History of the World According to the Movies: Part 81 – The Kennedy Assassination


Kevin Costner stars as New Orleans DA and crackpot Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorist Jim Garrison whose investigation into the case led to a catastrophic miscarriage of justice in Oliver Stone’s 1991 epic craptatrophic disasterpiece JFK. Yet, you wouldn’t know it from watching the Oliver Stone film because he treats practically everything Garrison says in this movie as true (it’s not for I wouldn’t have devoted a whole post to this. In fact, even Bobby Kennedy thought Garrison was a crackpot). Look, as much as I criticize Mel Gibson’s treatment in history, at least most of his subjects don’t have any living immediate family members. Still, if you want to know more about the Kennedy assassination, you can easily look it up. I mean there are academic websites that debunk much of what is seen in the film.

The Kennedy assassination was an American tragedy that sent a nation in mourning when a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald shot President John F. Kennedy from a textbook depository window during a motorcade procession in Dallas. As far as this goes, there could be no dispute. Yet, while most historians agree that the “Single Bullet” theory is the official and most complete version of events as far as current evidence is concerned, there are plenty of people who just can’t accept it and the motives and events behind Kennedy’s death are hotly disputed by non-experts. Many tend to believe that there was a conspiracy behind John F. Kennedy’s death that involved, well, take your pick. As Dave Barry would say, “First of all, Kennedy was assassinated, which was traumatic enough in itself but was made even worse by the fact that we never did find out for sure what happened, which means that for the rest of our lives we’re going to be opening People magazine and reading articles about yet another conspiracy buff claiming to have conclusive proof that Lee Harvey Oswald was actually working for Roy Orbison or the Nabisco Corporation or whatever.” Of course, we’re sure Roy Orbison and Nabisco weren’t involved with the Kennedy assassination but it pretty much sums up the accuracy in Oliver Stone’s JFK. The movie itself is about a New Orleans DA named Jim Garrison who finds himself unsatisfied with the Warren Report and reopens the Kennedy assassination case to formulate his own theory, which leads to an innocent man being put on trial for the ultimate crime. Almost every expert on the Kennedy assassination (even those who believe in a conspiracy) believes Garrison to be unreliable at best and insane at worst. Yet, everything that Garrison formulates is treated as fact in the film, when his investigation on the Kennedy assassination was really a flimsy case conducted on dubious methods. Yet, despite the historical bullshit in JFK, many people tend to believe Oliver Stone’s retelling of such events compelling them to dismiss actual facts as fiction. In some ways, JFK kind of shows the Hollywood version of history possibly at its worse and because of it actual history on the Kennedy assassination is erased from the public consciousness and the assumption that all the historical bullshit in JFK is entirely factual. I will list such inaccuracies here, which may make you understand why most Kennedy experts believe in the “single bullet theory” after all.

Lyndon B. Johnson:

After the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson ordered Kennedy’s limo refurbished since it was filled with bullet holes. (Johnson didn’t have to do this since the only bullet strikes were to the windshield and chrome topping which would’ve been replaced anyway. These are in the National Archives. Nice try, Oliver Stone.)

Rose Cherami:

Rose Cherami predicted the Kennedy assassination and was killed for it. (Her only link to the Kennedy assassination had to do with her absurd story about Oswald and Ruby being bed partners who’ve been shacking up for years. She was a middle aged prostitute with a drug addiction and a lengthy rap sheet who was ruled to be “criminally insane” years prior to the assassination and had been rejected as an informant for the FBI because her information rarely checked out. Still, her 1965 death was an accident.)

Lee Bowers:

Witness Lee Bowers died of a “strange shock.” (He died of natural causes two years after his Warren Commission testimony and there was no evidence of foul play.)

During the Warren Commission, Lee Bowers said he saw a “flash of light” and “smoke.” (Contrary to JFK, he mentioned neither.)

Jean Hill:

Witness Jean Hill claimed, “I saw a man shooting from over there behind that fence [on the Grassy Knoll].” (Though she’d make such claims later, she didn’t say this in the 1960s.)

Jean Hill was sequestered and intimidated shortly after the JFK assassination. (Along with Mary Moorman and Don Featherston of the Dallas Times Herald, she went to the Sheriff’s office press room. Doesn’t seem she was intimidated to me.)

Dean Andrews:

Dean Andrews was a shady sinister individual who concealed knowledge of the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy. (Contrary to JFK, he was just a harmless lawyer who liked to tell tall tales. Also, he didn’t think that Clay Shaw and Clay Bertrand were the same person. When asked whether he knew who killed Kennedy he said, “The answer is negative. If I knew, I would have put down like a thousand pound canary. . . . I don’t know who killed Number One. If I did, I would have went and sang like a canary a long time ago. I like this country too, you know.”)

Guy Bannister:

Around the time of the Kennedy assassination, Guy Bannister pistol-whipped Jack Martin due to “strange things” Martin had been seeing around his office. (Contrary to JFK, the pistol-whip episode was the result of an argument over phone bills gone ugly.)

Guy Bannister was linked to anti-Castro CIA activities. (Contrary to JFK, there’s no evidence whatsoever he was. Still, he wasn’t a loveable guy for he was a racist segregationist and had a Cold-War fueled wacky imagination.)

Guy Bannister died under suspicious circumstances. (He died of natural causes.)

Jack Martin:

Jack Martin was aware of Operation Mongoose. (Sorry, Oliver Stone, but even if Martin knew that the US government was anti-Castro, he wouldn’t know the CIA mission’s code-name.)

Jack Martin was a reliable witness. (Contrary to JFK, this guy had a mental history as well as wackier accusations against David Ferrie and others. Oh, and did I say that Jack S. Martin was an alias for Edward Stuart Suggs who had a criminal history of impersonating people from certain professions? Even people on Garrison’s team thought him unreliable. Also, Guy Bannister knew this man was untrustworthy.)

Jack Ruby:

Jack Ruby shouted “Oswald!” when he shot John F. Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. (Contrary to JFK, he didn’t say anything. Also, he always claimed shooting Oswald was an impulsive act. Yet, people who knew him claimed he planned to kill Oswald for the sake of publicity since he was bound to get off on it. He was wrong. Also, his rabbi said he was a Kennedy fan.)

Jack Ruby died injected with cancer. (Seriously, Oliver Stone, Ruby didn’t die of cancer yet he was suffering lung cancer at the time. He actually died of a pulmonary embolism that had formed in his leg. As with his cancer, can’t you just blame cigarettes? I mean that’s how a lot people got it.)

Clay Shaw:

Clay Shaw’s alias was “Clay Bertrand.” (Contrary to JFK, the officer claiming this was contradicted by other witnesses and declared as non-credible by a judge. Also, Garrison and his teamed combed the French Quarter of New Orleans and failed to find any evidence of “Bertrand” ever existing as Shaw.)

Clay Shaw was a Texas businessman. (He was a man of Louisiana all his life.)

Clay Shaw was the Grassy Knoll shooter who was only acquitted on a technicality. (The jury at Clay Shaw’s trial thought Jim Garrison’s case against him was so full of shit that they acquitted him in record time. There’s no evidence that he and David Ferrie knew each other, belonged to black ops, planned a presidential assassination, or even pranced around with Kevin Bacon dressed as Mozart. Clay Shaw was just this respected New Orleans businessman, decorated war hero, philanthropist, and friend of Tennessee Williams who was guilty of nothing more than looking very creepy. David Ferrie was probably guilty of the same but he had a rare skin disease that he wore a homemade red wig and black eyebrows. Not to mention, Shaw and Ferrie were probably gay {well, Shaw was while Ferrie had a less than desirable personal life} but they were both enthusiastic Kennedy supporters. As for the Grassy Knoll shooter, there probably wasn’t one according to reliable evidence.)

Clay Shaw got off on a technicality that he didn’t have adequate legal representation while being booked. (Shaw was a wealthy businessman so he could afford the best legal representation around. Still, his trial should never have happened since he was a completely innocent man.)

Lee Harvey Oswald:

Lee Harvey Oswald was completely innocent of killing John F. Kennedy and was arrested as only a victim of circumstance. (This is part of Oliver Stone’s premise in JFK. However, most people familiar with the Kennedy assassination knew he was guilty whether he acted alone or not.)

Lafayette square was a strange place for someone like Lee Harvey Oswald to spend in his spare time. (Contrary to JFK, Lafayette Square was only a block from Oswald’s workplace. So it’s understandable why he’d hang out there in his spare time Communist or not.)

Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t order a rifle through the mail which was made by others to frame him. (Sorry, Jim Garrison in JFK, but the rifle in the Kennedy assassination was mailed to a guy named A. Hidell. It was Oswald’s alias and he was carrying an A. Hidell ID in his wallet during his arrest. So yes, Oswald did order a rifle through the mail.)

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba office was in the same building as Jim Banister’s and 544 Camp Street and 531 Lafayette Street were in the same location. (Actually contrary to JFK, they had totally separate entrances and were about 60 steps apart according to a private detective’s testimony on Frontline in 1993.)

Lee Harvey Oswald distributed Fair Pay for Cuba leaflets in Dallas. (He did this in New Orleans, not Dallas unlike what Executive Action says.)

Lee Harvey Oswald was being impersonated in the months preceding to the JFK assassination. (Oh, for fuck’s sake, Oliver Stone, that’s a load of bullshit. John Wilkes Booth maybe {since he was an actor from a well-known acting family}, but Oswald, no way in hell. Yet, there were plenty of people who did claim to see Oswald in places where he’s never been to.)

Lee Harvey Oswald spoke Russian that his wife Marina thought he was a native speaker. (He spoke Russian with a heavy accent that she thought he was part of the Baltic Republics where Russian wasn’t a native language.)

Lee Harvey Oswald gave secrets to the Russians. (He was a defector from the US and nothing more but was treated well in the Soviet Union since they had considerable propaganda value and the government wanted them to be happy. It’s kind of similar to what Tom Cruise gets from the Scientology establishment for being a big celebrity. Thus, Oswald probably didn’t have any Soviet intelligence ties.)

Lee Harvey Oswald ran past Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles after shooting President Kennedy. (The women descended the stairs several minutes after Oswald contrary to JFK.)

Lee Harvey Oswald passed a note of that described the assassination plot to FBI agent Hosty. (Sorry, Oliver Stone, but such note contradicts all witness testimony and would’ve been vastly implausible that Oswald would pass such important information so easily.)

There’s no motive of why Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to kill JFK. (Contrary to JFK, Oswald wasn’t the naïve innocent as seen in the film. He was a Marxist with a history of violent behavior as well as a confirmed criminal. An acquaintance he had a discussion with in 1963 named Volkmar Schmidt said he “was extremely critical of President Kennedy, and he was just obsessed with what America did to support this invasion at the Bay of Pigs, obsessed with his anger towards Kennedy.” Schmidt considered Oswald “a deeply troubled man” who was “totally obsessed with his own political agenda,” and who “would have have found anybody of importance to assassinate . . . to leave a mark in the history books, no matter what.” Hell, he tried to target a high profile general and possibly Richard M. Nixon. Let’s just say it’s very plausible that he could’ve acted alone, which may have been the truth after all.)

Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina had no trouble getting out of the Soviet Union. (Actually they endured an extensive bureaucratic hassle to get Marina out of the country.)

If Lee Harvey Oswald was guilty, then he would’ve had to make a headshot at the range of 88 yards through heavy foliage. (Contrary to JFK, the path between the Sniper’s Nest and JFK’s limo was clear so Oswald would’ve had no trouble shooting Kennedy from 88 yards.)

Lee Harvey Oswald tried to sock Officer MacDonald during the Texas Theater melee. (Contrary to JFK, he drew his gun and tried to shoot him.)

Lee Harvey Oswald had a local televised debate with anti-Castro militant Carlos Bringuier. (It was on a public affairs show for a local radio station.)

Dozens of cops descended on Texas Theater to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald for entering without paying admission. (For God’s sake, Oliver Stone, if Oswald’s only crime was entering a theater without paying for tickets, he would’ve just been kicked out of the establishment by the theater staff with no intervention of police whatsoever. The reason why Oswald had a dozen cops descending on him because he was already suspected of murdering a police officer. Not as serious as killing a president, but much more damning than not paying for admission.)

There were stories about Lee Harvey Oswald before he was ever charged with killing Kennedy. (Contrary to JFK, Oswald was chief suspect for hours before being officially charged, which was at 11:00pm. Yet, Oliver Stone is right about there being stories of Oswald before he was charged with killing the president. After all, his being suspect for hours gave plenty of time for police investigators to check his background in newspaper files {though I’m sure those stories wouldn’t be coming from New Zealand out of all places}. Criminal suspects have such background checks all the time.)

Lee Harvey Oswald was interrogated for 12 hours and nobody made a record of it. (Contrary to JFK, you can actually find reports from each of Oswald’s interrogators in The Warren Commission Report. And yes, they would’ve been admissible in court. Not only that but in 1963, most police departments didn’t record suspect interrogations and Texas only started doing so in 1992. Hell, even in the 2000s, there were still police departments in the country not recording suspect interrogations.)

Paraffin tests showed that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t fire from his rifle. (Apparently Oliver Stone doesn’t know that paraffin tests have no value whatsoever and were mainly used to intimidate suspects.)

David Ferrie:

David Ferrie confessed to participating in the JFK assassination at the Fountainbleu Hotel. (He strongly refuted such claims and even offered to take a lie-detector test to prove his innocence as well as continued denying any knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald or any conspiracy to assassinate JFK. Yet, he and Oswald did serve together in the Civil Air Patrol during the 1950s but that’s as far as their relationship goes. Besides, he was known to be very Anti-Castro {though his time helping anti-Castro exiles was brief and insignificant due to concerns over his personal life} and worked for a known John Bircher. Not to mention, this man was working nearly every day as a private investigator on a case for a New Orleans attorney who only went to Texas with his friends on the fateful day on a weekend trip planned two weeks in advance, six hours after the assassination happened. Still, it’s said that Ferrie was a staunch Kennedy supporter thrilled to see a fellow Catholic like him become president. Still, the reason why he was seen as a suspect was due to the drunken ravings of a guy who hated him named Jack S. Martin, which even the man himself would later recant. The real Jim Garrison would call Martin “a liar who hates Ferrie.” Martin would also file a lawsuit against Jim Garrison for “conspiracy to harass, molest, intimidate, and persecute” him.)

David Ferrie was murdered or committed suicide shortly after his confession to Jim Garrison. (Actually contrary to JFK, it’s more likely he died of natural causes with an intracranial berry aneurysm {the culmination of years of poor health} as an official cause of death with no evidence of foul play. New Orleans DA Jim Garrison didn’t challenge this.)

David Ferrie was former priest who was defrocked for being gay. (Yes, he wanted to be a priest at some time in his early life but contrary to JFK, he was never defrocked because he was never ordained in the first place. Yet, he did study in a seminary for three years before leaving due to “emotional instability” {meaning it was less about sexual orientation and more about not being the closet about his sexuality, since priests are supposed to be celibate regardless of sexual orientation}. Whether this meant he was gay is anyone’s guess but he was arrested on moral charges at various times in his life and it’s said he may have used his position as a cadet squadron leader to develop improper relations between 14 to 18 year old boys.)

Jim Garrison:

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison was a heroic man who tried to reveal the truth about the Kennedy assassination which the Federal government failed to do with the Warren Commission. (The Warren Commission’s report may not be 100% accurate but it’s a far more trustworthy source of information than Oliver Stone’s 1991 disasterpiece JFK or whatever Jim Garrison found in his investigation. Garrison didn’t solve the Kennedy assassination and had a reputation for bringing sensationalistic charges and winning front-page headlines, which rarely produced convictions. He was said to be a deeply eccentric, volatile individual who was popular to some degree but was mistrusted by a great deal of New Orleans. According to TTI, “He had a raft of incredibly bizarre theories about people he tied to the assassination case (his actual logic for the “Clay Bertrand” alias was that “[homosexuals] change their last names, but not their first names”), and was willing to subject witnesses to hypnosis and “truth serum” in order to get the story he wanted. The Clay Shaw trial was a sham, in which Garrison did everything short of set fire to the Fifth Amendment, and the judge was vocal in his disgust at Garrison’s behavior; the jurors only took a half-hour to find Shaw innocent and reported in their statements that they were appalled at the sheer lack of evidence. Even when he saw Claw Shaw acquitted of all charges, Garrison then charged him with perjury for claiming his innocence during sworn testimony. A federal judge finally quashed the charge as a violation of Shaw’s civil rights, for hounding him without just cause. The film postscript also claims CIA Director Richard Helms admitted Shaw was an agent. False-Shaw was admitted to have provided intelligence to the CIA as part of the Domestic Contact Service from things he observed while doing business in Europe. Thousands of businesspeople, diplomats and students did the same. There is no evidence Shaw was ever a paid CIA agent. In the film, the “source” for this was a French communist newspaper well-known to be a propaganda organ for Moscow. The KGB actually spread many of the early conspiracy rumors in an effort to weaken US morale, going so far as to fund authors who propagated them by using agents or front groups (without these authors’ knowledge to be sure). The “Clay Shaw CIA Agent” story was just one in a series of false stories they planted.” Yet, in JFK, Garrison is seen as a guy who could do no wrong and whatever he says is gospel truth. Apparently, Oliver Stone didn’t take the time to investigate Garrison’s propensity for bullshit. Thus, congratulations, Oliver Stone, for you just graduated from the Mel Gibson School of Movie History.)

Jim Garrison’s theory on the Kennedy assassination was backed by evidence. (Contrary to JFK, according to investigator Pershing Gervais, “Garrison inverted the criminal investigatory process. You should begin by assembling the facts and from the facts you may deduce a theory of the crime. . . . Garrison did the opposite. He started with a theory and then assembled some facts to support it. Those facts that fit the theory, he accepted. Those that did not, he either ignored or rejected as CIA misinformation.”A lone wolf model of integrity, he was not.)

Jim Garrison’s office was bugged during his own inquiry of the Kennedy assassination. (Garrison would claim this but there’s no evidence to support it. Probably should’ve though.)

Jim Garrison was a decent family man. (Contrary to JFK, Garrison was a homophobe who many said he spent his time as New Orleans DA to wage a vendetta against the city’s gay community and is alleged to have been a closet case himself while Shaw’s gayness was well-known among his close friends who couldn’t care less. He’s also alleged to have molested a thirteen-year-old boy as well as others, according to one book about him. None of that has ever been proven but it’s worth noting that he wasn’t anything like the squeaky clean Kevin Costner portrayal. Also, it’s said that he used to slap his wife in public all the time and was once federally indicted for accepting bribes as DA in New Orleans. Oh, and in 1952, he was relieved from the National Guard after being diagnosed with “severe and disabling psychoneurosis.”)

Jim Garrison was present at Clay Shaw’s trial during Shaw’s testimony and during the reading of his verdict. (Contrary to JFK, Garrison wasn’t present at either. Also, he heard about Shaw’s acquittal in his office from aides and flew into a rage upon hearing it.)

NBC and Newsweek fabricated reports on Jim Garrison as part of a smear campaign. (No, neither of them did. NBC’s broadcast included many witnesses making credible, damaging allegations about the methods employed by Garrison and his staff. However, NBC didn’t allege whether he used truth serum on Perry Russo for they’d have no way of knowing. Also, Newsweek‘s story of him was factually accurate.)

Most of Jim Garrison’s witnesses died of mysterious causes. (None of them did with Perry Russo living another 25 years after implicating Clay Shaw and was a consultant for JFK. Nice try, Oliver Stone.)

Jim Garrison’s main witness for the Kennedy assassination investigation was a gay prostitute, Willie O’Keefe. (Contrary to JFK, it was a heterosexual insurance salesman named Perry Russo whose testimony wasn’t very lively at first until Garrison gave him truth serum and subjected him to question under hypnosis. At this point, Russo “remembered” all sorts of wacky things. He was Garrison’s entire case against Clay Shaw. O’Keefe is a composite of Russo, David Logan, Raymond Broshears and William Morris who had severe credibility problems as witnesses.)

Jim Garrison never used any dubious methods to get information from witnesses and potential suspects as well as never tried to manipulate the press. (Uh, contrary to JFK, he was known to jack witnesses with barbiturates as well as hypnotizing them. Such methods made his case seem like a messy pile of incoherent fantasies wrung out of vulnerable people by unethical means. NBC News interviewed people who accused him of trying to bribe witnesses and investigating through unethical means. Also, between Clay Shaw’s arrest and trial, Garrison would embark on his own publicity campaign. On The Tonight Show and Playboy, he implicated Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, the FBI, as well as unnamed Neo-Nazis. He told Jim Phelan of the Saturday Evening Post that the Kennedy assassination was “a homosexual thrill killing” concocted by David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby {who’s gay name was “Pinkie” according to Garrison}, and Lee Harvey Oswald {referred by Garrison as “a switch-hitter who couldn’t satisfy his wife.”})

Before Robert F. Kennedy’s shooting Jim Garrison claimed, “If he wins, they’ll kill him. He wants to avenge his brother. He wants to stop that war.” (Sorry, Oliver Stone, but Garrison actually didn’t have nice words to say about him. Rather, Garrison claimed that Bobby was “without any question of a doubt . . . interfering with the investigation of the murder of his brother” and was making “a real effort to stop it.” So Garrison didn’t really mourn for RFK. It’s most likely he said this because Bobby thought that Garrison’s claims of a conspiracy were full of shit and wouldn’t hesitate to say so. Not to mention, Garrison didn’t take that kind of criticism, even from Bobby.)

Jim Garrison and his family viewed the Lee Harvey Oswald press conference in early to mid-evening. (Contrary to JFK, Garrison and his family wouldn’t have watched the Oswald press conference at dinner time because it took place after 11:00 pm.)

Jim Garrison first questioned Clay Shaw on Easter Sunday. (He first questioned Shaw in December, 1966.)

Jim Garrison became interested in the Kennedy assassination by watching TV. (Contrary to JFK, he only became involved when Jack Martin came forward with a story linking Lee Harvey Oswald to David Ferrie.)


Eladio De Valle was murdered for his involvement with the Kennedy assassination. (Contrary to JFK, he was murdered because of his underworld activities and was never linked to the JFK assassination in any way, shape, or form.)

A Congressional Investigation from 1976-1979 found a “probable conspiracy” in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and recommended the Justice Department investigate further. As of 1991, the Justice Department has done nothing. (This is the Epilogue on JFK, yet the Justice Department did take action by asking the Ramsey Panel to investigate one teensy bit of evidence used by the HSCA to declare a conspiracy in a dictabelt recording. They ruled that the evidence was invalid in 1982. Yet, its primary conclusion that, “Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at President John F. Kennedy. The second and third shots he fired struck the President. The third shot he fired killed the President.” has been backed by scientific evidence which withstood the test of time. Oliver Stone could’ve educated us about that, but as of 2014, he has done nothing.)

There was a man who had a seizure in front of Parkland Hospital around 12:15 PM on the day that JFK was shot which made it easier for the shooters to move into their places. He later vanished and never checked into the hospital. (This is according to Jim Garrison in the historical disasterpiece JFK. However, the man’s name was Jerry Belknap who suffered from fainting spells after being hit by a car several years earlier and his presence at Parkland had absolutely nothing to do with any conspiracy to assassinate JFK. He actually arrived there by ambulance that day {he showed his $12.50 receipt to the FBI when they tracked him down the following May} and claimed to have left without registering because he felt better after receiving a glass of water and an aspirin. He was just leaving the hospital when the President’s motorcade pulled into the parking lot in which Belknap realized he wouldn’t be able to see a doctor anytime soon anyway.)

Witness Domingo Benevides refused to identify Lee Harvey Oswald as the shooter in the JFK assassination. (Contrary to JFK, Benevides didn’t refuse to identify Oswald. It was more along the lines that he said he didn’t see the shooter well enough for an identification, but he later identified Oswald.)

Three cartridges were lying neatly side by side at the Sniper’s nest. (They were found scattered like you would expect.)

Dr. James Humes was an old man when he did John F. Kennedy’s autopsy. (He was 39 years old.)

The JFK assassination was a conspiracy engineered by high-level government hawks who wanted to prevent him from pulling out of Southeast Asia after his 1964 reelection. Possible culprits consisted of the military, the Dallas police, the intelligence community, multinational corporations, and with Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover as accomplices after the fact. (For God’s sake, Oliver Stone, your hypothesis for JFK was ridiculous. For one, there’s no evidence that Kennedy even remotely envisioned withdrawing US involvement from Vietnam. Actually quite the opposite and might’ve done the same thing Johnson did for Kennedy was a consummate Cold Warrior elected on a hawkish platform, not a peacenik of any sort. Not to mention, he was a political centrist who was reluctant to press too far for Civil Rights. Let’s just say that Lyndon B. Johnson had a much more liberal domestic agenda than Kennedy did. So killing Kennedy might not have suited the anti-progressives’ best interests at all. Thus, such an elaborate conspiracy to kill him over it might’ve been a tad unnecessary and it’s pretty clear that Kennedy wasn’t a victim of the establishment as Oliver Stone implies. Kennedy was the establishment and that is why a lot of people like him to this day. Second, Oswald was said to be a Communist and a Castro supporter who spent a stint in the Soviet Union between 1959 and 1962. I’m sure such a conspiracy including US government officials wouldn’t have hired a possible pro-Castro hitman to kill JFK.)

Robert F. Kennedy was at his office when J. Edgar Hoover informed him of his brother’s assassination. (He was actually having a lunchtime meeting at his Hickory Hill Home and took the call by his pool.)

The three hobos arrested were in connection with the Kennedy assassination and they were impeccably dressed. (According to Jim Garrison in JFK that is, but in reality they had no connection to the JFK assassination whatsoever. Also, their names were Harry Doyle, John Gebney, and Gus Abrams and dressed like you’d expect of hoboes.)

The laying of new flooring of the Depository’s sixth floor was done by “unknown workmen in the building.” (Sorry, Oliver Stone, but the Dallas Depository knew the people who did the new flooring for they were Depository employees like Lee Harvey Oswald.)

Texas Governor John Connally was seated directly in front of John F. Kennedy in the presidential limousine during that fateful afternoon in Dallas. (He was sitting on a left diagonal from Kennedy. Yet, many pictures have him sitting directly in front of him for some reason, especially conspiracy theorists.)

Witness Bill Newman said the shots came from the “fence up on the Knoll.” (Actually unlike in JFK, Newman and his wife Gail said that they believed the shots came directly from behind them- the “mall” {Pergola}- not the Stockade Fence.)

The 112th Military Intelligence Group was told to stand down before the Kennedy Assassination. (They had some agents in Dallas to help protect the president contrary to JFK.)

Mr. X was a reliable witness. (His character in JFK is loosely based on L. Fletcher Prouty who has expressed a wide variety of crackpot opinions regarding the Kennedy assassination.)

The Zapruder film established that there were three shots fired in 5.6 seconds. (The real Zapruder film establishes that the shots were fired within 8 to 9 seconds.)

51 witnesses heard shots from the Grassy Knoll. (Contrary to JFK, the Knoll witnesses only amounted to 20 as far as a House Select Committee was concerned.)

Jackie Kennedy pulled her husband down in the limo allowing the Sniper’s Nest shooter to hit Texas Governor John Connally. (She did no such thing according to video evidence.)

John F. Kennedy was shot in 1968. (He was shot in 1963. His brother was shot that year though.)

Beverly Oliver was a reliable witness in the JFK assassination. (Contrary to JFK, she wasn’t known to Jim Garrison until years later and her story contains elements that are extremely implausible.)

Witness Julia Ann Mercer saw Jack Ruby in a pickup truck near Dealey Plaza on the morning of the JFK assassination. (Contrary to JFK, the police who were with truck failed to confirm Mercer’s story. Yet, Oliver Stone treats this as historical fact.)

Dallas Mayor Cabell (whose brother was CIA director at the time) changed the Dallas motorcade route on the day John F. Kennedy was scheduled to arrive. (Contrary to JFK, this never happened. Route was announced a few days in advance. Besides, it was all drawn up between the Secret Service and Governor Connally’s staff with the intention of direct access to the Trade Mart.)

Parkland doctors testified at Clay Shaw’s trial. (They didn’t.)

On the day of the Kennedy assassination, there was a telex warning of a possible attempt to all the FBI officers. (Contrary to JFK, this was claimed by one less-than-credible witness. No copies exist and there were no corroborating witnesses.)

The entire Washington DC phone system was out for an hour following the Kennedy assassination. (Contrary to JFK, the system was overloaded but most calls went through.)

Dallas cops didn’t bother to determine whether Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle had been fired the day of the Kennedy assassination. (For God’s sake, Oliver Stone, Dallas cops failed to determine this because 1963 CSI forensics didn’t have tests to conclude whether a gun had been recently fired. So it wasn’t reluctance on the Dallas police’s fault, it’s the fact they didn’t have access to that kind of technology.)

Janet Conforto disappeared a week after she linked Lee Harvey Oswald to Jack Ruby. (Unlike what JFK implies, she never linked Ruby to Oswald. Also, she died in a motorcycle accident in 1980, 11 years after Clay Shaw was acquitted.)

There was a cloud of smoke from a gun coming from the Grassy Knoll. (Oliver Stone couldn’t find a gun that emitted so much smoke so he had the special effects people blow the smoke from the bellows.)