires if you give them the chance.

35. No, you don’t want to be near scarecrows making faces.

Even in this photo op they seem like they want to gang up and kill someone. That can't be good.

Even in this photo op they seem like they want to gang up and kill someone. That can’t be good.

36. Victorian Batgirl is always up to the challenge.

However, she doesn't see a lot of action with Batman and Robin. Mostly because 19th century women's fashions weren't built for comfort. Seriously, she could barely breathe in her corset.

However, she doesn’t see a lot of action with Batman and Robin. Mostly because 19th century women’s fashions weren’t built for comfort. Seriously, she could barely breathe in her corset.

37. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the original Playboy Bunny.

Okay, Playboy wasn't around at the time. But if it was, their bunnies would look just like this. I swear.

Okay, Playboy wasn’t around at the time. But if it was, their bunnies would look just like this. I swear.

38. Give me a club.

Well, it looks more like a shamrock. But she seems like she works for the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland.

Well, it looks more like a shamrock. But she seems like she works for the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland.

39. Looks like another Jules Verne monster has taken to the streets.

Not sure what this is supposed to be. But scary it sure is. Stephen King, if you're running out of ideas....

Not sure what this is supposed to be. But scary it sure is. Stephen King, if you’re running out of ideas….

40. Some masks are more scarier than others.

At least those dressed in white don't have cone hats or white sheets on them. Because that idea for a ghost costume is very ill-advised.

At least those dressed in white don’t have cone hats or white sheets on them. But it comes very close.

41. Ghosts and witches can’t always be kept waiting.

"If that woman doesn't give us candy soon, then I'll have to cause a major frog infestation. Or have blood coming from her eyes. I haven't decided."

“If that woman doesn’t give us candy soon, then I’ll have to cause a major frog infestation. Or have blood coming from her eyes. I haven’t decided.”

42. Thought you’d never see a mummy princess before.

Yes, there are probably mummy princesses. But this is just ridiculous. Seriously, she should be in Egyptian clothes.

Yes, there are probably mummy princesses. But this is just ridiculous. Seriously, she should be in Egyptian clothes.

43. No, I don’t think this bunny wants carrots.

I think he's going after the souls of your children instead. He's very particular if you ask me.

I think he’s going after the souls of your children instead. He’s very particular if you ask me.

44. Hope that little gnome in the woods doesn’t come near you.

Or at least I think it's a gnome. In any case, give it candy or else face certain death.

Or at least I think it’s a gnome. In any case, give it candy or else face certain death.

45. As a butterfly one must spread their wings.

Other than the wings, she doesn't seem to have much on her. Wonder why.

Other than the wings, she doesn’t seem to have much on her. Wonder why.

46. Sorry, but Frankenstein’s monster is not amused.

And when he's not amused, he can get angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

And when he’s not amused, he can get angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.

47. Looks like scary clowns have company.

Are those black robe guys Dementors or Ring Wraiths? Either way, they'll suck out your soul. The clowns will just kill you.

Are those black robe guys Dementors or Ring Wraiths? Either way, they’ll suck out your soul. The clowns will just kill you.

48. No, I don’t think these kids are playing fortune teller.

I think they might have something more sinister in their minds. Like killing the grown ups.

I think they might have something more sinister in their minds. Like killing the grown ups.

49. No, I don’t think this baby wants its bottle now.

Okay, it's an adult dressed like a baby but still. Seems more like a scary George Washington in his night shirt.

Okay, it’s an adult dressed like a baby but still. Seems more like a scary George Washington in his night shirt.

50. Masked witches are never a good sign.

These little girls aren't around just to trick or treat. In fact, they want to terrorize the neighborhood.

These little girls aren’t around just to trick or treat. In fact, they want to terrorize the neighborhood.

51. And I thought werewolves were nice like Eddie Munster.

Of course, if he's active during the day, he's probably a menace in the neighborhood. You've been warned.

Of course, if he’s active during the day, he’s probably a menace in the neighborhood. You’ve been warned.

52. These ghosts just want a day on the town.

Yeah, they just want to scare the bejesus out of trick or treaters and take their candy. Kiddies, you've been warned.

Yeah, they just want to scare the bejesus out of trick or treaters and take their candy. Kiddies, you’ve been warned.

53. What the hell is the devil doing to her boobs?

Feeling her breasts? I could Satan do that. Oh, that's part of the costume. Today's equivalent would have a Donald Trump head instead. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Feeling her breasts? I could Satan do that. Oh, that’s part of the costume. Today’s equivalent would have a Donald Trump head instead. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

54. Hopefully, you’d be safe with this unicorn.

Then again, the unicorn seems to view this baby with a hungry eye. Like he's thinking of having him for dinner.

Then again, the unicorn seems to view this baby with a hungry eye. Like he’s thinking of having him for dinner.

55. Well, a cigar is just a cigar.

Not only does this costume look terrifying, it embodies what can actually kill you. You know tobacco.

Not only does this costume look terrifying, it embodies what can actually kill you. You know tobacco.

56. No, I don’t think these are cute little munchkins. They could eat me alive.

Not sure what these are supposed to be. But do they scare me to death? Absolutely.

Not sure what these are supposed to be. But do they scare me to death? Absolutely.

57. Oh, shit, Chewie’s got a gun!

Then again, he might be a heavily Sasquatch if this picture was taken before 1977. Either way, he could rip your arms out of their sockets. So it's best to let the Wookie win.

Then again, he might be a heavily Sasquatch if this picture was taken before 1977. Either way, he could rip your arms out of their sockets. So it’s best to let the Wookie win.

58. Strawberry Shortcake might want to watch her back.

Once the killer clown got a hold of her, she was never seen or heard from since. We're not sure what happened to her.

Once the killer clown got a hold of her, she was never seen or heard from since. We’re not sure what happened to her.

59. Those from the 1980s might remember Rainbow Brite.

Okay, the mask eye holes should always be at the eyes. Anywhere else makes a seemingly cute costume terrifying as hell.

Okay, the mask eye holes should always be at the eyes. Anywhere else makes a seemingly cute costume terrifying as hell.

60. I don’t think this lady is up to anything good this Halloween.

Is she supposed to be a geisha? Please don't tell me she's supposed to be a geisha. That ain't right.

Is she supposed to be a geisha? Please don’t tell me she’s supposed to be a geisha. That ain’t right.

61. I don’t think you’d want to run into these two in a dark alley.

These two could scare off half the neighborhood if they could. After all, all they want is your soul, blood, an brains.

These two could scare off half the neighborhood if they could. After all, all they want is your soul, blood, an brains.

62. Here we come to the ape man and his ghost gal.

At least I hope that's an ape mask. But they sure look so cute together.

At least I hope that’s an ape mask. But they sure look so cute together.

63. Seems like this witch forgot her potion list again.

"So do I need to get eye of newt or tongue of dog? Also, where's my broomstick? Dammit!"

“So do I need to get eye of newt or tongue of dog? Also, where’s my broomstick? Dammit!”

64. Now this has to be an original version of Stranger Things.

Sorry, but that bald waiter doesn't really stand a chance. Those monsters will eat him alive when they have the chance.

Sorry, but that bald waiter doesn’t really stand a chance. Those monsters will eat him alive when they have the chance.

65. Don’t worry, that’s just a harmless little bunny.

Sorry, but that's no ordinary rabbit. Those eyes have no soul. And she'll bit your neck if she can get away with it.

Sorry, but that’s no ordinary rabbit. Those eyes have no soul. And she’ll bit your neck if she can get away with it.

66. This neighborhood was nice until the zombie gangs moved in.

Now they just go around killing people for their brains. It's insane. The cemetery is especially dangerous.

Now they just go around killing people for their brains. It’s insane. The cemetery is especially dangerous.

67. “Want to go to the beach to take someone down? It will be fun.”

Okay, give these two what they want so they don't turn you into a toad. Or something else. Or worse.

Okay, give these two what they want so they don’t turn you into a toad. Or something else. Or worse.

68. Not sure what the hell this is. And I’m not sure if I want to find out.

From Buzzfeed: "And then the kids found out the truth, that Little Billy wasn’t wearing a costume!" Nobody saw or heard them since.

From Buzzfeed: “And then the kids found out the truth, that Little Billy wasn’t wearing a costume!” Nobody saw or heard them since.

69. “Come out and play with us, Danny.”

Sorry, but Danny can't come right now. He has chores to do like not wetting the bed and keeping himself alive.

Sorry, but Danny can’t come right now. He has chores to do like not wetting the bed and keeping himself alive.

70. What’s worse than a killer clown? A Nazi clown.

This picture was taken in Nazi Germany. That's why the kid's clown costume has swastikas on it. Yes, I know it's very offensive.

This picture was taken in Nazi Germany. That’s why the kid’s clown costume has swastikas on it. Yes, I know it’s very offensive.

71. The gnome should keep these cats at bay.

Then again, the gnome may unleash the white kitties to attack at any moment. You never know.

Then again, the gnome may unleash the white kitties to attack at any moment. You never know.

72. No, I don’t want to give you kids candy. Please don’t take me.

Yes, these kids are very terrifying. And yes, I think they could strike you at any moment if you don't give them what they want.

Yes, these kids are very terrifying. And yes, I think they could strike you at any moment if you don’t give them what they want.

73. Jason Voorhees, meet your dream girl.

For us, she could either keep Jason at bay or join him in his slaughter. But she does have a very nice dress.

For us, she could either keep Jason at bay or join him in his slaughter. But she does have a very nice dress.

74. Please beware of the bag people.

They may not seem like much. But they can really take you down without any second thought. You've been warned.

They may not seem like much. But they can really take you down without any second thought. You’ve been warned.

75. Hopefully these robots won’t get too out of hand.

"Humans sighted. Destroy them." Oh shit, I really screwed up on this one.

“Humans sighted. Destroy them.” Oh shit, I really screwed up on this one.

76. So this is how you throw a Halloween party.

"So what do we do tonight? Do we kill some teenagers at some haunted house? Or do we just scare people?"

“So what do we do tonight? Do we kill some teenagers at some haunted house? Or do we just scare people?”

77. I guess these court ladies know how to have a ball.

But piss them off and you'll live to regret it. If you ever live at all. Since they're not nice.

But piss them off and you’ll live to regret it. If you ever live at all. Since they’re not nice.

78. Your friendly neighborhood ghost says hello.

However, remember that first impressions can be deceiving. And he might plan on kidnapping your children. Just a thought.

However, remember that first impressions can be deceiving. And he might plan on kidnapping your children. Just a thought.

79. “I have you now, my pretty.”

Unfortunately, Sweetums was eaten by the wolfman soon afterward. He will be missed.

Unfortunately, Sweetums was eaten by the wolfman soon afterward. He will be missed.

80. The witch and the ghost wish to speak to you.

And I think they mean business. Please don't try to trick them. Or they'll treat you to some torture you won't forget.

And I think they mean business. Please don’t try to trick them. Or they’ll treat you to some torture you won’t forget.

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